Results for 'C. M. Varma *'

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  1.  20
    Cure to the Landau–Pomeranchuk and associated long-wavelength Fermi-surface instabilities on the lattice.C. M. Varma * - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (15):1657-1666.
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  2. Anomalous low-temperature thermal properties of glasses and spin glasses.P. W. Anderson, B. I. Halperin & C. M. Varma - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 25 (1):1-9.
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    Introduction to Progress and Puzzles of Cognitive Science.Rick Dale, Ruth M. J. Byrne, Emma Cohen, Ophelia Deroy, Samuel J. Gershman, Janet H. Hsiao, Ping Li, Padraic Monaghan, David C. Noelle, Iris van Rooij, Priti Shah, Michael J. Spivey & Sashank Varma - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (7):e13480.
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    Business ethics and values.C. M. Fisher - 2003 - New York: FT Prentice Hall. Edited by Alan Lovell.
    Features include a comprehensive review of existing material, combined with new perspectives to equip students for the challenges in the work environment; chapter overviews and student learning objectives offer a solid and useful framework in which to organise study; diagrams and charts present overviews and contexts for the subject to act as useful revision aids; effective pedagogy including a review of the arguments considered, a menu of seminar topics, and questions in every chapter, serving as an ideal basis for seminar (...)
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  5. Boethius of Dacia, 117 Bolton, R., 2, 6, 20.M. H. Abrams, J. G. Ackermann, C. Adam, P. Adam, P. Adamson, J. Aertsen, M. Alonso, Alphonso Vargas, F. Alquié & R. Andrews - 2008 - In Kärkkäinen Knuuttila, Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy.
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  6. Note: Page numbers in italics refer to bibliography pages.M. J. Adams, R. J. Adams, E. H. Adelson, C. J. Aine, M. L. Albert, M. P. Alexander, J. M. Alklman, J. Allman, J. M. Allman & R. A. Andersen - 1994 - In Martha J. Farah & Graham Ratcliff, Neuropsychology of High Level Vision: Collected Tutorial Essays : Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition : Papers. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Are New Zealand business students more unethical than non-business students?C. B. Alan & Alan K. M. Au - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):445-450.
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  8. Dr Orchard's Passage "From Faith to Faith" i.M. C. D' Arcy - 1932 - Hibbert Journal 31:533.
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  9. Millean liberty and sexual orientation: A discussion of Edward Stein's the mismeasure of desire.C. M. - 2002 - Law and Philosophy 21 (3):317-334.
  10. A simulated research environment.C. R. Mynatt, M. Doherty & R. D. Tweney - 1981 - In Ryan D. Tweney, Michael E. Doherty & Clifford R. Mynatt, On scientific thinking. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 145--147.
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  11. Une Théorie Générale des Coques Composites Multicouches. Deuxième Colloque National en Calcul des Structures. Tome 1.C. Ossadzow, P. Muller & M. Touratier - forthcoming - Hermes.
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  12. Triết lý Lý Đông A.Khắc Hàm Phạm - 1998 - Midway, CA: Nhóm diễn đàn địa lý nhân văn Việt Nam.
    quyển 1: Triết lý tổng thể duy nhân.
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  13. Youthful loves: Cartesian echoes in the correspondence of theologian Jean-Alphonse Turrettini (1671= 1737).M. C. Pitassi - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 93 (2):191-207.
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    Sex, Preference, and Family: Essays on Law and Nature.David M. Estlund & Martha C. Nussbaum (eds.) - 1997 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In this timely, provocative volume, essayists including Susan Moller Okin, Catherine A. MacKinnon, Cass Sunstein, Martha Minow, William Galston, and Sara McLanahan argue positions on sexuality, on the family, and on the proper role of law in these areas.
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  15. Ethnic Variation in Environmental Belief and Behavior: An Examination of the New Ecological Paradigm in Social Psychological Context.C. Y. Johnson, J. M. Bowker & H. K. Cordell - 2004 - Environment and Behavior 36 (2).
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  16. Psychoanalysis and the problem of anxiety.M. Royden C. Astley - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  17. Letter on E. F. Carritt's review of Aesthetic Experience.M. C. Nahm - 1947 - Mind 56:89.
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  18. Dietary habits of three groups of people in medieval Belgium: information based on isotopic biogeochemistry.C. Polet & M. A. Katzenberg - 2002 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 80 (4):1371-1390.
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  19. Beyond Semiological Reductionism: Transcendental Philosophy and Transcendence.M. C. Dillon - 1998 - Analecta Husserliana 53:75-88.
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  20.  68
    On the development of conscious and unconscious memory.C. J. Brainerd, L. M. Stein & V. F. Reyna - 1998 - Developmental Psychology 34:342-357.
  21. Revue analytique des Revues.M. C. R. - 1908 - Revue Thomiste 16 (1/6):663.
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  22.  10
    Spinoza en de vreugde van het inzicht: persoonlijke en politieke vrijheid in een stabiele democratie.C. J. M. Schuyt - 2017 - Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans.
    Deze korte studie biedt niet de zoveelste inleiding in het denken van Spinoza, maar doet verslag van de persoonlijke, vijfentwintig jaar durende zoektocht om de vaak moeilijke thema's van Spinoza onder de knie te krijgen. Om via Spinoza's filosofie meer te begrijpen van de wereld en van het eigen leven. Om de vreugde te ervaren die dit verbeterde inzicht, in oorzaken en gevolgen, en ook in de eigen beperktheid, ons biedt. Elk hoofdstuk gaat over een onderwerp dat de auteur bijzonder (...)
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    The ethical approach to AIDS: a bibliographical review.C. Manuel, P. Enel, J. Charrel, D. Reviron, M. P. Larher, X. Thirion & J. L. Sanmarco - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (1):14-27.
    This bibliographical study involved first the exploitation of four data-banks: Medline, CNRS, Bioethics and AIDS, with the following key words (in conjunction with AIDS): ethics, human rights, confidentiality, legislation, jurisprudence. A total of 412 references were listed between 1983 and the end of 1987. Examination of the quantitative increase of articles over these years shows that, while references to AIDS and/or HIV infection--referred to as 'AIDS' for brevity--increased by about one third per year, the number of papers treating ethical problems (...)
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  24. Whistleblowing: acts of courage are often discouraged.M. C. Mathews - 1987 - Business and Society Review 63:40-44.
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  25. Iterated Forcing and Coherent Sequences.M. C. Mcdermott - 1983
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    Reading Nietzsche.Robert C. Solomon & Kathleen M. Higgins (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Addressing the issue of how to read Nietzsche, this book presents an accessible series of essays for students and general readers on Nietzsche's individual works, written by such distinguished Nietzsche scholars as Frithjof Bergmann, Arthur Danto, Bernd Magnus, Christopher Middleton, Eric Blondel, Lars Gustaffson, Alexander Nehamas, Richard Schacht, Gary Shapiro, Hugh Silverman, and Ivan Soll. Among the works discussed are On the Genealogy of Morals, Beyond Good and Evil, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Twilight of the Idols and The Will to Power.
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  27. David Lyons, Moral Aspects of Legal Theory: Essays on Law, Justice, and Political Responsibility Reviewed by.M. C. Lo - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14 (1):31-33.
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    Rileggere Ortega y Gasset in una prospettiva sociologica.M. C. Federici & Luciano Pellicani (eds.) - 2018 - Milano: Meltemi.
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  29. Ethics and Social Care: political, organizational and interagency dimensions.C. Whittington & M. Whittington - 2007 - In Audrey Leathard & Susan Goodinson-McLaren, Ethics: contemporary challenges in health and social care. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. pp. 83--96.
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    On Eth. Nic. I. c. 5.C. M. Mulvany - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (2):85-98.
    In E.N. I. c. 5 Aristotle is considering divers views as to what constitutes Eudaimonia. He told us in c. 4, 2–3 that there are many conflicting opinions on the subject. The Many identify Happiness with some palpable good, such as pleasure, wealth, honour, but the Wise identify it with something beyond the Many, while [Plato] denied it to be any specific good at all. Of all these views we should consider such as have many adherents or are considered to (...)
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  31. Andrew Feenberg, Questioning Technology.M. C. Simpson - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (1):34-35.
  32. Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference, 30-31 March.M. Van Zaanen & C. De la Higuera - 2009 - The Reasoner 3 (5):10-10.
  33.  28
    Acceptability of Neuroscientific Interventions in Education.J. M. Dubinsky, S. Varma & A. Schmied - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-27.
    Researchers are increasingly applying neuroscience technologies that probe or manipulate the brain to improve educational outcomes. However, their use remains fraught with ethical controversies. Here, we investigate the acceptability of neuroscience applications to educational practice in two groups of young adults: those studying bioscience who will be driving future basic neuroscience research and technology transfer, and those studying education who will be choosing among neuroscience-derived applications for their students. Respondents rated the acceptability of six scenarios describing neuroscience applications to education (...)
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    Indentation fracture of a-C:H thin films from chemical vapour deposition.C. M. Lepienski, M. D. Michel, P. J. G. Araújo & C. A. Achete - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5397-5406.
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  35. Recensioni-Dinamiche della ragione.M. Friedman & C. Calosi - 2007 - Epistemologia 30 (1):187-189.
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  36. The Sense of History: Secular and Sacred.S. J. M. C. D’Arcy - 1959
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  37. Twentieth century aesthetics.M. C. Beardsley - forthcoming - Contemporary Aesthetics.
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  38. The structure of visual hallucinatory experiences induced by flickering light.C. Becker & M. A. Elliott - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 181-181.
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    The Basic Structure as a System of Social Practices.C. M. Melenovsky - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (4):599-624.
    In his own writings, Rawls purposively used only a loose characterization of the basic structure, but two prominent misinterpretations highlight the current need for a more detailed account. First, G.A. Cohen argues that the Rawlsian focus on the basic structure is arbitrary due to the Rawlsian appeal to profound effects. Second, some theorists conflate the justification of coercion with the assessment of a basic structure by defining the basic structure as the coercive structure. Both misinterpretations can be corrected by carefully (...)
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  40. Learning the electric field concept as oriented research activity.C. Furió, J. Guisasola, J. M. Almudí & M. Ceberio - 2003 - Science Education 87 (5):640-662.
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  41. Institutions and institutionalism.C. M. Melenovsky - 2022 - In Chris Melenovsky, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. New York: Routledge.
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  42. Paulo Freire: A critical encounter.M. Horton, W. Hudson, L. Hutcheon, I. Illich, M. Jackson, F. Jameson, A. JanMohammed, R. Kearney, C. Kirkwood & G. Kirkwood - 1993 - In Peter McLaren & Peter Leonard, Paulo Freire: a critical encounter. New York: Routledge.
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    XXV. The Logic of Antisthenes.C. M. Gillespie - 1913 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 26 (4):479-500.
  44. Wright. Er—e 65.C. Myrianthopoulos & Stanley M. Aronson - 1967 - The Eugenics Review 59 (4):65.
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  45.  51
    The Implicit Argument for the Basic Liberties.C. M. Melenovsky - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (4):433-454.
    Most criticism and exposition of John Rawls’s political theory has focused on his account of distributive justice rather than on his support for liberalism. Because of this, much of his argument for protecting the basic liberties remains under explained. Specifically, Rawls claims that representative citizens would agree to guarantee those social conditions necessary for the exercise and development of the two moral powers, but he does not adequately explain why protecting the basic liberties would guarantee these social conditions. This gap (...)
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    Individual dislocation images and Pendellösung fringes in neutron topographs.C. Malgrange, J. F. Petroff, M. Sauvage, A. Zarka & M. Englander - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (5):743-751.
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    A survey of requirements for automated reasoning services for bio-ontologies in OWL.M. Scott Marshall, C. Maria Keet & Marco Roos - unknown
    There are few successful applications of automated reasoning over OWL-formalised bio-ontologies, and requirements are often unclearly formulated. Of what is available, usage and prospective scenarios of automated reasoning is often different from the straightforward classification and satisfiability. We list nine types of scenarios and specify the requirements in more detail. Several of these requirements are already possible in practice or at least in theory, others are in need of further research, in particular regarding the linking of the OWL ontology to (...)
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  48. Mutations and calcium signaling defects in the nervous and immune systems (vol 23, pg 733, 2001).M. P. Mattson, S. L. Chan & C. S. Presenilin - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (10):979-979.
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  49. Terre, capital, travail vers de nouveaux rapports sociaux en Europe centrale.M. -C. Maurel - 1994 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 96:7-32.
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  50. Pain and phantom sensation in spinal cord paralysis.C. D. Burke & I. M. Woodward - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn, Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 26--489.
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