Results for 'Bruno-Marie Duffé'

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  1.  25
    André-Pierre Gauthier, Paul Ricoeur et l'agir responsable. Les figures bibliques du prophète et du témoin. Préface de Bruno-Marie Duffé. Lyon, Éditions PROFAC (coll. « Université Catholique de Lyon, Faculté de Théologie », série « Éthique », 68), 2001, 145 p.André-Pierre Gauthier, Paul Ricoeur et l'agir responsable. Les figures bibliques du prophète et du témoin. Préface de Bruno-Marie Duffé. Lyon, Éditions PROFAC (coll. « Université Catholique de Lyon, Faculté de Théologie », série « Éthique », 68), 2001, 145 p. [REVIEW]Guy Jobin - 2004 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 60 (1):180-182.
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    The challenge of disentangling reportability and phenomenal consciousness in post-comatose states.Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, Marie-Aurélie Bruno, Serge Brédart, Alain Plenevaux & Steven Laureys - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5-6):529-530.
    Determining whether or not noncommunicative patients are phenomenally conscious is a major clinical and ethical challenge. Clinical assessment is usually limited to the observation of these patients' motor responses. Recent neuroimaging technology and brain computer interfaces help clinicians to assess whether patients are conscious or not, and to avoid diagnostic errors.
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    Pain Perception in Disorders of Consciousness: Neuroscience, Clinical Care, and Ethics in Dialogue.Athina Demertzi, Eric Racine, Marie-Aurélie Bruno, Didier Ledoux, Olivia Gosseries, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, Marie Thonnard, Andrea Soddu, Gustave Moonen & Steven Laureys - 2013 - Neuroethics 6 (1):37-50.
    Pain, suffering and positive emotions in patients in vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (VS/uws) and minimally conscious states (MCS) pose clinical and ethical challenges. Clinically, we evaluate behavioural responses after painful stimulation and also emotionally-contingent behaviours (e.g., smiling). Using stimuli with emotional valence, neuroimaging and electrophysiology technologies can detect subclinical remnants of preserved capacities for pain which might influence decisions about treatment limitation. To date, no data exist as to how healthcare providers think about end-of-life options (e.g., withdrawal of artificial nutrition (...)
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  4. Jean de Pouilly est-il antithomiste?Marie-Bruno Borde - 2008 - Revue Thomiste 108 (1):81-104.
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  5. Le désir naturel de voir Dieu, chez les Salmanticenses.Marie-Bruno Borde - 2001 - Revue Thomiste 101 (1-2):265-284.
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  6. La relation entre Église et société civile à Vatican II.Marie-Bruno Borde - 2010 - Revue Thomiste 110 (1):189-216.
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    Les ficelles de la collaboration dans l’analyse de l’activité au sein d’un groupe de recherche collaborative.Bruno Hubert, Christine Pierrisnard & Marie-Paule Vannier - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (3-4):25-36.
    We look for tricks used to create a group of collaborative research which proposes to trainers of nurses researchers’ support in the appropriation of an original tool to help the learners analyze and develop their practice in vocational training : the narrative. The analysis of a corpus based on the first exchanges of the group shows the central role that plays the tool in itself, the mutual discovery of the cultures and the « habitus », the emergence and the discussion (...)
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    Dyadic Experiences and Psychosocial Management of Couples Facing Advanced Cancer: A Systematic Review of the Literature.Marie Hasdenteufel & Bruno Quintard - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundCancer diagnosis and treatment represent a real upheaval both for the patient and for his or her life partner. Adjustment to cancer has been widely studied at the individual level, however, there is little in the literature about the experiences of the couple as an entity. This is especially true with regard to a population facing advanced cancer. This systematic review aimed to make an inventory of 1) the current knowledge relating to the experience of the patient-partner dyad when confronted (...)
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    ‘Defrosting’ music chills with naltrexone: The role of endogenous opioids for the intensity of musical pleasure.Bruno Laeng, Lara Garvija, Guro Løseth, Marie Eikemo, Gernot Ernst & Siri Leknes - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 90 (C):103105.
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  10. Basic Principles of Guidance.Philip W. L. Cox, John Carr Duff & Marie McNamara - unknown
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    Botulinum toxin infiltrations for chronic migraine are efficacious and safe: the Bruges experience.Bergmans Bruno, Bruffaerts Rose, Verhalle Marie-Damienne, Verhoeven Kristof, Van Dycke Annelies & Deryck Olivier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Other scientific purposes, other methodological ways.Marie-Paule Lecoutre & Bruno Lecoutre - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):421-421.
    Hertwig and Ortmann have made a laudable effort to bring together experimental practices in economics and in psychology. Unfortunately, they ignore one of the primary objectives of psychological research, which is an analytic description of general cognitive processes. Among experimental practices in probability judgment tasks they discussed, we will focus hereafter on enactment of scripts and repetition of trials.
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    Antimicrobial peptide defense in Drosophila.Marie Meister, Bruno Lemaitre & Jules A. Hoffmann - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (11):1019-1026.
    Drosophila responds to a septic injury by the rapid synthesis of antimicrobial peptides. These molecules are predominantly produced by the fat body, a functional equivalent of mammalian liver, and are secreted into the hemolymph where their concentrations can reach up to 100 μM. Six distinct antibacterial peptides (plus isoforms) and one antifungal peptide have been characterized in Drosophila and their genes cloned. The induction of the gene encoding the antifungal peptide relies on the spätzle/Toll/cactus gene cassette, which is involved in (...)
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  14.  42
    Behavioral Neuromodulation : Hypnosis.Vanhaudenhuyse Audrey, Gosseries Olivia, Bruno Marie-Aurélie, Demertzi Athena, Laureys Steven & Faymonville Marie-Elisabeth - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  15.  28
    Changer les rôles.Charles Travis, Bruno Ambroise, Anaïs Jomat & Jeanne-Marie Roux - 2019 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3:67.
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    Transcriptional regulation of beta-secretase by p25/cdk5 leads to enhanced amyloidogenic processing.Y. Wen, W. H. Yu, B. Maloney, J. Bailey, J. Ma, I. Marie, T. Maurin, L. Wang, H. Figueroa, M. Herman, P. Krishnamurthy, L. Liu, E. Planel, L. F. Lau, D. K. Lahiri & K. Duff - 2008 - Neuron 57:680-90.
    Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 has been implicated in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of p25, an activator of cdk5, led to increased levels of BACE1 mRNA and protein in vitro and in vivo. A p25/cdk5 responsive region containing multiple sites for signal transducer and activator of transcription was identified in the BACE1 promoter. STAT3 interacts with the BACE1 promoter, and p25-overexpressing mice had elevated levels of pSTAT3 and BACE1, whereas cdk5-deficient mice had reduced levels. Furthermore, mice with a (...)
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  17.  57
    The Construction of RealityMichael A. Arbib Mary B. Hesse.Bruno Latour - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):135-137.
  18. 7. Pathetic Sacrifice: Christian Love in the Poetry of Mary Karr, as Found in Sinners Welcome.O. Bruno M. Shah - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (3).
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    Heidegger et la question de l'humanisme: faits, concepts, débats.Bruno Pinchard & Thierry Gontier (eds.) - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Le débat qui partage les partisans et les détracteurs de l'humanisme n'est pas seulement dicté par l'ampleur des événements planétaires. La question de l'humanisme est d'abord l'héritière de toute l'histoire de la pensée. Qu'il ait cependant appartenu à Martin Heidegger, à peine arraché à un temps d'inhumanité radicale, de transformer, dans sa fameuse Lettre sur l'humanisme de 1947, le simple recours aux " valeurs ", de l'humanisme en l'affaire par excellence de la pensée, constitue une énigme sur laquelle il valait (...)
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    L’analyse contrastive : contours et limites d’une approche mythocritique confrontant le Genji Monogatari de Murasaki Shikibu et les Lais de Marie de France.Stéphanie Bruno-Meylan - 2010 - Iris 31:181-186.
    Dans le cadre de notre thèse, nous avons confronté les Lais de Marie de France datant du xiie siècle qui présentent la particularité alors inédite d’avoir pour auteur une femme et le Genji Monogatari de Murasaki Shikibu (une femme également), écrit au xie siècle au Japon, qui fait aussi figure d’exception dans un paysage scriptural majoritairement masculin, a fortiori pour une œuvre d’une telle ampleur. Le rapprochement entre les deux œuvres était avant tout motivé par une thématique de fond, (...)
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  21.  25
    Bruno J. Strasser. Collecting Experiments: Making Big Data Biology. xv + 404 pp., bibl., notes, index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2019. $45 (paper). ISBN 9780226635040. [REVIEW]Mary F. E. Ebeling - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):440-441.
  22.  55
    The Spacing of Time and the Place of Hospitality: Living Together According to Bruno Latour and Jacques Derrida.Marie-Eve Morin - 2015 - Parallax 21 (1): 26-41.
    In this article, I pursue the question whether it is possible to understand Derridean ethics in terms of space rather than time. More precisely, I ask whether what Derrida proposes as an ethics (and exactly what that is will have to be explained) falls under the general heading of future-oriented, ‘eschatological’ or ‘messianic’, ethics that sacrifices the present for a better future, or whether it can be understood in terms of presence, more specifically of the demand to cohabit here and (...)
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  23.  18
    Fabricating the Truth About Bruno Latour(s).David Inglis & Anna-Mari Almila - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (3):1143-1162.
    In his lifetime, Bruno Latour (1947-2022) made many provocative and controversial arguments, such as about the nature of the practices of the natural sciences, and against standard social scientific forms of critique. Running through many of Latour’s interventions, aimed at what he took to be stultifying forms of academic and intellectual orthodoxy, was a concern with the nature of truth. Whether emphasising how science fabricates its ‘facts’, or in having to deal with uncomfortable similarities between that sort of analysis (...)
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  24.  30
    A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The Virus.Mary-Jane Rubenstein - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (1):5-23.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The VirusMary-Jane Rubenstein (bio)I. PunitheologyThe explanations started pouring in even before the virus attained “pandemic” status in March of 2020: we were being punished. According to a vocal subset of Evangelical pastors and ultra-Orthodox rabbis, the death-dealing virus was divine retribution for the sins of (who else?) LGBT-identified people and their allies, who aggressively violated what the pastors and rabbis called (...)
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  25.  81
    Is Historical Epistemology Part of the 'Modernist Settlement'?Mary Tiles - 2011 - Erkenntnis 75 (3):525-543.
    Bruno Latour, as part of his advocacy of science studies urges us to move beyond what he calls ‘the Modernist Settlement’ that, among other things, separated science from politics and subject from object. As part of this project he has frequently called for the abolition of epistemology, including quite specifically the historical epistemology/epistemological history of Gaston Bachelard and Georges Canguilhem. Pierre Bourdieu, on the other hand, deploys the resources of historical epistemology, to dismiss Latour’s science studies. After examining the (...)
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  26.  32
    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions of (...)
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  27.  16
    O conceito de número.Fernando Raul Neto & Bruno Bentzen - 2013 - Perspectiva Filosófica 2 (40):140-178.
    "The Concept of Number", by Ernst Cassirer, is the second chapter of his first systematic work, the "Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff: Untersuchungen über die Grundfragen der Erkenntniskritik", originally published in German in 1910. The translation to English, in 1953, by Marie Collins Swabeyand William Curtis Swabey, under the title "Substance and Function and Einstein's Theory of Relativity", despite its importance for having widely disseminated the work, loses in its title the work's essence: the opposition between "concept-substance" and "concept-function", or rather, (...)
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  28. Neukantianische Motive (Natorp, Cassirer, Bauch, Rickert).Lois Marie Rendl - forthcoming - In Christian Damböck & Georg Schiemer (eds.), Carnap-Handbuch. Metzler.
    Carnaps Denken wurde während seines Studiums und der Arbeit an seiner Dissertation von Neukatianischen Motiven beeinflusst, von denen er sich nach seiner Habilitation in Wien (1926) zunehmend distanzierte. Er besuchte in Freiburg bei Heinrich Rickert (1911/1912) und in Jena (1913/14) bei Bruno Bauch Lehrveranstaltungen zur Philosophie. Außerdem besuchte er in Freiburg bei Jonas Cohn Lehrveranstaltungen zur experimentellen Psychologie. Bei Bauch reichte er 1920 eine Arbeit mit dem Titel Welche philosophische Bedeutung hat das Problem der „Grundlegung der Geometrie“ für die (...)
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  29.  28
    « Masculinités ».Anne-Marie Sohn - 2011 - Clio 33:07-07.
    Sextant, la revue belge du groupe interdisciplinaire d’études sur les femmes et le genre, a consacré pour la première fois un numéro entier aux masculinités, numéro coordonné et présenté par Bruno Benvindo. Sur les vingt-cinq contributions rédigées par des chercheurs confirmés mais aussi par des doctorants, l’histoire et la sociologie se taillent la part du lion avec les trois quarts des articles. Des philosophes, politistes, anthropologues ou spécialistes du cinéma ont, toutefois, également...
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    Review:A. W. Carus, Michael Friedman, Wolfgang Kienzler, Alan Richardson, and Sven Schlotter (Eds.), Rudolf Carnap: Early Writings. The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap, Volume 1. Oxford University Press 2019, 528 pp., ISBN: 9780198748403. [REVIEW]Lois Marie Rendl - 2023 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 28:605-607.
    This first volume of The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap includes Carnap’s published writings from 1921 when he submitted his dissertation Der Raum (Space) in Jena to Bruno Bauch to 1926 the year he completed his habilitation in Vienna under Moritz Schlick. It thereby documents Carnap’s early writings during his formative years that culminated in his first major publication Der logische Aufbau der Welt (The Logical Structure of the World) which appeared in 1928 and will be included in the (...)
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    Lisa Marie Anderson, Hamann and the Tradition (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2012). David Appelbaum, À Propos, Levinas (Albany: SUNY Press, 2012). Alain Badiou, The Adventure of French Philosophy, trans. Bruno Bosteels (New York: Verso Press, 2012). [REVIEW]Alain Badiou, Miguel Beistegui, David Boersema, Steven M. Cahn, Robert B. Talisse, Adam Rosen-Carole, Todd Mayers, Françoise Dastur, Juan Manuel Garrido & Boris Gasparov - 2012 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (2).
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  32. A survey on self-assessed well-being in a cohort of chronic locked-in syndrome patients: happy majority, miserable.Athena Demertzi - unknown
    Marie-Aure´lie Bruno,1 Jan L Bernheim,2 Didier Ledoux,1 Fre´de´ric Pellas.
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    Reductive Explanation in the Biological Sciences.Marie I. Kaiser - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    Back cover: This book develops a philosophical account that reveals the major characteristics that make an explanation in the life sciences reductive and distinguish them from non-reductive explanations. Understanding what reductive explanations are enables one to assess the conditions under which reductive explanations are adequate and thus enhances debates about explanatory reductionism. The account of reductive explanation presented in this book has three major characteristics. First, it emerges from a critical reconstruction of the explanatory practice of the life sciences itself. (...)
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  34. Grammar in the philosophical investigations.Marie McGinn - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  35. The managerial relevance of ethical efficacy.Marie S. Mitchell & Noel F. Palmer - 2010 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial Ethics: Managing the Psychology of Morality. Routledge. pp. 89--108.
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  36. A thinker's guide to sin: Talking about wrongdoing today [Book Review].Marie Farrell - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (3):380.
    Farrell, Marie Review(s) of: A thinker's guide to sin: talking about wrongdoing today, by Neil Darragh ed. (Auckland, N.Z.: Accent Publications, 2010), pp.228, $35.
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  37. Falling in Love with God: Recognising the Call of Christian Love [Book Review].Marie Farrell - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (2):254.
    Farrell, Marie Review(s) of: Falling in Love with God: Recognising the Call of Christian Love, by Frank Fletcher MSC, ed. (Strathfield: St Paul's, 2010), pp.143, $24.95.
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  38. The everyday alternative to scepticism : Cavell and Wittgenstein on other minds.Marie McGinn - 2003 - In Denis McManus (ed.), Wittgenstein and Scepticism. New York: Routledge.
  39.  22
    Is feyerabendian philosophy relevant for scientific knowledge development in nursing?Marie-Lee Yous, Patricia H. Strachan & Jenny Ploeg - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (3):e12309.
    To revitalize nursing science, there is a need for a new approach to guide nurse scientists in addressing complex problems in health care. By applying theoretical concepts from a revolutionary philosopher of science, Paul K. Feyerabend, new nursing knowledge can be produced using creativity and pluralistic approaches. Feyerabend proposed that methods within and outside of science can produce knowledge. Despite the recognition of Feyerabendian philosophy within science, there is currently a lack of literature regarding the relevance of Feyerabendian philosophy for (...)
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    Intelligent problem-solvers externalize cognitive operations.Bruno R. Bocanegra, Fenna H. Poletiek, Bouchra Ftitache & Andy Clark - 2019 - Nature Human Behaviour 3 (2):136-142.
    The use of forward models is well established in cognitive and computational neuroscience. We compare and contrast two recent, but interestingly divergent, accounts of the place of forward models in the human cognitive architecture. On the Auxiliary Forward Model account, forward models are special-purpose prediction mechanisms implemented by additional circuitry distinct from core mechanisms of perception and action. On the Integral Forward Model account, forward models lie at the heart of all forms of perception and action. We compare these neighbouring (...)
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  41.  94
    Attitudes towards Personhood in the Locked-in Syndrome: from Third- to First- Person Perspective and to Interpersonal Significance.Marie-Christine Nizzi, Veronique Blandin & Athena Demertzi - 2018 - Neuroethics 13 (2):193-201.
    Personhood is ascribed on others, such that someone who is recognized to be a person is bestowed with certain civil rights and the right to decision making. A rising question is how severely brain-injured patients who regain consciousness can also regain their personhood. The case of patients with locked-in syndrome is illustrative in this matter. Upon restoration of consciousness, patients with LIS find themselves in a state of profound demolition of their bodily functions. From the third-person perspective, it can be (...)
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  42. Para perto futuro prometeu muita coisa republicana: a travessia da cultura política brasileira em Grande Sertão: Veredas1.Bruno Flávio Lontra Fagundes - 2008 - Topoi. Revista de História 9 (16):137-152.
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  43. Voltaire, Dictionnaire philosophique: [textes critiques.Marie-hâeláene Cotoni (ed.) - 1994 - [Paris]: Klincksieck.
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    (1 other version)L'homme intérieur et ses métamorphoses.Marie-Madeleine Davy - 1974 - Paris,: Epi.
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    La France et les théories quantiques de la liaison chimique.Marie-Dominique Oger - 2001 - Philosophia Scientiae 5 (1):43-68.
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    Levende aandacht: opstellen over beschouwelijk leven aangeboden aan Cornelis Verhoeven.Bruno Nagel & Ben Schomakers - 1993
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  47. 1. Ulysses and the Sirens.Bruno Verbeek - 2007 - In Fabienne Peter (ed.), rationality and commitment. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 150.
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  48. Le fait fantastique et le fantastique conjectural chez Jean Ray.Marie-Neige Vives - 2004 - Iris 26:225-238.
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    Men, Women, Passion and Power: Gender Issues in Psychotherapy.Marie Maguire - 1995 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  50. Reference, Kinds and Predicates.Marie La Palme Reyes, John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1994 - In John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes (eds.), The Logical Foundations of Cognition. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 91-143.
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