Results for 'Bruno Novaes'

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  1.  12
    A linguagem filmográfica e a representação estética de Lula em documentários.Bruno Novaes Araujo - 2021 - Páginas de Filosofía 10 (1):73-95.
    Esse artigo é um resumo de uma tese de doutorado iniciada em 2017 que tem como objetivo analisar onze filmes do gênero documentário que abordam a liderança política de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ao longo de sua trajetória no cenário nacional. Discuto, entendendo os documentários como fontes narrativas, o tipo de liderança política de Lula nos momentos específicos de suas produções, analisando esteticamente como ele foi representado pelos diversos diretores. Como objetivo específico, busco identificar traços do fenômeno político discutido (...)
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    A representação do conceito de liberdade em “Merli” – uma práxis pedagógica.José Pascoal Mantovani & Bruno Novaes - 2020 - Páginas de Filosofía 8 (1-2):3.
    Nesse artigo temos como objetivo analisar a representação do conceito de liberdade na primeira temporada da série “Merli”, veiculada no canal de streaming Netflix. Nela, pretendemos verificar como o professor de Filosofia Merli Bergeron trabalha conceitos libertários e suscita reflexões críticas em seus alunos sobre os padrões de convívio socialmente impostos pelas instituições primárias e secundárias. Ao mesmo tempo, pretendemos abordar a personalidade do professor, discutindo sobre o convívio que ele mantém com os colegas de trabalho e seus alunos, assim (...)
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    Book review: Novaes, C.d, the dialogical roots of deduction: Historical, cognitive and philosophical perspectives on reasoning.Bruno Ramos Mendonça - 2021 - Manuscrito 44 (2):157-165.
    In this article, I review the new book by C. D. Novaes, The Dialogical Roots of Deduction: Historical, Cognitive, and Philosophical Perspectives on Reasoning. I reconstruct the main themes and arguments presented in the work and critically assess its results.
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  4. Nova Rješenja Za Profesionalne Izazove Pomoraca – Antistres Programi I Razvijanje Kritičkog Mišljenja.Bruno Curko & Nenad Vertovsek - 2010 - Metodicki Ogledi 17 (1-2):87-103.
    U suvremenom svijetu sve je više visoko stresnih zanimanja. Često se među tim zanimanjima izostavlja ili zaboravlja izuzetno stresan posao pomoracā, čiji radni uvjeti posjeduju više izvora stresa. U članku autori sugeriraju dvije ideje koje bi pomorcima mogle pomoći u lakšem svladavanju poslovnih izazova. Prvi prijedlog je antistresni program koji sprječava uzroke nastanka stresa, kako u poslu tako i u ostalim segmentima života. Drugi prijedlog su radionice za kritičko promišljanje pomoću kojih bi se kod pomoraca mogla poboljšati komunikacija, uravnotežiti međuljudski (...)
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  5. Ni convoitise ni domination: À propos de Gn 3, 16.Bruno Ognibeni - 2004 - Nova et Vetera 79 (1):53-63.
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    présence de la Psychanalyse dans la Philosophie de la Nouvelle Musique d’Ornement.Bruno Carvalho - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):121-144.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the presence of psychoanalysis in Adorno’s ’Philosophy of the new music’. He draws on the Benjaminian scheme of understanding Baudelaire’s poetry (understood as an elaboration of the shock experiences in life in post-industrial Revolution capitalism), but uses it in music criticism. The works of Schönberg and Stravinsky, the mostimportant composers of two schools of the so-called “new or modern music”, deals with different compositional subjects and their ways of dealing with the shocks (...)
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    Rebuilding Catholic Culture: How the Catechism Can Shape Our Common Life by Ryan N. S. Topping.Bruno M. Shah - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):699-702.
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  8. The Parallactic Leap: Fichte, Apperception, and the Hard Problem of Consciousness.G. Anthony Bruno - 2021 - In Parallax: The Dependence of Reality on its Subjective Constitution.
    A precursor to the hard problem of consciousness confronts nihilism. Like physicalism, nihilism collides with the first-personal fact of what perception and action are like. Unless this problem is solved, nature’s inclusion of conscious experience will remain, as Chalmers warns the physicalist, an “unanswered question” and, as Jacobi chides the nihilist, “completely inexplicable". One advantage of Kant’s Copernican turn is to dismiss the question that imposes this hard problem. We need not ask how nature is accompanied by the first-person standpoint (...)
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  9. Petit philosophy - experiemental project of philosophy for children.Bruno Ćurko & Ivana Kragić - 2009 - Childhood and Philosophy 5 (9):153-171.
    Petit philosophy is an experimental project, conducted in the private elementary school Nova in Zadar, Croatia, aimed at introducing philosophy to children in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. In this program we make use of children’s stories and games, but the program itself does not differ essentially from other philosophy programs for children in so far as it makes use of discussions, questions, arguments and counterarguments. This article offers the complete syllabus of our program for one school year, together (...)
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  10. Les noces du sixième jour (Jn 2, 1-11).Bruno Ognibeni - 2006 - Nova et Vetera 81 (4):51-60.
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    A corrupção em perspectiva latino-americana: a fetichização do poder na obra política de Enrique Dussel.Daniel Pansarelli & Bruno Reikdal Lima - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):339-356.
    Resumo: O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o tema da corrupção, a partir da filosofia política de Enrique Dussel. No marco dos movimentos críticos que emergem no chamado Sul Global, a produção teórica de Dussel busca desenvolver uma estrutura que possibilite a crítica ao que denomina como fetichização do poder. Esse conteúdo é abordado como fundamento da corrupção das instituições que, despercebido pela tradição filosófica moderna, implica uma teoria política que legitima o poder corrompido. Na argumentação aqui concretizada, será (...)
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    John Dewey e a ética da experimentação animal.Bruno Araújo Alencar & Heraldo Aparecido Silva - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):58364-58364.
    O trabalho tem o objetivo de evidenciar a ética da experimentação animal em John Dewey, observando se é possível propor uma deliberação moral antiespecista. Assim, analisaremos o modo deweyano de aliar uma ética voltada ao progresso humano, mesmo que dela resultem condutas que desencadeiem na exploração de animais não humanos, verificando paulatinamente se é possível propor uma deliberação moral de maneira criativa por meio da experiência humana e que beneficie os animais não humanos. No primeiro momento, será exposto o conceito (...)
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    The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological Methodology.O. P. Bruno M. Shah - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1265-1295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological MethodologyBruno M. Shah O.P.Recent trends in Catholic theology emphasize the category of "mystery." But "problems," which can seem distinct from and even opposed to mysteries, have a constitutive role in the work of theology as well. If the object of faith is God, and if theology's goal is typically defined as "faith seeking understanding," then the object of theology must include the (...)
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  14. Wolff e Kant sobre obrigação e lei natural: a rejeição do voluntarismo teológico na moral.Cunha Bruno - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (3):99-116.
    RESUMO:O objetivo deste artigo é discutir sobre os conceitos de obrigação e lei natural, tendo como referência o polêmico debate moderno envolvendo intelectualismo e voluntarismo. Em um primeiro momento, destacaremos a rejeição de Wolff ao voluntarismo de Pufendorf e sua orientação em direção ao intelectualismo de Leibniz. Conforme essa nova orientação, uma teoria da lei natural não deve basear seu conceito de obrigação na autoridade das leis e em seu poder coercitivo, mas, por outro lado, unicamente na ideia de necessidade (...)
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    Aquinas at Prayer: The Bible, Mysticism and Poetry by Paul Murray.Bruno M. Shah O. P. - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (1):362-366.
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    Intervenção Estatal Em Prol Das Empresas de Pequeno Porte À Luz da Nova Lei de Licitações e Contratos.Marcus Aurélio Vale da Silva, Marisa Rossignoli & Bruno Bastos de Oliveira - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 9 (1).
    Fomentar a atuação das micro e pequenas empresas deve se tornar um dos principais escopos das políticas públicas brasileiras direcionadas ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico, considerando o tratamento diferenciado previsto no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, que também prevê legalmente a possibilidade da aplicação de benefícios aos microempreendedores, mas que ainda não atingem os objetivos que transcendem à seara econômica. O estudo almeja trazer reflexões e a compreensão de alguns dos dispositivos de fomento às micro e pequenas empresas à luz da nova lei de (...)
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    Aristoteles bei Giordano Bruno: Studien zur philosophischen Rezeption.Paul Richard Blum - 1980 - München: Fink.
    Translations: Giordano Bruno Teaches Aristotle. Nordhausen (Bautz) 2016 (Studia Classica et Medievalia 12) ) Giordano Bruno lettore di Aristotele. Ricezione e critica. Lugano (Agorà) 2016 (Novae Insulae: Testi e storia della filosofia 3) .
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  18. Giordano Bruno: o uno e o múltiplo.Jairo Dias Carvalho - 2007 - Princípios 14 (22):205-219.
    Nosso objetivo é compreender que figura de imanência a filosofia de Giordano Bruno constrói. Interessa-nos compreender como Bruno naturaliza Parmênides, ou como medita de forma diferente de Plotino o poema parmenidiano. Em Bruno vemos aparecer um componente que será precioso na determinaçáo positiva da idéia de imanência: a compreensáo de que náo há um fora radical à natureza. Bruno também criticará Scoto e sua figura da univocidade relacionada a um conceito neutro produzindo uma nova imagem da (...)
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    Sull’Infinito di Giordano Bruno (On the Infinite by Giordano Bruno).Luca Granieri - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (1).
    The notion of infinity and its atomistic counterpart are discussed in the framework of Giordano Bruno philosophy. The role played by mathematics is considered as well. _Keywords_: mathematics; atomism; philosophy of science; history of science; infinite. [1] Sunto Si discute il ruolo del concetto di infinito e il ruolo della matematica nella _nova filosofia_ di Giordano Bruno, in relazione agli _Infiniti Mondi_ e al problema del _minimo_. _Parole chiave_: matematica; scienza; atomismo; storia della scienza; filosofia della scienza; infinito.
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    A gnose se Sampaio Bruno.Afonso Rocha - 2009 - Sintra: Zéfiro.
    A VISÃO FILOSÓFICA DA GNOSE DE SAMPAIO BRUNO, O MAIS IMPORTANTE MÍSTICO GNÓSTICO PORTUGUÊS DOS TEMPOS MODERNOS Autor da concepção gnóstica mais reflectida, mais coerente e mais abrangente sob o ponto de vista filosófico e metafísico-teológico, Sampaio Bruno será nos tempos modernos o mais representativo e importante místico gnóstico português Procurando fundamentar a proposta de uma religião esotérica universal, Sampaio Bruno realiza a ideia de uma nova concepção da gnose em detrimento da velha gnose, que é essencialmente (...)
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    As doutrinas do "hen Kai pan": Giordano Bruno E espinosa na leitura de F. H. Jacobi.Juliana Ferraci Martone - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 39:215-244.
    As denominadas filosofias do _hen kai pan_tiveram um papel determinante no pensamento alemão do século XVIII e XIX, em boa parte devido ao tratamento que lhes foi dado por F. H. Jacobi em _Sobre a doutrina de Espinosa em cartas ao senhor Moses Mendelssohn _. Espinosa e Giordano Bruno são os grandes representantes desse modo de pensar, e suas filosofias inauguram uma nova articulação entre causa e razão, mundo e Deus. Jacobi identifica em ambos o modelo da máxima coerência (...)
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    Formal Languages in Logic: A Philosophical and Cognitive Analysis.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Formal languages are widely regarded as being above all mathematical objects and as producing a greater level of precision and technical complexity in logical investigations because of this. Yet defining formal languages exclusively in this way offers only a partial and limited explanation of the impact which their use actually has. In this book, Catarina Dutilh Novaes adopts a much wider conception of formal languages so as to investigate more broadly what exactly is going on when theorists put these (...)
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  23. Carnapian explication and ameliorative analysis: a systematic comparison.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1011-1034.
    A distinction often drawn is one between conservative versus revisionary conceptions of philosophical analysis with respect to commonsensical beliefs and intuitions. This paper offers a comparative investigation of two revisionary methods: Carnapian explication and ameliorative analysis as developed by S. Haslanger. It is argued that they have a number of common features, and in particular that they share a crucial political dimension: they both have the potential to serve as instrument for social reform. Indeed, they may produce improved versions of (...)
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    The Hermeneutics of Los Siete Libros De La Diana.Bruno M. Damiani & Gregory B. Kaplan - 1998 - Mediaevalia 22 (1):149-173.
  25. VII—Can Arguments Change Minds?Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2023 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 123 (2):173-198.
    Can arguments change minds? Philosophers like to think that they can. However, a wealth of empirical evidence suggests that arguments are not very efficient tools to change minds. What to make of the different assessments of the mind-changing potential of arguments? To address this issue, we must take into account the broader contexts in which arguments occur, in particular the propagation of messages across networks of attention, and the choices that epistemic agents must make between alternative potential sources of content (...)
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  26. Insolubilia and the fallacy secundum quid et simpliciter.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Stephen Read - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (2):175-191.
    Thomas Bradwardine makes much of the fact that his solution to the insolubles is in accordance with Aristotle's diagnosis of the fallacy in the Liar paradox as that of secundum quid et simpliciter. Paul Spade, however, claims that this invocation of Aristotle by Bradwardine is purely "honorary" in order to confer specious respectability on his analysis and give it a spurious weight of authority. Our answer to Spade follows Bradwardine's response to the problem of revenge: any proposition saying of itself (...)
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    Buridan's consequentia: consequence and inference within a token-based semantics.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (4):277-297.
    I examine the theory of consequentia of the medieval logician, John Buridan. Buridan advocates a strict commitment to what we now call proposition-tokens as the bearers of truth-value. The analysis of Buridan's theory shows that, within a token-based semantics, amendments to the usual notions of inference and consequence are made necessary, since pragmatic elements disrupt the semantic behaviour of propositions. In my reconstruction of Buridan's theory, I use some of the apparatus of modern two-dimensional semantics, such as two-dimensional matrices and (...)
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  28. Reductio ad absurdum from a dialogical perspective.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (10):2605-2628.
    It is well known that reductio ad absurdum arguments raise a number of interesting philosophical questions. What does it mean to assert something with the precise goal of then showing it to be false, i.e. because it leads to absurd conclusions? What kind of absurdity do we obtain? Moreover, in the mathematics education literature number of studies have shown that students find it difficult to truly comprehend the idea of reductio proofs, which indicates the cognitive complexity of these constructions. In (...)
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  29. Carnapian explication, formalisms as cognitive tools, and the paradox of adequate formalization.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Erich Reck - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):195-215.
    Explication is the conceptual cornerstone of Carnap’s approach to the methodology of scientific analysis. From a philosophical point of view, it gives rise to a number of questions that need to be addressed, but which do not seem to have been fully addressed by Carnap himself. This paper reconsiders Carnapian explication by comparing it to a different approach: the ‘formalisms as cognitive tools’ conception. The comparison allows us to discuss a number of aspects of the Carnapian methodology, as well as (...)
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    The relevance of salience for the epistemology of mathematics.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (3):810-816.
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    Should We Be Genealogically Anxious?Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2023 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 47:103-133.
    Genealogical anxiety is the worry that the origins of beliefs, once revealed to be influenced by “irrelevant” factors such as personal histories and circumstances of upbringing, will undermine or cast doubt on those beliefs. Discussions on these irrelevant influences in the epistemological literature have so far primarily focused on their contingency. But there is another issue that merits further examination: the fact that epistemic environments condition beliefs suggests that epistemic agency is significantly curtailed. I present a model of belief-forming processes (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Logic.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Stephen Read (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume, the first dedicated and comprehensive companion to medieval logic, covers both the Latin and the Arabic traditions, and shows that they were in fact sister traditions, which both arose against the background of a Hellenistic heritage and which influenced one another over the centuries. A series of chapters by both established and younger scholars covers the whole period including early and late developments, and offers new insights into this extremely rich period in the history of logic. The volume (...)
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  33. Is Fake News Old News?Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Jeroen de Ridder - 2021 - In Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree & Thomas Grundmann (eds.), The Epistemology of Fake News. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    The (higher-order) evidential significance of attention and trust—comments on Levy’s Bad Beliefs.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (4):792-807.
    In Bad Beliefs, Levy presents a picture of belief-forming processes according to which, on most matters of significance, we defer to reliable sources by relying extensively on cultural and social cues. Levy conceptualizes the kind of evidence provided by socio-cultural environments as higher-order evidence. But his notion of higher-order evidence seems to differ from those available in the epistemological literature on higher-order evidence, and this calls for a reflection on how exactly social and cultural cues are/count as/provide higher-order evidence. In (...)
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  35.  50
    The Buridanian Account of Inferential Relations between Doubly Quantified Propositions: a Proof of Soundness.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (3):225-243.
    On the basis of passages from John Buridan's Summula Suppositionibus and Sophismata, E. Karger has reconstructed what could be called the 'Buridanian theory of inferential relations between doubly quantified propositions', presented in her 1993 article 'A theory of immediate inference contained in Buridan's logic'. In the reconstruction, she focused on the syntactical elements of Buridan's theory of modes of personal supposition to extract patterns of formally valid inferences between members of a certain class of basic categorical propositions. The present study (...)
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  36. A Dialogical Account of Deductive Reasoning as a Case Study for how Culture Shapes Cognition.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2013 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 13 (5):459-482.
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    Talisse’s Overdoing Democracy and the Inevitability of Conflict.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Research 46:155-171.
    Overdoing Democracy is an important contribution to the literature on (deliberative) democracy, as it offers a sobering diagnosis of the risks and pitfalls of (overdoing) democracy in the form of internal critique. But the book does not go far enough in its diagnosis because it is not sufficiently critical towards some of the basic assumptions of deliberative conceptions of democracy. In particular, Talisse does not sufficiently attend to the inevitable power struggles in a society, where different groups and individuals must (...)
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    Formal Methods and the History of Philosophy.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2012 - In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), Introduction to Formal Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 81-92.
    Although not entirely mainstream, uses of formal methods for the study of the history of philosophy, the history of logic in particular, represent an important trend in recent philosophical historiography. In this chapter, I discuss what can be achieved by the application of formal methods to the history of philosophy, addressing both motivations and potential pitfalls. The first section focuses on methodological aspects, and the second section presents three case studies of historical theories which have been investigated with formal tools: (...)
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  39. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation.Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Henrike Jansen, Jan Albert Van Laar & Bart Verheij (eds.) - 2020 - College Publications.
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  40. Reason to Dissent. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation.Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Henrike Jansen, Jan Albert Van Laar & Bart Verheij (eds.) - 2020 - College Publications.
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  41. Reasoning Biases, Non‐Monotonic Logics and Belief Revision.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Herman Veluwenkamp - 2016 - Theoria 82 (4):29-52.
    A range of formal models of human reasoning have been proposed in a number of fields such as philosophy, logic, artificial intelligence, computer science, psychology, cognitive science, etc.: various logics, probabilistic systems, belief revision systems, neural networks, among others. Now, it seems reasonable to require that formal models of human reasoning be empirically adequate if they are to be viewed as models of the phenomena in question. How are formal models of human reasoning typically put to empirical test? One way (...)
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    The Inflated Promise of Science Education.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Silvia Ivani - 2022 - Boston Review.
    We can’t simply teach our way out of anti-science sentiment. Building public trust is as much about power as about knowledge.
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    O avesso da liberdade.Adauto Novaes (ed.) - 2002 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Companhia das Letras.
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    Paradoxes and structural rules from a dialogical perspective.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Rohan French - 2018 - Philosophical Issues 28 (1):129-158.
    In recent years, substructural approaches to paradoxes have become quite popular. But whatever restrictions on structural rules we may want to enforce, it is highly desirable that such restrictions be accompanied by independent philosophical motivation, not directly related to paradoxes. Indeed, while these recent developments have shed new light on a number of issues pertaining to paradoxes, it seems that we now have even more open questions than before, in particular two very pressing ones: what (independent) motivations do we have (...)
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    De paradoxen van (in)tolerantie in epistemische netwerken.Merel Talbi & Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2024 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116 (1):55-73.
    The paradoxes of (in)tolerance in epistemic networks Does the Capitol invasion of January 2021 teach us that intolerant viewpoints have no place in public debates? This view is defensible on the basis of Karl Popper’s paradox of tolerance, which states that too much tolerance will ultimately entail the demise of that very tolerance. But how are the limits of (in)tolerance to be determined? We argue that Popper’s purely epistemological interpretation of the concept of tolerance is untenable; determining such limits ultimately (...)
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  46. Laboratory Life. The Social Construction of Scientific Facts.Bruno Latour & Steve Woolgar - 1982 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 13 (1):166-170.
  47. Transversabilidade, Bioética e Complexidade: Considerações acerca de uma Metabioética.Antonio Basilio Novaes Thomaz de Menezes - 1997 - Princípios 4 (5):29-40.
    A ideia central deste texto é de discutir as condições de compreensáo da bioetica, a partir da hipotese de um quadro referendal que residiria no proprio entendimento do conceito. Assim, o texto inicia por uma analise da compreens áo do conceito, para depois apontar para um quadro referendal derivado do mesmo, e, finalmente, apresentar a ideia de uma metabioetica, enquanto uma perspectiva de compreens áo da bioetica que pode ser estruturada a partir do principio da complexidade, aplicado as Ciencias Humanas (...)
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    As Confissões como elogio do diálogo.Moacyr Novaes - 2019 - Discurso 49 (1):7-29.
    O artigo é a primeira parte de um trabalho que propõe ler as Confissões como um diálogo, no conteúdo e na forma. Um diálogo pretendido com Deus, e também um diálogo segundo sua forma de composição. O prólogo geral da obra será apresentado como lugar de formulação de impasses teóricos, que darão unidade à investigação desenvolvida no conjunto dos treze livros. A elaboração dos impasses, já no prólogo, dependerá do uso e da crítica de modelos consagrados. Ao manejar e se (...)
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    Contribuição de Hannah Arendt à tradição republicana: liberdade e vida do espírito.Adriana Carvalho Novaes - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):138-148.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo, a partir da retomada da crítica neorrepublicana à ideia de liberdade política de Hannah Arendt, esclarecer o significado da liberdade para a autora e sua contribuição para a retomada do republicanismo, a saber, por uma teoria da liberdade ampla, fundamentada no cultivo das atividades espirituais.
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  50. Mathematical reasoning and external symbolic systems.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2013 - Logique Et Analyse 56 (221):45-65.
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