Results for 'Børge Diderichsen'

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  1.  66
    Book Symposium. Steffen Borge, The Philosophy of Football.Steffen Borge, William J. Morgan, Murray Smith & Brian Weatherson - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (3):333-396.
    This is a book symposium on Steffen Borge’s The Philosophy of Football. It has contributions from William Morgan, Murray Smith and Brian Weatherson with replies from Borge.
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    Borges on Allegories and Novels.Jorge Luis Borges & Ruth L. C. Simms - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1/2):268-271.
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  3. Thk Cask Op Borges.Thk Cask Op Borges - unknown
    Jorge Luis Borges is working for decades now on the execution of the nightmare. Perhaps his most celebrated instance is "Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius ". It would take much work to sift the fabricated references in Borges' works from the ones deliberately misread from the over-emphasis on an author's casual remark, etc.
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  4. Minimal semantics.Emma Borg - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Minimal Semantics asks what a theory of literal linguistic meaning is for - if you were to be given a working theory of meaning for a language right now, what would you be able to do with it? Emma Borg sets out to defend a formal approach to semantic theorising from a relatively new type of opponent - advocates of what she call 'dual pragmatics'. According to dual pragmatists, rich pragmatic processes play two distinct roles in linguistic comprehension: as well (...)
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    Conversas com Anselmo Borges: a vida, as religiões, Deus.Anselmo Borges - 2019 - Lisboa: Gradiva.
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  6. The myth of self-deception.Steffen Borge - 2003 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):1-28.
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  7. Saying what you mean: Unarticulated constituents and communication.Emma Gabriel Nelson Borg - 2005 - In Reinaldo Elugardo & Robert J. Stainton (eds.), Ellipsis and non-sentential speech. Springer. pp. 237-262.
    In this paper I want to explore the arguments for so-called ‘unarticulated constituents’ (UCs). Unarticulated constituents are supposed to be propositional elements, not presented in the surface form of a sentence, nor explicitly represented at the level of its logical form, yet which must be interpreted in order to grasp the (proper) meaning of that sentence or expression. Thus, for example, we might think that a sentence like ‘It is raining’ must contain a UC picking out the place at which (...)
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  8. Billets de Cordélia.Adam Diderichsen - 1997 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 10:141-152.
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    Den fordoblede verden: om Descartes og hans Meditationer.Adam Diderichsen - 2009 - København: Museum Tusculanums forlag, Københavns universitet.
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  10. Livsanskuelsernes brydning i vor tid.Børge Diderichsen (ed.) - 1958 - København,: Danske forlag.
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    Pain priors, polyeidism, and predictive power: a preliminary investigation into individual differences in our ordinary thought about pain.Emma Borg, Sarah Fisher, Nat Hansen, Rich Harrison, Tim Salomons, Deepak Ravindran & Harriet Wilkinson - 2021 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 42 (3):113-135.
    According to standard philosophical and clinical understandings, pain is an essentially mental phenomenon (typically, a kind of conscious experience). In a challenge to this standard conception, a recent burst of empirical work in experimental philosophy, such as that by Justin Sytsma and Kevin Reuter, purports to show that people ordinarily conceive of pain as an essentially bodily phenomenon—specifically, a quality of bodily disturbance. In response to this bodily view, other recent experimental studies have provided evidence that the ordinary (‘folk’) concept (...)
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    Twelve meanings of the measure constant in psychophysical power functions.Gunnar A. V. Borg & Lawrence E. Marks - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (1):73-75.
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    Physiology and the controlling of affects in Kant's philosophy.Maria Borges - 2008 - Kantian Review 13 (2):46-66.
    Kant is categorical about the relation between virtue and the controlling of inclinations:Since virtue is based on inner freedom it contains a positive command to a human being, namely to bring all his capacities and inclinations under his reason's control and so to rule over himself. Virtue presupposes apathy, in the sense of absence of affects. Kant revives the stoic ideal of tranquilitas as a necessary condition for virtue: ‘The true strength of virtue is a tranquil mind’ . In the (...)
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  14. Explanatory roles for minimal content.Emma Borg - 2017 - Noûs 53 (3):513-539.
    A standard objection to so-called ‘minimal semantics’ (Borg 2004, 2012, Cappelen and Lepore 2005) is that minimal contents are explanatorily redundant as they play no role in an adequate account of linguistic communication (those making this objection include Levinson 2000, Carston 2002, Recanati 2004). This paper argues that this standard objection is mistaken. Furthermore, I argue that seeing why the objection is mistaken sheds light both on how we should draw the classic Gricean distinction between saying and implicating, and how (...)
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    Pursuing Meaning.Emma Borg - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Emma Borg examines the relation between semantics and pragmatics, and assesses recent answers to fundamental questions of how and where to draw the divide between the two. She argues for a minimal account of the interrelation between them--a 'minimal semantics'--which holds that only rule-governed appeals to context can influence semantic content.
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  16. ". . . Merely a Man of Letters": an interview with Jorge Luis Borges.Jorge Luis Borges - 1977 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (3):337-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:.. MERELY A MAN OF LETTERS" an interview with Jorge Luis Borges* Philosophy and Literature: Why don't you tell us about some of the philosophers who have influenced your work and in whom you have been the most interested? Jorge Luis Borges: Well, I think that's an easy one. You might talk in terms of two: Berkeley and Schopenhauer. But I suppose Hume might be worked in also, because, (...)
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  17. If mirror neurons are the answer, what was the question?Emma Borg - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (8):5-19.
    Mirror neurons are neurons which fire in two distinct conditions: (i) when an agent performs a specific action, like a precision grasp of an object using fingers, and (ii) when an agent observes that action performed by another. Some theorists have suggested that the existence of such neurons may lend support to the simulation approach to mindreading (e.g. Gallese and Goldman, 1998, 'Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind reading'). In this note I critically examine this suggestion, in both (...)
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  18. Complex demonstratives.Emma Borg - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 97 (2):229-249.
    Some demonstrative expressions, those we might term ‘bare demonstratives’, appear without any appended descriptive content (e.g. occurrences of ‘this’ or ‘that’ simpliciter). However, it seems that the majority of demonstrative occurrences do not follow this model. ‘Complex demonstratives’ is the collective term I shall use for phrases formed by adjoining one or more common nouns to a demonstrative expression (e.g. ‘that cat’, ‘this happy man’) and I will call the combination of predicates immediately concatenated with the demonstrative in such phrases (...)
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    Explaining Knowledge: New Essays on the Gettier Problem.Rodrigo Borges, Claudio de Almeida & Peter David Klein (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    The 'Gettier Problem' has been central to epistemology since 1963, when Edmund Gettier presented a powerful challenge to the standard analysis of knowledge. Now twenty-six leading philosophers examine the issues that arise from Gettier's challenge, setting the agenda for future work on the central problem of epistemology.
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  20. Talking to Infants: A Gricean Perspective.Steffen Borge - 2013 - American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (4):423.
    According to Paul Grice, when we address someone, we intend to make ourselves understood, partly by the addressee’s recognition of that intention. Call this set of nested audience-directed intentions an M-intention. The standard Gricean analysis of speaker’s meaning goes as follows: “U meant something by uttering x” is true iff, for some audience A, U uttered x intending: (1) A to produce a particular response r (2) A to think (recognize) that U intends (1) (3) A to fulfill (1) on (...)
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  21. Semantics and the place of psychological evidence.Emma Borg - 2009 - In Sarah Sawyer (ed.), New waves in philosophy of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Minimal semantics is sometimes characterised as a ‘neo-Gricean’ approach to meaning. This label seems reasonable since a key claim of minimal semantics is that the minimal contents possessed by sentences (akin to Grice’s technical notion of ‘what is said by a sentence’) need not be (and usually are not) what is communicated by a speaker who utters those sentences. However, given an affinity between the two approaches, we might expect that a well-known challenge for the Gricean – namely that their (...)
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    Suits’ Utopia and Human Sports.Steffen Borge - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (3-4):432-455.
    ABSTRACTIn this article, I consider Bernard Suits’ Utopia where the denizens supposedly fill their days playing Utopian sports, with regard to the relevance of the thought experiment for understand...
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  23. (1 other version)Is the folk concept of pain polyeidic?Emma Borg, Richard Harrison, James Stazicker & Tim Salomons - 2019 - Mind and Language 35 (1):29-47.
    Philosophers often assume that folk hold pain to be a mental state – to be in pain is to have a certain kind of feeling – and they think this state exhibits the classic Cartesian characteristics of privacy, subjectivity, and incorrigibility. However folk also assign pains (non-brain-based) bodily locations: unlike most other mental states, pains are held to exist in arms, feet, etc. This has led some (e.g. Hill 2005) to talk of the ‘paradox of pain’, whereby the folk notion (...)
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    A neural-symbolic perspective on analogy.Rafael V. Borges, Artur S. D'Avila Garcez & Luis C. Lamb - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):379-380.
    The target article criticises neural-symbolic systems as inadequate for analogical reasoning and proposes a model of analogy as transformation (i.e., learning). We accept the importance of learning, but we argue that, instead of conflicting, integrated reasoning and learning would model analogy much more adequately. In this new perspective, modern neural-symbolic systems become the natural candidates for modelling analogy.
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    Funções cognitivas e Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT) em meninas vítimas de abuso sexual.Jeane Lessinger Borges & Débora Dalbosco DellAglio - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29:88-102.
  26. Kantian virtue as cure for affects and passions: Série 2.Maria Borges - 2009 - Kant E-Prints 4:267-283.
    : In the Critique of Practical Reason, Kant presents virtue not as an arduous task, but as an endeavor, that costs a lot for the agent. In order to explain in what consists moral content, Kant tells a story of an honest man, to whom it is offered great gifts if he joins the calumniators of an innocent person, but he denies it. Then he is threatened by his friends, who deny him friendship, by his relatives, who deny him inheritance, (...)
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  27. The Rules of Logic Composition for the Bayesian Epistemic e-Values.Wagner Borges & Julio Michael Stern - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (5-6):401-420.
    In this paper, the relationship between the e-value of a complex hypothesis, H, and those of its constituent elementary hypotheses, Hj, j = 1… k, is analyzed, in the independent setup. The e-value of a hypothesis H, ev, is a Bayesian epistemic, credibility or truth value defined under the Full Bayesian Significance Testing mathematical apparatus. The questions addressed concern the important issue of how the truth value of H, and the truth function of the corresponding FBST structure M, relate to (...)
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    Emotion and the beautiful in Art.Maria Borges - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:263-271.
    In this paper, I aim at explaining the difference Kant makes between emotion, the beautiful and the sublime. I begin by explaining what an emotion is, showing that it refers to feelings that are related to desire. In contrast, I show that the feeling of beautiful and the sublime give us an inactive delight, that is not related to an interest in the object. The feeling of beautiful is related to the judgment of taste, and it has a universal validity (...)
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  29. Labyrinths. Borges - 2006 - In Thomas L. Cooksey (ed.), Masterpieces of philosophical literature. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    On deflationary accounts of human action understanding.Emma Borg - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (3):503-522.
    A common deflationary tendency has emerged recently in both philosophical accounts and comparative animal studies concerned with how subjects understand the actions of others. The suggestion emerging from both arenas is that the default mechanism for understanding action involves only a sensitivity to the observable, behavioural (non-mental) features of a situation. This kind of ‘smart behaviour reading’ thus suggests that, typically, predicting or explaining the behaviour of conspecifics does not require seeing the other through the lens of mental state attribution. (...)
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    Many Shades of Love in Kant.Maria Borges - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 18 (47):219-232.
    Kant is usually considered a cold moralist who does not give any importance to feeling and emotions. In this paper I show that Kant has a place for love although he uses this word in different meanings through his work. I will analyze the use and meaning of five different uses of the term love: self-love, practical love, love as affect, love as passion, and sexual love. I show that Kant has a place for love in his theory, in a (...)
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    Kant on Eating and Drinking.Maria Borges - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):234-244.
    In this paper I analyze Kant’s ideas about eating and drinking. First, I show that gluttony and drunkenness are considered ways to oppose to the duty to oneself as an animal being. Second, I claim that for Kant there is a healthy way of having meals, which consists in eating together with friends. Then I indicate that Kant accepts that one can drink at dinner parties but has to avoid drinks that lead to drunkenness and unsocial behavior. In this sense, (...)
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    The Philosophy of Football.Steffen Borge - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Human beings are the only creatures known to engage in sport. We are sporting animals, and our favourite pastime of football is the biggest sport spectacle on earth. The Philosophy of Footballpresents the first sustained, in-depth philosophical investigation of the phenomenon of football. In explaining the complex nature of football, the book draws on literature in sociology, history, psychology and beyond, offering real-life examples of footballing actions alongside illuminating thought experiments. The book is organized around four main themes considering the (...)
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  34. Epistemic effects of scientific interaction: approaching the question with an argumentative agent-based model.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2018 - Historical Social Research 43 (1):285-309.
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    Measurement, decomposition and level-switching in historical science: Geochronology and the ontology of scientific methods.George Borg - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):123-131.
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  36. Terms and truth: Reference direct and anaphoric, by A. Berger.Emma Borg - manuscript
    Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002. Pp. xi + 234. H/b £?.??, $?.??, P/b £?.??, $?.??. If asked for an example of a rigid designator it is likely that one would suggest a name, like ‘Aristotle’ or ‘Tony Blair’, or a demonstrative, like ‘that book’ said whilst pointing at a certain text. Intuitively, what these expressions have in common is the central role they accord to perception of an object: you can see the book you want to talk about, there are (...)
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    Een uitgewaaierde eeuwigheid: het menselijk tekort in de moderne cultuur.M. B. Ter Borg - 1991 - Schoten: Verspreiding in Belgie, Westland.
    Cultuursociologisch essay over de postchristelijke manieren waarop mensen lijden compenseren.
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    Watching Sport: Aesthetics, Ethics and Emotion.Steffen Borge - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (3):401-406.
    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page 401-406, August 2012.
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    Discovery and Instrumentation: How Surplus Knowledge Contributes to Progress in Science.George Borg - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (6):861-890.
    An important fact about human labor is that it can result not just in reproduction of what it started with, but in something new, a surplus product. When the latter is a means of production, it makes possible a mechanism of change consisting of reproduction by means of the expanded means of production. Each iteration of the labor process can differ from the preceding one insofar as it incorporates the surplus generated previously. Over the long-term, this cyclical process can lead (...)
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    ¿Fue Lakatos un realista epistémico?: el rol de la verdad en la metodología de los programas de investigación científica.Bruno Borge - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):47-72.
    Resumen Un diagnóstico más que difundido acerca de la obra de Lakatos señala que su proyecto soslayó por completo la cuestión de la verdad como parte central del análisis del conocimiento científico. En una línea semejante, Hacking afirma que Lakatos encontró en la metodología un sustituto para la verdad. Incluso quienes descreen de estas interpretaciones acuerdan respecto de que Lakatos falla en dar cuenta de la relación entre el desarrollo del conocimiento y el aumento de la verosimilitud. En el presente (...)
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  41. The meaning of pain expressions and pain communication.Emma Borg, Tim Salomons & Nat Hansen - 2017 - In Simon van Rysewyk (ed.), Meanings of Pain. Springer. pp. 261-282.
    Both patients and clinicians frequently report problems around communicating and assessing pain. Patients express dissatisfaction with their doctors and doctors often find exchanges with chronic pain patients difficult and frustrating. This chapter thus asks how we could improve pain communication and thereby enhance outcomes for chronic pain patients. We argue that improving matters will require a better appreciation of the complex meaning of pain terms and of the variability and flexibility in how individuals think about pain. We start by examining (...)
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    An Agon Aesthetics of Football.Steffen Borge - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):97-123.
    In this article, I first address the ethical considerations about football and show that a meritocratic-fairness view of sports fails to capture the phenomenon of football. Fairness of result is not at centre stage in football. Football is about the drama, about the tension and the emotions it provokes. This moves us to the realm of aesthetics. I reject the idea of the aesthetics of football as the disinterested aesthetic appreciation, which traditionally has been deemed central to aesthetics. Instead, I (...)
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  43. Some remarks on Reid on primary and secondary qualities.Steffen Borge - 2007 - Acta Analytica 22 (1):74-84.
    John Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities of objects has meet resistance. In this paper I bypass the traditional critiques of the distinction and instead concentrate on two specific counterexamples to the distinction: Killer yellow and the puzzle of multiple dispositions. One can accommodate these puzzles, I argue, by adopting Thomas Reid’s version of the primary/secondary quality distinction, where the distinction is founded upon conceptual grounds. The primary/secondary quality distinction is epistemic rather than metaphysical. A consequence of Reid’s primary/ (...)
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  44. Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship.Marcus J. Borg - 1994
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  45. Examining Network Effects in an Argumentative Agent-Based Model of Scientific Inquiry.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2017 - In Alexandru Baltag, Jeremy Seligman & Tomoyuki Yamada (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI 2017, Sapporo, Japan). Springer. pp. 391--406.
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  46. Formal semantics and intentional states.Emma Gabriel Nelson Borg - unknown
    My aim in this note is to address the question of how a context of utterance can figure within a formal, specifically truth-conditional, semantic theory. In particular, I want to explore whether a formal semantic theory could, or should, take the intentional states of a speaker to be relevant in determining the literal meaning of an uttered sentence. The answer I’m going to suggest, contrary to the position of many contemporary formal theorists, is negative. The structure of this note is (...)
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  47. On synchronic dogmatism.Rodrigo Borges - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3677-3693.
    Saul Kripke argued that the requirement that knowledge eliminate all possibilities of error leads to dogmatism . According to this view, the dogmatism puzzle arises because of a requirement on knowledge that is too strong. The paper argues that dogmatism can be avoided even if we hold on to the strong requirement on knowledge. I show how the argument for dogmatism can be blocked and I argue that the only other approach to the puzzle in the literature is mistaken.
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  48. What Is Sport?Steffen Borge - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (3):308-330.
    In this paper, I am going to present a condensed version of my theory of what sport is from my book The Philosophy of Football. In that work, I took my starting point in Bernard Suits’ celebrated,...
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  49. Educational Research: An Introduction.Walter R. Borg & Meredith D. Gall - 1984 - British Journal of Educational Studies 32 (3):274-274.
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    Modernização, democracia e caráter nacional da educação em Minas Gerais, pela análise da Revista do Ensino. 1925 a 1929.Vera Lúcia Abrão Borges - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 16 (31):111-134.
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