Results for 'C. T. Foo'

975 found
  1. Three kingdoms, sense making, complexity theory.C. T. Foo - 2005 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7 (3/4):85-94.
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  2. Arló-Costa, H., 479 Armour-Garb, B., 593 Azzouni, J., 329 Batens, D., 267.J. C. Beall, T. Bigaj, T. Fernando, B. Fitelson, N. Foo, W. Goldfarb, D. Gregory, T. Hailperin, H. Halvorson & K. Harris - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (619).
  3. (1 other version)Transpersonal psychology: definition of.C. T. Tart - forthcoming - Journal of Consciousness Studies.
  4. Quantifiers comprehension in corticobasal degeneration.C. T. Mcmillan, R. Clark, P. Moore & M. Grossman - 2006 - Brain and Cognition 65:250--260.
  5. Essays in philosophy presented to Dr. T. M. P. Mahadevan on his fiftieth birthday.C. T. K. Chari (ed.) - 1962 - Madras,: Ganesh.
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  6. Fulbright grants summer 1957.C. T. Murphy - 1955 - Classical Weekly 49:211.
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    Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linné), 1707-1778: the Swede who named almost everything.C. T. Ambrose - 2010 - The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 73 (2):4.
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  8. The politics of community participation in a public school.C. T. MacKinnon - 2000 - Educational Studies 31 (3):225-248.
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  9. Some metaphysical questions about the doctrine of the 'specious present'.C. T. K. Chari - 1951 - Philosophical Quarterly (India) 23 (October):129-138.
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  10. Aram Vartanian: Science and Humanism in the French Enlightenment.C. T. Wolfe - 2001 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (1):175-178.
  11. Timo Kaitaro: Diderot's Holism.C. T. Wolfe - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (2):315-317.
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  12. Mind embodied: Computergenerated virtual reality as a new, interactive dualism.C. T. Tart - 1993 - In K. Ramakrishna Rao, Cultivating Consciousness: Enhancing Human Potential, Wellness, and Healing. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 123--137.
  13. (1 other version)A Survey of Recent Work on Aristophanes and Old Comedy.C. T. Murphy - 1955 - Classical Weekly 49:201.
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  14. Handford, tr., Caesar: The Conquest of Gaul.C. T. Murphy - 1951 - Classical Weekly 45:239.
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  15. People of Aristophanes.C. T. Murphy - 1944 - Classical Weekly 38:76-78.
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  16. Young mathematicians at work: The role of contexts and models in the emergence of proof.C. T. Fosnot & B. Jacob - 2009 - In Despina A. Stylianou, Maria L. Blanton & Eric J. Knuth, Teaching and learning proof across the grades: a K-16 perspective. New York: Routledge. pp. 102--119.
  17. Can blindsight outperform'sighted-sight'?C. T. Trevethan, A. Sahraie & L. Weiskrantz - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 131-131.
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    The ongoing task of Christian historiography.C. T. McIntire - 1974 - Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies : distributed by Wedge Pub. Foundation.
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    Variétés.T. V. C. - 1883 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 16:118 - 120.
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  20. Concerning English Administrative Law.C. T. Carr, Max Radin, Daniel J. Boorstin & Mark de Wolfe Howe - 1943 - Science and Society 7 (2):180-184.
  21. Parapsychology, quantum logic, and information theory.C. T. K. Chari - 1975 - In L. Oteri, Quantum Physics and Parapsychology. Parapsychology Foundation.
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    Developing hunhu/ubuntu philosophy of education in Zimbabwe schools.C. T. Nziramasanga - 2017 - Harare, Zimbabwe: HansMak Design.
    Hungu/ubuntu education philosophy -- Environments for hunhu/ubuntu development -- The role of the school -- Hunhu/ubuntu content -- Teaching strategies for results -- Developing hunhu/ubuntu in the classroom.
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  23. Duckworth, The Nature of Roman Comedy.C. T. Murphy - 1952 - Classical Weekly 46:124.
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  24. Arthur fine / reflections on a relational theory of space.C. T. K. Chari - 1971 - Synthese 22 (3-4):448.
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  25. International relations and the social sciences.C. T. K. Chari - 1980 - In Surendra Sheodas Barlingay, Kalidas Bhattacharya & K. J. Shah, Philosophy, theory and action. Poona: Continental Prakashan for Prof. S.S. Barlingay Felicitation Committee. pp. 184.
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  26. On the Dialectic of Swami Vivekananda and Søren Kierkegaard: an "Existential" Approach to Indian Philosophy.C. T. K. Chari - 1956 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 10 (37):315-331.
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  27. Albert Schweitzer. My Life and Thought. An Autobiography.C. T. Campion, Ronald Campbell Macfie & F. E. England - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (32):496-497.
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    Bergson: Thinking Backwards.F. C. T. Moore - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a book about the philosophy of Henri Bergson which shows how relevant Bergson is to much contemporary philosophy. The book takes as its point of departure Bergson's insistence on precision in philosophy. It then discusses a variety of topics including laughter, the nature of time as experienced, how intelligence and language should be construed as a pragmatic product of evolution, and the antinomies of reason represented by magic and religion. This is not just another exposition of Bergson's work. (...)
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  29. Essays in Philosophy Presented to Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan on His Fiftieth Birthday Contributed by Fifty-Two Scholars, Eastern and Western.C. T. K. Chari - 1962 - Ganesh.
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  30. Minimalα-hyperdegrees.C. T. Chong - 1984 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 24 (1):63-71.
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    Recursion theory: computational aspects of definability.C. -T. Chong - 2015 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co., KG. Edited by Liang Yu.
    The series is devoted to the publication of high-level monographs on all areas of mathematical logic and its applications. It is addressed to advanced students and research mathematicians, and may also serve as a guide for lectures and for seminars at the graduate level.
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    The Conduct of Inquiry. [REVIEW]T. W. C. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (2):378-378.
    Although extremely comprehensive in its subject-matter, catholic in its treatment of diverse points of view, and lucid, this book is not simply a survey. Rather, it is, in its own way, original—not because any information or thesis it contains is new, but because it offers a clear, synoptic, and sophisticated look at what has been a relatively ill-defined and fragmented sector of philosophy, that of determining the nature of the "behavioral sciences." Kaplan's way of accomplishing this is to consider the (...)
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  33. Esquivel G., Ramón. et al." Compactación dinámica de aleaciones Fe-15% atómico Cu y Cu-30% atómico Ag obtenidas por aleación mecánica de alta energía". [REVIEW]C. T. Renero - 2004 - Episteme 1 (2).
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  34. Neural basis for generalized quantifiers comprehension.C. T. Mcmillan, R. Clark, P. Moore, C. Devita & M. Grossman - 2005 - Neuropsychologia 43:1729--1737.
  35. Experimental Realization of Interaction-free Measurements'.C. T. Homas Herzog, Anton Zeilinger & Cand Mark Kasevich - 1995 - In John Archibald Wheeler, Daniel M. Greenberger & Anton Zeilinger, Fundamental problems in quantum theory: a conference held in honor of Professor John A. Wheeler. New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
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    A quantitative investigation of the delay-of-reinforcement gradient.C. T. Perin - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 32 (1):37.
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    The Conception of Law and the Unity of Peirce's Philosophy. [REVIEW]T. W. C. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (2):374-374.
    In spite of its title, this volume sheds no new light on the debated problem of whether Peirce's ideas form, or can be reconstructed to form, an integrated and internally consistent system. The book, instead, avoids the problem entirely, the pith of its thesis about the unity of Peirce's philosophy being that, in various guises, the notion of Thirdness permeates his thought. Apparently, Haas thinks it evident that to point up the central role of this notion in each of Peirce's (...)
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  38. Constructivism: Theory, Perspectives and Practice.C. T. Fosnot - 1998 - British Journal of Educational Studies 46 (1):84-85.
  39. The Psychological Basis of Morality.F. C. T. Moore - 1979 - Philosophy 54 (210):565-566.
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  40. Maine de Biran and Pestalozzi: some unpublished letters.F. C. T. Moore - 1966 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 20 (75):27.
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  41. The psychological basis of morality: an essay on value and desire.F. C.. T. Moore - 1978 - New York: Barnes & Noble.
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  42.  22
    Categorical Analysis; Selected Essays of Everett W. Hall on Philosophy, Value, Knowledge, and the Mind. [REVIEW]T. W. C. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):811-811.
    This collection contains 34 essays, 23 of them previously published, written between 1939 and 1960. They are of varying lengths, generality, and polish; and they cover the wide range of Hall's philosophical interests from metaphilosophy and value theory—the subjects of his best known books—to the theory of perception and the inadequacies of the Oxford philosophy of a decade ago. For Hall the study of language was not a way of repudiating or avoiding the traditional translingual issues, but rather a method (...)
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  43. Memoirs of Childhood and Youth.Albert Schweitzer & C. T. Campion - 1949
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    European Philosophy Today. [REVIEW]T. W. C. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):822-822.
    Five essays, each on a different contemporary philosopher. Those on Franco Lombardi, Sartre, and Leszek Kolakowski and other present-day revisionist Marxists were presented at an American Philosophical Association symposium in 1961; the studies of Xavier Zubiri and Heidegger were added specially for this volume. In each case the authors endeavor to say something fresh and substantial; yet each piece is written in a clear and non-technical style. The anthology is therefore to be recommended to those new to the various "continental" (...)
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    Nietzsche as Philosopher. [REVIEW]T. W. C. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):808-808.
    There is little danger of praising this book too highly: not because it is the last word on the subject but hopefully because it is, in a very real sense, the first. For as convincingly as seems possible in a work of this scope, and in the face of a long and monolithic tradition to the contrary, Danto shows Nietzsche to have produced a profound philosophical system which is highly pertinent to current work in philosophy and in many respects in (...)
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    Realms of Philosophy. [REVIEW]T. W. C. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):599-599.
    An elaborate epitomization of the thought of all the main philosophers, grouped according to the conventional "schools of thought." The scope of the undertaking in this introductory text is ambitious, though some may feel that its manner of categorizing philosophers tends to blur the line between epitome and caricature.—C. T. W.
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    On "T'U" and "Yang".C. T. Hu - 1974 - Chinese Studies in History 7 (4):3-35.
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  48. Rechtshandhaving.W. C. T. Weterings - 2007 - In De economische analyse van het recht: rechtseconomische beschouwingen. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. pp. 223--243.
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  49. Thinking About Religion: Examining Progress in Religious Cognition.Aaron C. T. Smith & Howard Sankey - 2013 - In Gregory W. Dawes & James Maclaurin, A new science of religion. New York: Routledge.
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    Recht als schild van Perseus: voordrachten over strafrechtstheorie.A. C. 'T. Hart - 1991 - Antwerpen: Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen.
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