Results for 'Antara Haldar'

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  1.  23
    Group Lending, Joint Liability, and Social Capital: Insights From the Indian Microfinance Crisis.Joseph E. Stiglitz & Antara Haldar - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (4):459-497.
    This article grapples with the causes of India’s microfinance crisis. By contrasting Bangladesh’s highly successful Grameen model with the allegedly “universalizable” version of India’s SKS Microfinance, trust or social capital is isolated—not just narrowly interpreted within standard economic theory, but more broadly construed—as the essential element accounting for the early success of microfinance. It is argued that the microfinance experience has been widely misinterpreted, in both analytical and policy terms. This article suggests inherent limits in extending the model to for-profit (...)
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    Myth-understood.Piyel Haldar - 1994 - Law and Critique 5 (1):113-123.
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  3. Sovereignty and divinity in the vedic tradition: Mitra-varuna, prajā-pati and ṛta.Piyel Haldar - 2012 - Divus Thomas 115 (2):382-401.
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    Studies in Whitehead's cosmology.M. K. Haldar - 1972 - Delhi,: Atma Ram.
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    Neo-Hegelianism.Hiralal Haldar - 1927 - New York: Garland.
    Origin of the movement: J. H. Stirling. --T. H. Green. --Edward Caird. --John Caird. --William Wallace. --D. G. Ritchie. --F. H. Bradley. --Bernard Bosanquet. --John Watson. --Henry Jones. --J. H. Muirhead. --J. S. Mackenzie. --Lord Haldane. --J. E. McTaggart as an interpreter of Hegel. --Appendix: Hegelianism and human personality.
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  6. Space and Time in Hegel’s Philosophy.Hiralal Haldar - 1932 - The Monist 42 (4):520-532.
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    Some psychological aspects of early Buddhist philosophy based on Abhidharmakośa of Vasubandhu.Aruna Haldar - 1981 - Calcutta: Asiatic Society.
    Besides Giving An Account Of The Origin And Development Of Buddhism As Well As The Works Of Vasubandhu And Reviewing The Abhidarwa Literature Of Buddhism, Written In Sanskrit And Pali This Book Thoroughly Analyses The Doctrine Of Sarvastivada And The Buddhist Conceptions Of Feeling, Perception, Consciousness And Impression.
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    Zoologian Jurisprudence.Piyel Haldar - 2011 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 24 (3):291-306.
    This essay examines the iconography and role of animals in medieval and early modern bestiaries. In being without original sin “God’s creatures” were deemed proximate to divine perfection and to salvation. Animals, whether symbolic or actual, both instructed man’s moral behaviour and ushered man towards salvation. Bestiaries, it will be argued, are keys to understanding how modern law would eventually co-ordinate itself in relation to the concept of a future salvic moment.
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    Law, Orientalism and Postcolonialism: The Jurisdiction of the Lotus-Eaters.Piyel Haldar - 2007 - Routledge-Cavendish.
    Focusing on the ‘problem’ of pleasure _Law, Orientalism and Postcolonialism_ uncovers the organizing principles by which the legal subject was colonized. That occidental law was complicit in colonial expansion is obvious. What remains to be addressed, however, is the manner in which law and legal discourse sought to colonize individual subjects as subjects of law. It was through the permission of pleasure that modern Western subjects were refined and domesticated. Legally sanctioned outlets for private and social enjoyment instilled and continue (...)
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    Green and his critics.Hiralal Haldar - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3 (2):168-175.
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    The absolute and the finite self.Hiralal Haldar - 1918 - Philosophical Review 27 (4):374-391.
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    Leibniz and German idealism.Hiralal Haldar - 1917 - Philosophical Review 26 (4):378-394.
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    Finite element analysis of the demagnetization effect and stress inhomogeneities in magnetic shape memory alloy samples.Krishnendu Haldar, Björn Kiefer & Dimitris C. Lagoudas - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (32):4126-4157.
  14.  51
    Some aspects of Hegel's philosophy.Hirlal Haldar - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5 (3):263-277.
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    Symbolism in indian art and religion.Asit K. Haldar - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 9 (2):124-127.
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    The conception of the absolute.Hiralal Haldar - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (3):261-272.
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    Desert Tracings: Six Classical Arabian Odes by Alqama, Shánfara, Labíd, ʿAntara, al-Aʿsha and Dhu al-RúmmaDesert Tracings: Six Classical Arabian Odes by Alqama, Shanfara, Labid, Antara, al-Asha and Dhu al-Rumma.Raymond P. Scheindlin, Michael A. Sells, Alqama, Shánfara, Labíd, ʿAntara, Al-Aʿsha, Dhu al-Rúmma, Shanfara, Labid, Antara, Al-Asha & Dhu al-Rumma - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):158.
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    Complexities in Assessing Structural Health of Civil Infrastructures.Abdullah Al-Hussein & Achintya Haldar - 2017 - Complexity 2017:1-10.
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    Formation of fully pearlitic microstructure in medium carbon steel.Sourav Das & Arunansu Haldar - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (29):3281-3294.
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    Comparative Analysis of TOPSIS and TODIM for the Performance Evaluation of Foreign Players in Indian Premier League.Vaishnudebi Dutta, Subhomoy Haldar, Prabjot Kaur & Yuvraj Gajpal - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-20.
    Sports officials, players, and fans are concerned about overseas player rankings for the IPL auction. These rankings are becoming progressively essential to investors when premium leagues are commercialized. The decision-makers of the Indian Premier League choose cricketers based on their own experience in sports and based on performance statistics on several criteria. This paper presents a scientific way to rank the players. Our research examines and contrasts different multicriteria decision-making algorithms for ranking foreign players under various criteria to assess their (...)
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    Links between Early and Later Buddhist Mythology.R. Morton Smith, Jñan Rañjan Haldar & Jnan Ranjan Haldar - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):147.
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    Book Review:Mary Childs and Louise Ellison (eds.),Feminist Perspectives on Evidence. [REVIEW]Piyel Haldar - 2003 - Feminist Legal Studies 11 (1):109-111.
  23. Auchmuty, Rosemary, 163, 315 Biggs, Hazel, 291 Bridgeman, Jo, 213 Burton, Frances, 113.Mandy Burton, Eileen V. Fegan, Piyel Haldar, Colin Harvey, Kirsty Horsey, Heather Keating, Robin MacKenzie, Kate Malleson, Ambreena Manji & Clare McGlynn - 2003 - Feminist Legal Studies 11 (325).
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    An equal start: absence of group differences in cognitive, social, and neural measures prior to music or sports training in children.Assal Habibi, Beatriz Ilari, Kevin Crimi, Michael Metke, Jonas T. Kaplan, Anand A. Joshi, Richard M. Leahy, David W. Shattuck, So Y. Choi, Justin P. Haldar, Bronte Ficek, Antonio Damasio & Hanna Damasio - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  25. Hubungan antara kontrol diri Dengan intensi perilaku organisasional Devian pada anggota kepolisian reserse kriminal di dit reskrim polda jawa tengah.Iin Novita Putri, Harlina Nurtjahjanti & Prasetyo Budi Widodo - 2012 - Phronesis (Misc) 11 (2).
    P enelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kontrol diri dengan intensi POD pada anggota kepolisian reserse kriminal. Penelitian ini menggunakan 57 reserse sebagai subjek penelitian dengan karakteristik merupakan anggota Dit Reskrim Polda Jateng dan memegang jabatan sebagai bintara pelaksana. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua buah skala, yaitu skala intensi POD dan skala kontrol diri. Hasil analisis dengan metode analisis regresi sedehana mendapatkan r xy = -0,589 dengan (...)
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  26. Hubungan antara self efficacy Dan prestasi kerja karyawan bagian marketing.Marceline Carlos, Zamralita & M. Nisfiannoor - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 8 (2).
    The aim of this research is to find the relationship between self efficacy and work performance of marketing employee refers to a person’s evaluation of his or her ability or competency to perform a task and reach a goal. Work performance is personal outcome that he or she performs in an organization. The participant for this study is 35 marketing employee of X Company. Using Pearson Correlation Product Moment, the result shows that there is a positive relationship between marketing employee (...)
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  27. Hubungan antara faktor organisasi Dengan bunout pada guru.M. Nisfiannoor - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 7 (2).
    : The aims of this research is to find out the connection between burnout and organizational factors, including work overload, lack of control, insufficient reward, breakdown of community, absence of fairness and conflicting value. The participants are 191 school teachers. The data were collected by using questionnaires and to be analyzed by pearson product moment correlation. The result indicated the more negative organizational factors perceived by teachers, the higher level of burnout.  .
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  28. Hubungan antara komitmen beragama Dan subjective wll-being pada remaja akhir.Triana Puspasari & M. Nisfianoor - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 7 (1).
    : Subjective well-being is an evaluation of life quality from cognitive evaluation (life satisfaction) and affective evaluation (positive affect and negative affect experience). In colloquial tern, subjective well-being is labeled “happiness”. People high in subjective well-being have a number of desirable qualities, such as good emotional control, and face many things on their lives in a better way. Therefore, high subjective well-being plays an important role in late adolescent who is accrossing the life span, from childhood through adulthood. There are (...)
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  29. Hubungan antara Rasa percaya diri Dan agresivitas pada atlet bola basket.Marko Santoso & Monty P. Satiadarma - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 7 (1).
    : One of the outcomes from low self-confidence of basketball is aggressive behavior. Helpless feeling caused by low self-confidence could turn an athlete using aggressive behavior as alternate behavior in the interaction with the opponent during a game. The level of the aggression can be seen in the injury rate in that particular sport. This research objective is to find out the relation between self-confidence and the appearance of the aggressive behavior in basketball player. It involves 64 athletes in West (...)
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  30. Hubungan antara kebermaknaan hidup Dengan perilaku produktif pada guru slb.Ermy Herawaty & Sus Budiharto - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 10 (1).
    This research was aimed to investigate the correlation between meaningful life and productive behavior to teacher of School. The proposed hypothesis was there is positive correlation between meaningful life and productive behavior to teacher of School. Population of this research are teacher of School in 10 Schools in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. Subjects were 67 teachers. Data were collected using productive behavior scale and meaningful life scale. Data analyzed by Pearson product moment correlation analysis technique. This research found that there is (...)
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  31. Hubungan antara kesejahteraan psikologi Dan prasangka rasial.David Matahari & Fransisca Iriani R. D. - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 7 (1).
    : Psychological well being is a positive psychological functioning. Six key dimensions are self acceptance, positive relationships, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. Racial prejudice is a negative attitude toward people from certain race. Purpose of this research is to examine the association between psychological well being and racial prejudice. Subjects are 400 chinese citizens, age from 20 - 40 years. Result indicates that there is a negative association between psychological well and racial prejudice.  .
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    Antaras Aconcagua: un estudio antropológico y acústico.Benoit Fabre, Patricio de la Cuadra & José Pérez de Arce - 2012 - Aisthesis 52:325-342.
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  33. Hubungan antara intercultural sensitivity (ics) Dengan motivasi kerja (studi pada pt X).Nia Kumala, M. Nisfiannoor & Yohanes Budiarto - 2012 - Phronesis (Misc) 11 (2).
    The aim of this research is to examine association between intercultural sensitivity with job motivation in PT. Staedtler Indonesia. Participant in this study (N = 55) were employed as a staff at PT Staedtler Indonesia a years at least. Questionnaire of intercultural sensitivity and job motivation was used to collect the data. Data was analyzed use Pearson product Moment in SPSS 16.00. The result shows that rxy (55) = 0,282 and p = 0,037 < 0,05, means that there are a (...)
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  34. Hubungan antara harga diri Dan kecakapan memimpin.Y. Heri Widodo - 2008 - Phronesis (Misc) 10 (2).
    Leadership skills is very important for leader to take the organization toward accomplishing it goals. To be a leader with adequate skills, people need some important personal characteristics. One of them is positive self - esteem. This study aims to know whether there is any positive correlation between self-esteem and leadership skills. The method of this research is quantitative approach with correlational design. The sampling method is purposive sampling and there were 44 adolecscents and adults for the subjects of this (...)
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    Antara jāneṃ.Kanhaiyālāla Loṛhā - 2017 - Jayapura: Prākr̥ta Bhāratī Akādamī. Edited by Raṇajīta Siṃha Kūmaṭa & Gautamacanda Jaina.
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  36. Hiralal Haldar, Neo-Hegelianism. [REVIEW]J. W. Scott - 1927 - Hibbert Journal 26:382.
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    Rūpa and the Antarābhava.Robert Kritzer - 2000 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 28 (3):235-272.
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    Fenomenologi Niat : Antara al-Ghazali dan al-Sayuthi.Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (2):215.
    The evolusionist and functionalist approaches to religion are generally considered less sympathetic if not antipathy to religious phenomena. This is why, some western scholars propose another approach to study religion called ‘phenomenological’ approach. There have been a number of phenomenological studies of religion, but mostly not of Islam. This article tries to fill in the gap by describing and analyzing the Islamic conception of intention developed by al-Sayuthi and al-Ghazali. As a jurist, al-Sayuthi explores different formal rules on niyyah in (...)
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  39. Kebebasan beragama, mungkinkah? antara fakta atau takdir sosial.Abdul Munir Mulkhan - 2009 - In Ahmad Syukri Saleh, Ahmad Syukri Baharuddin & A. A. Miftah, Islam and contemporary issues on Islamic education, law, philosophy, and economy. Jambi: PPs IAIN STS Jambi.
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  40. Jeda di antara kata-kata.Karlina Supelli - 2018 - In F. Wawan Setyadi & A. Sudiarja, Meluhurkan kemanusiaan: kumpulan esai untuk A. Sudiarja. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.
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    Teori Gradasi : Komparasi Antara Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi Dan Mulla Sadra.Benny Susilo - 2015 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 5 (2):159.
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  42. L opez de M antaras, R., Busquets, D.\ Multiagent Bidding Mechanisms for Robot Qualitative Navigation.C. Sierra - 1999 - In P. Brezillon & P. Bouquet, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer.
  43. Hubungan kesesuaian antara metafor pemaknaan organisasi Dengan nilai-nilai kerja.Fendy Suhariadi - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 7 (2).
    Abstrak : Penilitian ini berusaha mencari concurrent validity dari metapor pemaknaan organsasi diukur nilai dasar kerja seseorang. Metapor pemaknaan organisasi diukur dengan cara kualitatif yaitu meminta orang untuk menyampaikan ekspresi perasaannya tentang perusahaan dalam bentuk gambar dan ungkapan lisan atau tulisan, sedangkan pengukur nilai dasar kerja menggunakan alat ukur Nilai Kerja (PVQ) dari Schwartz (2001). Sampel penilitian ditetapkan secara purposif yaitu karyawan PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali sejumlah 129 yang sedang mengikuti pelatihan manajemen dasar pada tahun anggaran 2004. Analisis fenomenologi terhadap (...)
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    Ambiguitas, Interkulturalitas, Dan Hibriditas Relasional Dalam Relasi Antara Israel Dan Bangsa-Bangsa Lain.Robert Setio - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (1):55-76.
    Abstrak: Artikel ini merupakan analisis terhadap hubungan antara Israel dan bangsa-bangsa lainnya dengan menggunakan pemikiran tentang “liyan.” Dalam masyarakat multikultural kehadiran liyan tidak terhindarkan dan menuntut tanggapan yang sungguh-sungguh. Keadaan ini pada gilirannya akan menciptakan ambiguitas, sebagaimana yang dialami oleh Israel. Penemuan arkeologis akhir-akhir ini membuktikan bahwa hubungan antara Israel dengan bangsa-bangsa lain ternyata tidak seperti yang dilukiskan oleh Alkitab. Israel bukanlah sebuah bangsa yang pada suatu masa datang ke Kanaan yang sudah berpenduduk, tetapi mereka muncul secara bertahap (...)
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    Tuhan di antara desakan Dan kerumunan: Komodifikasi spiritualitas makkah di era kapitalisasi.Al Makin - 2017 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 12 (1).
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  46. Perbandingan self-efficacy Dan Daya persuasi antara penjual Yang sukses Dan penjual Yang gagal.Linda Rusli, Rostiana D. Nurdjajadi & Meiske Y. Suparman - 2012 - Phronesis (Misc) 11 (1).
    The aim of this research is to find out the significant difference between successful seller and unsuccessful seller on self-efficacy and persuasion capability. Self-efficacy is people’ judgement about their capabilities to deal a problem at specific situation. Persuasion is a process communication that purposed for changing someone’s belief and behavior. The participants of research consists of 125 sellers, in which 80 are successful and 45 are unsuccessful. The data were taken by questionnaires. The processing technique is using t-test with SPSS (...)
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    Mantaleʺ tuinʻʺ, Tapʻ kunʻʺ mruiʹ nayʻ Muiʺ naṃ kunʻʺ rvā, Muiʺ naṃ kunʻʺ kyoṅʻʺ tuikʻ, ʼA rhanʻ Vicitta (Myo Khyacʻ Sveʺ, Pakhukkū) e*: Sāsanā sanʻʹ rhanʻʺ taññʻ taṃʹ pranʻʹ pvāʺ reʺ e* ʼAntarāyʻ ʼAnāgatʻ sāsanā toʻ tvanʻ phracʻ poʻ lā maññʻʹ beʺ ranʻ cu myāʺ nhanʻʹ ʼa krāʺ ka byā myaʺ. Vicitta - 2001 - Ranʻ kunʻ, ʼOṅʻsiddhi kunʻʺ: Tuinʻʺ Lanʻʺ Cā pe.
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  48.  20
    Penerapan sistem pembuktian terbalik untuk kasus korupsi: Kajian antara hukum positif Dan hukum Islam.Y. Yusuf - 2013 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 8 (1).
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    Label halal: antara spiritualitas bisnis dan komoditas agama: rapuhnya dimensi sosial dalam bisnis sebagai dampak dari menguatnya paham modernisme, materialisme, dan logosentrisme. Muhammad & Ibnu Elmi A. S. Pelu - 2009 - Malang: Distributor, Cita Intrans Selaras. Edited by Ibnu Elmi A. S. Pelu.
    Spiritual value and business ethics in halal label on Indonesian products.
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  50. Peran identitas jenis kelamin sebagai variabel moderator dalam hubungan antara kebutuhan berprestasi, kebutuhan berafiliasi Dan kebutuhan berkuasa Dengan kinerja karyawan.Ayu Dwi Nindyati - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 6 (11).
    This research was aimed to discover whether sex-role identity could play a significant role as moderating variable to the relation between McClleland’s needs of achievement, affiliation and power and employee’s performance. Subjects of this research were employees in scales division from a cosmetical company in Jakarta Following Baron and Kenny’s ideas, data was analyzed with two way analysis of variance. The main hypothesis in this research is moderating effect of sex role identity in how need of achievement, need of affiliation (...)
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