Results for 'Ariane Göbel'

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    Friedrich Nietzsche's Uebermensch.Heinrich Goebel & Ernest Antrim - 1899 - The Monist 9 (4):563-571.
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  2. Nietzsche heute.Hans Goebel - 1935 - Berlin,: Kranz-Verlag.
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  3. Returning to the classics : looking to Weber and Durkheim to resolve the theoretical inconsistencies of public sociology.Ariane Hanemaayer - 2014 - In Christopher J. Schneider & Ariane Hanemaayer, The public sociology debate: ethics and engagement. Vancouver: UBC Press.
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    Translating Science—Comparing Religions.Arian Hopf - 2021 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 16 (1):63-88.
    Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan was a prominent South Asian reformer of Islam who focused on the reconciliation of science and Islam in his most influential texts. This article aims to analyze the implications of science becoming the dominant discourse in nineteenth-century South Asia for the conception of Islam and religion in general. Sayyid Ahmad is an intriguing example because he actively participated in religious as well as scientific discourses since as early as the 1830s. After a concise outline of his (...)
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    Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over the Right Primary Motor Cortex Impairs Implicit Motor Sequence Learning of the Ipsilateral Hand.Ariane Keitel, Henning Øfsteng, Vanessa Krause & Bettina Pollok - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    La vulgarisation philosophique : pour ou contre?Ariane Poulantzas - 1998 - Horizons Philosophiques 8 (2):41-46.
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    A Qualitative Study of the Views of Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes on the Ethical Considerations Raised by the Artificial Pancreas.Ariane Quintal, Virginie Messier, Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret & Eric Racine - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (3):237-261.
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    The Ethic of Responsibility: Max Weber’s Verstehen and Shared Decision-Making in Patient-Centred Care.Ariane Hanemaayer - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (1):179-193.
    Whereas evidence-based medicine (EBM) encourages the translation of medical research into decision-making through clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), patient-centred care (PCC) aims to integrate patient values through shared decision-making. In order to successfully integrate EBM and PCC, I propose a method of orienting physician decision-making to overcome the different obligations set out by a formally-rational EBM and substantively-rational ethics of care. I engage with Weber’s concepts “the ethic of responsibility” andverstehenas a new model of clinical reasoning that reformulates the relationship between (...)
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    Place Matters.Ariane Nomikos - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (4):453-462.
    For better or worse, places matter to us. Especially the familiar places we call home—the ones that embody our personal and cultural histories, give our lives a sense of stability, and support the routines of everyday life. Global Climate Change (GCC) poses an existential threat to these places, engendering nonmaterial losses that threaten subjective well-being and overall mental health. Unfortunately, these nonmaterial losses are often overlooked or underappreciated. My aim in this article is to counter this tendency and explore the (...)
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    Genetic Modulation of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Effects on Cognition.Ariane Wiegand, Vanessa Nieratschker & Christian Plewnia - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Corporate social responsibility in France: A mix of national traditions and international influences.Ariane Berthoin Antal & André Sobczak - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (1):9-32.
    This article explores the dynamics of the discourse and practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in France to illustrate the interplay between endogenous and exogenous factors in the development of CSR in a country. It shows how the cultural, socioeconomic, and legal traditions influence the way ideas are raised, the kinds of questions considered relevant, and the sorts of solutions conceived as desirable and possible. Furthermore, the article traces how expectations and practices evolve as a result of various social and (...)
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    Determination of Death by Neurologic Criteria in the United States: The Case for Revising the Uniform Determination of Death Act.Ariane Lewis, Richard J. Bonnie, Thaddeus Pope, Leon G. Epstein, David M. Greer, Matthew P. Kirschen, Michael Rubin & James A. Russell - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (S4):9-24.
    Although death by neurologic criteria is legally recognized throughout the United States, state laws and clinical practice vary concerning three key issues: the medical standards used to determine death by neurologic criteria, management of family objections before determination of death by neurologic criteria, and management of religious objections to declaration of death by neurologic criteria. The American Academy of Neurology and other medical stakeholder organizations involved in the determination of death by neurologic criteria have undertaken concerted action to address variation (...)
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    Criminal Responsibility and Neuroscience: No Revolution Yet.Ariane Bigenwald & Valerian Chambon - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Since the 90’s, neurolaw is on the rise. At the heart of heated debates lies the recurrent theme of a neuro-revolution of criminal responsibility. However, caution should be observed: the alleged foundations of criminal responsibility (amongst which free will) are often inaccurate and the relative imperviousness of its real foundations to scientific facts often underestimated. Neuroscientific findings may impact on social institutions, but only insofar as they also engage in a political justification of the changes being called for, convince populations, (...)
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    Practicing Islam in Egypt: Print Media and Islamic Revival By AaronRock-Singer.Abdullah Al-Arian - 2020 - Journal of Islamic Studies 31 (3):420-423.
    Practicing Islam in Egypt: Print Media and Islamic Revival By Rock-SingerAaron, xii + 211 pp. Price HB £75.00. EAN 978–1108492058.
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    Does Academia Still Call? Experiences of Academics in Germany and the United States.Ariane Berthoin Antal & Jan-Christoph Rogge - 2020 - Minerva 58 (2):187-210.
    Given the significant transformations underway in academia, it is pertinent to ask whether the traditional notion of entering the profession in response to a calling is still relevant. This article draws together hitherto unconnected strands of German and Anglo-Saxon literature on callings, then analyzes biographical narratives of 40 social scientists in Germany and the United States. The comparative analysis of the timing, sources, and nature of the respondents’ decision to become academics finds that almost all exhibit a calling orientation. However, (...)
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    The Erotic Life of Racism. By Sharon Patricia Holland. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2012.Ariane Cruz - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):257-261.
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    International Workshop on the History of Microscopy.Ariane Droscher - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Inspiring imagination – embarrassing analogies: coping with the causes of cytoplasmic streaming.Ariane Dröscher - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (4):703-725.
    In 1817, the German botanist Ludolph Christian Treviranus (1779–1864), while working on cytoplasmic streaming, exclaimed “What a matter for new observations and what an expectation for a more profo...
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    Das Ende des Menschen?: Wege durch und aus dem Transhumanismus.Ariane Eichenberg & Christiane Haid (eds.) - 2020 - Dornach: Verlag am Goetheanum.
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    The expansion continues: Stitching together the breadth of disciplines impinging on Artificial Intelligence.Randy Goebel & Mary-Anne Williams - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (5-6):929.
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  21. The return of the dualism in the philosophy of the mind. Aristotelis and Thomas as an alternative? 1.Bernd Goebel - 2009 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 116 (2):401-421.
  22.  19
    Evidence-Based Medicine: A Genealogy of the Dominant Science of Medical Education.Ariane Hanemaayer - 2016 - Journal of Medical Humanities 37 (4):449-473.
    Debates about how knowledge is made and valued in evidence-based medicine (EBM) have yet to understand what discursive, social, and historical conditions allowed the EBM approach to stabilize and proliferate across western medical education. This paper uses a genealogical approach to examine the epistemological tensions that emerged as a result of various problematizations of uncertainty in medical practice. I explain how the problematization of uncertainty in the literature and the contingency of specific social, political, economic, and historical relations allowed the (...)
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    “Ôôhhh tempinho bom!!”: Videoclipes no Youtube e a reconfiguração do rock nacional dos anos 80.Ariane Holzbach - 2015 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 1 (22).
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    L'imposture antispéciste.Ariane Nicolas - 2020 - Paris: Desclée de Brouwer.
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    An Overview of Ethical Issues Raised by Medicolegal Challenges to Death by Neurologic Criteria in the United Kingdom and a Comparison to Management of These Challenges in the USA.Ariane Lewis - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (1):79-96.
    Although medicolegal challenges to the use of neurologic criteria to declare death in the USA have been well-described, the management of court cases in the United Kingdom about objections to the use of neurologic criteria to declare death has not been explored in the bioethics or medical literature. This article (1) reviews conceptual, medical and legal differences between death by neurologic criteria (DNC) in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world to contextualize medicolegal challenges to DNC; (2) summarizes (...)
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    Shouldn't Dead Be Dead?: The Search for a Uniform Definition of Death.Ariane Lewis, Katherine Cahn-Fuller & Arthur Caplan - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (1):112-128.
    In 1968, the definition of death in the United States was expanded to include not just death by cardiopulmonary criteria, but also death by neurologic criteria. We explore the way the definition has been modified by the medical and legal communities over the past 50 years and address the medical, legal and ethical controversies associated with the definition at present, with a particular highlight on the Supreme Court of Nevada Case of Aden Hailu.
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    Medicolegal Complications of Apnoea Testing for Determination of Brain Death.Ariane Lewis & David Greer - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):417-428.
    Recently, there have been a number of lawsuits in the United States in which families objected to performance of apnoea testing for determination of brain death. The courts reached conflicting determinations in these cases. We discuss the medicolegal complications associated with apnoea testing that are highlighted by these cases and our position that the decision to perform apnoea testing should be made by clinicians, not families, judges, or juries.
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    Modernism and phenomenology: literature, philosophy, art.Ariane Mildenberg - 2017 - [London]: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Braiding together strands of literary, phenomenological and art historical reflection, Modernism and Phenomenology explores the ways in which modernist writers and artists return us to wonder before the world. Taking such wonder as the motive for phenomenology itself, and challenging extant views of modernism that uphold a mind-world opposition rooted in Cartesian thought, the book considers the work of modernists who, far from presenting perfect, finished models for life and the self, embrace raw and semi-chaotic experience. Close readings of works (...)
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    Life-Choices.Ariane Vaughan - 2020 - Feminist Review 124 (1):203-203.
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    Amerikanische Policy‐Forschung, Komplexität und die Krise des Regierens: Zur gesellschaftlichen Einbettung sozialwissenschaftlicher Begriffsbildung.Ariane Leendertz - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (1):43-63.
    The American Policy Sciences, Complexity and the Crisis of Government: On the Social Embeddedness of Concept Formation in the Social Sciences. By analyzing debates about social “complexity” in the American policy sciences and in intellectual discourse of the 1970s, this article draws attention to the social embeddedness of concept formation and theory building in the social sciences. In the 1970s, a new concept of social “complexity” emerged in the social sciences, when scholars transferred and adapted elements of complexity theory from (...)
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    Depictions of 'brain death' in the media: medical and ethical implications.Ariane Daoust & Eric Racine - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (4):253-259.
    Background Debates and controversies have shaped the understanding and the practices related to death determined by neurological criterion . Confusion about DNC in the public domain could undermine this notion. This confusion could further jeopardise confidence in rigorous death determination procedures, and raise questions about the integrity, sustainability, and legitimacy of modern organ donation practices.Objective We examined the depictions of ‘brain death’ in major American and Canadian print media to gain insights into possible common sources of confusion about DNC and (...)
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    Business Perception of Contextual Changes.Ariane Berthoin Antal, Meinolf Dierkes & Katrin Hahner - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (4):387-407.
    A firm's ability to shape its policies to meet societal demands depends on how it perceives the opportunities and risks in its environment. The authors hypothesized that corporate culture plays a significant role in shaping organizational percep-tions. This article summarizes the findings of a study on how the organizational culture of a chemical firm headquartered in West Germany affected the evolution of its social and personnel policy from 1950 to 1989 given the changes in its sociopolitical environment during this period. (...)
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    Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach.David Poole, Alan Mackworth & Randy Goebel - 1998 - Oxford University Press.
    Provides an integrated introduction to artificial intelligence. Develops AI representation schemes and describes their uses for diverse applications, from autonomous robots to diagnostic assistants to infobots. DLC: Artificial intelligence.
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    1. Die Zweite Wiener Persius-handschrift.Anton Goebel - 1860 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 15 (1-3):128-135.
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    Exportando bosques, importando insustentabilidad. Comercio forestal y transformaciones socio-ambientales en Centroamérica: una aproximación desde la historia global, siglos XVIII al XX.Anthony Goebel Mc Dermott - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (1):5.
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  36. Ein Paradigma auf dem Prüfstand: Was ist und wie gut ist der Naturalismus?Bernd Goebel - 2011 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 118 (1):129-147.
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  37. John Scottus Eriugena, Treatise on Divine Predestination, translated by Mary Brennan, with an introduction to the English translation by Avital Wohlman.B. Goebel - 2004 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 111 (2):204-206.
  38.  44
    Ariadne's Fears from Sea and Sky (Ovid, Heroides 10.88. and 95–8).Ariane Hewig - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (02):554-.
    In Ovid, Heroides 10.79ff. Ariadne starts to consider various dangers which to her mind threaten her life as that of any deserted woman . She lists some of these dangers in the following catalogue.
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    The Symbolic Language of the Unconscious: Erich Fromm’s Studies on the Human Being.Arian Kowalski & Michał Sawicki - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (2):87-103.
    This text aims at a multi-dimensional reflection on Erich Fromm’s conception of the human being. Starting from Marxist-Freudian sources of the philosopher’s thought, the authors show the fundamental ideas underlying his version of psychoanalysis. Next, Fromm’s view of the human being as a social being is discussed, referring to the concepts of unproductive and productive orientations. Another important dimension of Fromm’s thought that is discussed is the reflection on the nature and functions of the symbolic language of the unconscious, which (...)
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    4.2 Lenz in der Literatur bis 1945.Ariane Martin - 2017 - In Hans-Gerd Winter, Inge Stephan & Julia Freytag, J.M.R.-Lenz-Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 523-545.
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    Morality as experienced: A scoping review of moral matters encountered by adults living with rare diseases.Ariane Quintal, Élissa Hotte & Eric Racine - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics.
    Most rare diseases are poorly understood, affected individuals struggle tobe timely diagnosed and to access tailored, appropriate, and affordablecare. Following pragmatist theory, individuals living with rare diseasesmay experience these obstacles as morally problematic situations, wherethey struggle with actualizing their cherished values amid their lifecircumstances. These embedded and contextualized lived episodes aredistinct from moral challenges and moral issues, which are more abstract,decontextualized, and speculative moral matters. We sought to uncoverthe moral matters of adults living with rare diseases in the qualitativeliterature while (...)
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  42. Phonological Ambiguity Detection Outside of Consciousness and Its Defensive Avoidance.Ariane Bazan, Ramesh Kushwaha, E. Samuel Winer, J. Michael Snodgrass, Linda A. W. Brakel & Howard Shevrin - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
    Freud proposes that in unconscious processing, logical connections are also (heavily) based upon phonological similarities. Repressed concerns, for example, would also be expressed by way of phonologic ambiguity. In order to investigate a possible unconscious influence of phonological similarity, 31 participants were submitted to a tachistoscopic subliminal priming experiment, with prime and target presented at 1ms. In the experimental condition, the prime and one of the 2 targets were phonological reversed forms of each other, though graphemically dissimilar (e.g., “nice” and (...)
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    The Relationship Between Informal Controls, Ethical Work Climates, and Organizational Performance.Sebastian Goebel & Barbara E. Weißenberger - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):505-528.
    Due to the frequent occurrence of ethical transgressions and unethical employee behaviors, there has lately been an increasing interest in the ethical foundations of contemporary organizations. However, large-scale comprehensive analyses of organizational ethics are still comparatively limited. Our study contributes to both management control and business ethics literature by empirically examining potential antecedents as well as resulting effects of ethical work climates on organizational-level outcomes. Based on a cross-sectional survey among 295 large- and medium-sized companies, we find that more informal (...)
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    Sustained extrastriate cortical activation without visual awareness revealed by fMRI studies in hemianopic patients.Rainer Goebel, Lars Muckli, Friedhelm E. Zanella, Wolf Singer & Petra Stoerig - 2001 - Vision Research 41 (10):1459-1474.
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    Femmes, hommes et féministes à la barre.Ariane Djossou - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (2):343-355.
    Pourquoi continue-t-on à dénigrer le féminisme malgré l'amélioration notable de la condition des femmes grâce à ses revendications ? On peut invoquer le sens péjoratif persistant du mot « féminisme », la récupération des thèses féministes par les politicien-nes, ou encore les divergences au sein des tendances féministes. Mais ces motifs ne devraient pas empêcher la prise de conscience du fait que le féminisme ne recherche que la construction d'une société nouvelle juste pour les deux sexes.Why is feminism still denigrated (...)
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    Understanding Rare Disease Experiences Through the Concept of Morally Problematic Situations.Ariane Quintal, Élissa Hotte, Caroline Hébert, Isabelle Carreau, Annie-Danielle Grenier, Yves Berthiaume & Eric Racine - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (3):441-478.
    Rare diseases, defined as having a prevalence inferior to 1/2000, are poorly understood scientifically and medically. Appropriate diagnoses and treatments are scarce, adding to the burden of living with chronic medical conditions. The moral significance of rare disease experiences is often overlooked in qualitative studies conducted with adults living with rare diseases. The concept of morally problematic situations arising from pragmatist ethics shows promise in understanding these experiences. The objectives of this study were to (1) acquire an in-depth understanding of (...)
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    Beyond Black and Blue: BDSM, Internet Pornography, and Black Female Sexuality.Ariane Cruz - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (2):409-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 41, no. 2. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 409 Ariane Cruz Beyond Black and Blue: BDSM, Internet Pornography, and Black Female Sexuality I have been the meaning of rape I have been the problem everyone seeks to eliminate by forced penetration with or without the evidence of slime and/ but let this be unmistakable in this poem is not consent I do not consent —June (...)
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    Who Is responsible for the Opioid Crisis? A Discourse Analysis of Responsibility Claims in Medicine.Ariane Hanemaayer & Shahina Parvin - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-13.
    The opioid crisis has continued despite efforts to intervene on its identified causes. In this article, we analyse responsibility claims in pain and addiction medical journals concerning the opioid crisis. Selected journals represent the opioid crisis as a medical problem. Using the method of discourse analysis, we examine 32 sampled articles from 3 medical journals published over the past decade to understand how the cause of the opioid crisis is represented. Drawing upon the sociological concept of responsibilization, we observe and (...)
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    The republicanisation of empire between Universal Peace and war in the early United States.Ariane Viktoria Fichtl - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (1):37-47.
    Enlightenment writers have proposed projects to secure long-lasting peace within the belligerent environment of the European political landscape since the beginning of the eighteenth century. Madison and Rousseau, both declared critics of the Perpetual Peace project of the Abbé de St.-Pierre, were united in their opinion on the primacy of popular sovereignty within states to fulfil the goal of universal peace on the international level. Whereas the American constitution was built on a ‘peace pact’ to secure the union’s survival, the (...)
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  50. Die vorsokratische Philosophie.Karl Goebel - 1910 - Bonn,: C. Georgi.
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