Results for 'Anne Collins McLaughlin'

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  1.  27
    Looking for Age Differences in Self-Driving Vehicles: Examining the Effects of Automation Reliability, Driving Risk, and Physical Impairment on Trust.Ericka Rovira, Anne Collins McLaughlin, Richard Pak & Luke High - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Gyorgy Kepes, Billy Klüver, and American Art of the 1960s: Defining Attitudes Toward Science and Technology.Anne Collins Goodyear - 2004 - Science in Context 17 (4):611-635.
    ArgumentThis essay aims to broaden our understanding of relationships between art, science, and technology during the 1960s by juxtaposing two of the most important, and under-examined, figures of this period, the artist Gyorgy Kepes and the engineer Billy Klüver. While these two are generally linked due to their similarities, a closer examination demonstrates significant differences in their outlook. Comparing the organizations they nurtured, Kepes, the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Klüver, Experiments in Art (...)
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  3. Intro Jurisprudenc Legal Theory.Anne Barron, Hugh Collins, Emily Jackson, Nicola Lacey, Robert Reiner, Hamish Ross & Gunther Teubner - 2002 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book provides an accessible introduction to jurisprudence and legal theory. It sets out a course of study that offers a highly effective series of introductions into a wide variety of theories and theoretical perspectives, from traditional approaches such as Natural Law to modern ones such as Feminist Theory, Economic Analysis of Law and Foucault and Law, The book is designed for students of jurisprudence and legal theory, but it will also assist those studying law and legal systems within courses (...)
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  4. Harry Potter, Radical Feminism, and the Power of Love.Anne Collins Smith - 2010 - In William Irwin & Gregory Bassham (eds.), The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles. Wiley.
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    The Philosophy of Star Trek.Anne Collins Smith - 1995 - Teaching Philosophy 18 (4):295-300.
    This paper focuses on salient features and benefits of the assimilation of popular culture into classroom discussions in philosophy courses with students of diverse backgrounds. Specifically, the author accounts for the pedagogical success of the incorporation of Star Trek episodes, as a hermeneutical tool, into the curriculum. Each episode provides a forum for students to comprehend the timeless character of philosophy and persistent problems in the history of philosophy. The varied philosophical themes explored in each episode also provide students with (...)
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    Enterprise Zones. [REVIEW]Anne Collins Smith - 1997 - Teaching Philosophy 20 (4):458-463.
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    Cognitive control over learning: Creating, clustering, and generalizing task-set structure.Anne G. E. Collins & Michael J. Frank - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (1):190-229.
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    Neural signature of hierarchically structured expectations predicts clustering and transfer of rule sets in reinforcement learning.Anne Gabrielle Eva Collins & Michael Joshua Frank - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):160-169.
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    Opponent actor learning (OpAL): Modeling interactive effects of striatal dopamine on reinforcement learning and choice incentive.Anne G. E. Collins & Michael J. Frank - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (3):337-366.
  10.  17
    Temporal and state abstractions for efficient learning, transfer, and composition in humans.Liyu Xia & Anne G. E. Collins - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (4):643-666.
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    Berthe Morisot's Images of Women.Georgia C. Collins & Anne Higonnet - 1994 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 28 (2):109.
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    Art, Technology, and the American Space Program, 1962–1972.Anne F. Collins - 1999 - Intertexts 3 (2):124-146.
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    Peace and Mind: Seriatim Symposium on Dispute, Conflict, and Enmity.Alick Isaacs, Randall Collins, Bruno Latour, Peter Burke, G. Thomas Tanselle, Alexander Goehr, Anne Carson, Marcel Detienne, Daniel Herwitz, Frank R. Ankersmit, Vicki Hearne, Jeffrey M. Perl & Elizabeth Key Fowden - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (1):20-23.
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    An algorithmic account for how humans efficiently learn, transfer, and compose hierarchically structured decision policies.Jing-Jing Li & Anne G. E. Collins - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105967.
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  15. Théories et pratiques de la création II: La création au féminin.Danielle Bajomee, Claire Lejeune, Annie Leclerc, Francoise Collin, Anne Martin, Juliette Dor, France Theoret, Aminata Sow Fall, Jacqueline Aubenas & Bénédicte Mauguiere - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:3-276.
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  16. Woman and Nature.Susan Griffin, Susan Moller Okin, Rosemary Ruether, Eleanor Mclaughlin, Mary Anne Warren & Elizabeth H. Wolgast - 1982 - Ethics 93 (1):102-113.
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  17.  67
    Moving Beyond ERP Components: A Selective Review of Approaches to Integrate EEG and Behavior.David A. Bridwell, James F. Cavanagh, Anne G. E. Collins, Michael D. Nunez, Ramesh Srinivasan, Sebastian Stober & Vince D. Calhoun - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Responses to 'pathologies of science'.Sven Andersson, Elazar Barkan, Kenneth Caneva, Randall Collins, Stephen Downes, Henry Etzkowitz, Steve Fuller, David Gorman, Frederick Grinnell, David Hollinger, Anne Holmquest & Charles Willard - 1987 - Social Epistemology 1 (3):249-281.
  19. Response to Critics.Stephanie Collins - 2020 - Journal of Social Ontology 6 (1):141-157.
    This is a response to the critial comments by Anne Schwenkenbecher, Olle Blomberg, Bill Wringe and Gunnar Björnsson.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Lynn Ilon, Alan J. Deyoung, Thomas R. Bidell, Sally Lubeck, Jean I. Erdman, Christine M. Shea, Anne E. Campbell, Kathryn A. Woolard, Bruce Beezer, Mario D. Fantini, Robert M. Ryan, D. D. Darland, Charles A. Tesconi Jr, Louis A. Petrone, Georgia C. Collins & Manning M. Pattillo Jr - 1987 - Educational Studies 18 (2):279-356.
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    Constitutional Law: U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Procedural Requirements for Workers’ Compensation Benefits Claim.Kathleen A. Collins - 1999 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 27 (2):198-200.
    The U.S. Supreme Court held, in American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Co. v. Sullivan, 119 S. Ct. 988, that state workers’ compensation system insurers cannot be sued for withholding health care benefits for work-related injuries while they decide whether the treatment is “reasonable” and “necessary.” The respondents, ten employees and two organizations representing employees who received medical benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Act, brought a 42 U.S.C. § 1983 action against state officials, the Pennsylvania State Workers’ Insurance Fund, private insurers, and (...)
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  22. Anita M. Superson and Ann E. Cudd, eds., Theorizing Backlash: Philosophical Reflections on the Resistance to Feminism Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Louise Collins - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (6):407-409.
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    "Guide to the Works of John Dewey," ed. Jo Ann Boydston. [REVIEW]James Collins - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 49 (1):84-84.
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  24. The Epistemology of Group Duties: What We Know and What We Ought to do.Anne Schwenkenbecher - 2020 - Journal of Social Ontology (1):91-100.
    In Group Duties, Stephanie Collins proposes a ‘tripartite’ social ontology of groups as obligation-bearers. Producing a unified theory of group obligations that reflects our messy social reality is challenging and this ‘three-sizes-fit-all’ approach promises clarity but does not always keep that promise. I suggest considering the epistemic level as primary in determining collective obligations, allowing for more fluidity than the proposed tripartite ontology of collectives, coalitions and combinations.
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    (1 other version)McLaughlin T. G.. A theorem on productive functions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 14 , p. 444. [REVIEW]Ann S. Ferebee - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (1):196-196.
  26.  34
    Aristotle and the rediscovery of citizenship – Susan Collins.Carrie-Ann Biondi - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (231):369–372.
  27.  56
    "The Middle Works 1899-1924, Vol. 11: Journal Articles, Essays, and Miscellany Published in the 1918-1919 Period," by John Dewey, edited by Jo Ann Boydston; "The Middle Works 1899-1924, Vol. 12: Essays, Miscellany, and Reconstruction in Philosophy Published During 1920," by John Dewey, edited by Jo Ann Boydston; "John Dewey's Personal and Professional Library: A Checklist," compiled by Jo Ann Boydston. [REVIEW]James Collins - 1984 - Modern Schoolman 61 (3):199-200.
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    Once upon a time in a hospital ... the cautionary tale of St George's Health Care NHS Trust v. S, R v. Collins and others ex parte S [1998] 3 All ER 673. [REVIEW]Anne Morris - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (1):75-84.
  29.  11
    Les offrandes de l’Artémision de la colline de Dautë. Campagnes 2011 et 2012.Arthur Muller, Fatos Tartari, Marion Müller-Dufeu, Shpresa Gjongecaj, Stephanie Huysecom-Haxhi, Belisa Muka, Eduard Shehi, Anne Tichit & Ilia Toçi - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (2):909-916.
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  30. (1 other version)Causation and Preemption.Ned Hall & Laurie Ann Paul - 2003 - In Peter Clark & Katherine Hawley (eds.), Philosophy of science today. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 100-130.
    Causation is a deeply intuitive and familiar relation, gripped powerfully by common sense. Or so it seems. As is typical in philosophy, however, that deep intuitive familiarity has not led to any philosophical account of causation that is at once clean, precise, and widely agreed upon. Not for lack of trying: the last thirty years or so have seen dozens of attempts to provide such an account, and the pace of development is, if anything, accelerating. (See Collins et al. (...)
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    Catholic Perspectives on Medical Morals: Foundational Issues.Edmund D. Pellegrino, J. Langan & John Collins Harvey - 1989 - Springer.
    CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVES AND CONTEMPORARY MEDICAL MORALS A Catholic perspective on medical morals antedates the current world wide interest in medical and biomedical ethics by many centuries[5]. Discussions about the moral status of the fetus, abortion, contraception, and sterilization can be found in the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Teachings on various aspects of medical morals were scattered throughout the penitential books of the early medieval church and later in more formal treatises when moral theology became recog (...)
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    Exploring Modality Switching Effects in Negated Sentences: Further Evidence for Grounded Representations.Lea A. Hald, Ian Hocking, David Vernon, Julie-Ann Marshall & Alan Garnham - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
    heories of embodied cognition (e.g., Perceptual Symbol Systems Theory; Barsalou, 1999, 2009) suggest that modality specific simulations underlie the representation of concepts. Supporting evidence comes from modality switch costs: participants are slower to verify a property in one modality (e.g., auditory, BLENDER-loud) after verifying a property in a different modality (e.g., gustatory, CRANBERRIES-tart) compared to the same modality (e.g., LEAVES-rustling, Pecher et al., 2003). Similarly, modality switching costs lead to a modulation of the N400 effect in event-related potentials (ERPs; (...) et al., 2011; Hald et al., 2011). This effect of modality switching has also been shown to interact with the veracity of the sentence (Hald et al., 2011). The current ERP study further explores the role of modality match/mismatch on the processing of veracity as well as negation (sentences containing “not”). Our results indicate a modulation in the ERP based on modality and veracity, plus an interaction. The evidence supports the idea that modality specific simula- tions occur during language processing, and furthermore suggest that these simulations alter the processing of negation. (shrink)
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    Feminist Scholarship and Human Nature:Woman and Nature. Susan Griffin; Women in Western Political Thought. Susan Moller Okin; Women of Spirit: Female Leadership in the Jewish and Christian Traditions. Rosemary Ruether, Eleanor McLaughlin; The Nature of Woman: An Encyclopedia and Guide to the Literature. Mary Anne Warren; Equality and the Rights of Women. Elizabeth H. Wolgast. [REVIEW]Nannerl O. Keohane - 1982 - Ethics 93 (1):102-.
    The aim of this paper is to examine, comparatively, women’s place within the political systems of Plato, Aristotle and Hegel from a brief sketch of their conceptions about human nature and feminine nature. It will be intended to indicate to what extent there is a relation, sometimes of tension, sometimes of complementarity, in the way descriptive and prescriptive elements function to circumscribe the space of women from the household private sphere, from Aristotelian and Hegelian perspectives, and how the subordination of (...)
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  34. Feature binding, attention and object perception.Anne Treisman - 1998 - Phil Trans R. Soc London B 353:1295-1306.
  35. Counterfactuals and causation: history, problems, and prospects.John Collins, Ned Hall & L. A. Paul - 2004 - In John Collins, Ned Hall & Laurie Paul (eds.), Causation and Counterfactuals. MIT Press. pp. 1--57.
    Among the many philosophers who hold that causal facts1 are to be explained in terms of—or more ambitiously, shown to reduce to—facts about what happens, together with facts about the fundamental laws that govern what happens, the clear favorite is an approach that sees counterfactual dependence as the key to such explanation or reduction. The paradigm examples of causation, so advocates of this approach tell us, are examples in which events c and e— the cause and its effect— both occur, (...)
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    The Unity of Linguistic Meaning.John Collins - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    John Collins presents a new analysis of the problem of the unity of the proposition-how propositions can be both single things and complexes at the same time. He surveys previous investigations of the problem and offers his own novel and uniquely satisfying solution, which is defended from both philosophical and linguistic perspectives.
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  37. Persons as Biological Processes: A Bio-Processual Way Out of the Personal Identity Dilemma.Anne Sophie Meincke - 2018 - In Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré (eds.), Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 357-378.
    Human persons exist longer than a single moment in time; they persist through time. However, so far it has not been possible to make this natural and widespread assumption metaphysically comprehensible. The philosophical debate on personal identity is rather stuck in a dilemma: reductionist theories explain personal identity away, while non-reductionist theories fail to give any informative account at all. This chapter argues that this dilemma emerges from an underlying commitment, shared by both sides of in the debate, to an (...)
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    Divided Loyalties: Dilemmas of Sex and Class.Anne Phillips - 1987 - Virago Press.
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    Overcoming christological differences.Gerald O'collins & Daniel Kendall - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (3):382–390.
  40. Beyond phrenology: Localization theory in the modern era.Anne Harrington - 1991 - In P. Corsi (ed.), The Enchanted Loom: Chapters in the History of Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 207--239.
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    Ryan on epistemic closure principles.John M. Collins - 2002 - Philosophia 29 (1-4):371-376.
    Sharon Ryan (2000) argues against one epistemic closure principle but defends another one. I argue that the phenomenon of blameless propositional recognition failure provides a counter-example to this closure principle. I suggest a revision to the closure principle to make it immune to this sort of counter-example.
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  42. Feminism and republicanism: Is this a plausible alliance?Anne Phillips - 2000 - Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (2):279–293.
  43.  24
    Pandemica Panoptica: Biopolitical Management of Viral Spread in the Age of Covid-19.Anne Wagner, Aleksandra Matulewska & Sarah Marusek - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (3):1081-1117.
    The current pandemic period has triggered a series of changes in society, at both individual and collective behavioral levels. These changes were perceived as either positive or negative by the impacted bodies, leading to both social change and positive interactions in a tense context. In this paper, the authors will deal with Pandemica Panotpica, subjugation infiltrating all levels of society, and the approach adopted by several countries in trying to find countermeasures to combat the virus' proliferation. Our research scope began (...)
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  44. Duties of Group Agents and Group Members.Stephanie Collins - 2017 - Journal of Social Philosophy 48 (1):38-57.
  45.  29
    Islamic Governance, National Governance, and Bank Risk Management and Disclosure in MENA Countries.Hussein A. Abdou, Collins G. Ntim & Ahmed A. Elamer - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):914-955.
    We examine the relationships among religious governance, especially Islamic governance quality (IGQ), national governance quality (NGQ), and risk management and disclosure practices (RDPs), and consequently ascertain whether NGQ has a moderating influence on the IGQ–RDPs nexus. Using one of the largest data sets relating to Islamic banks from 10 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries from 2006 to 2013, our findings are threefold. First, we find that RDPs are higher in banks with higher IGQ. Second, we find that RDPs (...)
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    A Biological Theory of Death: Characterization, Justification, and Implications.Michael Nair-Collins - 2018 - Diametros 55:27-43.
    John P. Lizza has long been a major figure in the scholarly literature on criteria for death. His searching and penetrating critiques of the dominant biological paradigm, and his defense of a theory of death of the person as a psychophysical entity, have both significantly advanced the literature. In this special issue, Lizza reinforces his critiques of a strictly biological approach. In my commentary, I take up Lizza’s challenge regarding a biological concept of death. He is certainly right to point (...)
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  47.  20
    Transforming Fair Decision-Making about Sea-Level Rise in Cities: The Values and Beliefs of Residents in Botany Bay, Australia.Anne Maree Kreller - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (1):7-42.
    Sea-level rise (SLR) is a threat to coastal areas and there is growing interest in how social values, risk perception and fairness can inform adaptation. This study applies these three concepts to an urban community at risk of SLR in Botany Bay, Australia. The study engaged diverse groups of residents via an online survey. Cluster analysis identified four interpretive communities: two groups value work-life balance, are concerned about SLR and would likely engage in collective adaptation. The third group value everything (...)
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  48.  24
    Ethical challenges in home-based care: A systematic literature review.Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Morten Magelssen, Reidar Pedersen & Elisabeth Gjerberg - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):628-644.
    Because of the transfer of responsibility from hospitals to community-based settings, providers in home-based care have more responsibilities and a wider range of tasks and responsibilities than before, often with limited resources. The increased responsibilities and the complexity of tasks and patient groups may lead to several ethical challenges. A systematic search in the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, and SveMed+ was carried out in February 2019 and August 2020. The research question was translated into a modified PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and (...)
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  49. Self-Regulation in Informal Workplace Learning: Influence of Organizational Learning Culture and Job Characteristics.Anne F. D. Kittel, Rebecca A. C. Kunz & Tina Seufert - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The digital shift leads to increasing changes. Employees can deal with changes through informal learning that enables needs-based development. For successful informal learning, self-regulated learning is crucial, i.e., to set goals, plan, apply strategies, monitor, and regulate learning for example by applying resource strategies. However, existing SRL models all refer to formal learning settings. Because informal learning differs from formal learning, this study investigates whether SRL models can be transferred from formal learning environments into informal work settings. More precisely, are (...)
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  50.  74
    Attachment, Security, and Relational Networks.Stephanie Collins & Liam Shields - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry.
    The philosophical literature on personal relationships is focused on dyads: close relationships between just two people. This paper aims to characterise the value of looser and larger relational networks, particularly from the perspective of liberal political theory. We focus on relational networks' value vis-a-vis the important good of felt security. We begin by characterising felt security and analysing how felt security is produced within dyads. We highlight the ambivalent nature of dyadic relationships as a source of felt security. We then (...)
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