Results for 'Bruce Michelson'

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  1.  22
    tives, ed. Bruce P. Frohnen and Kenneth L. Grasso (University of.Michal Michelson - 2009 - History of Political Thought 30 (4).
  2. Social Justice in the Liberal State.Bruce Ackerman - 1980 - Yale University Press.
    Offers a compelling vision of how to achieve and conduct a liberal but democratic society through the ideal of Neutrality--between people and ideas of the good--and using the tool of Neutral dialogue.
  3.  28
    Developing, Administering, and Scoring the Healthcare Ethics Consultant Certification Examination.Courtenay R. Bruce, Chris Feudtner, Daniel Davis & Mary Beth Benner - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (5):15-22.
    In November 2018, the practice of health care ethics consultation crossed a major threshold when 138 candidates took the inaugural Healthcare Ethics Consultant Certification Examination. This accomplishment, long in the making, has had and continues to have both advocates and critics. The Healthcare Ethics Consultant Certification Commission, a functionally autonomous body created and funded by the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, was charged with overseeing creation of the certification process, developing the exam, and formulating certification standards and policies to (...)
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  4. Strengthening the impairment argument against abortion.Bruce Blackshaw & Perry Hendricks - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):515-518.
    Perry Hendricks’ impairment argument for the immorality of abortion is based on two premises: first, impairing a fetus with fetal alcohol syndrome is immoral, and second, if impairing an organism to some degree is immoral, then ceteris paribus, impairing it to a higher degree is also immoral. He calls this the impairment principle. Since abortion impairs a fetus to a higher degree than FAS, it follows from these two premises that abortion is immoral. Critics have focussed on the ceteris paribus (...)
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    ""The" futility debate" and the management of Gordian knots.Bruce E. Zawacki - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (2):112-127.
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    Genome Editing and Responsible Innovation, Can They Be Reconciled?Ann Bruce & Donald Bruce - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):769-788.
    Genome editing is revolutionising the field of genetics, which includes novel applications to food animals. Responsible research and innovation has been advocated as a way of ensuring that a wider-range of stakeholders and publics are able to engage with new and emerging technologies to inform decision making from their perspectives and values. We posit that genome editing is now proceeding at such a fast rate, and in so many different directions, such as to overwhelm attempts to achieving a more reflective (...)
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    Doctor Strange, Master of the Medical and Martial Arts.Bruce Wright & E. Paul Zehr - 2018 - In Marc D. White (ed.), Doctor Strange and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 207–216.
    Doctor Stephen Strange was a renowned neurosurgeon in his “previous life”, but after his time in Kamar‐Taj he is mostly associated with his mastery of the mystic arts. In Doctor Strange people learn that mastery of physical skills is critical for mastery as a mystic. In addition to the physical skills of martial arts, the portrayal of Doctor Strange is reminiscent of many aspects of Eastern philosophical traditions. Ironically, the reason that Strange originally gave for seeking the elixir is that (...)
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    Les Leçons de la Reglementation Americaine sur L'environnement.Bruce Yandle - 1996 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 7 (2-3):307-330.
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    ‘Upon Such Sacrifices’: Atonement and Ethical Transcendence in King Lear.Bruce W. Young - 2021 - Renascence 73 (4):235-257.
    Though the word "atonement" does not appear in King Lear, the concept is present, along with related ones, like sin, justice, redemption, and sacrifice. Like other plays, Lear alludes to various atonement theories, setting them in dramatic conflict or cooperation and subjecting some to critique. Besides revealing the inadequacy of models based on payment or punishment, the play reinterprets the sacrificial theory of atonement by presenting sacrifice (especially that of Cordelia) as gracious and redemptive self-offering, not as a punishment or (...)
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    Comment: For Healthcare Providers, Just Discerning What’s Right Isn’t Enough.Bruce E. Zawacki - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (2):116-118.
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    An Ethical Analysis of Emotional Labor.Bruce Barry, Mara Olekalns & Laura Rees - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):17-34.
    Our understanding of emotional labor, while conceptually and empirically substantial, is normatively impoverished: very little has been said or written expressly about its ethical dimensions or ramifications. Emotional labor refers to efforts undertaken by employees to make their private feelings and/or public emotion displays consistent with job and organizational requirements. We formally define emotional labor, briefly summarize research in organizational behavior and social psychology on the causes and consequences of emotional labor, and present a normative analysis of its moral limits (...)
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  12. The Persistent Problem of Evil.Bruce Russell - 1989 - Faith and Philosophy 6 (2):121-139.
    In this paper I consider several versions of the argument from evil against the existence of a God who is omniscient, omnipotent and wholly good and raise some objections to them. Then I offer my own version of the argument from evil that says that if God exists, nothing happens that he should have prevented from happening and that he should have prevented the brutal rape and murder of a certain little girl if he exists. Since it was not prevented, (...)
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  13. The common good and the public interest.Bruce Douglass - 1980 - Political Theory 8 (1):103-117.
  14. Against Moderate Rationalism.Bruce Aune - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Research 27:1-26.
    This paper criticizes the epistemological doctrine of moderate rationalism that has been defended in recent years by such writers as Laurence BonJour, Alvin Plantinga, and George Bealer. It is argued that this new form of rationalism is really no better than the old one and that the key claim common to both---that intuition or rational insight provides a satisfactory basis for a priori knowledge---is untenable. Most of the criticism is directed specifically against Laurence BonJour’s recent “dialectical” defense of the doctrine. (...)
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    Sellars on Practical Inference.Bruce Aune - 1978 - In Joseph C. Pitt (ed.), The Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars: Queries and Extensions: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1976. D. Reidel. pp. 19--24.
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    Zooming in on Justice: The Case for Virtual Bioethics Conferencing.Bruce P. Blackshaw, Daniel Rodger & Daniel J. Hurst - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):60-62.
    In their target article, “Proposed Principles for International Bioethics Conferencing: Anti-Discriminatory, Global, and Inclusive,” Jecker et al. (2024) highlight the growing international scope o...
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    Selective attention: A reevaluation of the implications of negative priming.Bruce Milliken, Steve Joordens, Philip M. Merikle & Adriane E. Seiffert - 1998 - Psychological Review 105 (2):203-229.
  18.  32
    The Thunderstorm.Bruce H. Kirmmse - 2000 - Faith and Philosophy 17 (1):87-102.
    The spectacular “attack upon Christendom” with which Kierkegaard concluded his career (and his life) was not an aberration. It was the culmination of an anticlerical---and, indeed, antiecclesial---tendency that had developed over a considerable period. This development can be followed quite clearly in Kierkegaard’s journals and papers, where we can observe Kierkegaard’s stance as it evolved through his often polemical engagement with the leading ecclesiastical figures of his time, and in particular with Bishop J. P. Mynster, Primate of the Danish Church. (...)
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    A Note on Berkeley's New Theory of Vision and Thomas Reid's Distinction Between Primary and Secondary Qualities.Bruce Silver - 1974 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):253-263.
  20. Defining atheism, theism, and god.Bruce Milem - 2019 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 85 (3):335-346.
    At first glance, atheism seems simple to define. If atheism is the negation of theism, and if theism is the view that at least one god exists, then atheism is the negation of this view. However, the common definitions that follow from this insight suffer from two problems: first, they often leave undefined what “god” means, and, second, they understate the scope of the disagreement between theists and atheists, which often has as much to do with the fundamental character of (...)
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  21. Euthanasia and the Active‐Passive Distinction.Bruce R. Reichenbach - 1987 - Bioethics 1 (1):51-73.
    I consider four recently suggested difference between killing and letting die as they apply to active and passive euthanasia : taking vs. taking no action; intending vs. not intending the death of the person; the certainty of the result vs. leaving the situation open to other possible alternative events; and dying from unnatural vs. natural causes. The first three fail to constitute clear differences between killing and letting die, and "ex posteriori" cannot constitute morally significant differences. The last constitutes a (...)
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  22.  56
    Autonomy & the Refusal of Lifesaving Treatment.Bruce L. Miller - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (4):22-28.
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    Not without Reason: A Response to Akeel Bilgrami.Bruce Robbins - 2007 - Critical Inquiry 33 (3):632.
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    On Heidegger and the Interpretation of Environmental Crisis.Bruce V. Foltz - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (4):323-338.
    Through an examination of the thought of Martin Heidegger, I argue that the relation between human beings and the natural environment can be more radically comprehended by critically examining the character of the relation itself with regard to how it has been shaped and articulated by the tradition ofWestern metaphysics, particularly in light of the manner in which this tradition contains the central presuppositions of both modern natural science as weIl as contemporary technology. I conclude with an examination of a (...)
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  25. Decision as urstiftung.Bruce Bégout - 2023 - In Luz Ascarate & Quentin Gailhac (eds.), Generative Worlds: New Phenomenological Perspectives on Space and Time. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  26. Why we should not extend the 14-day rule.Bruce Philip Blackshaw & Daniel Rodger - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics (10):712-714.
    The 14-day rule restricts the culturing of human embryos in vitro for the purposes of scientific research for no longer than 14 days. Since researchers recently developed the capability to exceed the 14-day limit, pressure to modify the rule has started to build. Sophia McCully argues that the limit should be extended to 28 days, listing numerous potential benefits of doing so. We contend that McCully has not engaged with the main reasons why the Warnock Committee set such a limit, (...)
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    On the necessity of an archetypal concept in morphology: With special reference to the concepts of “structure” and “homology”. [REVIEW]Bruce A. Young - 1993 - Biology and Philosophy 8 (2):225-248.
    Morphological elements, or structures, are sorted into four categories depending on their level of anatomical isolation and the presence or absence of intrinsically identifying characteristics. These four categories are used to highlight the difficulties with the concept of structure and our ability to identify or define structures. The analysis is extended to the concept of homology through a discussion of the methodological and philosophical problems of the current concept of homology. It is argued that homology is fundamentally a similarity based (...)
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    A Replication Study:“Attitudes Toward Ethics: A view of the College Student”.Myra L. Farling & Bruce E. Winston - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (3):251-266.
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  29. A Response to Smith’s “Continental Philosophy of Religion.Bruce Ellis Benson - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (4):449-456.
    All of us working in continental philosophy of religion can be grateful to James K. A. Smith for his call to consider which practices will best further the “health” of the burgeoning subdiscipline of continental philosophy of religion. Given that he offers his suggestions “in the spirit of ‘conversation starters,’” my response is designed to continue what I hope will be an ongoing conversation. With that goal in mind, I respond to Smith by considering not only the practicality of each (...)
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    The “Thinking-After” of Metanoia.Bruce Ellis Benson - 2004 - Philosophy and Theology 16 (2):217-228.
    Although Breton barely mentions the term “metanoia,” it well describes the radical change that takes place for anyone who adopts the logic of the cross. In effect, that logic results in a self that is radically de-centered. Moreover, to embrace that logic is to give up the demand for both reasons and signs. Arguing for a radicalconception of kenosis, Breton insists that it is a true emptying that remains powerless and senseless in light of any worldly logos and, as such, (...)
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  31.  21
    Phénoménologie Asubjective et Hermeneutique.Bruce Bégout - 2002 - Chiasmi International 4:351-373.
  32.  8
    The Dynamics of Child Poverty in Industrialised Countries.Bruce Bradbury, Stephen P. Jenkins & John Micklewright (eds.) - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    A child poverty rate of ten percent could mean that every tenth child is always poor, or that all children are in poverty for one month in every ten. Knowing where reality lies between these extremes is vital to understanding the problem facing many countries of poverty among the young. This unique study goes beyond the standard analysis of child poverty based on poverty rates at one point in time and documents how much movement into and out of poverty by (...)
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    Augustine’s Illumination Theory and Epistemic Structuring.Bruce S. Bubacz - 1980 - Augustinian Studies 11:35-48.
  34.  17
    (1 other version)Wieser, Hayek and Equilibrium Theory.Bruce J. Caldwell - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (1).
    The paper challenges Joseph Salerno’s recent revisionist account in “The Place of Human Action in the Development of Economic Thought” of the relationship between Friedrich von Wieser and F.A. Hayek and of their views on equilibrium theory. The paper argues, contra Salerno, that Wieser was not a proponent of general equilibrium theory, so could not have influenced Hayek in the manner Salerno suggests; that there was not a concerted effort by Schumpeter, Wieser, Mayer, and Hayek to advocate general equilibrium theory (...)
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    The Resurrection of Nature.Bruce V. Foltz - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (1):121-142.
    Although equal in power to other facets of the rich cultural ferment of modern Russia that have profoundly influenced Western civilization—such as painting, literature, drama, and politics—the authentic legacy of twentieth-century Russian philosophy has until recently been eclipsed by Soviet ideological dominance. Of the important philosophers drawing upon the characteristically Russian synthesis of Ancient Neoplatonism, German Idealism, and Byzantine spirituality, Sergei Bulgakov is outstanding, and his work has important implications for our contemporary thinking about the relationship between humanity and nature (...)
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    I Believe Again.Bruce B. Redford - 1980 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 55 (4):393-411.
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    The Invisible World of Berkeley’s New Theory of Vision.Bruce Silver - 1977 - New Scholasticism 51 (2):142-161.
  38.  68
    Abstraction and the Real Distinction Between Mind and Body.Bruce M. Thomas - 1995 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):83-101.
    Descartes contends that he, or his mind, is really distinct from his body. Many philosophers have little patience with this claim. What could be more obvious than that the mind depends on the body? But their impatience often dissolves when they recognize that Descartes only asserts a de re modal statement. To say that one thing is really distinct from another is to say that each can exist apart from the other. But should we grant Descartes this de re modal (...)
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    The mind: consciousness, prediction, and the brain.E. Bruce Goldstein - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    This book is about the mind and its connection to the brain. The first two chapters discuss the basic characteristics of the mind, and places it in historical context by noting trends in popular culture, and various people's ideas about the mind. This discussion ends by concluding that the most fruitful approach to studying the mind is a scientific approach that looks for connections between the mind and the brain. The last four chapters focus on the following specific principles: The (...)
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    Religious Foundations for Global Ethics.Robert Bruce McLaren - 2008 - Pearson Prentice Hall.
    For one semester/quarter courses on Religious Ethics. Religious Foundations for Global Ethics is an overview of morality in a “nation of immigrants,” starting with the basic question of what morality is, and culminating in an examination of morality as a source of potential conflict, and how those conflicts can be resolved peacefully. The author strives to discuss ethical concerns from a variety of religious, philosophical and psychological perspectives, so that students are able to conside issues outside of their own cultural (...)
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    History, Causation, and the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Bruce S. Bennett & Moletlanyi Tshipa - forthcoming - Journal of the Philosophy of History:1-22.
    The Many-Worlds Interpretation is a theory in physics which proposes that, rather than quantum-level events being resolved randomly as according to the Copenhagen Interpretation, the universe constantly divides into different versions or worlds. All physically possible worlds occur, though some outcomes are more likely than others, and therefore all possible histories exist. This paper explores some implications of this for history, especially concerning causation. Unlike counterfactuals, which concern different starting conditions, MWI concerns different outcomes of the same starting conditions. It (...)
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    It'sonly words -- impacts of information technology on moral dialogue.Bruce Drake, Kristi Yuthas & Jesse F. Dillard - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (1):41-59.
    New forms of information technology, such as email, webpages and groupware, are being rapidly adopted. Intended to improve efficiency and effectiveness, these technologies also have the potential to radically alter the way people communicate in organizations. The effects can be positive or negative. This paper explores how technology can encourage or discourage moral dialogue -- communication that is open, honest, and respectful of participants. It develops a framework that integrates formal properties of ideal moral discourse, based on Habermas' theory of (...)
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    Information reduction, internal transformations, and task difficulty.Bruce A. Ambler, Sebastiano A. Fisicaro & Robert W. Proctor - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (6):463-466.
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    Four poems.Bruce Andrews - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (1):63 – 65.
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  45. Is There Anything Special or Unique about Business Ethics?Bruce Anderson - 2012 - Journal of Macrodynamic Analysis 7:54-68.
    My aim is to indicate that Bernard Lonergan's work in economics can be used to argue that there is a special or unique dimension of business ethics. To be more specific, in order to be an ethical business person it is not sufficient to be a "virtuous" person. Ethics in business calls for a clear view on how an economy works and is working, and it calls for intelligent actions in light of such knowledge.
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  46. Ex silico : Fictions, predictions and personhoods in film and law.Bruce Baer Arnold - 2025 - In Alex Green, Mitchell Travis & Kieran Tranter (eds.), Cultural legal studies of science fiction. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  47. Is there an analytic a priori?Bruce Aune - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (11):281-291.
  48.  37
    On Postulating Universals.Bruce Aune - 1973 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):285 - 294.
    Although philosophy has undergone a number of revolutions since the turn of the century, the existence of universals is still debated largely in the terms employed by Moore and Russell around 1910. A recent article by Alan Donagan illustrates this nicely, for Donagan expounds and defends what he takes to be the principal argument for universals given by Russell in The Problems of Philosophy. I shall comment critically on the case Donagan makes for Russell's metaphysical realism, but my main concern (...)
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    Preface.Bruce Aune - 1981 - In Alexander Broadie (ed.), Kant’s Theory of Morals. Princeton University Press.
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    The Stratification of Behavior: A System of Definitions Propounded and Defended.Bruce Aune - 1967 - Philosophical Review 76 (1):108.
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