Results for 'Bernardo Basa'

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  1.  29
    El poder y el Papa. Aproximación a la filosofía política de Marsilio de Padua.Bernardo Bayona - 2007 - Isegoría 36:197-218.
    El trabajo expone el significado de la obra de Marsilio de Padua, la primera teoría medieval no clerical del Estado. Marsilio se propone combatir la doctrina de la plenitudo potestatis papal, porque la considera causa de la guerra civil en Italia a principios del siglo XIV. Se basa para ello en la unidad de la soberanía, frente al dualismo que caracteriza a otros defensores del poder secular, como Juan de Paris, Ockham o Dante. Sostiene que no existe fundamento espiritual (...)
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  2. The Idea of the World: A multi-disciplinary argument for the mental nature of reality.Bernardo Kastrup - 2019 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    The Idea of the World offers a grounded alternative to the frenzy of unrestrained abstractions and unexamined assumptions in philosophy and science today. This book examines what can be learned about the nature of reality based on conceptual parsimony, straightforward logic and empirical evidence from fields as diverse as physics and neuroscience. It compiles an overarching case for idealism - the notion that reality is essentially mental - from ten original articles the author has previously published in leading academic journals. (...)
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    Why Materialism Is Baloney: How true skeptics know there is no death and fathom answers to life, the universe, and everything.Bernardo Kastrup - 2014 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    The present framing of the cultural debate in terms of materialism versus religion has allowed materialism to go unchallenged as the only rationally-viable metaphysics. This book seeks to change this. It uncovers the absurd implications of materialism and then, uniquely, presents a hard-nosed non-materialist metaphysics substantiated by skepticism, hard empirical evidence, and clear logical argumentation. It lays out a coherent framework upon which one can interpret and make sense of every natural phenomenon and physical law, as well as the modalities (...)
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  4. Political Theory with an Ethnographic Sensibility.Bernardo Zacka, Brooke Ackerly, Jakob Elster, Signy Gutnick Allen, Humeira Iqtidar, Matthew Longo & Paul Sagar - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):385-418.
    Political theory is a field that finds nourishment in others. From economics, history, sociology, psychology, and political science, theorists have drawn a rich repertoire of schemas to parse the social world and make sense of it. With each of these encounters, new subjects are brought into focus as others recede into the background, ushering a change not only in how questions are tackled but also in what questions are thought worth asking.
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    Science ideated: the fall of matter and the contours of the next mainstream scientific worldview.Bernardo Kastrup - 2020 - Winchester, UK: iff Books.
    Why it is increasingly evident that ideas, not matter, are the sole object of all sciences.
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  6. Viralidad desconcertante.Tatiana Basáñez - 2020 - In Manuel Arias-Maldonado, En busca del presente: veinte años de ensayo y pensamiento contemporáneo en la revista Letras Libres. Ciudad de México, México: Gris Tormenta.
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  7. Maria nell'itinerario spirituale di Angela.Bernardo Commodi - 2009 - Miscellanea Francescana 109 (1-2):176-199.
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    George Edward Moore: sapienza filosofica e saggezza pratica.Bernardo Razzotti - 1997 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  9. On the Plausibility of Idealism: Refuting Criticisms.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Disputatio 9 (44):13-34.
    Several alternatives vie today for recognition as the most plausible ontology, from physicalism to panpsychism. By and large, these ontologies entail that physical structures circumscribe consciousness by bearing phenomenal properties within their physical boundaries. The ontology of idealism, on the other hand, entails that all physical structures are circumscribed by consciousness in that they exist solely as phenomenality in the first place. Unlike the other alternatives, however, idealism is often considered implausible today, particularly by analytic philosophers. A reason for this (...)
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  10. An Ontological Solution to the Mind-Body Problem.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Philosophies 2 (2):doi:10.3390/philosophies2020010.
    I argue for an idealist ontology consistent with empirical observations, which seeks to explain the facts of nature more parsimoniously than physicalism and bottom-up panpsychism. This ontology also attempts to offer more explanatory power than both physicalism and bottom-up panpsychism, in that it does not fall prey to either the ‘hard problem of consciousness’ or the ‘subject combination problem’, respectively. It can be summarized as follows: spatially unbound consciousness is posited to be nature’s sole ontological primitive. We, as well as (...)
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  11. Can machines think? The controversy that led to the Turing test.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2499-2509.
    Turing’s much debated test has turned 70 and is still fairly controversial. His 1950 paper is seen as a complex and multilayered text, and key questions about it remain largely unanswered. Why did Turing select learning from experience as the best approach to achieve machine intelligence? Why did he spend several years working with chess playing as a task to illustrate and test for machine intelligence only to trade it out for conversational question-answering in 1950? Why did Turing refer to (...)
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  12. Analytic idealism and psi : how a more tenable metaphysics neutralizes a physicalist taboo.Bernardo Kastrup - 2021 - In Edward F. Kelly & Paul Marshall, Consciousness Unbound: Liberating Mind from the Tyranny of Materialism. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    American Educational Association 1997 Presidential Address Remember the Alamo: Imperialism, Memory, and Postcolonial Educational Studies.Bernardo P. Gallegos - 1998 - Educational Studies 29 (3):232-247.
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  14. Peirce’s Imaginative Community: On the Esthetic Grounds of Inquiry.Bernardo Andrade - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 58 (1):1-21.
    Departing from Anderson’s (2016) suggestion that there are three communities in Peirce’s thought corresponding to his three normative sciences of logic, ethics, and esthetics, I argue that these communities partake in a relationship of dependence similar to that found among the normative sciences. In this way, just as logic relies on ethics which relies on esthetics, so too would a logical community of inquirers rely on an ethical community of love, which would rely on an esthetic community of artists. A (...)
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    Phase transitions in artificial intelligence systems.Bernardo A. Huberman & Tad Hogg - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (2):155-171.
  16. The Universe in Consciousness.Bernardo Kastrup - 2018 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 25 (5-6):125-155.
    I propose an idealist ontology that makes sense of reality in a more parsimonious and empirically rigorous manner than mainstream physicalism, bottom-up panpsychism, and cosmopsychism. The proposed ontology also offers more explanatory power than these three alternatives, in that it does not fall prey to the hard problem of consciousness, the combination problem, or the decombination problem, respectively. It can be summarized as follows: there is only cosmic consciousness. We, as well as all other living organisms, are but dissociated alters (...)
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  17. The Turing Test is a Thought Experiment.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):1-31.
    The Turing test has been studied and run as a controlled experiment and found to be underspecified and poorly designed. On the other hand, it has been defended and still attracts interest as a test for true artificial intelligence (AI). Scientists and philosophers regret the test’s current status, acknowledging that the situation is at odds with the intellectual standards of Turing’s works. This article refers to this as the Turing Test Dilemma, following the observation that the test has been under (...)
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  18. Ética compasiva para una sociedad globalizada y enferma.Bernardo Cuesta - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (443):539-576.
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    Crítica e interpretação: aproximando Benjamin e Gadamer.Bernardo Barros Coelho de Oliveira - 2008 - Natureza Humana 10 (1):129-146.
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  20. Sobre el aporte de la filosofía a las teorías de conceptos en ciencia cognitiva.Bernardo Aguilera & Bernardo Pino - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 76:7-27.
    This paper defends the relevance of philosophy in the contemporary study of concepts. With the advent of cognitive science, naturalistic and interdisciplinary theorizing about concepts has gained momentum. In this context, it has been recently argued that philosophers’ theories of concepts are not aimed at answering the issues that psychologists are interested in, thus dismissing the mentioned philosophical contribution as scientifically otiose. We present and discuss two cases in point suggesting otherwise, as an attempt to vindicate the crucial role of (...)
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  21.  10
    Fieldwork in Political Theory: Five Arguments for an Ethnographic Sensibility.Lisa Herzog & Bernardo Zacka - 2019 - British Journal of Political Science 49 (2):763–784.
    This article makes a positive case for an ethnographic sensibility in political theory. Drawing on published ethnographies and original fieldwork, it argues that an ethnographic sensibility can contribute to normative reflection in five distinct ways. It can help uncover the nature of situated normative demands (epistemic argument); diagnose obstacles encountered when responding to these demands (diagnostic argument); evaluate practices and institutions against a given set of values (evaluative argument); probe, question and refine our understanding of values (valuational argument); and uncover (...)
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  22.  30
    Só em direção ao só: considerações sobre a mística de Plotino.Bernardo Guadalupe dos Santos Lins Brandão - 2007 - Horizonte 6 (11):151-158.
    Resumo Plotino é um pensador estranho para o filósofo contemporâneo: nas suas Enéadas, ele discute experiência mística e prática filosófica como se fosse uma mesma coisa. De fato, no pensamento plotiniano, o ápice da vida filosófica é a contemplação mística: não pensamento irracional, mas uma forma supra-racional de consciência que é alcançada pela prática ascética e pelo procedimento dialético. Este artigo tenta entender o que é a experiência mística em Plotino. Na verdade, uma leitura atenta dos textos das Enéadas que (...)
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    The architectures of waiting: Helmut Puff and Bernardo Zacka in conversation.Helmut Puff & Bernardo Zacka - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (2):266-283.
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    (1 other version)Sobre el aporte de la filosofía a las teorías de conceptos en ciencia cognitiva.Bernardo Aguilera & R. Bernardo Pino - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 76:7-27.
    Este artículo defiende la relevancia de la filosofía en el estudio contemporáneo de conceptos. Con el desarrollo de la ciencia cognitiva, la teorización naturalista e interdisciplinaria acerca de los conceptos ha cobrado impulso. En este contexto, se ha argumentado recientemente que las teorías filosóficas de conceptos no son acerca del tipo de cosas que interesan a los psicólogos, descartando así la pertinencia científica de la contribución filosófica mencionada. Presentamos y discutimos dos casos que sugieren lo contrario, como un intento de (...)
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  25. Dasein Is the Animal That Sorts Out Colors.Bernardo Ainbinder - 2017 - In Marcos Silva, How Colours Matter to Philosophy. Cham: Springer.
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  26. Journeying with the poor in their ongoing struggle for recognition.Allan A. Basas - 2022 - In Joel C. Sagut & Alfredo P. Co, Faith and reason in the Catholic intellectual tradition. España, Manila, Philippines: University of Santo Tomas Publishing House.
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  27. La noftica de averroes.Bernardo C. Bazán - 1972 - Philosophia (Misc.) 38:19.
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  28. Ultimate Reality in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce: To Want to Learn the Truth.Bernardo J. Cantens - 2006 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 29 (4):229-243.
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    The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present.Bernardo Gandulla, N. A. Silberman & David Small - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):655.
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  30. El rediseño del Estado socioeconómico y el cambio.Bernardo Kliksberg - 1994 - In El rediseño del estado: una perspectiva internacional. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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  31. Afinal, para que serve a Pena? A tragédia da autoridade?Bernardo Montalvão - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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  32. La crisis en la industria de la prensa. Vida más allá del papel..Bernardo Díaz Nosty - 2011 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 86:52-65.
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    The policy state: An American predicament.Bernardo Zacka - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (1):28-31.
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  34. (1 other version)Making Sense of the Mental Universe.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Philosophy and Cosmology 19 (1):33-49.
    In 2005, an essay was published in Nature asserting that the universe is mental and that we must abandon our tendency to conceptualize observations as things. Since then, experiments have confirmed that — as predicted by quantum mechanics — reality is contextual, which contradicts at least intuitive formulations of realism and corroborates the hypothesis of a mental universe. Yet, to give this hypothesis a coherent rendering, one must explain how a mental universe can — at least in principle — accommodate (...)
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  35. Ultimate reality in the metaphysics of Francisco Suárez.Bernardo Cantens - 2002 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 25 (2):73-92.
  36.  33
    Deportes, barrios y políticas públicas: el caso chileno1.Bernardo Guerrero Jiménez & Alexander Pérez Mora - 2021 - Enfoques 33 (2):19-32.
    Analizamos las relaciones no siempre presentes entre deportes, barrios y políticas públicas en Chile en el marco de las vinculaciones entre Estado y sociedad civil en la que el barrio y los clubes deportivos, pese a su gran presencia y aporte a la sociabilidad, han estado ausentes. Hasta antes del golpe de Estado de 1973, la sociedad civil tenía una gran fortaleza, y muchas de sus instituciones, como los clubes deportivos, gozaban de buena salud institucional y sobre todo de autonomía. (...)
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    An Ontological Solution to the Mind-Body Problem.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Philosophies 2 (2):10.
    I argue for an idealist ontology consistent with empirical observations, which seeks to explain the facts of nature more parsimoniously than physicalism and bottom-up panpsychism. This ontology also attempts to offer more explanatory power than both physicalism and bottom-up panpsychism, in that it does not fall prey to either the ‘hard problem of consciousness’ or the ‘subject combination problem’, respectively. It can be summarized as follows: spatially unbound consciousness is posited to be nature’s sole ontological primitive. We, as well as (...)
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  38. Lo Spirito santo nell'esperienza spirituale di Angela da foligno.Bernardo Commodi - 2010 - Miscellanea Francescana 110 (3-4):335-368.
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  39. Inmoralidad de la guerra declarada contra Iraq.Bernardo Cuesta - 2003 - Ciencia Tomista 130 (1):165-169.
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  40. Nuevo enfoque de la moral: la perspectiva de la moral latinoamericana in Teologia desde los pobres.Bernardo Cuesta - 1987 - Ciencia Tomista 114 (3):595-621.
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  41. Comunicación para la innovación: estrategias en el escenario de los parques científicos y tecnológicos.Bernardo Díaz Nosty - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 80:22-31.
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  42. Procesionales dominicanos impresos en España de 1494 a 1609.Bernardo Fueyo Suárez - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (444):151-212.
    Presentación de las seis ediciones del libro procesional publicadas por los dominicos en España entre 1494 y 1609. En una primera parte, se estudia el contexto, las características y el contenido de cada edición, y se compara la evolución de los textos de una edición a otra. Una segunda sección analiza las prácticas procesionales, tal como vienen reflejadas en las sucesivas impresiones del libro procesional, y su implantación y desarrollo hasta principios del siglo XVII.This is an exposition of the six (...)
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  43. Secciones Castellanas del Breviario 06/508 de Santo Domingo el Real de Toledo.Bernardo Fueyo Suárez - 2009 - Ciencia Tomista 136 (439):363.
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    The book of virtues and values.Bernardo M. Villegas - 2011 - Pasig City, Philippines: University of Asia and the Pacific.
    Building a civilization of love -- The practice of values in various settings -- The superiority complex of Filipino women -- The value of doing good business -- The value of living the virtues -- The virtues of icons, role models and personalities -- The value of spirituality -- Filipino values, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
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    Adhocracy, security and responsibility: Revisiting Abu Ghraib a decade later.Bernardo Zacka - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (1):38-57.
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    Every twelve seconds: Industrialized slaughter and the politics of sight.Bernardo Zacka - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (2):e1-e3.
  47. The Next Paradigm.Bernardo Kastrup - 2018 - Future Human Image 9:41-51.
    In order to perceive the world, we need more than just raw sensory input: a subliminal paradigm of thought is required to interpret raw sensory data and, thereby, create the objects and events we perceive around ourselves. As such, the world we see reflects our own unexamined, culture-bound assumptions and expectations, which explains why every generation in history has believed that it more or less understood the world. Today, we perceive a world of objects and events outside and independent of (...)
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  48.  23
    Galilean resonances: the role of experiment in Turing’s construction of machine intelligence.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2024 - Annals of Science 81 (3):359-389.
    In 1950, Alan Turing proposed his iconic imitation game, calling it a ‘test’, an ‘experiment’, and the ‘the only really satisfactory support’ for his view that machines can think. Following Turing’s rhetoric, the ‘Turing test’ has been widely received as a kind of crucial experiment to determine machine intelligence. In later sources, however, Turing showed a milder attitude towards what he called his ‘imitation tests’. In 1948, Turing referred to the persuasive power of ‘the actual production of machines’ rather than (...)
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  49. A Marca do Cognitivo e Cognição 4E.Bernardo Gonçalves Alonso & Ronaldo de Oliveira Ramos - 2022 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 29 (58):24-48.
    In this article it is defended that the notion known as “The mark of the cognitive” is better characterized as a process that performs the function of generating intelligent behavior, in a flexible and adaptive way, capable of adapting to circumstances, given it is a context sensitive process. For that, some relevant definitions of cognition are examined. In the end, it is pointed out that the definition of the mark of cognition as a context-sensitive process takes into account several factors (...)
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  50. Self-Transcendence Correlates with Brain Function Impairment.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (3):33-42.
    A broad pattern of correlations between mechanisms of brain function impairment and self-transcendence is shown. The pattern includes such mechanisms as cerebral hypoxia, physiological stress, transcranial magnetic stimulation, trance-induced physiological effects, the action of psychoactive substances and even physical trauma to the brain. In all these cases, subjects report self-transcending experiences o en described as ‘mystical’ and ‘awareness-expanding,’ as well as self-transcending skills o en described as ‘savant.’ The idea that these correlations could be rather trivially accounted for on the (...)
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