Results for 'Bettina Lamm'

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  1.  41
    Ecocultural effects on early infant care: A study in Cameroon, India, and Germany.Heidi Keller, Monika Abels, Bettina Lamm, Relindis D. Yovsi, Susanne Voelker & Aruna Lakhani - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 33 (4):512-541.
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    Responses to “Healthcare: Reform, Yes; But Not á la Lamm,” by Edmund D. Pellegrino.Richard D. Lamm - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (3):403.
  3. Why visual attention and awareness are different.Victor A. F. Lamme - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):12-18.
  4. Towards a true neural stance on consciousness.Victor Lamme - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (11):494-501.
  5.  61
    Blindsight: The role of feedforward and feedback corticocortical connections.Victor A. F. Lamme - 2001 - Acta Psychologica 107 (1):209-228.
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    Le principe de précaution : bouc émissaire de nos faiblesses ou éthique de la modernité? 1990-2020.Bettina Laville - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):215-224.
    L’auteure retrace les controverses qui ont émaillé l’histoire du principe de précaution en France dans les trente dernières années après son adoption au niveau international et européen. Elle montre que le principe de précaution constitue une dimension nouvelle de la rationalité adaptée aux défis de la société contemporaine.
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  7. Teilhard de Chardin.Abraham Pimstein Lamm - 1967 - [Santiago de Chile,: Talleres de Arancibia Hnos..
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    The Posterior Parietal Cortex Subserves Precise Motor Timing in Professional Drummers.Bettina Pollok, Katharina Stephan, Ariane Keitel, Vanessa Krause & Nora K. Schaal - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  9. Die Lehre vom Stufenbau der Rechtsordnung.Bettina Stoitzner - 1986 - In Stanley L. Paulson, Robert Walter & Stefan Hammer (eds.), Untersuchungen zur Reinen Rechtslehre: Ergebnisse eines Wiener Rechtstheoretischen Seminars 1985/86. Wien: Manz.
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    Mobile health ethics and the expanding role of autonomy.Bettina Schmietow & Georg Marckmann - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):623-630.
    Mhealth technology is mushrooming world-wide and, in a variety of forms, reaches increasing numbers of users in ever-widening contexts and virtually independent from standard medical evidence assessment. Yet, debate on the broader societal impact including in particular mapping and classification of ethical issues raised has been limited. This article, as part of an ongoing empirically informed ethical research project, provides an overview of ethical issues of mhealth applications with a specific focus on implications on autonomy as a key notion in (...)
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    Parent-child math anxiety and math-gender stereotypes predict adolescents' math education outcomes.Bettina J. Casad, Patricia Hale & Faye L. Wachs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  12.  16
    Willensfreiheit und Hirnforschung: das Freiheitsmodell des epistemischen Libertarismus.Bettina Walde - 2006 - Paderborn: Mentis.
  13. Separate neural definitions of visual consciousness and visual attention: A case for phenomenal awareness.Victor A. F. Lamme - 2004 - Neural Networks 17 (5):861-872.
  14.  28
    Autonomy and social influence in predictive genetic testing decision‐making: A qualitative interview study.Bettina M. Zimmermann, Insa Koné, David Shaw & Bernice Elger - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (2):199-206.
    Beauchamp and Childress’ definition of autonomous decision‐making includes the conditions of intentionality, understanding, and non‐control. In genetics, however, a relational conception of autonomy has been increasingly recognized. This article aims to empirically assess aspects of social influence in genetic testing decision‐making and to connect these with principlist and relational theories of autonomy. We interviewed 18 adult genetic counsellees without capacity issues considering predictive genetic testing for cancer predisposition for themselves and two counselling physicians in Switzerland. We conducted a qualitative analysis, (...)
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  15. Another kind of 'BOLD Response': answering multiple-choice questions via online decoded single-trial brain signals.Bettina Sorger & Audrey Maudoux - unknown
    The term ‘locked-in’ syndrome (LIS) describes a medical condition in which persons concerned are severely paralyzed and at the same time fully conscious and awake. The resulting anarthria makes it impossible for these patients to naturally communicate, which results in diagnostic as well as serious practical and ethical problems. Therefore, developing alternative, muscle-independent communication means is of prime importance. Such communication means can be realized via brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) circumventing the muscular system by using brain signals associated with preserved cognitive, (...)
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  16.  16
    Complexity of fundamental problems in probabilistic abstract argumentation: Beyond independence.Bettina Fazzinga, Sergio Flesca & Filippo Furfaro - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 268 (C):1-29.
  17.  58
    The role of primary visual cortex (v1) in visual awareness.Victor A. F. Lamme, H. Landman Super, P. R. R. Roelfsema & H. Spekreijse - 2000 - Vision Research 40 (10):1507-21.
  18.  20
    Platonisches Denken heute: Festschrift für Barbara Zehnpfennig.Bettina Fröhlich, Hendrik Hansen & Raul Heimann (eds.) - 2021 - Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    Is Plato’s philosophy still relevant for current issues in politics and political science? In order to answer this question, the contributions to this volume endeavour to re-read the Platonic dialogues and to interpret them in terms of textual hermeneutics on the one hand. On the other hand, they refer to Plato from a systematic point of view and apply his philosophy, in particular the method of Socratic dialogue, to discussions on contemporary political issues. The volume is dedicated to Barbara Zehnpfennig, (...)
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  19. Inferring Coevolution.Ehud Lamm & Ohad Kammar - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (4):592-611.
    We discuss two inference patterns for inferring the coevolution of two characters based on their properties at a single point in time and determine when developmental interactions can be used to deduce evolutionary order. We discuss the use of the inference patterns we present in the biological literature and assess the arguments’ validity, the degree of support they give to the evolutionary conclusion, how they can be corroborated with empirical evidence, and to what extent they suggest new empirically addressable questions. (...)
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  20. Zap! Magnetic tricks on conscious and unconscious vision.Victor A. F. Lamme - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (5):193-195.
  21.  16
    Modern spectacle and American feminism’s disappointing daughters: Writing fantasy echoes in The Portrait of a Lady.Kimberly Lamm - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (2):179-196.
    Joan Scott’s ‘fantasy echo’ is deployed to analyse the trope of the mother/daughter relationship in contemporary laments about feminism’s failures, exemplified by Susan Faludi’s ‘American Electra: Feminism’s Ritual Matricide’ (2010). I demonstrate that Faludi’s primary argument – that young feminists do not respect the generations that precede them and therefore halt feminist progress – unreflectively relies upon a feminist maternal fantasy and ignores the prominent role spectacle culture plays in the circumscription of contemporary feminism. Building upon Scott’s attention to literature (...)
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  22. (1 other version)The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism.Julia A. Lamm - 2013
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    Networked names: synonyms in eighteenth-century botany.Bettina Dietz - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (4):1-20.
    This paper addresses early modern botanical nomenclature, the practices of identifying and publishing synonyms in particular, as a collaborative “information science”. Before Linnaean nomenclature became the lingua franca of botany, it was inevitable that, over time, the same plant was given several names by different people, which created confusion and made communication among botanists increasingly difficult. What names counted as synonyms and actually referred to the same plant had to be identified by meticulously comparing living and dried specimens of this (...)
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  24.  13
    Vom Objekt Zum Bild: Piktorale Prozesse in Kunst Und Wissenschaft, 1600 - 2000.Bettina Gockel, Julia Häcki & Miriam Volmert (eds.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    Bilder in Kunst und Wissenschaft sind Orte des Denkens und Forschens.
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    Machtmissbrauch in der Psychotherapie. Verbreitung und institutionelle Prozesse.Bettina Herrmann - 2023 - Psyche 77 (12):1104-1116.
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  26.  16
    Die Philosophie des Singens.Bettina Hesse (ed.) - 2019 - [Hamburg]: Mairisch Verlag.
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  27. Das Schweigen der Sirenen : Hören, Singen, Stille.Bettina Hesse - 2019 - In Die Philosophie des Singens. [Hamburg]: Mairisch Verlag.
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  28.  38
    Infinite Needs–Finite Resources: The Future of Healthcare.Richard D. Lamm - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (1):83.
    The single greatest challenge facing managers in the developed countries of the world is to raise the productivity of knowledge and service workers. This challenge, which will dominate the management agenda for the next several decades, will ultimately determine the competitive performance of companies. Even more important, it will determine the very fabric of society and the quality of life of every industrialized nation. … Unless this challenge is met, the developed world will face increasing social tensions, increasing polarization, increasing (...)
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  29.  48
    Saint Martin of Tours in a New World of Medical Ethics.Richard D. Lamm - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (2):159.
    I end with another parable, but it is also a true story. Harvey Gushing, the famous surgeon after whom the Gushing Lectures are named, made an international reputation in his allegiance to quality. He badgered his profession to a higher standard of self-effacement and railed against the debasement of clinical skills and overemphasis on research and pursuit of personal gain. We honor him to this day because those were, and remain, important points. Yet, Harvey Gushing served as a surgeon during (...)
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  30.  12
    To take a chance with meaning under the veil of words : Transpositions, mothers, and learning in Julia Kristeva's theory of language.Bettina Schmitz - 2006 - In Deborah Orr (ed.), Belief, bodies, and being: feminist reflections on embodiment. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 127--140.
  31.  16
    Das „Faktum der Vernunft". Versuch einer Ortsbestimmung.Bettina Stangneth - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 104-112.
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    Behavioural and Neural Evidence for Conscious Sensation in Animals : An Inescapable Avenue towards Biopsychism?Victor A. F. Lamme - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (3-4):78-103.
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  33.  65
    Contribution and Co-production: The Collaborative Culture of Linnaean Botany.Bettina Dietz - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (4):551-569.
    Summary This essay aims to elucidate the collaborative dimension of the knowledge-making process in eighteenth-century Linnaean botany. Due to its ever increasing and potentially infinite need for information, Linnaean botany had to rely more and more heavily on the accumulation and aggregation of contributions by many people. This, in turn, had a crucial impact on the genesis and form of botanical publications: the more comprehensive the project, the larger the effect. It was the botanist Carl Linnaeus who managed to establish (...)
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  34.  14
    Scientific Knowledge and the Transgression of Boundaries.Bettina-Johanna Krings, Hannot Rodríguez & Anna Schleisiek (eds.) - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer VS.
    The aim of this book is to understand and critically appraise science-based transgression dynamics in their whole complexity. It includes contributions from experts with different disciplinary backgrounds, such as philosophy, history and sociology. Thus, it is in itself an example of boundary transgression. Scientific disciplines and their objects have tended to be seen as permanent and distinct. However, science is better conceived as an activity that constantly surpasses, erases and rebuilds all kinds of boundaries, either disciplinary, socio-ethical or ecological. This (...)
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    The Odor of Disgust: Contemplating the Dark Side of 20th-Century Cancer History.Bettina Hitzer - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (3):156-167.
    This article explores how historians of emotions and historians of the senses can collaborate to write a history of emotional experience that takes seriously the corporeality of emotions. It invest...
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  36. Preliminary Evaluation of the FETASS Training for Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study.Bettina Brehm, Judith Schill, Reinhold Rauh, Christian Fleischhaker & Monica Biscaldi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    While several recent evaluation studies have shown the efficacy of parent training programs for children with neurodevelopmental disorders, manual-based training in German is still scarce. To address this gap, we developed a specific modularized training program for parents of children from preschool to pre-adolescent age with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The overarching purpose of the FETASS intervention is to enhance social communication behavior and quality of life of the child by coaching parents. As a proximal target, the FETASS training aims to (...)
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  37.  7
    Levinas between Ethics and Politics: For the Beauty that Adorns the Earth.Bettina Bergo - 1999 - Springer Verlag.
    The act of thought-thought as an act-would precede the thought thinking or becoming conscious of an act. The notion of act involves a violence essentially: the violence of transitivity, lacking in the transcendence of thought... Totality and Infinity The work of Emmanuel Levinas revolves around two preoccupations. First, his philosophical project can be described as the construction of a formal ethics, grounded upon the transcendence of the other human being and a subject's spontaneous responsibility toward that other. Second, Levinas has (...)
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  38.  20
    The Group Polarization Phenomenon.David Myers & Helmut Lamm - 1976 - Psychological Bulletin 83 (4):602-627.
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    Human Placenta in Premodern Europe—a Cultural and Pharmaceutical Agent.Bettina Wahrig - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (4):396-417.
    This paper was prompted by some striking similarities between both the ritual and the medical use of placenta in Ming China and in premodern Europe. Contrary to most accounts, which focus either on the rise of chemiatric medicine or on the growing interest in “exotic” substances, the seventeenth century in Europe also reveals a revived interest in substances from animals, including materials from human bodies. The paper will analyse the use of words signifying the placenta, and follow the trace of (...)
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  40. Attaining the Form of the Void.Bettina Bdumer - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche (eds.), Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 159.
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    (De)constructing ethics for autonomous cars: A case study of Ethics Pen-Testing towards “AI for the Common Good”.Bettina Berendt - 2020 - International Review of Information Ethics 28.
    Recently, many AI researchers and practitioners have embarked on research visions that involve doing AI for “Good”. This is part of a general drive towards infusing AI research and practice with ethical thinking. One frequent theme in current ethical guidelines is the requirement that AI be good for all, or: contribute to the Common Good. But what is the Common Good, and is it enough to want to be good? Via four lead questions, the concept of Ethics Pen-Testing identifies challenges (...)
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  42.  71
    Unconscious processes influencing learning.Bettina Davou - 2002 - Psychodynamic Practice 8 (3):277-294.
  43.  23
    Knowledge in translation: global patterns of scientific exchange, 1000–1800 CE: edited by P. Manning and A. Owen, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, 437 pp., 44 plts, $55.00, ISBN 9780822945376.Bettina Dietz - 2020 - Annals of Science 77 (3):388-389.
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    The Liverpool Care Pathway: discarded in cancer patients but good enough for dying nursing home patients? A systematic review.Bettina S. Husebo, Elisabeth Flo & Knut Engedal - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):48.
    The Liverpool Care Pathway is an interdisciplinary protocol, aiming to ensure that dying patients receive dignified and individualized treatment and care at the end-of-life. LCP was originally developed in 1997 in the United Kingdom from a model of cancer care successfully established in hospices. It has since been introduced in many countries, including Norway. The method was withdrawn in the UK in 2013. This review investigates whether LCP has been adapted and validated for use in nursing homes and for dying (...)
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    Target Rules for Public Choice Economies on Tree Networks and in Euclidean Spaces.Bettina Klaus - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (1):13-29.
    We consider the problem of choosing the location of a public facility either (a) on a tree network or (b) in a Euclidean space. (a) (1996) characterize the class of target rules on a tree network by Pareto efficiency and population-monotonicity. Using Vohra's (1999) characterization of rules that satisfy Pareto efficiency and replacement-domination, we give a short proof of the previous characterization and show that it also holds on the domain of symmetric preferences. (b) The result obtained for model (a) (...)
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  46.  22
    Ce Monstre incomparable.Bettina L. Knapp & Micheline Tison-Braun - 1984 - Substance 13 (3/4):151.
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  47.  5
    The Prometheus syndrome.Bettina Liebowitz Knapp - 1979 - Troy, N.Y.: Whitston Pub. Co..
    The Prometheus Syndrome includes eight essays which focus on a Promethean figure in the fields of science, theology, or literature, or as fictional character.
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  48.  27
    Wine labels in Austrian food retail stores: A semiotic analysis of multimodal red wine labels.Bettina König & Erhard Lick - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (200):313-334.
    From a marketing point of view, front labels play a crucial role in the consumers' relatively quick decisionmaking process when buying wine in retail stores. The aim of this paper was to reveal which semiotic code systems, in particular, colors, visual representations, and designs, as well as verbal representations, Austrian wine producers use on the front labels of their red wine bottles. For that purpose, the method of content analysis was applied on a representative corpus of red wine labels. Our (...)
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  49.  9
    Peter Petersens galvanoplastische Brakteatenkopien Mit einem Verzeichnis von Petersens Abformungen in Berlin von LUTZ VON PADBERG.Jan Peder Lamm - 1979 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 13 (1):415-429.
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    The rise of the conglomerates in American publishing.Donald S. Lamm - 2006 - Logos 17 (1):22-27.
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