Results for 'Anup Doshi'

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  1.  86
    Sequential Dependencies in Driving.Anup Doshi, Cuong Tran, Matthew H. Wilder, Michael C. Mozer & Mohan M. Trivedi - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (5):948-963.
    The effect of recent experience on current behavior has been studied extensively in simple laboratory tasks. We explore the nature of sequential effects in the more naturalistic setting of automobile driving. Driving is a safety-critical task in which delayed response times may have severe consequences. Using a realistic driving simulator, we find significant sequential effects in pedal-press response times that depend on the history of recent stimuli and responses. Response times are slowed up to 100 ms in particular cases, a (...)
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  2. ChatGPT: Temptations of Progress.Rushabh H. Doshi, Simar S. Bajaj & Harlan M. Krumholz - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (4):6-8.
    ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that processes and generates natural language text, offering human-like responses to a wide range of questions and prompts. Five days after its re...
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    A personalized systems medicine approach to refractory rumination.Anup K. Kanodia, Inah Kim & Joachim P. Sturmberg - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (3):515-519.
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    Evaluation of factors that motivate participants to consent for non-therapeutic trials in India.Maulik Sumantbhai Doshi, Shaunak P. Kulkarni, Canna J. Ghia, Nithya J. Gogtay & Urmila Mukund Thatte - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):391-396.
    Background and rationale Several factors that motivate individuals to participate in non-therapeutic studies have been identified. This study was conducted as limited data is available regarding these motivations from developing countries. Methods This was a single-centre study conducted over 4 months in which a questionnaire was administered to 102 healthy participants and 16 patient participants who had earlier taken part in non-therapeutic studies at our centre. Descriptive statistics and univariate analysis were used to analyse data. Results The most common motivation (...)
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    Peace science.Anup Barua - 1991 - Shyamnagar, 24-Parganas (N): IPWS Publishers. Edited by Sukla Das.
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    Reinforcement learning with limited reinforcement: Using Bayes risk for active learning in POMDPs.Finale Doshi-Velez, Joelle Pineau & Nicholas Roy - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 187-188 (C):115-132.
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  7. Is it news or is it an ad?Anup Shah - 2019 - In M. M. Eboch, Ethics in journalism. New York: Greenhaven Publishing.
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    Recursively modeling other agents for decision making: A research perspective.Prashant Doshi, Piotr Gmytrasiewicz & Edmund Durfee - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 279 (C):103202.
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    Using the Bass Model to Analyze the Diffusion of Innovations at the Base of the Pyramid.Kokila Doshi & Ryan Ratcliff - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (2):271-298.
    This research note proposes the Bass Model as an empirical tool for analyzing the diffusion of new product and service innovations in Base of the Pyramid markets. This approach allows researchers to test whether factors that seem theoretically relevant to the speed and trajectory of adoption actually matter empirically. The authors model the growth of three BoP success stories using the Bass Model: Patrimonio Hoy, e-Choupal, and Grameen’s Village Phone. In two of the three cases considered, the Bass Model estimates (...)
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  10. Non-Reason, Madness, Mental Health Science and the Ethics of Psychoanalysis.Anup Kumar Dhar & Ranjita Biswas - 2007 - In Ratna Dutta Sharma & Sashinungla, Patient-physician relationship. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
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  11. The real of law.Anup Dhar - 2020 - In Latika Vashist & Jyoti Dogra Sood, Rethinking law and violence. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
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  12. Learning from the wisdom of Sages-samskar.Navin Doshi - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri, In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 2--537.
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    Man-God relationship in the systems of Vedānta: Śankara, Rāmānuja, Madhva, Nimbārka, Vallabha, Caitanya and Swaminarayana.Shobha H. Doshi - 2016 - Nagra, Ajmer: Nav Vishnu Publications.
    Study on the relationship between Jiva and.
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    Reviving the American Dream by Restoring Balance.Doshi Navin - 2013 - World Futures 69 (7-8):531-541.
    (2013). Reviving the American Dream by Restoring Balance. World Futures: Vol. 69, Reclaiming Free Enterprise: The Scientific and Human Story, pp. 531-541.
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    Japanese Childhood Vaccination Policy.Peter Doshi & Akira Akabayashi - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):283-289.
    The ethical tension in childhood vaccination policies is often framed as one of balancing the value of choice with the duty to protect. Because infectious diseases spread from person to person, unvaccinated children are usually described as putting others around them at risk, violating a perceived right to be protected from harm. Editors of Lancet Infectious Diseases recently argued against mandatory vaccination, reminding us that the resort to mandatory vaccination as a means of achieving high vaccination rates is still very (...)
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    Graph search methods for non-order-preserving evaluation functions: applications to job sequencing problems.Anup K. Sen & Amitava Bagchi - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 86 (1):43-73.
  17.  23
    Disclose Data Publicly, without Restriction.Peter Doshi & Tom Jefferson - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s2):42-45.
    Ethical, evidence-informed decision making is undermined by the grave concerns that have emerged over the trustworthiness of clinical trials published in biomedical journals. The inescapable conclusion from this growing body of research is that what we see, even in the most highly regarded peer-reviewed journals, cannot be trusted at face value. Concerns of inaccurate, biased, and insufficient reporting of trials are impossible to resolve without access to underlying trial data. Access to such data, including things like clinical study reports—huge, unabridged, (...)
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    Average-case analysis of best-first search in two representative directed acyclic graphs.Anup K. Sen, Amitava Bagchi & Weixiong Zhang - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 155 (1-2):183-206.
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    Sustainability: Ethics and the Future.Anup Sinha - 2013 - Journal of Human Values 19 (2):113-126.
    Sustainable development is essentially about taking a view of future generations of people inhabiting the world. It is also about defining actions in the present time of achieving the desired goal of bequeathing a livable world for the future. The view has to revolve around how much importance we assign to the well being of future inhabitants. It is an ethical position that we collectively, as the generation living now, have to take. Making moral judgments about the distant future is (...)
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  20.  54
    When Not Knowing is a Virtue: A Business Ethics Perspective.Joanna Crossman & Vijayta Doshi - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (1):1-8.
    How leaders and managers respond to not knowing is highly relevant given the complex, ambiguous, and chaotic business environment of the twenty-first century. Drawing on the literature from a variety of disciplines, the paper explores the dominant, unfavorable conceptualization of not knowing. The authors present some potential ethical implications of a negative view of not knowing and suggest how organizations would benefit from identifying any unhelpful aspects of the culture that may encourage unethical, undesirable, and/or hasty actions in situations of (...)
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    The Business of (Im)migration: Bodies Across Borders.Paulina Segarra, Vijayta Doshi, Martyna Śliwa, Marco Distinto & Arturo Osorio - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (4):747-752.
    Irrespective of length of stay or voluntariness, (im)migration is the movement of individuals across borders. From national identity to labor markets, (im)migration affects various dimensions and spheres of social life. Currently, 3.6% of the global population are international (im)migrants, underscoring its profound significance in contemporary debates on humanitarianism, ethical governance, socioeconomic realities and sustainability. The analysis of (im)migration as a business is relevant since it raises important questions about precarious conditions and situations including marginalization, exploitation, and vulnerability in which (im)migrants (...)
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    A survey of inverse reinforcement learning: Challenges, methods and progress.Saurabh Arora & Prashant Doshi - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 297 (C):103500.
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    Jinabhadrasūri's Madanarekhā-ĀkhyāyikāJinabhadrasuri's Madanarekha-Akhyayika.Ernest Bender & Pt Bechardas Doshi - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):576.
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    ViyāhapaṇṇattisuttamViyahapannattisuttam.Ernest Bender & Bechardas J. Doshi - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):354.
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    Viyāhapaṇṇattisuttaṃ, Pt. IIIViyahapannattisuttam, Pt. III.Ernest Bender & Pt Bechardas J. Doshi - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):680.
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    Multi-robot inverse reinforcement learning under occlusion with estimation of state transitions.Kenneth Bogert & Prashant Doshi - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 263 (C):46-73.
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    J. Benjamin Hurlbut, Experiments in Democracy: Human Embryo Research and the Politics of Bioethics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017. Pp. 359. ISBN 978-0-231-17954-6. $65.00/£54.00. [REVIEW]Anup Kumar Das - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (2):323-324.
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  28. Do board characteristics impact sustainability assurance Insights from an emerging economy context.Ishter Mahal & Anup Kumar Saha - 2025 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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  29. International Legal Approaches to Neurosurgery for Psychiatric Disorders.Jennifer A. Chandler, Laura Y. Cabrera, Paresh Doshi, Shirley Fecteau, Joseph J. Fins, Salvador Guinjoan, Clement Hamani, Karen Herrera-Ferrá, C. Michael Honey, Judy Illes, Brian H. Kopell, Nir Lipsman, Patrick J. McDonald, Helen S. Mayberg, Roland Nadler, Bart Nuttin, Albino J. Oliveira-Maia, Cristian Rangel, Raphael Ribeiro, Arleen Salles & Hemmings Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders, also sometimes referred to as psychosurgery, is rapidly evolving, with new techniques and indications being investigated actively. Many within the field have suggested that some form of guidelines or regulations are needed to help ensure that a promising field develops safely. Multiple countries have enacted specific laws regulating NPD. This article reviews NPD-specific laws drawn from North and South America, Asia and Europe, in order to identify the typical form and contents of these laws and to (...)
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    Scanning, Contextual Factors, and Association With Performance in English Premier League Footballers: An Investigation Across a Season.Geir Jordet, Karl Marius Aksum, Daniel N. Pedersen, Anup Walvekar, Arjav Trivedi, Alan McCall, Andreas Ivarsson & David Priestley - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Localization of the Epileptogenic Foci in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: A Pediatric Case Report.Alexander Hunold, Jens Haueisen, Banu Ahtam, Chiran Doshi, Chellamani Harini, Susana Camposano, Simon K. Warfield, Patricia Ellen Grant, Yoshio Okada & Christos Papadelis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  32.  13
    PUC: parallel mining of high-utility itemsets with load balancing on spark.Geetha Maiya, Harish Sheeranalli Venkatarama & Anup Bhat Brahmavar - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):568-588.
    Distributed programming paradigms such as MapReduce and Spark have alleviated sequential bottleneck while mining of massive transaction databases. Of significant importance is mining High Utility Itemset that incorporates the revenue of the items purchased in a transaction. Although a few algorithms to mine HUIs in the distributed environment exist, workload skew and data transfer overhead due to shuffling operations remain major issues. In the current study, Parallel Utility Computation algorithm has been proposed with novel grouping and load balancing strategies for (...)
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    Citrate transport and metabolism in mammalian cells.Maria E. Mycielska, Ameet Patel, Nahit Rizaner, Maciej P. Mazurek, Hector Keun, Anup Patel, Vadivel Ganapathy & Mustafa B. A. Djamgoz - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (1):10-20.
    Citrate, an organic trivalent anion, is a major substrate for generation of energy in most cells. It is produced in mitochondria and used either in the Krebs' cycle or released into cytoplasm through a specific mitochondrial carriers. Citrate can also be taken up from blood through different plasma membrane transporters. In the cytoplasm, citrate can be used ultimately for fatty acid synthesis, which is increased in cancer cells. Here, we review the ways in which citrate can be transported and discuss (...)
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    Will Part D Produce Savings in Part A and Part B? The Impact of Prescription Drug Coverage on Medicare Program Expenditures.Bruce C. Stuart, Becky A. Briesacher, Jalpa A. Doshi, Marian V. Wrobel & Fatima Baysac - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (2):146-156.
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    An International Survey of Deep Brain Stimulation Utilization in Asia and Oceania: The DBS Think Tank East.Chencheng Zhang, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Fangang Meng, Zhengyu Lin, Yijie Lai, Dianyou Li, Jinwoo Chang, Takashi Morishita, Tooru Inoue, Shinsuke Fujioka, Genko Oyama, Terry Coyne, Valerie Voon, Paresh K. Doshi, Yiwen Wu, Jun Liu, Bhavana Patel, Leonardo Almeida, Aparna A. Wagle Shukla, Wei Hu, Kelly Foote, Jianguo Zhang, Bomin Sun & Michael S. Okun - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Positive Effects of Mindfulness-Based Training on Energy Maintenance and the EEG Correlates of Sustained Attention in a Cohort of Nurses.Kian F. Wong, James Teng, Michael W. L. Chee, Kinjal Doshi & Julian Lim - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  37.  12
    Biologic Correlates and Consequences of the Social Determinants of Health and Disease.Alan Leviton, Olaf Dammann, Anup D. Patel & Tobias Loddenkemper - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):305-324.
    The consequences of experiences and exposures suffered by those living in poverty can last a lifetime and can even be passed on to the next generation. The challenges associated with poverty have been labeled the "social determinants of health" (SDoH), but this is something of a misnomer. A more appropriate label would be the "social determinants of disease." This essay is a broad overview of the processes, including allostatic load and epigenetic aging, that might contribute to prolonging the adverse effects (...)
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    Measuring the Impact of Technological Evolutions on Fine Arts Competence Development.M. P. Sunil, Anisha Chaudhary, Dr Yashesh Zaveri, Jagmeet Sohal, Anup Kumar Singh, Dr Poonam Singh & Sunila Choudhary - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1021-1031.
    Technological evaluations have significantly enhanced college students’ fine arts competence development by providing advanced tools and platforms that foster creativity, improve technical skills, and enable innovative artistic expression. In this study 500 college students were mentioned as participators. The variables Technological Tools, Technical Proficiency, Advanced Technologies, Creativity and Innovation, Online Platforms, Skill Development, and Collaborative Competencies are built to evaluate various aspects of technological and creative capabilities in educational and professional settings. Fine arts competitions like the (Artificial Intelligence) AI art (...)
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    Anup K. Singh, Rajen K. Gupta and Abad Ahmad, eds, Designing and Developing Organisations for Tomorrow. New Delhi: Response Books, 2001, 356 pp. Rs 495. [REVIEW]Tanmoy Datta - 2002 - Journal of Human Values 8 (1):79-84.
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  40. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This seventh volume of Collected Papers includes 70 papers comprising 974 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2013-2021 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 122 co-authors from 22 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel-Nasser Hussian, C. Alexander, Mumtaz Ali, Yaman Akbulut, Amir Abdullah, Amira S. Ashour, Assia Bakali, Kousik Bhattacharya, Kainat Bibi, R. N. Boyd, Ümit Budak, Lulu Cai, Cenap Özel, Chang Su Kim, Victor Christianto, Chunlai Du, Chunxin Bo, Rituparna Chutia, Cu Nguyen Giap, Dao The (...)
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    Political Economies of "The Commons": Epigraphs to Nothing.Gavin Keeney, David S. Jones & Owen O'Carroll - 2021 - In Francisco Javier Carrillo & Cathy Garner, City Preparedness for Climate Crisis: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Edward Elgar. pp. 319-30.
    “Noverim me, noverim te.” – Saint Augustine, Confessions, 10.1.1. (397-400 AD). -/- What would and will an urban commons look like that is slowly and incrementally being re-socialized? How would that affect urban planning “now” and in times of crisis? How do we prepare for the likelihood of rolling similar crises with an eye on returning the urban commons to citizens? -/- There is the old adage that under capitalism, risk is always socialized and profit is always privatized. We are (...)
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