Results for 'Anne Hesketh'

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  1.  13
    Global versus phonemic similarity: Evidence in support of multi-level representation.Steph Ainsworth, Stephen Welbourne, Anna Woollams & Anne Hesketh - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105138.
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    Extraction from subjects: Differences in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction.Anne Abeillé, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel & Edward Gibson - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104293.
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    Multiculturalism Without Culture.Anne Phillips - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Public opinion in recent years has soured on multiculturalism, due in large part to fears of radical Islam. In Multiculturalism without Culture, Anne Phillips contends that critics misrepresent culture as the explanation of everything individuals from minority and non-Western groups do. She puts forward a defense of multiculturalism that dispenses with notions of culture, instead placing individuals themselves at its core. Multiculturalism has been blamed for encouraging the oppression of women--forced marriages, female genital cutting, school girls wearing the hijab. (...)
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  4. Issues in robot ethics seen through the lens of a moral Turing test.Anne Gerdes & Peter Øhrstrøm - 2015 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 13 (2):98-109.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore artificial moral agency by reflecting upon the possibility of a Moral Turing Test and whether its lack of focus on interiority, i.e. its behaviouristic foundation, counts as an obstacle to establishing such a test to judge the performance of an Artificial Moral Agent. Subsequently, to investigate whether an MTT could serve as a useful framework for the understanding, designing and engineering of AMAs, we set out to address fundamental challenges within (...)
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    Democracy and difference.Anne Phillips - 1993 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A new emphasis on diversity and difference is displacing older myths of nation or community. A new attention to gender, race, language or religion is disrupting earlier preoccupations with class. But the welcome extended to heterogeneity can bring with it a disturbing fragmentation and closure. Can we develop a vision of democracy through difference: a politics that neither denies group identities nor capitulates to them? In this volume, Anne Phillips develops the feminist challenge to exclusionary versions of democracy, citizenship (...)
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    Knowledge heard and seen: The attempt in early chinese philosophy to analyze experteential knowledge.Anne D. Birdwhistell - 1984 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 11 (1):67-82.
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    Labelled encounters and experiences: ways of seeing, thinking about and responding to uniqueness.Anne J. Davis - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):101-111.
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    Les librairies sont-elles vouées à disparaître?Anne-Marie Arnaud - 2013 - Cités 52 (4):154-162.
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    Menneske, natur og fødselsteknologi: verdivalg og rettslig regulering.Anne Hellum, Aslak Syse & Henriette Sinding Aasen (eds.) - 1990 - Oslo: Ad Notam.
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    Search asymmetry: a diagnostic for preattentive processing of separable features.Anne Treisman & Janet Souther - 1985 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 114 (3).
  11. Risk and the Pregnant Body.Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Lisa M. Mitchell, Elizabeth Mitchell Armstrong, Lisa H. Harris, Rebecca Kukla, Miriam Kuppermann & Margaret Olivia Little - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (6):34-42.
    Reasoning well about risk is most challenging when a woman is pregnant, for patient and doctor alike. During pregnancy, we tend to note the risks of medical interventions without adequately noting those of failing to intervene, yet when it's time to give birth, interventions are seldom questioned, even when they don't work. Meanwhile, outside the clinic, advice given to pregnant women on how to stay healthy in everyday life can seem capricious and overly cautious. This kind of reasoning reflects fear, (...)
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  12. Virginia Tilden.Anne Davis Ad - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (3).
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    Ora.Anne Cauquelin - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 4 (2):63-64.
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  14. Reading, Writing and the Demise of Synthesis.Anne Davis - 1978 - Humanitas 14:61-73.
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    Introduction to the Case Workshop.Anne T. Lawrence & Robbin Derry - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:491-492.
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    La Philosophie dans la Cité: Hommage à Hélène Ackermans.Anne-Marie Dillens (ed.) - 1997 - Bruxelles: Publications Fac St Louis.
    Depuis près d'un demi-siècle, Madame Hélène Ackermans a coopéré très activement à l'organisation de l'École des sciences philosophiques et religieuses des F.U.S.L. Avec Monseigneur Henri Van Camp, elle a donné à la tribune des leçons publiques sa renommée internationale; auprès de l'actuel comité de direction, elle n'a cessé de prodiguer ses multiples compétences et ses conseils avisés. En hommage à son travail, il a été demandé à quelques-uns des penseurs avec lesquels Madame Hélène Ackermans a noué des liens d'amitié, de (...)
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    Plato's Socrates as Narrator: A Philosophical Muse.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores five Platonic dialogues: Lysis, Charmides, Protagoras, Euthydemus, and the Republic. This book uses Socrates’ narrative commentary as its primary interpretive framework. No one has engaged in a sustained attempt to explore the Platonic dialogues from this angle. As a result, it offers a unique contribution to Plato scholarship. The portrait of Socrates that emerges challenges the traditional view of Socrates as an intellectualist and offers a holistic vision of philosophical practice.
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    Commentary.Anne McLaren - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (2):190-193.
    In Lewis Carroll's AliceThroughtheLooking-Glass, Humpty Dumpty said: neither more nor less.” One may not agree with this approach, but it may well be preferable to using a word: (a) with only a vague idea of its meaning, or (b) with many possible meanings.
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    Examining the Role and Function of Socrates' Narrative Audience in Plato's Euthydemus.Anne-Marie Bowery - 2008 - Southwest Philosophy Review 24 (1):163-172.
  20.  32
    JnāneshvariJnaneshvari.Anne Feldhaus, Jñāneśvar, V. G. Pradhan, H. M. Lambert & Jnanesvar - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):153.
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    Christian Moral Theology in the Emerging Technoculture: From Post-human Back to Human.Anne Kull - 2014 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 3 (2):253.
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    On Disturbed Time Continuity in Schizophrenia: An Elementary Impairment in Visual Perception?Anne Giersch, Laurence Lalanne, Mitsouko van Assche & Mark A. Elliott - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
    Schizophrenia is associated with a series of visual perception impairments, which might impact on the patients’ every day life and be related to clinical symptoms. However, the heterogeneity of the visual disorders make it a challenge to understand both the mechanisms and the consequences of these impairments, i.e., the way patients experience the outer world. Based on earlier psychiatry literature, we argue that issues regarding time might shed a new light on the disorders observed in patients with schizophrenia.We will briefly (...)
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    The elimination of morality.Anne Maclean - 1993 - Reflections on Utilitarianism and Bioethics. London U. New York.
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  24. Identity shifts in informal learning trajectories.Anne Edwards & Lin Mackenzie - 2008 - In B. van Oers, The Transformation of Learning: Advances in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press. pp. 163--181.
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    Foundations of an Ethics of Belief.Anne Meylan - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    In the course of our daily lives we make lots of evaluations of actions. We think that driving above the speed limit is dangerous, that giving up one’s bus seat to the elderly is polite, that stirring eggs with a plastic spoon is neither good nor bad. We understand too that we may be praised or blamed for actions performed on the basis of these evaluations. The same is true in the case of certain beliefs. Sometimes we blame people for (...)
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    La densité des images.Alexis Anne-Braun - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (1):123-143.
    RÉSUMÉCet article est une défense de la position exposée par Nelson Goodman dans Langages de l'art. Goodman affirme que les images fonctionnent dans des systèmes symboliques denses. La différence entre texte et image ne se situe pas là où nous l'aurions spontanément cherchée : dans l'expérience perceptuelle que nous avons des images. Une telle théorie de la dépiction peut sembler iconoclaste, voire complètement fausse, et ce, parce que nous y voyons à tort une explication de la représentation picturale. Elle offre (...)
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    Translators’ Foreword.Alexis Declos Anne-Braun - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:15-16.
    L’article de Nelson Goodman que nous traduisons ici, « Seven Strictures on Similarity», a été publié dans le recueil Problems and Projects [Goodman 1972]. Ce dernier ouvrage n’a pas fait l’objet d’une traduction exhaustive en français, sans doute parce qu’il contient nombre d’articles fort techniques, qui demandent une connaissance préalable des travaux de Goodman en logique, en épistémologie et en philosophie du langage. Cependant, plusieurs textes de ce recueil revêtent un intérêt majeur ta...
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    Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo (review).Anne-Marie Bowery - 2003 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 25 (1):105-106.
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    eCommerce and the Effects of Technology on Taxation: Could VAT be the eTax Solution?Anne Michèle Bardopoulos - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book focuses on the impact of technology on taxation and deals with the broad effect of technology on diverse taxation systems. It addresses the highly relevant eTax issue and argues that while VAT may not be the ultimate solution with regard to taxing electronic commerce, it can be demonstrated to be the most effective solution to date. The book analyzes the application and the effectiveness of traditional income tax principles in contradistinction to VAT principles. Taking into account rapidly ameliorating (...)
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    (1 other version)Global Reporting Initiative and social impact in managing corporate responsibility: a case study of three multinationals in the forest industry.Anne Toppinen & Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki - 2013 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 22 (1):202-217.
    We examine recent evolution in corporate responsibility in the forest industry, an important natural-resource-based industry which is under rapid internationalisation and structural change under challenging financial pressures. We address two recent trends in corporate communication: corporate disclosure, that is the adoption of consistent external reporting standards [namely the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ], and the growing awareness of engagement with and impact on local communities through philanthropy, generation of prosperity, communication and the social impact of core activities. This study uses (...)
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    Democracy, Inc.: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism by Sheldon Wolin.Anne Norton - 2011 - Constellations 18 (2):262-263.
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  32. A story of Froebel's global reach.Anne Meade, Geoff Fugle & Colleen McCaul - 2018 - In Tina Bruce, Peter Elfer, Sacha Powell & Louie Werth, The Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice: re-articulating research and policy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  33. Cultural Support for the Way of Mother and Son.Anne Birdwhistell - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (3).
  34.  60
    The Elimination of Morality: Reflections on Utilitarianism and Bioethics.Anne Maclean - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Deleuze et l'art.Anne Sauvagnargues - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    L'art occupe dans la pensée de Deleuze une place déterminante. De la littérature au cinéma, de la lettre à l'image, Deleuze théorise le domaine de l'art avec des concepts très nouveaux, attrayants et difficiles : corps sans organes, machines désirantes, devenir-animal, rhizome, lignes de fuite... Il s'agit ici d'en exposer le fonctionnement exact en montrant pourquoi l'art, selon Deleuze, devient une machine à explorer les devenirs des sociétés : critique et clinique, il détecte et rend sensibles les forces sociales. Mais (...)
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    Experiences of health and well-being among Finnish low-income fathers.Anne Vuori & Päivi Åstedt-Kurki - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (2):165-175.
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    Law and Cartoons: La Sémiotique de Production et de Diffusion en Droit comme Stratégie de Communication.Anne Wagner - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (4):715-717.
    Un jeu subtil associant les dimensions visuelles, culturelles ou sociales s’établit entre l’utilisateur de la règle et son destinataire. L’étude des différentes méthodes employées met en lumière cette dynamique du discours juridique. Cette nécessité de spécifier les rôles, de montrer les visages multiples a pour vocation de rendre sensible et conscient le locuteur au pluralisme organisé dans le discours juridique. C’est dans la multiplicité que le discours peut s’avérer fragile, susceptible de rupture dans la compréhension de sens.
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    We have never been ELSI researchers – there is no need for a post-ELSI shift.Anne Ingeborg Myhr, Rune Nydal & Bjørn Kåre Myskja - 2014 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 10 (1):1-17.
    This article criticizes recent suggestions that the current ELSI research field should accommodate a new direction towards a ‘post-ELSI’ agenda. Post-ELSI research seeks to avoid the modernist division of responsibility for technical and social issues said to characterize ELSI research. Collaboration and integration are consequently the key terms of post-ELSI strategies that are to distinguish it from ELSI strategies. We argue that this call for a new direction relies on an inadequate generalized analysis of ELSI research as modern that will (...)
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    Mahikari in Context: Kamigakari, Chinkon kishin, and Psychical Investigation in Ōmoto-lineage Religions.Anne Broder - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 35 (2):331-362.
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    Larson, Edward J., and Darrel W. Amundsen. A Different Death: Euthanasia & the Christian Tradition.Anne Daunt - 2002 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 2 (3):562-564.
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    The Diaries of the Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong, 1921–1966. Edited by Cindy Yik-yi Chu.Anne Dawson - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):873-874.
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  42. Hobbes et l'écriture entre les lignes.Anne Herla - 2011 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 128:13-24.
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  43. Verantwortung für die Umwelt. Das Beispiel der kirchlichen Umweltbeauftragten.Anne Friederike Hoffmann - 2019 - In Christian Albrecht & Reiner Anselm, Aus Verantwortung: der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Group membership: Who gets to decide?Anne Jaap Jacobson - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
    In this commentary, I focus on several problems that the authors' understanding of group identity raises: the legality of avoiding background diversity, the problem of effectively unshareable knowledge, the practical quality of some outcomes arrived at by groups with homogeneous backgrounds, and moral issues about fairness. I note also that much recent research challenges the view that background diversity is more likely to be a detriment than a benefit.
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    Japanese Civilization: A Comparative View.Anne Walthall & S. N. Eisenstadt - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):362.
  46.  37
    Valence, arousal and word associations.Anne-Laure Gilet & Christophe Jallais - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (4):740-746.
    This study aimed at testing the relative effects of valence and arousal on the generation of unusual first associates in response to non-emotional inducers. To examine this question, four specific moods varying along both the valence and the arousal dimensions were induced: happiness (positive mood, high arousal), serenity (positive mood, low arousal), anger (negative mood, high arousal) and sadness (negative mood, low arousal). The results indicate that the uniqueness of word-associations is influenced by arousal levels rather than by the valence (...)
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    Erratum to: Being ''in Control'' May Make You Lose Control: The Role of Self-Regulation in Unethical Leadership Behavior.Anne Joosten, Marius van Dijke, Alain Van Hiel & David De Cremer - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (1):147-147.
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    Learning in a landscape: simulation-building as reflexive intervention.Anne Beaulieu, Matt Ratto & Andrea Scharnhorst - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (1):91-112.
    This article makes a dual contribution to scholarship in science and technology studies on simulation-building. It both documents a specific simulation-building project, and demonstrates a concrete contribution of STS insights to interdisciplinary work. The article analyses the struggles that arise in the course of determining what counts as theory, as model and even as a simulation. Such debates are especially decisive when working across disciplinary boundaries, and their resolution is an important part of the work involved in building simulations. In (...)
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    (1 other version)Pratique de l’interprétation, pratique de la traduction : le cas de la Comédie Ancienne et l’exemple des « noms parlants ».Anne De Cremoux - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    L’auteure présente ici un exemple des liens associant l’interprétation et la traduction, celui de la comédie ancienne d’Aristophane. Dans une première partie, elle expose les problèmes généraux de la traduction, quelques-unes de ses théories et certains des obstacles qu’elle rencontre de manière permanente, avant de se concentrer progressivement sur les problèmes théoriques et pratiques particuliers que l’on rencontre en traduisant une comédie grecque ancienne, et la difficulté à proposer une méthode permanente. Dans une seconde partie, l’auteure expose des cas concrets (...)
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    The probabilistic analysis of language acquisition: Theoretical, computational, and experimental analysis.Anne S. Hsu, Nick Chater & Paul M. B. Vitányi - 2011 - Cognition 120 (3):380-390.
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