Results for 'Anneke Farías-Yapur'

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  1.  17
    Ethical Pathways: Transitioning Whole-Eye Transplantation Into Clinical Practice.Martín Iglesias & Anneke Farías-Yapur - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):95-98.
    Sight is undoubtedly the most crucial sense, and accidents resulting in its loss are a significant tragedy for individuals. The scientific community embarked on a journey of scientific innovation i...
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    MicroRNA binding sites in the coding region of mRNAs: Extending the repertoire of post‐transcriptional gene regulation.Anneke Brümmer & Jean Hausser - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (6):617-626.
    It is well established that microRNAs (miRNAs) induce mRNA degradation by binding to 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs). The functionality of sites in the coding domain sequence (CDS), on the other hand, remains under discussion. Such sites have limited impact on target mRNA abundance and recent work suggests that miRNAs bind in the CDS to inhibit translation. What then could be the regulatory benefits of translation inhibition through CDS targeting compared to mRNA degradation following 3′ UTR binding? We propose that these (...)
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    Will Resources for Elder Care Be Scarce?Anneke van den Berg Jeths & Mats Thorslund - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (5):6-10.
    One of the major issues in the debate about the future of health care is how to keep costs under control while meeting growing demands for care. Addressing that, especially on an international scale, is far from easy. How are we to determine what the demands for care will most likely be? Even if it is not possible to estimate the future number of dependent elderly persons with any precision, it is hard to ignore the most probable scenario: a substantial (...)
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    Families and genetic testing: the case of Jane and Phyllis.Anneke Lucassen - 2005 - In Richard E. Ashcroft (ed.), Case analysis in clinical ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 7--26.
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    Effectief beeldvormen: theorie, analyse en praktijk van beeldvormingsprocessen.Anneke Smelik - 1999 - Assen: Van Gorcum. Edited by Rosemarie Buikema & Maaike Meijer.
  6.  46
    Sex differences in nonverbal communication.Anneke Vrugt & Ada Kerkstra - 1984 - Semiotica 50 (1-2):1-42.
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    Crítica de Chomsky ao materialismo.Daniel Luporini de Faria - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (6):18-26.
    No presente artigo, pretende-se expor e analisar as críticas que Noam Chomsky dirige contra o materialismo em filosofia da mente. Para o referido autor, a rigor, não faria sentido questionar o estatuto ontológico da mente, na medida em que os próprios físicos e filósofos materialistas desconhecem 90% da matéria que constitui o universo. Deste modo, Chomsky dirá que no tempo de Descartes, da filosofia mecânica, o que se fazia era ciência normal, ao passo que após o advento das ideias de (...)
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  8. Memory as acquaintance with the past: some Lessons from Russell, 1912-1914.Paulo Faria - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (121):149-172.
    Russell’s theory of memory as acquaintance with the past seems to square uneasily with his definition of acquaintance as the converse of the relation of presentation of an object to a subject. We show how the two views can be made to cohere under a suitable construal of ‘presentation’, which has the additional appeal of bringing Russell’s theory of memory closer to contemporary views on direct reference and object-dependent thinking than is usually acknowledged. The drawback is that memory as acquaintance (...)
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    How do social fears in adolescence develop? Fear conditioning shapes attention orienting to social threat cues.Anneke D. M. Haddad, Shmuel Lissek, Daniel S. Pine & Jennifer Y. F. Lau - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (6):1139-1147.
    Social fears emerging in adolescence can have negative effects on emotional well-being. Yet the mechanisms by which these risks occur are unknown. One possibility is that associative learning results in fears to previously neutral social stimuli. Such conditioned responses may alter subsequent processing of social stimuli. We used a novel conditioning task to examine how associative processes influence social fear and attention orienting in adolescents. Neutral photographs were paired with socially rewarding or aversive stimuli during conditioning; a dot-probe task then (...)
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    Measuring the role of conditioning and stimulus generalisation in common fears and worries.Anneke D. M. Haddad, Mengran Xu, Sophie Raeder & Jennifer Y. F. Lau - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (5):914-922.
  11. É o mal no mundo logicamente compatível com a existência de Deus?Domingos Faria - 2016 - Aufklärung: Revista de Filosofia 3 (1).
    O objetivo deste artigo, que se insere no âmbito da filosofia da religião, é tratar o problema lógico do mal e mais concretamente a teoria da defesa do livre-arbítrio de Alvin Plantinga. Quero examinar se esta é uma teoria plausível e se resiste a algumas objeções. Pretendo defender que esta teoria parece resistir a certas objeções.
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    Animal Ethics in the Wild: Wild Animal Suffering and Intervention in Nature.Catia Faria - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Animals, like humans, suffer and die from natural causes. This is particularly true of animals living in the wild, given their high exposure to, and low capacity to cope with, harmful natural processes. Most wild animals likely have short lives, full of suffering, usually ending in terrible deaths. This book argues that on the assumption that we have reasons to assist others in need, we should intervene in nature to prevent or reduce the harms wild animals suffer, provided that it (...)
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  13.  32
    Testing children for adult onset conditions: the importance of contextual clinical judgement.Anneke Lucassen & Angela Fenwick - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):531-532.
  14. Existência como um predicado real.Paulo Faria - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (2):33-41.
    The construal of ‘exists’ as a first-order or real predicate is defended against prevailing orthodoxy.
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    Kants Realismus und der Aussenweltskeptizismus.Vanderlei de Oliveira Farias - 2006 - New York: G. Olms.
  16.  27
    Transmodernizing Management Historiographies of Consumerism for the Majority.Alex Faria & Marcus Hemais - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (3):447-465.
    Within an increasingly unequal, heterogeneous, and authoritarian Global North, a new global consumerism movement championed by activist consumers, together with academics, managers, and organizations, has emerged as the ultimate ethical management discourse for a better global future. NGC reframes Cold War official history of buycott consumerism by emancipating “passive” consumers and “insurgent” boycotts. Drawing on decolonial liberating transmodernity from Latin America, this paper shows how and why “old” and “new” dominant histories of consumerism deny the racialist/colonialist side of liberal capitalism. (...)
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  17.  31
    Using a biomarker acutely to identify babies at risk of serious adverse effects from antibiotics: where is the ‘Terrible Moral and Medical Dilemma’?Anneke M. Lucassen, John Henry McDermott & William Newman - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (2):117-118.
    We thank Parker and Wright for engaging in this roundtable debate in such a spirited way. The ‘Pharmacogenetic [test] to Avoid Loss of Hearing’ (PALOH) Trial is the first time a genetic point of care test has been applied in the acute neonatal setting; therefore, it is not surprising that questions have been raised which require debate, discussion and clarification. Parker and Wright misattribute several assumptions to the roundtable authors, which we would like to clarify here. Since they raise wider (...)
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  18. Beatrice Durand, Rousseau.Anneke Meyer - 2009 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 116 (2):433.
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    Combining Ideology with Narrow Self-Interest in Positive Political Theory.Filipe Nobre Faria & Sandra Dzenis - 2022 - Journal of Political Ideologies 29 (2):236-255.
    Ideology and self-interest are often in tension. If positive political theorists assume broad self-interest as the standard of human behaviour, they can accommodate people’s ideological motivation to act for the common good. Yet, their theories may become tautological and empirically untestable. Conversely, if these theorists assume narrow self-interest, they increase testability. But because ideology seems incompatible with narrow self-interest, they often rule ideology out as a motivational driver. Positive political theorists can, however, combine ideology with narrow self-interest by assuming broad (...)
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  20. Será Procedente o Argumento de Kripke Contra a Teoria da Identidade Tipo-Tipo?Domingos Faria - 2014 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70 (1):112-131.
    Resumo O meu objetivo neste artigo é examinar criticamente o argumento de Kripke contra a teoria da identidade tipo-tipo. Assumindo a tese da necessidade da identidade, bem como a tese da designação rígida, Kripke sustenta que se a dor é idêntica à estimulação das fibras C, então a dor é necessariamente idêntica à estimulação das fibras C. No entanto, precisamente porque a proposição expressa pela frase “a dor não é idêntica à estimulação das fibras C” é uma possibilidade metafísica, Kripke (...)
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    Genetic Testing of Children: The Need for a Family Perspective.Anneke Lucassen, Guy Widdershoven, Suzanne Metselaar, Angela Fenwick & Michael Parker - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (3):26-28.
  22.  21
    Proverbs: Prose or poetry?Anneke Viljoen - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3):5.
    Should Proverbs be read as prose or poetry? Considering the language craft is of essential significance for a hermeneutical enquiry into the biblical book of Proverbs. Five suppositions to support the presupposition that Proverbs is best read as poetry were considered.
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    Mishná e Belo Horizonte: A influência da cultura oral na comunidade judaica belo-horizontina.Thiago Hot Pereira de Faria - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1410-1411.
    Dissertação: FARIA, Thiago Hot Pereira de. Mishná e Belo Horizonte: A influência da cultura oral na comunidade judaica belo-horizontina. 2014. Dissertação – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.
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    Ethical Considerations in Research with Genomic Data.Rachel Horton & Anneke Lucassen - 2022 - The New Bioethics 29 (1):37-51.
    Our ability to generate genomic data is currently well ahead of our ability to understand what they mean, raising challenges about how best to engage with them. This article considers ethical aspects of work with such data, focussing on research contexts that are intertwined with clinical care. We discuss the identifying nature of genomic data, the medical information intrinsic within them, and their linking of people within a biological family. We go on to consider what this means for consent, the (...)
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  25. Farias Brito, uma antologia.Raymundo de Farias Brito - 1979 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Edições GRD. Edited by Gina Magnavita Galeffi.
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    The UK Genethics Club: clinical ethics support for genetic services.Anneke Lucassen & Michael Parker - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (4):219-223.
    The UK Genethics Club was established in November 2001 in order to provide a national forum of ethics support for the profession of clinical genetics in the UK. The forum brings together health professionals, medical ethicists and lawyers and support is provided through detailed discussion of cases and sharing of good practice. Clinical genetics professionals had previously voiced concerns about making extremely difficult ethical decisions, with profound implications, in something of a vacuum. Professionals saw a lack of guidance in the (...)
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  27.  38
    Adolescent and adult risk-taking in virtual social contexts.Anneke D. M. Haddad, Freya Harrison, Thomas Norman & Jennifer Y. F. Lau - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:113336.
    There is a paucity of experimental data addressing how peers influence adolescent risk-taking. Here, we examined peer effects on risky decision-making in adults and adolescents using a virtual social context that enabled experimental control over the peer “interactions”. 40 adolescents (age 11-18) and 28 adults (age 20-38) completed a risk-taking (Wheel of Fortune) task under 4 conditions: in private; while being observed by (fictitious) peers; and after receiving ‘risky’ or ‘safe’ advice from the peers. For high-risk gambles (but not medium-risk (...)
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  28. L'esplicitazione dei principi della legge naturale e le sue difficoltà.D. Farias - 1991 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 68 (1):3-21.
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    La Sociología Chilena en la Década de los Noventa.Fernando Farías - 2004 - Cinta de Moebio 19.
    The documents published about sociology in the files between 1990 and 1999 are analyzed. The following topics are observed: distribution for years, countries, languages, types of documents, topics treated and journals in which the studies are published. At the same time the different institution..
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  30. Professores em formação E formação de professores: Repensando os termos da oração nas aulas de sintaxe.André Luiz Faria - 2017 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 7 (17):39-64.
    Este trabalho é uma proposta de ensino de sintaxe para os cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. Os objetivos que me levaram a escrever este texto foram os seguintes: reabrir a discussão acerca da necessidade de revisar o que sugere a Nomenclatura Gramatical Brasileira no âmbito da análise sintática; reinvindicar o reconhecimento da noção de sintagma como unidade sintática construída hierarquicamente e localizada entre o vocábulo e a sentença; e reconhecer dois níveis de estruturação sintática – oracional e suboracional –, em (...)
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    Michael Jungert/Elsa Romfeld/Thomas Sukopp/Uwe Voigt (Hgg.), Interdisziplinarität. Theorie, Praxis, Problem.Anneke Meyer - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (1):184-186.
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    Varimax Rotation Based on Gradient Projection Is a Feasible Alternative to SPSS.Anneke Cleopatra Weide & André Beauducel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Notes for a dynamic diagram of Charles Peirce’s classifications of signs.Priscila Farias & João Queiroz - 2000 - Semiotica 131 (1-2):19-44.
  34.  78
    A Knowledge-First Account of Group Knowledge.Domingos Faria - 2022 - Logos and Episteme 13 (1):37-53.
    The aim of this paper is to relate two trending topics in contemporary epistemology: the discussion of group knowledge and the discussion of knowledge-first approach. In social epistemology no one has seriously applied and developed Williamson’s theory of knowledge-first approach to the case of group knowledge yet. For example, scholars of group knowledge typically assume that knowledge is analyzed in terms of more basic concepts, such as group belief or acceptance, group justification, and so on. However, if Williamson’s theory of (...)
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  35. Parental Stress and Satisfaction in Parents With Pre-school and School Age Children.María de los Angeles Oyarzún-Farías, Félix Cova & Claudio Bustos Navarrete - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:683117.
    Parenting is a transforming experience for the life of parents that brings joy and satisfaction as well as challenges, frustration, and demands. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between “parental stress and satisfaction” and work-home conflict, perceived social support, and global satisfaction with life, and to determine the moderating role of the parent's gender. A sample of 244 participants was studied: 49.6% (121) mothers and 50.4% (123) fathers with children between 2 and 12 years of age. (...)
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    Proposta de argumento contra o naturalismo metafísico.Domingos Faria - 2014 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 18 (3):361.
    In this paper I present a proposal to reformulate the argument of Alvin Plantinga (2011) against metaphysical naturalism. Contrary to Plantinga’s argument, in this new version I propose to consider the probability of the reliability of cognitive faculties, not with regard to any kind of beliefs, but only with respect to metaphysical beliefs. I claim that those who accept naturalism have a defeater for the belief that their cognitive faculties are reliable with respect to metaphysical beliefs and, thus, they have (...)
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    A revolução darwiniana na paleontologia e a ideia de progresso no processo evolutivo.Felipe Faria - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (2):297-326.
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    I Had Genetic Testing for Alzheimer’s Disease Without My Consent.Anneke Lucassen - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (3):214-216.
  39. Images, diagrams, and metaphors: hypoicons in the context of Peirce's sixty-six-fold classification of signs.Priscila Farias & João Queiroz - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (162):287-307.
    In his 1903 Syllabus, Charles S. Peirce makes a distinction between icons and iconic signs, or hypoicons, and briefly introduces a division of the latter into images, diagrams, and metaphors. Peirce scholars have tried to make better sense of those concepts by understanding iconic signs in the context of the ten classes of signs described in the same Syllabus. We will argue, however, that the three kinds of hypoicons can better be understood in the context of Peirce's sixty-six classes of (...)
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  40.  68
    O infinito pode ser estético?André Brayner de Farias - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (2).
    Na filosofia de Levinas, o conceito de infinito é, por excelência, uma categoria ética. O artigo investiga a possibilidade de pensar o infinito como categoria estética, elegendo, para tanto, dois textos particularmente significativos para a compreensão da evolução estética do pensamento levinasiano: La réalité et son ombre e Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence. A arte é analisada sob o ponto de vista da linguagem, sendo a crítica da ontologia o motivo fundamental do discurso ético e estético. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Infinito. (...)
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    Les émotions n’ont pas de frontière: la compétence culturelle dans les soins solidaires.Teresa Mara Pontes De Farias & Regina Marques De Souza Oliveira - 2017 - Odeere 4:179.
    Trata-se de relato de experiência sobre a rede de atençao psicossocial com populaçoes vulneraveis, populaçoes de imigrantes africanos e estrangeiros em geral que vivem no contexto francês através do Centro de Acolhimento a Refugiados. A reflexao busca estabelecer um eixo de consideraçao sobre a realidade do nordeste brasileiro com as perspectivas da epistemologia da Terapia Comunitaria criada pelo professor e médico psiquiatra Adalberto Barreto, e consideraçoes da pedagogia de Paulo Freire a fim de exercer o cuidado em saude mental para (...)
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  42.  9
    The role of health law, bioethics, and human rights to promote a safer and healthier world.Paula Lobato de Faria (ed.) - 2006 - [Lisbon]: Fundação Luso-Americana.
  43.  42
    Computer-Mediated Communication in Biology.Marcella Faria - 2008 - American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3):125-144.
    Increasingly, biologists are using computers to model and to create biological representations. However, the exponential growth in available biological dataposes a challenge for experimental and theoretical researchers in both Biology and in Computer Science. In short, when even the simple retrieval of relevant biological information for a researcher becomes a complex task — its analysis and synthesis with other biological information will become even more daunting and unlikely. In this context, specially organized ‘structures of representation’ are needed for the efficient (...)
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    Feminismo em resistência: crítica ao capitalismo neoliberal.Nalu Faria, Renata Moreno, Clarisse Goulart Paradis, Cindy Wiesner & Helena Zelic (eds.) - 2019 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: SOF, Sempreviva Organização Feminista.
  45.  17
    The Evolutionary Limits of Liberalism: Democratic Problems, Market Solutions and the Ethics of Preference Satisfaction.Filipe Nobre Faria - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book assesses the evolutionary sustainability of liberalism. The book’s central claim is that liberal institutions ultimately weaken their social groups in the evolutionary process of inter-group competition. In this sense, institutions relying on the liberal satisfaction of preferences reveal maladaptive tendencies. Based on the model of multilevel selection, this work appraises the capacity of liberal democracy and free markets to satisfy preferences. In particular, the book re-evaluates public choice theory’s classic postulate that free markets are a suitable alternative to (...)
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    Response to ethical dissections of the case.Anneke Lucassen - 2005 - In Richard E. Ashcroft (ed.), Case analysis in clinical ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 213.
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    Theological imagination as hermeneutical device: Exploring the hermeneutical contribution of an imaginal engagement with the text.Anneke Viljoen - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-7.
    In the past, biblical scholarship has neglected the hermeneutical contribution that an imaginal engagement with the text may make. The author’s aim in this article was to develop theological imagination as a hermeneutical device. This was done by briefly considering the concurrence in the hermeneutic contributions of three interpreters of biblical texts, with specific regard to their understanding of biblical imagination. These were Walter Brueggemann, Paul Ricoeur and Ignatius of Loyola. Their hermeneutical contributions concur in their understanding of a biblically (...)
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    The structuring considerations of a Ricoeurian hermeneutic employed in a reading of Proverbs 14:2.Anneke Viljoen - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    A Ricoeurian hermeneutic affords readers of the Old Testament an opportunity to access the biblical text anew as a source and norm for faith. Reese gave a convenient summarising description of Ricoeur’s hermeneutical approach. Ricoeur organised his considerations around four poles, namely distanciation, objectification, projecting of a world, and appropriation. These operate as the structuring considerations of a Ricoeurian hermeneutic and were illustrated with a sample proverb from the collection Proverbs 10:1–15:33.
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    State of the Art Feminism in Plural: Women's Studies in Turkey.Anneke Voeten & Marianne Grünell - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (2):219-233.
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  50. São Sólidos os Argumentos de Quine Contra a Modalidade de Re?Domingos Faria - 2013 - Theoria - Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia 5 (12).
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