Results for 'Berthold Burk'

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  1. 8. Pity, Fear, and Catharsis: Purging Millennial Fever.Kathleen Burk Henderson - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 2 (3).
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    Testing a Social Network Intervention Using Vlogs to Promote Physical Activity Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Thabo J. Van Woudenberg, Kirsten E. Bevelander, William J. Burk, Crystal R. Smit, Laura Buijs & Moniek Buijzen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    Durch die Akademieausgabe von Leibniz' Schriften werden nach und nach viele Dokumente allgemein zugänglich, die bisher in der Leibniz-Forschung wenig Berücksichtigung fanden. Dazu gehören insbesondere auch die naturwissenschaftlichen, medizinischen und technischen Schriften, die in der Reihe VIII der Edition präsentiert werden. Ein erster Teilband, der die Jahre 1668 bis 1676 umfasst, wurde 2009 veröffentlicht. Hierin sind auch die Dokumente enthalten, in denen sich Leibniz mit den 1672 erschienenen Experimenta Nova Magdeburgica Otto von Guerickes auseinandersetzt. Da Guerickes Werk nicht nur die (...)
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    A Dyadic Test of the Association Between Trait Self-Control and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction.Pei-Ying Zuo, Johan C. Karremans, Anouk Scheres, Esther S. Kluwer, William J. Burk, Gesa Kappen & Hagar Ter Kuile - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Previous research has demonstrated that trait self-control is related to a range of positive romantic relationship processes, suggesting that trait self-control should be positively and robustly linked to relationship satisfaction in both partners in a romantic relationship. However, the existing empirical evidence is limited and mixed, especially regarding partner effects. With three datasets of heterosexual couples, the present pre-registered studies examined: the dyadic associations between trait self-control and relationship satisfaction both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, and whether these effects hold when controlling (...)
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    Question answering from structured knowledge sources.Anette Frank, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Feiyu Xu, Hans Uszkoreit, Berthold Crysmann, Brigitte Jörg & Ulrich Schäfer - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (1):20-48.
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    Abbildungsverzeichnis.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter. pp. 196-196.
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  7. Männlich, weiblich, divers? Philosophische Anthropologie der Geschlechter.William J. Hoye, Frank Meier-Hamidi, Ulrich Schulze & Berthold Wald (eds.) - 2020 - Münster: Verlag der Josef Pieper Stiftung.
    Marie de Gournay schreibt in ihrem Text, verfasst 1622, Über die Gleichheit von Männern und Frauen, dass die Verehrung eines männlichen Gottes jeder Theologie spotte, wie es jeder Theologie und Philosophie spotte, ein Substanzbegriff, der doch alles umfasse, durch ein spezielles Attribute auszuzeichnen. Marie de Gournay ist nicht die erste und nicht die einzige, die feststellt, dass es eine falsche Interpretation der heiligen Schriften sei, die zu merkwürdigen Praxen in der Kirche und der Gesellschaft geführt habe. Das Ziel, das damit (...)
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  8.  23
    Translating psoriasis treatment guidelines into clinical practice – the need for educational interventions and strategies for broad dissemination.Alexander Nast, Ricardo Erdmann, Delano Pathirana & Berthold Rzany - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):803-806.
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    Briefwechsel Otto von Guericke – Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter. pp. 63-95.
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    Übersicht zu den von Leibniz exzerpierten Kapiteln aus Guerickes Experimenta nova.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter. pp. 101-107.
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    Geleitwort.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter.
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    Inhalt.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter. pp. 177-192.
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    Leibniz’ Exzerpte aus Guerickes Experimenta nova.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter. pp. 108-176.
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    Leibniz für Pierre de Carcavy.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter. pp. 96-100.
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    Personenregister.Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke - 2018 - In Peter Streitenberger, Paolo Rubini, Wolfram Knapp & Berthold Heinecke (eds.), Leibniz und Guericke im Diskurs: Die Exzerpte aus den Experimenta Nova und der Briefwechsel. De Gruyter. pp. 193-195.
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  17.  19
    A systematic review of non-motor rTMS induced motor cortex plasticity.Grégory Nordmann, Valeriya Azorina, Berthold Langguth & Martin Schecklmann - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Ethical Dimensions of Supervision: the supervisors' experiences.Ewy Agélii, Bibi Kennergren, Elisabeth Severinsson & Harriet Berthold - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (4):350-359.
    Group-orientated supervision is provided continually to student nurses during their education. In the supervision process it is necessary to create a relationship between the supervisor and the supervisee that is based on an ethical, trusting relationship. The aim of the study was to investigate supervisors’ (n = 18) experiences of the ethical dimensions of ongoing group-orientated supervision. An additional aim was to describe the supervisors’ values by which they are guided in supervision. Data were collected by means of an open-ended (...)
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    Judging the plausibility of arguments in scientific texts: a student–scientist comparison.Sarah von der Mühlen, Tobias Richter, Sebastian Schmid, Elisabeth Marie Schmidt & Kirsten Berthold - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (2):221-249.
    ABSTRACTThe ability to evaluate scientific claims and evidence is an important aspect of scientific literacy and requires various epistemic competences. Readers spontaneously validate presented information against their knowledge and beliefs but differ in their ability to strategically evaluate the soundness of informal arguments. The present research investigated how students of psychology, compared to scientists working in psychology, evaluate informal arguments. Using a think-aloud procedure, we identified the specific strategies students and scientists apply when judging the plausibility of arguments and classifying (...)
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  20. Selected works of Edmund Burke.Edmund Burke - unknown
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    (1 other version)The works of the right honourable Edmund Burke, vol. IX. (of 12).Edmund Burke - unknown
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    Hegel’s Grand Synthesis: A Study of Being, Thought, and History.Daniel Berthold-Bond - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    Berthold-Bond (philosophy, Bard College) traces the project through Hegel's epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of history. Paper edition ($18.95) not seen. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Understanding image intensities.Berthold K. P. Horn - 1977 - Artificial Intelligence 8 (2):201-231.
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    The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume I: The Early Writings.Edmund Burke - 1997 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Volume 1 of the Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke presents Burke's early literary writings up to 1765, and before he became a key political figure. It is the first fully annotated and critical edition, with comprehensive notes and an authoritative introduction. The writings published here introduce readers to Burke's early attempts at a public voice. They demonstrate in a variety of ways how determined he was to become involved in the social and intellectual life of his times. The one (...)
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  25. Reflections with Edmund Burke.Edmund Burke - 1960 - New York,: Vantage Press. Edited by Timothy P. Sheehan.
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    Determining optical flow.Berthold K. P. Horn & Brian G. Schunck - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 17 (1-3):185-203.
  27. Edmund Burke on revolution.Edmund Burke - 1968 - New York,: Harper & Row. Edited by Robert A. Smith.
  28. Talking Cures: A Lacanian Reading of Hegel and Kierkegaard on Language and Madness.Daniel Berthold - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (4):299-311.
    In examining Hegel's and Kierkegaard's theories of language, I argue that both entail conceptions of the therapeutic power of language to heal us from madness and despair. I show that whereas Hegel quite straightforwardly celebrates the emancipatory power of language, Kierkegaard is more ambivalent; on the one hand, he devotes his life to a maieutic authorship in service of aiding the reader, but on the other, he believes that ultimately it is only faith in God that can cure us, and (...)
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    The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume Iii: Party, Parliament, and the American War 1774-1780.Edmund Burke - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume of The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke continues the story of Edmund Burke, the Rockingham party in British politics, and the American crisis. By 1774 Burke was already recognized as a master of parliamentary debate and an accomplished writer. By 1780, however, his reputation was to have risen substantially. Probably the most important single reason was his Speech on Conciliation with America, which was presented to the House of Commons in March 1775, published, and circulated to a (...)
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    Freud's critique of philosophy.Daniel Berthold-Bond - 1989 - Metaphilosophy 20 (3-4):274-294.
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  31. Hegel and Marx on Nature and Ecology.Daniel Berthold-Bond - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Research 22:145-179.
    While neither Hegel nor Marx can be called “ecologists” in any strict sense of the term, they both present views of the human-nature relationship which offer important insights for contemporary debates in philosophical ecology. Further, while Marx and Engels began a tradition of sharply distinguishing their own views of nature from those of Hegel, careful examination reveals a substantial commonality of sentiment. The essay compares Hegel and Marx (and Engels) in terms of their basic conceptions of nature, their critiques of (...)
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  32. De la liturgie romaine et des cérémonies papales de l'Année sainte 1950: leur reflet dans "Tempo di Roma".Bernard Berthold - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 1:43-54.
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    Giorgio Agamben, The Sacrament of Language (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2011).Daniel Berthold - 2011 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 32 (1).
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    Tabula contentorum in Expositione super elementationem theologicam Procli.Berthold - 2000 - Pisa: Scuola normale superiore. Edited by Alessandra Beccarisi.
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  35. Der Lehrer.Berthold Gerner - 1974 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,:
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  36. Romano Guardini in München: Beiträge zu einer Sozialbiographie.Berthold Gerner - 1998 - München: Herausgegeben von der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern.
    Bd. 1. Lehrer an der Universität -- Bd. 2. Referent am Vortragspult.
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    Roman und Revolte: Zur Grundlegung der as̈thetischen Theorie Herbert Marcuses und ihrer Stellung in seinem politisch-anthropologischen Denken.Berthold Langerbein - 1985 - Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    On countable locally described structures.Berthold J. Maier - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 35 (C):205-246.
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    Klugheit. Grundbegriff des Praktischen bei Aristoteles [Prudence.The Basic Concept of the Practical in Aristotle].Berthold Wald - 2016 - Studia Gilsoniana 5 (4):689–707.
    The article begins by recalling the most important understandings associated with the term prudence in the history of philosophy.Then it introduces the Aristotelian concept of prudence linked to practical truth—prudence seen in contrast to wisdom and knowledge of manufacturing. The article discusses various forms of rational knowledge associated with the right will, and proves the need of linking prudence to all the other ethical virtues based on moral principles. It emphasizes the problem of how to relate general principles to specific (...)
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    Participación y ser persona.Berthold Wald - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):247-269.
    In contemporary philosophy there has been a widespread reaction against the cartesian subjective-individualist conception of a person being normative to any understanding of human personality. Looking back to early greek tragedy we find another model such as the objective-participant conception which also dominates the political philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.
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  41. Valor para la realidad–Valor para la persona. Reafirmación cristiana como crítica de la cultura en la obra temprana de Josef Pieper.Berthold Wald - 2004 - Sapientia 59 (216):559-581.
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    Wahrheit und Selbstüberschreitung: C.S. Lewis und Josef Pieper über den Menschen.Berthold Wald & Thomas Möllenbeck (eds.) - 2011 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
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    A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Sublime and Beautiful.Edmund Burke - 1998 - New York: Routledge Classics. Edited by David Womersley.
    'One of the greatest essays ever written on art.' - The Guardian Edmund Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful is one of the most important works of aesthetics ever written. Whilst many writers have taken up their pen to write of ‘the beautiful’, Burke’s subject here was that quality he uniquely distinguished as ‘the sublime’ – an all-consuming force beyond beauty that compelled terror as much as rapture in all who beheld it. (...)
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    The Philosophy of Literary Form.Kenneth Burke - 1943 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (8):108.
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    Flip thinking: the life-changing art of turning problems into opportunities.Berthold Gunster - 2023 - New York, New York: Ballantine Group.
    In Flip Thinking, Berthold Gunster, the founder of the Dutch omdenken--or flip thinking--philosophy, presents fifteen strategies to transform your thinking away from limitations and negativities and towards possibilities and opportunities. From disrupting (turn all the rules upside down) to flaunting (play up what you want to hide) and from importing (get the enemy on board) to amplifying (do more of what works), Gunster's strategies and stories will have you approaching even the most challenging problems--from an annoying neighbor to an (...)
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  46. The Philosophy of Logical Mechanism Essays in Honor of Arthur W. Burks, with His Responses ; with a Bibliography of Works of Arthur W. Burks.Arthur W. Burks & Merrilee H. Salmon - 1990
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    Talking Cures, the Clinic, and the Value of the Ineffable.Daniel Berthold - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (4):325-328.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Talking Cures, the Clinic, and the Value of the IneffableDaniel Berthold (bio)KeywordsMadness, disease, the normal, the abnormal, the ineffable, Hegel, Kierkegaard, LacanI am most grateful to my readers, James Phillips and Louis Sass, who have led me to several new insights by suggesting ways of complicating my reading of a Lacanian approach to Hegel's and Kierkegaard's conceptions of madness. I am a Kierkegaard and Hegel scholar, with very (...)
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    Die Rhythmen des Sozialen.Berthold Vogel - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Aufsteigen oder verarmen, Beschleunigung oder Stillstand - im Werk des französischen Soziologen Pierre Bourdieu spielt Zeit eine grosse Rolle. Die Wochenzeitung Nr. 10/2009. Wir danken Berthold Vogel für die Erlaubnis, diesen Text zu reproduzieren. Der Begriff der Prekarität avancierte in den vergangenen Jahren zum Signalwort neuer sozialer Ungleichheiten. Das gilt insbesondere mit Blick auf die Arbeitswelt. Im Begriff der Prekarität geht es aber nicht nur um den Zuwachs von - Sociologie – Nouvel article.
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    Burke's speech on conciliation with America.Edmund Burke - unknown
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    Edmund Burke on government, politics, and society.Edmund Burke - 1975 - New York: International Publications Service. Edited by Brian W. Hill.
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