Results for 'April Ching'

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  1.  25
    Groups and Emotional Arousal Mediate Neural Synchrony and Perceived Ritual Efficacy.Philip S. Cho, Nicolas Escoffier, Yinan Mao, April Ching, Christopher Green, Jonathan Jong & Harvey Whitehouse - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:407912.
    We present the first neurophysiological signatures showing distinctive effects of group social context and emotional arousal on cultural perceptions, such as the efficacy of religious rituals. Using a novel protocol, EEG data were simultaneously recorded from ethnic Chinese religious believers in group and individual settings as they rated the perceived efficacy of low, medium, and high arousal spirit-medium rituals presented as video clips. Neural oscillatory patterns were then analyzed for these perceptual judgements, categorized as low, medium, and high efficacy. The (...)
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  2. On the Formation and Cultivation of Personality in Terms of the Structure of Yi-Jing.Zhen Li - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (9):155-170.
    I at ○ ○四年been published a text, and start thinking about writing a text, were divided into three: First, the concept of things like the meaning and importance of taking the second, by the natural, cultural, religious" realms that "the meaning of I Ching philosophy, three, from the" Book of Changes "structure of personality formation and develop. Because of space limitations, the first paragraph and the second at ○ ○五年April in "Philosophy and Culture" published herein, this was the third (...)
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  3. Hsien Chʻin ssŭ hsiang shih lun lüeh.Ching-fan Tang - 1959 - Wên Ch'ang Shu Chü.
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    Mysticism and Kingship in China: The Heart of Chinese Wisdom.Julia Ching - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Julia Ching offers a survey of over 4,000 years of Chinese civilization through an examination of the relationship between kingship and mysticism. She investigates the sage-king myth and ideal, arguing that institutions of kingship were bound up with cultivation of trance states and communication with spirits. Over time, the sage-king myth became a model for the actual ruler. As a paradigm, it was also appropriated by private individuals who strove for wisdom without becoming kings. As the (...)
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  5. Tʻan tʻan tsʻo wu.Ching Po - 1957
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    Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Attitudes Toward Suicide Questionnaire Among Healthcare personnel in Malaysia.Siau Ching Sin, Wee Lei-Hum, Ibrahim Norhayati, Visvalingam Uma & Wahab Suzaily - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801770729.
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    Comments on Mohr and Henderson's path consistency algorithm.Ching-Chih Han & Chia-Hoang Lee - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 36 (1):125-130.
  8.  44
    God and the World: Chu Hsi and Whitehead.Julia Ching - 1979 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 6 (3):275-295.
  9. Han Fei ssu hsiang tʻi hsi.Ching-Chih Wang - 1977
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  10.  21
    Innovations of Candidate Selection Methods: Polling Primary and Kobo under the New Electoral Rules in Taiwan and Japan.Ching-Hsin Yu & Chen-Hua Yu - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (4):635-659.
    This paper explores the linkage between electoral systems and candidate selection methods by analyzing two innovations of CSMs in Taiwan and Japan: polling primary and kobo, respectively. With an assumption that partiesno-finding’ conclusion in some previous large-N studies on the linkage between electoral systems and choices of CSMs. Additionally, our findings highlight the importance of institutional factors, such as electoral systems, in explaining CSM reforms in a comparative perspective.
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    To acquire wisdom: the way of Wang Yang-ming.Julia Ching - 1976 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Yangming Wang.
  12.  75
    To blow or not to blow the whistle: the effects of potential harm, social pressure and organisational commitment on whistleblowing intention and behaviour.Ching-Pu Chen & Chih-Tsung Lai - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (3):327-342.
    This study uses a rational ethical decision-making framework to examine the influence of moral intensity (potential harm and social pressure) on whistleblowing intention and behaviour using organisational commitment as a moderator. A scenario was developed, and an online questionnaire was used to conduct an empirical analysis on the responses of 533 participants. The mean age and years of work experience of the respondents were 31 and 8.2 years, respectively. The results show, first, that while moral intensity is correlated with whistleblowing (...)
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  13.  27
    Physician-Soldier: Navigating the Tension Between Military and Medical Necessity.Michael D. April, Carolyn W. April & Chetan U. Kharod - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (10):59-61.
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    Response to Jeffrey Hopkins.Julia Ching - 1988 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 8:130.
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    The Religious Thought of Chu Hsi.Julia Ching - 2000 - Oup Usa.
    Recognized as one of the greatest philosophers in classical China, Chu Hsi is especially known in the West through translations of one of his many works, theChin-su Lu. Julia Ching, a noted scholar of Neo-Confucian thought, provides the first book-length examination of Chu-Hsi's religious thought, based on extensive reading in both primary and secondary sources.
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  16. The Theory of Buddha-bodies in the Context of Soteriology-focusing on the Mahāyānasamgraha.Ching Keng - 2011 - Philosophy and Culture 38 (3):119-145.
    This paper advocates learned in the religious context of liberation, the "theology," a concept can be reasonably applied to religious traditions other than Christianity. According to that "beyond the world community and how the phenomenon of contact" as a general theological issues, and Consciousness-only school of Buddhism, one of the major literature of the "photo Mahayana theory of" how to respond to this issue. In the "photo Mahayana theory" in this issue of "inaction of the Dharma Realm to save sentient (...)
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  17. Ta tsai Kʻung-tzŭ.Ching-tsʻun Liao - 1964
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  18.  68
    Context and Logical Consequence.Ching Hui Su - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Research 42:399-411.
    It is commonly agreed that logic studies the form of arguments and that the concept of a consequence relation is based on the idea of truth-preservation in all models. Based on some observations about arguments involving conditionals, Brogaard and Salerno argue that the consequence relation should be defined in terms of truth-preservation within one fixed context. I will argue that Ichikawa’s contextualism for counterfactuals can be treated as an elucidation of what they have in mind. Instead of standing for or (...)
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  19. Pei Sung li hsüeh Chou Chang erh Chʻeng tsung ho yen chiu.Ching-Hsien Tai - 1976
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    Addendum: Some Aspects of the Jen-Chien Tzʿu-hua.Ching-I. Tu - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3).
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    Values, desires, and love: Reflections on Wollheim's moral psychology.Ching-wa Wong - 2011 - Ratio 24 (1):78-90.
    In The Thread of Life, Richard Wollheim argues that a person's sense of value is grounded in the power of love to generate certain favourable perceptions of an object. Following from his view is a psychoanalytic conception of valuing as constituted by the imaginative force of phantasy, rather than rational deliberation. In this paper, I shall defend this conception with a view to explaining the relation between values and desires. I suggest that valuing qua phantasy-making can ‘tune up’ a person's (...)
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  22.  48
    Cheng, Chunyi 鄭宗義, Confucianism, Philosophy and the Contemporary World 儒學、哲學與現代世界: Shijiazhuang 石家莊: Hebei Renmin Publishing House 河北人民出版社, 2010, 349 pages.Ching Kit Wu - 2012 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11 (1):125-128.
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  23.  41
    Understanding Moral Distress Through the Lens of Social Reflective Equilibrium.Carolyn W. April & Michael D. April - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (12):25-27.
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  24. Yogâcāra Buddhism Transmitted or Transformed? Paramârtha (499-569) and His Chinese Interpreters.Ching Keng - 2009 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    This dissertation argues that the Yogâcāra Buddhism transmitted by the Indian translator Paramârtha (Ch. Zhendi 真諦) underwent a significant transformation due to the influence of his later Chinese interpreters, a phenomenon to which previous scholars failed to paid enough attention. I begin with showing two contrary interpretations of Paramârtha’s notion of jiexing 解性. The traditional interpretation glosses jiexing in terms of “original awakening” (benjue 本覺) in the Awakening of Faith and hence betrays its strong tie to that text. In contrast, (...)
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  25. Wen hsüeh kai lun.Ching-Shen Chao - 1933
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    Responses to Masao Abe.Julia Ching - 1987 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 7:37.
  27.  22
    ‘To act is to be committed, and to be committed is to be in danger’: the vulnerability of the young lawyer in ethical crisis.Jane Ching, Graham Ferris & Jane Jarman - 2022 - Legal Ethics 25 (1):44-63.
    This paper takes as its starting point the phenomenon of young lawyers in ethical crisis. The teaching of ethics in the classroom and the ethos and environment of the law firm have created dissonance: knowing what it is right to do but being unable to do it. In examining this phenomenon, we develop the idea of commitment as a source of duty, loyalty, and courage that enables someone to accept and overcome reluctance to act ethically. Our conceptual framework combines two (...)
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  28. Chê hsüeh yü wên hua.Ching-Hsiung Wu - 1971 - 60 i.: E..
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  29.  37
    How Do We Understand the Meaning of a Sentence Under the Yogācāra Model of the Mind? On Disputes Among East Asian Yogācāra Thinkers of the Seventh Century.Ching Keng - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (3):475-504.
    Understanding the meaning of a sentence is crucial for Buddhists because they put so much emphasis on understanding the verbal expressions of the Buddha. But this can be problematic under their metaphysical framework of momentariness, and their epistemological framework of multiple consciousnesses. This paper starts by reviewing the theory of five states of mind in the Yogācārabhūmi, and then investigates debates among medieval East Asian Yogācāra thinkers about how various consciousnesses work together to understand the meaning of a sentence. The (...)
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  30. Chu tzu hsüeh shu yao.Ching-min Chao - 1975
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  31. Pei Sung Chou Chang erh Chʻeng ssu hsiang chih fen hsi.Ching-Hsien Tai - 1979
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  32.  42
    The Confucian View of the Relationship between Knowledge and Action and Its Relevance to Action Research.Ching-Tien Tsai - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (13):1474-1486.
    There are marked similarities between Confucian ideas about the relationship between action, knowledge and learning, and contemporary educational thinking about action research. Examples can be seen in the relationship between action and research. First, Confucius emphasized the importance of ‘action’ which was different from ‘research’. The Confucian view of action implies that one should engage in a research process of deliberation in advance and then decide whether to take action or not. This kind of researched action is refined by the (...)
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  33.  11
    Testing global memory models using ROC curves.Roger Ratcliff, Ching-fan Sheu & Scott D. Gronlund - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):518-535.
  34.  10
    Man does not live by intrinsically unstructured proteins alone: The role of structured regions in aggregation.Francesco A. Aprile, Piero Andrea Temussi & Annalisa Pastore - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (11):2100178.
    Protein misfolding is a topic that is of primary interest both in biology and medicine because of its impact on fundamental processes and disease. In this review, we revisit the concept of protein misfolding and discuss how the field has evolved from the study of globular folded proteins to focusing mainly on intrinsically unstructured and often disordered regions. We argue that this shift of paradigm reflects the more recent realisation that misfolding may not only be an adverse event, as originally (...)
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  35. Hsien tai hua kuo chia ti chien she.Ching-y3u Chang - 1974
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  36.  19
    Intrinsic Motivation and Sophisticated Epistemic Beliefs Are Promising Pathways to Science Achievement: Evidence From High Achieving Regions in the East and the West.Ching Sing Chai, Pei-Yi Lin, Ronnel B. King & Morris Siu-Yung Jong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research on self-determination theory emphasizes the importance of the internalization of motivation as a crucial factor for determining the quality of motivation. Hence, intrinsic motivation is deemed as an important predictor of learning. Research on epistemic beliefs, on the other hand, focuses on the nature of knowledge, and learning with more sophisticated epistemic beliefs associated with more adaptive outcomes. While learning and achievement are multiply determined, a more comprehensive theoretical model that takes into account both motivational quality and epistemic beliefs (...)
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  37. Yu chʻing chi hui chu i ho Kʻung-tzu ssu hsiang.Yün-ko Ching (ed.) - 1974
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  38. Numbers from experiments.Ching-chün Li - 1959 - Pittsburgh,: Boxwood Press.
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  39. L'idée de Dieu chez Malebranche et l'idée de li chez Tchou Hi.Ching-jen Pang - 1942 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by Xi Zhu.
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  40. Chŏngŭi ŭi wŏnchʻŏn.Ching-Hsiung Wu - 1975
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  41. A Systematic Review of Creativity-Related Studies Applying the Remote Associates Test From 2000 to 2019.Ching-Lin Wu, Shih-Yuan Huang, Pei-Zhen Chen & Hsueh-Chih Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Recent Developments in Health Law.Ching Ping Ang, Joseph Wolpin & Elisha Baron - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (1):149-159.
    As of July 1, 2008, females aged 11-26 years seeking status as permanent residents in the United States must produce documentation that they have received the human papillomavirus vaccine before the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will approve their status adjustment. Immigration rights activists and public health officials have objected to this new requirement on the grounds that it is unnecessary and imposes unreasonable barriers to lawful immigration due to its expense. The Supreme Court has generally upheld mandatory vaccination requirements (...)
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    Poetry of the Yuan Dynasty.Ching-Hsi Perng & Kurt W. Radtke - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):484.
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  44. Fountain of justice.Ching-Hsiung Wu - 1955 - London,: Sheed & Ward.
  45.  66
    What is Svabhāva-vikalpa and with Which Consciousness(es) is it Associated?Ching Keng - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (1):73-93.
    This paper begins with a contrast between two different views about whether the five sensory consciousnesses are accompanied by vikalpa. For the Abhidharmakośa, the five sensory consciousnesses are accompanied by the svabhāva-vikalpa whose nature is vitarka; but for Yogācāra, the five sensory consciousnesses are without that particular kind of svabhāva-vikalpa because vitarka is regarded as belonging merely to the mental consciousness. My hypothesis for explaining such difference is that Yogācāra assigns that particular kind of svabhāva-vikalpa to mental consciousness rather than (...)
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  46.  24
    Fair Trade: A Cup at a Time?April Linton & Margaret Levi - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (3):407-432.
    Fair Trade coffee campaigns have improved the lives of small-scale coffee farmers and their families by raising wages, creating direct trade links to farming cooperatives, and providing access to affordable credit and technological assistance. Consumer demand for Fair Trade certified coffee is at an all-time high, yet cooperatives that produce it are only able to sell about half of their crops at the established fair trade price. This article explores the reasons behind this gap between supply and demand and suggests (...)
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    Hof und Stadt in Lessings Minna von Barnhelm.Iwan-Michelangelo D’Aprile - 2006 - In Iwan-M. D.´Aprile & Günther Lottes, Hofkultur Und Aufgeklärte Öffentlichkeit: Potsdam Im 18. Jahrhundert Im Europäischen Kontext. Akademie Verlag. pp. 157-168.
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    Learning ethics from museum exhibitions: Possible or impossible?Ching-Yuan Huang & Lichun Chiang - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (4):367 – 386.
    This research was undertaken to explore audience members learning ethics from two national museum exhibitions: The Return of Sherlock Holmes (RSH) and Human Body Exploration (HBE) in Taiwan. Based on literature review of ethics for museums, there are four dimensions related to exhibition ethics: environment, marketing, education, and services. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine the relationships within the dimensions of environment, marketing, education, and services of exhibition ethics and to understand the differences in exhibition ethics between (...)
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  49.  41
    China’s Responses to Dewey.Julia Ching - 1985 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 12 (3):261-281.
  50.  19
    (1 other version)Chinese Ethics and Kant.Julia Ching - 1977 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 51:112-124.
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