Results for 'Bradley Folley'

931 found
  1.  40
    Schizophrenia: Putting context in context.Sohee Park, Junghee Lee, Bradley Folley & Jejoong Kim - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):98-99.
    Although context-processing deficits may be core features of schizophrenia, context remains a poorly defined concept. To test Phillips & Silverstein's model, we need to operationalize context more precisely. We offer several useful ways of framing context and discuss enhancing or facilitating schizophrenic patients' performance under different contextual situations. Furthermore, creativity may be a byproduct of cognitive uncoordination.
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  2. How Valuable Are Chances?H. Orii Stefansson & Richard Bradley - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):602-625.
    Chance Neutrality is the thesis that, conditional on some proposition being true, its chance of being true should be a matter of practical indifference. The aim of this article is to examine whether Chance Neutrality is a requirement of rationality. We prove that given Chance Neutrality, the Principal Principle entails a thesis called Linearity; the centerpiece of von Neumann and Morgenstern’s expected utility theory. With this in mind, we argue that the Principal Principle is a requirement of practical rationality but (...)
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    The Egalitarian Case for Open Borders: Moral Arbitrariness.Bradley Hillier-Smith - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    This paper argues that recent debates on egalitarian objections to immigration restrictions overlook a crucial, powerful normative principle that underpins objections to inequalities: any inequalities between morally equal persons – whether in goods, resources, welfare but also in powers, statuses, rights, and freedoms – that arise from morally arbitrary factors are pro tanto unjust. This principle of moral arbitrariness is fundamental to both luck and relational egalitarianism yet is often missing from debates that apply such theories to migration ethics. The (...)
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    Reward (Mis)design for autonomous driving.W. Bradley Knox, Alessandro Allievi, Holger Banzhaf, Felix Schmitt & Peter Stone - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 316 (C):103829.
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  5. How to Balance Lives and Livelihoods in a Pandemic.Matthew D. Adler, Richard Bradley, Marc Fleurbaey, Maddalena Ferranna, James Hammitt, Remi Turquier & Alex Voorhoeve - 2023 - In Julian Savulescu & Dominic Wilkinson, Pandemic Ethics: From Covid-19 to Disease X. Oxford University Press. pp. 189-209.
    Control measures, such as “lockdowns”, have been widely used to suppress the COVID-19 pandemic. Under some conditions, they prevent illness and save lives. But they also exact an economic toll. How should we balance the impact of such policies on individual lives and livelihoods (and other dimensions of concern) to determine which is best? A widely used method of policy evaluation, benefit–cost analysis (BCA), answers these questions by converting all the effects of a policy into monetary equivalents and then summing (...)
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    Savoring Interventions Increase Positive Emotions After a Social-Evaluative Hassle.Jeffrey J. Klibert, Bradley R. Sturz, Kayla LeLeux-LaBarge, Arthur Hatton, K. Bryant Smalley & Jacob C. Warren - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Achieving a high quality of life is dependent upon how individuals face adversity. Positive psychological interventions are well-suited to support coping efforts; however, experimental research is limited. The purpose of the current research was to examine whether different savoring interventions could increase important coping resources in response to a social-evaluative hassle. We completed an experimental mixed subject design study with a university student sample. All participants completed a hassle induction task and were then randomly assigned into different intervention groups. Positive (...)
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  7. The Monotonicity of 'No' and the No-Proposition View.Bradley Armour-Garb - 2012 - American Philosophical Quarterly 49 (1):1-14.
    This article reveals a tension between a fairly standard response to "liar sentences," of which -/- (L) Sentence (L) -/- is not true is an instance, and some features of our natural language determiners (e.g., 'every,' 'some,' 'no,' etc.) that have been established by formal linguists. The fairly standard response to liar sentences, which has been voiced by a number of philosophers who work directly on the Liar paradox (e.g., Parsons [1974], Kripke [1975], Burge [1979], Goldstein [1985, 2009], Gaifman [1992, (...)
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    A study of nucleation in chemically grown epitaxial silicon films using molecular beam techniques I.—experimental methods.B. A. Joyce & R. R. Bradley - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (128):289-299.
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    Facebook Displays as Predictors of Binge Drinking: From the Virtual to the Visceral.Megan A. Moreno, Bradley Kerr & Jonathan D’Angelo - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (5-6):159-169.
    Given the prevalence of social media, a nascent but important area of research is the effect of social media posting on one’s own self. It is possible that an individual’s social media posts may have predictive capacity, especially in relation to health behavior. Researchers have long used concepts from the theory of reasoned action to predict health behaviors. The theory does not account for social media, which may influence or predict health behaviors. The purpose of this study was to test (...)
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    From the conscious into the unconscious: What can cognitive theories of psychopathology learn from Freudian theory?Karin Mogg, Lusia Stopa & Brendan P. Bradley - 2001 - Psychological Inquiry 12 (3):139-143.
  11.  77
    Consistent inconsistency theories.Bradley Armour‐Garb - 2007 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 50 (6):639 – 654.
    In this paper I critically evaluate a number of current "consistent inconsistency theories" and then briefly motivate a rival position. The rival position challenges a consistent inconsistency theory, by sharing many of its basic commitments without suffering the problems that such a theory appears to face.
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  12. Leibniz on intension, extension, and the representation of syllogistic inference.O. Bradley Bassler - 1998 - Synthese 116 (2):117-139.
    New light is shed on Leibniz’s commitment to the metaphysical priority of the intensional interpretation of logic by considering the arithmetical and graphical representations of syllogistic inference that Leibniz studied. Crucial to understanding this connection is the idea that concepts can be intensionally represented in terms of properties of geometric extension, though significantly not the simple geometric property of part-whole inclusion. I go on to provide an explanation for how Leibniz could maintain the metaphysical priority of the intensional interpretation while (...)
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  13.  37
    Are Books Like Number Lines? Children Spontaneously Encode Spatial-Numeric Relationships in a Novel Spatial Estimation Task.A. Thompson Clarissa, J. Morris Bradley & G. Sidney Pooja - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  14.  21
    Framing reinforcement learning from human reward: Reward positivity, temporal discounting, episodicity, and performance.W. Bradley Knox & Peter Stone - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 225 (C):24-50.
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  15. The Leibnizian continuum in 1671.Otto Bradley Bassler - 1998 - Studia Leibnitiana 30 (1):1-23.
    In den „Fundamenta praedemonstrabilia“ der Theoria motus abstracti entwickelt Leibniz den Versuch, das Kontinuum als aus grundsätzlich unteilbaren Einheiten in einer Weise aufgebaut zu denken, die seine Kontinuität bewahrt - durch die systematische Unterscheidung der Verhältnisse von ,unum ad infinitum‘ und von ,nullius ad unum‘ versucht er hier Balance zu halten. Zwar komme ich zu dem Ergebnis, daß Leibniz' Auffassung vom Kontinuum in der Theoria motus abstracti letztlich inkohärent bleibt, gleichwohl bildet er Begriffe, die sein weiteres Bemühen, den Zugang zum (...)
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  16.  27
    Developmental differences in masked form priming are not driven by vocabulary growth.Adeetee Bhide, Bradley L. Schlaggar & Kelly Anne Barnes - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  17. The Relevance of the Liar.Bradley Armour-Garb (ed.) - 2018 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
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    Toward an integration of theory and research on the status of women.Diana Khor & Karen Bradley - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (3):347-378.
    This article develops an approach to cross-national research on the status of women that merges theoretical and methodological concerns. The approach consists of understanding the concept status of women within three dimensions—political, economic, and cultural. The article differentiates between a public and a private domain within each dimension. To understand and compare the status of women in different countries, it is argued that it is imperative to study the interrelationships among the dimensions and domains of status of women. Contrasting the (...)
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  19.  7
    The Principles of Logic 2 Volume Set.F. H. Bradley - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    F. H. Bradley was the foremost philosopher of the British Idealist school, which came to prominence in the second half of the nineteenth century and remained influential into the first half of the twentieth. Bradley, who was educated at Oxford, and spent his life as a fellow of Merton College, was influenced by Hegel, and also reacted against utilitarianism. He was recognised during his lifetime as one of the greatest intellectuals of his generation and was the first philosopher (...)
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  20.  60
    Mapping our progress: Identifying, categorizing and comparing universities' ethics infrastructures. [REVIEW]Patricia C. Kelley, Bradley R. Agle & Jason DeMott - 2005 - Journal of Academic Ethics 3 (2-4):205-229.
    Ethics researchers have scrutinized ethical business problems, which have been demonstrated through the actions of managers at Enron, WorldCom, and Arthur Andersen, among others. In response to these business transgressions, the US government has implemented the Sarbanes–Oxley Act to shore up businesses’ ethics infrastructures. However, universities, too, struggle with ethics problems. These include NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) violations, discrimination issues, sexual harassment, endowment admits, plagiarism, and research funding manipulation. Despite these problems, we have little knowledge regarding universities’ ethics infrastructures (...)
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  21. Relations, intelligibilité et non-contradiction dans la métaphysique du sentir de F.H. Bradley: une réinterprétation.J. Bradley - 1991 - Archives de Philosophie 54:529.
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    On the curation of negentropic forms of knowledge.Joff P. N. Bradley - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):465-476.
    My intention is to consider Bernard Stiegler’s concept of ‘journeys of knowledge’. Open Humanities Press, 2020) and to explore how one might rethink the knowledge-creating potentialities of information itself. This has become all the more apparent in the time of lockdowns, physical distancing during the pandemic but the primary purpose of the paper is to look at the distinction between knowledge/information and the role of the teacher in using technology pharmacologically to safeguard the savoirs and to stem the proletarianization of (...)
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  23. The German Gita: The Reception of Hindu Religious Texts Within German Romanticism.Bradley L. Herling - 2004 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This dissertation investigates the initial reception of the Bhagavad Gita in German intellectual circles, focusing in particular on the ways that the German Romantics who translated and anthologized the text constituted it as an object of European knowledge. By examining the intellectual debates and textual practices at play in early nineteenth century representations of Indian religious culture, this project contributes to the contemporary debate about Orientalism, which often lacks focus because of inattention to historical context. In addition, by bringing this (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Objective Bayesianism and the Abductivist Response to Scepticism.Darren Bradley - 2021 - Episteme 1:1-15.
    An important line of response to scepticism appeals to the best explanation. But anti-sceptics have not engaged much with work on explanation in the philosophy of science. I plan to investigate whether plausible assumptions about best explanations really do favour anti-scepticism. I will argue that there are ways of constructing sceptical hypotheses in which the assumptions do favour anti-scepticism, but the size of the support for anti-scepticism is small.
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    Cross-modal interactions in the perception of musical performance.Bradley W. Vines, Carol L. Krumhansl, Marcelo M. Wanderley & Daniel J. Levitin - 2006 - Cognition 101 (1):80-113.
    We investigate the dynamics of sensory integration for perceiving musical performance, a complex natural behavior. Thirty musically trained participants saw, heard, or both saw and heard, performances by two clarinetists. All participants used a sliding potentiometer to make continuous judgments of tension (a measure correlated with emotional response) and continuous judgments of phrasing (a measure correlated with perceived musical structure) as performances were presented. The data analysis sought to reveal relations between the sensory modalities (vision and audition) and to quantify (...)
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  26.  42
    SUSTAIN: A Network Model of Category Learning.Bradley C. Love, Douglas L. Medin & Todd M. Gureckis - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):309-332.
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    Richard Bradley.E. Clinton- Andrews & Richard Bradley - 1903
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  28.  68
    God and Mammon: The Modern Relationship.Bradley R. Agle & Harry J. van Buren Iii - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (4):563-582.
    Abstract:Lately, the field of business ethics has begun to take an intense interest in the relationship between religion and business ethics. Various books and articles are being produced at an increasing rate using theoretical and qualitative research methods. However, to date, almost no data exist quantifying relationships between religion and business ethics. This paper begins to provide such data by testing the relationships between religious upbringing, religious practice, Christian beliefs, and attitudes toward corporate social responsibility. Analysis of our sample demonstrates (...)
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  29.  74
    FH Bradley Bibliography.F. H. Bradley - 1995 - Modern Schoolman 73 (2):91-114.
  30.  48
    Cognitive processing of personally relevant information.Bradley C. Riemann & Richard J. McNally - 1995 - Cognition and Emotion 9 (4):325-340.
  31. Dialogue: Toward Superior Stakeholder Theory.Bradley R. Agle, Thomas Donaldson & R. Edward Freeman - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2):153-190.
    A quick look at what is happening in the corporate world makes it clear that the stakeholder idea is alive, well, and flourishing; and the question now is not “if ” but “how” stakeholder theory will meet the challenges of its success. Does stakeholder theory’s “arrival” mean continued dynamism, refinement, and relevance, or stasis? How will superior stakeholder theory continue to develop? In light of these and related questions, the authors of these essays conducted an ongoing dialogue on the current (...)
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    Decision Theory with a Human Face.Richard Bradley - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    When making decisions, people naturally face uncertainty about the potential consequences of their actions due in part to limits in their capacity to represent, evaluate or deliberate. Nonetheless, they aim to make the best decisions possible. In Decision Theory with a Human Face, Richard Bradley develops new theories of agency and rational decision-making, offering guidance on how 'real' agents who are aware of their bounds should represent the uncertainty they face, how they should revise their opinions as a result (...)
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  33.  22
    What Does A Thousand Plateaus Contribute to the Study of Early Christianity?Bradley H. McLean - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (3):533-553.
    What difference does the philosophical revolution of Deleuze and Guattari make to our understanding the early Christianity? In honour of the fortieth anniversary of publication of A Thousand Plateaus, this article argues that the discipline of Christian origins is currently premised on a historically condemned mode of subjectivity, that of subject/object metaphysics. The philosophical processes found in A Thousand Plateaus are particularly apposite to the current dilemma of Christian origins: as a rhizome-book consisting of plateaus, machines, singularities and non-representational concepts, (...)
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    Hope.Bradley McReynolds - 2021 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 21:28-28.
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    Making numbers out of magnitudes.Bradley J. Morris & Amy M. Masnick - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):662-663.
    We argue that number principles may be learnable instead of innate, by suggesting that children acquire probabilistically true number concepts rather than algorithms. We also suggest that non-propositional representational formats (e.g., mental models) may implicitly provide information that supports the induction of numerical principles. Given probabilistically true number concepts, the problem of the acquisition of mathematical principles is eliminated.
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    Accepting inconsistencies from the paradoxes.Bradley H. Dowden - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (2):125-30.
  37.  81
    The Algorithmic Level Is the Bridge Between Computation and Brain.Bradley C. Love - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (2):230-242.
    Every scientist chooses a preferred level of analysis and this choice shapes the research program, even determining what counts as evidence. This contribution revisits Marr's three levels of analysis and evaluates the prospect of making progress at each individual level. After reviewing limitations of theorizing within a level, two strategies for integration across levels are considered. One is top–down in that it attempts to build a bridge from the computational to algorithmic level. Limitations of this approach include insufficient theoretical constraint (...)
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    A Body Made of Glass: A Cultural History of Hypochondria, by Caroline Crampton. New York City, NY: Ecco, 2024.Bradley Lewis - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-4.
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    Beyond “Monologicality”? Exploring Conspiracist Worldviews.Bradley Franks, Adrian Bangerter, Martin W. Bauer, Matthew Hall & Mark C. Noort - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:250235.
    Conspiracy theories (CTs) are widespread ways by which people make sense of unsettling or disturbing cultural events. Belief in CTs is often connected to problematic consequences, such as decreased engagement with conventional political action or even political extremism, so understanding the psychological and social qualities of CTs belief is important. CTs have often been understood to be “monological”, displaying the tendency for belief in one conspiracy theory to be correlated with belief in (many) others. Explanations of monologicality invoke a nomothetical (...)
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  40.  46
    Dialogue: Toward Superior Stakeholder Theory.Bradley R. Agle & Ronald K. Mitchell - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2):153-190.
    A quick look at what is happening in the corporate world makes it clear that the stakeholder idea is alive, well, and flourishing; and the question now is not “if ” but “how” stakeholder theory will meet the challenges of its success. Does stakeholder theory’s “arrival” mean continued dynamism, refinement, and relevance, or stasis? How will superior stakeholder theory continue to develop? In light of these and related questions, the authors of these essays conducted an ongoing dialogue on the current (...)
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  41.  22
    Collected works of F.H. Bradley.Francis Herbert Bradley - 1999 - Sterling, Va.: Thoemmes Press. Edited by Carol A. Keene.
    F. H. Bradley (1846-1924) was considered in his day to be the greatest British philosopher since Hume. For modern philosophers he continues to be an important and influential figure. However, the opposition to metaphysical thinking throughout most of the twentieth century has somewhat eclipsed his important place in the history of British thought. Consequently, although there is renewed interest in his ideas and role in the development of Western philosophy, his writings are often hard to find. This collection unites (...)
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  42. Appearance and Reality: A Metaphysical Essay.Francis Herbert Bradley - 1893 - London, England: Oxford University Press.
    F. H. Bradley was the foremost philosopher of the British Idealist school, which came to prominence in the second half of the nineteenth century. Bradley, who was a life fellow of Merton College, Oxford, was influenced by Hegel, and also reacted against utilitarianism. He was recognised during his lifetime as one of the greatest intellectuals of his generation and was the first philosopher to receive the Order of Merit, in 1924. His work is considered to have been important (...)
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  43.  59
    Killing by Remote Control: The Ethics of an Unmanned Military.Bradley Jay Strawser (ed.) - 2013 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    A new powerful military weapon has appeared in the skies of world and with it a new form of warfare has quickly emerged bringing with it a host of pressing ethical questions and issues. Killing By Remote Control: The Ethics of an Unmanned Military brings together some of the best scholars currently working on these questions.
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  44. Notes and News.Harriett Bradley - 1915 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 12 (26):721.
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  45. Prediction of the tenderness of cooked poultry pectoralis major muscles by near-infrared reflectance analysis of raw meat.Bradley R. Cheatham - 2005 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 6.
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    Notes and correspondence.F. H. Bradley - 1905 - Mind 14 (3):436-439.
  47.  69
    What is the point? Concepts, description, and rigid designation.Bradley Franks & Nick Braisby - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):70-70.
    Millikan's nondescriptionist approach applies an account of meaning to concepts in terms of designation. The essentialism that provides the principal grounds for rigid designation, however, receives no empirical support from concepts. Whatever the grounding, this view not only faces the problems of rigid designation in theories of meaning, it also calls for a role for pragmatics more consonant with descriptionist theories of concepts.
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    Comparing the Value of Nonprofit Hospitals’ Tax Exemption to Their Community Benefits.Bradley Herring, Darrell Gaskin, Hossein Zare & Gerard Anderson - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801775197.
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  49. Dreams, Madness, and Hallucinating History with Jean Baudrillard.Bradley Kaye - 2012 - International Journal of Baudrillard Studies 9 (3):3.
  50.  16
    Žižek and Freedom: Utopia and the Parallax View.Bradley Kaye - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is an exploration of Žižek's theory of freedom. By examining key passages in Žižek's work the aim is to provide a functional, serviceable philosophy of power and ideology and show how this philosophy of power relates to freedom. Although some, like Noam Chomsky, have criticized Žižek's work as having no guiding principles, it is suggested that this misses the fact that Žižek's philosophy utilizes a dialectical methodology that often appears contradictory. Though a highly astute reader with a background (...)
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