Results for 'Anna Rosén'

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  1.  37
    Healthcare professionals’ responsibility for informing relatives at risk of hereditary disease.Kalle Grill & Anna Rosén - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e12-e12.
    Advances in genetic diagnostics lead to more patients being diagnosed with hereditary conditions. These findings are often relevant to patients’ relatives. For example, the success of targeted cancer prevention is dependent on effective disclosure to relatives at risk. Without clear information, individuals cannot take advantage of predictive testing and preventive measures. Against this background, we argue that healthcare professionals have a duty to make actionable genetic information available to their patients’ at-risk relatives. We do not try to settle the difficult (...)
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  2. Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Francis X. Clooney, Gail Hinich Sutherland, Lou Ratté, Francis X. Clooney, Carl Olson, Constantina Rhodes Bailly, Alex Wayman, Herman Tull, Sheila McDonough, Robert Zydenbos, Cynthia Ann Humes, Sarah Caldwell, Deepak Sharma, Robin Rinehart, Robert N. Minor, Frank J. Korom, Janice D. Willis, Peter Flügel, Vijay Prashad, Muhammad Usman Erdosy, Muhammad Usman Erdosy, Antony Copley, Steve Derné, Swarna Rajagopalan, Gavin Flood, Rebecca J. Manring, Michael York, David Gordon White, John Grimes, Melissa Kerin, Steven J. Rosen, Anna B. Bigelow, Carl Olson & Will Sweetman - 1997 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 1 (3):596-643.
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    On Jean Améry: Philosophy of Catastrophe.Magdalena Zolkos, J. M. Bernstein, Roy Ben-Shai, Thomas Brudholm, Arne Grøn, Dennis B. Klein, Kitty J. Millet, Joseph Rosen, Philipa Rothfield, Melanie Steiner Sherwood, Wolfgang Treitler, Aleksandra Ubertowska, Michael Ure, Anna Yeatman & Markus Zisselsberger - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    This volume offers the first English language collection of academic essays on the post-Holocaust thought of Jean Améry, a Jewish-Austrian-Belgian essayist, journalist and literary author. Comprehensive in scope and multi-disciplinary in orientation, contributors explore central aspects of Améry's philosophical and ethical position, including dignity, responsibility, resentment, and forgiveness.
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    I overthink—Therefore I am not: An active inference account of altered sense of self and agency in depersonalisation disorder.Anna Ciaunica, Anil Seth, Jakub Limanowski, Casper Hesp & Karl J. Friston - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 101:103320.
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    Politicising Government Engagement with Corporate Social Responsibility: “CSR” as an Empty Signifier.Anna Zueva & Jenny Fairbrass - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):635-655.
    Governments are widely viewed by academics and practitioners as the key societal actors who are capable of compelling businesses to practice corporate social responsibility. Arguably, such government involvement could be seen as a technocratic device for encouraging ethical business behaviour. In this paper, we offer a more politicised interpretation of government engagement with CSR where “CSR” is not a desired form of business conduct but an element of discourse that governments can deploy in structuring their relationships with other social actors. (...)
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  6. (2 other versions)Composition as a fiction.Gideon Rosen & Cian Dorr - 2002 - In Richard Gale (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Metaphysics. Blackwell. pp. 151--174.
    Region R Question: How many objects — entities, things — are contained in R? Ignore the empty space. Our question might better be put, 'How many material objects does R contain?' Let's stipulate that A, B and C are metaphysical atoms: absolutely simple entities with no parts whatsoever besides themselves. So you don't have to worry about counting a particle's top half and bottom half as different objects. Perhaps they are 'point-particles', with no length, width or breadth. Perhaps they are (...)
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  7. Migration Potential of Students and Development of Human Capital.Anna Shutaleva, Nikita Martyushev, Alexey Starostin, Ali Salgiriev, Olga Vlasova, Anna Grinek, Zhanna Nikonova & Irina Savchenko - 2022 - Education Science 12 (5):324.
    Studying student migration trends is a significant task in studying human capital development as one of the leading factors in sustainable socio-economic development. The migration potential of students impacts the opportunities and prospects for sustainable development. The study of factors influencing the migration behavior of students acquires special significance in this article. The interpersonal competencies of the population impact its migration potential. Migration processes impact the differentiation of regions in terms of human capital. This article is based on theoretical and (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Abstract objects.Gideon Rosen - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  9.  40
    Fractured Epistemologies.Anna Gotlib & Ruth Groenhout - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (4):447-476.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and its conflict with science denialism raises the question of how philosophers teaching bioethics should respond to debates concerning truth, scientific evidence, and medical treatment raised by their students. We suggest that philosophical responses to the spread of serious disinformation in the health care context can be effectively explored in bioethics courses through discussions of informed consent, patient autonomy, the nature of scientific evidence, and moral responsibly for one’s views in ways that are especially important in the (...)
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    Ajdukiewicz and Kotarbinski on Names : a Pretext for Ontological Games.Anna C. Zielinska - 2007 - In Joray Pierre (ed.), Proceedings of the conference Contemporary Perspectives of Logicism.
    Lesniewski’s ontology was one of the most inspiring aspects of Polish philosophy in the 20th century. I would like to reveal two original ways of thinking about names present in Polish pre-war philosophy and inspired by Lesniewski’s ideas, i.e. Kotarbinski’s reism and Ajdukiewicz’s criticism of the latter. It seems obvious, at least in texts of the philosophers quoted above, that the question of names was hiding much deeper quarrels. Although Kotarbinski’s and Ajdukiewicz’s positions were not in radical opposition, several disagreements (...)
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  11.  17
    Textes-clés de métaéthique: connaissance morale, scepticismes et réalismes.Anna C. Zielinska (ed.) - 2013 - Paris: Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    "Grande fut au XIXe siècle la confusion des termes et l'incertitude des objectifs dans les théories morales concurrentes. En réaction, naquit une discipline nouvelle, la métaéthique, requérant qu'on commençât par soumettre la réflexion morale à des contraintes épistémologiquement plus rigoureuses. Ainsi émergèrent des travaux portant sur la signification des énoncés moraux et sur leurs conditions de vérité, sur les éléments constitutifs de l'éthique, sur la tension entre ce qu'on peut connaître et décrire et ce qu'on peut plutôt sentir et exprimer (...)
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  12. Plotinus' conception of the genera of sensibles.Anna Zhyrkova - 2008 - Dionysius 26:47-60.
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    Skok pokwitaniowy i budowa ciała dziewcząt z Meridy (Jukatan, Meksyk) jako sposób przystosowania do warunków życia.Anna Zielińska - 2003 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 1 (1).
    The patterns of physical growth (stature, BMI, subscapular and arm fat-fold thickness, upper and lower extremity length, chest circumference, arm, and hip breadth, and age at menarche) were studied in 857 of Maya and Mestizo girls and 1314 of Creole girls aged 6-18 years. Data were collected between 1998-2001 in primary, secondary, and high schools of Merida, Capital City of the Yucatan State, Mexico. The ethnicity of girls was defined using their two surnames (from the father and mother side). The (...)
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  14. Жінки в рабинаті: Американський досвід.Anna Mariia Basauri Zuzina - 2014 - Схід 3 (129):74-77.
    Стаття присвячена історії становлення жіночого рабинату в іудаїзмі США. Оскільки сміха (звання рабина) надається в теологічних навчальних закладах, то авторка акцентує свою увагу саме на них. Розглянуто позицію представників ортодоксального іудаїзму, які, базуючись на Галасі, забороняють жінкам ставати рабинами. Далі розглядається, яким чином навчальні заклади різних напрямів сучасного іудаїзму (реформістського, реконструктивістського та консервативного) приймали рішення про дозвіл жінкам вступати до рабинських факультетів та отримувати сміху. Авторка пов'язує ці зміни з феміністським рухом 1960-70 рр. Виділено загальні проблеми жінок під час навчання (...)
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  15. Chinese Lawyers as Advocates of a Virtual Legal Network.Anna Zyw - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):65 - +.
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  16. (1 other version)Development of organizational trust among employees from a contextual perspective.Anna-Maija Lämsä & Raminta Pučėtaitė - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (2):130-141.
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    Essence and End in Aristotle.Jacob Rosen - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 46:73-107.
  18.  59
    Knowledge and Evidence.Gideon Rosen - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (3):681.
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  19. Dimensions of Apeiron: A Topological Phenomenology of Space, Time, and Individuation.Steven M. Rosen - 2004 - Editions Rodopi, Value Inquiry Book Series.
    This book explores the evolution of space and time from the apeiron — the spaceless, timeless chaos of primordial nature. Here Western culture’s efforts to deny apeiron are examined, and we see the critical need now to lift the repression of the apeiron for the sake of human individuation.
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  20. (1 other version)Might Kantian contractualism be the supreme principle of morality?Gideon Rosen - 2009 - Ratio 22 (1):78-97.
    According to Parfit, the best version of Kantian ethics takes as its central principle Kantian Contractualism: the thesis that everyone ought to follow the principles whose universal acceptance everyone could rationally will. This paper examines that thesis, identifies a class of annoying counterexamples, and suggests that when Kantian Contractualism is modified in response to these examples, the resulting principle is too complex and ad hoc to serve as the 'supreme principle of morality'.
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    On the Economy of Specialization and Division of Labour in Plato’s Republic.Anna Greco - 2009 - Polis 26 (1):52-72.
    This essay takes issue with a common interpretation of Book II of Plato’s Republic as anticipating the modern theory of division of labour, first promoted by Adam Smith. It is argued that, far from anticipating Adam Smith, Plato developed original reflections which, though naturally shaped by the economic reality of his time, reveal a concern for fundamental issues of economic thought: the value of labour, the nature of economic interdependence in a political association, the relation between economic behaviour and justice. (...)
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  22. Absolute objects and counterexamples: Jones–Geroch dust, Torretti constant curvature, tetrad-spinor, and scalar density.J. Brian Pitts - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (2):347-371.
    James L. Anderson analyzed the novelty of Einstein's theory of gravity as its lack of "absolute objects." Michael Friedman's related work has been criticized by Roger Jones and Robert Geroch for implausibly admitting as absolute the timelike 4-velocity field of dust in cosmological models in Einstein's theory. Using the Rosen-Sorkin Lagrange multiplier trick, I complete Anna Maidens's argument that the problem is not solved by prohibiting variation of absolute objects in an action principle. Recalling Anderson's proscription of "irrelevant" variables, (...)
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  23.  21
    The erosion of academic freedom in UK higher education.Anna Traianou - 2016 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 15 (1):39-47.
  24.  30
    States of Affairs and the Relation Regress.Anna-Sofia Maurin - 2015 - In Gabriele Galluzzo & Michael J. Loux (eds.), The Problem of Universals in Contemporary Philosophy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Topologies of the Flesh: A Multidimensional Exploration of the Lifeworld.Steven M. Rosen - 2006 - Ohio University Press, Series in Continental Thought.
    The concept of "the flesh" (la chair) derives from the writings of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This was the word he used to name the concrete realm of sentient bodies and life processes that has been eclipsed by the abstractions of science, technology, and modern culture. Topology, to conventional understanding, is the branch of mathematics that concerns itself with the properties of geometric figures that stay the same when the figures are stretched or deformed. Topologies of the Flesh blends continental thought and (...)
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    Modal logic over finite structures.Eric Rosen - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (4):427-439.
    We investigate properties of propositional modal logic over the classof finite structures. In particular, we show that certain knownpreservation theorems remain true over this class. We prove that aclass of finite models is defined by a first-order sentence and closedunder bisimulations if and only if it is definable by a modal formula.We also prove that a class of finite models defined by a modal formulais closed under extensions if and only if it is defined by a -modal formula.
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  27. An argument for the logical notion of a memory trace.Deborah A. Rosen - 1975 - Philosophy of Science 42 (March):1-10.
    During the past decade there has been a very effective campaign against any explanation of remembering whose basic concept is that of a causally mediating trace. This paper attempts to provide such an explanation by presenting an explicit deductive argument for the existence of the memory trace. The conclusion is shown to follow from reasonable, empirical assumptions of which the most interesting is a spatiotemporal contiguity thesis. Set-theoretic techniques are used to provide a framework of analysis and probabilistic definitions of (...)
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  28.  39
    Generality and specificity in the effects of musical expertise on perception and cognition.Daniel Carey, Stuart Rosen, Saloni Krishnan, Marcus T. Pearce, Alex Shepherd, Jennifer Aydelott & Frederic Dick - 2015 - Cognition 137 (C):81-105.
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    A Case of Non-Euclidean Visualization.Steven M. Rosen - 1974 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 5 (1):33-39.
    The paper examines the philosophical implications of a phenomenon in the psychology of perception: the Mueller-Lyer illusion. In this visual effect, the impression is created that a horizontal line enclosed by acute angles is shorter than a similar line flanked by obtuse angles, though the lines are of equal length when measured with a ruler. While the Mueller-Lyer effect may be merely illusory when one adheres to the metrical laws of perceptual geometry based on Euclid, it is suggested that, from (...)
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    Acknowledgments.Stanley Rosen - 1999 - In Metaphysics in ordinary language. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
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  31. A Critique of Deterministic Causality.Deborah Rosen - 1982 - Philosophical Forum 14 (2):101.
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    An existential fragment of second order logic.Eric Rosen - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (4-5):217-234.
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    A History of the Present: A Comment on Amalia Kessler, Deciding Against Conciliation: The Nineteenth-Century Rejection of a European Transplant and the Rise of a Distinctively American Ideal of Adversarial Adjudication.Issachar Rosen-Zvi - 2009 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (2 Forum).
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    Arbeitsmedizin im 18. Jahrhundert: Werksarzt und Arbeiter im Quecksilberbergwerk IdriaErna Lesky.George Rosen - 1958 - Isis 49 (1):98-98.
  35.  48
    A meta-theory for ethical theories.Bernard Rosen - 1975 - Journal of Value Inquiry 9 (1):12-23.
    I have attempted to present a meta-theory for ethical theories which naturally fits in with a general pragmatic philosophical orientation. There are standard problems for such philosophical views to which I have tried to offer solutions. In addition to the meta-theory one would like to see an actual ethical theory which would exemplify that meta-theory, but that is a topic more appropriate for another time.
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  36. A Measure of Success? Ethics After Enron.Cheryl Rosen - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    African-American males prefer a larger female body silhouette than do whites.Ellen F. Rosen, Adolph Brown, Jennifer Braden, Herman W. Dorsett, Dawna N. Franklin, Ronald A. Garlington, Valerie E. Kent, Tonya T. Lewis & Linda C. Petty - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (6):599-601.
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  38. Ammiano Marcellino, Teodosio padre e l'insurrezione di Firmo (372-74 d. C.).Klaus Rosen - 2008 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 29:35-46.
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  39. Semiotyka ikony Pawła Florenskiego i Borysa Uspienskiego. Pomiędzy snem a jawą.Anna Wolińska - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24:254.
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  40. Lévinas en Russie: une philosophie inattendue, dérangeante, incontournable.Anna Yampolskaya - 2008 - Cahiers d'Études Lévinassiennes 7.
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    Opus Postumum.Eckart Förster & Michael Rosen (eds.) - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is the first ever English translation of Kant's last major work, the so-called Opus Postumum, a work Kant himself described as his 'chef d'oeuvre' and as the keystone of his entire philosophical system. It occupied him for more than the last decade of his life. Begun with the intention of providing a 'transition from the metaphysical foundations of natural science to physics,' Kant's reflections take him far beyond the problem he initially set out to solve. In fact, he (...)
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    The relevance of irrelevance: Absolute objects and the Jones-Geroch dust velocity counterexample, with a note on spinors.J. Brian Pitts - unknown
    James L. Anderson analyzed the conceptual novelty of Einstein's theory of gravity as its lack of ``absolute objects.'' Michael Friedman's related concept of absolute objects has been criticized by Roger Jones and Robert Geroch for implausibly admitting as absolute the timelike 4-velocity field of dust in cosmological models in Einstein's theory. Using Nathan Rosen's action principle, I complete Anna Maidens's argument that the Jones-Geroch problem is not solved by requiring that absolute objects not be varied. Recalling Anderson's proscription of (...)
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    Animal Rights: A New Vista.Anna Jedynak - 2024 - Etyka 59 (1-2):103-121.
    The debate on animal rights has been influenced by changes in science, philosophy, nature, and social life over the last 40 years. These include (1) increased moral sensibility that gradually embraces creatures which are more and more distant from those closest to us; (2) environmental threats and their connection with people’s attitude towards animals; (3) scientific discoveries in the field of ethology and animal emotionality, which indicate evolutionary roots of morality; (4) new philosophical concepts (embodied, embedded, enactive and extended mind, (...)
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  44.  15
    What is Wrong with Methodological Nationalism? An Argument About Discrimination.Anna Milioni - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    Methodological nationalism is a cognitive bias that construes states as the natural and necessary form of contemporary social organisation. This gives rise to a state-centred view which naturalises national communities, exaggerates the differences between citizens and migrants, and exceptionalises international migration. In this paper, I argue that methodological nationalism is not only empirically inaccurate, but also normatively problematic, because its assumptions prevent migration ethicists from properly theorising about discrimination. I begin by briefly presenting methodological nationalism and clarifying some misconceptions. I (...)
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  45.  67
    The history of Ideas as philosophy and history.Michael Rosen - 2011 - History of Political Thought 32 (4):691-720.
    This article argues for a conception of the history of ideas that treats philosophy historically while avoiding sociological reductionism. On the view presented here, philosophical problems characteristically arise from a conflict of commitments, at least some of which have roots in wider forms of life and ways of seeing the world. In bringing such 'doxa' to our attention, the history of ideas, it is argued, plays a role that is both genuinely historical and, at the same time, contributes to philosophical (...)
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  46. Bridging the “Two Cultures”: Merleau-Ponty and the Crisis in Modern Physics.Steven M. Rosen - 2013 - Cosmos and History 9 (2):1-12.
    This paper brings to light the significance of Merleau-Ponty’s thinking for contemporary physics. The point of departure is his 1956–57 Collège de France lectures on Nature, coupled with his reflections on the crisis in modern physics appearing in THE VISIBLE AND THE INVISIBLE. Developments in theoretical physics after his death are then explored and a deepening of the crisis is disclosed. The upshot is that physics’ intractable problems of uncertainty and subject-object interaction can only be addressed by shifting its philosophical (...)
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  47. The Science of Well-Being.Anna Alexandrova - 2015 - In Guy Fletcher (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. New York,: Routledge. pp. 389-401.
  48. Chysippus and the Action Theory of Aristo of Chios.Anna Maria Ioppolo - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:197-222.
  49. On Voluntary Servitude and the Theory of Ideology.Michael Rosen - 2000 - Constellations 7 (3):393-407.
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    Well-being and enhancement: reassessing the welfarist account.Anna Hirsch - forthcoming - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy:1-13.
    There are an increasing number of ways to enhance human abilities, characteristics, and performance. In recent years, the ethical debate on enhancement has focused mainly on the ethical evaluation of new enhancement technologies. Yet, the search for an adequate and shared understanding of enhancement has always remained an important part of the debate. It was initially undertaken with the intention of defining the ethical boundaries of enhancement, often by attempting to distinguish enhancements from medical treatments. One of the more recent (...)
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