Results for 'Buster Keaton'

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  1. Buster Keaton and the Puzzle of Love.Timothy Yenter - 2015 - In Ken Morefield & Nick Olson (eds.), Masters of World Cinema, Vol. 3. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 31-43.
    Despite the notable lack of Chaplinesque romantic flourishes, Buster Keaton has a sophisticated approach to romantic love in his films. Love in Keaton’s films is a mutual recognition and admiration for the physical and mental competence necessary to deal with an absurd, cruel, or indifferent social and physical environment and an agreement to face the world together. There are two ways in which this claim might seem surprising to someone familiar with Keaton’s films. Keaton’s famously (...)
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    Reconsidering buster Keaton's heroines.Barbara E. Savedoff - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):77-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reconsidering Buster Keaton’s HeroinesBarbara E. SavedoffIt has become commonplace to acknowledge that art tends to reflect the prejudices and presuppositions of the age in which it is produced. Such acknowledgement can serve not only to place the prejudicial attitudes expressed by artists and authors in their proper context, it can also reassure us that we have avoided the same prejudices, or at least, that we have achieved (...)
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    Charlie Chaplin y Buster Keaton. Los Dos Extremos Del Antihéroe Cómico Durante Los Años Veinte.Wes Gehring - 2017 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 13:77-96.
    El ensayo es una mirada revisionista del famoso artículo de James Agee “La época más grande de la comedia” –centrándose en Buster Keaton y Charlie Chaplin, “los autores de la comedia cinematográfica” de la década de 1920–. Por más que Chaplin fuese considerado el gigante de la época, la literatura del momento mostraba que Keaton no solo era considerado una figura popular, sino también más culta (cf. mi próximo libro: Buster Keaton en su propio tiempo, (...)
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  4. Buster Keaton's" Sherlock Jr.". Edited by Andrew Horton.A. M. Vickers - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (5):763-763.
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    Comedy Incarnate: Buster Keaton, Physical Humor, and Bodily Coping.Noël Carroll - 2007 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    In _Comedy Incarnate_, Noël Carroll surveys the characteristics of Buster Keaton’s unique visual style, to reveal the distinctive experience of watching Keaton’s films. Bold and provocative thesis written by one of America’s foremost film theorists Takes a unique look at the philosophies behind Keaton’s style Weighs visual elements over narrative form in the analysis of the Keaton’s work Provides a fresh vantage point for analysis of film and comedy itself.
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    (2 other versions)Comedy Incarnate: Buster Keaton, Physical Humor, and Bodily Coping.NoË Carroll & L. - 2007 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    In Comedy Incarnate, Noël Carroll surveys the characteristics of Buster Keaton’s unique visual style, to reveal the distinctive experience of watching Keaton’s films. Bold and provocative thesis written by one of America’s foremost film theorists Takes a unique look at the philosophies behind Keaton’s style Weighs visual elements over narrative form in the analysis of the Keaton’s work Provides a fresh vantage point for analysis of film and comedy itself.
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    Beckett's Film, “which could only have been played by Buster Keaton”.Paul Ardoin - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (4):5-21.
    This article uses Deleuze's three-part theory of the movement-image as a way to investigate the potential importance of his unexplored claim about the casting of Beckett's Film. In “The Greatest Irish Film” Deleuze writes that the starring role in Film “could only have been played by Buster Keaton” 23), but he does not explain why. Here, I return to the Bergsonian basis of Deleuze's film theory, as well as to early responses to Beckett's Film, in order to complicate (...)
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    Keaton's Yoke.Alex Priou - 2019 - Arion 26 (3):115-132.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Keaton’s Yoke ALEX PRIOU Love, looking at me meltingly under dark-lidded eyes, by all manner of charms throws me into the limitless fishing-net of the Cupridian [Aphrodite]. And I tremble as he approaches, just as an aged, yoke-carrying horse that has carried off victory unwillingly walks into contest with swift chariots. (Ibycus, frag. 287)1 The resurgence of love in his old age prompts a fearful reflection in the (...)
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  9. What Becomes of Things on Film?Stanley Cavell - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):249-257.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Stanley Cavell WHAT BECOMES OF THINGS ON FILM? And does this title express a genuine question? That is, does one accept the suggestion that there is a particular relation (or a particular system of relations, awaiting systematic study) that holds between things and their filmed projections, which is to say between the originals now absent from us (by screening) and the new originals now present to us (in photogenesis)—a (...)
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    Erwin Wurm, ou le « ground-zero » de la sculpture.Éric Alliez - 2003 - Multitudes 3 (3):131-134.
    A cross between a Do It Yourself and a primer of political anatomy, ErwinWurm’s « politically incorrect » drawings present, one by one, the sculptures of a present dreamed up by a post-post-minimalist Buster Keaton. Wurm sculpts bodies that are both outlandish and Austrian; there is nothing to prevent us from thinking of both Austria and the outlandish when we look at these drawings produced for Multitudes, together with the photographs that accompany them.
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    Naissances d'images: l'image dans l'image, des enluminures à la société des écrans.Vincent Amiel - 2018 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Qu'y a-t-il de commun entre un manuscrit medieval, Les Menines de Velazquez, le Cameraman de Buster Keaton et On connait la chanson d'Alain Resnais? Reponse : la presence d'images inattendues, " enchassees ", telles une porte ouverte au fond de la piece dans le tableau du maitre espagnol, la queue d'un faisan pris au piege debordant largement du cadre d'une enluminure du XIVe siecle, la presence incongrue d'un navire de guerre dans les rues de New York chez (...) Keaton, des meduses mobiles en surimpression a la fin du film de Resnais. Dispositifs et procedes aujourd'hui banalises au cinema et en video, les " images dans l'image " susceptibles, depuis des siecles, aussi bien d'intriguer que de passer presque inapercues aupres du spectateur, sont loin d'etre innocentes. Sous l'oeil attentif de Vincent Amiel, ces " images-secondes " inserees dans une image-englobante, injustement delaissees parfois par les estheticiens du cinema, acquierent un veritable statut theorique qui n'est pas celui d'une simple mise en abyme figee. Les images enchassees demandent a etre vues et pensees au moment ou elles deviennent images, dans l'instant de leur naissance, comme des figures cachees mais dynamiques qui, comme le souligne Amiel, " s'affirment comme monde et comme representation ". (shrink)
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  12. Faculty.Michael Bishop - unknown
    J.D. Trout and I started this project in 2000. Our goal was to write a book that was interesting, opinionated, accessible, and fun to read. Here are some excerpts from the first two pages of chapter 1: Excerpts [pdf] . The cover photo is a still of the great Buster Keaton from his movie, The General.
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    Scandal and Imitation In Matthew, Kierkegaard, and Girard.David McCracken - 1997 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 4 (1):146-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SCANDAL AND IMITATION IN MATTHEW, KIERKEGAARD, AND GIRARD David McCracken University ofWashington Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest, but his resemblance was insufficient for the first- or secondplace prize. He finished third, and thus created a small scandal: the judges—experts on Charlie Chaplin—proved to be so inept that they could not recognize the genuine article1. The simple, mimetic entertainment of a look-alike contest can become more (...)
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    Only a joke can save us: a theory of comedy.Todd McGowan - 2017 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Only a Joke Can Save Us presents an innovative and comprehensive theory of comedy. Using a wealth of examples from high and popular culture and with careful attention to the treatment of humor in philosophy, Todd McGowan locates the universal source of comedy in the interplay of the opposing concepts lack and excess. After reviewing the treatment of comedy in the work of philosophers as varied as Aristotle, G. W. F. Hegel, Sigmund Freud, Henri Bergson, and Alenka Zupancic, McGowan, working (...)
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    Samuel Beckett and cinema.Anthony Paraskeva - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In 1936 Samuel Beckett wrote a letter to Sergei Eisenstein - the legendary director of such films as Battleship Potemkin - expressing his own desire to work in the lost tradition of silent film. Drawing on substantial archival material, this is the first book to examine comprehensively the full extent of Beckett's engagement with cinema and its influence on his work for stage and screen. Examining his writing on second wave modernist cinema, including the work of directors such as Eisenstein, (...)
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    A dialectic of centuries: notes towards a theory of the new arts.Dick Higgins - 1978 - New York: Printed Editions.
    Cultural Writing. This classic of alternative art theory is available again in this second edition. Dick Higgins was co-founder of Happenings and later Fluxus. He was active in music, studying with John Cage and Henry Cowell and is the author of many books of poetry including Buster Keaton Enters Into Paradise (Left Hand) and Book About Love And Death (Something Else), also available from SPD. From his early (1964) essay on Intermedia, which gave the term to the language, (...)
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    The slapstick camera: Hollywood and the comedy of self-reference.Burke Hilsabeck - 2020 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Demonstrates that slapstick film comedies display a canny and sometimes profound understanding of their medium. Slapstick film comedy may be grounded in idiocy and failure, but the genre is far more sophisticated than it initially appears. In this book, Burke Hilsabeck suggests that slapstick is often animated by a philosophical impulse to understand the cinema. He looks closely at movies and gags that represent the conditions and conventions of cinema production and demonstrates that film comedians display a canny and sometimes (...)
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    Beyond Percept and Affect: Beckett's Film and Non-Human Becoming.Colin Gardner - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (4):589-600.
    Film, Samuel Beckett's 1964 short starring Buster Keaton, dubbed by Deleuze as ‘The Greatest Irish Film’, is a seminal text in the latter's cinematic canon as it helps us to extrapolate the transition from the Bergson-based movement-image of Cinema 1 to the Nietzschean time-image of Cinema 2. Film is unique insofar as its narrative traverses and progressively destroys the action-, perception- and affection-images that constitute the movement-image as a whole, using Keaton's body, and more importantly his face, (...)
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    Accident: A Philosophical and Literary History.Ross Hamilton - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    An accidental glance at a newspaper notice causes Rousseau to collapse under the force of a vision. A car accidentally hits Giacometti, and he experiences an epiphany. Darwin introduces accident to the basic process of life, and Freud looks to accident as the expression of unconscious desire. Accident, Ross Hamilton claims, is the force that makes us modern. Tracing the story of accident from Aristotle to Buster Keaton and beyond, Hamilton’s daring book revives the tradition of the grand (...)
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    Toward Transparency and Trust: Assessing and Addressing Key Ethical Concerns in Normothermic Regional Perfusion.Amanda Buster, Ellen C. Meltzer, Lisa Trost, Amanda Courtright-Lim, Timothy Ingall & Jon Tilburt - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):178-182.
    Normothermic Regional Perfusion, or NRP, is a method of donated organ reperfusion using cardiopulmonary bypass or a modified extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuit after circulatory death while leaving organs in the dead donor’s corpse. Despite its potential, several key ethical issues remain unaddressed by this technology.
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    Constitution, Identity, and Realization.Doug Keaton - 2015 - In Steven M. Miller (ed.), The Constitution of Phenomenal Consciousness: Toward a Science and Theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 372-399.
    In this paper I discuss the kinds of dependence relation that philosophers have argued may obtain between neural events and conscious events; between Ns and Cs. Three major candidate relations are constitution, realization, and identity. There are other candidates for the mind/body relation, but these will serve as the major options. Indeed, these are already more than three options, because philosophers do not agree on the best way to understand constitution; still less to understand realization. I argue that dispute is (...)
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    Descartes’ Method.A. E. Keaton - 1974 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):89-95.
  23. Exclusion, still not tracted.Douglas Keaton & Thomas W. Polger - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 171 (1):135-148.
    Karen Bennett has recently articulated and defended a “compatibilist” solution to the causal exclusion problem. Bennett’s solution works by rejecting the exclusion principle on the grounds that even though physical realizers are distinct from the mental states or properties that they realize, they necessarily co-occur such that they fail to satisfy standard accounts of causal over-determination. This is the case, Bennett argues, because the causal background conditions for core realizers being sufficient causes of their effects are identical to the “surround” (...)
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  24. Force of nietsches criticism of christianity.Ae Keaton - 1973 - Journal of Thought 8 (1):78-81.
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  25. Memorie a rotta di collo. Milano.B. Keaton - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  26. Kim's Supervenience Argument and the Nature of Total Realizers.Douglas Keaton - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):243-259.
    Abstract: I offer a novel objection to Jaegwon Kim's Supervenience Argument. I argue that the Supervenience Argument relies upon an untenable conception of the base physical properties upon which mental properties are supposed to supervene: the base properties are required to be both ordinary physical/causal properties and also unconditionally sufficient for the properties that they subvene. But these requirements are mutually exclusive; as a result, at least two premises in the Supervenience Argument are false. I argue that this has disruptive (...)
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  27. The essential role of improvisation in musical performance.Carol S. Gould & Kenneth Keaton - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (2):143-148.
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    The Black Box and Philosophy.Alvin E. Keaton - 1970 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 1 (1-2):207-214.
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    Two kinds of role property.Douglas Keaton - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (4):773-788.
    The realization relation is commonly explicated via, or identified with, the causal role playing relation. However, the realization relation does not formally match the causal role playing relation. While realization is a relation between a base realizer property and a single higher level realized property, I argue that the causal role playing relation as typically defined is a relation between a base property and two higher-level role properties. Advocates of using causal role playing to explicate realization must therefore decide which (...)
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    What Makes Mental Modeling Difficult? Normative Data for the Multidimensional Relational Reasoning Task.Robert A. Cortes, Adam B. Weinberger, Griffin A. Colaizzi, Grace F. Porter, Emily L. Dyke, Holly O. Keaton, Dakota L. Walker & Adam E. Green - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Relational reasoning is a complex form of human cognition involving the evaluation of relations between mental representations of information. Prior studies have modified stimulus properties of relational reasoning problems and examined differences in difficulty between different problem types. While subsets of these stimulus properties have been addressed in separate studies, there has not been a comprehensive study, to our knowledge, which investigates all of these properties in the same set of stimuli. This investigative gap has resulted in different findings across (...)
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  31. Myth Busters with Simon Conway Morris.Allie Colaco - 2010 - Scientia: Undergraduate Research Journal for the Sciences University of Notre Dame 1 (1).
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  32. Ghost buster: The reality of one's own body.Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    What are the epistemic bases of the knowledge of the reality of our own body? Proprioception plays a primordial role in body representation and more particularly at the level of body schema. Without proprioception people can feel amputated and the mislocalization of proprioceptive information through the remapping of the Penfield Homonculus induces illusions of phantom limbs, illusions that contradictory visual feedback cannot erase. However, it turns out that it is not as simple as that and that vision also intervenes in (...)
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    Myth-Busters: Traditional And Emergent Leadership.David T. Houglum - 2012 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 14 (2).
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    Myth busters: Ronald L. Numbers : Galileo goes to jail: and other myths about science and religion. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA & London, 2009, x + 302 pp, US$27.95 HB.Luciano Boschiero - 2010 - Metascience 19 (1):55-58.
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    The Enthymeme Buster: A Heuristic Procedure for Position Exploration in Dialogic Dispute.Michael A. Gilbert - 1991 - Informal Logic 13 (3).
    Positions in dialogic dispute are presented enthymematically. It is important to explore the position the disputant holds. A model is offered which relies on the presentation of a counter-example to an inferred missing premiss. The example may be: [A+J embraced as falling under the rule; [A-] rejected as basically changing the position; or, [R] rejected as changing the proffered missing premiss. In each case the offered model indicates the next appropriate action. The focus of the model is on uncovering the (...)
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  36. Sociologie d'un conflit de jeunesses: la génération du baby boom et les baby busters.Stéphane Dufour, Dominic Fortin & Jacques Hamel - 1994 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 97:277-300.
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    Socially Responsible Companies as Union-busters.Liza Featherstone - 2000 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 14 (1):10-11.
  38. La génération du Baby Boom et les Baby Busters: une étude.Jacques Hamel, S. Dufour & D. Fortin - 1995 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 47:277-300.
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    Martyrdom's would-be myth buster.Scott Atran - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (4):362-363.
    Lankford overgeneralizes individual psychology from limited, fragmentary and doubtful materials, and underplays strategic, ideological, and group dynamical factors. His speculative claims manifest a form of fundamental attribution error: the tendency – especially evident in popular attachment to moral presumptions of individual responsibility and volition – to overestimate effects of personality and underestimate situational effects in explaining social behavior. The book's appeal may owe more to ideological preference than to interests of science or national security.
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  40. Cinematic style and the places of modernity. From Venice to the Valley : California slapstick and the Keaton comedy short.Charles Wolfe - 2011 - In John David Rhodes & Elena Gorfinkel (eds.), Taking Place: Location and the Moving Image. University of Minnesota Press.
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    Themes out of school: effects and causes.Stanley Cavell - 1984 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In the first essay of this book, Stanley Cavell characterizes philosophy as a "willingness to think not about something other than what ordinary human beings think about, but rather to learn to think undistractedly about things that ordinary human beings cannot help thinking about, or anyway cannot help having occur to them, sometimes in fantasy, sometimes as a flash across a landscape." Fantasies of film and television and literature, flashes across the landscape of literary theory, philosophical discourse, and French historiography (...)
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    Making the brain/body connection: a playful guide to releasing mental, physical & emotional blocks to success.Sharon Promislow - 1999 - West Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Kinetic.
    A newly revised edition of the International Best-Seller, Making the Brain/Body Connection hit the book stores in June. This book has people raving about its user friendly approach and its solid research based information. Explore and experience how your brain, body and senses interrelate. Sharon Promislow's approach makes the brain research almost fun. Learn about your body's defence mechanism for stress and how you can adapt them to defuse stress instead of allowing it to accumulate into a full blown stress (...)
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    Über Kunst: Texte und Interviews.Hans Peter Riegel - 2018 - Zürich: Riverside.
    Hans Peter Riegel zählt zu den wenigen Künstlern, die gleichzeitig als Autor tätig sind. Aus dieser Position schreibt er kenntnisreich und kritisch über den Kunstmarkt sowie Künstlerinnen und Künstler. Während der Recherchen zu seinen erfolgreichen Biographien über Joseph Beuys und Jörg Immendorff hat er viele Gespräche geführt, die bislang nur in Auszügen veröffentlicht wurden. Immer wieder hat er auch für namhafte Medien geschrieben, Künstler und Kreative interviewt. Jetzt hat Hans Peter Riegel eine Auswahl dieser Texte in diesem Buch zusammengefasst. Unter (...)
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    Skin in the game: hidden asymmetries in daily life.Nassim Nicholas Taleb - 2018 - New York: Random House.
    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A bold work from the author of The Black Swan that challenges many of our long-held beliefs about risk and reward, politics and religion, finance and personal responsibility In his most provocative and practical book yet, one of the foremost thinkers of our time redefines what it means to understand the world, succeed in a profession, contribute to a fair and just society, detect nonsense, and influence others. Citing examples ranging from Hammurabi to Seneca, (...)
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    The search for logical forms: in defense of logical atomism.Landon D. C. Elkind - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Iowa
    I here defend logical atomism. This defense rests on reinterpreting logical atomism as a search for logical forms. This reinterpretation has two parts comprising six chapters. In the first part, I do some historically-driven recovery. In the introduction, I review the literature on Russell's logical atomism. In Chapter 1, I argue that the dominant interpretation of logical atomism is wrong on historical grounds: it accounts for neither the history of logical atomism nor for crucial elements of the logical atomist texts. (...)
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    The material ghost: films and their medium.Gilberto Perez - 1998 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    "Tough, smart, superbly engaging, The Material Ghost is a terrific book." -- Edward W. Said In The Material Ghost , Gilberto Perez draws on his lifelong love of the movies as well as his work as a film scholar to write a lively, wide-ranging, penetrating study of films and filmmakers and the nature of the art form. For Perez, film is complex and richly contradictory, lifelike and dreamlike at once, a peculiar mix of reality and imagination. "The images on the (...)
  47. Mindscreen: Bergman, Godard, and first-person film.Bruce F. Kawin - 1978 - Rochester, New York: Dalkey Archive Press.
    In the opening chapter of this groundbreaking work, Bruce Kawin asks: can a film which is already the dream of its maker and its audience, and which can present itself as the dream of one of its characters appear, finally, to dream itself? Contrary to the classic assumption that all film narration is third person, the author contends that a movie can be narrated in first person through a consciousness that originates either on screen or off. Through a discussion of (...)
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    Kinesthetic Understanding and Appreciation in Dance.William P. Seeley NoËl Carroll - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71 (2):177-186.
    The idea that choreographic movements communicate to audiences by kinetic transfer is a commonplace among choreographers, dancers, and dance educators.1 Moreover, most dance lovers can cite their own favorite examples—the bounciness of the Royal Danish Ballet, the stomping of Bharata Natyam performers, the stag leaps in the thundering Greek chorus in Martha Graham’s Night Journey, or the contagious rhythmic transfer that takes over our feet when we watch classic tap dancers like Buster Brown. The perceptual capacity for kinetic transfer (...)
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    The longest faculty strike in the history of U.s. Institutions of higher education: Perceptions of the union president. [REVIEW]Alfred G. Gerteiny - 2003 - Journal of Academic Ethics 1 (3):273-285.
    The president of the AAUP faculty union at University of Bridgeport, from 1987 to 1991, offers a first-hand account of the circumstances leading to the fatal strike there. He refutes accusations that the union and its leadership destroyed the university and provides a dramatic, personal account of a faculty union under attack by union busters. The faculty, he argues, was resisting a concerted onslaught on traditional faculty rights. It fought desperately to stifle a retrograde revolution in higher education seeking the (...)
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