Results for 'Berlioz, Hector'

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  1.  4
    Hector Berlioz, ou, La philosophie artiste.Dominique Catteau - 2001 - Paris: Publibook.
    Berlioz et les philosophes -- Une philosophie pressentie -- La philosophie de Berlioz -- Philosophie de la musique -- Portée philosophique de l'œuvre de Berlioz.
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  2. Part I. Questioning the Universal. The Universal : Now You See It, Now You Don't / Peter Dayan ; Music, Literature, and the Aesthetics of Eugenics / Ryan Weber ; 'That is the music which makes men mad' : Hungarian Nervous Music in Fin-de-Siècle Gay Literature / Zsolt Bojti ; Music and Gender Roles in Hector Berlioz's Euphonia and George Sand's Le Dernier Amour / Nina Rolland ; Re-writing Music Lyrics as Resistant Poetry in Tyehimba Jess's Olio and Morgan Parker's There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé / Alexandra Reznik ; On Themes and Variations : Music and Literature in Poststructuralism / Sarah Hickmott ; Towards Spirit : Samuel Beckett's Phenomenology of Music / Helen Bailey ; Music in Postcolonial Literature.Christin Hoene - 2022 - In Rachael Durkin, Peter Dayan, Axel Englund & Katharina Clausius, The Routledge companion to music and modern literature. New York: Routledge.
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    History as Symphony: Navigating the Archive's Outside in Ginzburg and Berlioz.Ari Hallgrímur Finnsson - 2023 - Diacritics 51 (2):36-56.
    This essay explores the question of the uncertain relationship between historical narratives, the archive, and past reality by drawing links between Carlo Ginzburg's 1976 The Cheese and the Worms, and Hector Berlioz's 1830 Symphonie Fantastique. I suggest that Ginzburg's microhistory provides valuable insight into how a mode of historical scholarship premised on the concept of translation might proceed. The symphony provides an example of translation in the medium of music and, by way of comparison with Ginzburg's text, illuminates how (...)
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    3. decentered identities: The case of the romantics.Bonnie G. Smith - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (2):210-219.
    Natalie Zemon Davis’s work has decentered the identities of her subjects as part of seeing their complexity. This essay, inspired by Davis’s rich thought and scholarship, looks at the ways in which the Romantics in the arts decentered their thought and practices away from the West. Their decentering involved serious study of non-Western thought and its incorporation into their art, and the regular use of opium to shape their creative works. One borrowed theme was transcendence to a higher mode of (...)
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    L’instrument de musique : identité et potentiel.Hervé Lacombe - 2011 - Methodos 11.
    L’instrument de musique est abordé non pas isolément mais avec la musique dans laquelle il intervient et par laquelle il se réalise véritablement comme instrument de musique. Après des éléments de définition abordés en rayonnant autour de l’idée de Berlioz du « corps sonore utilisé par le compositeur », l’accent est mis sur le rôle de la pratique instrumentale et de la technique instrumentale. Sont décrites alors les diverses formes de l’identité de l’instrument (de l’identité-objet à l’identité-répertoire) puis ses potentialités (...)
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    Genealogies of Music and Memory: Gluck in the Nineteenth-Century Parisian Imagination.James H. Johnson - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):239-241.
    The music of Christoph Willibald von Gluck was a revolution for Paris operagoers when his work premiered there in 1774. In a setting known for its restive and often rowdy spectators, Alceste, Iphigénie en Aulide, and Orpheé et Eurydice seized audiences with unprecedented force. They shed silent tears or sobbed openly, and some cried out in sympathy with the sufferers onstage. “Oh Mama! This is too painful!” three girls called out as Charon led Alcestis to the underworld, and a boy (...)
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  7. Métaphysique et ontologie.Dominique Berlioz, Filipe Drapeau Contim & François Loth (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Vrin.
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  8. (1 other version)'He': A study in the logic of self-consciousness.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1966 - Ratio 8:130-157.
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    Logic and the complexity of reasoning.Hector J. Levesque - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (4):355 - 389.
  10. HEGELIAN INTERVIEWS by hegelpd with Héctor Ferreiro.Hector Ferreiro - 2020 - “Hegelian Interviews” by HEGELPD (Classical German Philosophy – University of Padova Research Group).
  11. Goût et connaissance chez David Hume.D. Berlioz - 1997 - Archives de Philosophie 60 (4):575-595.
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    L'actualitè de Leibniz: les deux labyrinthes : décade de Cerisy la Salle, 15-22 juin 1995.Dominique Berlioz (ed.) - 1999 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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  13. L'exemplum homilétique.Jacques Berlioz - 1995 - Comprendre 3665:87-96.
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  14. La voix de l'évêque : Guillaume d'Auvergne dans les exempla (XIIIe-XIVe siècle).Jacques Berlioz - 2005 - In Franco Morenzoni & Jean-Yves Tilliette, Autour de Guillaume d'Auvergne (+1249). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
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  15. Report on the June 14-15, 1996 international conference held in Paris on the subject of Berkeley and Cartesianism.D. Berlioz - 1997 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 52 (3):629-632.
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    Perception, Subjectivity, and Thinking.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape, Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 329-338.
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  17. Herbert Spencer.Hector Macpherson - 1900 - New York,: Doubleday, Page & co..
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    Determinación del objeto de estudio de la metafísica, sus límites y su correlato con el nombre de esta ciencia según el pensamiento del P. Francisco Suárez.Héctor Pérez San Martín - 1999 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 26:5-40.
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    Agent, Language, and the Structure of the World: Essays Presented to Hector-Neri Castañeda, with His Replies.Hector-Neri Castañeda, James B. Tomberlin & James E. Tomberlin - 1983 - Ridgeview Publishing Company.
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  20. Thinking, Language, And Experience.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1989 - Minneapolis: University Of Minn Press.
    Thinking, Language, and Experience was first published in 1989.Hector-Neri Castañeda's intricate and provocative essays have been widely influential, especially his work in epistemology and ethics, and his theory on the relation of thought to action. The fourteen essays in Thinking, Language, and Experience -- half of them written expressly for this volume -- demonstrate the breadth and richness of his recent work on the unitary structure of human experience.A comprehensive, unified study of phenomena at the intersection between experience, thinking, (...)
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    Rachunek "współistniejących" i "istniejących-w" a leibnizjańska metafizyka wyrażania.Dominique Berlioz - 1995 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 11:111-124.
    The paper is devoted to some Leibniz's works concerning formal calculus, which makes use of so-called real sum operator. The author tries to show that the calculus had been created to articulate certain metaphysical intuitions specific for Leibniz. The calculus made it possible to put forth and to solve some problems unknown to the scholastic tradition.
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    IV. Das Denken und die Struktur der Welt.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape, Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 142-178.
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    Paradoxes of moral reparation: Deontic foci vs. circumstances.Hector -Neri Castañeda - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 57 (1):1 - 21.
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    El término olvidado de la trilogía revolucionaria: la fraternidad como ideal político.Héctor Ghiretti - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):280-310.
    Since it appeared as one of the supreme ideals of 1789, fraternity was a troublesome, disturbing presence. Revolutionaries and their ideological heirs condemned it to obliteration. The contemporary crisis of the ideals of freedom and equality has recently brought fraternity into focus again. A deeper analysis of Fraternity as a political concept reveals a whole world of analogical concepts that political Modernity has ignored.
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  25. Naturaleza y derecho.Héctor Hernández - 1994 - Philosophica 17:139.
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    La crise du transformisme.Hector Lebrun - 1911 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 18 (69):58-89.
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    Ciencia y técnica en la proyección de la Universidad Colombiana.Héctor Lugo - 1984 - Franciscanum: Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu 26 (76):5-15.
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    On absolute preference and stochastic dominance.Hector A. Múnera - 1986 - Theory and Decision 21 (1):85-88.
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    A deterministic event tree approach to uncertainty, randomness and probability in individual chance processes.Hector A. Munera - 1992 - Theory and Decision 32 (1):21-55.
  30. Teología del Guernica: El Guernica de Picasso como primer cuadro de la muerte de Dios.Hector Solsona Quilis - 2002 - A Parte Rei 20:8.
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  31. Viaje al¿ Núcleo Crítico?Héctor Solsona Quilis - 2005 - A Parte Rei 37:4.
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  32. La abstracta subjetividad de la inteligencia. El concepto de "representación" en la filosofía de Hegel.Héctor A. Reiro - 1999 - Escritos de Filosofía 18 (35):99-130.
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  33. Nuevas Tecnologías y Transformación del Espacio Urbano. Buenos Aires 1970—1990.Héctor Segmucler & Patricia Terrero - 1993 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 32.
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    Fracturas psicosociales asociadas a la prejubilación.Héctor Tejón Sáez - 2010 - Aposta 47:3.
    Este artículo analiza, de una manera introductoria, el concepto de prejubilación. A partir de una perspectiva psicosocial, se señalan los problemas derivados de esa expulsión prematura del mercado laboral que padecen personas mayores de cincuenta y cinco años. Son trabajadores cualificados, con una experiencia acumulada que, para muchas empresas, deja de ser un valor añadido y se convierte en una carga. La identificación con el trabajo y la percepción de la nueva situación son los factores principales que determinan la adaptación (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Action, Knowledge, and Reality.Hector-Neri Castañeda (ed.) - 1975 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
    Studies in Wilfrid Sellars' philosophy: Aune, B. Sellars on practical reason.--Castañeda, H.-N. Some reflections on Wilfrid Sellars' theory of intentions.--Donagan, A. Determinism and freedom: Sellars and the reconciliationist thesis.--Robinson, W. S. The legend of the given.--Clark, R. The sensuous content of perception.--Grossmann, R. Perceptual objects, elementary particles, and emergent properties.--Rosenberg, J. F. The elusiveness of categories, the Archimedean dilemma, and the nature of man: a study in Sellarsian metaphysics.--Turnbull, R. G. Things, natures, and properties.--Wells, R. The indispensable word "now."--Van Fraassen, (...)
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  36. Indicators and Quasi-Indicators.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1967 - American Philosophical Quarterly 4 (2):85--100.
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    Catastrophe theory.Hector J. Sussmann - 1975 - Synthese 31 (2):229 - 270.
  38. A Problem for Utilitarianism.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1968 - Analysis 28 (4):141 - 142.
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  39. Thinking and the structure of the world.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1974 - Philosophia 4 (1):3-40.
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  40. On the logic of attributions of self-knowledge to others.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (15):439-456.
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    Fiction, Perception, and Forms of Predication.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape, Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 268-284.
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  42. Definición, metáfora y asápheia en los "Tópicos".Héctor Zagal Arreguín - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico 35 (73):409-434.
    The aim of chis paper s to attend che Aristotelian theory of definition in Topics book VI. The author analyses che property "asápheia" as a defect of a good definition.
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  43. Psicologismo y praxis perfecta en Aristóteles.Héctor Zagal Arreguín - 1998 - Diálogo Filosófico 40:67-74.
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    III. Objects, Existence, and Reference: A Prolegomenon to Guise Theory.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape, Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 94-141.
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    (1 other version)Negaciones, imperativos, colores, existencia Y la paradoja de Bertrand Russell.Héctor-Neri Castañeda - 1985 - Theoria 1 (1):13-57.
    This is a multifaceted semantico-ontological investigation of different types of families of concepts and properties. One major result is that contrast between: (a) the ontologically egalitarian or democratic, but epistemologically hierarchical family of colors, and (b) the ontologically hierarchical or pyramidal familiy of negations. The different negations (of propositions, imperatives, properties, predication) are studied, and the unity of the whole family under a genus reveals the pyramidal structure of the family. The negation or properties has a powerful bearing on Russell’s (...)
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    Proper Names, Variables, and Reference.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - In Klaus Jacobi & Helmut Pape, Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken Und Die Struktur der Welt: Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemic Ontology Presented and Criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's Epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung Und Kritik. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 218-229.
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    Semantic Holism Without Semantic Socialism: Twin Earths, Thinking, Language, Bodies, and the World.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1989 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 14 (1):101-126.
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    The Matriarch of Matriarchs.Tim Hector - 2000 - CLR James Journal 8 (1):12-21.
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  49. Nociones de atomismo lógico: Wittgenstein y Russell.Héctor Martínez Sanz - 2007 - A Parte Rei 51:6.
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  50. Nihilismo y metafísica argentina: Macedonio Fernández.Héctor Martínez Sanz - 2007 - A Parte Rei 49:7.
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