Results for 'Ayse Güdük'

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  1.  29
    Polis Meslek Yüksekokulu Öğrencilerinin Okuma Durumlarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma (Gaziantep Polis Mes.Ayşe Becel - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):517-517.
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    Kuçuradi̇ felsefesi̇nde i̇nsanlaşma sorunu olarak eği̇ti̇m.Ayşe Çiğdem Kocaman - 2021 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 35:36-55.
    Günümüzde eğitim, rotasını kimi zaman çeşitli türden izm’lerin, ideolojilerin, kültürel veya ahlaki normların, kimi zaman ise ulusal ya da bireysel çıkarların belirlediği, “her şey gider” anlayışından hareket eden, içi tıklım tıklım yolcularla dolu bir trene benzemektedir. Ancak dur durak bilmeksizin yol alan, hangi istasyonda duracağı da belli olmayan bu tren, yolcularına, kendilerini, diğer insanları, dünyayı ve hayatı, insan olmanın değerinin bilgisine açılan bir pencereden değil, rotasını belirleyenin istediği ve seçtiği pencereden göstermekte, onları her geçen gün insanın olmanın ne demek olduğundan (...)
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    Uzun Manzumeleri Işığında Cem Sultan'ın Ruh Âlemine Bakış.Ayşe Sağlam - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 21):363-363.
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  4. Turing test: 50 years later.Ayse Pinar Saygin, Ilyas Cicekli & Varol Akman - 2000 - Minds and Machines 10 (4):463-518.
    The Turing Test is one of the most disputed topics in artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, and cognitive science. This paper is a review of the past 50 years of the Turing Test. Philosophical debates, practical developments and repercussions in related disciplines are all covered. We discuss Turing's ideas in detail and present the important comments that have been made on them. Within this context, behaviorism, consciousness, the 'other minds' problem, and similar topics in philosophy of mind are discussed. We (...)
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    The AI-mediated intimacy economy: a paradigm shift in digital interactions.Ayşe Aslı Bozdağ - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-22.
    This article critically examines the paradigm shift from the attention economy to the intimacy economy—a market system where personal and emotional data are exchanged for customized experiences that cater to individual emotional and psychological needs. It explores how AI transforms these personal and emotional inputs into services, thereby raising essential questions about the authenticity of digital interactions and the potential commodification of intimate experiences. The study delineates the roles of human–computer interaction and AI in deepening personal connections, significantly impacting emotional (...)
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    Children's Ideas About What Can Really Happen: The Impact of Age and Religious Background.Ayse Payir, Niamh Mcloughlin, Yixin Kelly Cui, Telli Davoodi, Jennifer M. Clegg, Paul L. Harris & Kathleen H. Corriveau - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13054.
    Five‐ to 11‐year‐old U.S. children, from either a religious or secular background, judged whether story events could really happen. There were four different types of stories: magical stories violating ordinary causal regularities; religious stories also violating ordinary causal regularities but via a divine agent; unusual stories not violating ordinary causal regularities but with an improbable event; and realistic stories not violating ordinary causal regularities and with no improbable event. Overall, children were less likely to judge that religious and magical stories (...)
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    Who Killed WATERS? Mess, Method, and Forensic Explanation in the Making and Unmaking of Large-scale Science Networks.Ayse Buyuktur & Steven J. Jackson - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (2):285-308.
    Science studies has long been concerned with the theoretical and methodological challenge of mess—the inevitable tendency of technoscientific objects and practices to spill beyond the neat analytic categories we construct for them. Nowhere is this challenge greater than in the messy world of large-scale collaborative science projects, particularly though not exclusively in their start-up phases. This article examines the complicated life and death of the WATERS Network, an ambitious and ultimately abandoned effort at collaborative infrastructure development among hydrologists, engineers, and (...)
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    Cyborg Encounters: Three Art-Science Interactions.Ayşe Melis Okay, Burak Taşdizen, Charles John McKinnon Bell, Beyza Dilem Topdal & Melike Şahinol - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (2):223-238.
    This contribution includes three selected works from an exhibition on _Cyborg Encounters_. These works deal with hybrid connections of human and non-human species that (might) emerge as a result of enhancement technologies and bio-technological developments. They offer not only an artistic exploration of contemporary but also futuristic aspects of the subject. Followed by an introduction by Melike Şahinol, _Critically Endangered Artwork_ (by Ayşe Melis Okay) highlights Turkey’s ongoing problems of food poverty and the amount of decreasing agricultural lands. It displays (...)
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    An Evaluation Related With Authorship And Writing Skills Lesson In Axis Of Information And Communication Technologies.Ayşe Becel - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:61-81.
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    The mediating role of organizational intelligence in the relationship between quantum leadership and innovative behavior.Ayşe Bilgen & Meral Elçi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present study aims to examine the mediator effect of organizational intelligence between quantum leadership and innovative behavior of employees in health organizations. It is aimed to examine the mediator effect of organizational intelligence between quantum leadership and innovative behavior of employees in health organizations. The data of the study were collected from 626 healthcare professionals working in hospitals and health centers in Istanbul, Turkey, by survey method. After the analysis of normality, validity and reliability, the hypotheses of the research (...)
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  11. On the shores of power : cultural diversity turn, cultural policies, and the location of migrants.Ayse Caglar - 2015 - In Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten, Shalini Randeria & Ulf Hannerz, Anthropology now and next: essays in honor of Ulf Hannerz. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
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    Felsefe ve Teolojinin Kavşağında Schmitt ve Strauss'ta Politik Olan.Ayşe Kahveci - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:297-301.
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    Ali Emirî'nin "'yine-i düny'" Redifli Gazeline İslam Estetiği Açısından Bakış.Ayşe Sağlam - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):489-489.
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    Geleneksel Türk Kentlerindeki Tarihi Yapıların Ve Elemanların Kamusal Mek'nların Oluşumuna Etkisi: E.Ayşe SAĞSÖZ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 14):613-613.
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    The existential signs through the works of Alev Ebuzziya Siesbye.Ayse Ece Onur & Erdal Aygenc - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (250):235-250.
    This article is about the signs during the creative stage of one’s self-development. With the acceptance of the creative act as an existential phenomenon, the research considers the creative process as a genuine expression that has been actualized during one’s search for his/her existence. An artist reflects his/her existential being through his/her work to construct an original self, by facing the world and within the struggle to construct the new self that stands beyond confusion. Tarasti’s philosophical approach to “existential semiotics” (...)
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    Sanatçının Yaratımından Açılan Farklı Sahneler: Aristoteles’ten Platon’a "Tragedya" Ekseninde Bir Geri Dönüş.Ayşe Gül Çivgin & Ümit Öztürk - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):17-32.
    Bu çalışma, Aristoteles ve Platon özelinde, “poiēsis” fiilinin iki farklı tarzda kavramsallaştırmasından doğan yapıca uzlaşmaz iki “tragedya” anlayışını irdeleme amacı taşımaktadır. Bunun için, Peri Poiētikēs Tekhnēs ile Politeia metinleri yol gösterici olarak seçilmiştir. Tartışmamızı “mimēsis” bağlamına yerleştirerek, bir yandan “poiēsis” etkinliğine diğer yandan ise “poiēsis” etkinliğinin gerçekleştiricisi olan “poiētēs”e yönelip, bu kavramların bahsedilen iki filozofun “sanat” ve “felsefe” kavrayışlarındaki yerini açmayı deniyoruz. Bu denemeyi ise tragedya bağlamında karşımıza çıkan fâil, fiil, münfâil hâl ve seyirci mefhumları üzerinden derinleştirmeye çalışıyoruz. Böylece, sunduğumuz (...)
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    Images About Human Body In Garîb-N'me Of Âşik Paşa.Ayşe Büyükyildirim - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:165-187.
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    Bir Ritüel Pratiği Üretme Denemesi: Şeyh.Ayşe Değerli̇ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):573-587.
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    Oshkosh Kentinin Kuruluşu ve Gelişimi.Ayşe Değerli̇ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 1):273-273.
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  20. A proposed identification for zosima's apolikaptii monastery in constantinople.Ayse Dietrich & Richard Dietrich - 2007 - Byzantion 77:116-123.
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    Training Of High School Students Spiritual-Human Values.Ayşe İnan Kiliç - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):807-831.
    The 21st century, in which science and technology developed with great acceleration, made the physical and social distances between people more permeable with the effect of globalization inherited from the previous century. In such an age where everybody is aware of everything, not only positive developments but also all kinds of information, beliefs and actions that may be considered negative for humanity can instantly spread and become widespread all over the world. For example, the adoption of attitudes and behaviors that (...)
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  22.  26
    Mostarlı Ziy''î'nin Şeyh-i San''n Mesnevisi'nde Rüyaların İşlevleri.Ayşe Sağlam - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):347-347.
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    Politeness as a Cultural Aspect in Japanese and Turkish Languages.Ayşe Nur Tekmen - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (3-4):103-110.
    Various studies have been made on different aspects of the Turkish and Japanese languages, but comparative studies between the two languages are still limited. The aim of this study is to describe the politeness strategy of these two languages from a cultural perspective within the paradigm of cognitive linguistics. Both Turkish and Japanese are agglutinative languages, and speakers of both languages prefer the subjective construal. So, if the typology of a language might be related to its perception, the conceptualization of (...)
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  24.  15
    Rethinking International Order.Ayşe Zarakol - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (2):200-208.
    This essay focuses on the concept of “international order” and its uses and misuses. It argues that the concept of “order” should not be conflated with the concept of a “system,” and that it makes more sense to speak of world order than international order because the former accommodates political units beyond the nation-state. Drawing on my recent book Before the West (2022) I show how the concept of “world order” travels better in history and also speculate about how it (...)
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  25.  17
    Understanding Maturidi Kalam - Legacy, Present & Future Challanges (28-29 Ekim 2017, Amman/Ürdün).Ayşe Betül Tekin - 2017 - Kader 15 (3):767-772.
    Kalam Research & Media tarafından John Templeton Foundation işbirliğiyle organize edilen "Understanding Matüridi Kalam - Legacy, Present & Future Challanges" başlıklı sempozyum 28-29 Ekim 2017 tarihlerinde Ürdün'ün başkenti Amman'da Olive Tree Hotel'de gerçekleştirildi. İki gün süren sempozyumda ABD, İngiltere, Avustralya, Filistin, Ürdün ve Türkiye'den bir araya gelen araştırmacılar Mâtüridî mezhebinde öne çıkan çeşitli konularda Arapça ve İngilizce tebliğler sundu. Açılış, kapanış ve beş oturum şeklinde düzenlenen sempozyum toplam on üç tebliğden oluşmaktaydı. Paralel oturumların olmaması katılımcıların bütün sunumları dinleyip müzakere edebilmesine (...)
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    Yasin Apaydın. Metafiziğin Meselesini Temellendirmek: Tecrîd Geleneği Bağlamında Umûr-ı Âmme Sorunu [Justifying the Question of Metaphysics: The Problem of al-Umūr al-‘Āmmah in the Context of the Tajrīd Tradition].Ayşe Betül Tekin - 2020 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 6 (2):203-210.
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    Russellda Çocuğun Eğitiminde Devletin Rolü.Ayşe Arik - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 11):49-49.
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    Varosha and Kyrenia: Where is Environmental Ethics?Ayşe Şat - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (2).
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    Sürgünlükte Yalnızlığın Diğer Adı: Hasan İzzettin Dinamo - Hasan İzzettin Dinamo.Ayşe Ertuş - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):347-347.
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    Yasin Apaydın. Metafiziğin Meselesini Temellendirmek: Tecrîd Geleneği Bağlamında Umûr-ı Âmme Sorunu.Ayşe Betül Tekin - 2020 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 6 (2):194-201.
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    Reference Point Heterogeneity.Ayse Terzi, Kees Koedijk, Charles N. Noussair & Rachel Pownall - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Stance against Violence at Schools.Ayşe Sibel Türküm - 2010 - Cultura 7 (2):164-170.
    Violence, especially against children, is a very serious problem worldwide. Violence at schools is one aspect of violence against children and it occurs in the similar ways in Turkey as it does in other countries. The studies on the roles and functions of school staff reveal that there is a problem with regard to this issue in Turkey. This study aims to discuss school staff’s ethical roles in ensuring the wellbeing of students in Turkey. The current situation of violence at (...)
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  33.  14
    The Effects of Religious Rituals and Religious Coping Methods on the Grief Process and Posttraumatic Growth: A Qualitative Study.Ayşe Gökmen & Said Sami - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):105-132.
    The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes of people who lost their relatives due to the earthquake towards the mourning process and the role of religious rituals in combating the stressful situation caused by this loss. In the study in which the qualitative research method was adopted, a case study design was also adopted. In the study where the criterion sampling technique was used, a total of 12 participants who experienced loss due to the earthquake were included (...)
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    Grief Process of Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities.Ayşe Gören - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):225-244.
    Loss is an inevitable part of life and grief is a natural part of the healing process. In this sense, the grieving process is universal. People commonly associate certain losses with strong feelings of grief. Although the concept of grief is a direct reminder of death, grief and loss can happen in different ways – death, divorce, deployment or other situations of abandonment. Different effects can influence how people understand and approach the grief process such as importance and place of (...)
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    The "Honor" of the State: Virginity Examinations in Turkey.Ayse Parla - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (1):65-88.
  36.  34
    Permeable Boundaries: Fictive Kinship Ties between EthnoReligious Groups in Mardin.Ayşe GÜÇ - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (2):237-264.
    This article analyses the contribution of fictive kinship ties established between different ethno-religious groups to intergroup relations and social solidarity. Fictive kinship refers to close relations between the parties, out of kinship established by marriage or blood tie, and associated to conventional kinship terms. These relations would provide people moral and financial support more than formal ones. Based on ethnographic data, this article analyses fictive kinship ties established by milk kinship and kirvelik between different groups in Mardin. Milk kinship is (...)
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  37.  28
    The influences of sociocultural norms on women's decision to disclose intimate partner violence: Integrative review.Ayşe Güler, Rebecca C. Lee, Liliana Rojas-Guyler, Joshua Lambert & Carolyn R. Smith - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12589.
    Sociocultural norms against women can contribute to promoting intimate partner violence (IPV) and shape women's decision to disclose IPV. A cross‐cultural analysis of the existing literature is needed to present an overview of the influences of sociocultural norms on women's decisions regarding the disclosure of IPV across different cultural contexts. The purpose of the review was to synthesize published quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (MMs) studies to identify known sociocultural norms across different cultures that may influence women's decision to disclose (...)
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  38.  17
    A holistic approach to violence: Women parliamentarians’ understanding of violence against women and violence in the Kurdish issue in Turkey.Ayşe Betül Çelik - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (1):76-92.
    While women in Turkey and around the world are commonly engaged in civic activism for peace and violence reduction, they are seriously underrepresented in formal politics; thus, not much has been written about their potential to affect decisions made to reduce violence in their societies. This study aims to understand how women politicians view violence in general and their solutions for two specific types of violence in Turkey: the increasing levels of violence against women, and violence created through the Kurdish (...)
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  39.  21
    Ayla Kutlu'nun Öykülerinde Mek'n.Ayşe Ertuş - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):695-695.
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    Dilbilim, Anlambilim Ve Edimbilim.Ayşe Kiran - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):719-719.
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    İbn Sina ve İhvan-ı Safa Bağlamında Matematikten Metafiziğe Sayı ve Nicelik Algısı.Ayşe Kökcü - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:1):59-74.
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    On the Nature and Meaning of Number.Ayşe KÖKCÜ - 2018 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):61-77.
    This article is about the understanding of the definition of the number concept and its content in the context of arithmeticisation of analysis and discussions on the basis of mathematics in the nineteenth century. The issue will be addressed historically first and then the proposals for solutions by mathematicians such as Dedekind, Cantor, Peano, as well as by Frege, a logician, will be examined. The discussions on the foundations of arithmetic in the 1870s gained intensity. For mathematics to be a (...)
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    Emotional responses to honour situations in Turkey and the northern USA.Ayse K. Uskul, Susan E. Cross, Cansu Alözkan, Berna Gerçek-Swing, Bilge Ataca, Ceren Günsoy & Zeynep Sunbay - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (6):1-19.
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    Rethinking innovative designs to further test parasite-stress theory.Ayse K. Uskul - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (2):93-94.
    Fincher & Thornhill's (F&T's) parasite-stress theory of sociality is supported largely by correlational evidence; its persuasiveness would increase significantly via lab and natural experiments and demonstrations of its mediating role. How the theory is linked to other approaches to group differences in psychological differences and to production and dissemination of cultural ideas and practices, need further clarification. So does the theory's view on the possible reduction of negative group interactions.
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    Almanca Öğretiminde Yazınsal Metin Çevir.Ayşe Uyanik - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):1407-1422.
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    Beitrag Der Überzetzung Zu Den Rezeptiven Srachfertigkeiten.Ayşe Uyanik - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):1363-1363.
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    Concept Of Translation And Interpretation Of Translation Issue In Turkish Mesnevis Within The Context Of Classical Literatures.Ayşe Yildiz - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:939-954.
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    Avec Kant, refonder la citoyenneté et le projet européen.Ayşe Yuva - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 88 (1):153-154.
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    Gazz'lî’nin Mûcizeye Yaklaşımının Teh'fütü’l-Fel'sife Bağlamında Kuantum Kuramı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi.Ayşe Kocabaş & Ahmet Çelik - 2024 - Kader 22 (2):312-333.
    Klasik fizik anlayışını değiştiren kuantum kuramı, bilimsel sahada ilk defa ortaya çıkan indeterminizm olması bakımından felsefe ve teoloji alanlarında da büyük etkiler meydana getirmiştir. Evrene yönelik yeni bir bakış açısı sunan bu kuram, tarihte çığır açarak yepyeni bir dönemi başlatmıştır. Devrim niteliğindeki kuantum kuramı, yirminci yüzyılın en önemli entelektüel başarılarındandır. Atom ve atom altı sistemleri inceleyen kuantum kuramı Max Planck’in kuantum hipoteziyle başlamış, kuramın temel prensipleri yine onun tarafından ortaya konulmuştur. Kuantum kuramı; hiçbir kesinliğin olmadığı, nesnelerin ölçüm yapılıncaya kadar hiçbir (...)
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    Ki̇şi̇li̇k özelli̇kleri̇ ve di̇ndarlik i̇li̇şki̇si̇ üzeri̇ne ampi̇ri̇k bi̇r araştirma.Ayşe Şentepe & Metin Güven - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (31):27-27.
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