Results for 'Azizah Hibri'

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  1.  55
    Hypatia Reborn: Essays in Feminist Philosophy.Azizah al-Hibri & Margaret A. Simons (eds.) - 1990 - Indiana University Press.
    The first issues of the journal Hypatia, published from 1983 through 1985, truly heralded the rebirth of a feminist philosophy. Women in philosophy had been silenced since the days of the fourth-century Alexandrian woman philosopher and mathematician, Hypatia. With the establishment of the journal by the Society for Women in Philosophy, feminist issues and philosophy were legitimized. The first three issues of the journal were actually published as special issues of Women's Studies International Forum. From this unique incubational arrangement, the (...)
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    Conditionality and Ross’s Deontic Distinction.Azizah al-Hibri - 1980 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):79-87.
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    Developing Islamic Jurisprudence in the Diaspora: Balancing Authenticity, Diversity, and Modernity.Azizah al-Hibri - 2014 - Journal of Social Philosophy 45 (1):7-24.
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    Islamic law.Azizah Y. Al-Hibri - 1998 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Iris Marion Young (eds.), A companion to feminist philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 541–549.
    The NGO Forum, held in Houairou, China, in the fall of 1995, was a defining moment in the global dialogue among women on issues relating to Islam. Prior to that event, discussions of Islamic shari'ah law (law based on religious foundations), in particular, and Islam, in general, had been escalating both in the West and in Muslim countries. In the regional conferences held in preparation for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, held concurrently with the NGO Forum, the (...)
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    Remembering Hypatia's Birth: It Took a Village.Azizah Al-Hibri - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):399-403.
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    Understanding Ross’s Paradox.Azizah al-Hibri - 1979 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):163-170.
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    Technology and human affairs.Larry Hickman & Azizah Al-Hibri (eds.) - 1981 - St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Co..
  8.  16
    Technology and human affairs.Larry Hickman & Azizah Hibri (eds.) - 1981 - St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Co..
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  9. Is multiculturalism bad for women?Susan Moller Okin (ed.) - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Polygamy, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, punishing women for being raped, differential access for men and women to health care and education, unequal rights of ownership, assembly, and political participation, unequal vulnerability to violence. These practices and conditions are standard in some parts of the world. Do demands for multiculturalism — and certain minority group rights in particular — make them more likely to continue and to spread to liberal democracies? Are there fundamental conflicts between our commitment to gender equity (...)
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    The “Is” and “Ought” Convention.Duen Marti-Huang - 1987 - Dialectica 41 (1‐2):145-153.
    SummaryInstead of telling us why one should or should not derive an ‘ought’ from an ‘is’, most philosophers try to see whether this can or cannot be done. Since there are no clearly stated rules of inference for the ordinary language, the is‐ought dichotomy is re‐examined within the context of the deontic logic. This paper shows that rules like ‐AB ÓOB enables us to adopt the theorems of the propositional logic normatively, because logical standards for exactness, truth, completeness, etc. are (...)
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  11.  36
    The Robbery Paradox.Mark Vorobej - 1983 - Dialogue 22 (3):433-440.
    James E. Tomberlin [6] has recently argued that the logical systems of conditional obligation proposed by Azizah al-Hibri [1] and Peter Mott [5] are incapable of resolving at least one variant of the notorious contrary to duty imperative paradox, formulated originally by Chisholm [2]. Tomberlin concedes that these systems offer the very best of the' “conditional obligation approach” to deontic logic and concludes his critical discussion with the pessimistic remark that “the best of this approach is simply not (...)
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    Religion and Politics under the Early ʿAbbāsids: The Emergence of the Proto-Sunnī EliteReligion and Politics under the Early Abbasids: The Emergence of the Proto-Sunni Elite.Tayeb El-Hibri & Muhammad Qasim Zaman - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):686.
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    The Early Arabic Historical Tradition: A Source Critical Study.Tayeb El-Hibri, Albrecht Noth & Michael Bonner - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):114.
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  14.  35
    ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb and the Abbasids.Tayeb El-Hibri - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4):763.
    This article explores the possibility of mutual legitimation between Sunni religious foundations and Abbasid political interests. The main argument centers on anecdotes that elevate the images of al-ʿAbbās as imam and of his son Ibn ʿAbbās as the expert of the science of hadith. It shows the overall relation between historical and religious anecdotes, and how the medieval reader could not accept the authority of hadith collections from their first student, Ibn ʿAbbās, without accepting the political primacy of the Abbasid (...)
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    Homo Deus.Nur Azizah, Jauharul Habibi, Galuh Maria & Muhammad Aula Rahmad Shuhada - 2024 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 10 (2):251-268.
    This article discusses Islam and homo deus as a new agenda for humanity’s future. This article tries to explain the reading of homo deus and the problems of humanity in the future. Likewise, regarding the issue of immortality and human happiness in the future from an Islamic perspective. This article tries to analyze the problem using the library research model in carrying out an analysis of the main problem. Humans to fight death and the problems that humans expect in the (...)
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  16.  40
    Hintikka and the Interdefinability of Obligation and Forbiddance.Azizah Cox - 1978 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):7-10.
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  17.  13
    Islamic education, depression, religiosity, and the effects of religion moderation of Muslim students.Watni Marpaung, Noor Azizah & Putra Apriadi Siregar - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    The need for religious moderation in North Sumatra province arises as a result of burning worship [Vihara and Klenteng], exploding bombs and stabbing attempts at churches during worship. This study examines the effect of Islamic education, depression and religiosity on religious moderation in students at state Islamic universities. This study used a cross-sectional design in North Sumatra province with 1125 Muslim students over a period from February 2023 to May 2023. This study used a closed questionnaire involving Islamic education, depression, (...)
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  18.  32
    Reinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Hārūn al-Rashīd and the Narrative of the ʿAbbāsid CaliphateReinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Harun al-Rashid and the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate.Paul M. Cobb & Tayeb El-Hibri - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):109.
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    Reconstruction of ‘Aqīdah-Based Morals.Qois Azizah Bin Has - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):233-244.
    Today, every Muslim is expected to have a personality that can respond to the demands of religion in life. Because this ability can bring global goodness to humans. However, Muslims today are faced with a variety of causes that cause Muslim personalities to deviate and cases of behavior and this character deviation that needs to be addressed. The criminality that exists in society is certainly contrary to religious values to is commonplace and requires special attention in handling it. This article (...)
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  20. Moderasi Beragama: Implementasi dalam Pendidikan, Agama dan Budaya Lokal.Arhanuddin Salim, Wawan Hermawan, Rosdalina Bukido, Mardan Umar, Nuraliah Ali, Muh Idris, Evra Willya, Acep Zoni Saeful Mubarok, Ari Farizal Rasyid, Nasruddin Yusuf, Reza Adeputra Tohis, Adlan Ryan Habibie, Rohit Mahatir Manese, Ahmad Bustomi, Siti Inayatul Faizah, Rafiud Ilmudinulloh, Telsy F. D. Samad, Mokh Iman Firmansyah, Maulidya Nisa, Ainur Alam Budi Utomo, Abdurrahman Wahid Abdullah, Abdullah Botma, Edi Gunawan, Syahrul Mubarak Subeitan, Mulida Hayati, Usup Romli, Salma Nafisah, Rohmatul Faizah & Nur Azizah (eds.) - 2023 - Malang: Penerbit Selaras Media Kreasindo.
  21.  43
    The millennial kiai: Educational interaction based on social media.Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah, Halimatus Sa’Diyah & Masykurotin Azizah - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):75-97.
    The development of social media technology makes it easy for people to access information about religious knowledge. Anyone can learn the religion from social media, one of them is Youtube. This phenomenon seems to force young Nahdlatul Ulama _kiai _such as Gus Baha, Gus Miftah, and Gus Muwafiq to be adaptive and familiar to social media like Youtube. It makes them close to being called millennial _kiai_. This paper used a phenomenological approach based on observations on Youtube that examines the (...)
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  22.  27
    Challenges for Adolescents With Congenital Heart Defects/Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease and What They Need: Perspectives From Patients, Parents and Health Care Providers at the Institut Jantung Negara (National Heart Institute), Malaysia.Sue Kiat Tye, Geetha Kandavello, Syarifah Azizah Wan Ahmadul Badwi & Hariyati Sharima Abdul Majid - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectivesThis study aimed to describe the experiences and challenges faced by adolescents with moderate and severe congenital heart defects or Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease and to determine their needs in order to develop an Adolescent Transition Psychoeducational Program.MethodsThe study involved seven adolescents with moderate to severe CHD/CRHD, six parents, and four health care providers in Institute Jantung Negara. Participants were invited for a semi-structured interview. Qualitative data were analyzed through the Atlas.ti 7 program using triangulation methods.Results/conclusionsWe identified five themes concerning (...)
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  23.  16
    Tayeb el-Hibri, The Abbasid Caliphate -A History-, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2021, xxviii + 330 sayfa, 3 harita, ISBN: 978-1-316-63439-4. [REVIEW]Ömer Yilmaz - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1655-1660.
    The Abbasid caliphate covers about five centuries; It represents a period when fiqh/theological sects were formed, classical works on Islamic sciences were compiled, and important historical, scientific, and cultural centers such as Baghdad were established. The influence of this period on Muslim societies continues to this day. Based on this, the Abbasids; It is the subject of research in terms of religion, history, and politics. Tayep al-Hibri's work named "The Abbasid Caliphate -A History-" which has gained a well-deserved reputation (...)
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    Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History: The Rashidun Caliphs. By Tayeb el-Hibri.Isabel Toral-Niehoff - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (1).
    Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History: The Rashidun Caliphs. By Tayeb el-Hibri. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. Pp. xiii + 466. $60.
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    Review of The Abbasid Caliphate: A History. [REVIEW]Hayrettin Yücesoy - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (3):738-740.
    The Abbasid Caliphate: A History. By Tayeb El-HiBri. Cambridge: CamBridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xxxii + 330, illus. $89.99 (cloth); $29.99 (paper); $24 (ebook).
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