Results for 'Bl Schwartz'

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  1. Is priming independent of procedural learning.Bl Schwartz, S. Hashtroudi & J. Smith - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):504-504.
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    A Response to Commentators on “Universal and Uniform Protections of Human Subjects in Research”.Adil Shamoo & Jack Schwartz - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):1-1.
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    Natural kind terms.Stephen P. Schwartz - 1979 - Cognition 7 (3):301-315.
  4. (1 other version)Naming, Necessity, and Natural Kinds.Stephen P. Schwartz - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (203):126-127.
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  5. Natural kinds and nominal kinds.Stephen P. Schwartz - 1980 - Mind 89 (354):182-195.
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    Reflections of methodological and ethical challenges in conducting research during COVID-19 involving resettled refugee youth in Canada.Zoha Salam, Elysee Nouvet & Lisa Schwartz - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):769-773.
    Research involving migrant youth involves navigating and negotiating complex challenges in order to uphold their rights and dignity, but also all while maintaining scientific rigour. COVID-19 has changed the global landscape within many domains and has increasingly highlighted inequities that exist. With restrictions focusing on maintaining physical distancing set in place to curb the spread of the virus, conducting in-person research becomes complicated. This article reflects on the ethical and methodological challenges encountered when conducting qualitative research during the pandemic with (...)
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    Narcissism Project and Corporate Decay.Howard S. Schwartz - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (3):249-268.
    Organizational participants learn that "getting ahead" in organizational life comes from dramatizing a fantasy about the organization's perfection. The fantasy is the return to narcissism, in which the organization and its highest participants are seen as the center of a loving world. Since the return to narcissism is impossible, orienting the organization to the dramatization of this fantasy means that the organization loses touch with reality. The result is organizational decay-a condition of systemic ineffectiveness. Organizational decay is illustrated through the (...)
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    Medical Thinking: The Psychology of Medical Judgment and Decision Making.Steven Schwartz & Timothy Griffin - 2012 - Springer Verlag.
    Decision making is the physician's major activity. Every day, in doctors' offices throughout the world, patients describe their symptoms and com plaints while doctors perform examinations, order tests, and, on the basis of these data, decide what is wrong and what should be done. Although the process may appear routine-even to the physicians in volved-each step in the sequence requires skilled clinical judgment. Physicians must decide: which symptoms are important, whether any laboratory tests should be done, how the various items (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Consciousness and Self-Regulation.Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.) - 1976 - Plenum.
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    Natural kinds.Stephen P. Schwartz - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):301-302.
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    Transplant Recipients Seletion: Peacetime vs. Wartime Triage.Rosamond Rhodes, Charles Miller & Myron Schwartz - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (4):327.
    It is a common assumption in ethics that everyone is due equal access to basic human goods. In our modern society, at least since the French Revolution, healthcare is counted along with food, shelter, and security as such a basic good. Anyone suffering from a treatable life-threatening disease can therefore, be seen as having a prima facie claim on medical treatment.
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    Maryland’s Experience With the COVID-19 Surge: What Worked, What Didn’t, What Next?H. Gwon, M. Haeri, D. E. Hoffmann, A. Khan, A. Kelmenson, J. F. Kraus, C. Onyegwara, C. Paradissis, G. Povar, J. Schwartz, F. Sheikh & A. J. Tarzian - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):150-152.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 150-152.
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  13. Francisco Suárez y la tradición del contrato social.Daniel Schwartz Porzecanski - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 10:119-138.
    Existen importantes discrepancias entre los intérpretes acerca de sí Francisco Suárez fue un teórico del contrato social. En buena medida, este desacuerdo tiene que ver con la relación entre el consentimiento constitutivo y la obligación política. De acuerdo con una interpretación de Suárez, el consentimiento constitutivo no crea obligación política; más bien tal obligación corresponde a la comunidad política en virtud de la clase de entidad que sea. Argumento en contra de esta interpretación de Suárez al proponer que los efectos (...)
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  14. Men Among the Mammoths: Victorian Science and the Discovery of Human Prehistory.A. Bowdoin Van Riper & Jeffrey H. Schwartz - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (3):493.
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    Studies in Classical Chinese Thought: Papers Presented at the Workshop on Classical Chinese Thought Held at Harvard University, August 1976.Henry Rosemont & Benjamin Isadore Schwartz - 1980 - American Academy of Religion.
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    Faith: Jewish perspectives.Abraham Sagi, Dov Schwartz & Yaḳir Englander (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: Academic Studies Press.
    Faith: Jewish Perspectives explores important questions in both modern and premodern Jewish philosophy regarding the idea of faith. Is believing a voluntary action, or do believers find themselves within the experience of faith against their will? Can faith be understood through other means (psychological, epistemic, and so forth), or is it only comprehensible from the inside, that is, from within the religious world? Is a subjective experience of faith fundamentally communicative, meaning that it includes intelligible and transmittable universal elements, or (...)
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    Who's minding the shop? The role of Canadian research ethics boards in the creation and uses of registries and biobanks.Elaine Gibson, Kevin Brazil, Michael D. Coughlin, Claudia Emerson, Francois Fournier, Lisa Schwartz, Karen V. Szala-Meneok, Karen M. Weisbaum & Donald J. Willison - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):17-.
    BackgroundThe amount of research utilizing health information has increased dramatically over the last ten years. Many institutions have extensive biobank holdings collected over a number of years for clinical and teaching purposes, but are uncertain as to the proper circumstances in which to permit research uses of these samples. Research Ethics Boards (REBs) in Canada and elsewhere in the world are grappling with these issues, but lack clear guidance regarding their role in the creation of and access to registries and (...)
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    Quantitative analysis of photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) datasets using pair‐correlation analysis.Prabuddha Sengupta & Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (5):396-405.
    Pointillistic based super‐resolution techniques, such as photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM), involve multiple cycles of sequential activation, imaging, and precise localization of single fluorescent molecules. A super‐resolution image, having nanoscopic structural information, is then constructed by compiling all the image sequences. Because the final image resolution is determined by the localization precision of detected single molecules and their density, accurate image reconstruction requires imaging of biological structures labeled with fluorescent molecules at high density. In such image datasets, stochastic variations in photon (...)
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  19. Badler, NI, 1 Bibby, PA, 539 Black, JB, 457.B. D. Burns, K. J. Holyoak, A. Howes, D. Jurafsky, D. L. Schwartz, M. Steedman, S. van Koten, R. Vollmeyer, J. E. Laird & M. D. LeBlanc - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20:617.
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    Nelson Goodman 1906-1998.Catherine Z. Elgin, Israel Scheffler & Robert Schwartz - 1999 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 72 (5):206 - 208.
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    In memoriam.Élisabeth Schwartz - 2017 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 93 (1):143.
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  22. ha-Rambam be-nivkhe ha-sod: meḥeṿah le-Mosheh Ḥalamish: ḳovets meyuḥad le-yovel ha-sheloshim shel "Daʻat".Mosheh Ḥalamish, A. Elqayam & Dov Schwartz (eds.) - 2009 - Ramat Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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    Cue properties of the event run in choice discrimination learning.Joseph Halpern, Alma E. Lantz & Jeffrey A. Schwartz - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (2p1):237.
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    Literaturberichte. S., Snz, Gni, J. J., , Bl, H., Rr, H. E., Schu, Bla & B. - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (1):1-296.
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  25. Decisions, Decisions: Why Thomas Hunt Morgan Was Not the “Father” of Evo‐Devo.Jeffrey H. Schwartz - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):918-929.
    Although the construction of neo-Darwinism grew out of Thomas Hunt Morgan's melding of Darwinism and Mendelism, his evidence did not soley support a model of gradual change. To the contrary, he was confronted with observations that could have led him to a more "evo-devo" understanding of the emergence of novel features. Indeed, since Morgan was an embryologist before he became a fruit-fly geneticist, one would have predicted that the combination of these two lines of research would have resulted in early (...)
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  26. Bergson and the Politics of Vitalism.Sanford Schwartz - 1992 - In Frederick Burwick & Paul Douglass, The Crisis in modernism: Bergson and the vitalist controversy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 277--305.
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    Beyond Formalism: Naming and Necessity for Human Beings.Stephen P. Schwartz & Jay F. Rosenberg - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (1):79.
    Beyond Formalism is Jay Rosenberg’s attempt to articulate his dissatisfactions with the Kripkean “revolution” in the philosophy of language and to propose an alternative to it. According to Rosenberg, even though a “surprisingly large number of philosophers simply adopted the Kripkean ideas, images, and idioms root and branch”, he has been “inarticulately irritated by Kripke’s views for almost twenty years”. Rosenberg claims that Kripke’s semantics for proper names and natural kind terms is a misguided attempt to apply results in formal (...)
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  28. On the Creation of Value.B. Schwartz - 1993 - In R. Michod, L. Nadel & M. Hechter, The Origin of Values. Aldine de Gruyer. pp. 153--86.
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    The Moral Imagination of Patricia Werhane: A Festschrift.R. Edward Freeman, Sergiy Dmytriyev, Andrew C. Wicks, James R. Freeland, Richard T. De George, Norman E. Bowie, Ronald F. Duska, Edwin M. Hartman, Timothy J. Hargrave, Mark S. Schwartz, W. Michael Hoffman, Michael E. Gorman, Mollie Painter-Morland, Carla J. Manno, Howard Harris, David Bevan & Patricia H. Werhane - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book celebrates the work of Patricia Werhane, an iconic figure in business ethics. This festschrift is a collection of articles that build on Werhane’s contributions to business ethics in such areas as Employee Rights, the Legacy of Adam Smith, Moral Imagination, Women in Business, the development of the field of business ethics, and her contributions to such fields as Health Care, Education, Teaching, and Philosophy. All papers are new contributions to the management literature written by well-known business ethicists, such (...)
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    Arguing For Explanations: Logic And The Special Disciplines.Thomas Schwartz - 1984 - Informal Logic 6 (1):10-15.
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    A field-ion study of carbide particle coarsening in an alloy steel.D. M. Schwartz & B. Ralph - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (161):1069-1074.
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    A failure to transfer control of keypecking from food reinforcement to escape from and avoidance of shock.Barry Schwartz & Geoffrey Coulter - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (5):307-309.
  33. A glimpse into the scientific process: Stumbling onto the benefits of helping others.Carolyn Schwartz - 2007 - In Stephen Garrard Post, Altruism and Health: Perspectives From Empirical Research. Oup Usa. pp. 33.
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    A New Type of Syntactic Projectivity: SD-Projectivity.Liana Schwartz - 1973 - In Radu J. Bogdan & Ilkka Niiniluoto, Logic, language, and probability. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 296--301.
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    Business Ethics in Australia.Michael Schwartz - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 260-266.
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    Bases filosoficas del liberalismo.Pedro Schwartz - 1984
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  37. Being post-modern while late modernity burned : on the apolitical nature of contemporary self-defined "radical" political theory.Joseph M. Schwartz - 2015 - In Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker & Michael Thompson, Radical intellectuals and the subversion of progressive politics: the betrayal of politics. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Contents.Joseph M. Schwartz - 1995 - In The Permanence of the Political: A Democratic Critique of the Radical Impulse to Transcend Politics. Princeton University Press.
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  39. Chapter 4. A Rebel against the Past, A Revealer of Secrets: Salomon Rubin and the East European Maskilic Spinoza.Daniel B. Schwartz - 2012 - In The first modern Jew: Spinoza and the history of an image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 81-112.
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    Collective Memory and Abortive Commemoration: Presidents' Day and the American Holiday Calendar.Barry Schwartz - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 75 (1):75-110.
    The 1968 Monday Holiday Bill moved George Washington's Birthday from February 22 to the third Monday in February. During the late 1970s and 1980s, however, Presidents' Day emerged spontaneously, replacing Washington's Birthday, and establishing itself in school curricula and business holiday calendars. Because Presidents' Day has no definite content and reflects public preference, a new perspective on holiday commemoration is needed to understand it. Neither the conflict model of holidays, which stresses the manipulation of the masses by elites, nor the (...)
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    Comments on “Blessed with Awareness Wolterstorff, Danto and Hornby on Responding to Art”.David T. Schwartz - 2005 - Southwest Philosophy Review 21 (2):131-134.
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    Commentary on" Encoding of Meaning".Michael Alan Schwartz & Osborne P. Wiggins - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (4):277-282.
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    Drinking and Inebriate Behavior in the Admiralty Islands, Melanesia.Theodore Schwartz & Lola Romanucci-Ross - 1974 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 2 (3):213-231.
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    Darwin and the Mysterious Mr. X: New Light on the EvolutionistsLoren Eiseley Kenneth Heuer.Joel Schwartz - 1980 - Isis 71 (3):517-517.
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    Distinction between public and private life: Marx on the zōon politikon.Nancy L. Schwartz - 1979 - Political Theory 7 (2):245-266.
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    Darstellung der Lewyschen Algebren.Dietrich Schwartz - 1979 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 25 (3-6):53-56.
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  47. Idéologie et Grammaire générale.Elisabeth Schwartz - 1994 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 26:33-55.
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    International Educational Justice: Educational Resources for Students Living Abroad.Lindsey Schwartz - 2020 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (1):78-99.
    As a result of globalization, the number of people living outside of their countries of origin is on the rise. Among them are children of primary and secondary school age of varying socio-economic backgrounds. This article addresses the education-related challenges that children in such circumstances face. I first identify two principles – an educational adequacy principle and a presumption of responsibility on the part of a host country for meeting children’s educationalneeds – which are widely employed to guide national policy (...)
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    Idéologie et logique du jugement a Travers la correspondance de Tracy avec maine de biran.Elisabeth Schwartz - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    La Correspondance publiée entre Tracy et Maine de Biran présente un intérêt de premier plan pour l'interprétation de l'œuvre des Idéologues, dont elle permet de saisir le mouvement constitutif en un point particulièrement significatif, celui qui précède immédiatement l'éclatement du mouvement, et la rupture de Biran avec ses maîtres. Dans une première partie on trace les étapes principales de l'échange des idées, sur la question centrale du jugement; on cherche ensuite à en cerner l'incidence sur le problème idéologique du jugement (...)
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    In Memoriam: Nelson Goodman (August 7 1906-November 25 1998).Robert Schwartz - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (1):7 - 10.
    Belief revision theory concerns methods for reformulating an agent's epistemic state when the agent's beliefs are refuted by new information. The usual guiding principle in the design of such methods is to preserve as much of the agent's epistemic state as possible when the state is revised. Learning theoretic research focuses, instead, on a learning method's reliability or ability to converge to true, informative beliefs over a wide range of possible environments. This paper bridges the two perspectives by assessing the (...)
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