Results for 'Bettina Gräf'

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  1.  19
    The Seal of an Official or an Official Seal? The Use of Court Seals in Old Babylonian Susa and Haft Tepe.Katrien De Graef - 2018 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1):121.
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    Sapphire as Praxis: Toward a Methodology of Anger.Bettina Judd - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):178-208.
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  3. Ochema und zoe : z um Verhältnis von Philosophie und Theurgie bei Proklos in Bezug auf das pneumatische ochema.Bettina Bohle - 2018 - In Verena Olejniczak Lobsien, Bernd Roling, Lutz Bergemann & Bettina Bohle, Vom Seelengefährt zum Glorienleib: Formen aitherischer Leiblichkeit. Berlin: Edition Topoi.
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  4. By the rivers dark: Halhalla, city of soldiers and priestesses, or: how cuneiform documents can contribute to the study and reconstruction of past landscapes.Katrien De Graef - 2007 - In Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven, Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Maria Pena Aguado, Aesthetics of the Sublime-Burke, Kant, Adorno, Lyotard.Ortwin de Graef - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (1):163-169.
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    Reading the scene: Application of e-z reader to object and scene perception.Peter De Graef & Filip Germeys - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):479-480.
    We discuss five basic principles of E-Z Reader in terms of their potential for models of eye-movement control in object and scene perception. We identify several obstacles which may hinder the extrapolation of the E-Z Reader principles to nonreading tasks, yet find that sufficient similarities remain to justify using E-Z Reader as a guide for modeling eye-movement control in object and scene perception.
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    Sources of the same: Singulariteit en begronding in Charles Taylor en William wordsworth.Ortwin de Graef - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (3):501-520.
    This essay takes as its point of departure Charles Taylor's contention, in Sources of the Self that literature — and in particular the poetry associated with what he calls'Romantic expressivism' — enables an articulation of constitutive goods that can figureas a viable alternative for the theistic support of our moral commitments. While Taylordeserves credit for his honest attempt to take literature philosophically seriously, his cavalier treatment of the actual texts he invokes to underpin his argument tends to thwart his enterprise. (...)
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    Iterative books: Posthumous publishing in eighteenth-century botany.Bettina Dietz - 2022 - History of Science 60 (2):166-182.
    The growing number of known plants, and the need repeatedly to correct their names and their taxonomic attributions, demanded strategies for combining the static nature of a printed book with the fluctuating nature of the information it contained. From the second half of the seventeenth century botanists increasingly relied on publishing multiple updated editions of a book instead of attempting to correct, polish, and thus delay the appearance of a manuscript until, in the author’s opinion, it was finished. Provisional by (...)
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    In Quest of Meaning: A Study of the Ancient Egyptian Rites of Consecrating the Meret-Chests and Driving the Calves.Erhart Graefe & A. Egberts - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):447.
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    Saccadic and manual reaction times to stimuli initiated by eye or finger movements.Thomas M. Graefe & Jonathan Vaughan - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):97-99.
  11.  16
    Texts from the Late Old Babylonian Period. By Seth F. C. Richardson.Katrien de Graef - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (4).
    Texts from the Late Old Babylonian Period. By Seth F. C. Richardson. The Journal of Cuneiform Studies Supplemental Series, vol. 2. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2010. Pp. ix + 221.
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    Devices of Lie Detection as Diegetic Technologies in the “War on Terror”.Bettina Paul & Simon Egbert - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (3-4):84-92.
    Although lie detection procedures have been fundamentally criticized since their inception at the beginning of the 20th century, they are still in use around the world. In addition, they have created some remarkable appeal in the context of counterterrorism policies. Thereby, the links between science and fiction in this topic are quite tight and by no means arbitrary: In the progressive narrative of the lie detection devices, there is a promise of changing society for the better, which is entangled in (...)
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  13.  29
    The Odor of Disgust: Contemplating the Dark Side of 20th-Century Cancer History.Bettina Hitzer - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (3):156-167.
    This article explores how historians of emotions and historians of the senses can collaborate to write a history of emotional experience that takes seriously the corporeality of emotions. It invest...
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  14.  28
    Autonomy and social influence in predictive genetic testing decision‐making: A qualitative interview study.Bettina M. Zimmermann, Insa Koné, David Shaw & Bernice Elger - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (2):199-206.
    Beauchamp and Childress’ definition of autonomous decision‐making includes the conditions of intentionality, understanding, and non‐control. In genetics, however, a relational conception of autonomy has been increasingly recognized. This article aims to empirically assess aspects of social influence in genetic testing decision‐making and to connect these with principlist and relational theories of autonomy. We interviewed 18 adult genetic counsellees without capacity issues considering predictive genetic testing for cancer predisposition for themselves and two counselling physicians in Switzerland. We conducted a qualitative analysis, (...)
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  15.  53
    Mobile health ethics and the expanding role of autonomy.Bettina Schmietow & Georg Marckmann - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):623-630.
    Mhealth technology is mushrooming world-wide and, in a variety of forms, reaches increasing numbers of users in ever-widening contexts and virtually independent from standard medical evidence assessment. Yet, debate on the broader societal impact including in particular mapping and classification of ethical issues raised has been limited. This article, as part of an ongoing empirically informed ethical research project, provides an overview of ethical issues of mhealth applications with a specific focus on implications on autonomy as a key notion in (...)
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  16.  17
    Samarasya: studies in Indian arts, philosophy, and interreligious dialogue: in honour of Bettina Bäumer.Bettina Bäumer, Sadananda Das & Ernst Fürlinger (eds.) - 2005 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    This Inspirational Guide To An Open, Critical Exchange Between India And The West Is Framed As A Tribute To Dr. Bettina Baumer, An Eminent Scholar Of Indology. Comprising 32 Essays, Segregated Into Three Sections Indian Philosophy And Spirituality, Indian Arts And Aesthetics, And Interreligious And Intercultural Dialogue.
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  17.  14
    Mitochondrial eve brainstorming the archive.Bettina Judd - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):13-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 1. © 2021 by Bettina Judd 13 mitochondrial eve brainstorming the archive Bettina Judd what if we were to recover the first utterance of our selves? before black (but happen to be, in this moment of looking back, black.) before african (or african descended. from a place that would be called africa. from the first large place surrounded by waters.) before woman (and (...)
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  18.  14
    Scientific Knowledge and the Transgression of Boundaries.Bettina-Johanna Krings, Hannot Rodríguez & Anna Schleisiek (eds.) - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer VS.
    The aim of this book is to understand and critically appraise science-based transgression dynamics in their whole complexity. It includes contributions from experts with different disciplinary backgrounds, such as philosophy, history and sociology. Thus, it is in itself an example of boundary transgression. Scientific disciplines and their objects have tended to be seen as permanent and distinct. However, science is better conceived as an activity that constantly surpasses, erases and rebuilds all kinds of boundaries, either disciplinary, socio-ethical or ecological. This (...)
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  19. Raumfahrt als Erwägungsproblem.Bettina Blanck - 1990 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 1 (4):515-524.
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  20.  13
    Validation of a German Version of the Grief Cognitions Questionnaire and Establishment of a Short Form.Bettina K. Doering, Paul A. Boelen, Maarten C. Eisma & Antonia Barke - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundWhereas the majority of bereaved persons recover from their grief without professional assistance, a minority develops pathological grief reactions. Etiological models postulate that dysfunctional cognitions may perpetuate such reactions. The Grief Cognitions Questionnaire assesses thoughts after bereavement in nine interrelated domains. A short form with four domains is often used. However, an evaluation of the psychometric properties of the GCQ-SF and its utility compared to the GCQ is lacking and these instruments have not been validated in German.MethodGerman bereaved persons responded (...)
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  21.  19
    Taking into account “who said what” in abstract argumentation: Complexity results.Bettina Fazzinga, Sergio Flesca & Filippo Furfaro - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 318 (C):103885.
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  22. Die ,Kunst der Liebe'

    Zur Liebeskonzeption in Platons Phaidros.
    Bettina Fröhlich - 2012 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 38 (1):47-63.
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    Ignorance: everything you need to know about not knowing.Robert Graef - 2017 - Amherst: Prometheus Books.
    What is ignorance? -- The size of personal universes -- Who controls knowledge? -- The scope of ignorance -- The many branches of ignorance -- Ignorors and ignorees -- Anti-intellectualism -- Ignorance in education -- Ignorance in the media -- Ignorance in politics -- Institutional ignorance -- Faith, science, and ignorance -- Propaganda -- Costs and consequences of ignorance -- Working from and with ignorance.
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    Differing national orientations toward the future: A comparative examination of societal characteristics and public opinion.Bettina Huber - 1981 - World Futures 17 (3):157-194.
    (1981). Differing national orientations toward the future: A comparative examination of societal characteristics and public opinion∗. World Futures: Vol. 17, No. 3-4, pp. 157-194.
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  25.  28
    Wine labels in Austrian food retail stores: A semiotic analysis of multimodal red wine labels.Bettina König & Erhard Lick - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (200):313-334.
    From a marketing point of view, front labels play a crucial role in the consumers' relatively quick decisionmaking process when buying wine in retail stores. The aim of this paper was to reveal which semiotic code systems, in particular, colors, visual representations, and designs, as well as verbal representations, Austrian wine producers use on the front labels of their red wine bottles. For that purpose, the method of content analysis was applied on a representative corpus of red wine labels. Our (...)
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  26.  12
    Logik der Tropen: tiefensprachliche Redemodi im Denkweg Martin Heideggers.Bettina Kremberg - 2016 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral - Leipzig) under the title: Seinsvergessenheit im Narrativismus. Zur Bedeutung sprachlicher Tiefenstrukturen im Geschichtsdenken von...
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    Sprache-Kultur-Darstellungsformen: Methodenprobleme in der Philosophie.Bettina Kremberg & Rainer Totzke (eds.) - 2010 - Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
  28.  24
    Sergey A. Ivanov, Holy fools in Byzantium and beyond.Bettina Lienhard - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2):860-864.
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    Das „Faktum der Vernunft". Versuch einer Ortsbestimmung.Bettina Stangneth - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 104-112.
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    Georg Lukács in Heidelberg: A Crossroad Between the Aca- demic and Political Career.Bettina Szabados - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (1).
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  31. Berührbarkeit, Verletzlichkeit und Geschlecht : Gewalt in Paarbeziehungen und feministische psychosoziale Beratung.Bettina Zehetner - 2017 - In Brigitte Buchhammer & Herta Nagl-Docekal, Lernen, Mensch zu sein: Beiträge des 2. Symposiums der SWIP Austria. Wien: Lit.
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    Levinas between Ethics and Politics: For the Beauty that Adorns the Earth.Bettina Bergo - 1999 - Springer Verlag.
    The act of thought-thought as an act-would precede the thought thinking or becoming conscious of an act. The notion of act involves a violence essentially: the violence of transitivity, lacking in the transcendence of thought... Totality and Infinity The work of Emmanuel Levinas revolves around two preoccupations. First, his philosophical project can be described as the construction of a formal ethics, grounded upon the transcendence of the other human being and a subject's spontaneous responsibility toward that other. Second, Levinas has (...)
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  33. Using a Goal Theoretical Perspective to Reduce Negative and Promote Positive Spillover After a Bike-to-Work Campaign.Bettina Höchli, Adrian Brügger, Roman Abegglen & Claude Messner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34.  19
    Complexity of fundamental problems in probabilistic abstract argumentation: Beyond independence.Bettina Fazzinga, Sergio Flesca & Filippo Furfaro - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 268 (C):1-29.
  35.  17
    Willensfreiheit und Hirnforschung: das Freiheitsmodell des epistemischen Libertarismus.Bettina Walde - 2006 - Paderborn: Mentis.
  36.  15
    L’ordre public écologique.Bettina Laville - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 58 (1):317-336.
    L’auteur retrace l’histoire du droit de l’environnement dans l’entrelacement des droits privés, administratif, constitutionnel et international public. Elle montre que les notions de préjudice écologique, de sécurité humaine et de Droits de l’Humanité permettent, par-delà une simple responsabilité éthique, d’incarner juridiquement un véritable ordre public écologique.
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  37.  25
    Theoretisches Philosophieren und Lebensweltorientierung: Ein Wegweiser für Hochschule und Schule.Bettina Bussmann & Philipp Mayr (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Die globalen Veränderungen fordern unser Wissen über die Welt und über uns selbst heraus. Der Klimawandel, die globale Covid-19-Pandemie und Konflikte um die Bedeutung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse führen uns unweigerlich zu einer Vielzahl komplexer philosophischer Fragen. Dabei rücken verstärkt Themen der theoretischen Philosophie in den Vordergrund: Was ist eigentlich Wissen? Auf welche Informationen können wir uns verlassen? Ist die Wahrheit relativ? Was macht ExpertInnen aus? Was ist gute wissenschaftliche Praxis? Was bedeutet 'evidenzbasiert'? Welchen sozialen und globalen Einflüssen ist unser Wissenserwerb ausgesetzt? (...)
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  38.  13
    Vom Objekt Zum Bild: Piktorale Prozesse in Kunst Und Wissenschaft, 1600 - 2000.Bettina Gockel, Julia Häcki & Miriam Volmert (eds.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    Bilder in Kunst und Wissenschaft sind Orte des Denkens und Forschens.
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  39. Eine kognitionspsychologische Erklärung der Ästhetik von Farbkombinationen.Bettina Laugwitz & Hans Irtel - 2007 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 5:1.
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    The Posterior Parietal Cortex Subserves Precise Motor Timing in Professional Drummers.Bettina Pollok, Katharina Stephan, Ariane Keitel, Vanessa Krause & Nora K. Schaal - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  41.  12
    To take a chance with meaning under the veil of words : Transpositions, mothers, and learning in Julia Kristeva's theory of language.Bettina Schmitz - 2006 - In Deborah Orr, Belief, bodies, and being: feminist reflections on embodiment. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 127--140.
  42. Gesang und Freiheit.Bettina Wenzel - 2019 - In Bettina Hesse, Die Philosophie des Singens. [Hamburg]: Mairisch Verlag.
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  43.  21
    Advancing health equity in prelicensure nursing curricula: Findings from a critical review.Anna Graefe, Christine Mueller, Linda Bane Frizzell & Carolyn M. Porta - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12629.
    Nurses play a crucial role in reducing health disparities and advancing health equity for individuals and communities. The future nursing workforce relies on their nursing education to prepare them to promote health equity. Nursing educators prepare students through a variety of andragogical learning strategies in the classroom and in clinical experiences and by intentionally updating and revising curricular content to address knowledge and competency gaps. This critical review aimed to determine the extent to which health equity concepts are explicitly present (...)
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  44. Another kind of 'BOLD Response': answering multiple-choice questions via online decoded single-trial brain signals.Bettina Sorger & Audrey Maudoux - unknown
    The term ‘locked-in’ syndrome (LIS) describes a medical condition in which persons concerned are severely paralyzed and at the same time fully conscious and awake. The resulting anarthria makes it impossible for these patients to naturally communicate, which results in diagnostic as well as serious practical and ethical problems. Therefore, developing alternative, muscle-independent communication means is of prime importance. Such communication means can be realized via brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) circumventing the muscular system by using brain signals associated with preserved cognitive, (...)
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  45.  8
    Tierwürde: Leben in Übereinstimmung mit dem Selbstbild.Bettina Huber - 2022 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Was ist Wurde? Konnen auch nichtmenschliche Tiere Wurde haben? Bettina Huber geht diesen Fragen nach, indem sie sich mit verschiedenen Auffassungen von Wurde befasst und davon ausgehend genauer auf das Verstandnis von Wurde als einer Haltung eingeht: Uber Wurde als Haltung zu verfugen bedeutet, mit dem eigenen Selbstbild in Ubereinstimmung zu leben. Die Autorin zeigt, inwiefern bestimmte nichtmenschliche Tiere die notwendigen Fahigkeiten besitzen, um ein Selbstbild zu entwickeln und damit ubereinzustimmen. Anschliessend beschaftigt sie sich mit den Bedingungen, die fur (...)
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  46.  21
    Watching or Listening: How Visual and Verbal Information Contribute to Learning a Complex Dance Phrase.Bettina E. Bläsing, Jenny Coogan, José Biondi & Thomas Schack - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Contribution and Co-production: The Collaborative Culture of Linnaean Botany.Bettina Dietz - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (4):551-569.
    Summary This essay aims to elucidate the collaborative dimension of the knowledge-making process in eighteenth-century Linnaean botany. Due to its ever increasing and potentially infinite need for information, Linnaean botany had to rely more and more heavily on the accumulation and aggregation of contributions by many people. This, in turn, had a crucial impact on the genesis and form of botanical publications: the more comprehensive the project, the larger the effect. It was the botanist Carl Linnaeus who managed to establish (...)
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    Discussion with Harry Franfurt.Ortwin de Graef - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (1):15-21.
    There are various ways to come to terms with human matters — as we must still call them, begging the question — among them the issue of what matters to humans. One can adopt a resolutely and perhaps narrowly scientific stance and gather empirical evidence about human preferences and their actual or putative grounding in order to so describe what mattering means to humans. One can choose a genealogical or historical perspective and study the ways in which humans have explicitly (...)
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  49. Ein Fingerschnipsen ist noch keine Partnerwahl. Ein Gespräch.Bettina Walde - 2004 - In Christian Geyer, Hirnforschung Und Willensfreiheit: Zur Deutung der Neuesten Experimente. Suhrkamp. pp. 148--152.
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    The meaning of vulnerability to older persons.Anneli Sarvimäki & Bettina Stenbock-Hult - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (4):372-383.
    Background: Vulnerability is an important concept in nursing and nursing ethics. Vulnerability and ageing have generally been associated with frailty, which gives a limited view of both vulnerability and ageing. Objective: The aim of this study was to illuminate the meaning of vulnerability to older persons themselves. Research design: A qualitative design based on interpretive description was adopted. The data were collected by interviews that were analysed by qualitative content analysis as interplay between analysis, interpretation and meaning construction. Participants and (...)
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