Results for 'Bo Gabriel Montgomery'

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    Issues of European statesmanship.Bo Gabriel Montgomery - 1926 - London: Routledge.
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    “We Were Among the First Non-traditional Families”: Thematic Perceptions of Lesbian Parenting After 25 Years.Nanette Gartrell, Esther D. Rothblum, Audrey S. Koh, Gabriël van Beusekom & Henny Bos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    With Walker Percy at the Tupperware Party: In Company with Flannery O'connor, T.S. Eliot, and Others.Marion Montgomery - 2008 - St. Augustine's Press.
    Montgomery makes a retrospective journey with Walker Percy, as Percy comes to an accommodation with the modern world in company with other companionable journeymen. Percy himself enjoyed a large company of pilgrims who prove amenable to his vision of the human condition - in Percy's words, man is "in a predicament and on the move in a real world of real things, a world which is a sacrament and a mystery," words celebratively spoken of as "the holiness of the (...)
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    Zwischen Gut und Böse: Philosophie der radikalen Mitte.Markus Gabriel - 2021 - Hamburg: Edition Körber. Edited by Gert Scobel.
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    Light upon light: essays in Islamic thought and history in honor of Gerhard Bowering.Gerhard Böwering, Jamal J. Elias & Bilāl Urfahʹlī (eds.) - 2019 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    Light upon Light: Essays in Islamic Thought and History in Honor of Gerhard Bowering brings together studies that explore the richness of Islamic intellectual life in the pre-modern period. Leading scholars around the world present nineteen studies that explore diverse areas of Islamic Studies, in honor of a renowned scholar and teacher: Professor Dr. Gerhard Bowering (Yale University). The volume includes contributions in four main areas: (1) Quran and Early Islam; (2) Sufism, Shiism, and Esotericism; (3) Philosophy; (4) Literature and (...)
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    Bilder vom Bösen im Judentum: von der Hebräischen Bibel inspiriert, in jüdischer Literatur weitergedacht.Gabrielle Oberhänsli-Widmer - 2013 - Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Theologie.
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    “... für die Wißenschaft, der ich von ganzer Seele lebe.” Otto Böhtlingk (1815–1904): Ein Gelehrten- leben rekonstruiert und beschrieben anhand seiner Briefe; and Otto Böhtlingk an Rudolf Roth: Briefe zum Petersburger Wörterbuch 1852–1885. Index. [REVIEW]Rosane Rocher - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    “... für die Wißenschaft, der ich von ganzer Seele lebe.” Otto Böhtlingk : Ein Gelehrten- leben rekonstruiert und beschrieben anhand seiner Briefe. By Agnes Stache-Weiske. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2017. Pp. xv + 583. €118. Otto Böhtlingk an Rudolf Roth: Briefe zum Petersburger Wörterbuch 1852–1885. Index. By Agnes Stache-Weiske, Gabriele Zeller, and Frank Köhler. Veröffentlichungen der Helmuth von Glasenapp-Stiftung, vol. 45.2. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2015. Pp. 188. €59.
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    Bioethics as a Governance Practice.Jonathan Montgomery - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (1):3-23.
    Bioethics can be considered as a topic, an academic discipline, a field of study, an enterprise in persuasion. The historical specificity of the forms bioethics takes is significant, and raises questions about some of these approaches. Bioethics can also be considered as a governance practice, with distinctive institutions and structures. The forms this practice takes are also to a degree country specific, as the paper illustrates by drawing on the author’s UK experience. However, the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics can (...)
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    Dennett and His Critics.Bo Dahlbom (ed.) - 1993 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume includes a critical assessment of Dennett's views on behaviorism and the subjectivity of consciousness, the nature of perception and mental representation.
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    Repair of exocyclic DNA adducts: rings of complexity.Bo Hang - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1195-1208.
    Exocyclic DNA adducts are mutagenic lesions that can be formed by both exogenous and endogenous mutagens/carcinogens. These adducts are structurally analogs but can differ in certain features such as ring size, conjugation, planarity and substitution. Although the information on the biological role of the repair activities for these adducts is largely unknown, considerable progress has been made on their reaction mechanisms, substrate specificities and kinetic properties that are affected by adduct structures. At least four different mechanisms appear to have evolved (...)
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    Conformal field theories and critical phenomena.Bo-wei Xu - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (2):329-339.
    In this article we present a brief review of the conformal symmetry and the two-dimensional conformal quantum field theories. As concrete applications of the conformal theories to the critical phenomena in statistical systems, we calculate the value of central charge and the anomalous scale dimensions of the Z 2 symmetric quantum chain with boundary condition. The results are compatible with the prediction of the conformal field theories.
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    The Ontological Thinking without Ontology Nomination.Yang Ze-bo - 2004 - Modern Philosophy 2:007.
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    Conscientious Objection and the Morning‐After Pill.Corrado Del Bò - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (2):133-145.
    abstract The so‐called ‘morning‐after pill’ is a drug that prevents pregnancy if taken no later than 72 hours after presumably fertile sexual intercourse. This article argues against a right of conscientious objection for pharmacists with regard to dispensing this drug. Some arguments that might be advanced in support of this right will be considered and rejected. Section 2 argues that from a philosophical point of view, the most relevant question is not whether the morning‐after pill prevents implantation nor is it (...)
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    Altri libertari: per una teoria egualitaria del titolo valido.Corrado Del Bò - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (3):457-472.
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    Three Concepts of Neutrality.Corrado Del Bò - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia 100 (2):185-208.
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    (2 other versions)Vol 3 no 2 editor's words.Bo Mou - 2012 - Comparative Philosophy 3 (2).
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    Orientaciones pontificias: valor humanístico y sobrenatural del saber.Gabriel Sotello - 1955 - Salmanticensis 2 (2):402-415.
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  18. ¿Contingencia O necesidad? Schelling Y Hegel acerca Del estatus modal Del espacio lógico.Markus Gabriel - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (142):5-23.
    Palabras pronunciadas por Markus Gabriel en el marco del encuentro internacional "Presente del idealismo alemán" organizado por el Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Conferencia que tuvo lugar el 9 de octubre de 2009.
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  19. Two main problems in the sociology of morality.Gabriel Abend - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (2):87-125.
    Sociologists often ask why particular groups of people have the moral views that they do. I argue that sociology’s empirical research on morality relies, implicitly or explicitly, on unsophisticated and even obsolete ethical theories, and thus is based on inadequate conceptions of the ontology, epistemology, and semantics of morality. In this article I address the two main problems in the sociology of morality: (1) the problem of moral truth, and (2) the problem of value freedom. I identify two ideal–typical approaches. (...)
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    Marxismens teori: från hegelianism till historisk materialism.Bo Eneroth - 1976 - Stockholm: Akademilitt..
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    Variation zwischen Aufklärung und Revolution: Kant oder Marx?Bo Fang - 2020 - In Michael Jaeger, Mingchao Mao & Benjamin Langer, Ost-westliche Erfahrungen der Modernität: Der chinesisch-deutsche Ideenaustausch und die Bewegung des 4. Mai 1919. De Gruyter. pp. 115-132.
    In dieser Arbeit möchte ich versuchen, zunächst die Position von Li Zehou aus der Perspektivevon Kants Philosophie zu erläutern und dann auf dieser Grundlage zu analysieren, weshalb die marxistischen Gelehrten normalerweise zur Kritik dieser Position neigen. Während Kant glaubt, dass die politische Revolution nicht die Reform der Denkungsart des Menschen fördern kann, neigt Marx eher zu der Ansicht, dass die Aufklärung des Menschen im Sinne der Selbstverwirklichung unmöglich ist, wenn nicht zuvor die sozialen Verhältnisse oder die sozialen Strukturen, in denendie (...)
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  22. Brahmins and Business, 1870-1914: A Hypothesis on the Social Basis of Success in American History.Gabriel Kolko - 1967 - In Herbert Marcuse, Kurt H. Wolff & Barrington Moore, The Critical spirit. Boston,: Beacon Press.
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  23. Approximation and Acting for an Ultimate End.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2014 - In Pierre Destrée & Marco Antônio Zingano, Theoria: Studies on the Status and Meaning of Contemplation in Aristotle's Ethics. Louvain-La-Neuve: Peeters Press.
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    Chapter Four. Acting For The Sake Of An Object Of Love.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2005 - In Happy Lives and the Highest Good: An Essay on Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics". Princeton University Press. pp. 72-92.
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    L'accident et le rationnel en histoire d' après gournot.Gabriel Tarde - 1905 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 13 (3):319 - 347.
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    Etudes Dionysiennes.Gabriel Théry - 1932 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Hilduin & Pseudo-Dionysius.
    Hilduin, traducteur de Denys -- Hilduin, traducteur de Denys : édition de sa traduction.
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    Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism.Gabriel Troc - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):197-205.
    Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism Duke University Press, 1991.
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  28. Tensões e possibilidades : o que há de atual nas políticas de educação profissional?Gabriel Grabowski - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi, Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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  29. El marxismo ante el hombre, de CI Gouliane.Gabriel Guijarro - 1972 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2 (8):139-142.
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    Organizational purpose concept clarity: An exploration of employees' perspectives.Gabriel A. Kilson & Patrícia Tavares - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (4):601-625.
    Employees play a critical role in materializing the company's purpose as they are the ones responsible for planning and executing all the organizational activities. Considering their vital role, we explored how employees, currently working full‐time from home, perceive their participation in the company's purpose. To do so, we performed online interviews with 23 employees from 14 companies. In addition to employees' perspectives, we collected textual data from the companies' websites where these employees were working, allowing us to compare both perspectives (...)
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    Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics.Gabriel Rockhill & Philip Watts (eds.) - 2009 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The French philosopher Jacques Rancière has influenced disciplines from history and philosophy to political theory, literature, art history, and film studies. His research into nineteenth-century workers’ archives, reflections on political equality, critique of the traditional division between intellectual and manual labor, and analysis of the place of literature, film, and art in modern society have all constituted major contributions to contemporary thought. In this collection, leading scholars in the fields of philosophy, literary theory, and cultural criticism engage Rancière’s work, illuminating (...)
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    Post-metaphysical and radical humanist thought in the writings of Machiavelli and Nietzsche.Brook Montgomery Blair - 2001 - History of European Ideas 27 (3):199-238.
  33. Brief notices-images, relics, and devotional practices in medieval and renaissance italy.Sally J. Cornelison & Scott B. Montgomery - 2007 - Speculum 82 (1):252.
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    Morale chrétienne et valeurs humaines, lec̦ons de morale.Gabriel-Marie Garrone - 1966 - Paris: Desclée.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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  35. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, de VI Lenin.Gabriel Guijarro - 1973 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):418-420.
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  36. Den gylne regel og andre humanistiske moralnormer.Gabriel Langfeldt - 1966 - Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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    Rabbinic Philosophy of Language: Not in Heaven.Gabriel Levy - 2010 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 18 (2):167-202.
    I argue that “sampling” is at the heart of rabbinical hermeneutics. I argue further that anomalous monism—and specifically its arguments about token identity, of which sampling is one species—provides some insight into understanding the nature of rabbinical hermeneutics and religion, where truth is contingent on social judgment but is nevertheless objective. These points are illustrated through a close reading of the story of the oven of Aknai in the Bavli's Baba Metzia. I claim that rabbinic Judaism represents an early attempt (...)
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  38. Despre ura.Gabriel Liiceanu - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  39. Predictive genetic testing in children: where are we now? An overview and a UK perspective.A. Lucassen & J. Montgomery - unknown
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    Low-income Medicare beneficiaries and their experiences with the part D prescription drug benefit.Noemi V. Rudolph & Melissa A. Montgomery - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (2):162-172.
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  41. L'incognito de Dieu.Gabriel Widmer - 1969 - Archives de Philosophie 32 (4):577-608.
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  42. Pierre Thévenaz, croyant philosophe. Son oeuvre et la théologie.Gabriel Widmer - 1958 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 3:232-249.
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    Karl Popper: antes y después de Kyoto.Gabriel Zanotti - 1999 - Arbor 163 (642):229-243.
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    Elogio de la filosofía.Gabriel Albiac - 2023 - Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros.
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    Das Gefühl in der Religion.Gabriel Amengual - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):61-65.
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  46. La resurrección y la identidad personal.Gabriel Andrade - 2010 - El Catoblepas: Revista Crítica Del Presente.
    Se evalúan algunos de los problemas conceptuales que enfrenta la doctrina de la resurrección.
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    L'aspect existentiel de la dignité humaine.Gabriel Marcel - 1963 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 1:1-16.
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  48. Pour une sagesse tragique et son au-delà.Gabriel Marcel - 1968 - [Paris,]: Plon.
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    Some Reflections on Existentialism.Gabriel Marcel - 1964 - Philosophy Today 8 (4):248.
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    Remarques sur les sculptures byzantines de la région de Démétrias.Gabriel Millet - 1920 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 44 (1):210-218.
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