Results for 'Antonino De Francesco'

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  1. Predatory translations: the strange fortunes of Nedham’s Excellencie in eighteenth-century continental Europe.Antonino De Francesco - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    The Excellency of a Free State by Marchamont Nedham was remarkably successful in revolutionary Europe. The French edition produced in Paris in 1790 by Theophile Mandar was later used for an Italian translation, published in early 1798 in Milan, at the time of the Cisalpine Republic, by Pietro Custodi. The biographies of the two translators – both engaged in the radical politics of their time – suggest some considerations on how first one and then the other thought they could make (...)
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  2. L'attività teoretica di Antonino Poppi, docente e filosofo francescano conventuale.Francesco de Carolis - 2002 - Miscellanea Francescana 102 (1-2):187-206.
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  3. Francesco Patrizzi et Iacopo Zabarella sur>> de optima in Aristotele philosophandi ratione.Antonino Poppi - 1996 - Synthesis Philosophica 11:357-370.
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    Platonic Mimesis Revisited.Julia Pfefferkorn & Antonino Spinelli (eds.) - 2021 - Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Kaum ein anderes semantisches Feld durchzieht Platons Werk von den ersten Dialogen an bis zum Spätwerk so prägend und zugleich so spannungsreich wie das der Mimesis. Von der Sprachphilosophie über die Ästhetik und Moralpsychologie bis hin zur Metaphysik, Kosmologie und Theologie: in erstaunlich vielen Themenbereichen gewinnt die Semantik der Mimesis bei Platon hohe Relevanz. Der Tagungsband „Platonic Mimesis Revisited“ bietet eine umfassende und kontextsensible Neubetrachtung der Mimesis in allen einschlägigen Dialogen. Anders als frühere monographische Behandlungen des Themas vereint er eine (...)
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    Corpo, tecnologia, ambiente. Nuove tendenze naturalistiche dell'esperienza estetica.Antonino Pennisi & Francesco Parisi - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (2):235-256.
    In this article we propose to overlap aesthetic experience with medial experience, starting from the assumption that every aesthetic experience is always a medial experience. Adopting a naturalistic approach, in which we explain what we mean with the term naturalization, we suggest a partial review of the issue. First, we state that human natural language is a kind of technology, made possible by certain physical, cognitive and social features; this sort of biological technology must be considered as an underlying condition (...)
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    Invito al diritto penale.Giovannangelo De Francesco - 2019 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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    End-Of-Life Decisions in Chronic Disorders of Consciousness: Sacrality and Dignity as Factors.Rocco Salvatore Calabrò, Antonino Naro, Rosaria De Luca, Margherita Russo, Lory Caccamo, Alfredo Manuli, Bernardo Alagna, Angelo Aliquò & Placido Bramanti - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (1):85-102.
    The management of patients suffering from chronic disorders of consciousness inevitably raises important ethical questions about the end of life decisions. Some ethical positions claim respect of human life sacredness and the use of good medical practices require allowing DOC patients to live as long as possible, since no one can arbitrarily end either his/her or others’ life. On the other hand, some currents of thought claim respect of human life dignity, patients’ wishes, and the right of free choice entail (...)
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    Il lato segreto delle azioni: la dottrina dell'intenzione nella formazione dell'Islam come sistema di religione, etica e diritto.Ignazio De Francesco - 2014 - Roma: PISAI, Pontificio Istituto di studi arabi e d'islamistica.
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    Etica islamica contemporanea: fonti, norme, comportamenti.Ignazio De Francesco - 2023 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    The Art of Happiness: An Explorative Study of a Contemplative Program for Subjective Well-Being.Clara Rastelli, Lucia Calabrese, Constance Miller, Antonino Raffone & Nicola De Pisapia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In recent decades, psychological research on the effects of mindfulness-based interventions has greatly developed and demonstrated a range of beneficial outcomes in a variety of populations and contexts. Yet, the question of how to foster subjective well-being and happiness remains open. Here, we assessed the effectiveness of an integrated mental training program The Art of Happiness on psychological well-being in a general population. The mental training program was designed to help practitioners develop new ways to nurture their own happiness. This (...)
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    Phenomenology and semiotics.Antonino Bondi & Francesco La Mantia - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (1):7-18.
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    Improving access to community-based pulmonary rehabilitation: 3R protocol for real-world settings with cost-benefit analysis.Alda Marques, Cristina Jácome, Patrícia Rebelo, Cátia Paixão, Ana Oliveira, Joana Cruz, Célia Freitas, Marília Rua, Helena Loureiro, Cristina Peguinho, Fábio Marques, Adriana Simões, Madalena Santos, Paula Martins, Alexandra André, Sílvia De Francesco, Vitória Martins, Dina Brooks & Paula Simão - 2019 - BMC Public Health 19 (1):676.
    Pulmonary rehabilitation has demonstrated patients’ physiological and psychosocial improvements, symptoms reduction and health-economic benefits whilst enhances the ability of the whole family to adjust to illness. However, PR remains highly inaccessible due to lack of awareness of its benefits, poor referral and availability mostly in hospitals. Novel models of PR delivery are needed to enhance its implementation while maintaining cost-efficiency. We aim to implement an innovative community-based PR programme and assess its cost-benefit. A 12-week community-based PR will be implemented in (...)
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    Questioni neoplatoniche.Francesco Romano & Antonino Tiné (eds.) - 1988 - Roma: Distribuzione esclusiva "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.
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  14. Francesco Maria Spinelli, Vita, e studj scritta da lui medesimo in una lettera, a cura di Fabrizio Lomonaco; Tommaso Rossi, Opere filosofiche, a cura di Angelomichele De Spirito.Francesco de Carolis - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (3):623.
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    Low-frequency dynamics of water absorbed in Nafion membranes as a function of temperature.A. Paciaroni, M. Casciola, E. Cornicchi, M. Marconi, G. Onori, A. Donnadio, M. Sganappa & A. De Francesco - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):477-483.
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    On Francesco de Sanctis (1817-1883) and RealismDe Sanctis e il realismo.Dante Della Terza & Francesco de Sanctis - 1980 - Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (2):335.
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    Computing Strong and Weak Permissions in Defeasible Logic.Guido Governatori, Francesco Olivieri, Antonino Rotolo & Simone Scannapieco - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (6):799-829.
    In this paper we propose an extension of Defeasible Logic to represent and compute different concepts of defeasible permission. In particular, we discuss some types of explicit permissive norms that work as exceptions to opposite obligations or encode permissive rights. Moreover, we show how strong permissions can be represented both with, and without introducing a new consequence relation for inferring conclusions from explicit permissive norms. Finally, we illustrate how a preference operator applicable to contrary-to-duty obligations can be combined with a (...)
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  18. Cartographies of the Mind: The Interface between Philosophy and Cognitive Science.Francesco Ferretti, Massimo Marraffa & Mario De Caro (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
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    The Logical Limits of Scientific Knowledge: Historical and Integrative Perspectives.Ettore De Monte & Antonino Tamburello - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (2):193-227.
    This work investigates some of the most important logical limits of scientific knowledge. We argue that scientific knowledge is based on different logicalforms and paradigms. The logical forms, which represent the rational structure of scientific knowledge, show their limits through logical antinomies. The paradigms, which represent the scientific points of view on the world, show their limits through the theoretical anomalies. When these limits arise in science and when scientists become fully and deeply aware of them, they can determine logical (...)
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  20. La razón vital de J. Ortega y Gasset y la analítica existencial de M. Heidegger / J. Ortega y Gasset's Vital Reason and M. Heidegger's Existential Analytic.Francesco De Nigris - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):115-129.
    En los reproches que José Ortega y Gasset le hace a Martin Heidegger sobre el problema del ser, al afirmar que este no puede ser un ciego punto de partida, una creencia, se evidencia la distancia entre dos perspectivas unidas por el horizonte real que pretenden explorar: la vida humana. Sin embargo,..
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    Mereología, teoría del conocimiento y metafísica de Ortega como fundamento de la Antropología Metafísica de Julián Marías.Francesco De Nigris - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (1):205-232.
    For a better understanding of Julián Marías’ Metaphysic Antropology, it is recommendable going back to the Ortega’s mereology, epistemology and metaphysic, especially in order to clarify the meaning of “structure”, “system”, “organ” and “function”. The vital reason is personal project as the systematic openness to its circumstance, whose unitary, empirical and structural structure is “man”.
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    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation induced slow wave activity modification: A possible role in disorder of consciousness differential diagnosis?Laura Rosa Pisani, Antonino Naro, Antonino Leo, Irene Aricò, Francesco Pisani, Rosalia Silvestri, Placido Bramanti & Rocco Salvatore Calabrò - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:1-8.
  23. Workshop on Specific Aspects of Computational Physics and Wavelet Analysis for Modelling Suddenly-Emerging Phenomena in Nonlinear Physics, and Nonlinear Applied Mathematics (PULSES 2006)-.Vincenzo Ciancio, Francesco Farsaci & Antonino Bartolotta - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3980--821.
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    El estilo de Adán, primer artista y primera obra de arte. Metafísica y estética en el nacimiento de la razón vital de Ortega.Francesco de Nigris - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (286 Extra):1079-1112.
    La fundamental idea orteguiana de que «mi vida» es «razón», difiere radicalmente de la concepción fenomenológica de la razón que alumbra Husserl en Ideen, esencialmente fundada en el ser. La razón vital es teoría del hombre, que es su proyecto circunstancial; su estímulo argumental procede de una reflexión estética sobre todo orientada a la comprensión del realismo y del idealismo artísticos, y cuyas consecuencias filosóficas serán decisivas.
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  25. Corso di Sociologia.Antonino De Bella - 1895 - The Monist 6:470.
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    Pobreza y fecundidad.Francesco de Nigris - 2020 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 47:205-232.
    La experiencia de la pobreza llama a la economía a humanizarse y a la filosofía a pensar etimológicamente desde las “normas de la casa”. Se descubre, entonces, el sentido de las épocas y de las generaciones filosóficas, la razón de su fecundidad y de su pobreza, así como la relación entre estas y la justicia.
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  27. El origen griego de la "intencionalidad" medieval.Francesco de Nigris - 2007 - Paideia 28 (80):335-351.
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  28. La función educadora de la verdad filosófica en Julián Marías.Francesco de Nigris - 2007 - Paideia 28 (78):57-66.
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    Three Different Currents of Thought to Conceive Justice: Legal, and Medical Ethics Reflections.Francesco De Micco & Roberto Scendoni - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):61.
    The meaning of justice can be defined according to a juridical, human, theological, ethical, biomedical, or social perspective. It should guarantee the protection of life and health, personal, civil, political, economic, and religious rights, as well as non-discrimination, inclusion, protection, and access to care. In this review, we deal with three theoretical concepts that define justice in all its aspects. (1) The utilitarian theory, which justifies moral statements on the basis of the evaluation of the consequences that an action produces, (...)
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  30. Logical Foundations and Analogies of Anglo-American Psychology.Ettore de Monte & Antonino Tamburello - 2015 - Theory and Psychology 25 (3):292-312.
    This article is a theoretical study of the relations between logic and Anglo-American cognitive science. It uses temporal, historical, and intentional evidence, and it is based on two consequential assumptions: (a) between the late 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, some logical systems attempted to explain the foundations of mathematics and (b) since the 1940s and 1950s, these same systems became implicit sources of contents and methods of the rising Cognitivism. This study produces an important conclusion: (...)
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    Crisi e scienza: Lorenz Stein, alle origini della scienza sociale.Francesco M. De Sanctis - 1974 - Napoli: E. Jovene.
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    Libertad y método: el liberalismo desde la perspectiva personal de Ortega y Marías.Francesco de Nigris (ed.) - 2005 - FUE.
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  33. Libertad Y Método. El Liberalismo Desde La Perspectiva Personal De Ortega Y Marías.Francesco de Nigris - 2007 - Revista Agustiniana 48:446.
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    Matter Is Not Enough.Francesco Paolo de Ceglia - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (2):502-527.
    What is life, and where does it come from? The question is very old, but it reemerged in the seventeenth century with the crisis of the Aristotelian-Galenic paradigm. Matter was now stripped of any impulse and capacity for self-organization; therefore, it was necessary to find something that would take into account the strength and information that it seemed to hold, especially in what were considered vital phenomena. Georg Ernst Stahl and Friedrich Hoffmann, both professors in Halle and responsible for two (...)
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    El ser y la sustancia de Aristóteles ante la razón vital: las cuatro reducciones de la realidad.Francesco De Nigris - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (2):625-648.
    «Hermeneutic» means interpretation, that is, looking from a point of view. In this study we try to interpret from the vital reason, the method of Ortega y Gasset, his and his disciple Julián Marías, the Aristotelian concept of «substance». If life is the radical reality, as Ortega stresses, and the person its programmatic realization, in Marías’ opinion, a vital reason of the concept of οὐσία, means to discover its capacity to understand human life. We will find, as a matter of (...)
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    Repetitive TMS on Left Cerebellum Affects Impulsivity in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Pilot Study.Giulia Zelda De Vidovich, Riccardo Muffatti, Jessica Monaco, Nicoletta Caramia, Davide Broglia, Edgardo Caverzasi, Francesco Barale & Egidio D’Angelo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Mind and Causality a cura di Alberto Peruzzi.Mario De Caro, Massimo Marraffa & Michele Di Francesco - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (3):623-638.
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  38. Pierre-François Moreau, Spinoza e lo spinozismo.Francesco De Carolis - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (2):385.
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    Intencionalidad, pasividad y autoconciencia en la fenomenología de Husserl.Francesco de Nigris - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):215-250.
    A pesar de los matices y variaciones de significado, el concepto husserliano de intencionalidad no deja de estar al servicio de la idea clásica de la verdad como adaequatio, finalmente adaptada al orden monádico de la conciencia trascendental. Veremos, sin embargo, que en los análisis de Husserl sobre la conciencia interna del tiempo se manifiesta toda la dificultad para interpretar intencionalmente la esfera pasiva de la conciencia, peligrando la peculiar vocación a la verdad de la misma intencionalidad. Intentaremos, mediante las (...)
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  40. Cartographies of the Mind: Philosophy and Psychology in Intersection , Series: Studies in Brain and Mind, Vol. 4.Mario de Caro, Francesco Ferretti & Massimo Marraffa (eds.) - 2007 - Kleuwer.
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    Individuo e comunità in Nietzsche: orizzonti etici e sociopolitici a partire dagli scritti giovanili (1869-1876).Francesco De Stefano - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Sens et fondement du monisme ontologique.Francesco Paolo De Sanctis - 2011 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 30:81-96.
    I. Sens du monisme Généalogie du terme et disparition ultérieure du « monisme ontologique » La critique formulée contre le monisme ontologique apparaît comme l’un des points majeurs constituant la grande originalité de L’essence de la manifestation, originalité qui se retrouve déjà dans la formation de l’expression en question (le syntagme « monisme ontologique »). Celle-ci semble ne pas avoir d’équivalent dans la tradition philosophique. Christian Wolff avait en premier élaboré ce terme (« m...
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    The Blood, the Worm, the Moon, the Witch: Epilepsy in Georg Ernst Stahl's Pathological Architecture.Francesco Paolo de Ceglia - 2004 - Perspectives on Science 12 (1):1-28.
    . The subject of this paper is Georg Ernst Stahl's reflections on epilepsy. In the German physician's work, the concept of disease is stratified: it is the morbid idea which causes dysfunctions in the animal economy, as well as irregular motion, overabundance and ultimately an alteration of the corporeal humours. In particular, epilepsy is an affection deriving from an altered functioning of the bodily motions, caused by abnormal blood flow, intestinal worms, anatomical defects, foreign bodies, and the passions of the (...)
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    Jenseits des Dualismus zwischen tierischer Natur und geistiger Natur: Kants Mensch „in zwiefacher Qualität“ und Schillers „ganzer Mensch“.Antonino Falduto - 2020 - Kant Studien 111 (2):248-268.
    In my contribution, I discuss the important role of moral anthropological questions in the development of Schiller’s theoretical thought. I underline the fact that Schiller’s philosophical questions in Jena are much closer to those he confronted in Stuttgart – much closer than is considered to be the case in contemporary Schiller scholarship. I show how this continuity becomes evident when we take into consideration the moral anthropological topics that continued to interest Schiller throughout his life. To ground my argument, I (...)
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    Hellenoaegyptiaca I : Influences égyptiennes dans l’imaginaire grec de la mort. Quelques exemples d’un emprunt supposé.Francesco Diez de Velasco & Miguel Angel Molinero Polo - 1994 - Kernos 7.
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    Temi di filosofia del diritto.Francesco M. De Sanctis - 2002 - Roma: Bulzoni.
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    Juicio, percepción y existencia pragmática en el pensamiento de Franz Brentano.Francesco De Nigris - 2013 - Pensamiento 69 (261):919-937.
    La filosofía de Brentano, más conocida por introducir el antiguo concepto de intencionalidad para distinguir los fenómenos psíquicos de los físicos, acaba siendo una peculiar metafísica en que el objeto es función de la actividad autoperceptiva del sujeto. Los conceptos de juicio como reconocimiento y de conciencia secundaria como percepción interna tienen un papel fundamental en este proceso, porque establecen, desde el comienzo de su doctrina, un ámbito de realidad indudable en que se cumple el concepto clásico de verdad como (...)
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    E-Synthesis: A Bayesian Framework for Causal Assessment in Pharmacosurveillance.Francesco De Pretis, Jürgen Landes & Barbara Osimani - 2019 - Frontiers in Pharmacology 10.
    Background: Evidence suggesting adverse drug reactions often emerges unsystematically and unpredictably in form of anecdotal reports, case series and survey data. Safety trials and observational studies also provide crucial information regarding the (un-)safety of drugs. Hence, integrating multiple types of pharmacovigilance evidence is key to minimising the risks of harm. Methods: In previous work, we began the development of a Bayesian framework for aggregating multiple types of evidence to assess the probability of a putative causal link between drugs and side (...)
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    The Neural Bases of Event Monitoring across Domains: a Simultaneous ERP-fMRI Study.Vincenza Tarantino, Ilaria Mazzonetto, Silvia Formica, Francesco Causin & Antonino Vallesi - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Ortega et la Métaphysique.Francesco de Nigris - 2015 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 271 (1):13-44.
    En approfondissant la pensée d'Ortega, nous découvrons que la métaphysique est une science de la réalité radicale, du sens et un mode de vie. Nous verrons que la réalité radicale est la vie individuelle et que le sens de la raison vitale est personnel, ce qui implique un changement dans la conception traditionnelle du sujet, de l'objet et de la vérité.
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