Results for 'Bin Gorion'

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  1. Ueber den zusammenhang zwischen ethik und aesthetik..Bin Gorion & Micha Joseph] - 1897 - Bern,: Steiger & cie..
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    Die Sagen der Juden. Gesammelt von Micha Josef Bin Gorion. Neu herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Emanuel Bin Gorion. Insel Verlag. 790 pp. [REVIEW]Salcia Landmann - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 28 (3):283-285.
  3.  32
    Compositional dependence of serrated flow in nickel binary solid solutions during high-temperature microindentation.Bin Gan & Sammy Tin - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (17):1982-1991.
  4.  17
    Kong Meng sheng ji tu.Bin Gong & Yingjie Zhang (eds.) - 2003 - Shanghai: Shi ji chu ban ji tuan.
    v. 1. Sheng ji tu -- v. 2. Mengzi sheng ji tu.
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  5. Comparative Scriptural Studies as an Approach of Doing Biblical Studies in China: Taking Zhu Xi's Scripture Reading Strategy as a Case Study.You Bin - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (4):665-686.
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    The life history model of the insurance hypothesis.Bin-Bin Chen - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Deep Learning Image Feature Recognition Algorithm for Judgment on the Rationality of Landscape Planning and Design.Bin Hu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    This paper uses an improved deep learning algorithm to judge the rationality of the design of landscape image feature recognition. The preprocessing of the image is proposed to enhance the data. The deficiencies in landscape feature extraction are further addressed based on the new model. Then, the two-stage training method of the model is used to solve the problems of long training time and convergence difficulties in deep learning. Innovative methods for zoning and segmentation training of landscape pattern features are (...)
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  8. Cogito and I: A Bio-logical Approach.Bin Kimura - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (4):331-336.
    The key mutation of the schizophrenic psyche can be described as a disturbance of the first person-ness of the I-sense, i.e., of the sense of the "I" as personal subject of experience and of action. Under these circumstances, representations of things are not definitively experienced as "my" representations—with the self-evidence of belonging to me. This uncertainty of selfhood, specific to schizophrenia, cannot be reduced to a disability of intellect, logic, judgment, or memory. In the course of developing his argument, the (...)
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    Implementing Supplier Codes of Conduct in Global Supply Chains: Process Explanations from Theoretic and Empirical Perspectives.Bin Jiang - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (1):77-92.
    Western buying companies impose Supplier Codes of Conduct (SCC) on their suppliers in developing countries; however, many suppliers cannot fully comply with SCC and some of them even cheat in SCC. In this research, we link contract characteristics - price pressure, production complexity, contract duration - to the likelihood of supplier's commitment to SCC through a mediating process: how the buying companies govern their suppliers. Our structural equation model analysis shows that the hierarchy/relational norms governance is a perfect mediator of (...)
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    Sharḥ Sullam al-Akhḍarī fī ʻilm al-manṭiq.Bin Alummā & Muḥammad Sālim bin Attāh - 2020 - Anwākshūṭ: Dār Jusūr ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz.
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    Obraz, który nas zniewala: współczesne ujęcia języka wobec esencjalizmu i problemu referencji.Ewa Bińczyk - 2007 - Kraków: Universitas.
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    Liang ge ren di shi jie: ai qing shen mei shuang xiang liu cheng.Bin Hong - 1988 - Changchun Shi: Jilin sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  13.  19
    Linking Exercise Intention to Exercise Action: The Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy.Bin Hou, Linqian Li, Lei Zheng, Yating Qi & Song Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As physical exercise benefits both physical and psychological health of college students, it is important to promote the habit of physical exercise among them. This study adopted the Health Action Process Approach model to understand the exercise intention–action link and determine the moderating role of self-efficacy. We recruited 242 students from a university in China and asked them to complete a six-wave survey. The survey results indicated that exercise intention was positively related to both coping planning and action planning, which (...)
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  14.  26
    Assesseurs ou jury populaire?Bin Li - 2013 - Diogène n° 239-239 (3/4):126-138.
    Résumé La participation des citoyens à la justice chinoise prend la forme de la présence d’assesseurs civils ou de l’introduction, à titre expérimental, d’un jury populaire à côté des juges professionnels. Ces modalités de participation des citoyens ne changent toutefois pas la donne fondamentale de la gouvernance chinoise, car l’absence d’autonomie du droit, et d’indépendance des juges, demeurent les deux principaux obstacles à l’avènement d’un État de droit en Chine. En effet, l’instrumentalisation du droit au service d’une politique qui lui (...)
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    Moving average reversion strategy for on-line portfolio selection.Bin Li, Steven C. H. Hoi, Doyen Sahoo & Zhi-Yong Liu - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 222:104-123.
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    Hume Elements in James' View of Truth.Bin Song - 2006 - Modern Philosophy 2:72-77.
    With common sense and traditional correspondence theory of truth than the first articulated by James's pragmatism truth has many different characteristics, as well as reflected in these characteristics of the different philosophical connotations. These features and content are how is it? In the historical process of epistemological development without its roots? In this paper, to be adopted by Hume's empiricism contact, especially his causal theory, to trace the epistemological roots of pragmatism truth. Compared by the common and traditional correspondence theory (...)
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    Ecological Assets and Academic Procrastination among Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Commitment to Learning.Bin-Bin Chen & Wen Han - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Under Authoritarian Capitalism: Dynamics and Prospects of State-Led and Society-Driven CSR.Bin Wu, Jeremy Moon & Peter S. Hofman - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (5):651-671.
    This article introduces the concept of corporate social responsibility in the seemingly oxymoronic context of Chinese “authoritarian capitalism.” Following an introduction to the emergence of authoritarian capitalism, the article considers the emergence of CSR in China using Matten and Moon’s framework of explaining CSR development in terms both of a business system’s historic institutions and of the impacts of new institutionalism on corporations arising from societal pressures in their global and national environments. We find two forms of CSR in China, (...)
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  19. Chŏltae ŭi p'ap'yŏndŭl: Im Hong-bin kwa Hwang Sŏl-chung, So Pyŏng-il, Yang Tae-jong, Kwŏn Yŏng-u ka hamkke han ch'ŏrhak ŭi hyangyŏn.Hong-bin Im (ed.) - 2024 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Koryŏ Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'an Munhwawŏn.
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    al-Madāris al-lisānīyah fī al-ʻaṣr al-ḥadīth wa-manāhijuhā fī al-baḥātī Bin al-Tawātī - 2008 - al-Jazāʼir: Dār al-Waʻy lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Arabic language; philology; 20th century; history and criticism.
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    al-Shukūk ʻalá Arisṭūṭālīs: fuṣūl fī tārīkh al-ʻulūm al-ʻArabīyah.Muḥammad Bin Sāsī - 2020 - Tūnis: Manshūrāt Nīrfānā.
  22.  21
    Aspects of" Untlansktability.Wang Bin - 2004 - Modern Philosophy 1:012.
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    Different Electrophysiological Responses to Informative Value of Feedback Between Children and Adults.Bin Du, Bihua Cao, Weiqi He & Fuhong Li - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A high dimensional Open Coloring Axiom.Bin He - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (5):462-469.
    We prove a partition theorem for analytic sets, namely, if X is an analytic set in a Polish space and [X]n = K0 ∪ K1 with K0 open in the relative topology, and the partition satisfies a finitary condition, then either there is a perfect K0-homogeneous subset or X is a countable union of K1-homogeneous subsets. We also prove a partition theorem for analytic sets in the three-dimensional case. Finally, we give some applications of the theorems.
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  25.  10
    Zou chu dao de kun jing: she hui zhuan xing qi de dao de sheng huo yan jiu.Bin Li - 2011 - Changsha Shi: Hunan shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Diffusion auction design.Bin Li, Dong Hao, Hui Gao & Dengji Zhao - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 303 (C):103631.
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    Falsafat al-siyāsah ʻinda Ḥinnah Ārnadat.Malīkah Bin Dūdah - 2015 - al-Rabāṭ: Dār al-Amān.
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  28.  10
    Huzhou Zhu Pai Yu Zhongguo Ren Wen Jing Shen.Bin Fan - 2012 - Zhejiang da Xue Chu Ban She. Edited by Qingyun Ma & Shuaijie Xue.
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  29.  56
    Moral education in transition: The values conflict in China.Bin Li - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (1):85-94.
  30.  74
    On Translating the Sensitivity Condition to the Possible Worlds Idiom in Different Ways.Bin Zhao - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1):87-98.
    The sensitivity account of knowledge is a modal epistemology, according to which S knows that p only if S's belief in p is sensitive in the sense that S would not believe that p if p were false. There are different ways to state the sensitivity condition by means of a possible worlds heuristic. The sensitivity account is thus rendered into different versions. This paper examines cases of knowledge and cases of luckily true beliefs (e.g., the Gettier cases) and argues (...)
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    “Elements Toward A Philosophical Zoology”1part 2 : translated by salah el moncef bin khalifa.Salah el Moncef bin Khalifa & Jean-Louis Poirier - 2010 - Angelaki 15 (2):223-234.
  32. A Dilemma for Globalized Safety.Bin Zhao - 2022 - Acta Analytica 37 (2):249-261.
    The safety condition is supposed to be a necessary condition on knowledge which helps to eliminate epistemic luck. It has been argued that the condition should be globalized to a set of propositions rather than the target proposition believed to account for why not all beliefs in necessary truths are safe. A remaining issue is which propositions are relevant when evaluating whether the target belief is safe or not. In the literature, solutions have been proposed to determine the relevance of (...)
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    Naẓarīyat al-iʻtiqād fī falsafat Hyūm: ususuhā wa-abʻāduhā.Bin ʻAlī & Tājah Būḥijjah - 2016 - Tūnis: Manshūrāt Majmaʻ al-Aṭrash lil-Kitāb al-Mukhtaṣṣ.
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  34. al-Wujūd wa-al-dīn ʻinda Hījil.Zahrah Bin ʻAlī - 2022 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Ayyām lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    The Money Buffer Effect in China: A Higher Income Cannot Make You Much Happier but Might Allow You to Worry Less.Bin Li, Aimei Li, Xiaotian Wang & Yunsong Hou - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Measurement and Elimination of Mode Splitting: From the Perspective of the Partly Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition.Bin Liu, Peng Zheng, Qilin Dai & Zhongli Zhou - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    Wen hua chong tu shi ye xia de Tao Xingzhi =.Bin Tan - 2011 - Hefei Shi: Anhui jiao yu chu ban she.
  38. Sensitivity, Safety, and Epistemic Closure.Bin Zhao - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (1):56-71.
    It has been argued that an advantage of the safety account over the sensitivity account is that the safety account preserves epistemic closure, while the sensitivity account implies epistemic closure failure. However, the argument fails to take the method-relativity of the modal conditions on knowledge, viz., sensitivity and safety, into account. In this paper, I argue that the sensitivity account and the safety account are on a par with respect to epistemic closure once the method-relativity of the modal conditions is (...)
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  39.  44
    Date and Transmission Region of Nü Qing Gui Lü in the perspective of Archeology.Bai Bin & Dai Lijuan - 2007 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 1:002.
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  40. Tarājim al-mubdiʻīn min ʻulamāʼ al-MuslimīʻArabī Bin ʻAmmār - 2007 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-Mawsūʻāt.
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    The Organizing Power of Harmony in the Chinese Tradition of Thought.Zhang Bin & Julius Vaitkevičius - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (3):75-88.
    Early and later Confucians, known in Chinese as the “ruists” school of ancient origins, perceived the idea of “harmony” as a fundamental concept that lies at the basis of self-cultivation, society and governance. In modern times this idea still plays in one or another form a dominant note in Chinese politics and social life. The article attempts to search for causes of the significance of “harmony” by focusing on analyzing two pivotal Confucian texts compiled in the Han dynasty, namely, Records (...)
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    Vers une psychopathologie en première personne.Kimura Bin - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (2):377-385.
    Chef de file de la réflexion psychiatrique au Japon, le Professeur Kimura Bin s’oppose dans cet article aux réductionnismes physicalistes en découvrant au coeur de la subjectivité une articulation complexe entre le personnel et l’impersonnel qui simultanément confirme la conception spirituelle zen de la constitution de l’individualité et donne une base à la fondation d’une science psychiatrique véritable. Il démontre que l’orientation donnée par les sciences cognitives et la philosophie analytique conduit à ignorer la différence entre réalité et actualité, et (...)
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  43.  21
    An LLMs-based neuro-symbolic legal judgment prediction framework for civil cases.Bin Wei, Yaoyao Yu, Leilei Gan & Fei Wu - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-35.
    In recent years, the field of AI & Law has increasingly focused on predicting legal judgments, particularly in civil cases. While traditional neural network methods are highly effective at automatically learning patterns from large datasets, they often suffer from a lack of interpretability. To address this limitation, we propose a neuro-symbolic framework for legal judgment prediction, based on large language models (LLMs). This framework combines legal knowledge (e.g., legal rules), represented through first-order logic rules, with deep neural networks (DNNs), using (...)
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  44. ʻAūrat kī Islāmī zindagī: aur jadīd sāʼinsī taḥqīqāt.Muḥammad Anvar bin Ak̲h̲tar - 2003 - Karācī: Kitāb milne kā patah, Islāmī kutubk̲h̲ānah.
    Analytical study of an ideal life for a woman in Islam with special reference to modern science.
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    al-Fann min manẓūr falsafī.Yāminah Bin Faraḥ - 2020 - Ṣafāqis (Tunisia): Maktabat ʻAlāʼ al-Dīn.
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  46.  12
    al-Ḥadāthah wa-istibʻād al-ākhar: dirāsah arkiyūlūjīyah fī jadal al-ʻaqlānīyah wa-al-junūn.ʻUmar Bin Būjalīdah - 2017 - Tūnis: Sūtīmīdyā lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Modernism and rationalism; other; philosophical aspects; philosophy, modern; 20th century.
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  47. al-Mawḍūʻīyah wa-al-dhātīyah bayna al-Ghazzālī wa-Ibn Taymīyah.Muḥammad Muḥammad Bin-Yaʻīsh - 2000 - [Tétouan, Morocco: [S.N.].
  48. al-Fiqh wa-al-mujtamaʻ wa-al-sulṭah: dirāsah fī al-naẓar al-ijtimāʻī, al-siyāsī lil-faqīh al-Mūrītānī baynā mashmūl ahl al-qiblah wa-āṣirat abnāʼ al-qabīlah.Yaḥyá Bin al-Barāʼ - 1994 - [Nouakchott]: al-Maʻhad al-Mūrītānī lil-Baḥth al-ʻIlmī.
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  49. Bi-munāsabat al-dhikrá al-miʼawīyah li-mīlād Mālik ibn Nabī tunaẓẓam nadwah duwalīyah fī mawḍūʻ Mālik ibn Nabī: mufakkir shāhid wa-mashrūʻ mutajaddid: ayyām 11,12,13 Nūwambir 2005, Qāʻat al-muḥāḍarāt bi-maqarr Jamʻīyat al-Nibrās, Wajdah.Muḥammad Binʻayādī (ed.) - 2006 - [Wajdah: Jamʻīyat al-Nibrās al-Thaqāfīyah.
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  50. Caring about the future of the collective : monitoring technoscience in the sociology of risk and science and technology studies.Ewa Bińczyk & Tomasz Stepien - 2014 - In Ewa Bińczyk & Tomasz Stepien, Modeling technoscience and nanotechnology assessment: perspectives and dilemmas. Wien: Peter Lang.
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