Results for 'Anying Chen'

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  1.  7
    Correction: The Poetics of Failure in Simone de Beauvoir’s Les bouches inutiles.Ani Chen - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (4):705-705.
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    The Poetics of Failure in Simone de Beauvoir’s Les bouches inutiles.Ani Chen - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (4):506-528.
    I argue that Simone de Beauvoir’s only play Les bouches inutiles reveals the centrality of failure in Beauvoir’s feminist account of political freedom. In recent years, political theorists have mobilized failure to capture the diverse ways of being and doing that stand outside of hegemonic models of political life, with some conceiving of failure as a form of negativity. Negativity, on these accounts, captures an “antisocial” form of resistance by which subjects refuse configurations of sociality in order to achieve freedom. (...)
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  3. Fundamental Nomic Vagueness.Eddy Keming Chen - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (1):1-49.
    If there are fundamental laws of nature, can they fail to be exact? In this paper, I consider the possibility that some fundamental laws are vague. I call this phenomenon 'fundamental nomic vagueness.' I characterize fundamental nomic vagueness as the existence of borderline lawful worlds and the presence of several other accompanying features. Under certain assumptions, such vagueness prevents the fundamental physical theory from being completely expressible in the mathematical language. Moreover, I suggest that such vagueness can be regarded as (...)
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    On Dianoesis-Argumentation.Chen Jiaying - 2020 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 51 (3-4):194-215.
    Editors’In this paper, Chen aims to elucidate the nature of dianoesis, starting from the basic fact that we already hold a certain belief before we begin to argue for it. It concludes that what dianoesis endeavors to achieve is the understanding of ways-and-patterns of things, so that our scattered understanding gets connected. The author then addresses frequent misconceptions about the nature of dianoesis, such as that genuine dianoesis equals reasoning from premises neutral to any prejudice or from the absolutely (...)
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  5. The Past Hypothesis and the Nature of Physical Laws.Eddy Keming Chen - 2023 - In Barry Loewer, Brad Weslake & Eric B. Winsberg (eds.), The Probability Map of the Universe: Essays on David Albert’s _Time and Chance_. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. pp. 204-248.
    If the Past Hypothesis underlies the arrows of time, what is the status of the Past Hypothesis? In this paper, I examine the role of the Past Hypothesis in the Boltzmannian account and defend the view that the Past Hypothesis is a candidate fundamental law of nature. Such a view is known to be compatible with Humeanism about laws, but as I argue it is also supported by a minimal non-Humean "governing'' view. Some worries arise from the non-dynamical and time-dependent (...)
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  6. The Intrinsic Structure of Quantum Mechanics.Eddy Keming Chen - 2019 - In Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics. pp. Chapter 1.
    The wave function in quantum mechanics presents an interesting challenge to our understanding of the physical world. In this paper, I show that the wave function can be understood as four intrinsic relations on physical space. My account has three desirable features that the standard account lacks: it does not refer to any abstract mathematical objects, it is free from the usual arbitrary conventions, and it explains why the wave function has its gauge degrees of freedom, something that are usually (...)
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  7.  58
    The French and Modern Civilization.Chen Duxiu - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (1):54-57.
    After a thorough classical education, Chen Duxiu went on to be a pioneering reform writer and activist, leader of the New Culture movement, Dean of the Arts and Sciences at Beijing University, and cofounder of the Chinese Communist Party. His writings are usually brief and polemical, and he rarely pauses to expound on the meanings of central theoretical terms. He is nonetheless an astute and coherent author, not easily pigeonholed as "nationalist," "individualist," "cosmopolitan," or any of the numerous other (...)
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  8. The empirical foundation and justification of knowledge.Jiaming Chen - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (1):67-82.
    Whether empirical givenness has the reliability that foundationalists expect is a point about which some philosophers are highly skeptical. Sellars took the doctrine of givenness as a “myth,” denying the existence of immediate perceptual experience. The arguments in contemporary Western epistemology are concentrated on whether sensory experience has conceptual contents, and whether there is any logical relationship between perceptions and beliefs. In fact, once the elements of words and conceptions in empirical perception are affirmed, the logical relationship between perceptual experience (...)
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  9.  18
    Tubes, randomness, and Brownian motions: or, how engineers learned to start worrying about electronic noise.Chen-Pang Yeang - 2011 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 65 (4):437-470.
    In this paper, we examine the pioneering research on electronic noise—the current fluctuations in electronic circuit devices due to their intrinsic physical characteristics rather than their defects—in Germany and the U.S. during the 1910s–1920s. Such research was not just another demonstration of the general randomness of the physical world Einstein’s work on Brownian motion had revealed. In contrast, we stress the importance of a particular engineering context to electronic noise studies: the motivation to design and improve high-gain thermionic-tube amplifiers for (...)
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  10.  45
    Radicalism in the Cultural Movements of the Twentieth Century.Chen Lai - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (4):5-28.
    Culture is not a constant and unchanging entity. It is the process and entirety of change in time and space. Hence, at any time, culture is in motion and, in this sense, the historical course of China's culture throughout the twentieth century may be said to have been an enormous process of cultural movement. However, the term "cultural movements," as generally discussed, always refers to a specific socio-cultural process that takes place and ends within a given time and space, possesses (...)
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  11. An Intrinsic Theory of Quantum Mechanics: Progress in Field's Nominalistic Program, Part I.Eddy Keming Chen - manuscript
    In this paper, I introduce an intrinsic account of the quantum state. This account contains three desirable features that the standard platonistic account lacks: (1) it does not refer to any abstract mathematical objects such as complex numbers, (2) it is independent of the usual arbitrary conventions in the wave function representation, and (3) it explains why the quantum state has its amplitude and phase degrees of freedom. -/- Consequently, this account extends Hartry Field’s program outlined in Science Without Numbers (...)
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  12.  63
    An Algebraic Approach to Physical Fields.Lu Chen & Tobias Fritz - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):188-201.
    According to the algebraic approach to spacetime, a thoroughgoing dynamicism, physical fields exist without an underlying manifold. This view is usually implemented by postulating an algebraic structure (e.g., commutative ring) of scalar-valued functions, which can be interpreted as representing a scalar field, and deriving other structures from it. In this work, we point out that this leads to the unjustified primacy of an undetermined scalar field. Instead, we propose to consider algebraic structures in which all (and only) physical fields are (...)
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  13.  21
    The Effect of the Non-task Language When Trilingual People Use Two Languages in a Language Switching Experiment.Jianlin Chen & Hong Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study investigated the effect of non-task language in language switching experiment. Non-task language refers to participants’ language(s) (regardless of proficiency level) that are not used in any trials throughout the experiment. We recruited 60 Tibetan-Chinese-English trilinguals (grade-12 high school students with a median age of 17) to perform a lexical decision (word vs. non-word) task in only two of their languages. We repeated the experiment three times to present each language pair once. In each experiment, the participants were divided (...)
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  14.  38
    Unjust factors and the restitutionary response.Chen-Wishart Mindy - 2000 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 20 (4):557-577.
    The common law's approach in the law of unjust enrichment is to enumerate specific «unjust factors» as permissible causes of action in claims for restitution. This approach has come under attack, inter alia, for being unnecessarily complicated. The claim is that the civilian approach, with its single ground of absence of legal cause for the transfer, is preferable since the operative unjust factor in any particular case is irrelevant to the restitutionary response. In defence of the common law's approach, this (...)
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  15. The Cosmic Void.Eddy Keming Chen - 2021 - In Sara Bernstein & Tyron Goldschmidt (eds.), Non-Being: New Essays on the Metaphysics of Nonexistence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What exists at the fundamental level of reality? On the standard picture, the fundamental reality contains (among other things) fundamental matter, such as particles, fields, or even the quantum state. Non-fundamental facts are explained by facts about fundamental matter, at least in part. In this paper, I introduce a non-standard picture called the "cosmic void” in which the universe is devoid of any fundamental material ontology. Facts about tables and chairs are recovered from a special kind of laws that satisfy (...)
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  16. To Mask or Not to Mask.Hsiang-Yun Chen, Li-an Yu & Linus Ta-Lun Huang - 2021 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):503-512.
    Reluctance to adopt mask-wearing as a preventive measure is widely observed in many Western societies since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemics. This reluctance toward mask adoption, like any other complex social phenomena, will have multiple causes. Plausible explanations have been identified, including political polarization, skepticism about media reports and the authority of public health agencies, and concerns over liberty, amongst others. In this paper, we propose potential explanations hitherto unnoticed, based on the framework of epistemic injustice. We show how (...)
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  17.  28
    Detecting the influence of the Chinese guiding cases: a text reuse approach.Benjamin M. Chen, Zhiyu Li, David Cai & Elliott Ash - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (2):463-486.
    Socialist courts are supposed to apply the law, not make it, and socialist legality denies judicial decisions any precedential status. In 2011, the Chinese Supreme People’s Court designated selected decisions as Guiding Cases to be referred to by all judges when adjudicating similar disputes. One decade on, the paucity of citations to Guiding Cases has been taken as demonstrating the incongruity of case-based adjudication and the socialist legal tradition. Citations are, however, an imperfect measure of influence. Reproduction of language uniquely (...)
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  18.  26
    Corporate environmental efforts, government environmental subsidies, and corporate non‐environmental R&D intensity: Evidence from listed firms.Weihong Chen, David Diwei Lv & Christina W. Y. Wong - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1321-1333.
    Drawing on the behavioral theory, this study examines how the misalignment between a firm's environmental effort and the level of subsidies received from the government in affecting the firm's investment in non-environmental R&D. Based on a sample of Chinese A-share listed firms from 2008 to 2019 and using polynomial regression techniques, our findings reveal that firms in the “low effort-high subsidies” group exhibit lower non-environmental R&D intensity compared to firms in the “high effort-low subsidies” group. This study contributes to the (...)
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  19.  31
    Logical exceptionalism: Development and predicaments.Bo Chen - 2024 - Theoria 90 (3):295-321.
    This paper examines the conceptions of logic from Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein and Ayer, and regards the six philosophers as the representatives of logical exceptionalism. From their standpoints, this paper refines the tenets of logical exceptionalism as follows: logic is exceptional to all other sciences because of four reasons: (i) logic is formal, neutral to any domain and any entities, and general; (ii) logical truths are made true by the meanings of logical constants they contain or by logicians' rational (...)
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  20.  75
    Trust and Trust-Engineering in Artificial Intelligence Research: Theory and Praxis.Melvin Chen - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1429-1447.
    In this paper, I will identify two problems of trust in an AI-relevant context: a theoretical problem and a practical one. I will identify and address a number of skeptical challenges to an AI-relevant theory of trust. In addition, I will identify what I shall term the ‘scope challenge’, which I take to hold for any AI-relevant theory of trust that purports to be representationally adequate to the multifarious forms of trust and AI. Thereafter, I will suggest how trust-engineering, a (...)
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  21.  14
    Embedded Metaphor and Perspective Shifting.Gong Chen & Graham Stevens - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):255-272.
    Non-cognitivism is an approach to metaphor that denies the existence of any metaphorical meanings. A metaphor’s only meaning is its literal meaning. The interpretation of metaphor, on this approach, does not consist in metaphorical contents being communicated by being either semantically encoded or pragmatically communicated. Rather, metaphor operates in an entirely non-linguistic way that does not require the postulation of such meanings. Metaphors cause people to see connections, even to grasp new thoughts, but they do not do so by meaning (...)
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  22.  20
    The Compensatory Protective Effects of Social Support at Work in Presenteeism During the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic.Jia Wun Chen, Luo Lu & Cary L. Cooper - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study investigated the lasting effects of sickness presenteeism on well-being and innovative job performance in the demanding Chinese work context compounded with the precarities of the post-pandemic business environment. Adopting the conservation of resources theory perspective, especially its proposition of compensation of resources, we incorporated social resources at work as joint moderators in the presenteeism–outcomes relationship. We employed a panel design in which all variables were measured twice with 6 months in between. Data were obtained from 323 Chinese (...)
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  23.  65
    Subthalamic high-beta oscillation informs the outcome of deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease.Po-Lin Chen, Yi-Chieh Chen, Po-Hsun Tu, Tzu-Chi Liu, Min-Chi Chen, Hau-Tieng Wu, Mun-Chun Yeap, Chih-Hua Yeh, Chin-Song Lu & Chiung-Chu Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:958521.
    BackgroundThe therapeutic effect of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) for Parkinson's disease (PD) is related to the modulation of pathological neural activities, particularly the synchronization in the β band (13–35 Hz). However, whether the local β activity in the STN region can directly predict the stimulation outcome remains unclear.ObjectiveWe tested the hypothesis that low-β (13–20 Hz) and/or high-β (20–35 Hz) band activities recorded from the STN region can predict DBS efficacy.MethodsLocal field potentials (LFPs) were recorded in (...)
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  24.  18
    Alpha rhythm of electroencephalography was modulated differently by three transcranial direct current stimulation protocols in patients with ischemic stroke.Yuanyuan Chen, Chunfang Wang, Peiqing Song, Changcheng Sun, Ying Zhang, Xin Zhao & Jingang Du - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The heterogeneity of transcranial direct current stimulation protocols and clinical profiles may explain variable results in modulating excitability in the motor cortex after stroke. However, the cortical electrical effects induced by different tDCS protocols remain unclear. Here, we aimed to compare rhythm changes in electroencephalography induced by three tDCS position protocols and the association between tDCS effects and clinical factors in stroke. Nineteen patients with chronic ischemic stroke underwent four experimental sessions with three tDCS protocols [anodal, cathodal, and bilateral ] (...)
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  25.  47
    Frontier migration fosters ethos of independence: Deconstructing the climato-economic theory of human culture.Stephanie de Oliveira Chen & Shinobu Kitayama - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):486 - 487.
    Evidence Van de Vliert draws on is more consistent with the idea that settlement in the frontier encourages independent mentality and individualistic social institutions. This cultural system can sometimes flourish, generating both wealth and power, but clearly not always. In our view, wealth is, for the most part, a measure of success of any given cultural group, and climate is important to the extent that it plays a role in creating rugged lands of frontier.
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  26.  74
    The new correspondence theory of truth without the concept of fact.Bo Chen - 2023 - Philosophical Forum 54 (4):261-286.
    Traditional correspondence theory of truth with the concept of fact encounters many serious difficulties, main one of which is that it is too difficult to explain clearly the concept of ‘fact’ and how propositions ‘correspond’ to facts. This does not mean that we should abandon the traditional correspondence theory of truth and turn to some other type theories of truth. In order to guarantee the objectivity of truth, any reasonable theory of truth must adhere to the core insight of the (...)
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    Combinations of Histone Modifications for Pattern Genes.Xiang-Jun Cui & Chen-Xia Shi - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (2):121-132.
    Histone post-translational modifications play important roles in transcriptional regulation. It is known that multiple histone modifications can act in a combinatorial manner. In this study, we investigated the effects of multiple histone modifications on expression levels of five gene categories in coding regions. The combinatorial patterns of modifications for the five gene categories were also studied in the regions. Our results indicated that the differences in the expression levels between any two gene categories were significant. There were some corresponding differences (...)
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  28.  49
    Sequent Calculi for Global Modal Consequence Relations.Minghui Ma & Jinsheng Chen - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (4):613-637.
    The global consequence relation of a normal modal logic \ is formulated as a global sequent calculus which extends the local sequent theory of \ with global sequent rules. All global sequent calculi of normal modal logics admits global cut elimination. This property is utilized to show that decidability is preserved from the local to global sequent theories of any normal modal logic over \. The preservation of Craig interpolation property from local to global sequent theories of any normal modal (...)
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  29. Continua.Lu Chen - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    The subject of my dissertation is the structure of continua and, in particular, of physical space and time. Consider the region of space you occupy: is it composed of indivisible parts? Are the indivisible parts, if any, extended? Are there infinitesimal parts? The standard view that space is composed of unextended points faces both \textit{a priori} and empirical difficulties. In my dissertation, I develop and evaluate several novel approaches to these questions based on metaphysical, mathematical and physical considerations. In particular, (...)
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  30.  33
    The Codes of Ethics for Accountants.Chen Kong, Ying Han Fan, Yan Chen, Ruchuan Jiang & Grantley Taylor - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 14:93-120.
    This study examines the effect of teaching ethics and the form of code of ethics on auditors’ ethical decision making. We draw upon Rest’s decision-making model and Hunt and Vitell’s theory of marketing ethics to assist us with this examination. We use accounting students as substitutes for auditors in this study to enhance its internal validity as students are “subjects who would not already have detailed knowledge and experience of the Code”. The research method includes a survey and an experiment (...)
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  31.  57
    A Framework for Unrestricted Prenatal Whole-Genome Sequencing: Respecting and Enhancing the Autonomy of Prospective Parents.Stephanie C. Chen & David T. Wasserman - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):3-18.
    Noninvasive, prenatal whole genome sequencing may be a technological reality in the near future, making available a vast array of genetic information early in pregnancy at no risk to the fetus or mother. Many worry that the timing, safety, and ease of the test will lead to informational overload and reproductive consumerism. The prevailing response among commentators has been to restrict conditions eligible for testing based on medical severity, which imposes disputed value judgments and devalues those living with eligible conditions. (...)
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  32.  89
    Causal Reasoning and Meno’s Paradox.Melvin Chen & Lock Yue Chew - 2020 - AI and Society:1-9.
    Causal reasoning is an aspect of learning, reasoning, and decision-making that involves the cognitive ability to discover relationships between causal relata, learn and understand these causal relationships, and make use of this causal knowledge in prediction, explanation, decision-making, and reasoning in terms of counterfactuals. Can we fully automate causal reasoning? One might feel inclined, on the basis of certain groundbreaking advances in causal epistemology, to reply in the affirmative. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that one still has (...)
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  33.  17
    On the Goodness Brought by the Ugly Barbarians.Sanping Chen - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (2):331-349.
    In early medieval China, the word hu 胡, at the time referring primarily to Iranian-speaking Central Asians, came to be used in a large group of personal names whose bearers ranged from ordinary people to a member of the Tang royal family. This paper examines the true meaning of these personal names, which has neither been recorded in known primary sources nor been explained in any dictionary, ancient or modern. Using both Sinitic and Iranian onomastic data, these names are shown (...)
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    Russell and Jin Yuelin on Truth: A Comparative Study.Chen Bo - 2021 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 52 (1-2):43-78.
    Jin Yuelin’s logical and philosophical thought was deeply influenced by the philosophy of Bertrand Russell. The same influence existed also in the case of his view on truth, which was considerably close to the views maintained by Russell in his phase of logical atomism. In their investigations, Russell and Jin not only focused on similar topics, but also occupied similar philosophical positions, such as realism in the domain of ontology, empiricism in epistemology, and the correspondence theory in the domain of (...)
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  35.  18
    Beyond Smiles: Static Expressions in Maxillary Protrusion and Associated Positivity.Lijing Chen, Jiuhui Jiang, Xingshan Li, Jinfeng Ding, Kevin B. Paterson & Li-Lin Rao - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Smiles play an important role in social perception. However, it is unclear whether a similar role is played by static facial features associated with smiles. In dental science, maxillary dental protrusions increase the baring of the teeth and thus produce partial facial features of a smile even when the individual is not choosing to smile, whereas mandibular dental protrusions do not. We conducted three experiments to assess whether individuals ascribe positive evaluations to these facial features, which are not genuine emotional (...)
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  36. Gaming Prediction Markets: Equilibrium Strategies with a Market Maker.Yiling Chen, Rahul Sami & Daniel M. Reeves - unknown
    We study the equilibrium behavior of informed traders interacting with market scoring rule (MSR) market makers. One attractive feature of MSR is that it is myopically incentive compatible: it is optimal for traders to report their true beliefs about the likelihood of an event outcome provided that they ignore the impact of their reports on the profit they might garner from future trades. In this paper, we analyze non-myopic strategies and examine what information structures lead to truthful betting by traders. (...)
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  37.  39
    Cognitive appraisal and power: David Brewster, Henry Brougham, and the tactics of the emission—Undulatory controversy during the early 1850s.Xiang Chen & Peter Barker - 1992 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (1):75-101.
    Previous studies of the history of optics reveal that the confrontation between the emission theory of light and the undulatory theory of light in Britain occupied a considerable period during the early nineteenth century. After the majority of British physicists accepted the undulatory theory in the mid-1830s a few emissionists in Britain did not immediately surrender. They continued to fight a rear-guard action against the undulatory theory, hoping that someday they could reinstate their theory.’ The longevity of the confrontation between (...)
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  38.  87
    More Than Just Statics: Temporal Dynamic Changes in Inter- and Intrahemispheric Functional Connectivity in First-Episode, Drug-Naive Patients With Major Depressive Disorder.Yu Jiang, Yuan Chen, Ruiping Zheng, Bingqian Zhou, Ying Wei, Ankang Gao, Yarui Wei, Shuying Li, Jinxia Guo, Shaoqiang Han, Yong Zhang & Jingliang Cheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Several functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have demonstrated abnormalities in static intra- and interhemispheric functional connectivity among diverse brain regions in patients with major depressive disorder. However, the dynamic changes in intra- and interhemispheric functional connectivity patterns in patients with MDD remain unclear. Fifty-eight first-episode, drug-naive patients with MDD and 48 age-, sex-, and education level-matched healthy controls underwent resting-state fMRI. Whole-brain functional connectivity, analyzed using the functional connectivity density approach, was decomposed into ipsilateral and contralateral functional connectivity. We computed (...)
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  39. Theories, Experiments, and Human Agents: The Controversy Between Emissionists and Undulationists in Britain, 1827-1859.Xiang Chen - 1992 - Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
    This dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of scientific change. The undulatory theory of light replaced the emission theory of light in the early nineteenth century, triggering an "optical revolution" and vigorous debates among physicists in Britain from the 1830s to the 1850s. In this study I give the first full account of this extended episode of scientific change, drawing on methods and concepts from history, sociology and philosophy of science. The interdisciplinary account of the episode provides a basis for criticizing (...)
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    Performance Improvement for Detecting Brain Function Using fNIRS: A Multi-Distance Probe Configuration With PPL Method.Xizi Song, Xinrui Chen, Long Chen, Xingwei An & Dong Ming - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    To improve the spatial resolution of imaging and get more effective brain function information, a multi-distance probe configuration with three distances and 52 channels is designed. At the same time, a data conversion method of modified Beer–Lambert law with partial pathlength is proposed. In the experiment, three kinds of tasks, grip of left hand, grip of right hand, and rest, are performed with eight healthy subjects. First, with a typical single-distance probe configuration, the feasibility of the proposed MBLL with PPL (...)
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    Competitive Processes in Cross‐Situational Word Learning.Daniel Yurovsky, Chen Yu & Linda B. Smith - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (5):891-921.
    Cross-situational word learning, like any statistical learning problem, involves tracking the regularities in the environment. However, the information that learners pick up from these regularities is dependent on their learning mechanism. This article investigates the role of one type of mechanism in statistical word learning: competition. Competitive mechanisms would allow learners to find the signal in noisy input and would help to explain the speed with which learners succeed in statistical learning tasks. Because cross-situational word learning provides information at multiple (...)
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  42.  13
    The Role of Virtual Reality in Screening, Diagnosing, and Rehabilitating Spatial Memory Deficits.Miles Jonson, Sinziana Avramescu, Derek Chen & Fahad Alam - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Impairment of spatial memory, including an inability to recall previous locations and navigate the world, is often one of the first signs of functional disability on the road to cognitive impairment. While there are many screening and diagnostic tools which attempt to measure spatial memory ability, they are often not representative of real-life situations and can therefore lack applicability. One potential solution to this problem involves the use of virtual reality, which immerses individuals in a virtually-simulated environment, allowing for scenarios (...)
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    Speech Perception in Noise Is Associated With Different Cognitive Abilities in Chinese-Speaking Older Adults With and Without Hearing Aids.Yuan Chen, Lena L. N. Wong, Shaina Shing Chan & Joannie Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Chinese-speaking older adults usually do not perceive a hearing problem until audiometric thresholds exceed 45 dB HL, and the audiometric thresholds of the average hearing-aid user often exceed 60 dB HL. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between cognitive and hearing functions in older Chinese adults with HAs and with untreated hearing loss. Participants were 49 Chinese older adults who used HAs and had moderate to severe HL, and 46 older Chinese who had mild to moderately (...)
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  44.  15
    Forbidden Induced Subgraphs and the Łoś–Tarski Theorem.Yijia Chen & Jörg Flum - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):516-548.
    Let $\mathscr {C}$ be a class of finite and infinite graphs that is closed under induced subgraphs. The well-known Łoś–Tarski Theorem from classical model theory implies that $\mathscr {C}$ is definable in first-order logic by a sentence $\varphi $ if and only if $\mathscr {C}$ has a finite set of forbidden induced finite subgraphs. This result provides a powerful tool to show nontrivial characterizations of graphs of small vertex cover, of bounded tree-depth, of bounded shrub-depth, etc. in terms of forbidden (...)
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  45.  81
    Reproduction, familiarity, love, and humaneness: How did confucius reveal “humaneness”? [REVIEW]Hongxing Chen - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (4):506-522.
    This article draws out the subtle connections among the various sorts of categories— sheng 生 (reproduction), qin 亲 (familiarity), ai 爱 (love), and ren 仁 (humaneness) —focusing on the following: Confucius found the original significance of reproduction to be sympathy between males and females, and upon further study he found it extended to the.affinity of blood relations, namely familiarity. From familiarity he came to understand love that one generates and has for people and things beyond one’s blood relations, in other (...)
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  46.  22
    Examining the effects of information and communications technology on green growth and environmental performance, socio-economic and environmental cost of technology generation: A pathway toward environment sustainability.Shaoming Chen, Muhammad Tayyab Sohail & Minghui Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human capital and ICT have a significant role in determining human development. The impacts of ICT and human capital on green growth and environmental sustainability should be explored for sustainable economic development. This research contributes to the literature on the role of ICTs and human capital in the determination of green growth and environmental performance. Based on time-series data 1990–2019, the study intends to investigate the impact of ICTs and human capital on environmental and green growth performance for China. The (...)
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    Adaptive Traffic-Aware PSM Mechanism for IEEE 802.11 WLANs.Xijian Chen, Pengfei Yuan, Xilong Sun & Yi Xie - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (4):437-450.
    Wireless devices consume large amounts of energy during wireless communication. As the energy storage of battery is limited, improving energy efficiency has become an important approach to prolong the lifetime of devices. The IEEE 802.11 protocol supports the power save mode in wireless local area networks. However, the standard PSM cannot adapt to the changes of traffic load or channel conditions. Therefore, this article proposes an adaptive traffic-aware PSM mechanism that improves energy efficiency of wireless devices in a WLAN with (...)
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    The “Trade-Off” of Student Well-Being and Academic Achievement: A Perspective of Multidimensional Student Well-Being.Xiaojun Ling, Junjun Chen, Daniel H. K. Chow, Wendan Xu & Yingxiu Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Student well-being and its relationships with academic achievement in China have not been well-investigated. This study aimed at investigating student well-being and the trade-off of the well-being and academic achievement with a sample of 1,353 Chinese high-school students from four cities in China during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic period. The six dimensions of well-being were utilised to test the relationships with three subjects including Mathematics, English, and Chinese using a quantitative analysis. In this study, the relationships between six dimensions of (...)
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    Strong Colorings Over Partitions.William Chen-Mertens, Menachem Kojman & Juris Steprāns - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):67-90.
    A strong coloring on a cardinal$\kappa $is a function$f:[\kappa ]^2\to \kappa $such that for every$A\subseteq \kappa $of full size$\kappa $, every color$\unicode{x3b3} <\kappa $is attained by$f\restriction [A]^2$. The symbol$$ \begin{align*} \kappa\nrightarrow[\kappa]^2_{\kappa} \end{align*} $$asserts the existence of a strong coloring on$\kappa $.We introduce the symbol$$ \begin{align*} \kappa\nrightarrow_p[\kappa]^2_{\kappa} \end{align*} $$which asserts the existence of a coloring$f:[\kappa ]^2\to \kappa $which isstrong over a partition$p:[\kappa ]^2\to \theta $. A coloringfis strong overpif for every$A\in [\kappa ]^{\kappa }$there is$i<\theta $so that for every color$\unicode{x3b3} <\kappa $is (...)
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    Perceptual learning and recognition confusion reveal the underlying relationships among the six basic emotions.Yingying Wang, Zijian Zhu, Biqing Chen & Fang Fang - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):754-767.
    ABSTRACTThe six basic emotions have long been considered discrete categories that serve as the primary units of the emotion system. Yet recent evidence indicated underlying connections among them. Here we tested the underlying relationships among the six basic emotions using a perceptual learning procedure. This technique has the potential of causally changing participants’ emotion detection ability. We found that training on detecting a facial expression improved the performance not only on the trained expression but also on other expressions. Such a (...)
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