Results for 'Caren Heller'

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  1.  27
    When patient advocacy organizations meet industry: a novel approach to dealing with financial conflicts of interest.Orna Ehrlich, Laura Wingate, Caren Heller & Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-8.
    Background Much like academic-industry partnerships, industry financial support of patient advocacy organizations has become very common in recent years. While financial conflicts of interest between PAOs and industry have received more attention in recent years, robust efforts to mitigate these conflicts are still limited. Main body The authors outline the possible benefits and ethical concerns that can result from financial interactions between biomedical companies and PAOs. They argue that the use of novel strategies, such as the creation of a standing (...)
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    Sum-Difference Theory of Remembering and Knowing: A Two-Dimensional Signal-Detection Model.Caren M. Rotello, Neil A. Macmillan & John A. Reeder - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (3):588-616.
  3. The Ethics of Immigration.Joseph H. Carens - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Eminent political theorist Joseph Carens tests the limits of democratic theory in the realm of immigration, arguing that any acceptable immigration policy must be based on moral principles even if it conflicts with the will of the majority.
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    Explaining prompts children to privilege inductively rich properties.Caren M. Walker, Tania Lombrozo, Cristine H. Legare & Alison Gopnik - 2014 - Cognition 133 (2):343-357.
    Two studies examined the specificity of effects of explanation on learning by prompting 3- to 6-year-old children to explain a mechanical toy and comparing what they learned about the toy’s causal and non-causal properties to children who only observed the toy, both with and without accompanying verbalization. In Study 1, children were experimentally assigned to either explain or observe the mechanical toy. In Study 2, children were classified according to whether the content of their response to an undirected prompt involved (...)
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  5. An interpretation and defense of the socialist principle of distribution.Joseph H. Carens - 2003 - Social Philosophy and Policy 20 (1):145-177.
    For this collection entitled “After Socialism,” we were asked to reflect upon such questions as what rectifications to present market capitalist systems might be desirable and whether there is any viable remnant in the socialist ideal that ought to be preserved. My basic answer to the latter is that the socialist principle of distribution “From each according to abilities, to each according to needs” remains a compelling moral ideal, superior to the resigned, complacent, or enthusiastic acceptance of economic inequality that (...)
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    Review of Joseph Carens: Equality, Moral Incentives, and the Market[REVIEW]Joseph Carens - 1983 - Ethics 94 (1):146-150.
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  7. A contextual approach to political theory.Joseph H. Carens - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (2):117-132.
    This article explores the advantages of using a range of actual cases in doing political theory. This sort of approach clarifies what is at stake in alternative theoretical formulations, draws attention to the wisdom that may be embedded in existing practices, and encourages theorists to confront challenges they might otherwise overlook and to think through the implications of their accounts more fully.
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  8. The integration of immigrants.Joseph Carens - 2005 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 2 (1):29-46.
    This paper considers normative questions about the integration of legally resident immigrants into contemporary liberal democratic states. First, I ask to what extent immigrants should enjoy the same rights as citizens and on what terms they should have access to citizenship itself. I defend two general principles: (1) differential treatment requires justi.cation; (2) the longer immigrants have lived in the receiving society, the stronger their claim to equal rights and eventually to full citizenship. Second, I explore additional forms of economic, (...)
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  9. Interviews with professor Ágnes Heller (I) Budapest, 1/2 July 1981.Agnes Heller-Simon - 1998 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 17:21-52.
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    Culture, citizenship, and community: a contextual exploration of justice as evenhandedness.Joseph H. Carens - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press..
    This book makes a significant contribution to the contemporary debate about multiculturalism and democratic theory. It reflects upon the ways in which claims about culture and identity are advanced by immigrants, national minorities, aboriginals, and other groups. It argues that liberal democrats should provide recognition and support for minority cultures and identities, and examines case studies from a number of different societies to show how theorists can learn about justice.
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  11. Are Causal Structure and Intervention Judgments Inextricably Linked? A Developmental Study.Caren A. Frosch, Teresa McCormack, David A. Lagnado & Patrick Burns - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (2):261-285.
    The application of the formal framework of causal Bayesian Networks to children’s causal learning provides the motivation to examine the link between judgments about the causal structure of a system, and the ability to make inferences about interventions on components of the system. Three experiments examined whether children are able to make correct inferences about interventions on different causal structures. The first two experiments examined whether children’s causal structure and intervention judgments were consistent with one another. In Experiment 1, children (...)
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  12. Fear vs. Fairness: Migration, Citizenship and the Transformation of Political Community.Joseph H. Carens - 2009 - In Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Nils Holtug & Sune Laegaard, Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a World of Immigration. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 151-173.
  13.  27
    La Integración de los Inmigrantes.Joseph H. Carens - 2004 - In Gemma Aubarell & Richard Zapata, Inmigración y Procesos de Cambio: Europa y el Mediterráneo en el Contexto Global. Icaria-Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània. pp. 393-420.
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    Refugees and States: A Normative Analysis.Joseph H. Carens - 1991 - In Howard Adelman, Canadian and American Refugee Policy. York Lanes Press. pp. 18-29.
  15.  45
    The Ethics of Immigration Revisited: Response to Brock, Fabre, Risse and Song.Joseph H. Carens - 2016 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (4):457-466.
    To a large extent, the differences between my four interlocutors and me have more to do with the way we choose to frame a question or approach a problem than with substantive disagreements. In her discussion of temporary workers and the brain drain, Gillian Brock implicitly assumes a different background framework of moral responsibility from the one I adopt in my book. Similarly, Cécile Fabre asks important questions about the intersection of immigration and criminal justice, but ones that I chose (...)
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    Carnal Knowledge: A Woman Is Missing.Caren Greenberg - 1975 - Diacritics 5 (4):57.
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    Extranjeros Y ciudadanos.Joseph H. Carens - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 30.
    Muchas personas pobres y oprimidas dejan sus paísesen el tercer mundo para veniralas ricas sociedades occidentales. Este artículo sostiene que hay pocas justificaciones para mantenerlos fuera. Su inspiración abreva de tres aproximaciones contemporáneas a la teoría política-la de Rawls, la de Nozick y el utilitarismo para construir argumentos a favor de la apertura de fronteras. El hecho de que, a pesar de sus significativos desacuerdos en otros temas, en esta materia las tres teorías converjan en las mismas conclusiones, fortalece el (...)
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  18. The Ontology of Physical Objects: Four-Dimensional Hunks of Matter.Mark Heller - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This provocative book attempts to resolve traditional problems of identity over time. It seeks to answer such questions as 'How is it that an object can survive change?' and 'How much change can an object undergo without being destroyed'? To answer these questions Professor Heller presents a theory about the nature of physical objects and about the relationship between our language and the physical world. According to his theory, the only actually existing physical entities are what the author calls (...)
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    Explaining the moral of the story.Caren M. Walker & Tania Lombrozo - 2017 - Cognition 167 (C):266-281.
    Although storybooks are often used as pedagogical tools for conveying moral lessons to children, the ability to spontaneously extract "the moral" of a story develops relatively late. Instead, children tend to represent stories at a concrete level - one that highlights surface features and understates more abstract themes. Here we examine the role of explanation in 5- and 6-year-old children's developing ability to learn the moral of a story. Two experiments demonstrate that, relative to a control condition, prompts to explain (...)
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  20. Discussion Following Michał Heller’s Lecture.Michał Heller - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (9-10):150-153.
    The issue of infinity appeared in cosmology in the form of a question on spatial and time finiteness or infinity of the universe. Recently, more and more talking is going on about “other universes” (different ones from “our”), the number of which may be infinite. Speculations on this topic emerged in effect of the discussions on the issue of the anthropic principle, and the so-called inflation scenario. In truth, this kind of speculations are hardly recognized as scientific theories, however, they (...)
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    The early emergence and puzzling decline of relational reasoning: Effects of knowledge and search on inferring abstract concepts.Caren M. Walker, Sophie Bridgers & Alison Gopnik - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):30-40.
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  22. Aliens and Citizens.Joseph H. Carens - 1987 - Review of Politics 49 (2):251-273.
    Many poor and oppressed people wish to leave their countries of origin in the third world to come to affluent Western societies. This essay argues that there is little justification for keeping them out. The essay draws on three contemporary approaches to political theory - the Rawlsian,the Nozickean, and the utilitarian - to construct arguments for open borders. The fact that all three theories converge upon the same results on this issue, despite their significant disagreements on others, strengthens the case (...)
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    Interviews with professor ágnes Heller (I) budapest, 1st/2nd july 1981.Ágnes Heller & Simon Tormey - 1998 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 17:21-52.
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    Filozoficznie prowokująca teoria kategorii.Michał Heller - 2018 - Philosophical Problems in Science 65:232-241.
    Recenzja książki: Elaine Landry, _Categories for the Working Philosopher_, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, ss. xiv+471.
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  25. An Interview With Agnes Heller.Agnes Heller & Stefan Auer - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 97 (1):99-105.
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  26. The Rights of Irregular Migrants.Joseph H. Carens - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (2):163–186.
    Irregular migrants are morally entitled to a wide range of legal rights, including basic human and civil rights. Therefore, states ought to create a firewall between those charged with protecting and enforcing these rights and those charged with enforcing immigration laws.
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    Discriminating relational and perceptual judgments: Evidence from human toddlers.Caren M. Walker & Alison Gopnik - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):23-27.
    The ability to represent same-different relations is an important condition for abstract thought. However, there is mixed evidence for when this ability develops, both ontogenetically and phylogenetically. Apparent success in relational reasoning may be evidence for genuine conceptual understanding or may be the result of low-level, perceptual strategies. We introduce a method to discriminate these possibilities by pitting two conditions that are perceptually matched but conceptually different: in a "fused" condition, same and different objects are joined, creating single objects that (...)
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  28. Compensatory justice and social institutions.Joseph H. Carens - 1985 - Economics and Philosophy 1 (1):39-.
    Moral philosophers are fond of the dictum “ought implies can” and even deontologists normally admit the need to take account of consequences in the design of social institutions. Too often, however, philosophers fail to take advantage of the knowledge provided by the social sciences about the constraints and consequences of alternative forms of social organization. By discussing ideals in abstraction from the problems of institutionalization, they fail at least to see some of the important consequences and costs of a proposed (...)
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  29. Temporal parts of four dimensional objects.Mark Heller - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 46 (3):323 - 334.
    I offer a clear conception of a temporal part that does not make the existence of temporal parts implausible. This can be done if (and only if) we think of physical objects as four dimensional, The fourth dimension being time. Unless we are willing to deny the existence of most spatial parts, Or willing to accept the possibility of coincident entities, Or accept something even more implausible, We should accept the existence of temporal parts.
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    State.Hermann Heller & Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2015 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 4 (7):277-306.
    This article contains the Spanish translation of the entry “Staat”, of Hermann Heller, with an introduction to his political and juridical thought.
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  31. Who Should Get in? The Ethics of Immigration Admissions.Joseph H. Carens - 2003 - Ethics and International Affairs 17 (1):95-110.
    This article explores normative questions about what legal rights settled immigrants should have in liberal democratic states. It argues that liberal democratic justice, properly understood, greatly constrains the distinctions that can be made between citizens and residents. The longer people stay in a society, the stronger their moral claims become, and after a while they pass a threshold that entitles them to virtually the same legal status as citizens and eventually easy access to citizenship itself.
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  32. Dimensions of citizenship and national identity in Canada.Joseph H. Carens - 1996 - Philosophical Forum 28 (1-2):111-124.
  33.  76
    The effect of controllability and causality on counterfactual thinking.Caren A. Frosch, Suzanne M. Egan & Emily N. Hancock - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (3):317-340.
    Previous research on counterfactual thoughts about prevention suggests that people tend to focus on enabling rather than causing events and controllable rather than uncontrollable events. Two experiments explore whether counterfactual thinking about enablers is distinct from counterfactual thinking about controllable events. We presented participants with scenarios in which a cause and an enabler contributed to a negative outcome. We systematically manipulated the controllability of the cause and the enabler and asked participants to generate counterfactuals. The results indicate that when only (...)
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    Dear God: children's letters to God.David Heller (ed.) - 1987 - New York: Doubleday.
    Collected in the course of research on the religious development of the young, these letters were written by children ranging in age from six to twelve and from a variety of religious backgrounds.
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    Leben bewahren – Sterben zulassen: Weltreligionen und Euthanasie.Birgit Heller - 2001 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 9 (1):105-134.
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  36. On the Relationship between Normative Claims and Empirical Realities in Immigration.Joseph H. Carens - 2019 - Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop “Studying Migration Policies at the Interface Between Empirical Research and Normative Analysisandquot;.
    What is and what ought to be the relationship between empirical research and normative analysis with respect to migration policies? The paper addresses this question from the perspective of political theory, asking about the place of empirical research in philosophical discussions of migration, and, for the most part, leaving to others questions about what role, if any, normative considerations do and should play in empirical research on migration. At the outset the paper also takes note of one important way in (...)
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    Complex Justice, Cultural Difference, and Political Community.Joseph Carens - 1995 - In David Miller & Michael Walzer, Pluralism, Justice, and Equality. Oxford University Press. pp. 45--66.
    Joseph Carens argues that Michael Walzer's account of the moral autonomy of political communities is not true to our shared understanding of justice. Drawing upon a wide range of cross‐cultural examples, he argues that our understanding of justice requires us sometimes to criticize institutions and policies of political communities that are culturally different to our own communities. Focusing on issues of gender and democracy, he also argues that the ‘we’ who make these judgements does not always correspond to the members (...)
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  38. A véletlen értéke: Heller Ágnes - életéről és koráról.Ágnes Heller - 2019 - Budapest: Noran Libro Kiadó. Edited by Georg Hauptfeld & Imre Bartók.
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  39. Refugees and the Limits of Obligation.Joseph H. Carens - 1992 - Public Affairs Quarterly 6 (1):31-44.
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  40. Culture, Citizenship, and Community. A Contextual Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness.Joseph H. Carens - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (3):625-626.
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  41. Migration and Morality: A Liberal Egalitarian Perspective.Joseph H. Carens - 1992 - In Brian Barry & Robert E. Goodin, Free Movement: Ethical Issues in the Transnational Migration of People and of Money. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 25-47.
  42.  47
    Statement by Professor Michał Heller at the Templeton Prize News Conference, March 12th, 2008.Michał Heller - 2008 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 43.
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  43. Relevant alternatives and closure.Mark Heller - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (2):196 – 208.
  44. The simple solution to the problem of generality.Mark Heller - 1995 - Noûs 29 (4):501-515.
  45.  18
    Is Quebec Nationalism Just? Perspectives from Anglophone Canada.Joseph H. Carens - 1995 - Mc-Gill Queen's University Press.
    In Is Quebec Nationalism Just? contributors explore Quebec's relationship with the rest of Canada from a normative perspective. The case of Quebec is interesting, both politically and philosophically, because it epitomizes the puzzle of liberal nationalism. While nationalism is often assumed to be inherently illiberal and regressive, the authors of these essays argue that Quebecers' desire to control their own political destiny is not fuelled by hostility to liberalism. On the contrary, they conclude that Quebecers are at least as deeply (...)
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    Freedom, Equality and Fraternity in Kant’s Critique of Judgement.Agnes Heller - 2018 - Critical Horizons 19 (3):187-197.
    ABSTRACTAt least during his critical period, all of Kant’s philosophical works have a secret political dimension. Among other things, following the analysis of Hannah Arendt, the Critique of Judgment – paragraph 40 in particular – became a main text of political philosophy. In looking at the Critique of Judgement from a political perspective, I shall refer not to paragraph 40 but to the Kantian discussion of pure aesthetic judgement. In my opinion, one can understand Kant’s remarks on aesthetic judgement, and (...)
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  47. The mad scientist meets the robot cats: Compatibilism, kinds, and counterexamples.Mark Heller - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (2):333-37.
    In 1962 Hilary Putnam forced us to face the possibility of robot cats. More than twenty years later Daniel Dennett found himself doing battle with mad scientists and other “bogeymen.” Though these two examples are employed in different philosophical arena, there is an important connection between them that has not been emphasized. Separating the concept associated with a kind term from the extension of that term, as Putnam and others have urged, raises the possibility of accepting counterexamples to compatibilistic analyses (...)
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  48. To Name or to Describe: Shared Knowledge Affects Referential Form.Daphna Heller, Kristen S. Gorman & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (2):290-305.
    The notion of common ground is important for the production of referring expressions: In order for a referring expression to be felicitous, it has to be based on shared information. But determining what information is shared and what information is privileged may require gathering information from multiple sources, and constantly coordinating and updating them, which might be computationally too intensive to affect the earliest moments of production. Previous work has found that speakers produce overinformative referring expressions, which include privileged names, (...)
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  49. Live-in domestics, seasonal workers, and others hard to locate on the map of democracy.Joseph H. Carens - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (4):419-445.
  50. Immigrants and the Right to Stay.Joseph H. Carens - 2010 - MIT Press.
    Suggests that illegal immigrants should be offered a path to citizenship.
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