Results for 'Benjamin Galatzer-Levy'

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  1.  22
    Moral Thought at the Limits of Enlightenment.Benjamin Galatzer-Levy - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy 39 (1):31-41.
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    Der Grenzbereich zum Chaos: Ein nichtlineares Verständnis der psychoanalytischen Technik.Robert M. Galatzer-Levy - 2016 - Psyche 70 (11):1013-1040.
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    Exploring psychological complexity through dynamic systems theory: A complement to reductionism.Robert M. Galatzer-Levy - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):206-207.
    Dynamic systems theory (DS) provides tools for exploring how simpler elements can interact to produce complex psychological configurations. It may, as Lewis demonstrates, provide means for explicating relationships between two reductionist approaches to overlapping sets of phenomena. The result is a description of psychological phenomena at a level that begins to achieve the richness we would hope to achieve in examining psychological life as it is experienced and explored in psychoanalysis.
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    Freud and His FollowersPaul Roazen.Robert Galatzer-Levy - 1976 - Isis 67 (3):482-483.
  5.  19
    Genius, Creativity and Leadership: Historiometric InquiriesDean K. Simonton.Robert Galatzer-Levy - 1985 - Isis 76 (4):593-594.
  6.  33
    Jewish Origins of the Psychoanalytic Movement. Dennis B. Klein.Robert Galatzer-Levy - 1984 - Isis 75 (1):216-216.
  7.  20
    Appreciating methodological complexity and integrating neurobiological perspectives to advance the science of resilience.Birgit Kleim & Isaac R. Galatzer-Levy - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Encouraging the nascent cognitive neuroscience of repression.C. Anderson Michael & J. Levy Benjamin - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5):511-513.
    Repression has remained controversial for nearly a century on account of the lack of well-controlled evidence validating it. Here we argue that the conceptual and methodological tools now exist for a rigorous scientific examination of repression, and that a nascent cognitive neuroscience of repression is emerging. We review progress in this area and highlight important questions for this field to address.
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    Differential Modulation of Rhythmic Brain Activity in Healthy Adults by a T-Type Calcium Channel Blocker: An MEG Study.Kerry D. Walton, Emeline L. Maillet, John Garcia, Timothy Cardozo, Isaac Galatzer-Levy & Rodolfo R. Llinás - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  10.  21
    Searching for the just shrinking city in Flint, Michigan.Benjamin J. Pauli & Levi Tenen - 2022 - In Ian Smith & Matt Ferkany (eds.), Environmental Ethics in the Midwest: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Michigan State University Press. pp. 43-68.
    Populations in many Midwest cities are declining. To maintain infrastructure with a shrinking tax base, city planners have sometimes proposed to right size such cities, sometimes shutting down or removing infrastructure. Such proposals have been met with fierce resistance among many residents, especially in communities with a history of top-down, racialized city planning. This raises the question: if population loss is a near certainty, is it possible to shrink justly? Much work on environmental injustice focuses on removing bad things from (...)
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    From Querulous to Suicidal: Self-immolation in Public Places as a Symbolic Response to the Feeling of Injustice.Benjamin T. Lévy, Cécile Prudent, Florian Liétard & Renaud Evrard - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  12. Too soon to give up: Re-examining the value of advance directives.Benjamin H. Levi & Michael J. Green - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):3 – 22.
    In the face of mounting criticism against advance directives, we describe how a novel, computer-based decision aid addresses some of these important concerns. This decision aid, Making Your Wishes Known: Planning Your Medical Future , translates an individual's values and goals into a meaningful advance directive that explicitly reflects their healthcare wishes and outlines a plan for how they wish to be treated. It does this by (1) educating users about advance care planning; (2) helping individuals identify, clarify, and prioritize (...)
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  13. Searching for the Just Shrinking City in Flint, Michigan.Benjamin J. Pauli & Levi Tenen - 2022 - In Ian Smith & Matt Ferkany (eds.), Environmental Ethics in the Midwest: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Michigan State University Press. pp. 43-68.
    Populations in many Midwest cities are declining. To maintain infrastructure with a shrinking tax base, city planners have sometimes proposed to right size such cities, sometimes shutting down or removing infrastructure. Such proposals have been met with fierce resistance among many residents, especially in communities with a history of top-down, racialized city planning. This raises the question: if population loss is a near certainty, is it possible to shrink justly? Much work on environmental injustice focuses on removing bad things from (...)
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  14. The functional neuroimaging of forgetting.Benjamin J. Levy, Brice A. Kuhl & Anthony D. Wagner - 2010 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Forgetting. Psychology Press. pp. 135--163.
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    Reasonable Suspicion of Child abuse: Finding a Common Language.Benjamin H. Levi & Sharon G. Portwood - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (1):62-69.
    A father brings his six-year-old daughter and her older sister to their pediatrician to be evaluated for a history of cough, runny nose, and low-grade fever. In addition to signs of a cold, the girl's nasal bridge is quite swollen and bruised. When asked how her nose was injured, she shrugs, and her father's only conjecture is that she sleepwalks and might have bumped into something. The father sits impatiently and as questioning progresses becomes increasingly defensive, at one point angrily (...)
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  16.  70
    Index of suspicion: Feeling not believing.Benjamin Levi & Greg Loeben - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (4):277-310.
    Throughout the U.S., state laws require professionals who work with children to report cases of suspected child abuse to child protection services. Both practically and conceptually, however, significant problems arise from a lack of clarity regarding the threshold that has been set for reporting. Specifically, there is no consensus as to what constitutes reasonable suspicion, and little direction for how mandated reporters should gauge their legal and professional responsibilities when they harbor suspicion. In this paper we outline the context of (...)
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  17.  53
    Doing What We Can With Advance Care Planning.Benjamin H. Levi & Michael J. Green - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):1-2.
  18.  26
    Four approaches to doing ethics.Benjamin H. Levi - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (1):7-39.
    Within the field of medical ethics there is a startling amount of diversity regarding which issues and relationships are deemed relevant for ethical inquiry and analysis, what strategies are appropriate for examining and resolving ethical conflict, what should be the goals for medical ethics, even who should participate in that project. What I will try to make clear in this paper is that how we go about this process of doing medical ethics, of examining, reflecting, decisionmaking, and behaving, makes a (...)
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  19.  19
    Accuracy of a Decision Aid for Advance Care Planning: Simulated End-of-Life Decision Making.Benjamin H. Levi, Steven R. Heverley & Michael J. Green - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (3):223-238.
    PurposeAdvance directives have been criticized for failing to help physicians make decisions consistent with patients’ wishes. This pilot study sought to determine if an interactive, computer-based decision aid that generates an advance directive can help physicians accurately translate patients’ wishes into treatment decisions.MethodsWe recruited 19 patient-participants who had each previously created an advance directive using a computer-based decision aid, and 14 physicians who had no prior knowledge of the patient-participants. For each advance directive, three physicians were randomly assigned to review (...)
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  20.  47
    Exploring the Limits of Autonomy.Rebecca L. Volpe, Benjamin H. Levi, George F. Blackall & Michael J. Green - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (3):16-18.
    Mr. Galanas, an eighty‐six‐year‐old man, intentionally shot himself in the chest and abdomen. Surprisingly, the bullet damaged only his distal pancreas and part of his colon, requiring a diverting colostomy to prevent leakage of bowel fluids into his abdomen. After being admitted, he lies intubated in the intensive care unit awaiting surgery to repair his colon. He is responsive but does not demonstrate clear decision‐making capacity. He grudgingly accepts pain medications but refuses antibiotics and antidepressants. He has a living will (...)
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  21. Postmortem brain donation and organ transplantation in schizophrenia: what about patient consent?: Figure 1.Rael D. Strous, Tal Bergman-Levy & Benjamin Greenberg - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):442-444.
    In patients with schizophrenia, consent postmortem for organ donation for transplantation and research is usually obtained from relatives. By means of a questionnaire, the authors investigate whether patients with schizophrenia would agree to family members making such decisions for them as well as compare decisions regarding postmortem organ transplantation and brain donation between patients and significant family members. Study results indicate while most patients would not agree to transplantation or brain donation for research, a proportion would agree. Among patients who (...)
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  22.  37
    Review of Jeffrey P. Spike, Thomas R. Cole, Richard Buday, Freeman Williams, and Mary Ann Pendino, The Brewsters 1. [REVIEW]Benjamin H. Levi & Michael J. Green - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (3):52-54.
  23.  13
    Ernst Simmel et la philosophie freudienne.Max Horkheimer & Benjamin Lévy - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (1):145-152.
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    Walter Benjamin, Notes to a Study of the Category of Justice [1916]. Notizen zu einer Arbeit über die Kategorie der Gerechtigkeit [1916]. Translated with the German original by Eric Levi Jacobson.Eric Levi Jacobson - 2003 - Academia.
    a short text on the concept of justice by Walter Benjamin. The text was preserved by Gershom Scholem on 8 October 1916, the same method by which most of Benjamin's early writings have reached us. However, this piece somehow remained undetected by the editors of the Gesammelte Schriften. It first appeared in German and English in Metaphysics of the Profane, New York: Columbia University Press, 2003, pp. 166-169, with permission of the German publishers Suhrkamp Verlag. It is presented (...)
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  25.  35
    The Truth About Lying.Michael J. Green & Benjamin H. Levi - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4):63-64.
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    Ethics Pocket Cards: An Educational Tool for Busy Clinicians.Michael J. Green, George F. Blackall, Benjamin H. Levi & Rebecca L. Volpe - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (2):148-151.
    The adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is widely used in healthcare settings and can be applied to the work of institutional clinical ethics committees. The model of clinical ethics consultation, however, is inherently reactive: a crisis or question emerges, and ethics experts are called to help. In an effort to employ a proactive component to the model of clinical ethics consultation (as well as to standardize our educational interventions), we developed ethics pocket cards. The (...)
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    Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility.Susan Blackmore, Thomas W. Clark, Mark Hallett, John-Dylan Haynes, Ted Honderich, Neil Levy, Thomas Nadelhoffer, Shaun Nichols, Michael Pauen, Derk Pereboom, Susan Pockett, Maureen Sie, Saul Smilansky, Galen Strawson, Daniela Goya Tocchetto, Manuel Vargas, Benjamin Vilhauer & Bruce Waller - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility is an edited collection of new essays by an internationally recognized line-up of contributors. It is aimed at readers who wish to explore the philosophical and scientific arguments for free will skepticism and their implications.
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  28.  20
    Das animistische Kollektiv. Lévy-Bruhl, soziale Ontologien und die Gegenseitigkeit menschlicher und nichtmenschlicher Wesen in Thailand.Benjamin Baumann - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 4 (2):129-166.
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    Gershom Scholem, The Bolshevik Revolution [1918]. Translated from the German by Eric Levi Jacobson.Eric Levi Jacobson - 2007 - In Joseph Dan (ed.), Gershom Scholem: In memoriam, Vol. 2,. Jerusalem: Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, 21.
    an anarchist critique of Bolshevism, drawing on Walter Benjamin. The translation and commentary published as "Theories of Justice, Profane and Prophetic: Gershom Scholem on the Bolshevik Revolution" in Gershom Scholem: In memoriam, Vol. 2, Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, 21, 2007.
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  30. Libet's impossible demand.Neil Levy - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (12):67-76.
    Abstract : Libet’s famous experiments, showing that apparently we become aware of our intention to act only after we have unconsciously formed it, have widely been taken to show that there is no such thing as free will. If we are not conscious of the formation of our intentions, many people think, we do not exercise the right kind of control over them. I argue that the claim this view presupposes, that only consciously initiated actions could be free, places a (...)
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  31.  47
    Beyond Publius: Montesquieu, liberal republicanism and the small-republic thesis.Jacob T. Levy - 2006 - History of Political Thought 27 (1):50-90.
    The thesis that republicanism was only suited for small states was given its decisive eighteenth-century formulation by Montesquieu, who emphasized not only republics' need for homogeneity and virtue but also the difficulty of constraining military and executive power in large republics. Hume and Publius famously replaced small republics' virtue and homogeneity with large republics' plurality of contending factions. Even those who shared this turn to modern liberty, commerce and the accompanying heterogeneity of interests, however, did not all agree with or (...)
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  32.  19
    ‘A walking Man from the far North’ – art, craft and the emergence of consciousness: A speculative tale.Benjamin Pothier - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):351-358.
    How can cross-disciplinary speculative narratives give us insights and open new paths of research? Borrowing from a number of disciplines, from Anthropology to Psychology or Art history, I will draw a hypothetical blueprint of processes that possibly led to the creation of the Ainu people’s patterns, an indigenous tribe from north Japan. From some particular key points I will narrate a speculative tale giving us possible insights about those specific patterns, as well as about the questions encapsulated in the split (...)
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  33.  5
    Cardozo and Frontiers of Legal Thinking: With Selected Opinions.Beryl Harold Levy, New York & United States - 2000 - Beard Books.
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    Lévy-Bruhl, ou, Le métaphysicien malgré lui.Benjamin Fondane - 2019 - [Paris, France]: Éditions de l'Éclat. Edited by Serge Nicolas & Dominique Guedj.
    Dans ce long inédit, Benjamin Fondane révèle les implications philosophiques révolutionnaires qui découlent des travaux de Lévy-Bruhl (1857-1939) sur la mentalité primitive. En mettant à jour les mécanismes d'une logique différente, Lévy-Bruhl fait voler en éclat l'universalité de la logique d'Aristote sur laquelle repose notre pensée occidentale. Dès lors cette logique n'est rien d'autre qu'une arme politique qui fonde l'hégémonie de la rationalité.0La démonstration de Fondane est implacable et bouleverse notre conception de la philosophie. Il nous incite à reconsidérer (...)
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    Society, Stress and Disease. Vol. 1. The Psychosocial Environment and Psychosomatic Diseases. Edited by Lennart Levi. Pp. xvi + 485. (Oxford University Press, London, 1971.) Price £8·00. [REVIEW]B. Benjamin - 1972 - Journal of Biosocial Science 4 (4):487-490.
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    Theories of Justice, Profane and Prophetic: Gershom Scholem on the Bolshevik Revolution.Eric Levi Jacobson - unknown
    ERIC JACOBSON, Theories of Justice, Profane and Prophetic: Scholem on the Bolshevik Revolution. with commentary drawn from Walter Benjamin's Critique of Violence) in: Gershom Scholem. In Memoriam, Vol. II. Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, No. 21, ed. Joseph Dan, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2007, 59-75.
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  37. Gershom Scholem, Theses on the Concept of Justice. Thesen über den Begriff der Gerechtigkeit. Translated with the German original.Eric Levi Jacobson - 2003 - Academia.Edu.
    Gershom Scholem's commentary on Walter Benjamin's "Notes to a Study on the Category of Justice", first published in German and English in Metaphysics of the Profane, New York: Columbia University Press, 2003, pp. 174-180, with permission of Suhrkamp Verlag.
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  38. Review of Edoardo Zamuner, Ermelinda Valentina Di Lascio, D.K. Levy (eds.), Lecture on Ethics (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014). [REVIEW]Benjamin De Mesel - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (3):353-356.
  39. "The Divine Art of Forgetting": Aesthetic Distance in Benjamin, Blumenberg, and Pynchon.David Adams - 1991 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    Memory, mother of the Muses by Zeus, has nurtured culture for nearly three millennia while her nemesis, forgetfulness, has been demonized as an agent of destruction. In the modern age, however, memory has grown increasingly burdensome, opening the way for a more positive assessment of forgetfulness. Nietzsche praises animals for an inability to remember that preserves their innocence and happiness, and Freud documents the discontents of a civilization that cannot forget. ;In tracing the recent development of these issues, the dissertation (...)
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    Philosophies of Marxism: Gramsci, Lukacs, Benjamin, Althusser.Michael Kelly - unknown
    Table of contents : 1. The beginnings of phenomenology: Husserl and his predecessors Richard Cobb-Stevens, Boston College 2. Philosophy of existence 1: Heidegger Jacques Taminiaux, University of Louvain, Belgium 3. Philosophy of existence 2: Sartre Thomas Flynn, Emory University 4. Philosophy of existence 3: Merleau-Ponty Bernard Cullen, Queen's University, Belfast 5. Philosophies of religion: Jaspers, Marcel, Levinas William Desmond, Loyola College 6. Philosophies of science: Mach, Duhem, Bachelard Babette Babich, Fordham University 7. Philosophies of Marxism: Gramsci, Lukacs, Benjamin, Althusser (...)
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  41. Review of Consciousness and Moral Responsibility. By Neil Levy[REVIEW]Lantz Fleming Miller - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (11-12):201-206.
    One purpose for the field of consciousness studies may be to increase general understanding about consciousness and its place in human life, thereby possibly aiding us in living in better harmony within our societies and with our fellow humans. Neil Levy’s new work is a candidate for this latter purpose for the field. Consciousness studies may help us better understand how we function as conscious agents—or what role consciousness plays in our agency—and aid in our more just construction of (...)
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    The dialectics of music: Adorno, Benjamin, and Deleuze.Joseph Weiss - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Combining the philosophy and musicology of T.W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and Gilles Deleuze, Joseph Weiss makes an original contribution to the field of aesthetics and critical theory. Highlighting previously hidden connections between these philosophers' work brings into focus a new perspective on the dynamic relationship between music, nature, history, and technology. Musical expression in this study is presented as one of the core ways in which human beings are able to escape their more base natures and instincts. The complex (...)
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  43. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 20.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 1993 - Routledge.
    Volume 20 of _The Annual of Psychoanalysis_ ably traverses the analytic canvas with sections on "Theoretical Studies," "Clinical Studies," "Applied Psychoanalysis," and "Psychoanalysis and Philosophy." The first section begins with Arnold Modell's probing consideration of the paradoxical nature of the self, provocatively discussed with John Gedo. Modell focuses on the fact that the self is simultaneously public and private, dependent and autonomous. Alice Rosen Soref next explores innate motivation and self-protective regulatory processes from the standpoint of recent infancy research; her (...)
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    The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 25.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    Volume 25 of _The Annual_ is dedicated to the memory of Michael Franz Basch, who achieved distinction as both a psychoanalytic theorist of the first rank and an authority on the nature and conduct of dynamic psychotherapy. A wide range of original contributions bear witness to his theoretical, clinical, and educational interests. A number of papers remind us of Basch's prominence as a self-psychological theorist: Elson's self-psychological reappraisal of self-pity, dependence, and manipulation as self-states; Ornstein's developmental perspective on power, self-esteem, (...)
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    Narrating Evil: A Postmetaphysical Theory of Reflective Judgment.María Pía Lara - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Conceptions of evil have changed dramatically over time, and though humans continue to commit acts of cruelty against one another, today we possess a clearer, more moral way of analyzing them. In _Narrating Evil_, María Pía Lara explores what has changed in our understanding of evil, why the transformation matters, and how we can learn from this specific historical development. Drawing on Immanuel Kant's and Hannah Arendt's ideas about reflective judgment, Lara argues that narrative plays a key role in helping (...)
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  46.  33
    The classification of psychiatric disorders according to DSM-5 deserves an internationally standardized psychological test battery on symptom level.Dalena Van Heugten - Van Der Kloet & Ton van Heugten - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:153486.
    Failings of a categorical systemFor decades, standardized classification systems have attempted to define psychiatric disorders in our mental health care system, with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association (APA), 2013) and International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th revision (ICD-10; World Health Organization, 2010) being internationally best-known. One of the major advantages of the DSM must be that it has seriously diminished the international linguistic confusion regarding psychiatric disorders. Since (...)
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    Narrar el mal: una teoría posmetafísica del juicio reflexionante.María Pía Lara - 2009 - Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa.
    En este libro, la autora desarrolla su concepción del juicio reflexionante inspirada en Emmanuel Kant y en Hannah Arendt para concentrarse en cómo cierto tipo de narraciones modelan nuestras nociones de lo que consideramos moral. Lara nos ofrece distintas concepciones sobre el mal en su formulación histórica mediante los ejemplos de las tragedias griegas, las diferentes concepciones sobre el mal en la obra de Shakespeare, el uso literario de la metáfora en la obra de Joseph Conrad y en narraciones fílmicas (...)
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  48.  89
    Bad Beliefs: Why They Happen to Good People.Neil Levy - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    This book challenges the view that bad beliefs - beliefs that blatantly conflict with easily available evidence - can largely be explained by widespread irrationality, instead arguing that ordinary people are rational agents whose beliefs are the result of their rational response to the evidence they're presented with.
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    Neo-Ryleanism about self-understanding.Yair Levy - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3328-3354.
    The paper aims to defend the standard view of what it dubs ‘Self-understanding’ — i.e. (very roughly) our knowledge of why we behave as we do — from the threat posed to it by Neo-Ryleanism. While the standard, entrenched view regards self-understanding as special in kind and status, the Neo-Rylean agrees with Gilbert Ryle that our method of understanding ourselves is much the same as our method of understanding others, involving self-interpretation on the basis of the available evidence. Neo-Ryleanism has (...)
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  50. Knowledge From Vice: Deeply Social Epistemology.Neil Levy & Mark Alfano - 2020 - Mind 129 (515):887-915.
    In the past two decades, epistemologists have significantly expanded the focus of their field. To the traditional question that has dominated the debate — under what conditions does belief amount to knowledge? — they have added questions about testimony, epistemic virtues and vices, epistemic trust, and more. This broadening of the range of epistemic concern has coincided with an expansion in conceptions of epistemic agency beyond the individualism characteristic of most earlier epistemology. We believe that these developments have not gone (...)
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