Results for 'Avi Rabinowitz'

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  1.  67
    The laboratory in science education: Foundations for the twenty‐first century.Avi Hofstein & Vincent N. Lunetta - 2004 - Science Education 88 (1):28-54.
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    Introduction.Avi J. Cohen - 1992 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22 (1):78-82.
  3.  67
    Platonic Piety: An Essay Toward the Solution of an Enigma.W. Gerson Rabinowitz - 1958 - Phronesis 3 (2):108-120.
  4.  29
    Finding Moderation in Plato’s Republic.Laura Rabinowitz - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (3):236-254.
    This article examines Plato’s understanding of moderation. I begin with a brief discussion of Plato’s Charmides, the dialogue in which Socrates asks, “What is moderation?” in order to frame a detailed treatment of key passages in Plato’s Republic where we find a definitive answer. I show the progress of the Republic to be an intentional development on Plato’s part, moving readers from a conventional understanding of moderation as mastery to a more compelling ideal: moderation as a harmony of the city (...)
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    Sweatshop: The History of an American Idea (review).Paula Rabinowitz - 2005 - Symploke 13 (1):336-338.
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  6. Truth in Fiction: A Reexamination of Audiences.Peter J. Rabinowitz - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 4 (1):121-141.
    Questions about the status of literary truth are as old as literary criticism, but they have become both more intricate and more compelling as literature has grown progressively more self-conscious and labyrinthian in its dealings with "reality." One might perhaps read The Iliad or even David Copperfield without raising such issues. But authors like Gide , Nabokov, Borges, and Robbe-Grillet seem continually to remind their readers of the complex nature of literary truth. How, for instance, are we to deal with (...)
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    God and the Creative Imagination: Metaphor, Symbol, and Myth in Religion and Theology.Paul D. L. Avis - 1999 - Routledge.
    'A mere metaphor', 'only symbolic', 'just a myth' - these tell tale phrases reveal how figurative language has been cheapened and devalued in our modern and postmodern culture. In God and the Creative Imagination, Paul Avis argues the contrary: we see that actually, metaphor, symbol and myth, are the key to a real knowledge of God and the sacred. Avis examines what he calls an alternative tradition, stemming from the Romantic poets Blake, Wordsworth and Keats and drawing on the thought (...)
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    It's about time: Delay-dependent forgetting of item- and contextual-information.Avi Gamoran, Matar Greenwald-Levin, Stav Siton, Dan Halunga & Talya Sadeh - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104437.
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    Barriers in implementing the dying patient law: the Israeli experience - a qualitative study.Avi Zigdon & Rachel Nissanholtz-Gannot - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background Coping with end-of-life issues is a major challenge for governments and health systems. Despite progress in legislation, many barriers exist to its full implementation. This study is aimed at identifying these end-of-life barriers in relation to Israel. Methods Qualitative in-depth interviews using professionals and decision makers in the health-care and related systems were carried out, along with two focus groups based on brainstorming techniques consisting of nurses and social workers. Data was managed and analyzed using Naralyzer software. Results Qualitative (...)
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    Neuroanalysis: Bridging the Gap Between Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis, and Psychiatry.Avi Peled - 2008 - Routledge.
    _NeuroAnalysis _investigates using the neural network and neural computation models to bridge the divide between psychology, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience when diagnosing mental health disorders and prescribing treatment. Avi Peled builds on Freud's early attempts to explain the neural basis of mental health by introducing neural computation as a bridging science to explain psychiatric disorders. Peled describes the brain as a complex system of interconnected units and goes on to suggest that conscious experience, feelings, and mood are emergent properties arising from (...)
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    Has therapy intruded into education?Avi Mintz - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (4):633-647.
    For over fifty years, scholars have argued that a therapeutic ethos has begun to change how people think about themselves and others. There is also a growing concern that the therapeutic ethos has influenced educational theory and practice, perhaps to their detriment. This review article discusses three books, The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education (by Kathryn Ecclestone and Dennis Hayes), Aristotle, Emotions, and Education (by Kristján Kristjánsson), and The Therapy of Education (by Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith and Paul Standish), that (...)
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    Monotonicity and collective quantification.Gilad Ben-avi & Yoad Winter - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (2):127-151.
    This article studies the monotonicity behavior of plural determinersthat quantify over collections. Following previous work, we describe thecollective interpretation of determiners such as all, some andmost using generalized quantifiers of a higher type that areobtained systematically by applying a type shifting operator to thestandard meanings of determiners in Generalized Quantifier Theory. Twoprocesses of counting and existential quantification thatappear with plural quantifiers are unified into a single determinerfitting operator, which, unlike previous proposals, both capturesexistential quantification with plural determiners and respects theirmonotonicity (...)
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    Scope dominance with monotone quantifiers over finite domains.Gilad Ben-Avi & Yoad Winter - 2004 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13 (4):385-402.
    We characterize pairs of monotone generalized quantifiers Q1 and Q2 over finite domains that give rise to an entailment relation between their two relative scope construals. This relation between quantifiers, which is referred to as scope dominance, is used for identifying entailment relations between the two scopal interpretations of simple sentences of the form NP1–V–NP2. Simple numerical or set-theoretical considerations that follow from our main result are used for characterizing such relations. The variety of examples in which they hold are (...)
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  14.  46
    Regulating Mediators?Avis Whyte, Richard Earle & Andrew Boon - 2007 - Legal Ethics 10 (1):26-50.
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  15.  85
    Albert Camus and the Philosophy of the Absurd.Avi Sagi (ed.) - 2002 - Rodopi.
    This book is an attempt to read the totality of Camus s oeuvre as a voyage, in which Camus approaches the fundamental questions of human existence: What is the meaning of life? Can ultimate values be grounded without metaphysical presuppositions? Can the pain of the other penetrate the thick shield of human narcissism and self-interest? Solipsism and solidarity are among the destinations Camus reaches in the course of this journey. This book is a new reading of one of the towering (...)
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  16.  32
    A Crusade For the Humanities: From the Letters of Cardinal Bessarion.Avi Sharon - 2011 - Arion 19 (2):163-166.
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    Religion and its modifiers: making sense of the definition and subtypification of a contested concept.Avi Astor - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (2):213-232.
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    Social Capital, Collective Intelligence and Expansive Learning: Thinking through the Connections. Education and the Economy.James Avis - 2002 - British Journal of Educational Studies 50 (3):308 - 326.
    The paper seeks to draw out the connections between social capital, collective intelligence and expansive learning, interrogating the terms for their progressive potential. It sets these concepts within their socio-economic context, one which asserts that the development of social capital will be a vehicle for economic regeneration and competitiveness as well as a mechanism for the generation of social inclusion and cohesion. It concludes by arguing that the debate is set within a context that accepts capitalist relations and that this (...)
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  19. Why did Socrates Deny that he was a Teacher? Locating Socrates among the new educators and the traditional education in Plato’s Apology of Socrates.Avi I. Mintz - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (7):735-747.
    Plato’s Apology of Socrates contains a spirited account of Socrates’ relationship with the city of Athens and its citizens. As Socrates stands on trial for corrupting the youth, surprisingly, he does not defend the substance and the methods of his teaching. Instead, he simply denies that he is a teacher. Many scholars have contended that, in having Socrates deny he is a teacher, Plato is primarily interested in distinguishing him from the sophists. In this article, I argue that, given the (...)
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  20.  7
    Vitamins for the spirit: inspiration, wisdom, and the tools to use them.Avi Shulman - 2000 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications.
    Avi Shulman has taught thousands of people how to look at life and see positive ways to make everything better. In this precious collection of his astute observations, he shares a wealth of wisdom in his concise and simple manner that always hits the target and makes the reader ask himself, why didn't I think of that? With lessons on assuming responsibility, setting attainable goals, creating a warm atmosphere at home, and avoiding the feeling of burnout, Vitamins for the Spirit (...)
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    Managed Care Discounting: Evidence from the MarketScan Database.Avi Dor, Siran M. Koroukian & Michael Grossman - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (2):159-169.
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    Plato: Images, Aims, and Practices of Education.Avi I. Mintz - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book opens by providing the historical context of Plato’s engagement with education, including an overview of Plato’s life as student and educator. The author organizes his discussion of education in the Platonic Corpus around Plato’s images, both the familiar – the cave, the gadfly, the torpedo fish, and the midwife – and the less familiar – the intellectual aviary, the wax tablet, and the kindled fire. These educational images reveal that, for Plato, philosophizing is inextricably linked to learning; that (...)
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    Who Was That Lady? Pluralism and Critical Method.Peter J. Rabinowitz - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (3):585-589.
    To be sure, I agree that Nabokov creates a "sense of dizzying complexity," but I don't see how Dowling accounts for it at all. First of all, the passage he cites from Pnin is not an instance of the Liar's Paradox. The Liar's Paradox occurs when a single person claims that he or she always lies—for in that case, there is no logically consistent way to call the claim either true or false. In Pnin, however, we have something quite different: (...)
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    The Relevance of Identity in Responding to BIID and the Misuse of Causal Explanation.Avi Craimer - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):53-55.
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    Evidence for practice, epistemology, and critical reflection.Mark Avis & Dawn Freshwater - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (4):216-224.
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  26.  55
    Reframing biometric surveillance: from a means of inspection to a form of control.Avi Marciano - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (2):127-136.
    This paper reviews the social scientific literature on biometric surveillance, with particular attention to its potential harms. It maps the harms caused by biometric surveillance, traces their theoretical origins, and brings these harms together in one integrative framework to elucidate their cumulative power. Demonstrating these harms with examples from the United States, the European Union, and Israel, I propose that biometric surveillance be addressed, evaluated and reframed as a new form of control rather than simply another means of inspection. I (...)
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  27.  71
    The happy and suffering student? Rousseau's Emile and the path not taken in progressive educational thought.Avi I. Mintz - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (3):249-265.
    One of the mantras of progressive education is that genuine learning ought to be exciting and pleasurable, rather than joyless and painful. To a significant extent, Jean-Jacques Rousseau is associated with this mantra. In a theme of Emile that is often neglected in the educational literature, however, Rousseau stated that “to suffer is the first thing [Emile] ought to learn and the thing he will most need to know.” Through a discussion of Rousseau's argument for the importance of an education (...)
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  28.  11
    From Grade School to Law School: Socrates' Legacy in Education.Avi Mintz - 2006 - In Sara Ahbel-Rappe & Rachana Kamtekar (eds.), A Companion to Socrates. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 476–492.
    This chapter contains sections titled: A Brief History of Socratic Method and Socratic Teaching Teaching Through Questions The Features of Contemporary Socratic Education Conclusion.
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    The Arbitrariness of the Linguistic Sign: Variations on an Enlightenment Theme.Avi Lifschitz - 2012 - Journal of the History of Ideas 73 (4):537-557.
    From the late seventeenth century to the middle of the eighteenth, an important shift occurred in attitudes to the arbitrariness of the first human words. While authors such as Locke and Pufendorf emphasized linguistic arbitrariness and human liberty, mid-eighteenth-century thinkers highlighted the natural aspects of language and the limited scope of freedom and reason. This change is linked to the contemporary view of the cultural world as a natural artifice, strongly molded by social and environmental factors. The article highlights hitherto (...)
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  30.  31
    ANNEX to The Logic of Causation.Avi Sion - manuscript
    Avi Sion's book The Logic of Causation (2010) could not include all relevant tables (which either justified or applied various doctrines in the book), due to their sizes or quantity. These additional tables were made available to interested readers at time of publication in the author's website The Logician. The present 'Annex' collects in one pdf file the numerous original pdf files, to facilitate download. The file is almost 0.5 Gb in size, and contains almost 108,000 pages.
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    Ecocide and Khattam-Shud.Avi Brisman - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):107-123.
    Abstract:In the spirit of green cultural criminology, which considers the way(s) in which environmental crime, harm, and disaster are constructed, represented, and envisioned by the news media and in popular cultural forms, and narrative criminology, which explores how stories can influence (promote, curb, prevent, or resist) action, including harmful action, this provisional article seeks to intercede (although, perhaps, “intervene,” in the McGregorian sense, is more accurate) in the debate, of sorts, between the Indian writer Amitav Ghosh and the British critic, (...)
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  32.  14
    Seeing the light despite the heat post-Mirowski history of economic thought.Avi J. Cohen - 1992 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22 (1):83-96.
  33.  43
    Theoretische lücken der cognitive science.Winfried D'Avis - 1998 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 29 (1):37-57.
    Theoretical gaps of the cognitive science. First of all the gap-thesis is based on a criticism 1. of the computer-orientated cognitive science (it confuses information with the information carrier), 2. of connectivism (its linguistic borrowing from the neurobiology is not appropriate), 3. of Varelas production model (the elimination of the function of representation results in the loss of the cognitive ability). From the context of meaning and time, then the author sketches a cognitive theoretical approach, in which thinking as a (...)
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    Mahi todaʻah: madaʻim, filosofyah, misṭiḳah = What is conciousness? Sciences, philosophy, mysticism.Avi Elqayam & Oded Maimon (eds.) - 2018 - Tel Aviv: Idra.
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    Teʼopoʼeṭiḳah: asupat maʼamarim = Theopoetics: collected essays.Avi Elqayam & Shlomy Mualem (eds.) - 2020 - Tel Aviv: Hotsaʼat Idra.
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    The language of lies: a preregistered direct replication of Suchotzki and Gamer.Avi Frank, Sena Biberci & Bruno Verschuere - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1310-1315.
    ABSTRACTIs lying in a different language easier or more difficult? The Emotional Distance and the Cognitive Load hypothesis give competing answers. Suchotzki and Gamer measured the time native German speakers needed to initiate honest and deceptive answers to German and English questions. Lie-truth differences in RTs were much smaller for the foreign compared to the native language. In our preregistered replication study in native Dutch speakers, we found that lie-truth differences in RTs were moderately smaller when participants were tested in (...)
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  37.  41
    Hasidic Hallowing and Christian Consecration: Awakening to Authenticity in Denise Levertov's "Matins".Avis Hewitt - 1997 - Renascence 50 (1-2):97-107.
  38. The Enlightenment’s ‘Experimental Metaphysics’: Inquiries into the Origins and History of Language.Avi Lifschitz - 2010 - In Tristan Coignard Alicia C. Montoya & Peggy David (eds.), Lumières et histoire / Enlightenment and History.
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    Damon, Prodicus, and Socratic Matchmaking.Avi I. Mintz - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):377-379.
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    From Asine to Engomi.Avi Sharon - 2012 - Arion 20 (2):49-58.
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    Singlehood in Treatment: Interrogating the discursive alliance between postfeminism and therapeutic culture.Avi Shoshana & Kinneret Lahad - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (3):334-349.
    This article offers a critical discourse analysis of the Israeli television series In Treatment. The series unfolds the therapy sessions of a 40-year-old single female attorney with her therapist. The main objective of the study was to identify the scripted tactics or narrative strategies that establish and maintain singlehood. The findings indicate that the therapeutic discourse plays a central role in the construction and interpretation of single women’s subjectivities, prompting a narrative that encourages the ‘discarding’ of singlehood as well as (...)
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  42. Knowledge and the Objection to Religious Belief from Cognitive Science.Kelly James Clark & Dani Rabinowitz - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3 (1):67 - 81.
    A large chorus of voices has grown around the claim that theistic belief is epistemically suspect since, as some cognitive scientists have hypothesized, such beliefs are a byproduct of cognitive mechanisms which evolved for rather different adaptive purposes. This paper begins with an overview of the pertinent cognitive science followed by a short discussion of some relevant epistemic concepts. Working from within a largely Williamsonian framework, we then present two different ways in which this research can be formulated into an (...)
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    The Turn of the Glass Key: Popular Fiction as Reading Strategy.Peter J. Rabinowitz - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):418-431.
    Even among critics not particularly concerned with detective fiction, Dashiell Hammett’s fourth novel, The Glass Key , is famous for carrying the so-called objective method to almost obsessive lengths: we are never told what the characters are thinking, only what they do and look like. Anyone’s decisions about anyone else’s intentions are interpretive decisions, dependent on correct presuppositions—on having the right interpretive key. The novel’s title, in part, refers to this kind of key. Ned Beaumont, the protagonist, has to decide (...)
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  44.  10
    The Use and Abuse of the History of Educational Philosophy.Avi Mintz - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:406-413.
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    Divine Command Morality and Jewish Tradition.Avi Sagi & Daniel Statman - 1995 - Journal of Religious Ethics 23 (1):39 - 67.
    Given the religious appeal of divine command theories of morality (DCM), and given that these theories are found in both Christianity and Islam, we could expect DCM to be represented in Judaism, too. In this essay, however, we show that hardly any echoes of support for this thesis can be found in Jewish texts. We analyze texts that appear to support DCM and show they do not. We then present a number of sources clearly opposed to DCM. Finally, we offer (...)
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  46. The Godel Phenomenon in Mathematics: A Modern View.Avi Wigderson - 2011 - In Matthias Baaz (ed.), Kurt Gödel and the foundations of mathematics: horizons of truth. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 475.
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  47. The medieval hebrew encyclopedias of science and philosophy: Proceedings of the bar-Ilan university conference.Kadish Seth Avi - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2).
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    Plato, the Poets, and the Philosophical Turn in the Relationship Between Teaching, Learning, and Suffering.Avi I. Mintz - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (3):259-271.
    Greek literature prior to Plato featured two conceptions of education. Learning takes place when people encounter “teacher-guides”—educators, mentors, and advisors. But education also occurs outside of a pedagogical relationship between learner and teacher-guide: people learn through painful experience. In composing his dramatic dialogues, Plato appropriated these two conceptions of education, refashioning and fusing them to present a new philosophical conception of learning: Plato’s Socrates is a teacher-guide who causes his interlocutors to learn through suffering. Socrates, however, is not presented straightforwardly (...)
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    Rousseau, Consumerism, and Rearing the Twenty-First-Century Achilles.Avi I. Mintz - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:292-294.
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    Socrates, Cadmus, and the Case for Unphilosophical Parenting.Avi Mintz - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:374-387.
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