Results for 'Camille Favre'

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  1.  58
    Patriotic Eroticism: the American Pin-Up.Camille Favre - 2012 - Clio 35:239-264.
    L’érotisme très particulier de la pin-up, celui de la « fille d’à côté », fait de cette figure une icône américaine des années 40 dans l’imaginaire collectif. L’engouement populaire qu’elle suscite, dans ces années là, est réel, notamment aux États-Unis. Pourtant autour de cette simple image de légèreté et d’insouciance, de nombreux enjeux politiques se nouent. Employée de manière massive durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale pour « remonter le moral des troupes » sur le front et à l’arrière, la pin-up, (...)
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    François Tosquelles and the Psychiatric Revolution in Postwar France.Camille Robcis - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):212-222.
  3.  44
    Money and the Commons: An Investigation of Complementary Currencies and Their Ethical Implications.Camille Meyer & Marek Hudon - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):277-292.
    The commons is a concept increasingly used with the promise of creating new collective wealth. In the aftermath of the economic and financial crises, finance and money have been criticized and redesigned to serve the collective interest. In this article, we analyze three types of complementary currency systems: community currencies, inter-enterprise currencies, and cryptocurrencies. We investigate whether these systems can be considered as commons. To address this question, we use two main theoretical frameworks that are usually separate: the “new commons” (...)
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    Le symbolique et le sacré: théories de la religion.Camille Tarot - 2008 - Paris: MAUSS.
    La question de la religion - de son essence, de sa fonction, de son origine - a été centrale dans la sociologie et l'anthropologie classiques. Pour la tirer des impasses et de la stagnation où elle est reléguée de nos jours, Camille Tarot propose ici un bilan critique des œuvres des meilleurs comparatistes, à travers leurs théories si contradictoires de la religion. Huit auteurs principaux sont soumis à examen : Emile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss, Mircéa Eliade, Georges Dumézil, Claude Lévi-Strauss, (...)
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    Ethical and regulatory challenges of research using pervasive sensing and other emerging technologies: IRB perspectives.Camille Nebeker, John Harlow, Rebeca Espinoza Giacinto, Rubi Orozco-Linares, Cinnamon S. Bloss & Nadir Weibel - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (4):266-276.
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    Small and big corpora in the linguistic analysis of gesture.Camille Debras - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    Cet article interroge la question des corpus en analyse multimodale des corpus oraux d’interactions filmées dans le cadre d’une linguistique qui intègre l’étude des gestes à celle du discours pour rendre compte des pratiques langagières dans leur globalité. Ce type d’approche est traditionnellement associé à des petits corpus supports d’analyses qualitatives. À l’appui d’un tour d’horizon de recherches contemporaines en analyse multimodale des interactions orales, nous montrons que l’étude linguistique des gestes se prête à une grande variété d’approches innovantes au (...)
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  7. (3 other versions)Psychologie de la croyance.Camille Bos - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54 (3):528-533.
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    Impact of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and HIV/Malarial Coinfection in Pregnant Women in Zambia and Zimbabwe.Camille A. Clare, Lisa Weingrad & Padmini Murthy - 2014 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 5 (3):193-205.
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    Contribution à l'étude de la méthode dans les sciences expérimentales.Louis Favre - 1898 - Paris,: Schleicher frères.
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    L'art et le fait de la mort.Camille Schuwer - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:288 - 306.
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    La vie esthétique et le problème de la connaissance.Camille Schuwer - 1934 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 117 (5/6):364 - 394.
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    Propriété et gestion des entreprises chez Rawls. L’ébauche rawlsienne des entreprises sous la démocratie de propriétaires et sous le socialisme démocratique.Camille Ternier - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (1):119-138.
    John Rawls is frequently perceived as being an advocate for purely redistributive policies designed to mitigate the consequences of a capitalist economy — an assumption I challenge in this article. My objective is to elucidate the biased nature of this view and provide a comprehensive analysis of the transformation of the corporate landscape that a just society would entail within Rawls's framework. Through a meticulous examination of Rawls's delineation of economic regimes, I underscore the profound — and often unsuspected — (...)
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    Ethical and regulatory challenges of research using pervasive sensing and other emerging technologies: IRB perspectives.Camille Nebeker, John Harlow, Rebeca Giacinto-Espinoza, Rubi Orozco-Linares, Cinnamon S. Bloss & Nadir Weibel - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:00-00.
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    Mood As Cumulative Expectation Mismatch: A Test of Theory Based on Data from Non-verbal Cognitive Bias Tests.Camille M. C. Raoult, Julia Moser & Lorenz Gygax - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Post-secular Debate: Introductory Remarks.Camil Ungureanu & Lasse Thomassen - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (2):103-108.
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  16. Henry, Bergson et la phénoménologie matérielle.Camille Riquier - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:157-172.
    Michel Henry recognized himself within Maine de Biran’s work, while rejecting the French spiritualistic tradition to which this one was attached. However, without occulting the great differences which separate him from this tradition, it seems that we find in Bergson’s first book, more than in Maine de Biran, the premises of an ontological dualism, such as he supported, which announces an authentic philosophy of the conscience, beyond any intentionality. In return, as if Michel Henry had emphasized a tendency already present (...)
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  17. Expressivism and Realist Explanations.Camil Golub - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (6):1385-1409.
    It is often claimed that there is an explanatory divide between an expressivist account of normative discourse and a realist conception of normativity: more precisely, that expressivism and realism offer conflicting explanations of (i) the metaphysical structure of the normative realm, (ii) the connection between normative judgment and motivation, (iii) our normative beliefs and any convergence thereof, or (iv) the content of normative thoughts and claims. In this paper I argue that there need be no such explanatory conflict. Given a (...)
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  18. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson.Camille Paglia - 1991
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    L'anomalie créatrice.Camille Fallen - 2012 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    De la vie sociale à la vie politique, de la psychiatrie à l'agriculture, la normalisation décide de la forme de la pomme, de la psyché et du monde à travers l'imposition de ses modèles et de ses normes. Ce faisant, elle dessine les contours de la marge et de l'anormalité, monde sublunaire et dégradé. Car si les normes, explicites ou tacites, forment et conforment les êtres, les choses et les mots, c'est toujours accompagnée de son contraire que la norme constitue (...)
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    The Animal Trade.David S. Favre - 2017 - Journal of Animal Ethics 7 (1):111-113.
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    Feminism and Sexual Abuse: Troubled Thoughts on some New Zealand Issues.Camille Guy - 1996 - Feminist Review 52 (1):154-168.
    An anonymous vigilante attack by six women on an Auckland University lecturer in 1984 took place in the context of ongoing feminist reframing of rape and sexual abuse. Most feminists’ responses to this incident assumed the man's guilt and uncritically accepted the allegations made against him. This was not surprising in view of the prescriptive radical feminist hegemony that prevailed in New Zealand throughout the late 1970s and 1980s. Recent feminist writings on sexual harassment have been more ready to grapple (...)
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    The general theory of deception: A disruptive theory of lie production, prevention, and detection.Camille Srour & Jacques Py - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (5):1289-1309.
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  23. Dreams to remember: A conversation on unsilencing the archive: An Afronautic approach.Camille Turner, Mila Mendez & Heather Evans - 2025 - In Alison Crosby (ed.), Memorializing violence: transnational feminist reflections. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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    El gusto por lo extremado: un análisis crítico de Baudrillard y Derrida sobre el terror y el terrorismo.Camil Ungureanu - 2012 - Isegoría 46:193-213.
    Baudrillard interpreta el «nuevo terrorismo» como un intercambio simbólico de regalo y contra-regalo: la muerte del terrorista es un contra-regalo irrefutable que rompe el círculo coercitivo de las relaciones sociales «impuestas» por el sistema global. A su vez, la concepción de Derrida tiene dos dimensiones, explicativa y normativa: en primer lugar, Derrida considera el 11-S como un síntoma multifacético de una crisis autoinmune que tiene aspectos políticos, religiosos y tecno-capitalistas. En segundo lugar, Derrida arguye que existe un «momento» de terror, (...)
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    Poésie slamoureuse : expression du désir et explosion néologique dans le slam français.Camille Vorger - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 10 (2):83-94.
    Résumé Pour le poète Daumal, le poème est le fruit d’un couple formé du poète et de son récepteur. Le slam est partage poétique, communion avec un public. Il est l’expression d’un lyrisme contemporain, lieu d’une mise en abyme du désir. Nous nous proposons de l’envisager comme mise à nu d’un langage éminemment créatif, avec de nombreuses « conversions » (néologies syntaxiques), « fusions » sous la forme de mots-valises (morphologiques) et métaphores (sémantiques). Ces différents procédés, susceptibles de se combiner, (...)
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    Self-Control of Haptic Assistance for Motor Learning: Influences of Frequency and Opinion of Utility.Camille K. Williams, Victrine Tseung & Heather Carnahan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Hybrid Modal Realism Debugged.Camille Fouché - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1481-1505.
    In this paper, I support a hybrid view regarding the metaphysics of worlds. I endorse Lewisian Modal Realism for possible worlds (LMR). My aim is to come up with a hybrid account of impossible worlds that provides all the plenitude of impossibilities for all fine-grained intentional contents. I raise several challenges for such a plenitudinous hybrid theory. My version of hybrid modal realism builds impossible worlds as set-theoretic constructions out of genuine individuals and sets of them, that is, as set-theoretic (...)
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    From evidence to value-based transition: the agroecological redesign of farming systems.Camille Lacombe, Nathalie Couix & Laurent Hazard - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):405-416.
    The agroecological transition of agriculture not only requires changes in practices but also in ways of thinking and in their underlying values. Agroecology proposes broad scientific principles that need to be adapted to the singularities of each farm. This contextualization leads to the identification of agroecological practices that work locally and could serve as evidence-based practices to be transferred to local practitioners. This strategy was tested in a 4-year experiment conducted with dairy-sheep farmers in the South of France. The aim (...)
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    Derrida on free decision: Between Habermas' discursivism and Schmitt's decisionism.Camil Ungureanu - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (3):293-325.
  30. Representation, Deflationism, and the Question of Realism.Camil Golub - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    How can we distinguish between quasi-realist expressivism and normative realism? The most promising answer to this question is the “explanation” explanation proposed by Dreier (2004), Simpson (2018), and others: the two views might agree in their claims about truth and objectivity, or even in their attributions of semantic content to normative sentences, but they disagree about how to explain normative meaning. Realists explain meaning by invoking normative facts and properties, or representational relations between normative language and the world, the thought (...)
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  31. Expressivism and the Reliability Challenge.Camil Golub - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (4):797-811.
    Suppose that there are objective normative facts and our beliefs about such facts are by-and-large true. How did this come to happen? This is the reliability challenge to normative realism. As has been recently noted, the challenge also applies to expressivist “quasi-realism”. I argue that expressivism is useful in the face of this challenge, in a way that has not been yet properly articulated. In dealing with epistemological issues, quasi-realists typically invoke the desire-like nature of normative judgments. However, this is (...)
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  32. Personal Value, Biographical Identity, and Retrospective Attitudes.Camil Golub - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (1):72-85.
    We all could have had better lives, yet often do not wish that our lives had gone differently, especially when we contemplate alternatives that vastly diverge from our actual life course. What, if anything, accounts for such conservative retrospective attitudes? I argue that the right answer involves the significance of our personal attachments and our biographical identity. I also examine other options, such as the absence of self-to-self connections across possible worlds and a general conservatism about value.
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  33. Quasi-Naturalism and the Problem of Alternative Normative Concepts.Camil Golub - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (5):474-500.
    The following scenario seems possible: a community uses concepts that play the same role in guiding actions and shaping social life as our normative concepts, and yet refer to something else. As Eklund argues, this apparent possibility poses a problem for any normative realist who aspires to vindicate the thought that reality itself favors our ways of valuing and acting. How can realists make good on this idea, given that anything they might say in support of the privileged status of (...)
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  34. Is there a Good Moral Argument against Moral Realism?Camil Golub - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):151-164.
    It has been argued that there is something morally objectionable about moral realism: for instance, according to realism, we are justified in believing that genocide is wrong only if a certain moral fact obtains, but it is objectionable to hold our moral commitments hostage to metaphysics in this way. In this paper, I argue that no version of this moral argument against realism is likely to succeed. More precisely, minimal realism―the kind of realism on which realist theses are understood as (...)
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    L’articulation des chapitres 19 et 20 du traité VI, 2 [43] de Plotin. La priorité du genre sur ses espèces.Camille Mouflier - 2023 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 44 (1):153-171.
    Chapter 20 of Plotinus’ treatise VI, 2 [43] has received particular attention because it seems to deal with the Intellect. However, the connection of this chapter with chapter 19 is problematic insofar as the latter deals with the ways in which species are generated by the first genera. Our aim will be to show that chapter 20 can only be understood in the light of the notion of genus. More precisely, Plotinus’ aim in this chapter is to demonstrate the priority (...)
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    Frantz Fanon, Institutional Psychotherapy, and the Decolonization of Psychiatry.Camille Robcis - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (2):303-325.
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    Grain growth and static recrystallization kinetics in Co–20Cr–15W–10Ni cobalt-base superalloy.Julien Favre, Damien Fabrègue, Eric Maire & Akihiko Chiba - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (18):1992-2008.
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    Patrice de la Tour du Pin.Yves-Alain Favre - 1983 - Renascence 36 (1-2):45-54.
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    Unions créatrices: point de vue d'un naturaliste teilhardien.Michel Favre-Duchartre - 1997 - Saint-Etienne: Aubin.
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  40. La mort de l’'me chez Plotin et le problème de la remontée vers l’intelligible.Camille Guigon - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24):199-225.
    In treatise 51 [I, 8], Plotinus declares that the individual soul can die, insofar it can die. This statement is completely contrary to the principle of the immortality of the soul, which has existed since Plato. In this paper, I explain what the death of the soul is. I also describe how this condition inscribes itself into a more important question: How can the soul return to the intelligible world after it has fallen in the body and forgotten its divine (...)
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    The book of character: writings on character and virtue from Islamic and other sources.Camille Adams Helminski (ed.) - 2004 - Watsonville, Calif.: Book Foundation.
    The essential qualities of human nature, including faith, trust, repentance, forgiveness, compassion, and mercy, are discussed in this collection of writings by some of the world's great sages, both ancient and contemporary. The advice of prophets Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad, the wisdom of Confucius and Buddha, and the prudence of saints, scholars, and even cyclists provide expert guidance for those looking to improve their spiritual well-being.
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  42. Feminism Past and Present: Ideology, Action, and Reform.Camille Paglia - 2008 - Arion 16 (1):1-18.
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    L'utopie féminine américaine au 19e siècle : Victoria Woodhull et Tennessee Clafin.Camille Raymond - 2003 - Horizons Philosophiques 14 (1):56-76.
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    Dworkin´s Last Word: Religion Without God.Camil Constantin Ungureanu - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):220-228.
    Review of Ronald Dworkin, Religion without God , (Harvard University Press, 2013), 180 pages.
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    Derrida’s Tense Bow.Camil Ungureanu - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (6):727-739.
    This essay explores both the appeal and the difficulties of Derrida’s “democratic Romanticism.” Derrida’s broader philosophical project seeks to make explicit the paradoxes or aporias that are embedded in practical experience. In unveiling these aporias, Derrida pleads, particularly in his later writings, for a transformation of democracy and religion so as to make them hospitable to difference. However, I will argue that Derrida’s reduction of the great variety of moral-political and religious situations to one aporetic logic runs into conceptual problems (...)
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    Sortir du nihilisme : Nietzsche, Mill et l’individualité comme clé de transformation morale et civilisationnelle.Camille Dejardin - 2024 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 26 (1):99-120.
    Nietzsche’s criticism of the masses could have looked hackneyed at the end of the XIXth century, had it not the originality of moving onto psychological and biological levels what others previously elaborated only at a social scale: a "herd instinct" explaining both the lack of social cohesion and the loss of possible individual affirmation in democratic and egalitarian ages. As he sees the utilitarian promotion of happiness and empathy as part of the problem, he fiercely condemns John Stewart Mill’s philosophy (...)
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    Expérience de passivité et affects d'angoisse dans le temps de la grossesse.Camille Pascal, Martine Spiess & Anne Thévenot - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):137-148.
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    The Contested Relation between Democracy and Religion.Camil Ungureanu - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (4):405-429.
    In recent years, various European and UN documents have been advancing the idea of `open, transparent and regular' dialogue between religion and democracy. Is this the naïve (or, at worst, hypocritical) rhetoric of the `Good European'? This article will discuss this issue starting from the debate between Habermas and Rawls on the role of religion in the public sphere. My approach presupposes a passage from deliberation to democratic rhetoric, the correlative abandonment of some of the tenets of Habermas's secularism, as (...)
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    The ‘mystical’ foundation of democratic society, mythmaking and truth in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance(John Ford 1962).Camil Ungureanu - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    In this article, I combine political philosophy and film to examine the problematic of the ‘mystical’ foundation of authority and democracy as represented in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Ford’s filmic vision is interpretable as a parable of the passage from the state of nature to the modern republic and the deconstruction of American democratic progressivism. To analyse it, I proceed in two steps: first, I defend a middle-way critical Enlightenment perspective between the democratic-progressivist and the deconstructive approach to (...)
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    John Stuart Mill éducateur : une leçon de vie.Camille Dejardin - 2023 - Cités 94 (2):195-199.
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