Results for 'Araceli Cruz'

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  1.  19
    Psychological Flexibility With Prejudices Increases Empathy and Decreases Distress Among Adolescents: A Spanish Validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–Stigma.Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, José Martín-Albo, Araceli Cruz, Víctor J. Villanueva-Blasco & Teresa I. Jiménez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Empathy is an emotional response that may facilitate prosocial behavior and inhibit aggression by increasing empathic concern for others. But the vicarious experience of other’s feelings may also turn into personal distress when the person has poor regulation skills and holds stigmatizing beliefs. In thinking about the processes that may trigger the experience of personal distress or empathic concern, research on the influence of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on stigma is showing promising results. Both processes are assessed with the Acceptance (...)
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    Security in advanced metering infrastructures: Lightweight cryptography.Luis Hernández-Álvarez, Juan José Bullón Pérez & Araceli Queiruga-Dios - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Smart grids are designed to revolutionize the energy sector by creating a smarter, more efficient and reliable power supply network. The rise of smart grids is a response to the need for a more comprehensive and sophisticated energy system that caters to the needs of homes and businesses. Key features of smart grids include the integration of renewable energy sources, decentralized generation and advanced distribution networks. At the heart of smart grids is a sophisticated metering system, consisting of intelligent electronic (...)
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  3.  42
    ConsScale: A pragmatic scale for measuring the level of consciousness in artificial agents.Raul Arrabales, Agapito Ledezma & Araceli Sanchis - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (3-4):3-4.
    One of the key problems the field of Machine Consciousness is currently facing is the need to accurately assess the potential level of consciousness that an artificial agent might develop. This paper presents a novel artificial consciousness scale designed to provide a pragmatic and intuitive reference in the evaluation of MC implementations. The version of ConsScale described in this work provides a comprehensive evaluation mechanism which enables the estimation of the potential degree of consciousness of most of the existing artificial (...)
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  4.  14
    Meaningfulness and Impact of Academic Research: Bringing the Global South to the Forefront.Sudhir Katiyar, Ernesto Noronha & Premilla D’Cruz - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (4):839-844.
    Alongside scholarly and societal dimensions of research impact, the meaningfulness of research, emerging from the link to context, is crucial. Authentic inclusion of Global South scholars based in the Global South aids these objectives.
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    Your Brain on Art: Emergent Cortical Dynamics During Aesthetic Experiences.Kimberly L. Kontson, Murad Megjhani, Justin A. Brantley, Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Sho Nakagome, Dario Robleto, Michelle White, Eugene Civillico & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  6.  55
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2015 Final Report.Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Angelo Kyrilov, Patrice Cobb, Evette Montes, Cruz Franco, Justin Vlasits & David W. Vinson - 2015 - APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects.
    The first research report of the APDA project. Findings include that "gender is a significant predictor of type of placement (i.e. permanent versus temporary). The intercept tells us that the odds for male participants to have a permanent academic placement within the first two years after graduation are statistically significant at .37, p < 0.001 when year of graduation is held constant. The odds for female participants to have a permanent academic placement are 1.85, p < 0.001 when graduation year (...)
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  7.  20
    La mercantilización de la comunidad. Problemas éticos del turismo comunitario.Marcos Alonso Fernández & Elizabeth De la Cruz - 2021 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 26 (1):93-110.
    The objective of this research is to analyse the ethical problems of Community-Based Tourism. CBT is a novel form of tourism that has appeared in recent decades in different parts of the world, especially in areas with large indigenous populations. The investigations until now have primarily highlighted the virtues of this type of tourism, and the few criticisms that have appeared against cbt were related to its functional shortcomings and the benefits that sometimes do not reach the communities. While the (...)
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  8. Con tenido pág. Presentación 7 estudios.Raúl Fornet Betancourt, Alfredo Gómez Muller, Mauricio Beuchot, Alicia G. Pochelú, Enrique Ignacio Aguayo Cruz, Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle, Angel María Garibay Kintana, Benjamín Franklin No, Col Hipódromo Condesa & Delegación Cuauhtémoc - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 20 (58).
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    The “Research Misconception” and the SUPPORT Trial: Toward Evidence-Based Consensus.Dominic J. C. Wilkinson, Nicole Gerrand, Melinda Cruz & William Tarnow-Mordi - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (12):48-50.
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  10.  38
    Determinants of the Multinationals' Social Response. Empirical Application to International Companies Operating in Spain.María de la Cruz Déniz-Déniz & Juan Manuel García-Falcón - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (4):339-370.
    To survive and be successful in today's setting of globalisation and complexity, companies are obliged to think in wider strategic terms, developing active and enterprising strategies that include social, political and ecological elements, besides the economic ones. The analysis of the relationship between companies and society is especially interesting when these companies operate in international markets. Countries demand that large corporations contribute to local, regional and national development in such a way that their resources are exchanged for a significant increase (...)
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  11.  27
    When One Health Meets the United Nations Ocean Decade: Global Agendas as a Pathway to Promote Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Nature Relationships.Patricia Masterson-Algar, Stuart R. Jenkins, Gill Windle, Elisabeth Morris-Webb, Camila K. Takahashi, Trys Burke, Isabel Rosa, Aline S. Martinez, Emanuela B. Torres-Mattos, Renzo Taddei, Val Morrison, Paula Kasten, Lucy Bryning, Nara R. Cruz de Oliveira, Leandra R. Gonçalves, Martin W. Skov, Ceri Beynon-Davies, Janaina Bumbeer, Paulo H. N. Saldiva, Eliseth Leão & Ronaldo A. Christofoletti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Strong evidence shows that exposure and engagement with the natural world not only improve human wellbeing but can also help promote environmentally friendly behaviors. Human-nature relationships are at the heart of global agendas promoted by international organizations including the World Health Organization’s “One Health” and the United Nations “Ocean Decade.” These agendas demand collaborative multisector interdisciplinary efforts at local, national, and global levels. However, while global agendas highlight global goals for a sustainable world, developing science that directly addresses these agendas (...)
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  12.  11
    La didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y la construcción de masculinidades alternativas: libros de texto a debate.Antonia García Luque & Alba De la Cruz Redondo - 2019 - Clío: History and History Teaching 45:99-115.
    Este texto analiza el modelo de masculinidad transferido por las narrativas icónicas de los libros de texto de Ciencias Sociales de 5º de E. Primaria. Partiendo de la coeducación como herramienta transformadora de los patrones masculinos hegemónicos tradicionales asociados a la agresividad, la competitividad y la violencia, se abordan los estudios de género sobre la historia escolar, a fin de realizar un diagnóstico sobre la situación actual en torno a las investigaciones de las masculinidades en la Didáctica de las Ciencias (...)
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  13.  41
    Problema de programación de operaciones y herramientas en un sistema de manufactura flexible: heurística de carga fase II.Pedro Daniel Medina Varela, Cruz Trejos, Eduardo Arturo & Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    O trabalho do psicólogo na mediação de conflitos familiares: reflexões com base na experiência do serviço de mediação familiar em Santa Catarina.Fernanda Graudenz Müller, Adriano Beiras & Roberto Moraes Cruz - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:196-209.
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    Metric spaces and the axiom of choice.Omar De la Cruz, Eric Hall, Paul Howard, Kyriakos Keremedis & Jean E. Rubin - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (5):455-466.
    We study conditions for a topological space to be metrizable, properties of metrizable spaces, and the role the axiom of choice plays in these matters.
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    Bakhtin e a Linguística: um diálogo iniciado nos anos 1920.Beth Brait, Geraldo Tadeu Souza, Marília Amorim, Adriana Pucci Faria Penteado E. Silva, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Carlos Gontijo Rosa, Paulo Rogério Stella & Letícia Jovelina Storto - 2025 - Bakhtiniana 20 (1):e66039p.
    ABSTRACT In several works by the Circle (Bakhtin, Vološinov, Medvedev), the reference to Saussure and/or the specificities of Linguistics, as a science of language, can be found in a dialogue, more or less controversial, between thinkers and epistemological, theoretical and methodological trends that propose different approaches to the complexity represented by human language and, consequently, to its study. In this article, the objective is to circumscribe and discuss the presence of Linguistics, as a science of language established by Saussure, in (...)
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    Bakhtin e o Círculo: línguas, discursos, gêneros e produção de sentido.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes-Dugnani & Orison Marden Bandeira de Melo Júnior - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (2):2-7.
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    Induction and Analogy in Applied Ethicsin Socio-Educational Projects.María Teresa Yurén Camarena, Elena Rodríguez Roa & Miriam de la Cruz Reyes - 2025 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 38:137-161.
    El presente trabajo busca las ventajas de articular la inducción y la analogía con las éticas aplicadas en proyectos socioeducativos. La revisión de artículos muestra que en los proyectos sociales predominan las éticas principialistas, a las que subyace una lógica deductiva, pero algunosestudios revelan éticas aplicadas de corte dialógico y crítico estructuradas con la inducción y la analogía. Se examinan posiciones teóricas sobre el estatuto de las éticas aplicadas, confirmando quela inducción y la analogía están presentes, tanto en la casuística (...)
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  19. Aproximación al pensamiento teológico de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.Enrique Ignacio Aguayo Cruz - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 68.
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    Fabular imagens intervalares e montar imagens sobreviventes: aproximações e diferenças entre os métodos de Rancière e Didi-Huberman.Angela Cristina Salgueiro Marques, Luis Mauro Sá Martino, Frederico da Cruz Vieira de Souza & Elton Antunes - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (1).
    O objetivo central deste artigo é explorar aspectos centrais e específicos do pensamento de Jacques Rancière e Georges Didi-Huberman acerca das imagens. Interessa-nos identificar como ambos elaboram métodos de reflexão acerca do trabalho das imagens a partir das noções de montagem, intervalo, ficção, visibilidade, legibilidade e sobrevivências. As semelhanças e diferenças entre tais métodos serão observadas a partir de reflexão crítica de textos e obras dos autores.
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    Improving access to community-based pulmonary rehabilitation: 3R protocol for real-world settings with cost-benefit analysis.Alda Marques, Cristina Jácome, Patrícia Rebelo, Cátia Paixão, Ana Oliveira, Joana Cruz, Célia Freitas, Marília Rua, Helena Loureiro, Cristina Peguinho, Fábio Marques, Adriana Simões, Madalena Santos, Paula Martins, Alexandra André, Sílvia De Francesco, Vitória Martins, Dina Brooks & Paula Simão - 2019 - BMC Public Health 19 (1):676.
    Pulmonary rehabilitation has demonstrated patients’ physiological and psychosocial improvements, symptoms reduction and health-economic benefits whilst enhances the ability of the whole family to adjust to illness. However, PR remains highly inaccessible due to lack of awareness of its benefits, poor referral and availability mostly in hospitals. Novel models of PR delivery are needed to enhance its implementation while maintaining cost-efficiency. We aim to implement an innovative community-based PR programme and assess its cost-benefit. A 12-week community-based PR will be implemented in (...)
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  22.  23
    ¿Permiso para investigar? Reflexiones sobre los requisitos éticos de la observación participante en el contexto de la entrevista familiar de obtención de órganos.María Victoria Martínez López, Eva María Martín Nieto & Maite Cruz Piqueras - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (2).
    Although many of the factors that may influence donation have been identified, the timing of the interview in which families are asked for their authorisations seems to be decisive. However, there are few studies that analyse this process when the interview takes place. Qualitative techniques such as Participant Observation could help to better understand this process. One of the most recurring arguments against carrying out this type of study is the difficulty in complying with all the ethical requirements for any (...)
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  23.  27
    Stabilization of Two Electricity Generators.Dany Ivan Martinez, José de Jesús Rubio, Arturo Aguilar, Jaime Pacheco, Guadalupe Juliana Gutierrez, Victor Garcia, Tomas Miguel Vargas, Genaro Ochoa, David Ricardo Cruz & Cesar Felipe Juarez - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    In this research, a sliding mode regulator with sine mapping is suggested for the stabilization of electricity generators being affected by magnet interaction nonlinearities and generator nonlinearities. To reach this goal, our suggested regulator has the following contributions: it starts from the sliding mode regulator with the modifications that the saturation mapping is used to reach a smoother performance instead of the signum mapping, and the sine mapping is applied to reach an upper bound in the proportional gain error, it (...)
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  24.  49
    Do protein motifs read the histone code?Xavier de la Cruz, Sergio Lois, Sara Sánchez-Molina & Marian A. Martínez-Balbás - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (2):164-175.
  25.  34
    Implicaciones éticas de la transgénesis y la clonación.Ayní Rodríguez Pargas, Jesús Arturo Junco Barranco, Aymed de la C. Rodríguez Pargas & María Antonia de la Cruz Cardoso - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (1):0-0.
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    Empatía en adolescentes, cogniciones y afectos durante la pandemia en Perú.Fernando Ledesma-Pérez, Jenny Ruiz-Salazar, Ana Holgado-Quispe, Juana Cruz-Montero & Jhon Holguin-Alvarez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (1):1-11.
    El objetivo de la investigación fue realizar un análisis de la capacidad de empatía en 178 adolescentes de 14 a 17 años que cursan el último ciclo de Educación Básica Regular. Se aplicó el diseño convergente. En la primera etapa, se aplicó una lista de cotejo, y en la segunda, una entrevista semiestructurada. El estudio de tipo transeccional sincrónico-descriptivo, permitió reportar que el adolescente, durante la pandemia, es empático, consciente de la posibilidad de infectarse, cree que su cuidado y autoprotección (...)
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  27.  12
    O caminho: grupo de humanização.Sémares Genuino Vieira, Marcelo Silva Cavalcanti, Maria Gabriela Amorim da Silva & Geizy Alves dos Santos Cruz (eds.) - 2012 - Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE.
    Esta obra é um espelho prático de humanização dos serviços de saúde, este visto como processo Fala, essencialmente, de como alguns decidiram dedicar parte de seu tempo a outras pessoas, apresentando um projeto de extensão que contou com a participação de mais de mil pessoas Este Projeto, chamado O Caminho, conseguiu ultrapassar as paredes, escadas e corredores de um hospital universitário, tornando possíveis reuniões descontraídas e amorosas, cuidados singelos para pacientes realmente doentes, mas que mostrou operar uma mudança real na (...)
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  28.  44
    E-Health Interventions for Adult and Aging Population With Intellectual Disability: A Review.Andrea Vázquez, Cristina Jenaro, Noelia Flores, María José Bagnato, Ma Carmen Pérez & Maribel Cruz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  29.  21
    Current Overview of Scientific Production Associated with Governance in University: A Bibliometric Analysis.Edgar German Martínez, Elizabeth Sánchez Vázquez, Fernando Augusto Poveda Aguja, Lugo Manuel Barbosa Guerrero & Edgar Olmedo Cruz Mican - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):37-46.
    The main objective of this research is to identify the current panorama of scientific production associated with governance in university institutions. A bibliometric analysis was developed in Scopus using R Core Team 2022-Bibliometrix and Vosviewer software. The results highlight the countries with the highest productivity in the topic of study, with the most representative authors favoring the understanding of governance. The main thematic clusters stand out. It recognizes the role of university governance and its migration to direct spaces and the (...)
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  30.  19
    Perspective of Governance in University Institutions in Virtual Digital Environments.Edgar German Martínez, Elizabeth Sánchez Vázquez, Fernando Augusto Poveda Aguja, Lugo Manuel Barbosa Guerrero & Edgar Olmedo Cruz Mican - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):71-81.
    Study was born in the construction of problem concepts in the deployment of a governance strategy in institutions under digital environments, a technical position of understanding from South America is raised, the initial hypothesis of knowing aspects and determining requirements, an efficient model of governance can be achieved from the use and application of ICT, which allow to argue the as of the process, The use ICT, TAC, TEP as change managers in virtuality, to interact in a disruptive way, the (...)
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  31. Para Todxs: Natal - uma introdução à lógica formal.P. D. Magnus, Tim Button, Robert Loftis, Robert Trueman, Aaron Thomas Bolduc, Richard Zach, Daniel Durante, Maria da Paz Nunes de Medeiros, Ricardo Gentil de Araújo Pereira, Tiago de Oliveira Magalhães, Hudson Benevides, Jordão Cardoso, Paulo Benício de Andrade Guimarães & Valdeniz da Silva Cruz Junior - 2022 - Natal-RN: PPGFIL-UFRN.
    Livro-texto de introdução à lógica, com (mais do que) pitadas de filosofia da lógica, produzido como uma versão revista e ampliada do livro Forallx: Calgary. Trata-se da versão de 13 de outubro de 2022. Comentários, críticas, correções e sugestões são muito bem-vindos.
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  32.  36
    El tiempo en Bergson.Manuel Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):551-560.
    Aunque el propio Bergson llegó a afirmar que no siempre había manejado una misma noción de tiempo en cada una de sus obras, en este artículo pretendo reconstruir la filosofía bergsoniana del tiempo y tratar de demostrar que hay una concepción unitaria de la _durée_, solo que desde diversas perspectivas. Un examen atento de algunos pasajes clave de sus obras nos muestra que en Bergson hay una progresiva profundización en la noción de tiempo, que comienza por la duración en la (...)
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  33.  20
    Competencies for sustainability: Insights from the encyclical letter Laudato Si.Cristina Díaz de la Cruz & Rubén Eduardo Polo Valdivieso - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):606-616.
    This study offers a proposal about which competencies should be fostered in organizations to promote a culture in favor of sustainability in line with Pope Francis' encyclical letter Laudato Si. As a result, seven main competencies are proposed, with their interpretation in the light of the encyclical letter, and some suggestions on how to implement them in organizations are presented. The competencies are systemic vision, critical thinking, capacity for dialog, inclusion, proper use of goods, creativity, and spirituality. In addition, the (...)
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    Are There Any True Formal Models of Success- and Prestige-Biased Social Learning?Patricio Cruz Y. Celis Peniche - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (5):466-492.
    Cultural transmission theorists have proposed there is an inherent tradeoff between social learning strategies [SLS s] that rely on direct observation of a cultural variant’s payoffs (i.e., direct bias) and those that rely on a model’s cues of success or prestige (i.e., indirect bias). While the former relies on higher-quality informational goods, a model’s success or prestige cues may be easier to access. This paper reviews mathematical models that have purported to capture indirect bias, and shows they fail to capture (...)
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    Raimundus Lullus: an introduction to his life, works and thought.Alexander Fidora, Josep E. Rubio & Óscar de la Cruz (eds.) - 2008 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
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  36.  10
    An Event-Related Brain Potential (ERP) Study of Complex Anaphora in Spanish.Adrián García-Sierra, Juan Silva-Pereyra, Graciela Catalina Alatorre-Cruz & Noelle Wig - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:625314.
    This study examines the event- related brain potential (ERP) of 25 Mexican monolingual Spanish-speakers when reading Spanish sentences with single entity anaphora or complex anaphora. Complex anaphora is an expression that refer to propositions, states, facts or events while, a single entity anaphora is an expression that refers back to a concrete object. Here we compare the cognitive cost in processing a single entity anaphora [éstafeminine; La renuncia (resignation)] from a complex anaphora [estoneuter; La renuncia fue aceptada (The resignation was (...)
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    Dispositivos de atenção psicossocial no Brasil e gestão pela liberdade: breves relatos históricos das práticas relacionadas à saúde mental.Marcus Vinícius do Amaral Gama Santos, Higor Theobald Seabra da Cruz, Laura Petrenko Dória, Bárbara Victor Souza, Letícia Gomes Canuto, Mateus dos Santos Martins, Rafael de Souza Lima & Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):75-91.
    The main objective of this work is to understand the daily practices of user management in post-reformist devices in the Brazilian mental health field. Through Foucault's genealogical work on government practices, understood as forms of conducting the behavior of others, it is possible to open a possible field for the study of the practices of psi knowledge, considering them as forms of management that act by through the free and natural acts of individuals. More specifically, our goal is to examine (...)
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  38. Definitions of compactness and the axiom of choice.Omar De la Cruz, Eric Hall, Paul Howard, Jean E. Rubin & Adrienne Stanley - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):143-161.
    We study the relationships between definitions of compactness in topological spaces and the roll the axiom of choice plays in these relationships.
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  39. El sacrificio humano: víctimas en el monte Liceo.Cruz Cardete del Olmo - 2006 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 11:93-115.
    El sacrificio humano es una imagen frecuente en las religiones antiguas, concretamente en la griega, y su estudio ha levantado numerosos enfrentamientos entre corrientes historiográficas distintas. Uno de los casos más sobresalientes es del culto a Zeus en el Monte Liceo, que aquí analizamos. Las fuentes literarias reflejan la creencia de los griegos en estos sacrificios humanos, así que podemos decir que los sacrificios fueron reales porque fueron usados para construir paisaje y, por lo tanto, realidad.
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    Relações entre desesperança e sentido da vida em mulheres usuárias de tabaco.Rossane Frizzo de Godoy, Regina Celina Cruz & Isabel Cristina Scarinci - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (2):186-203.
    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar associações entre índices de desesperança e sentido da vida em mulheres usuárias e não usuárias de produtos derivados do tabaco (PDT). Delineamento: estudo quantitativo, transversal, analítico e observacional realizado com 142 mulheres encaminhadas ao serviço de ginecologia de um Ambulatório Geral de uma Universidade do Sul do Brasil. Instrumentos: Escala de Desesperança de Beck (BHS), Questionário de Sentido da Vida (QSV) e Questionário Sociodemográfico. No parâmetro desesperança, foi constatado diferença estatisticamente significativa maior entre as (...)
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  41. Diagnosis and treatment of delirium.Maxine De la Cruz & Eduardo Bruera - 2014 - In Timothy E. Quill & Franklin G. Miller, Palliative care and ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Estudios jurídicos en homenaje al profesor Santa Cruz Teijeiro.José Santa Cruz Teijeiro (ed.) - 1974 - Valencia: Universidad, Facultad de Derecho.
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  43. Las Confesiones de San Agustín: una aproximación a sus aspectos formales como autobiografía.Araceli Callejo - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez, Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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  44. Cromwell and the army are the children of Israel.Araceli García - 2004 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:549-561.
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    Using the Arts to Spread Health, Peace and Community Wellbeing in Rural Kenya.Araceli Alonso Rodriguez - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    This article tells the empirical story of women from seven villages of Kwale, the most southeastern county in the Coast Province of Kenya that borders with Tanzania—Lunga Lunga, Godo, Perani, Umoja, Maasailand, Mpakani and Jirani—as they searched for community health, equity, gender equality and peace on their own terms. This article shows that creative health initiatives can be successfully used as mechanisms for peace building. Since 2010, the Nikumbuke-Health by All Means projects from the University of Madison-Wisconsin in the United (...)
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  46. Love: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Self-Other Relation in Sartre and Beauvoir.Noelle de la Cruz - 2007 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 36 (2).
    The author explores the views of two famous philosophers and one-time lovers about the self-other relation, particularly in the context of romantic love. In Being and nothingness , Jean-Paul Sartre famously wrote that any mode of relation between two subjectivities is doomed to fail. One of these modes is love, which is the desire to possess another freedom without altering its fundamental characteristic as a freedom. In contrast to Sartre, meanwhile, Simone de Beauvoir hints at the possibility of non-possessive reciprocal (...)
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    Líneas de investigación en el Departamento de Estudios Físicos del IPHE en 2006.Araceli Gabaldón García - 2006 - Arbor 182 (717):47-54.
    El laboratorio de estudios físicos del Servicio Científico de Conservación del Instituto del Patrimonio Histórico Español, esta especializado en la aplicación de las propiedades de la radiación electromagnética al estudio de los Bienes Culturales. Además de dar apoyo al resto de los departamentos del IPHE y a otras Instituciones, ejerce una labor investigadora efectuando estudios inherentes a la actividad propia del laboratorio de rayos X y participando en proyectos financiados y promovidos por el propio laboratorio o por otras instituciones.
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    Manifestaciones de la expresión dialógica en la poesía de Juan Gelman.Araceli Noelia Polisena - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 91:175-190.
    El estudio de la segunda persona como condición del Yo en el discurso poético toma impulso en los estudios de teoría literaria a partir del surgimiento del ámbito relativamente reciente de la pragmática de la comunicación lírica. Esta perspectiva de estudio actual admite que el Yo lírico no se reduce a la categoría de mero «sujeto enunciativo» que explica en sí mismo el proceso locutivo de la enunciación; sino que es considerado la proyección del sujeto hacia la alteridad del interlocutor (...)
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    Os Categóricos de Observação: Uma Solução para Viabilizar o Holismo Semântico de Quine.Araceli Velloso - 2006 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 10 (1):81-104.
    The “observational categoricals” constitute a very special set of sentences of great importance in the last phase of Quine’s work. According to Quine, the grammatical structure and therefore the role played by these sentences considered by the philosopher as the neutral empirical content of theories would solve several difficulties in semantics and epistemology. Most urgent among them would be: the incommensurability of theories, their empirical verifiability, as well as explaining the language learning process. In consequence of the importance of their (...)
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  50. Editorial do Volume 17(2) - Ética e Filosofia Analítica.Araceli Velloso - 2012 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 17 (2).
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