Results for 'Aniela Jaffé'

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  1.  9
    Mystik und Grenzen der Erkenntnis.Aniela Jaffé - 1988 - Zürich: Daimon.
    Vier Essays bilden den Inhalt dieses Buches: - Einige Denkgrundlagen im Werk von C.G. Jung - C.G. Jung - ein Mystiker? - Die Faszination durch Aberglauben und Parapsychologie - Hermann Brochs «Der Tod des Vergil» - ein Beitrag zum Problem der Individuation In allen vier Beiträgen geht es um die erkenntnistheoretischen Grenzen, die unserem Bewußtsein gestellt sind und um die Erfahrung eines transzendenten Bereichs, den die Mystiker immer wieder zu fassen suchten.
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    Letters of C. G. Jung: Volume I, 1906-1950.Gerhard Adler & Aniela Jaffé (eds.) - 1973 - Routledge.
    In May 1956, in his eighty-second year, Jung first discussed with Gerhard Adler the question of the publication of his letters. Over many years, Jung had often used the medium of letters to communicate his ideas to others and to clarify the interpretation of his work, quite apart from answering people who approached him with genuine problems of their own and simply corresponding with friends and colleagues. Many of his letters thus contain new creative ideas and provide a running commentary (...)
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    Selected Letters of C.G. Jung, 1909-1961.C. G. H. G. Jung & Aniela Jaffé - 1984 - Princeton University Press.
    This one-volume edition allows the general reader to appreciate Jung's ideas and personality, as they reveal themselves in his comments to his colleagues and to those who approached him with genuine problems of their own, as well as in his communication with personal friends. The correspondence supplies a variety of insights into the genesis of Jung's theories and a running commentary on their development. Originally published in 1984. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available (...)
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  4. Amintiri, vise, reflecţii. Comentate şi editate de Aniela Jaffe.C. G. Jung - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  5. "Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken von C. G. Jung". Aufgezeichnel und herausgegeben von Aniela JAFFé. [REVIEW]Karlo Oedingen - 1963 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 17 (1):92.
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    “An Inner Comprehension of the Pueblo Indian’s Point of View”: Carl Gustav Jung’s 1925 Visit to Taos, New Mexico.Zbigniew Maszewski - 2015 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 5 (1):178-189.
    Carl Jung paid a short visit to Taos, New Mexico, in January 1925. A brief account of his stay at the Pueblo appeared in Memories, Dreams, Reflections, edited by Aniela Jaffe in 1963. Remembering his conversations with Mountain Lake, Jung wrote of the confrontation between the “European consciousness,” or the “European thought,” with the Indian “unconscious.” My article provides a reading of Jung’s text as a meeting ground of the aesthetic, emotional, visionary and of the analytical, rational, explanatory. Like (...)
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    Dialogue and Argumentation in the Public Space.Aniela-Ioana Corlăteanu - 2019 - Sciendo.
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  8. Ethical Implications of the Commercialisation of Scholarship.Aniela Dylus - 2005 - In Mariusz M. Żydowo, Ethical problems in the rapid advancement of science. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 161.
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  9. (1 other version)Relacje między religią a etnosem w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej.Aniela Dylus - 2011 - Civitas 13:228-238.
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  10. A response to human affliction and social loss.Jaffe Helene - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17.
  11.  23
    Cuestión de imagen: análisis de los mensajes de Twitter de los candidatos presidenciales argentinos durante el debate previo al ballotage 2015.Aniela Suray Ventura - 2018 - Pragmática Sociocultural 6 (1):1-32.
    Resumen El 16 de noviembre de 2015, se enfrentaron en el programa televisivo Argentina Debate los dos candidatos a presidente argentinos que una semana después competirían en ballotage: Mauricio Macri y Daniel Scioli. Durante el debate, sus cuentas oficiales de Twitter fueron constantemente actualizadas mediante la reproducción de fragmentos de sus participaciones en el programa. Consideramos que el análisis de los mismos, desde la perspectiva de la pragmática sociocultural. Pragmática, sociopragmática y pragmática sociocultural del discurso de cortesía: una introducción. En (...)
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    Treating for the Common Good: A Proposed Ethical Framework.Harold W. Jaffe & Tony Hope - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (3):193-198.
    To reduce the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Granich et al. 1 ( 2009 ) have proposed a new strategy for universal voluntary HIV testing immediately followed by antiretroviral therapy. Although this proposal is likely to benefit the partners of those affected and thus promote public health, it is by no means clear that it benefits the infected people themselves and indeed it may be harmful. Since the proposal involves an intervention that is not clinically indicated, it falls (...)
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  13. Proof and the evolution of mathematics.Arthur Jaffe - 1997 - Synthese 111 (2):133-146.
  14.  47
    (2 other versions)Moral intensity as a predictor of social responsibility.Eugene D. Jaffe & Hanoch Pasternak - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (1):53–63.
  15. Kłopoty ze sprawiedliwością społeczną. Wybrane zagadnienia.Aniela Dylus - 2000 - Civitas 4 (4):9-20.
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    Addressing Risk Situations through Measures Designed to Prevent and Combat Social Exclusion of Romanian Children from Transnational Families.Aniela Matei & Cristina Stroe - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):71-85.
    The phenomenon of transnational families is a topical issue on the European Union's family policy agenda, especially in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Europe 2020 Strategy. Romania, not only as a member state of the European Union, but also as a country directly affected by the scale of this phenomenon, must include in the public family policy the issue of transnational families and provide solutions for these families. Starting from the identification of the risk factors faced (...)
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  17.  56
    Increasing knowledge of hiv infection status through opt-out testing.Harold W. Jaffe - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (2):229-233.
    The diagnosis of HIV infection is the point of entry for treatment and prevention services, yet many infected persons in both developed and developing countries remain undiagnosed. To reduce the number of undiagnosed infections, a variety of expanded testing policies have been recommended, including opt-out testing. This testing model assumes that in populations of increased HIV prevalence, voluntary testing should be offered to all patients seen in healthcare settings and performed unless patients specifically decline. While this approach raises ethical issues (...)
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    Gene therapy for children with cystic fibrosis--who has the right to choose?A. Jaffe - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6):361-364.
    It may be unethical to deny children with cystic fibrosis access to ethically approved clinical trials from which they might benefitDespite advances in nutritional management, aggressive antibiotic usage, and physiotherapy, cystic fibrosis remains a life limiting illness with high morbidity that imposes considerable burdens on children and families.1 Although survival to 40 years is predicted for children born in 1990s, the median age of death in 2003 was 24.2 years .The pathophysiological features of CF are produced by a defective gene (...)
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  19.  21
    In the lvov-warsaw school.Aniela Dylus - 1993 - In Jan Wolenski, Roberto Poli & Francesco Coniglione, Polish Scientific Philosophy: The Lvov-Warsaw School. Rodopi. pp. 28--169.
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  20. Komercjalizacja publicznego szkolnictwa wyższego. Dylematy moralne.Aniela Dylus - 2005 - Prakseologia 145 (145):7-20.
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    Complexity measurement of natural and artificial languages.Gerardo Febres, Klaus Jaffé & Carlos Gershenson - 2015 - Complexity 20 (6):25-48.
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  22.  39
    Emergence and maintenance of sex among diploid organisms aided by assortative mating.Klaus Jaffe - 2000 - Acta Biotheoretica 48 (2):137-147.
    Using computer simulations I studied the simultaneous effect of variable environments, mutation rates, ploidy, number of loci subject to evolution and random and assortative mating on various reproductive systems. The simulations showed that mutants for sex and recombination are evolutionarily stable, displacing alleles for monosexuality in diploid populations mating assortatively under variable selection pressure. Assortative mating reduced excessive allelic variance induced by recombination and sex, especially among diploids. Results suggest a novel adaptive value for sex and recombination. They show that (...)
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  23.  41
    On the adaptive value of some mate selection strategies.Klaus Jaffe - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (1):29-40.
    Results of an agent-based computer simulation of the evolution of diploid sexual organisms showed that several mate selection strategies confer much higher average fitness to the simulated populations, and higher evolutionary stability to the alleles coding for these strategies, than random mating. Strategies which select for ''good genes'' were very successful, and so were strategies based on assortative mating. The results support the hypothesis that mating is not likely to be random in nature and that the most successful mate selection (...)
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  24.  31
    On the relative importance of haplo-diploidy, assortative mating and social synergy on the evolutionary emergence of social behavior.Klaus Jaffe - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (1):29-42.
    Advances in multiagent simulation techniques make it possible to study more realistic dynamics of complex systems and allow evolutionary theories to be tested. Here I use simulations to assess the relative importance of reproductive systems (haplodiploidy vs. diploidy), mate selection (assortative mating vs. random mating) and social economics (pay-off matrices of evolutionary games) in the evolutionary dynamics leading to the emergence of social cooperation in the provision of parental care. The simulations confirm that haplo-diploid organisms and organisms mating assortatively have (...)
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  25.  41
    The critical value of György Márkus’s philosophical anthropology.Aaron Jaffe - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 126 (1):38-51.
    This article critically re-reads György Márkus’s seminal Marxism and Anthropology in light of its recent reissue with an introduction by Hans Joas and Axel Honneth. Joas and Honneth problematically identify the normative source of Márkus’s position as an a-historical and extra-natural account of the human. In fact, when the human essence is thought as natural while also historical, developing new powers and needs through changing strategies of socially organized work, Marx’s materialist conception of history can be used to generate a (...)
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  26. Signs of Resistance: Peer Learning of Sign Languages Within 'Oral' Schools for the Deaf.Hannah Anglin-Jaffe - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (3):261-271.
    This article explores the role of the Deaf child as peer educator. In schools where sign languages were banned, Deaf children became the educators of their Deaf peers in a number of contexts worldwide. This paper analyses how this peer education of sign language worked in context by drawing on two examples from boarding schools for the deaf in Nicaragua and Thailand. The argument is advanced that these practices constituted a child-led oppositional pedagogy. A connection is drawn to Freire’s (1972) (...)
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    Zmienność i ciągłość: polskie transformacje ustrojowe w horyzoncie etycznym.Aniela Dylus - 1997 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Akademii Teologii Katolickiej.
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    Approaching transcultural aesthetic practices from viewpoint of European tradition.Alessandra Caputo-Jaffe & Paula Martínez Sagredo - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:74-98.
    Resumen: En este artículo se estudia la dimensión estética de prácticas denominadas artísticas, que no fueron concebidas dentro de los cánones clásicos europeos del “Arte”. Nos centramos en el problema disciplinar que se genera al separar las prácticas estéticas -es decir todas aquellas manifestaciones sensibles- de culturas no-europeas de aquellas que sí pertenecen a los cánones académicos o institucionales de tradición europea; las primeras perteneciendo al ámbito de la antropología y arqueología y las segundas al arte y la estética. Sostenemos (...)
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  29. Dekalog nauczyciela etyki biznesu.Aniela Dylus - 2001 - Prakseologia 141 (141):247-254.
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  30. Moralność krańcowa w okresie transformacji gospodarki.Aniela Dylus - 1996 - Prakseologia 136 (136).
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    Conservatism and the praise of suffering.Raymond Jaffe - 1967 - Ethics 77 (4):254-267.
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    Daniele da volterra's satirical defence of his art.David Jaffé - 1991 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 54 (1):247-252.
  33. Stance in a Corsican school: Institutional and ideological orders and the production of bilingual subjects.Alexandra Jaffe - forthcoming - Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives.
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    “It is upon him to bring the proof”: A Note on Historiography, Printing, and the Power of Hearsay in a Position of Rabad.Yaakov Jaffe & David Shabtai - 2009 - In Jonathan Wiesen, And You Shall Surely Heal: The Albert Einstein College of Medicine Synagogue Compendium of Torah and Medicine. Ktav Pub. House. pp. 201.
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  35. Introduction : the value of case studies in school social work.M. Jaffe, J. Floersch, J. Longhofer & W. Winograd - 2017 - In Miriam Jaffe, Social work and K-12 schools casebook: phenomenological perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  36. Natural Law as Controlled but not Determined by Experiment.Haym Jaffe - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45:104.
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    Social work and K-12 schools casebook: phenomenological perspectives.Miriam Jaffe (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume offers a collection of nine case studies from clinical social workers in K-12 schools, each from a phenomenological perspective, with the objective of educating Master of Social Work students and early career social work clinicians. Each chapter is framed with pre-reading prompts, reading comprehension questions, and writing assignments. This casebook provides a resource for understanding the range of practice in school social work as well as some of the challenges that school social workers face in today's complex world. (...)
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    The Moseley Photograph.Bernard Jaffe & Amabel Sollas - 1970 - Isis 61 (2):254-254.
  39.  32
    Lukács’ antinomic ‘standpoint of the proletariat’: From philosophical to socio-historical determination.Aaron Jaffe - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 157 (1):60-79.
    In History and Class Consciousness’ central essay ‘Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat’, Lukács resolved the antinomies of bourgeois philosophy in the revolutionary ‘standpoint of the proletariat’. Lukács’ strategy in deriving this proletarian standpoint, however, transposed the logical necessity appropriate to philosophical determinations into possibilities for revolutionary praxis imbedded in socio-historical contexts. Further, since the standpoint is determined as the necessary solution to bourgeois antinomies, it must be conceived singularly, rather than through its manifest diversity. As the key to (...)
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    Aesthetics in Present Future: The Arts and the Technological Horizon.Alain Cohen, Rob Spruijt, Erith Jaffe-Berg, Miltos Manetas, Alessandro Lanni, Roberto Diodato, Domenico Parisi, Teresa Iaria, Peter B. Lunenfeld & Ysamur Flores Pena (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The theme of Aesthetics in Present Future concerns the new chances the arts have and the deep changes they are undergoing, due to the new media, and the digital world in which we are growingly immersed. That this world is to be understood from an aesthetic point of view, become clear if we think of how much of what we produce, and observe and study is offered through images in particular and perceptual means in general.
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    Perceptions Concerning Social and Healthcare Services among Romanian Older Persons.Mihaela Ghenta, Aniela Matei & Elen-Silvana Bobârnat - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):26-40.
    Social exclusion, especially social exclusion in old age, represents an area of interest at European level, in the context of demographic transformations. At national level, studies and research on social exclusion in old age are scarce, although the older population is more likely to be at risk of social exclusion. The article presents the results of a quantitative research methodology based on a questionnaire applied to older people of age 65 years and over. The research was conducted during November - (...)
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  42.  33
    How well do we understand social inclusion in education?George Koutsouris, Hannah Anglin-Jaffe & Lauren Stentiford - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (2):179-196.
  43. Representations, Operators, and Empirical Evaluation-Assortative Mating Drastically Alters the Magnitude of Error Thresholds.Gabriela Ochoa & Klaus Jaffe - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4193--890.
  44.  18
    Popular Art, Crime and Urban Order Beyond the State.Martijn Oosterbaan & Rivke Jaffe - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (7-8):181-200.
    This article engages with current discussions on the politics of aesthetics to theorize the role of popular art in reproducing or contesting urban orders. Specifically, we engage with scholars who have taken up the work of Jacques Rancière to understand how power structures are normalized through ‘the distribution of the sensible’. Building on and critically engaging with debates on the ‘post-political city’, we suggest that all too often scholars fall back on a binary, state-centric approach that depicts non-state popular aesthetics (...)
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    Baroque Art: The Jesuit Contribution.Rudolf Wittkower & Irma B. Jaffe - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (4):557-558.
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    Adorno’s ‘addendum’.Aaron Jaffe - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (8):855-876.
    Adorno’s ‘addendum’ names the experience by which socially constrained agents are jolted into resistance against their suffering. The impulse to action is simultaneously intra-mental and somatic, and thus forms the locus of a jointly conscious and bodily impetus to confronting the ideological and material forces that produce contemporary unfreedom. In this way the ‘addendum’ is a historically developing, indeterminate, yet inexhaustible glimmer of hope for both agents and theorists who make social suffering central to their critical analysis. This article explores (...)
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    Ethical dimensioins of advertising executions.Israel D. Nebenzhal & Eugene D. Jaffe - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (7):805-815.
    This paper suggests a framework for determining the ethicality of disguised and obtrusive advertising. While most discussions of advertising ethics deal with deception or fraud, the proposed framework is based on the way messages are presented to audiences. Suggestions for measurement and future research are given.
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    The Way Things Go: An Essay on the Matter of Second Modernism.Aaron Jaffe - 2014 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Buffed up to a metallic shine; loose fitting, lopsided, or kludgy; getting in the way or getting lost; collapsing in an explosion of dust caught on the warehouse CCTV. Modern things are going their own ways, and this book attempts to follow them. A course of thought about their comings and goings and cascading side effects, _The Way Things Go_ offers a thesis demonstrated via a century-long countdown of stuff. Modernist critical theory and aesthetic method, it argues, are bound up (...)
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  49. The History and Afterlife of Marx’s ‘Primitive Accumulation’.Aaron D. Jaffe - forthcoming - Historical Materialism:1-28.
    This paper develops ‘primitive accumulation’ prior to and then in Karl Marx’s œuvre. By exploring the concept in Adam Smith and Sir James Steuart the paper highlights early influences on Marx’s evolving constructions. Marx’s construction in the Grundrisse begins with a logical determination much like Smith’s and moves, by drawing on Steuart, towards a socio-historical determination of a transitional violence. In Capital, ‘primitive accumulation’ still retains its transitional structure and delimited history, but it also points to the oppressive afterlife of (...)
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    Altruism, altruistic punishment and social investment.Klaus Jaffe - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (3):155-172.
    The concept of altruism is used in very different forms by computer scientists,economists, philosophers, social scientists, psychologists and biologists. Yet, in order to be useful in social simulations, the concept altruism requires a more precise meaning. A quantitative formulation is proposed here, based on the cost/benefit analysis of the altruist and of society at large. This formulation is applied in the analysis of the social dynamic working of behaviors that have been called altruistic punishments, using the agent based computer model (...)
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