Results for 'Bin-Ke Yuan'

986 found
  1.  52
    Amplitude differences in high-frequency fMRI signals between eyes open and eyes closed resting states.Bin-Ke Yuan, Jue Wang, Yu-Feng Zang & Dong-Qiang Liu - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2.  10
    Effect of Gender on Development of Hippocampal Subregions From Childhood to Adulthood.Shu Hua Mu, Bin Ke Yuan & Li Hai Tan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The hippocampus is known to be comprised of several subfields, but the developmental trajectories of these subfields are under debate. In this study, we analyzed magnetic resonance imaging data from a cross-sectional sample using an automated segmentation tool to delineate the development of the hippocampal subregions from 6 to 26 years of age. We also examined whether gender and hemispheric differences influence the development of these subregions. For the whole hippocampus, the trajectory of development was observed to be an inverse-u. (...)
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  3.  31
    Influences of Head Motion Regression on High-Frequency Oscillation Amplitudes of Resting-State fMRI Signals.Bin-Ke Yuan, Yu-Feng Zang & Dong-Qiang Liu - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  4.  46
    When Project Commitment Leads to Learning from Failure: The Roles of Perceived Shame and Personal Control.Wenzhou Wang, Bin Wang, Ke Yang, Chong Yang, Wenlong Yuan & Shanghao Song - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ke xue zheng ju cai xin ji ben yuan li yan jiu.Bin Zhang - 2012 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she.
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  6. Signal Processing-Fractional Order Digital Differentiators Design Using Exponential Basis Function Neural Network.Ke Liao, Xiao Yuan, Yi-Fei Pu & Ji-Liu Zhou - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 735-740.
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    Self-Perceived Pain in Chinese Patients With Cancer.Yongfu Zhang, Xiaomin Tan, Wengao Li, Hongmei Wang, Hengwen Sun, Ting Liu, Jingying Zhang, Bin Zhang & Yuan Yang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  8. Enhanced Neuroactivation during Working Memory Task in Postmenopausal Women Receiving Hormone Therapy: A Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis.Ke Li, Xiaoyan Huang, Yingping Han, Jun Zhang, Yuhan Lai, Li Yuan, Jiaojiao Lu & Dong Zeng - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9.  21
    Metaverse as a possible tool for reshaping schema modes in treating personality disorders.Bin Yin, Ya-Xin Wang, Cheng-Yang Fei & Ke Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Personality disorders are usually treated with face-to-face sessions and/or digital mental health services. Among many schools of therapies, schema therapy stands out because rather than simply targeting the symptoms of PD, it cordially targets the cause of PD and heals the early maladaptive schema, thus is exceptionally good at soothing emotional disturbances before enacting cognitive restructuring, resulting in long-term efficacy. However, according to Piaget’s genetic epistemology, the unmet needs lie in the fact that the schemata that determine the adaptive behavior (...)
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    Advances in Measurement Invariance and Mean Comparison of Latent Variables: Equivalence Testing and A Projection-Based Approach.Jiang Ge, Mai Yujiao & Yuan Ke-Hai - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    哈贝马斯在华讲演集.Jèurgen Habermas & Zhongguo She Hui Ke Xue Yuan - 2002 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  12.  23
    Editorial: Facial Expression Recognition and Computing: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.Ke Zhao, Tong Chen, Liming Chen, Xiaolan Fu, Hongying Meng, Moi Hoon Yap, Jiajin Yuan & Adrian K. Davison - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  13.  23
    Precision Teaching and Learning Performance in a Blended Learning Environment.Bin Yin & Chih-Hung Yuan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Blended learning has gained increasing popularity in colleges and universities with mixed results. Precision teaching can effectively promote learning performance. The relation between perceived precision teaching and the learning performance of college students in a blended learning environment is investigated in this paper. In the research survey is featuring a structural model, 256 college students who attended blended learning courses featuring precision teaching participated. The model results revealed that PPT is directly and positively related to self-efficacy and learning motivation. Self-efficacy (...)
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  14.  17
    Financial Shared Service Centers and Corporate Misconduct: Evidence from China.Wang Dong, Yuan Meng, Jun Chen & Yun Ke - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-27.
    This paper examines the effect of financial shared service centers (FSSCs) on corporate misconduct. Using a sample of Chinese public companies with hand-collected FSSC data, we find that the adoption of FSSCs is negatively associated with the likelihood and frequency of corporate misconduct. The results hold to a battery of robustness tests. Moreover, we show that the negative association between FSSCs and corporate misconduct is more pronounced in firms that have no management equity ownership, disclose internal control weaknesses, and have (...)
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  15. Wu li xue ming ci bu bian: Ying Han dui zhao.Zhongguo Ke Xue Yuan (ed.) - 1970 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  16.  96
    The Mediator Effect of Meaningfulness on the Relationship Between Schizotypy Traits and Suicidality.Shu-bin Li, Ding Liu, Xiao-Yuan Zhang & Jiu-bo Zhao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  17. Mo wu qiu bi: Shen Youding ji qi zhi xue zhi lu.Youding Shen & Zhongguo She Hui Ke Xue Yuan (eds.) - 2000 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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  18.  21
    How Does Social Insurance Affect the Social Interactions of Rural Residents in China: Study on the Impact of Rural Formal Social Security System on Informal Social Security Mechanism.Ming Zhang, Lan Yuan, Zhanlian Ke, Juanfeng Jian, Hong Tan & Gangwu Lv - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the increasing mobility of the rural population in China and the growing number of residents moving to the cities for work or study, rural society is forming a pluralistic, interest-centered, “open” social networks relations that follows the modern rule of law contract. Based on Chinese General Social Survey data, the results of the empirical study finds that social insurance can significantly enhance the social interactions of rural residents in China, that is, formal social security system in rural areas promotes (...)
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  19.  14
    Strategies of writing summaries for hard news texts: A text analysis approach.Michael Hoey & Li Yuan ke - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (1):89-105.
    This article analyses which propositions of the original hard news texts are replicated in their summaries written by competent readers, with a view to observing the strategies they use to write summaries for this text type and analysing the linguistic devices involved when they implement the strategies. Three strategies, namely deletion, selection and abstraction, are used by summary writers to boil down the original texts to their main points. Implementing these strategies requires readers to make of the relationships holding between (...)
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  20.  14
    Book review: Chris Shei (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis. [REVIEW]Yuan ke Li - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (6):734-736.
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  21.  30
    High Fear of Cancer Recurrence in Chinese Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients.Xian Luo, Wengao Li, Yuan Yang, Gerald Humphris, Lijuan Zeng, Zijun Zhang, Samradhvi Garg, Bin Zhang & Hengwen Sun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  22.  84
    The effect of distributive justice climate on virtual team performance: A moderated mediation model.Xuan Yu, Bin He, Meilin Liu, Ai Wang & Yue Yuan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on the social interdependence theory, we proposed that the distributive justice climate affects virtual team performance via high-quality relationships, and then we investigated the boundary effect of team proactive personality. The data used in this study were collected in China, including 327 virtual team members that belonged to 75 teams. The following results are obtained: Distributive justice climate and high-quality relationships have significant positive effects on virtual team performance. High-quality relationships mediate the relationship between the distributive justice climate and (...)
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  23.  18
    Different Dimensions of Grit as the Predictor of Job-Search Intensity and Clarity.Xuan Yu, Yue Yuan, Xuhong Liu & Bin He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Job-search is considered as a developmental task for college students to move from campus to workplace. Based on the self-determination theory, 859 Chinese college students were selected as the study sample and hierarchical regression analysis was used to explore the effects of perseverance per severance of effort and consistency of interest on job-search intensity and clarity. The survey showed that the perseverance of effort has a significant positive effect on the job-search intensity, while it has no significant positive effect on (...)
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  24. Dang dai xin ru xue tan suo.Guang Wu & Zhejiang She Hui Ke Xue Yuan (eds.) - 2003 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing jing xiao.
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  25.  5
    Ke ji yu ren wen de dui hua.Yuan Tseh Lee (ed.) - 1999 - Taibei shi: Xiong shi tu shu gu fen you xian gong si.
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  26.  63
    Philosophy of Engineering, East and West.Rita Armstrong, Erik W. Armstrong, James L. Barnes, Susan K. Barnes, Roberto Bartholo, Terry Bristol, Cao Dongming, Cao Xu, Carleton Christensen, Chen Jia, Cheng Yifa, Christelle Didier, Paul T. Durbin, Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Fang Yibing, Donald Hector, Li Bocong, Li Lei, Liu Dachun, Heinz C. Luegenbiehl, Diane P. Michelfelder, Carl Mitcham, Suzanne Moon, Byron Newberry, Jim Petrie, Hans Poser, Domício Proença, Qian Wei, Wim Ravesteijn, Viola Schiaffonati, Édison Renato Silva, Patrick Simonnin, Mario Verdicchio, Sun Lie, Wang Bin, Wang Dazhou, Wang Guoyu, Wang Jian, Wang Nan, Yin Ruiyu, Yin Wenjuan, Yuan Deyu, Zhao Junhai, Baichun Zhang & Zhang Kang (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This co-edited volume compares Chinese and Western experiences of engineering, technology, and development. In doing so, it builds a bridge between the East and West and advances a dialogue in the philosophy of engineering. Divided into three parts, the book starts with studies on epistemological and ontological issues, with a special focus on engineering design, creativity, management, feasibility, and sustainability. Part II considers relationships between the history and philosophy of engineering, and includes a general argument for the necessity of dialogue (...)
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  27.  26
    Effects of 15-Days −6° Head-Down Bed Rest on the Attention Bias of Threatening Stimulus.Shan Jiang, Yi-Ming Qian, Yuan Jiang, Zi-Qin Cao, Bing-Mu Xin, Ying-Chun Wang & Bin Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous researchers have found that head-down bed rest will affect the emotional state of individuals, and negative emotions such as anxiety are closely related to attention bias. The present study adopted the dot-probe task to evaluate the effects of 15-days of −6° HDBR on the attention bias of threatening stimulus in 17 young men, which was completed before, during, after the bed rest. In addition, self-report inventories were conducted to record emotional changes. The results showed that the participants’ negative affect (...)
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  28. Makesi zhu yi zhe xue yuan li zi xue gao kao gang yao.Bin Fan - 1985 - Changsha Shi: Hunan sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  29.  32
    When Error Learning Orientation Leads to Learning From Project Failure: The Moderating Role of Fear of Face Loss.Wenzhou Wang, Chong Yang, Bin Wang, Xiaoxuan Chen, Bingqing Wang & Wenlong Yuan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  30.  14
    She hui ke xue jie shi yan jiu: gui lü / gui fan, yuan yin / li you yu she hui ke xue jie shi.Jihong Yuan - 2009 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
  31.  55
    Where there is pressure, there is motivation? The impact of challenge-hindrance stressors on employees’ innovation performance.Guoqin Dou, Jinjuan Yang, Lifeng Yang, Bin Liu & Yunyun Yuan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on the conservation of resource theory, this manuscript explores the impact mechanism of the challenge and hindrance stressors on innovation performance, introduces emotional atmosphere as a mediation variable, and on this basis, it examines the moderating role of organizational climate on emotional atmosphere and innovation performance. A two-wave survey of 263 subordinates and 29 supervisors who come from multisource field offered support for our model. Results showed that challenge stressors have a positive effect on innovation performance, positive emotional atmosphere (...)
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  32. Working Memory Capacity of Biological Motion’s Basic Unit: Decomposing Biological Motion From the Perspective of Systematic Anatomy.Chaoxian Wang, Yue Zhou, Congchong Li, Wenqing Tian, Yang He, Peng Fang, Yijun Li, Huiling Yuan, Xiuxiu Li, Bin Li, Xuelin Luo, Yun Zhang, Xufeng Liu & Shengjun Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Many studies have shown that about three biological motions can be maintained in working memory. However, no study has yet analyzed the difficulties of experiment materials used, which partially affect the ecological validity of the experiment results. We use the perspective of system anatomy to decompose BM, and thoroughly explore the influencing factors of difficulties of BMs, including presentation duration, joints to execute motions, limbs to execute motions, type of articulation interference tasks, and number of joints and planes involved in (...)
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  33.  7
    Fa xue fang fa lun yuan li.Ke Li - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  34.  18
    Dong xue yu Kong xue de zheng ben qing yuan =.Ke Zhang - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  35.  8
    Ke xue li xing yu jia zhi li xing de jie gou guan xi yan jiu.Jianxin Yuan - 2005 - Changsha Shi: Hunan ren min chu ban she.
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  36. Zhongguo ke xue si xiang shi =.Yunkai Yuan & Hanguang Zhou (eds.) - 1998 - Hefei Shi: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  37. Zhe xue zhong di zhu ti he ke ti wen ti.Zhenhai Qi & Guiren Yuan (eds.) - 1992 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  38. Fang fa lun: li shi yi shi yu li shi jiao ke shu de fen xi bian xie guo ji xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji.Yuan Zhang & Liangkai Zhou (eds.) - 1998 - [Taipei]: Guo li qing hua da xue li shi yan jiu suo.
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  39.  6
    Yang wang lao zi.Meihuai Ke - 2012 - Beijing: Zhong yang guang bo dian shi da xue chu ban she.
    di 1 juan. "Dao jing" jie du -- di 2 juan. "De jing" jie du -- di 3 juan. Zhe xue su yuan -- di 4 juan. Lun li xue he zheng zhi xue -- di 5 juan. Ren shi lun he jiao yu guan.
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  40.  10
    Figures of the Psychotherapist in Contemporary Chinese Literature.Lanfang Guo & Wei Yuan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Since the 1980s, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy have attracted great interest in Chinese society, and in parallel, the psychotherapist as a character has emerged in Chinese literature. Through four novels by three Chinese authors, namely, Xu Xiaobin 徐小斌, Ke Yunlu 柯云路, and Bi Shumin 毕淑敏, this article studies the evolution of the image of the psychotherapist in contemporary Chinese literature, which reflects the reception of psychoanalysis as well as the development of psychotherapy in China. In Xu Xiaobin’s novel, two psychology students (...)
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  41. Zou xiang ke xue de xing shi fa xue: Xing ke yuan jian yuan 10 zhou nian guo ji he zuo huo ban zhu he wen ji = Toward scientific criminal law theories: CCLS tenth anniversity anthology of papers from international academic partners.Bingzhi Zhao (ed.) - 2015 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  42.  16
    Zhonghua min zu dao de sheng huo shi.Kailin Tang, Zeying Wang, Hengtian Gao, Peichao Li & Bin Li (eds.) - 2014 - Shanghai Shi: Zhongguo chu ban ji tuan, Dong fang chu ban zhong xin.
    Ben shu nei rong bao kuo:zhong hua min zu dao de sheng huo zong lun,Yuan gu zhi zhan guo dao de sheng huo de ji ben zhuang kuang,Dao de guan xi ji wu zhong ji ben lun chang de que li,Li yi gui fan he li wen hua de xing qi yu hong yang,De hua tian xia yu dao de jiao yu zhi kai zhan deng.
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  43.  9
    Ke xue ben yuan he ke xue fang fa lun de ruo gan luo ji fan si =.Benluo Yang - 2014 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai jiao tong da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu hui ji le zhu zhe de wei rao 20 shi ji zi ran ke xue yan jiu zhong suo she ji"ke xue ben yuan"yi ji"ke xue fang fa lun"deng ji ben ming ti,Zhen dui jin xie nian fa sheng zai guo nei wai ke xue sheng huo zhong mou xie zhong da shi jian suo zuo de ruo gan fan si.
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  44.  9
    Jin Yuan ke ji si xiang shi yan jiu.Bianting Lü - 2015 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
    本书考察了以理学家, 科技实践家, 医学研究者及人文学等为代表的典型人物的科技思想, 比较清晰地勾勒出金元科技思想史的发展脉络, 并对金元科技思想的历史演变及宗教特征进行了新的学术审视和反思. 本书分为上下两卷, 本册为上卷.
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  45.  10
    Ru xue cu jin ke xue fa zhan de ke neng xing yu xian shi xing: yi "ru xue de ren wen zi yuan yu ke xue" wei zhong xin.Laiping Ma (ed.) - 2016 - Jinan Shi: Shandong ren min chu ban she.
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  46.  8
    Duo yuan shi ye zhong de ke xue: ke xue de zhe xue, li shi, she hui de yan jiu.Yisheng Chen - 2009 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
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  47. Ke ji mei xue yuan li =.Wangheng Chen (ed.) - 1992 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai ke xue ji shu chu ban she.
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  48.  12
    Zi ran ke ji zi yuan gong xiang ping tai jian she de li lun yu shi jian.Zhanyuan Du & Xu Liu (eds.) - 2007 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
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  49.  13
    Min zu yuan xiao zhe xue she hui ke xue chuang xin fa zhan yan jiu.Zhaohai Lei (ed.) - 2010 - Beijing Shi: Min zu chu ban she.
  50.  8
    Sheng ming ke xue de zhe xue yuan li =.Xinmin Dong - 2012 - Taibei Shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Qingyuan Zhang.
    21世紀人類新科學、新文明的基礎——思維科學理論體系的建立 1687年英國科學家牛頓發表的《自然哲學的數學原理》一書,是近代自然科學完全確立的標誌,從而引領人類的科學邁入宏觀科學的時代,為現代文明奠定了理論和思想上的基礎;1905年德國科學家愛因斯坦發表的《相 對論》,更使得人類的科學邁入微觀科學的時代,讓人們對周圍世界有了一個更加深入和全面的了解。 雖然上述二者都有力地推動了人類科學和文明的巨大進步,卻都未能跳脫出現代科學的物質觀對人們思維上的限制,不能應用於高度複雜的人體和生命科學,更不能解決當前擺在人們面前諸於癌症、愛滋病、各種慢性病、遺傳病 、傳染病等形形色色的問題。 毫無疑問,21世紀將是人體和生命科學的世紀。然而,在人體和生命科學領域,尚未出現像牛頓的《自然哲學的數學原理》和愛因斯坦的《相對論》那樣具有劃時代意義,且與生命科學高度複雜的基本特點互相呼應的全新理論 體系;這就導致人體和生命科學在21世紀的發展將缺乏理論上的立足點,人體和生命科學新的大發展正在呼喚全新理論的出現。 2012年,《生命科學的哲學原理》一書的完成和發表,正是適應這一時代的需要而建立起來的全新科學理論體系,採用了與牛頓和愛因斯坦完全不同,更加高級、全新的思維方式,並突破了現代科學的物質觀對人們思維上的 限制,從而引領人類的科學從當前具體的物質科學邁入抽象的思維科學的新時代,進而有效地解決人體和生命科學領域中各種高度複雜的問題,整個人類的文明也將因此而再次發生翻天覆地的偉大轉變,為新的歷史時期之人類社 會的和平、穩定與快速發展提供理論和思想上的依據。.
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