Results for 'Bruno Preilowski'

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  1.  13
    Problems with “grand schemes” and handedness.Bruno Preilowski - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):312-313.
  2.  36
    The role of corollary motor discharges, the corpus callosum, and the supplementary motor cortices in bimanual coordination.Bruno Preilowski - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):322-323.
  3.  59
    Mind Ascribed. An elaboration and defence of interpretivism.Bruno Mölder - 2010 - John Benjamins.
    This book provides a thoroughly worked out and systematic presentation of an interpretivist position in the philosophy of mind, of the view that having mental properties is a matter of interpretation. Bruno Mölder elaborates and defends a particular version of interpretivism, the ascription theory, which explicates the possession of mental states with contents in terms of their canonical ascribability, and shows how it can withstand various philosophical challenges. Apart from a defence of the ascription theory from the objections commonly (...)
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    Badiou and Politics.Bruno Bosteels - 2011 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    _Badiou and Politics_ offers a much-anticipated interpretation of the work of the influential French philosopher Alain Badiou. Countering ideas of the philosopher as a dogmatic, absolutist, or even mystical thinker enthralled by the force of the event as a radical break, Bruno Bosteels reveals Badiou’s deep and ongoing investment in the dialectic. Bosteels draws on all of Badiou’s writings, from the philosopher’s student days in the 1960s to the present, as well as on Badiou’s exchanges with other thinkers, from (...)
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  5. Models for Hylomorphism.Bruno Miguel Jacinto & Aaron Cotnoir - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (5):909-955.
    In a series of papers, 137–158; 1994, Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 23, 61–74, 1999) Fine develops his hylomorphic theory of embodiments. In this article, we supply a formal semantics for this theory that is adequate to the principles laid down for it in. In Section 1, we lay out the theory of embodiments as Fine presents it. In Section 2, we argue on Cantorian grounds that the theory needs to be stabilized, and sketch some ways forward, discussing various choice points (...)
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    Sociaal kapitaal dwingt politieke verantwoordelijkheid af.Dimi Jottier & Bruno Heyndels - 2012 - Res Publica 54 (2):249-252.
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  7. Volksabstimmungen, Politische Ökonomie und Diskursethik.Bruno S. Frey & Gebhard Kirchgässner - 1993 - Analyse & Kritik 15:129-149.
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    Finitary Upper Logicism.Bruno Jacinto - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1172-1247.
    This paper proposes and partially defends a novel philosophy of arithmetic—finitary upper logicism. According to it, the natural numbers are finite cardinalities—conceived of as properties of properties—and arithmetic is nothing but higher-order modal logic. Finitary upper logicism is furthermore essentially committed to the logicality of finitary plenitude, the principle according to which every finite cardinality could have been instantiated. Among other things, it is proved in the paper that second-order Peano arithmetic is interpretable, on the basis of the finite cardinalities’ (...)
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    Quineanism, Noneism and Metaphysical Equivalence.Bruno Jacinto & Javier Belastegui - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (5).
    In this paper we propose and defend the _Synonymy account_, a novel account of metaphysical equivalence which draws on the idea (Rayo in _The Construction of Logical Space_, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013) that part of what it is to formulate a theory is to lay down a theoretical hypothesis concerning logical space. Roughly, two theories are synonymous—and so, in our view, equivalent—just in case (i) they take the same propositions to stand in the same entailment relations, and (ii) they (...)
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  10. Introduction.Bruno Coppieters - 2003 - In Bruno Coppieters & Richard Sakwa, Contextualizing Secession: Normative Studies in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University Press.
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  11.  8
    Rorty’s idea of epistemological behaviorism: a holism without metaphysical supports.Bruno Araujo Alencar & Heraldo Aparecido Silva - 2024 - Griot 24 (3):57-66.
    The present essay analyzes the understanding of epistemological behaviorism as a holism without metaphysical presuppositions, from Richard Rorty (1931-2007). In order to do so, we will start from the idea of ​​Wilfrid Sellars’ “Myth of the Given”, as a philosophical impulse that Rorty appropriates to develop his notion that epistemological behaviorism would be, at best, a holism to create justification contexts. Initially, we will propose a discussion on the question of psychological nominalism, presented in Margutti's text, Skepticism, pragmatism and Sellars' (...)
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  12.  15
    Arithmétique et histoire. L'organisation militaire et politique des Ioniens en Achaïe à l'époque archaïque.Bruno Helly - 1997 - Topoi 7 (1):207-262.
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  13.  29
    Sobre a filosofia como pedagógica do sagrado: uma abordagem decolonial.Bruno Santos Alexandre - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022024.
    Trata-se, neste artigo, de investigar as noções de filosofia, pedagogia e espírito à luz dos debates decoloniais. Neste sentido, a partir de um diálogo que procuro estabelecer com Enrique Dussel, Catherine Walsh e M. Jacqui Alexander, desenvolvo três hipóteses. Em primeiro lugar, apresento certa noção de pedagogia como constitutiva da própria filosofia (portanto, a ideia de pedagogia para além de mero instrumento, meio ou termo acessório à filosofia). Em segundo lugar, argumento que essa dita pedagógica-filosófica precisará ser entendida como a (...)
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  14.  12
    Democracy and the Intersection of Religion and Traditions: The Reading of John Dewey's Understanding of Democracy and Education.Rosa Bruno-Jofré, James Scott Johnston & Gonzalo Jover - 2010 - McGill Queens University Press.
    How are ideas about education and democracy configured and reconfigured as they travel? Democracy and the Intersection of Religion looks at the work of John Dewey, the renowned philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer, and the ways in which his educational ideas and democratic ideals have been configured and reconfigured, adopted, and interpreted in different historical and cultural spaces.
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  15.  20
    Nuovi libri.di Bruno Maiorca Abbagfiano - 1999 - Rivista di Filosofia 90 (3).
  16.  17
    No Evidence for an Auditory Attentional Blink for Voices Regardless of Musical Expertise.Merve Akça, Bruno Laeng & Rolf Inge Godøy - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background. Attending to goal-relevant information can leave us metaphorically ‘blind’ or ‘deaf’ to the next relevant information while searching among distracters. This temporal cost lasting for about a half a second on the human selective attention has been long explored using the attentional blink paradigm. Although there is evidence that certain visual stimuli relating to one’s area of expertise can be less susceptible to attentional blink effects, it remains unexplored whether the dynamics of temporal selective attention vary with expertise and (...)
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    Modeling Sonority in Terms of Pitch Intelligibility With the Nucleus Attraction Principle.Aviad Albert & Bruno Nicenboim - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (7):e13161.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 7, July 2022.
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    Economics and Performativity : Exploring Limits, Theories and Cases, Nicolas Brisset.Bruno Ambroise - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (1):171-189.
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    Medicamentos, tecnociências e a figura do monstro como horizonte ético.Bruno Vasconcelos de Almeida - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 10 (19):39.
    Os medicamentos estão presentes no cotidiano de pessoas e sociedades de uma maneira inédita no âmbito da cultura. Do ponto de vista da economia, produção, circulação e consumo cresceram massivamente e integram de maneira decisiva os fluxos financeiros produtivos e rentistas que atravessam o planeta. Do ponto de vista das subjetividades, e enquanto objetos tecnológicos, eles atendem às demandas dos processos saúde doença, contribuem para a melhoria de diferentes performatividades humanas e ainda alimentam o sonho do melhoramento e da felicidade. (...)
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  20.  77
    On the origins of Dee’s mathematical programme: The John Dee–Pedro Nunes connection.Bruno Almeida - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (3):460-469.
    In a letter addressed to Mercator in 1558, John Dee made an odd announcement, describing the Portuguese mathematician and cosmographer Pedro Nunes as the ‘most learned and grave man who is the sole relic and ornament and prop of the mathematical arts among us’, and appointing him his intellectual executor. This episode shows that Dee considered Nunes one of his most distinguished contemporaries, and also that some connection existed between the two men. Unfortunately not much is known about this connection, (...)
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  21.  7
    Arte e virtude em Montaigne e Diderot.Bruno Alonso - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (3):156-165.
    Montaigne e Diderot foram filósofos, humanistas e defensores de um ceticismo crítico. Seus escritos se caracterizam por um estilo de escrita fluído, privado e cômico. Em Diderot vemos um filósofo dramaturgo, autor e crítico de peças teatrais. Em Montaigne um filósofo não acadêmico, um magistrado avesso ao perfeccionismo da filosofia escolástica, que instaurou um novo estilo de escrita. Há um traço em comum na forma como ambos compreendem a filosofia. Para Montaigne e Diderot, ética e estética são dois domínios da (...)
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  22.  26
    La ética estóica como una guía para la vida política en Marco Aurelio.Bruno Alonso - 2020 - Escritos 28 (61):51-61.
    Marcus Aurelius reigned from 161 A.D. to 180 A.D., and he ranks among the most successful emperors of the antonine dynasty. The success of his administration may be attributed to his philosopher personality and, more than that, to his stoic character. Meditations presents thoughts of a stoicism devotee, which reflects in moments of intimacy on the challenges that he faced throughout his life as an emperor. It is in the practice of the ethical precepts of stoicism that he finds his (...)
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  23.  34
    Bernardo de Sigüenza: A reconquista como fundamento para a dominação através do poder senhorial-episcopal em Castela no Século XII.Bruno Gonçalves Alvaro - 2016 - Diálogos (Maringa) 20 (3):116.
    Através da análise da trajetória do aquitano Bernardo de Agen, bispo e senhor de Sigüenza entre os anos de 1124 a 1151, discutiremos neste artigo como o processo de reconquista territorial empreendida durante a Idade Média Central foi um dos fundamentos para o exercício da dominação eclesiástica na região de Castela, na Península Ibérica. Munido de um poder específico o qual chamamos de poder senhorial-episcopal, o bispo seguntino despontou como um dos principais nomes inseridos na política castelhano-leonesa, encabeçada por uma (...)
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  24.  16
    Sujeito Laborans: Uma Narrativa Sobre a Identificação Do Sujeito da Psicanálise Confrontado Pelo Trabalho.Bruno Costa Alvares & Kamayra Gomes Mendes - 2021 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 7 (1):172-188.
    A pesquisa pretende fazer uma narrativa, à luz da teoria de Jacques-Alain Miller, sobre o sujeito em dialética com as formas jurídicas do trabalho. Considerando a dinâmica social transpassada pela mercantilização, buscou-se uma elucidação sobre a formação e relação do sujeito com a linguagem e o ’Outro’, não concebida no entendimento do sujeito de direito tradicional. Como resultado, notou-se que a desconsideração da subjetivação do trabalhador é uma lacuna no mundo jurídico, que viabiliza sua reiterada sujeição e descaracteriza a proteção (...)
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  25.  45
    Le problème de l'ontologie des actes sociaux : Searle héritier de Reinach?Bruno Ambroise - 2005 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 72 (1):55.
    A. Reinach et J. Searle sont bien connus pour avoir chacun développé une théorie de la réalité sociale prenant appui sur le cas particulier de la promesse. Celle-ci est vue comme un acte de parole primordial où la relation à l’autre à qui l’on promet est constitutive de l’acte : c’est ce qui fait son caractère social. Cette caractéristique entraîne une véritable objectivité des obligations engendrées. Pourtant, ces similitudes dans l’analyse recouvrent des divergences conceptuelles fortes entre le tenant d’une phénoménologie (...)
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  26.  14
    Philosophie du langage: Signification, vérité, réalité.Bruno Ambroise & Sandra Laugier - 2009 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    La philosophie du langage issue du tournant linguistique, apparue avec Frege a l'oree du XXe siecle, peut paraitre depassee de nos jours par la philosophie de l'esprit ou le cognitivisme. Ce volume vise a illustrer au contraire la vitalite et la radicalite des premieres theories de la signification et de la reference. Il parcourt, a travers une serie de textes devenus classiques, l'evolution de la problematique de la signification, sa definition comme mode de presentation de la reference, son explosion avec (...)
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  27. The emergence of embodied communication in artificial agents and humans.Bruno Galantucci & Steels & Luc - 2008 - In Ipke Wachsmuth, Manuela Lenzen & Günther Knoblich, Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines. Oxford University Press.
  28.  11
    'Etat dans la problématique de la régulation.Bruno Théret - 1995 - Actuel Marx 17:66-74.
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    Social Conventions: From Language to Law.Bruno Verbeek - 2014 - Philosophical Review 123 (2):247-250.
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    Editorial: Special Issue CISIS13-IGPL.Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Ajith Abraham, André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, Pablo García Bringas, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (1).
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    Accompagner les groupes de recherche collaborative : en quoi consiste ce « faire avec »?Bruno Bourrassa, France Picard, Yann le Bossé & Geneviève Fournier - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (1-2):60-73.
    Collaborative inquiry (CI) often prefers using the small group as the main method of investigation serving the twin goals that characterize this type of research—the production of scientific knowledge and the professional development of its participants. The small group offers researchers and practitioners a mutual space for analyzing issues of common interest which arise from the day-to-day experience of the latter. Supporting these groups and their participants can be a major challenge and plays a crucial role in carrying out a (...)
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  32.  5
    The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological Methodology.O. P. Bruno M. Shah - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1265-1295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological MethodologyBruno M. Shah O.P.Recent trends in Catholic theology emphasize the category of "mystery." But "problems," which can seem distinct from and even opposed to mysteries, have a constitutive role in the work of theology as well. If the object of faith is God, and if theology's goal is typically defined as "faith seeking understanding," then the object of theology must include the (...)
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  33.  25
    Die Ausdrücke für den Begriff des Wissens in der vorplatonischen Philosophie.Bruno Snell - 1924 - New York: Arno Press.
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  34. Patterns of hemispheric specialization after hemidecortication for infantile hemiplegia.Bruno Kohn & Maureen Dennis - 1974 - In Marcel Kinsbourne & Wallace Lynn Smith, Hemispheric Disconnection and Cerebral Function. Charles C. pp. 5--33.
  35. Observações sobre “O Ramo Dourado” de Frazer.Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bruno Monteiro, João José Almeida & Nuno Venturinha (eds.) - 2011 - Porto: Deriva.
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  36.  19
    La memoria y el río. Sobre Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata (2013) de Eduardo Navarro.Iván Wrobel & Paula Bruno Garcén - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (24):e128.
    ¿El agua recuerda? ¿Cómo es posible visualizar y sanar su memoria? En el año 2013 el artista Eduardo Navarro presentó su obra Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata en el Parque de la Memoria - Monumento a las Víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado, como parte de la exhibición Aquella mañana fue como si recuperara, si no la felicidad, sí la energía, una energía que se parecía mucho al humor, un humor que se parecía mucho a la memoria, bajo la (...)
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  37.  25
    Politique de Durkheim. Société, humanité, État.Bruno Karsenti - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (51).
    The essay moves from the tension between society and humanity, between nationalism and cosmopolitism, in order to discuss the sociological concept of the State according to Emile Durkheim. The author criticizes Pierre Bourdieu who maintains that the Durkheimian State was only the expression of the French republican society at the end of the 19th century. The State should be instead for Durkheim the organized expression of the authority existing in every society. Unlike what happens in modern political theory, in particular (...)
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  38.  37
    The Bounds of Justification.G. Anthony Bruno - 2007 - Dissertation, Queen's University
    Thesis (Master, Philosophy) -- Queen's University, 2007-09-28 11:57:18.196.
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  39.  51
    The Bounds of Life: The Role of Death in Schelling's Internal Critique of German Idealism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    What conditions the possibility of existentially valuable experience? Against nihilism, the threat that philosophical cognition undermines the very idea of purposiveness, German idealism posits that we are unconditionally conditioned by life, construed as the infinite purposive activity of reason. I reconstruct Schelling’s critique of this project as defending the idea that death conditions or puts into question our rational activity. Scholars tend to read the idealists as rejecting Kant’s idea of an unknowable thing in itself by grounding philosophy on a (...)
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  40.  56
    (1 other version)The heroic enthusiasts (part 2 of 2).Giordano Bruno - unknown
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  41.  9
    Articoli: Alhθeia logica, alhθeia ontologica in platone.Bruno Centrone - 2014 - Méthexis 27 (1):7-23.
    My paper aims to analyse the Platonic conception of ontological ὰλήθεια and verify whether or not this conception depends on the etymological origin of the Greek word as a derivative noun from λανθάνειν. I shall start my inquiry by referring to Heidegger’s philosophical characterisation of ὰλήθεια as Unverborgenheit, and move on to quote relevant passages from the Homeric poems. I shall try to demonstrate – through the evidence from some key-passages of the Republic, the Phaedo, the Phaedrus and the Philebus (...)
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  42.  51
    La politique du dehors.Bruno Karsenti - 2005 - Multitudes 3 (3):37-50.
    The courses by Michel Foucault recently published invite us to approach the question of the State, and more generally that of politics, from the point of view of governing and “governmentality”. Through such concepts surfaces a constant methodological urge to approach things from the outside, to study multiplicities, “connexions with the heterogeneous”, historical configurations where disparate elements interact while remaining disparate. The same approach structures the understanding of this form of governmentality known as liberalism. In order to understand its nature, (...)
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  43. Religious rituals and logical thought in Durkheim : the level of existence of social things.Bruno Karsenti - 2024 - In Hans Joas & Andreas Pettenkofer, The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  44. Euripideum.Bruno Keil - 1889 - Hermes 24 (2):301.
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    Disorganized behavior on Link's cube test is sensitive to right hemispheric frontal lobe damage in stroke patients.Bruno Kopp, Nina Rösser, Sandra Tabeling, Hans Jörg Stürenburg, Bianca de Haan, Hans-Otto Karnath & Karl Wessel - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Ricordo di Enrico Berti.Bruno Centrone - 2022 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 43 (1):1-6.
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    Pre-conventions.Bruno Celano - 2016 - Revus 30:9-32.
    In this paper I argue that there exist conventions of a peculiar sort which are neither norms nor regularities of behaviour, partaking of both. I proceed as follows. After a brief analysis of the meaning of ‘convention’, I give some examples of the kind of phenomena I have in mind: bodily skills, know-how, taste and style, habitus, “disciplines”. Then I group some arguments supporting my claim: considerations about the identity conditions of precedents and about the projectibility of predicates in inductive (...)
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  48.  7
    Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation: 7th International Conference, AISC 2004 Linz, Austria, September 22–24, 2004 Proceedings.Bruno Buchberger & John A. Campbell - 2004 - Springer Verlag.
    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, AISC 2004, held in Linz, Austria in September 2004. The 17 revised full papers and 4 revised short papers presented together with 4 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are devoted to all current aspects in the area of symbolic computing and AI: mathematical foundations, implementations, and applications in industry and academia.
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    Giordano Bruno's Infinitely Numerous Worlds and ‘Lunar’ Literature.Bruno Ferraro - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (7):727-736.
    This paper analyses Giordano Bruno's dialogue De l’infinito universo e mondi (The Infinite Universe and Worlds), written during his stay in England (1583–85), in the context of his philosophical works and, particularly, within the context of scientific and imaginative writings such as Cyrano de Bergerac's Other Worlds (published posthumously in 1662) and Francis Godwin's The Man in the Moone (1638). The article also discusses the contemporary speculations of Galileo and Kepler regarding the existence of a plurality of worlds and (...)
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  50. Giordano Bruno.Giordano Bruno - 1944 - [Milano]: Garzanti. Edited by Augusto Guzzo.
    Giordano Bruno.--La cena de le ceneri.--De la causa, principio e uno.--De l'infinito, universi e mondi.--Spaccio de la bestia trionfante.--De gli eroici furori.--Accusa e condanna di Bruno.--Nota bibliografica (p. 313-315).
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