Results for 'April Todd-Malmlov'

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  1.  31
    Telephone Service Interruption Weighting Adjustments for State Health Insurance Surveys.Michael Davern, James Lepkowski, Kathleen Thiede Call, Noreen Arnold, Tracy L. Johnson, Karen Goldsteen, April Todd-Malmlov & Lynn A. Blewett - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (3):280-290.
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    Female coital orgasm and male attractiveness.Todd K. Shackelford, Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, Gregory J. LeBlanc, April L. Bleske, Harald A. Euler & Sabine Hoier - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (3):299-306.
    Female coital orgasm may be an adaptation for preferentially retaining the sperm of males with “good genes.” One indicator of good genes may be physical attractiveness. Accordingly, R. Thornhill, S. W. Gangestad, and R. Comer (1995) found that women mated to more attractive men reported an orgasm during a greater proportion of copulations than did women mated to less attractive men. The current research replicates this finding, with several design variations. We collected self-report data from 388 women residing in the (...)
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    (1 other version)Bericht über den VI. Kongress für Experimentelle Psychologie in Göttingen vom 15, bis 18 April, 1914. [REVIEW]John W. Todd - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 13 (13):362-363.
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  4. Hume's Argument for the Temporal Priority of Causes.Todd Ryan - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (1):29-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 1, April 2003, pp. 29-41 Hume's Argument for the Temporal Priority of Causes TODD RYAN In a section entitled "Of Probability; and of the idea of cause and effect," Hume embarks on a search for the conceptual components of our idea of causation. Rejecting the possibility of analyzing the idea in terms of the qualities of objects, Hume claims to discover two (...)
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    Ontology for Big Systems: The Ontology Summit 2012 Communiqué.Todd Schneider, Ali Hashemi, Mike Bennett, Mary Brady, Cory Casanave, Henson Graves, Michael Gruninger, Nicola Guarino, Anatoly Levenchuk & Ernie Lucier - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (3):357-371.
    The Ontology Summit 2012 explored the current and potential uses of ontology, its methods and paradigms, in big systems and big data: How ontology can be used to design, develop, and operate such systems. The systems addressed were not just software systems, although software systems are typically core and necessary components, but more complex systems that include multiple kinds and levels of human and community interaction with physical-software systems, systems of systems, and the socio-technical environments for those systems which can (...)
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    Exactly how are fluid intelligence, working memory, and executive function related? Cognitive neuroscience approaches to investigating the mechanisms of fluid cognition.Gregory C. Burgess, Todd S. Braver & Jeremy R. Gray - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):128-129.
    Blair proposes that fluid intelligence, working memory, and executive function form a unitary construct: fluid cognition. Recently, our group has utilized a combined correlational–experimental cognitive neuroscience approach, which we argue is beneficial for investigating relationships among these individual differences in terms of neural mechanisms underlying them. Our data do not completely support Blair's strong position. (Published Online April 5 2006).
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  7. Strawson, Moral Responsibility, and the "Order of Explanation": An Intervention.Patrick Todd - 2016 - Ethics 127 (1):208-240.
    P.F. Strawson’s (1962) “Freedom and Resentment” has provoked a wide range of responses, both positive and negative, and an equally wide range of interpretations. In particular, beginning with Gary Watson, some have seen Strawson as suggesting a point about the “order of explanation” concerning moral responsibility: it is not that it is appropriate to hold agents responsible because they are morally responsible, rather, it is ... well, something else. Such claims are often developed in different ways, but one thing remains (...)
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  8. Introduction.Patrick Todd & John Martin Fischer - 2015 - In John Martin Fischer & Patrick Todd, Freedom, Fatalism, and Foreknowledge. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 01-38.
    This Introduction has three sections, on "logical fatalism," "theological fatalism," and the problem of future contingents, respectively. In the first two sections, we focus on the crucial idea of "dependence" and the role it plays it fatalistic arguments. Arguably, the primary response to the problems of logical and theological fatalism invokes the claim that the relevant past truths or divine beliefs depend on what we do, and therefore needn't be held fixed when evaluating what we can do. We call the (...)
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  9. Cognitive neuroscience of self-regulation failure.Todd F. Heatherton & Dylan D. Wagner - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (3):132-139.
  10. Visual Search: The role of memory for rejected distractors.Todd S. Horowitz & J. M. Wolfe - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos, Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 264.
  11. The problem of future contingents: scoping out a solution.Patrick Todd - 2020 - Synthese 197 (11):5051-5072.
    Various philosophers have long since been attracted to the doctrine that future contingent propositions systematically fail to be true—what is sometimes called the doctrine of the open future. However, open futurists have always struggled to articulate how their view interacts with standard principles of classical logic—most notably, with the Law of Excluded Middle. For consider the following two claims: Trump will be impeached tomorrow; Trump will not be impeached tomorrow. According to the kind of open futurist at issue, both of (...)
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  12.  62
    Building the Theory of Ecological Rationality.Peter M. Todd & Henry Brighton - 2016 - Minds and Machines 26 (1-2):9-30.
    While theories of rationality and decision making typically adopt either a single-powertool perspective or a bag-of-tricks mentality, the research program of ecological rationality bridges these with a theoretically-driven account of when different heuristic decision mechanisms will work well. Here we described two ways to study how heuristics match their ecological setting: The bottom-up approach starts with psychologically plausible building blocks that are combined to create simple heuristics that fit specific environments. The top-down approach starts from the statistical problem facing the (...)
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    A Meta-analytic Comparison of Face-to-Face and Online Delivery in Ethics Instruction: The Case for a Hybrid Approach.E. Michelle Todd, Logan L. Watts, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Brett S. Torrence, Megan R. Turner, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1719-1754.
    Despite the growing body of literature on training in the responsible conduct of research, few studies have examined the effectiveness of delivery formats used in ethics courses. The present effort sought to address this gap in the literature through a meta-analytic review of 66 empirical studies, representing 106 ethics courses and 10,069 participants. The frequency and effectiveness of 67 instructional and process-based content areas were also assessed for each delivery format. Process-based contents were best delivered face-to-face, whereas contents delivered online (...)
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  14. On behalf of a mutable future.Patrick Todd - 2016 - Synthese 193 (7):2077-2095.
    Everyone agrees that we can’t change the past. But what about the future? Though the thought that we can change the future is familiar from popular discourse, it enjoys virtually no support from philosophers, contemporary or otherwise. In this paper, I argue that the thesis that the future is mutable has far more going for it than anyone has yet realized. The view, I hope to show, gains support from the nature of prevention, can provide a new way of responding (...)
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  15. Emotion and Value.Cain Todd - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):702-712.
    The nature of the general connection between emotion and value, and of the various connections between specific emotions and values, lies at the heart of philosophical discussion of the emotions. It is also central to some accounts of the nature of value itself, of value in general but also of the specific values studied within particular philosophical domains. These issues all form the subject matter of this article, and they in turn are all connected by two main questions: (i) How (...)
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  16.  40
    Club-guessing, stationary reflection, and coloring theorems.Todd Eisworth - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (10):1216-1243.
    We obtain very strong coloring theorems at successors of singular cardinals from failures of certain instances of simultaneous reflection of stationary sets. In particular, the simplest of our results establishes that if μ is singular and , then there is a regular cardinal θ<μ such that any fewer than cf stationary subsets of must reflect simultaneously.
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    The Shape of Athenian Law.S. C. Todd - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Unlike its predecessors, this systematic survey of the law of Athens is based on explicit discussion of how the subject might be studies, incorporating topics such as the democratic political system and social structure. Technical and legal terms are explained in a comprehensive glossary.
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  18. The effect of the internal structure of categories on perception.Todd M. Gureckis & Robert L. Goldstone - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1876--1881.
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  19. V. 5.Tom Brooking & Todd M. Thompson - 2021 - In Eugenio F. Biagini, A cultural history of democracy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Getting more colors II.Todd Eisworth - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):17-38.
    We formulate and prove (in ZFC) a strong coloring theorem which holds at successors of singular cardinals, and use it to answer several questions concerning Shelah's principle $Pr_1(\mu^+,\mu^+,\mu^+,cf(\mu))$ for singular $\mu$.
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    (1 other version)Successors of singular cardinals and coloring theorems I.Todd Eisworth & Saharon Shelah - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (5):597-618.
    Abstract.We investigate the existence of strong colorings on successors of singular cardinals. This work continues Section 2 of [1], but now our emphasis is on finding colorings of pairs of ordinals, rather than colorings of finite sets of ordinals.
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    A hierarchy of models and electron microscopy.Todd Harris - 1999 - In L. Magnani, Nancy Nersessian & Paul Thagard, Model-Based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery. Kluwer/Plenum. pp. 139--148.
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    Moderate reasons-responsiveness, moral responsibility, and manipulation.Todd R. Long - 2004 - In M. O'Rourke J. K. Campbell, Freedom and Determinism. MIT Press.
  24.  37
    Educating the Senses: Explorations in Aesthetics, Embodiment and Sensory Pedagogy.Sharon Todd, Marit Honerød Hoveid & Elisabet Langmann - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (3):243-248.
    This volume takes two different, albeit intertwined approaches. The first concerns a reformulation of aesthetics in education—one which highlights the sensory dimensions of educational experience. The second concerns a turn to the body and the senses as that which is deeply involved in practices of teaching and learning.
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    Getting more colors I.Todd Eisworth - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):1-16.
    We establish a coloring theorem for successors of singular cardinals, and use it prove that for any such cardinal $\mu$, we have $\mu^+\nrightarrow[\mu^+]^2_{\mu^+}$ if and only if $\mu^+\nrightarrow[\mu^+]^2_{\theta}$ for arbitrarily large $\theta < \mu$.
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  26. Disorders of perception and awareness.Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg - 2000 - In Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg, Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press.
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  27. Forcing and stable ordered–union ultrafilters.Todd Eisworth - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):449-464.
    We investigate the effect of a variant of Matet forcing on ultrafilters in the ground model and give a characterization of those P-points that survive such forcing, answering a question left open by Blass [4]. We investigate the question of when this variant of Matet forcing can be used to diagonalize small filters without destroying P-points in the ground model. We also deal with the question of generic existence of stable ordered-union ultrafilters.
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  28. Active learning strategies in a spatial concept learning game.Todd M. Gureckis & Doug Markant - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 3145--3150.
  29. Bottom-up recognition learning: a compilation-based model of limited-lookahead learning.Todd R. Johnson, Jiajie Zhang & Hongbin Wang - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 469--474.
  30.  32
    Introduction to INPE Special Issue: Passion, Commitment and Justice in Education.Sharon Todd - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):39-41.
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    11 Welcoming and Difficult Learning.Sharon Todd - 2008 - In Denise Egéa-Kuehne, Levinas and Education: At the Intersection of Faith and Reason. New York: Routledge. pp. 18--170.
  32.  65
    The Failure of the Best Arguments against Social Reduction (and What That Failure Doesn't Mean).Todd Jones - 2003 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 41 (4):547-581.
    In this paper, I will argue that the most systematic arguments for the impossibility of reducing of social facts are not, in fact, good arguments. The best of these, the multiple realizability argument, has been very successful in convincing people to be non-reductionists in the philosophy of mind, and can plausibly be adapted to argue for anti-reductionism in the social sciences. But it, like the other arguments for the impossibility of social reduction, cannot deliver. Any preference we have for social (...)
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    ‘Landing on Earth:’ an educational project for the present. A response to Vanessa Andreotti.Sharon Todd - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (2):159-163.
    ABSTRACT This paper responds to Vanessa Andreotti’s keynote address. In it, I draw out some educational implications of facing the everyday denials of the climate emergency. In particular, I mobilise Bruno Latour’s phrase ‘landing on Earth’ to indicate that the very terms through which we understand education, particularly as it relates to the future, require a profound shift.
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  34. Unmasking multiple drafts.Steven J. Todd - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (4):477-494.
    Any theoretician constructing a serious model of consciousness should carefully assess the details of empirical data generated in the neurosciences and psychology. A failure to account for those details may cast doubt on the adequacy of that model. This paper presents a case in point. Dennett and Kinsbourne's (Dennett, D., & Kinsbourne, M. (1992). Time and the observer: The where and when of consciousness in the brain. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15, 183-243) assault on the materialist version of the Cartesian (...)
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  35. Order effects and frequency learning in belief updating.Jiajie Zhang, Todd R. Johnson & Hongbin Wang - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 708--713.
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  36. The Aesthetic Turn in Green Marketing: Environmental Consumer Ethics of Natural Personal Care Products.Anne Marie Todd - 2004 - Ethics and the Environment 9 (2):86-102.
    Green consumerism is on the rise in America, but its environmental effects are contested. Does green marketing contribute to the greening of American consciousness, or does it encourage corporate greenwashing? This tenuous ethical position means that eco-marketers must carefully frame their environmental products in a way that appeals to consumers with environmental ethics and buyers who consider natural products as well as conventional items. Thus, eco-marketing constructs a complicated ethical identity for the green consumer. Environmentally aware individuals are already guided (...)
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  37. A Difference That Makes a Difference: Passing through Dennett's Stalinesque/orwellian Impasse.Steven J. Todd - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (3):497-520.
    Dennett and Kinsbourne ([1992]) argue that metacontrast backward visual masking provides a clear illustration that ‘there is really only a verbal difference’ between two versions of the Cartesian Theater model of the mind. This alleged lack of a distinction is both the crucial premise of their main argument against the Cartesian Theater and a motivator for accepting their own Multiple Drafts model. I argue that metacontrast reveals a difference between the two versions of the Cartesian Theater that meets criteria found (...)
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    Cleomedes and the Stoic Concept of the Void.Robert B. Todd - 1982 - Apeiron 16 (2):129 - 136.
  39.  9
    13. The Naturalism of Frederick Woodbridge.Harry Todd Costello - 1944 - In Yervant H. Krikorian, Naturalism and the Human Spirit. New York,: Columbia University Press. pp. 295-318.
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  40. Politics and" Inventing the.Todd R. La Porte - 2001 - In Willa M. Bruce, Classics of administrative ethics. Boulder: Westview Press.
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  41. To Do Justice: A Guide for Progressive Christians.Rebecca Todd Peters & Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty - 2008
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  42. How to Russell Open the Future.Patrick Todd - manuscript
    Short abstract: this is a reply to Schoubye and Rabern's 2017 paper, in Mind, to my own 2016 paper, also in Mind, "Future Contingents are All False! On Behalf of a Russellian Open Future." -/- Long abstract: There is a familiar philosophical position – sometimes called the doctrine of the open future ­– according to which future contingents (claims about underdetermined aspects of the future) systematically fail to be true. For well over 2000 years, however, open futurists have been accused (...)
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  43. Heidegger in the machine: the difference between techne and mechane.Todd Mei - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 49 (3):267-292.
    Machines are often employed in Heidegger’s philosophy as instances to illustrate specific features of modern technology. But what is it about machines that allows them to fulfill this role? This essay argues there is a unique ontological force to the machine that can be understood when looking at distinctions between techne and mechane in ancient Greek sources and applying these distinctions to a reading of Heidegger’s early thought on equipment and later thought on poiesis. Especially with respect to Heidegger’s appropriation (...)
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    On idealized versions of Pr1(μ +, μ +, μ +, cf(μ)).Todd Eisworth - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (7):809-824.
    We obtain an improvement of some coloring theorems from Eisworth (Fund Math 202:97–123, 2009; Ann Pure Appl Logic 161(10):1216–1243, 2010), Eisworth and Shelah (J Symb Logic 74(4):1287–1309, 2009) for the case where the singular cardinal in question has countable cofinality. As a corollary, we obtain an “idealized” version of the combinatorial principle Pr1(μ +, μ +, μ +, cf(μ)) that maximizes the indecomposability of the associated ideal.
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  45. The Evolutionary Psychology of Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Are There Universal Adaptations in Search, Aversion, and Signaling?Peter M. Todd & Geoffrey F. Miller - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (2):131-141.
    To understand the possible forms of extraterrestrial intelligence, we need not only astrobiology theories about how life evolves given habitable planets, but also evolutionary psychology theories about how intelligence emerges given life. Wherever intelligent organisms evolve, they are likely to face similar behavioral challenges in their physical and social worlds. The cognitive mechanisms that arise to meet these challenges may then be copied, repurposed, and shaped by further evolutionary selection to deal with more abstract, higher-level cognitive tasks such as conceptual (...)
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    Near coherence and filter games.Todd Eisworth - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (3):235-242.
    We investigate a two-player game involving pairs of filters on ω. Our results generalize a result of Shelah ([7] Chapter VI) dealing with applications of game theory in the study of ultrafilters.
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    Simultaneous reflection and impossible ideals.Todd Eisworth - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1325-1338.
    We prove that if ${\mu ^ + } \to \left[ {{\mu ^ + }} \right]_\mu ^2 + $ holds for a singular cardinal μ, then any collection of fewer than cf(μ) stationary subsets of μ⁺ must reflect simultaneously.
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  48.  26
    (1 other version)Higher mind: The method of critical thinking.Todd F. Eklof - 2005 - Philosophical Practice 1 (3):129-133.
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    Predicting human cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma using case-based decision theory.Todd Guilfoos & Andreas Duus Pape - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (1):1-32.
    In this paper, we show that Case-based decision theory, proposed by Gilboa and Schmeidler :605–639, 1995), can explain the aggregate dynamics of cooperation in the repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma, as observed in the experiments performed by Camera and Casari. Moreover, we find CBDT provides a better fit to the dynamics of cooperation than does the existing Probit model, which is the first time such a result has been found. We also find that humans aspire to a payoff above the mutual defection (...)
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    Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy.Todd May (ed.) - 2010 - Durham [England]: Routledge.
    "Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy" presents a comprehensive and accessible analysis of the most recent developments in European thought. From feminist thought to environmental philosophy to analytic themes in Continental philosophy to recent discussions of citizenship, "Emerging Trends" offers an overview of the currents animating contemporary Continental philosophy. The volume focuses on thematic developments rather than individual figures, allowing the reader to follow the threads that weave different thinkers together. Each essay is written by an expert in the area covered, (...)
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