Results for 'Bernardo Rincón'

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  1.  37
    Ambigüedad religiosa, diversidad y racionalidad.Carlos Miguel Gómez Rincón - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):55-77.
    Se explora la relación entre las dimensiones proposicional y no proposicional de la creencia religiosa para mostrar que la última dirige el proceso de justificación y representa su límite. Se defiende que la no proposicional también tiene valor cognitivo, porque constituye una suerte de elección epistémica preteórica que no es exclusiva de la fe religiosa. Se explora la noción de ambigüedad religiosa, tanto a nivel intelectual como experiencial, y se sostiene que la relación entre la dimensión proposicional y la no-proposicional (...)
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    Las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos como promotoras de una cultura en derechos humanos.Ana Cristina González Rincón - 2019 - Ratio Juris 14 (29):187-206.
    Las Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos cumplen, fundamentalmente, con dos funciones: proteger a las personas a partir de recomendaciones, garantizándoles una reparación si se comente una violación a sus derechos, y prevenir futuras violaciones a los derechos humanos. Sobre esta base están llamadas a ser los organismos que guíen hacia una cultura ciudadana a favor de los derechos humanos. Para lograr la culturización en este campo, se requiere educar en derechos a través de la educación formal e informal. En el (...)
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    The architectures of waiting: Helmut Puff and Bernardo Zacka in conversation.Helmut Puff & Bernardo Zacka - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (2):266-283.
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  4. The Turing Test is a Thought Experiment.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):1-31.
    The Turing test has been studied and run as a controlled experiment and found to be underspecified and poorly designed. On the other hand, it has been defended and still attracts interest as a test for true artificial intelligence (AI). Scientists and philosophers regret the test’s current status, acknowledging that the situation is at odds with the intellectual standards of Turing’s works. This article refers to this as the Turing Test Dilemma, following the observation that the test has been under (...)
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    Obtención y caracterización de la oleoresina del ajo (allium sativum).Melvin A. Durán Rincón, Paula Andrea González Patiño & Leonardo Cardona Pareja - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    La asombrosa marioneta del Extranjero Ateniense: de la imagen a la filosofía en las Leyes de Platón.Diego Alejandro García Rincón - 2019 - Universitas Philosophica 36 (73):121-146.
    This paper makes the claim that the overall structure of Plato’s Laws follows the principle of indirect access to the knowledge of human soul, which consists in the understanding that a philosophical approach to the soul is only possible initially through an image of it. The structure of the Laws can be interpreted as a movement towards the soul’s interior, beginning with the famous image of the puppet. According to this image, the movement opens with the analysis of the non-rational (...)
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    Unfolding spiritual understanding through artistic creation: Findings of the Laboratory of Art and Spirituality.Carlos Miguel Gómez-Rincón, Natalia Reinoso-Chávez & Corina Estrada-Barrios - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    This article presents the results of the Laboratory of Art and Spirituality (LAS), in which a group of seven Colombian artists investigated, over a period of 10 months, how artistic creation contributes to understanding spiritual experiences. The research-creation methodology involved spaces of spiritual practice, artistic exploration, and autoethnographic reflection. With the help of these spaces, the artists produced various materials that were subsequently analyzed using a hermeneutic phenomenological orientation. As a result, we developed a model of artistic understanding based on (...)
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    El orden en el caos : una ampliación del mecanicismo.Francisco Javier Massa Rincón - 1997 - Endoxa 1 (8):93.
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    Andalò di Negro’s De compositione astrolabii: a critical edition with English translation and notes.Bernardo Mota, Samuel Gessner & Dominique Raynaud - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (6):551-617.
    In this article, we publish the critical edition of Andalò di Negro’s De compositione astrolabii, with English translation and commentary. The mathematician and astronomer Andalò di Negro presumably redacted this treatise on the astrolabe in the 1330s, while residing at the court of King Robert of Naples. The present edition has three purposes: first, to make available a text missing from the previous compilations of works by Andalò di Negro; second, to revise a privately circulated edition of the text; and (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Histoire d¿ une femme autre. Doña Catalina de Erauso,«La Monja Alférez».Héctor Pérez-Rincón - 2006 - Ludus Vitalis 14 (26):103-116.
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    John Rawls: Ra de la filosofía política.Ángela Patricia Rincón Murcia - 2004 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 25 (91):5.
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    Reduction of supercritical multiregional stochastic models with fast migration.Ángeles Rincón, Juan Antonio Alonso & Luis Sanz - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (4):479-500.
    In this work we study the behavior of a time discrete multiregional stochastic model for a population structured in age classes and spread out in different spatial patches between which individuals can migrate. The dynamics of the population is controlled both by reproduction-survival and by migration. These processes take place at different time scales in the sense of the latter being much faster than the former. We incorporate the effect of demographic stochasticity into the population, which results in both dynamics (...)
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    Pasiones sacerdotales. Análisis semiótico del Modelo de examen particular del arzobispo Manuel José Mosquera.Jhon Janer Vega Rincón - 2017 - Franciscanum 59 (168):387.
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    Historicidad, realismo y verdad.Carlos Miguel Gómez Rincon - 2017 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 21 (1):77-98.
    This paper argues that the historical character of our knowledge is compatible with both ontological and epistemological realism. The first part critically analyses the thesis according to which the situated nature of our cognitive practices implies that they do not refer to an extra-linguistic reality. The second section explores the claim that realism is a necessary presupposition of our communicative practices and the final part outlines the principles of a pluralist realism.
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  15. The Universe in Consciousness.Bernardo Kastrup - 2018 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 25 (5-6):125-155.
    I propose an idealist ontology that makes sense of reality in a more parsimonious and empirically rigorous manner than mainstream physicalism, bottom-up panpsychism, and cosmopsychism. The proposed ontology also offers more explanatory power than these three alternatives, in that it does not fall prey to the hard problem of consciousness, the combination problem, or the decombination problem, respectively. It can be summarized as follows: there is only cosmic consciousness. We, as well as all other living organisms, are but dissociated alters (...)
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  16. La transformación postsecular de la relación entre religión y racionalidad.Carlos Miguel Gómez Rincón - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):71-90.
    Se examina la idea de un vínculo directo entre modernización y pérdida de plausibilidad de la creencia religiosa, se explora la imagen contemporánea de la relación entre religión y racionalidad, y se muestra cómo no puede afirmarse que el avance de la ciencia conduzca a la secularización. Ante la pregunta, si la postsecularización conlleva una mutua exclusión de religión y racionalidad, se examinan las propuestas de J. Habermas y N. Wolterstorff, buscando criterios normativos para el diálogo entre racionalidades religiosas y (...)
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  17. Can machines think? The controversy that led to the Turing test.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2499-2509.
    Turing’s much debated test has turned 70 and is still fairly controversial. His 1950 paper is seen as a complex and multilayered text, and key questions about it remain largely unanswered. Why did Turing select learning from experience as the best approach to achieve machine intelligence? Why did he spend several years working with chess playing as a task to illustrate and test for machine intelligence only to trade it out for conversational question-answering in 1950? Why did Turing refer to (...)
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  18. The Next Paradigm.Bernardo Kastrup - 2018 - Future Human Image 9:41-51.
    In order to perceive the world, we need more than just raw sensory input: a subliminal paradigm of thought is required to interpret raw sensory data and, thereby, create the objects and events we perceive around ourselves. As such, the world we see reflects our own unexamined, culture-bound assumptions and expectations, which explains why every generation in history has believed that it more or less understood the world. Today, we perceive a world of objects and events outside and independent of (...)
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  19. Political Theory with an Ethnographic Sensibility.Bernardo Zacka, Brooke Ackerly, Jakob Elster, Signy Gutnick Allen, Humeira Iqtidar, Matthew Longo & Paul Sagar - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):385-418.
    Political theory is a field that finds nourishment in others. From economics, history, sociology, psychology, and political science, theorists have drawn a rich repertoire of schemas to parse the social world and make sense of it. With each of these encounters, new subjects are brought into focus as others recede into the background, ushering a change not only in how questions are tackled but also in what questions are thought worth asking.
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  20.  24
    Les limitacions del principi d’autonomia en bioètica. Una reflexió des de la teoria republicana de la llibertat.José Francisco Gómez Rincón - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 4 (1):83-105.
    En aquest article pretenem fer una crítica, des de postulats ètics de caràcter republicà, al mode actual d’entendre i, per tant, posar en pràctica el principi d'autonomia de la bioètica. Pretenem mostrar que, en l’estat actual d’aplicació d'aquest principi, emprant una definició liberal de llibertat i de la natura humana, aquest idea de llibertat i autonomia que es pretén protegir, no es compleix en deixar fora de l’equació tot un seguit de circumstàncies socials, polítiques o econòmiques que poden dificultar al (...)
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    Notas para una lectura ética de la conversación.Diego Fernando Rincón - 2019 - Revista Disertaciones 8 (1-2):53-63.
    La sugestión que puede quedar de la siguiente lectura a la conversación, es que esta lejos de ser superflua, es una actividad seria y promisoria para fortalecer valores éticos. Naturalmente, se trata de una conversación que pueda asir la crítica, reflexión, el argumento, la comprensión. Notas para una lectura ética de la conversación es la apuesta por empezar a reflexionar desde el punto de vista de la filosofía una actividad que día a día fortalece los lazos ciudadanos. Pensar el valor (...)
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  22. Freedom and Praxis in Plotinus’s Ennead 6.8.1-6.Bernardo Portilho Andrade - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:e03031.
    In this paper, I argue that Plotinus does not limit the sphere of free human agency simply to intellectual contemplation, but rather extends it all the way to human praxis. Plotinus’s goal in the first six chapters of Ennead 6.8 is, accordingly, to demarcate the space of freedom within human practical actions. He ultimately concludes that our external actions are free whenever they actualize, in unhindered fashion, the moral principles derived from intellectual contemplation. This raises the question of how the (...)
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  23. Church-Rosser Property for Conditional Rewriting Systems with Built-in Predicates as Premises.Mauricio Ayala-Rincon - 2000 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Maarten de Rijke, Frontiers of combining systems 2. Philadelphia, PA: Research Studies Press. pp. 2--17.
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    Vauvenargues: um “moralista” sedicioso.Bernardo Bianchi - 2015 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 9:97-126.
    The article discusses both the affinities between Vauvenargues and Spinoza, and the way Laurent Bove examines the relation. Despite all the efforts made by Vauvenargues to mislead his readers and, especially, the censorship, Bove’s endeavor consists in reconstructing Vauvenargues concealed metaphysical premises. As we explore Vauvenargues’ philosophy, in which Pascal plays a major role, it becomes clear the conceptual twists made by the provençal writer in favor of a kind of philosophy where the finite, man’s ontological condition, is valued – (...)
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  25. Inmoralidad de la guerra declarada contra Iraq.Bernardo Cuesta - 2003 - Ciencia Tomista 130 (1):165-169.
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  26. Ética compasiva para una sociedad globalizada y enferma.Bernardo Cuesta - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (443):539-576.
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  27. Introduzione alla logica dei sistemi normativi.Giuliano Di Bernardo - 1972 - Bologna,: Il mulino.
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    La fi de l'hegemonia neoliberal i el renaixement populista. L’antropologia neoliberal com a origen de l’actual moment populista.José Francisco Gómez Rincón - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 8 (2):43.
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    El rediseño del estado: una perspectiva internacional.Bernardo Kliksberg (ed.) - 1994 - México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    Transformar el Estado implica cambiar todo el modelo de sociedad en aspectos b sicos. Sin embargo, este tema con frecuencia ha sido abordado con extremo simplismo, dogmatismo y bajo visiones maniqueas. Esta obra rompe las perspectivas convencionales al encarar el problema de cambiar el Estado desde la agenda de los temas claves que afligen la vida cotidiana de las grandes mayor as en el mundo.
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    Lo singular, precursor opaco de lo común.Bernardo Rengifo Lozano - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (58):175-196.
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    Observaciones sobre algunos aspectos de la filosofía de Ernst Tugendhat.David Martínez Rincón - 2018 - Universitas Philosophica 35 (71):351-377.
    This paper argues that there is a thread in the philosophy of E. Tugendhat binding together his moral and justice theories with his conceptual analysis. Oriented by the thesis that a conceptual analysis is necessary to explain what justice is, this paper reconstructs some aspects of Tugendhat’s philosophy. It is divided in four sections: First, I delve into the author’s definition and use of conceptual analysis. Second, I describe some features of Tugendhat’s moral theory of contractualism. Third, I examine his (...)
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  32. Afinal, para que serve a Pena? A tragédia da autoridade?Bernardo Montalvão - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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  33. Les deux fridas.Héctor Péres-Rincón - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):93-103.
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    Ética aplicada, ética sexual y educación sexual.David Martínez Rincón - 2024 - Universitas Philosophica 41 (82):105-118.
    El propósito de este artículo es presentar el enfoque ético de Finnis sobre la sexualidad, para cuya reflexión puede usarse el término de “ética sexual”. El tema central del artículo es el estudio de la postura teórica y práctica de John Finnis sobre una ética de la racionalidad práctica que demuestra la posibilidad de hacer juicios objetivos sobre lo bueno y razonar sobre el bien, y la relación de esta propuesta con el abordaje de la sexualidad en el texto “Every (...)
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    Identidades e crise das democracias.Bernardo Sorj - 2022 - São Paulo: Plataforma Democrática Fundação FHC.
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    The policy state: An American predicament.Bernardo Zacka - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (1):28-31.
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  37. Peirce on Science and religion.Bernardo Cantens - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 59 (2):93-115.
  38. The Idea of the World: A multi-disciplinary argument for the mental nature of reality.Bernardo Kastrup - 2019 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    The Idea of the World offers a grounded alternative to the frenzy of unrestrained abstractions and unexamined assumptions in philosophy and science today. This book examines what can be learned about the nature of reality based on conceptual parsimony, straightforward logic and empirical evidence from fields as diverse as physics and neuroscience. It compiles an overarching case for idealism - the notion that reality is essentially mental - from ten original articles the author has previously published in leading academic journals. (...)
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    Phase transitions in artificial intelligence systems.Bernardo A. Huberman & Tad Hogg - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (2):155-171.
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    Why Materialism Is Baloney: How true skeptics know there is no death and fathom answers to life, the universe, and everything.Bernardo Kastrup - 2014 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    The present framing of the cultural debate in terms of materialism versus religion has allowed materialism to go unchallenged as the only rationally-viable metaphysics. This book seeks to change this. It uncovers the absurd implications of materialism and then, uniquely, presents a hard-nosed non-materialist metaphysics substantiated by skepticism, hard empirical evidence, and clear logical argumentation. It lays out a coherent framework upon which one can interpret and make sense of every natural phenomenon and physical law, as well as the modalities (...)
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  41.  32
    A invenção do tempo.Bernardo Gomes Barbosa Nogueira, Eunice Maria Nazarethe Nonato & Edmarcius Carvalho Novaes - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (78):1863-1876.
    A obra em questão, Favor fechar os olhos: em busca de um outro tempo, de Byung-Chul Han, nascido na Coreia e radicado na Alemanha, onde é professor de Filosofia e Estudos Culturais na Universidade de Berlim, se trata de uma reflexão filosófica acerca das questões que envolvem o paradigma digital contemporâneo atrelado à problemática do tempo, e, mais propriamente, acerca do ato natural de fechar os olhos ante a coação permanente pelo visual, pela vigilância. O ensaio de Byung-Chul Han está (...)
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    Adorno’s dynamic theory of ideology.Bernardo Ferro - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Adorno’s conception of ideology was denounced by Habermas as incompatible with a viable form of social critique. By conflating ideology and the ‘identity principle’ inherent to modern Western reason, he argues, Adorno offered an overly negative characterisation of modernity and failed to recognise its rational potential. This paper questions this line of criticism by revisiting Adorno’s position. While he does sometimes associate ideology with identity-thinking, this association does not exhaust his views on the subject. For Adorno, ideology is just as (...)
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  43.  26
    Comparing and implementing calculi of explicit substitutions with eta-reduction.Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Flávio L. C. de Moura & Fairouz Kamareddine - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (1):5-41.
    The past decade has seen an explosion of work on calculi of explicit substitutions. Numerous works have illustrated the usefulness of these calculi for practical notions like the implementation of typed functional programming languages and higher order proof assistants. It has also been shown that eta-reduction is useful for adapting substitution calculi for practical problems like higher order unification. This paper concentrates on rewrite rules for eta-reduction in three different styles of explicit substitution calculi: λσ, λse and the suspension calculus. (...)
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  44. Peirce’s Imaginative Community: On the Esthetic Grounds of Inquiry.Bernardo Andrade - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 58 (1):1-21.
    Departing from Anderson’s (2016) suggestion that there are three communities in Peirce’s thought corresponding to his three normative sciences of logic, ethics, and esthetics, I argue that these communities partake in a relationship of dependence similar to that found among the normative sciences. In this way, just as logic relies on ethics which relies on esthetics, so too would a logical community of inquirers rely on an ethical community of love, which would rely on an esthetic community of artists. A (...)
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    A Ascensão da Alma nas Enéadas de Plotino.Bernardo Brandão - 2015 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 40 (1):29-44.
    according to Plotinus, it is possible for the soul of the philosopher to follow a way of ascension towards the superior realities. This way is composed of two parts. The first one goes from the sensible world to the Intellect and the second, from the Intellect to the one. In this paper, I investigate the trópos and mēkhanaí, as Plotinus writes in I, 6, necessary to this journey.
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  46. Haemin Sunim (Trans. Charles La Shure). When Things Don’t Go Your Way.Bernardo Caslib - 2025 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 26 (1).
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    Obtención de la oleorresina de la berenjena (Solanum melongena L) y su posible uso industrial.Melvin A. Durán Rincón, Nelson Contreras Coronel, Valencia Sánchez & Hoover Albeiro - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Máximas éticas frente al desplazamiento y la inmovilidad climáticos.Bernardo Bolaños Guerra - 2024 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 18 (34):335-368.
    El desplazamiento humano provocado por el cambio climático plantea desafíos éticos complejos que exigen respuestas fundamentadas en evidencia y orientadas hacia la justicia. Este artículo propone un marco ético compuesto por máximas normativas diseñadas para abordar la migración climática desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, integrando datos de las ciencias ambientales y principios éticos. Partiendo de casos representativos en México, Centroamérica o el subcontinente indio (como los desplazamientos forzados por sequías, el aumento del nivel del mar, los huracanes atípicos y la pérdida (...)
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  49. El rediseño del Estado socioeconómico y el cambio.Bernardo Kliksberg - 1994 - In El rediseño del estado: una perspectiva internacional. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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  50. Comunicación para la innovación: estrategias en el escenario de los parques científicos y tecnológicos.Bernardo Díaz Nosty - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 80:22-31.
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