  1.  13
    Ke Meihuai's updated version of the Tao te ching =.Meihuai Ke - 2022 - Paramus, New Jersey: Homa & Sekey Books. Edited by Laozi.
    The Tao Te Ching by Laozi is the philosophical inception of all Chinese thoughts and concepts. As its disparate versions, it is very hard to backtrack to the very original meaning of the Tao Te Ching. There are three most important versions of the Tao Te Ching: the original Wang Bi's version, the silk book (versions A and B) and the Chu Jian version. The preferred version of Laozi is the original Wang Bi's version. This edition is mainly based on (...)
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    Xie he lun.Meihuai Ke - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Lan tai chu ban she.
    《協和論》的基本內容是:從對我個人的遭遇(自我)的認識出發,擴展到對社會、國家、人類的認識,上升到對自然界乃至「萬物之母」的「太和大道」和「萬物之始」的本體「初和恒道」的認識。 《協和論》有五卷。第一卷認識論:人的理智活動;第二卷形而上學:本體論、造物論、宇宙論、靈魂論和生命論、自我論;第三卷形而上學原理的實用理論部分之一:倫理學、政治學、法學、經濟學、科學;第四卷形而上學原 理的實用理論部分之二:個人、自然社會、家庭、政治社會、國家:第五卷協和論的幾種重要實用理論:「情與理」論、「男女平等」與「男尊女卑」、協和與革命、和平與戰爭、人權與主權、愛國和賣國、「文學藝術」論、協 和論與矛盾論。.
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    Yang wang lao zi.Meihuai Ke - 2012 - Beijing: Zhong yang guang bo dian shi da xue chu ban she.
    di 1 juan. "Dao jing" jie du -- di 2 juan. "De jing" jie du -- di 3 juan. Zhe xue su yuan -- di 4 juan. Lun li xue he zheng zhi xue -- di 5 juan. Ren shi lun he jiao yu guan.
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