Results for 'Anton Ndreca'

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    Rini e (pa) djegur.Anton Ndreca - 2021 - [Tiranë]: Qendra Botuese Shoqata e Jezuitëve.
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    Herondas III 50 - 52.Anton P. Smotrytsch - 1963 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 107 (1-2):315-316.
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    Kant, Fichte, Hegel und die Logik. Kleine Anmerkungen zu einem großen Thema.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2017 - In Sally Sedgwick & Dina Emundts (eds.), Logik / Logic. De Gruyter. pp. 291-316.
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    Torture into Affidavit, Dispossession into Poetry: On Translating Palestinian Pain.Anton Shammas - 2017 - Critical Inquiry 44 (1):114-128.
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    The semantic drift: Images of populism in post‐war American historiography and their relevance for political science.Anton Jäger - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):310-323.
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    Logical and natural life in Hegel.Anton Kabeshkin - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):129-147.
    In this article, I discuss the specific ways in which Hegel's account of life and organisms advances upon Kant's account of natural purposes in the third Critique. First of all, I argue that it is essential for Hegel's account that it contains two levels. The first level is that of logical life, the discussion of which does not depend on any empirical knowledge of natural organisms. I provide my reconstruction of this logical account of life that answers to the objection (...)
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    Quantum Arrangements.Gregg Jaeger & Anton Zeilinger - 2021 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
    This book presents a collection of novel contributions and reviews by renowned researchers in the foundations of quantum physics, quantum optics, and neutron physics. It is published in honor of Michael Horne, whose exceptionally clear and groundbreaking work in the foundations of quantum mechanics and interferometry, both of photons and of neutrons, has provided penetrating insight into the implications of modern physics for our understanding of the physical world. He is perhaps best known for the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality. This collection (...)
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    Undue Fear of Inducements in Research in Developing Countries.Gardar Arnason & Anton van Niekerk - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (2):122.
    Prematurely born children who have underdeveloped lungs may suffer a potentially fatal condition called respiratory distress syndrome. A U.S. company developed a drug, called Surfaxin, to treat such poorly functioning lungs. A placebo-controlled study was planned in four Latin American countries. At the time, in 2001, four treatments were already on the market, although not available to the research populations used in the study. This case is usually discussed as part of the standard of care debate or offered as an (...)
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    The limits of computation: A philosophical critique of contemporary Big Data research.Petter Törnberg & Anton Törnberg - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    This paper reviews the contemporary discussion on the epistemological and ontological effects of Big Data within social science, observing an increased focus on relationality and complexity, and a tendency to naturalize social phenomena. The epistemic limits of this emerging computational paradigm are outlined through a comparison with the discussions in the early days of digitalization, when digital technology was primarily seen through the lens of dematerialization, and as part of the larger processes of “postmodernity”. Since then, the online landscape has (...)
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    Hegel’s anti-reductionist account of organic nature.Anton Kabeshkin - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (3):479-494.
    Recent scholarship has analyzed Hegel’s account of life in the Logic in some detail and has suggested that Hegel provides ways of thinking about organic phenomena that might still be fruitful for us today. However, it failed to clearly distinguish this account from Hegel’s discussion of natural organisms in his Philosophy of Nature and to assess the latter philosophically. In particular, it has not yet been properly discussed that some things that Hegel says about organic phenomena there suggest that his (...)
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, vol. IV: Aristotle's Ethics.Christopher Megone, John P. Anton & Anthony Preus - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (173):528.
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    Moral and social complexities of AIDS in Africa.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (2):143 – 162.
    In this article, the main complexities of understanding and curbing the HIV/AIDS pandemic in (South) Africa, are discussed. These are: 1. Poverty as niche or social context of the pandemic, 2. Denial, lack of leadership and the politicization of the public discourse on AIDS, 3. Problems related to accomplishing behavior changes under conditions of deprivation and illiteracy, 4. Women's vulnerability, and 5. The disenchantment of intimacy brought about by the pandemic. In each case, some solutions are suggested, although the notion (...)
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    Hyperpolitiek en politiek engagement in de eenentwintigste eeuw.Anton Jäger - 2024 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116 (1):24-38.
    Hyperpolitics and Political Commitment in the Twenty-First Century What do the January 6th invasion of the Capitol and the anti-racist demonstrations of mid-2020 have in common? Both birthed some of the largest protest movements in American history, but also diminished rapidly after their initial, pre-revolutionary peak. This article reads the recent political sequence through the concept of ‘hyperpolitics’. In contrast to previous types of post-politics or mass politics, ‘hyperpolitics’ stands for a distinctly novel mode of political commitment characteristic of the (...)
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  14. Biased Questions and Hamblin Semantics.Anton Zimmerling - 2023 - Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters 6 (2):92-135.
    This paper takes a stand on Hamblin semantics and its relation to the semantics-to-pragmatics interface. Biased questions, where the speaker finds one of the options more likely and expects the confirmation that p is true, raise a concern about the limits of Hamblin semantics. I argue that biased questions have modified Hamblin semantics, while unbiased questions have unconstrained Hamblin semantics. The optional bias feature explains compositionally. It is triggered by likelihood presuppositions ranging Hamblin sets and highlighting the preferred alternative(s). Biased (...)
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  15. Review of: Atina Knowles'. ‘Geach’s “Good” and “Bad”, Attributive After All’.Anton Zimmerling - 2022 - Qeios.
    I follow the distinction of predicative versus attributive adjectives introduced by P.T. Geach in 1956 and discuss Atina Knowles' arguments contra the revisions of Geach's original conception.
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  16. Breaking the Habit.Audrey L. Anton - 2006 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 13 (2):58-66.
    Aristotle’s virtue ethics can teach us about the relationship between our habits and our actions. Throughout his works, Aristotle explains much about how one may develop a virtuous character, and little about how one might change from one character type to another. In recent years criminal law has been concerned with the issue of recidivism and how our system might reform the criminals we return to society more effectively. This paper considers how Aristotle might say a vicious person could change (...)
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  17. of article Morality of principle versus morality of loyalty.Tina Uys & Anton Senekal - forthcoming - African Journal of Business Ethics.
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  18. Предикаты состояния и семантические типы предикатов [States, Events and Predicate Types].Anton Zimmerling - 2022 - In Svetla Koeva, Elena Ivanova, Yovka Tisheva & Anton Zimmerling (eds.), С.Коева, Е. Ю. Иванова, Й. Тишева, А. Циммерлинг (ред.). Онтология на ситуациите за състояние – лингвистично моделиране. Съпоставително изследване за български и руски. Cофия: "Марин Дринов", 2022. [Svetla Koeva, Elena Yu. Ivanova, Yovka Tisheva. Sofia: Профессор "Марин Дринов" [Professor "Marin Drinov"]. pp. 31-52.
    I discuss the foundations of predicate ontologies based on two model notions – elementary states of affairs and eventualities, i.e. ordered pairs of initial and end states of affairs. Vendlerian classifications are oriented towards elementary states and tense logic, while Davidsonian classifications deal with eventualities and event logic. There are two kinds of atemporal predicates - fact and properties. Facts are propositional arguments of second-order predicates which add a special meaning that the embedded proposition was verified. Properties are atemporal first-order (...)
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  19. Логика прогноза [The Logic of Prognosis].Anton Zimmerling - 1997 - In Н.Д Арутюнова & Т.Е Янко (eds.), Логический анализ языка. Язык и время. Н.Д.Арутюнова, Т.Е.Янко (отв. ред.). М.: Индрик, 1997. 352 с. [Logical Analysis of Language. Language and Time / Nina D. Arutyunova, Tatiana E. Yanko (Eds.). Moscow: Indrik, 1997. 352 p.]. pp. 337-347.
    This paper introduces and discusses three models of future: a determinist model, a stochastic model, and the model of True Prophetic Knowledge. All three models coexist in natural languages and are represented both in their grammatical systems and in the text-building discourse strategies speakers and authors apply to.
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  20. Substance Abuse is a Disease of the Human Brain: Focus on Alcohol.Raymond Anton - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (4):735-744.
    It is useful in an article of this kind to inform the reader of the author’s background, biases, and rationale for the format and content. As a clinically trained psychiatrist and addiction specialist/researcher, my training and experience have led me to best understand the “clinical side” of alcoholism and substance abuse. A large part of my career has been devoted to treating individuals with alcohol use disorders, especially in the context of clinical trials devoted to finding new medications to reduce (...)
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    Chapter Ten.John P. Anton - 1985 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 1 (1):299-325.
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy Ii.John P. Anton & Anthony Preus (eds.) - 1971 - State University of New York Press.
    This work augments its companion volume Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy.
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    Fenomenología de la cognición social y neurociencia de segunda persona.Ivana Anton Mlinar - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 17:19.
    Gran parte de los estudios sobre la naturaleza de la cognición social, que también se ha entendido como una perspectiva de se-gunda persona, ha tenido lugar en el marco de la llamada “teoría de la mente”, entendida básicamente como capacidad inferencial de atribución de estados mentales. La fenomenología, por el contrario, advierte la naturaleza corporizada e integrada de la experiencia de sí, lo que permite, consecuentemente, el acceso inmediato a la experiencia vivida del otro. La incorporación de esta comprensión de (...)
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    Gnosiologia.John P. Anton & E. P. Papanoutsos - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (25):803.
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    John Dewey and ancient philosophies.John P. Anton - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (4):477-499.
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    L’obéissance de l’individu et l’indignation contre la Loi : que peut la multitude?Francisco Javier Espinosa Antón - 2020 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 295 (1):37-54.
    L’article traite de la relation entre l’homme et la loi chez Spinoza. Une première partie porte sur la question de savoir si l’individu doit toujours observer les lois. Dans la seconde, sous la conduite du Traité politique, nous passons à une perspective collective et on analyse la pensée de Spinoza sur la puissance de la multitude face aux lois. À la fin, on tire quelques conclusions pour la vie d’aujourd’hui.
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  27. La tarea'evangelizadora'del obispo en su Iglesia particular y en su respectiva conferencia episcopal. II: El obispo'testigo de Cristo'y'pregonero del evangelio'.A. Anton - 1995 - Gregorianum 76 (2):281-322.
    Cet article constitue la troisième partie d'un travail ecclésiologique mené par l'A. qui s'interroge sur la tâche évangélisatrice de l'évêque dans son Eglise particulière et dans la conférence épiscopale qui le concerne. Son objectif est de préciser le contenu et la méthode de cette action évangélisatrice menée par l'évêque de tout diocèse. Cette action doit d'abord être christocentrique et jaillir de l'Eglise vers toute créature. Cette action doit préciser le point de départ de sa méthodologie, tenir compte du problème de (...)
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    Marx to Benjamin.Anatole Anton - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (3):781-788.
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    Not for Sale: In Defense of Public Goods.Anatole Anton & Milton Fisk - 2000 - Routledge.
    This book contains a variety of essays aimed at developing a philosophical defense of public goods against neo-liberal criticisms. Looking at concepts such as collective action, common property, intellectual property and issues such as health, education, welfare, environment, media, cities, and the prison industrial complex.
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    Orthodox Christian Philosophy in Byzantium.John P. Anton & B. N. Tatakis - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (11):366.
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    Plotinus' conception of the functions of the artist.John P. Anton - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (1):91-101.
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    Questions of Truth: The Necessity of Questions in Education.Matt Anton - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (3-4):282-293.
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  33. Sobre la oración en el beato Alonso de Orozco.Pedro Luis Moráis Antón - 1989 - Revista Agustiniana 30 (93):493-555.
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    The Status of the Empirical Principle.Peter Anton - 1964 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 2 (4):203-208.
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    We and the Ancients.John P. Anton - 2005 - Philosophical Inquiry 27 (1-2):3-23.
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    (1 other version)"Schicksal"-Worter in Antike Und Christentum.Anton Anwander - 1948 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 1 (1-4):315-327.
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    Forschungen zur Geschichte der frühmittelalterlichen Philosophie.Joseph Anton Endres - 1915 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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    Der zweideutige Begriff des Seins im Vortrag der Wissenschaftslehre vom Jahre 1812.Anton A. Ivanenko - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 28:153-160.
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    Liberalizem in vprašanje etike.Anton Jamnik - 1998 - Ljubljana: Nova revija.
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    Andrea Gambarotto, "Vital Forces, Teleology and Organization: Philosophy of Nature and the Rise of Biology in Germany." Reviewed by.Anton Kabeshkin - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (2):69-71.
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    Butler, Judith. La fuerza de la no violencia: La ética en lo político. Barcelona: Paidós, 2021.Miguel Antón Moreno - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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    Neurostimulation artifact removal for implantable sensors improves signal clarity and decoding of motor volition.Eric J. Earley, Anton Berneving, Jan Zbinden & Max Ortiz-Catalan - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1030207.
    As the demand for prosthetic limbs with reliable and multi-functional control increases, recent advances in myoelectric pattern recognition and implanted sensors have proven considerably advantageous. Additionally, sensory feedback from the prosthesis can be achieved via stimulation of the residual nerves, enabling closed-loop control over the prosthesis. However, this stimulation can cause interfering artifacts in the electromyographic (EMG) signals which deteriorate the reliability and function of the prosthesis. Here, we implement two real-time stimulation artifact removal algorithms, Template Subtraction (TS) and ε-Normalized (...)
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  43. Die Dialektiker und ihre Gegner im 11. Jahrhundert.Joseph Anton Endres - 1906 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 19:20-33.
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    Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte, I, Die Kunst des Altertums.Walter Woodburn Hyde & Anton Springer - 1925 - American Journal of Philology 46 (1):89.
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  45. Fragmente keines Vorsokratikers.Anton Neuhäusler - 1968 - München]: Ehrenwirth.
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  46. (1 other version)Grundbegriffe der philosophischen Sprache.Anton Neuhäusler - 1963 - München,: Ehrenwirth.
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    El símbolo del castillo interior en Sohravardi y en Santa Teresa.José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (17):149-166.
    Aparte de los ejemplos añadidos por Miguel Asín Palacios y Luce López-Baralt, en los que se aprecia la presencia del símbolo de castillo interior en la mística islámica, el símil de los siete castillos del alma de los siete castillos del alma se encuentra también en el filósofo persa filósofo persa Shihaboddin Yahya Sohravardi (siglo XII). Por tanto, se trata de un antecedente de Santa Teresa de Ávila en el uso de este símbolo.
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    Pedagogical interpretation of the concept "contemporary art".Irina Afanasievna Solovtsova & Anton Igorevich Shipitsin - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):293-299.
    The purpose of the study is to identify the pedagogical component of the concept "contemporary art", which is a necessary condition for the using contemporary art for solving problems in spiritual and moral education of students. The article describes the main approaches to understanding the category of "contemporary art" and shows how these approaches are reflected in the minds of teachers, class supervisors, and teachers of additional education. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the definition of the pedagogical (...)
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    Einleitung.Karl Anton Sprengard, Petra Gropp & Christoph Ernst - 2003 - In Karl Anton Sprengard, Petra Gropp & Christoph Ernst (eds.), Perspektiven Interdisziplinärer Medienphilosophie. Transcript Verlag. pp. 9-16.
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    Geist - Widersachervorwurf und Geistvertrauen in Lebensphilosophie und Neuer Anthropologie: Gedanken zu Ludwig Klages’ Misstrauen und Max Schelers Zutrauen.Karl Anton Sprengard - 2006 - In Geist - Widersachervorwurf und Geistvertrauen in Lebensphilosophie und Neuer Anthropologie: Gedanken zu Ludwig Klages’ Misstrauen und Max Schelers Zutrauen. pp. 305-316.
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