Results for 'Beate Lorke'

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  1.  10
    Die analytische Beziehung und das Setting.Susanne Döll-Hentschker, Charlotte Günther, Beate Lorke, Gertrud Reerink & Christa Schlierf - 2020 - Psyche 74 (1):1-25.
    In Anknüpfung an eine Arbeit von 2006 zur Frequenzvereinbarung am Behandlungsbeginn greifen die Autorinnen das Thema des Settings und des Handlungsdialogs erneut auf, diesmal anhand eines Behandlungsverlaufs. Bei Patienten, die frühe Traumata erlebt haben, die nicht erzählbar sind, weil sie vor der Zeit liegen, in der das autobiographische Gedächtnis etabliert ist, spielt die Angstregulierung eine fundamentale Rolle. Hochfrequenz kann bei diesen Patienten Ängste auslösen, die als nicht steuerbar erlebt oder befürchtet werden. Ein niederfrequentes Setting ist hier oft – vor allem (...)
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    The Mechanical World: The Metaphysical Commitments of the New Mechanistic Approach.Beate Krickel - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    his monograph examines the metaphysical commitments of the new mechanistic philosophy, a way of thinking that has returned to center stage. It challenges a variant of reductionism with regard to higher-level phenomena, which has crystallized as a default position among these so-called New Mechanists. Furthermore, it opposes those philosophers who reject the possibility of interlevel causation. Contemporary philosophers believe that the explanation of scientific phenomena requires the discovery of relevant mechanisms. As a result, new mechanists are, in the main, concerned (...)
  3.  13
    Rezeption und Anerkennung: die ökumenische Hermeneutik von Paul Ricoeur im Spiegel aktueller Dialogprozesse in Frankreich.Beate Bengard - 2015 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    English summary: Beate Bengard deals with the ecumenical hermeneutics of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. His theory is of interest for ecumenical theology particularly in the area of ecumenical reception. The specificity of ecumenical reception is that it requires the acceptation of otherness - of the alterity - of the ecumenical partner. Obviously, this process goes far beyond the ratification of ecumenical documents. In order to clarify the process of reception, a hermeneutical model is needed which explains the interrelation (...)
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  4. The body in the mind: on the relationship between interoception and embodiment.Beate M. Herbert & Olga Pollatos - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (4):692-704.
    The processing, representation, and perception of bodily signals (interoception) plays an important role for human behavior. Theories of embodied cognition hold that higher cognitive processes operate on perceptual symbols and that concept use involves reactivations of the sensory-motor states that occur during experience with the world. Similarly, activation of interoceptive representations and meta-representations of bodily signals supporting interoceptive awareness are profoundly associated with emotional experience and cognitive functions. This article gives an overview over present findings and models on interoception and (...)
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  5. Theodor Eschenburg.Beate Rosenzweig - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher, Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--142.
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    The Social Dimensions of Privacy.Beate Roessler & Dorota Mokrosinska (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Written by a select international group of leading privacy scholars, Social Dimensions of Privacy endorses and develops an innovative approach to privacy. By debating topical privacy cases in their specific research areas, the contributors explore the new privacy-sensitive areas: legal scholars and political theorists discuss the European and American approaches to privacy regulation; sociologists explore new forms of surveillance and privacy on social network sites; and philosophers revisit feminist critiques of privacy, discuss markets in personal data, issues of privacy in (...)
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    From episodic to habitual prospective memory: ERP-evidence for a linear transition.Beat Meier, Sibylle Matter, Brigitta Baumann, Stefan Walter & Thomas Koenig - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  8.  33
    Cécile van de Velde, Sociologie des 'ges de la vie.Beate Collet - 2016 - Temporalités 23.
    La temporalité est bien au cœur de la réflexion de cet ouvrage, mais elle est presque invisible, tant les autres termes temporels sont omniprésents. Très vite, s’impose la question de savoir si cette Sociologie des âges de la vie qui, selon l’auteur, veut « penser l’organisation sociale du temps et l’évolution des existences humaines », est un champ thématique ou bien une sociologie générale. L’ouvrage en présente les enjeux, à la fois son renou...
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    Bilder und Gemeinschaften: Studien zur Konvergenz von Politik und Ästhetik in Kunst, Literatur und Theorie.Beate Fricke, Markus Klammer & Stefan Neuner (eds.) - 2011 - München: Fink.
    Das Buch weist in exemplarischen Fallstudien von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart die zentrale Rolle von Bildern für Prozesse der Vergemeinschaftung auf. Gegen Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts setzt in der akademischen Diskussion eine verstärkte Rückwendung zum Konzept der Gemeinschaft ein.
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    Phénomène, sens et substrat: de quoi la conscience est-elle faite?Beat Michel - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Quel est le substrat de la conscience? Qu'est-ce qui la fait? Poser la question signifie ne pas se satisfaire de la position naturaliste qui affirme que c'est le cerveau qui produit la conscience. En fait, toute explication qui situe son substrat dans le monde objectif est confrontée à une forme de circularité à la fois ontologique (la conscience est dans le monde qui est dans la conscience) et épistémique (la conscience explique le monde qui explique la conscience). La phénoménologie transcendantale (...)
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  11. Work, recognition, emancipation.Beate Rössler - 2007 - In Bert van den Brink & David Owen, Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 135--164.
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    Facial mimicry in its social setting.Beate Seibt, Andreas Mühlberger, Katja U. Likowski & Peter Weyers - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  13.  4
    Herders Naturauffassung in ihrer Beeinflussung durch Leibniz' Philosophie.Beate Monika Dreike - 1973 - Wiesbaden: Steiner.
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    Der Daedalus der Dichter: Zur poetologischen Selbstdarstellung des didaktischen Ich bei Lukrez.Beate Beer - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (2):255-284.
    By analysing the cumulated usage of the Greek loan word daedalus in De rerum natura it can be shown that the mythological artist Daedalus functions as a poetological model for the didactic narrator. The narrator presents himself as a poet-Daedalus. As with Daedalus’ statues who were said to see and walk around like human beings, De rerum natura adds to the poetic mimesis a formal one such as to stand as a model for the nature it describes. Likewise, as Daedalus’ (...)
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  15.  5
    Die Rationalität des Schönen bei Kant und Hegel.Beate Bradl - 1998 - München: Fink.
  16.  18
    II. Abteilung.Beat Brenk, Athanasios Markopoulos, Kostis Smyrlis, Zachary Chitwood, Tomás Fernández, Ioannis Polemis, Raphael Brendel, Rudolf Stefec & Juan Signes Codoñer - 2018 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 111 (1):157-212.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 111 Heft: 1 Seiten: 157-212.
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    Die Vertrage zwischen kretischen Poleis in der hellenistischen Zeit. A Chaniotis.Beate Dignas - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):383-385.
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    The issue of values in international relations: proceedings of a KAS/FIGS round table.Beate Neuss - 2008 - New Delhi: Federation of Indo-German Societies in India.
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    Der "innere Richter" im Einzelnen und in der Kultur: klinische, soziokulturelle und literaturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven: Leon Wurmser zum 80. Geburtstag.Beate Steiner, Jan Assmann & Leon Wurmser (eds.) - 2013 - Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
  20.  39
    Textprobleme in der Schrift Περὶ θείων ὀνομάτωυ des Ps. Dionysius Areopagita.Beate Regina Suchla - 1992 - Augustinianum 32 (2):387-422.
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    Nach den grossen Erzählungen.Beat Wyss - 2009 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Die obligaten Kapital-Kurse in Studentenkreisen um 1968 bilden den Anfang einer Entwicklung in den Geisteswissenschaften, die den positiven Wissenskanon der einzelnen Fächer dem Zerfall überlässt. Ob Germanist, Philosoph oder Kunsthistoriker - Hauptsache, man hat seinen Marx, und später all die anderen gelesen. Der vorliegende Essay verfolgt die Leitwährungen der modisch variierenden Metadiskurse. Beginnend historisch mit der Frankfurter Schule, endend mit Derrida als Meisterdenker wird ihre Funktion beschrieben: Die postmoderne Monokultur erfüllt die politisch korrekte Aufgabe, aus den Geisteswissenschaften das genuine Wissen (...)
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    Theurgie und Philosophie in Jamblichs De mysteriis.Beate Nasemann - 1991 - Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis, Cologne, 1989.
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  23. Saving the mutual manipulability account of constitutive relevance.Beate Krickel - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 68:58-67.
    Constitutive mechanistic explanations are said to refer to mechanisms that constitute the phenomenon-to-be-explained. The most prominent approach of how to understand this constitution relation is Carl Craver’s mutual manipulability approach to constitutive relevance. Recently, the mutual manipulability approach has come under attack (Leuridan 2012; Baumgartner and Gebharter 2015; Romero 2015; Harinen 2014; Casini and Baumgartner 2016). Roughly, it is argued that this approach is inconsistent because it is spelled out in terms of interventionism (which is an approach to causation), whereas (...)
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  24. Meaningful Work: Arguments from Autonomy.Beate Roessler - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (1):71-93.
  25.  38
    Ethikkonsultation oder psychologische Supervision? Kasuistische und methodische Reflexionen zu einem ungeklärten Verhältnis.Beate Mitzscherlich & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (4):289-305.
    ZusammenfassungDas Verhältnis zwischen Ethikkonsultation und der bspw. in psychiatrischen Arbeitsfeldern und im Palliativbereich etablierten psychologischen Supervision ist bisher wenig untersucht. Dieser Vergleich und die Abgrenzung von Ethikkonsultation stellen eine Forschungslücke dar. Anhand von zwei Fallvignetten aus der Praxis von EK und PS werden unter Kontrastierung mit dem jeweils anderen Ansatz Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten im methodischen und praktischen Vorgehen sowie Kriterien der Unterscheidung analysiert. Als Ergebnis wird eine systematische Gegenüberstellung präsentiert, die folgende Merkmale umfasst: 1. Ziele jedes Ansatzes, 2. Einberufung, 3. (...)
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  26.  90
    (1 other version)The Value of Privacy.Beate Roessler - 2005 - Polity Press.
    This new book by Beate Rossler is a work of real quality and originality on an extremely topical issue: the issue of privacy and the relations between the private and the public. Rossler investigates the reasons why we value privacy and why we ought to value it. In the context of modern, liberal societies, Rossler develops a theory of the private which links privacy and autonomy in a constitutive way: privacy is a necessary condition to lead an autonomous life. (...)
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  27. The Unconscious Mind Worry: A Mechanistic-Explanatory Strategy.Beate Krickel - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (1):39-59.
    Recent findings in different areas of psychology and cognitive science have brought the unconscious mind back to center stage. However, the unconscious mind worry remains: What renders unconscious phenomena mental? I suggest a new strategy for answering this question, which rests on the idea that categorizing unconscious phenomena as “mental” should be scientifically useful relative to the explanatory research goals. I argue that this is the case if by categorizing an unconscious phenomenon as “mental” one picks out explanatorily relevant similarities (...)
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  28. Soma and Psyche in Hippocratic Medicine.Beate Gundert - 2000 - In John P. Wright & Paul Potter, Psyche and Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem From Antiquity to Enlightenment. New York: Clarendon Press.
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  29. Epiphänomenalismus.Beate Krickel - 2023 - In Vera Hoffmann-Kolss & Nicole Rathgeb, Handbuch Philosophie des Geistes. J.B. Metzler.
    Die Kernthese des Epiphänomenalismus ist, dass das Mentale keine kausale Wirksamkeit besitzt. Es ist bloßes Beiwerk zu den ansonsten rein physischen Vorgängen in der Welt. Wenn wir zum Beispiel Schmerztabletten nehmen, weil wir Kopfschmerzen haben, ist nicht das bewusste Erleben des Schmerzes die Ursache für den Griff nach den Schmerztabletten. Unser Verhalten wird vielmehr durch die dem Schmerz zugrunde liegenden physischen und neuronalen Prozesse verursacht.
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  30. Lebensphilosophie und Kulturkritik in Adornos Musikphilosophie.Beate Kutschke - 2020 - In Manos Perrakis, Musik und Lebensphilosophie. Wien: Universal Edition.
    The philosophy and aesthetics of music have been shaped by the philosophy of life since the end of the 18th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, however, the relationship between the philosophy of music and the philosophy of life changed fundamentally – due to the development and popularization of various related cultural theories. From then on, the philosophy of life, the philosophy of music and cultural criticism formed a complex triangle. Many European and North American intellectuals availed themselves (...)
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    Rebellion gegen die Endlichkeit.Beate Unruh, Ingrid Moeslein-Teising & Susanne Walz-Pawlita (eds.) - 2018 - Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
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  32. Extended Cognition, The New Mechanists’ Mutual Manipulability Criterion, and The Challenge of Trivial Extendedness.Beate Krickel - 2020 - Mind and Language 35 (4):539–561.
    Many authors have turned their attention to the notion of constitution to determine whether the hypothesis of extended cognition (EC) is true. One common strategy is to make sense of constitution in terms of the new mechanists’ mutual manipulability account (MM). In this paper I will show that MM is insufficient. The Challenge of Trivial Extendedness arises due to the fact that mechanisms for cognitive behaviors are extended in a way that should not count as verifying EC. This challenge can (...)
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    Conservatism is not the missing viewpoint for true diversity.Beate Seibt, Sven Waldzus, Thomas W. Schubert & Rodrigo Brito - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    12. Wunschlandschaften, entdeckt und gebildet: 4. Teil, Nr. 39, 40.Beat Dietschy - 2016 - In Rainer Ernst Zimmermann, Ernst Bloch: Das Prinzip Hoffnung. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 227-252.
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    (1 other version)The fine line of feminine priesthood.Beate Dignas - 2008 - Kernos 21:312-318.
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    ‘There is Still a Long Way to Go to be Solidly Marvellous’: Professional Identities, Performativity and Responsibilisation Arising From the Send Code of Practice 2015.Beate Hellawell - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (2):165-181.
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    Mixtum compositum: Ernst Cassirers demokratischer Humanismus in seinem Versuch über den Menschen.Tim Lörke - 2017 - In Gregor Streim & Matthias Löwe, 'Humanismus' in der Krise: Debatten Und Diskurse Zwischen Weimarer Republik Und Geteiltem Deutschland. De Gruyter. pp. 179-192.
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    Schwerpunkt: Drei Jahrzehnte John Rawls' Theorie der Gerechtigkeit.Beate Rössler - 2002 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (6):893-896.
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    Der ungleiche Wert der Freiheit: Aspekte feministischer Kritik am Liberalismus und Kommunitarismus.Beate Rössler - 1992 - Analyse & Kritik 14 (1):86-113.
    Starting from the given societal fact of an unequal ‘worth of freedom’ for men and women in pursuing possible plans of life, and the assumption that this difference is due to the distinction between the private and public realm, the author investigates into the gender-structure of recent political theories. Following the lines of the debate between communitarians and liberals she argues for the thesis that while communitarians try to ‘privatize’ the public sphere on the model of the ideal family or (...)
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    Vrouwen en arbeid.Beate Rössler - 2006 - Krisis 7 (3):33-41.
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  41. Indianismo.Beate Salz - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Voraussetzungen in Kant, Begründung der Ethik.Beat Sitter - 1969 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 1:117-130.
  43. Privacy and social interaction.Beate Roessler & Dorota Mokrosinska - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (8):771-791.
    This article joins in and extends the contemporary debate on the right to privacy. We bring together two strands of the contemporary discourse on privacy. While we endorse the prevailing claim that norms of informational privacy protect the autonomy of individual subjects, we supplement it with an argument demonstrating that privacy is an integral element of the dynamics of all social relationships. This latter claim is developed in terms of the social role theory and substantiated by an analysis of the (...)
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  44.  28
    Extended Cognition and the Search for the Mark of Constitution – A Promising Strategy?Beate Krickel - 2023 - In Mark-Oliver Casper & Giuseppe Flavio Artese, Situated Cognition Research: Methodological Foundations. Springer Verlag. pp. 129-146.
    The disagreement between defenders and opponents of extended cognition is often framed in terms of constitution. The underlying principle of this discussion is what I will call the co-location principle: cognition is located where its constituents are located. The crucial question is under which conditions something is to be counted as a constituent of cognition. I will formulate three criteria of adequacy that an account of constitution must satisfy to be applicable to the dispute on extended cognition. I will evaluate (...)
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  45.  8
    Essays on Research in the Social Sciences. [REVIEW]Margareta Lorke - 1932 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (1-2):162-163.
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    Principles of Sociology. [REVIEW]Margareta Lorke - 1932 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (1-2):163-163.
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  47. Child Loss in Early Pregnancy: A Balancing Exercise between Islamic Legal Thinking and Life's Challenge.Beate Anam - 2022 - In Mohammed Ghaly, End-of-life care, dying and death in the Islamic moral tradition. Boston: Brill.
  48.  13
    Will an Implementation of “Joy of Life in Nursing Homes” Have Positive Effect for the Work Culture? A Comparison Between Two Norwegian Municipalities.Beate André, Frode Heldal, Endre Sjøvold & Gørill Haugan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundCurrently, we are facing a demographic shift to an older population and its consequences worldwide: in the years to come, several older people will need nursing home care. The work culture is important for care quality in NHs. Some Norwegian municipalities have implemented the Joy of Life Nursing Home strategy, representing a resource-oriented health-promoting approach. Knowledge about how implementation of the JoLNH approach impacts the work culture is scarce.AimssWe hypothesized that the JoLNH strategy impacts positively on the work culture: when (...)
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    Jutta Dresken-Weiland, Sarkophagbestattungen des 4.–6. Jh. im Westen des römischen Reiches.Beat Brenk - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2):832-835.
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    On high heels: A praxiography of doing Argentine tango.Beate Littig - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (4):455-467.
    Argentine tango has been investigated by scholars of various disciplinary backgrounds. A broad range of empirical methods has been used in this research. But little attention has been paid to the artefacts which participate in the practice of Argentine tango. Following the programmatic claims of the ‘practical turn’ in the social sciences and in cultural studies, practices are always linked with the materiality of the practising bodies and of the artefacts participating in practices. Thus materiality is indispensable for the analysis (...)
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