Results for 'Bv Bogdanov'

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  1. Historical path of marxist-leninist philosophy in ussr, its role in struggle for proletarian internationalism and contemporary problems.Mt Iovcuk & Bv Bogdanov - 1977 - Filosoficky Casopis 25 (2):145-159.
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  2. Productive Logic and Foundations of a Logic of Variable Predicates(LVP).Sesic Bv - 1976 - International Logic Review 7 (14):142-159.
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  3. The European Synod: The Meaning and Strategy of Evangelization.Bv Johnstone - 1992 - Gregorianum 73 (3):469-487.
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  4. I︠A︡snovidi︠a︡shchai︠a︡ materii︠a︡.V. A. Bogdanov - 1995 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Edited by V. A. Bogdanov.
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  5. Quine's Naturalized Epistemology.M. Bogdanovic - forthcoming - Baden-Baden: Karl Alber Verlag.
    It is well known that modern epistemology is a discipline that was left as a legacy by the great French philosopher René Descartes, and it is generally believed that it is a typically philosophical discipline whose problems can be dealt with only by philosophical (speculative) means of inquiry. Recently, however, the idea of naturalization of epistemological inquiry has emerged, and one of its most prominent advocates was Quine. However, the question is to what extent, if at all, the proposal offered (...)
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    Zagorka Golubović, Bora Kuzmanović & Mirjana Vasović: Social character and social changes in the light of national conflicts, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Filip Višnjić, Beograd, 1995.Marija I. Bogdanović - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (8):205-211.
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  7. Quine's naturalized epistemology and skepticism.M. Bogdanovic - 2024 - Theoria 67 (4):27-40.
    When it comes to Quine's position on the naturalization of epistemological inquiry, it is generally considered that as the first and most important step, that position implies the abandonment of Cartesianism and the skepticism it implies. However, here we will argue that such a diagnosis is inappropriate, and that, in principle at least, Quine's attitude towards skepticism, even of the Cartesian type, is much more flexible than is usually thought, and perhaps even than Quine himself thought. In this regard, we (...)
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    Empiriomonism: essays in philosophy.Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogdanov - 2020 - Boston: Brill. Edited by David G. Rowley.
    Empiriomonism is Alexander Bogdanov's monistic philosophy of being and cognition, which he believed is consistent with both modern science and Marxism. In Books One and Two of Empiriomonism, Bogdanov begins with Ernst Mach's and Richard Avenarius's neutral monism - the idea that the 'physical' and the 'psychical' are two sides of one reality - and explains how human psyches are causally interconnected with the rest of nature. In Book Three, he shows how empiriomonism substantiates the principles of historical (...)
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  9. Russkiĭ pozitivizm: Lesevich, I︠U︡shkevich, Bogdanov.V. V. Lesevich, P. S. I︠U︡shkevich, A. Bogdanov, A. I. Novikov, S. S. Gusev & A. F. Zamaleev (eds.) - 1995 - Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka.
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    The philosophy of living experience: popular outlines.Alexander Bogdanov - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    In "The Philosophy of Living Experience," Alexander Bogdanov summarises his philosophy of empiriomonism, situates it in the history of materialist thought, explains the social genesis of each stage of that history, and anticipates his ultimate achievement universal organisational science.".
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    Über Grenzen des Begreifens.Ernst von Glasersfeld & Aleksandr Bogdanov - 1996
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  12. Philosophical implications of Morris’ semiotic theory.Milos Bogdanovic - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (1):108-125.
    The subject of this paper is Charles Morris’ semiotic theory that has as one of its major projects the unification of all sciences of signs. However, since the above project has proven to be unsuccessful, we will try to examine here the reasons that led to this. Accordingly, we will argue that to transcend the particularities of individual disciplines that he wanted to unify, Morris had to make certain ontological assumptions, instead of theoretical and methodological ones, that they could share. (...)
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  13. Metaphysical structures and holism: Reply to Schaffer.Milos Bogdanovic - manuscript
    This paper deals with Schaffer’s distinction between metaphysical structures, as well as his appeal for revival of neo-Aristotelian approaches that imply ordered structure, based on the criticism of Quine’s method that, in his view, implies flat metaphysical structure. However, although we believe that Schaffer’s distinction between metaphysical structures is an interesting and, basically, acceptable view, we will try to show that Schaffer’s arguments are not convincing enough to persuade us to abandon Quine’s method and adopt the Aristotelian metaphysical model. Moreover, (...)
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  14. Williams contextualism as a critique of epistemological realism.Milos Bogdanovic - 2019 - Theoria: Beograd 62 (1):91-102.
    Although Williams’ contextual thesis is above all a critique of one way of interpreting contextualism in epistemology, viz., simple conversational contextualisam, I will argue that this thesis has also been a very successful means for the critique of a standpoint on which that interpretation, and the entire traditional epistemology rests - epistemological realism. Accordingly, in spite of certain weaknesses in Williams’ position pointed out by his critiques, in this paper I will try to show that, by interpreting the problem of (...)
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  15. Differences between Quine's and Gibson's interpretations of the naturalized epistemology project: Consequences of Gibson's naturalism.Milos Bogdanovic - 2018 - Theoria: Beograd 61 (1):41-58.
    In this paper we will try to show the differences between Quine’s and Gibson’s interpretation of the naturalized epistemology project. Namely, although Gibson points out that the genetic approach advocated by Quine is the best strategy there is to investigate the relations between evidence and theory, and that externalizing of empiricism that it requires is one of Quine’s major philosophical contributions, we argue that the assumptions on which Gibson’s project is based, apart from the fact that they are in conflict (...)
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  16. Holistic and conceptual character of the mental in Donald Davidson’s work.Milos Bogdanovic - 2020 - Theoria 63 (e.g. 1):e.g. 123-142.
    In this paper, we will try to confront Quine’s and Davidson’s holistic position through Davidson’s thesis of the mental as a non-ontological category. In this regard, since Davidson came to this position through the thesis of the mental as a decidedly conceptual category, we will try to show how this approach does not, nevertheless, rule out the possibility of its interpretation in ontological terms. However, in what follows we will draw attention to the fact that the mental can be interpreted (...)
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  17. On non-inferential structure of perceptual judgment.Milos Bogdanovic - manuscript
    This paper deals with Peirce’s understanding of perceptual judgment, relating it to the conditions for the use of language defined by Michael Dummett. Namely, drawing on Dummett’s requirement for harmony between descriptive and evaluative aspects of our linguistic practice, we will try to give an interpretation of Peirce’s view of perception that implies rejecting the idea that the formation of a perceptual judgment has an inferential structure. On the other hand, since it is, in Peirce’s opinion, the structure of abductive (...)
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    Elitistički pasijans: povijesni revizionizam Latinke Perović́.Mira Bogdanović - 2016 - Zemun: Mostart d.o.o..
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  19. Filosofii︠a︡ zhivogo opyta.A. Bogdanov - 1923 - Kniga.
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  20. Pochuvstvovatʹ sebi︠a︡ russkim.V. V. Bogdanov - 2007 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡. Edited by S. V. Larionov.
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    Toward a new world: articles and essays, 1901-1906: on the psychology of society, new world, and contributions to studies in the realist worldview.Alexander Bogdanov - 2022 - Boston: Brill. Edited by David G. Rowley.
    Part One of this volume consists of the articles collected in On the Psychology of Society in which Bogdanov criticises the philosophy of Russia's neo-Kantian revisionists and rebuts their critique of historical materialism. Part Two consists of the collection, New World, which envisions the development of humankind in socialist society. Part Three consists of Bogdanov's contributions to the collection, Studies in the Realist Worldview, which defend the labour theory of value and criticise neo-Kantian sociology. In all these writings (...)
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    Contesting methodologies.Danijela Bogdanovic, Michael Dowd, Eileen Wattam & Alison Adam - 2012 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 10 (4):208-221.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to report on and evaluate focus groups and privacy diary/interview methods used in a qualitative study of on‐line privacy.Design/methodology/approachThe paper is a discursive evaluation of two methods employed to study on‐line privacy, informed by and situated in interpretive and constructivist approaches to knowledge.FindingsThe paper argues for the value of qualitative research methods in study of on‐line privacy. It confronts the positivist paradigm that informs much of the work in the field by foregrounding the need (...)
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  23. Marksistskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ v XIX veke.I. S. Narskii, B. V. Bogdanov & Mikhail Trifonovich Iovchuk (eds.) - 1979 - Moskva: Nauka.
    kn. 1. Ot vozniknovenii︠a︡ marksistskoĭ filosofii do ee razvitii︠a︡ v 50-kh-60 godakh XIX veka.--kn. 2. Razvitie marksistskoĭ filosofii vo vtoroĭ polovine XIX veka.
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  24. Avitsena.Ivan Bogdanov - 1974 - Sofii︠a︡,: Medit︠s︡ina i fizkultura.
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  25. Avitsena.Ivan Bogdanov - 1977 - Sofii︠a︡,: Medit︠s︡ina i fizkultura.
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  26. Ėmpiriomonizm. Metody truda i metody poznanii︠a︡. Taĭna nauki.A. A. Bogdanov - 1995 - In V. V. Lesevich, P. S. I︠U︡shkevich, A. Bogdanov, A. I. Novikov, S. S. Gusev & A. F. Zamaleev, Russkiĭ pozitivizm: Lesevich, I︠U︡shkevich, Bogdanov. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka.
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  27. Glavnye filosofskie trudy V.I. Lenina.B. V. Bogdanov & I. S. Narskiĭ (eds.) - 1987 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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    Leninskie print︠s︡ipy analiza istorii filosofii.Bronislav Vasil'evič Bogdanov - 1970 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  29. Lekt︠s︡ii po lingvisticheskoĭ semantike.V. V. Bogdanov - 2005 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  30. Marksistskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ v mezhdunarodnom rabochem dvizhenii v kont︠s︡e XIX-nachale XX veka.B. V. Bogdanov & I. S. Narskiĭ (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  31. Metodologicheskie problemy istorii filosofii i obshchestvennoĭ mysli.Bronislav Vasil Evich Bogdanov & Akademiia Nauk Sssr (eds.) - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
  32. Novyĭ mir: statʹi 1904-1905.A. Bogdanov - 1905 - Cleveland, Ohio: Micro-Photo.
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    Otdelno i zaedno.Bogdan Bogdanov - 2005 - Sofii︠a︡: Planeta Z.
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  34. Prikli︠u︡chenīi︠a︡ odnoĭ filosofskoĭ shkoly.A. Bogdanov - 1908
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  35. Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi︠a︡ i filosofīi︠a︡.A. Bogdanov - 1905
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  36. Semantika i︠a︡zykovykh edinit︠s︡ raznykh urovneĭ: mezhvuzovskiĭ nauchnyĭ sbornik.V. V. Bogdanov & R. M. Gaĭsina (eds.) - 1988 - Ufa: Bashkirskiĭ universitet.
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    Semantika i︠a︡zyka i rechi: mezhvuzovskiĭ nauchnyĭ sbornik.V. V. Bogdanov & R. M. Gaĭsina (eds.) - 1991 - Ufa: Bashkirskiĭ universitet.
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  38. Sushchnostʹ i i︠a︡vlenie.I︠U︡. A. Bogdanov - 1962 - Kiev,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk Ukr. SSR.
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  39. Semantiko-sintaksicheskai︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ predlozhenii︠a︡.V. V. Bogdanov - 1977 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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    The USSR instead/inside of Europe: Soviet political geography in the 1930s–1950s.Konstantin A. Bogdanov - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (3-4):401-412.
    The article addresses the special conditions in Soviet society during the Stalin period that contributed to the emergence of latent ideas about the unique position of the USSR on the map of the world, of Europe in particular. The focus is on pedagogical methods, the theory and practice of cartography, literary and journalistic texts, cinematography, and pop music, all of which present an image of the USSR as the “center of world civilization” and thereby sustain its inculcation in public consciousness. (...)
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  41. Vospitanie kommunisticheskoĭ nravstvennosti.Leonid Pavlovich Bogdanov - 1976
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  42. Voprosy metodologii issledovanii︠a︡ istorii marksistsko-leninskoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli na sovremennom ėtape.B. A. Bogdanov (ed.) - 1984 - Moskva: [S.N.].
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  43. Vrachi, pat︠s︡ienty, chitateli: patograficheskie teksty russkoĭ kulʹtury XVIII-XIX vekov.K. A. Bogdanov - 2005 - Moskva: O.G.I..
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  44. Endotoksikoz v khirurgicheskoi praktike. SPb.I. A. Eryukhin & Shashkov Bv - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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    The Internationalism of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy and Its Historical Path in the USSR.M. T. Iovchuk & B. V. Bogdanov - 1978 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 16 (4):64-92.
    The sixtieth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution marks the triumph of the principles of Marxism-Leninism.
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  46. Le chemin historique de la philosophie marxiste-léniniste en URSS, son rôle au combat pour l'internationalisme prolétarien et les problèmes contemporains En tchèque.Iovcuk Mt & B. V. Bogdanov - 1977 - Filosoficky Casopis 25 (2):145-159.
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    Toward a new world: articles and essays, 1901-1906: on the psychology of society, new world, and contributions to studies in the realist.Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogdanov - 2022 - Boston: Brill. Edited by David G. Rowley.
    Part One of this volume consists of the articles collected in On the Psychology of Society in which Bogdanov criticises the philosophy of Russia's neo-Kantian revisionists and rebuts their critique of historical materialism. Part Two consists of the collection, New World, which envisions the development of humankind in socialist society. Part Three consists of Bogdanov's contributions to the collection, Studies in the Realist Worldview, which defend the labour theory of value and criticise neo-Kantian sociology. In all these writings (...)
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    Ii. abteilung.Patrick Andrist, Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen, Jelena Bogdanović, Rudolf Stefec, Sergei Mariev, Katelis Viglas, Charles C. Yost & Michael Altripp - 2014 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 107 (1):253-292.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 1 Seiten: 253-292.
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    First-principles study of point defects in Ni3Al.Andrei V. Ruban, V. A. Popov, V. K. Portnoi & V. I. Bogdanov - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (1):20-34.
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  50. Aleksandr Bogdanov: Proletkult and Conservation.Arran Gare - 1994 - Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology 5 (2):65-94.
    The most important figure among Russia's radical Marxists was A.A. Bogdanov (the pseudonym of Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Malinovskii). Not only was he the prime exponent of a proletarian cultural revolution; it was Bogdanov's ideas which provided justification for concern for the environment. And his ideas are not only important to environmentalists because they were associated with this conservation movement; more significantly they are of continuing relevance because they confront the root causes of environmental destruction in the present, and offer (...)
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