Results for 'Aurora Madariaga'

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  1. Promoción de la inclusión en ocio.Aurora Madariaga Ortuzar - 2005 - Critica 55 (927):51-54.
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    Ocio festivo: Cambios relevantes en la percepción y organización de las fiestas.Aurora Madariaga Ortuzar & Cristina Ortega Nuere - 2012 - Arbor 188 (754):365-378.
    Este artículo pretende apuntar la revalorización actual del ocio, destacando sus transformaciones en la sociedad contemporánea, abordando una faceta específica del fenómeno del ocio, como es su dimensión festiva. La primera sección se centra en el análisis de la experiencia de ocio festivo y en el cambio de percepción de las fiestas en sus tres momentos: preparación, celebración y recuerdo. La segunda sección se centra en las fiestas como espacios de participación de la ciudadanía, en la cual se aborda la (...)
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    Self-Managed Leisure, Satisfaction, and Benefits Perceived by Disabled Youth in Northern Spain.Joseba Doistua, Idurre Lazcano & Aurora Madariaga - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Single Mother's Efficacy, Parenting in the Home Environment, and Children's Development in a Two-Wave Study.Aurora P. Jackson & Richard Scheines - unknown
    Aurora P. Jackson and Richard Scheines. Single Mother's Efficacy, Parenting in the Home Environment, and Children's Development in a Two-Wave Study.
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    Sexuality behind bars in the female central penitentiary of Santiago, Chile: Unlocking the gendered binary.Francisca Alejandra Castro Madariaga, Belén Estefanía Gómez Garcés, Alicia Carrasco Parra & Jennifer Foster - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (1):e12183.
    We explore what it means to promote healthy sexuality for incarcerated women. We report upon the experiences of ten inmates in the Female Central Penitentiary of Santiago, Chile, regarding their sexuality within prison. We used a qualitative, descriptive research approach. Individual and semistructured interviews were conducted with women from different sections of the prison over a 2‐month period. Participants highlighted the site for conjugal visits, the Venusterio, as a place of privacy and sexual expression between couples from outside prison. Motivated (...)
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  6. ¡Ojo, vencedores!Salvador de Madariaga - 1945 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial sudamericana.
    Asuntos interiores: Palabras y sentidos. ¿Orden libre o estado vaca?--Asuntos comundiales: Falacias frente a hechos. ¿Orden triple u orden libre?
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  7. Retrato de un hombre de pie, Collección « El Puente ».Salvador de Madariaga - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (4):542-543.
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  8. Violenţa e la modă.Aurora Liiceanu - 2003 - Dilema 530:20.
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  9. Doctrina sobre la fruición en Escoto.Bernardo Madariaga - 1960 - Verdad y Vida 18 (72):681-692.
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    La politicidad del derecho penal: en el pensamiento Santo Tomás de Aquino.Rodolfo E. Madariaga - 2018 - Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Unversidad Católica Argentina.
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    Missing twins.Aurora Wallace - 2002 - Philosophy and Geography 5 (1):13 – 17.
    (2002). Missing twins. Philosophy & Geography: Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 13-17.
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    Revealing Unconscious Consumer Reactions to Advertisements That Include Visual Metaphors. A Neurophysiological Experiment.Jesús García-Madariaga, Ingrit Moya, Nuria Recuero & María-Francisca Blasco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Review of S. De Madariaga: Anarchy or Hierarchy[REVIEW]S. de Madariaga - 1938 - Ethics 48 (3):455-456.
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    Anarchy or Hierarchy.S. De Madariaga - 1937 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War, the country was split into pro-fascists and pro-communists, the author felt that the conflict in Spain threatened to develop into an international war, perhaps an international civil war since the issue cut across frontier lines. The situation had no parallel at the time. The author looks back to wars of the sixteenth century to find a precedent for this dramatic duel between two political conceptions. Using examples from Europe including the conflict (...)
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  15. De la angustia a la libertad.Salvador de Madariaga - 1955 - México,: Editorial Hermes.
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    Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards: an Essay in Comparative Psychology.Salvador de Madariaga & Alfred Zimmern - 1930 - Philosophical Review 39 (3):320-321.
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    Retrato de un hombre de pie.Salvador de Madariaga - 1979 - Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
  18. Carieră şi ocupaţie.Aurora Liiceanu - 2002 - Dilema 475:8.
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  19. The Apricot Tree.Aurora Reynoso - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):49-49.
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    Les Salonnières: Reclaiming the Literary Field.Aurora Wolfgang - 2001 - Intertexts 5 (2):114-27.
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    Metodología de experiencia-acción en restricción espacial.Jenny Pino Madariaga & Ismael Rivera Larraín - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (3):1-14.
    Enmarcada en el área Docencia y referida específicamente a nuevas fórmulas docentes, esta reflexión profundiza en la metodología Didáctica del m2 (P.I. 269.529), que propone su propio marco teórico y referentes y que se presenta como un aporte a la formación de formadores, así como una posibilidad de educación en el aula. Entrega oportunidades para la expresión y creación en espacios de restricción, resignificando la escuela, los patios y las propias salas de clases, promoviendo experiencias significativas de conocimiento y soluciones. (...)
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    Diálogo no limiar e diatribe: mecanismos de construção da autoconsciência do sujeito.Aurora Gedra Ruiz Alvarez & Lílian Lopondo - 2012 - Bakhtiniana 7 (2):05-18.
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    Metamorfosi, differenza, singolarità: il problema del trascendentale in Deleuze e Canetti.Simone Aurora - 2012 - In Gaetano Rametta, Metamorfosi del trascendentale II. Cleup. pp. 285-317.
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  24. De la angustia a la libertad.Salvador de Madariaga & Sotero Otero del Pozo - 1958 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 14 (1):103-104.
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    De l'angoisse à la liberté.Salvador de Madariaga - 1954 - Paris,: Calmann-Lévy.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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    Democracy versus liberty?Salvador de Madariaga - 1958 - London,: Pall Mall Press.
  27. Le Grand Dessein.Salvador de Madariaga - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):526-526.
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  28. Portrait of a man standing.Salvador de Madariaga - 1968 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
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    colaboración artística. Desafío creativo interdisciplinar al servicio de un universo invisible.Jenny Pino Madariaga & Ismael Rivera Larraín - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-18.
    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo dar cuenta del proceso de creación del proyecto Inusual Mundo Autista, el cual se propone indagar en torno a la condición autista desde la práctica artística interdisciplinar, para conocer y aportar desde la colaboración y la integración de las artes a la visibilización, educación, empatía e inclusión de este universo invisible.El objetivo de la vivencia creada mediante el proyecto, es utilizar la duda como una práctica de reflexión, permitiendo que la experiencia escénica interdisciplinar nos (...)
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    Después del COVID 19 seremos como siempre, pero de otra forma. Trazar continuidades para erigir un hito.Jimena Carrasco Madariaga - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):55-73.
    The milestone category that is frequently used to refer to the COVID 19 pandemic is called into question to propose that the use of this category is rather what generates a distinction between a past time or a before and a future time or an after. It is proposed that the possibility that this has been erected as a milestone is given by processes that are maintained both globally and locally, even though what allows the appearance of unprecedented events for (...)
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    El profesorado en la encrucijada.Beatriz Quirós Madariaga - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 99:13-27.
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  32. (1 other version)La filosofía al interior de la teología.Bernardo Madariaga - 1961 - Verdad y Vida 19 (74):193-267.
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  33. La Imagen de Dios en la metafisica del hombre segiin san Bonaventura.B. Madariaga - 1949 - Verdad y Vida 7:145-194.
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    The Search for Identity: A Yanomami-American Intercultural Experience.Aurora Pinto - 2021 - Listening 56 (1):27-34.
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    Housekeeping.Aurora Reynoso - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (2):360.
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    Reclaiming the Works of Early Modern Women: Authorship, Gender, and Interpretation in the Nouveau recueil de lettres des dames de ce temps (1635).Aurora Wolfgang & Sharon Diane Nell - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):1-16.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reclaiming the Works of Early Modern Women Authorship, Gender, and Interpretation in the Nouveau recueil de lettres des dames de ce temps (1635)1Aurora Wolfgang (bio) and Sharon Diane Nell (bio)Reclaiming the forgotten texts of women writers has been a major feminist undertaking of the last half-century. Indeed, believing in the importance of this sort of work, we have each spent much of our careers studying the women writers absent (...)
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  37.  43
    Academic Misconduct in Portugal: Results from a Large Scale Survey to University Economics/Business Students.Aurora A. C. Teixeira & Maria de Fátima Oliveira Rocha - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (1):21-41.
    The phenomenon of cheating in higher education is of overwhelming importance in that the students engaging in these acts are unlikely to have the skills necessary for their future professional life. Despite its relevance, the empirical evaluation of cheating in universities has been almost exclusively focused on the US context. Little is known about cheating at the European level, let alone in Portugal. Even less is explored at the regional level. In this paper we present evidence on the perception of (...)
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  38. Sala de tribunal–un experiment social necesar oricui.Aurora Liiceanu - 2002 - Dilema 486:20.
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    Who Rules the Ruler? On the Misconduct of Journal Editors.Aurora A. C. Teixeira & Mariana Fontes da Costa - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (2):111-128.
    There are very few (published) accounts of editorial misconduct, and those that do exist are almost exclusively focused on medicine-related areas. In the present article we detail a case of editorial misconduct in a rather underexplored domain, the social sciences. This case demonstrates that although legal systems provide different instruments of protection to avoid, compensate for, and punish misconduct on the part of journal editors, the social and economic power unbalance between authors and publishers suggests the importance of alternative solutions (...)
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    Lo "Strutturalismo" di Edmund Husserl.SImone Aurora - 2014 - Janus. Quaderni Del Circolo Glossematico 13:21-36.
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    De la angustia a la libertad: Memorias de un federalista.Salvador de Madariaga - 1977 - Madrid: Espasa Calpe Mexicana, S.A.. Edited by Salvador de Madariaga.
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    De la belleza en la ciencia.Salvador de Madariaga, Julián Marías & Real Academia Española - 1976 - Real Academia Española.
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    On Language and Dialect (how i lost my Filipino accent and Castilian lisp).Aurora Harris - 2006 - Educational Studies 40 (2):122-123.
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    Individual differences in attachment preferences.Aurora Mendelsohn & Neal J. Pearlmutter - 1999 - Cognition 30:73-105.
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    Academic misconduct in Portugal: results from a large scale survey to university economics/business students.Aurora Ac Teixeira & Maria de Fátima Oliveira Rocha - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (1):21-41.
  46.  24
    Une nouvelle rédaction des Questions sur les Météorologiques de Nicole Oresme.Aurora Panzica - 2015 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 57:257-264.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the anonymous Questiones in Meteorologica in the manuscript München, Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4375, ff. 19ra-46r, should be attributed to Nicole Oresme. These Questiones, together with those of the manuscript Darmstadt, Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek, Hs. 2197, ff. 58r-98r, prove the existence of an older and more interesting version of Nicole Oresme's Questiones in Meteorologica.
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    “Mutual understanding” in Tatarstan?Aurora Álvarez Veinguer - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (2):240-257.
    This paper is based on ethnographic research conducted in Tatarstan between 1997 and 2000, during the process of ethno-national rebirth, when promotion of the Tatar language emerged as a key element of government policy. At this time, the linguistic landscape in Tatarstan was characterized by four distinct features which, far from being complementary, existed in a state of mutual tension: (1) a monolinguistic heritage, due to the historical dominance of Russian; (2) a claimed ‘bilingualism’ following the declaration of Tatarstan’s sovereignty; (...)
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    Dall’egologico al geologico: l’ecologia come filosofia trascendentale.Simone Aurora - 2021 - Philosophy Kitchen 15.
    The paper argues that ecology should not be understood as a sectoral issue, i.e. as the object of specific scientific disciplines such as environmental sociology, geology or biology; on the contrary, it is by very nature that ecology should be regarded as a large-scale matter consisting first and foremost in philosophical and political questions. It is the paper’s main objective to claim that there is no way out from the ecological crisis without a critical reconsideration of the dominant socio-economic structures (...)
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  49. Esposas y madres, la mujer en el judaísmo clásico.Aurora Salvatierra Ossorio - 2004 - Critica 54 (913):26-31.
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  50. Los usos del tiempo en la diudad de Granada y su área metropolitana: Presentación de una investigación.Aurora Alvarez Veiguer & Ana Rodríguez Ruano - 2006 - Critica 56 (933):66-67.
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