Results for 'Angie Lorena Fontecha'

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  1.  22
    La proyección social en la Universidad del siglo XXI: Imaginando espacios políticos fuera del aula de clase.Angie Lorena Fontecha, Pilar López Ruiz, Mónica Gómez, Lizette A. Mendoza & Édgar Giovanni Rodríguez - 2018 - Ratio Juris 13 (26):23-42.
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    De mujer combatiente a mujer constructora de paz. Inclusión de la voz femenina en el escenario del posacuerdo.Omar Huertas Díaz, Angie Lorena Ruiz Herrera & Nancy Judith Botía Hernández - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (25):43-68.
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    Delimiting justice: Animal, vegetable, ecosystem?Angie Pepper - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (1):210-230.
    ANGIE PEPPER | : This paper attempts to bring some clarity to the debate among sentientists, biocentrists, and ecocentrists on the issue of who or what can count as a candidate recipient of justice. I begin by examining the concept of justice and argue that the character of duties and entitlements of justice sets constraints on the types of entities that can be recipients of justice. Specifically, I contend that in order to be a recipient of justice, one must (...)
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    Going the Distance.Angie Sassano, Christopher Mayes, Ian Kerridge & Wendy Lipworth - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):225-235.
    Qualitative studies on assisted reproductive technology commonly focus on the perspectives of participants living in major metropolises. In doing so, the experiences of those living outside major cities, and the unique way conditions of spatiality shape access to treatment, are elided. In this paper, we examine how location and regionality in Australia impact upon access and experience of reproductive services. We conducted twelve qualitative interviews with participants residing in regional areas across Australia. We asked participants to discuss their experience with (...)
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    The History and Philosophy of Ecological Psychology.Lorena Lobo, Manuel Heras-Escribano & David Travieso - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Glass Panels and Peepholes: Nonhuman Animals and the Right to Privacy.Angie Pepper - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (4):628-650.
    In this paper, I defend the claim that many sentient nonhuman animals have a right to privacy. I begin by outlining the view that the human right to privacy protects our interest in shaping different kinds of relationships with one another by giving us control over how we present ourselves to others. I then draw on empirical research to show that nonhuman animals also have this interest, which grounds a right to privacy against us. I further argue that we can (...)
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    How do children weigh competence and benevolence when deciding whom to trust?Angie M. Johnston, Candice M. Mills & Asheley R. Landrum - 2015 - Cognition 144 (C):76-90.
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  8. Political Agency in Humans and Other Animals.Angie Pepper - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):296-317.
    In virtue of their capacity for political agency, political agents can possess special rights, powers, and responsibilities, such as rights to political participation and freedom of speech. Traditionally, political theorists have assumed that only cognitively unimpaired adult humans are political agents, and thus that only those humans can be the bearers of these rights, powers, and responsibilities. However, recent work in animal rights theory has extended the concept of political agency to nonhuman animals. In this article, I develop an account (...)
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    Patterns and scripts: The revision of feminine heterosexuality in feminist theory and literature.Angie Voela - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (1):7-18.
    In a recent article in Sociology, Diane Richardson contends that rather than focusing on theorizing the specific relationship between sexuality and gender, researchers should focus on developing frameworks that capture the complex and dynamic nature of that relationship. Towards that end, Richardson proposes ‘patterned fluidities’ as a working metaphor for feminine sexuality. This article explores the potential of the metaphor as a focal point for bringing together different strands of feminist thought on heterosexuality. It discusses if and how ‘patterned fluidities’ (...)
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  10. Adapting to Climate Change: What We Owe to Other Animals.Angie Pepper - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (4):592-607.
    In this article, I expand the existing discourse on climate justice by drawing out the implications of taking animal rights seriously in the context of human-induced climate change. More specifically, I argue that nonhuman animals are owed adaptive assistance to help them cope with the ill-effects of climate change, and I advance and defend four principles of climate justice that derive from a general duty of adaptation. Lastly, I suggest that even if one can successfully argue that the protection of (...)
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  11.  47
    SMEs in their Own Right: The Views of Managers and Workers in Vietnamese Textiles, Garment, and Footwear Companies.Angie Ngoc Tran & Søren Jeppesen - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (3):589-608.
    This article contributes to the limited literatures on small- and medium-size enterprises and corporate social responsibility. Using an institutional theoretical framework, we analyzed fieldwork interviews with twenty SMEs and perspectives of 165 SME managers and workers in textiles, garment, and footwear industries, the most important wage-earning sector in Vietnam. Having understood in the context of a developing “market economy with socialist orientation”, we find that socially responsible practices and expectations developed long before the arrival of CSR as a western concept (...)
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    The influence of discrete emotions on judgement and decision-making: A meta-analytic review.Amanda D. Angie, Shane Connelly, Ethan P. Waples & Vykinta Kligyte - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (8):1393-1422.
  13.  26
    The World as a Hospitable Space.Lorena Valeria Stuparu - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (2):89-106.
    In this study I intend to prove that there is a close connection between ethical purposes of Environmental Philosophy as World Philosophy and the idea of sacred nature as part of the “world” in a phenomenological sense, which includes sacred space as defined in the philosophy of religion. The main points that intersect here are: the idea of sacred space; the perception of virtue in a sacred world; the beauty of creation: nature, life, human sensibility. The theoretical background of this (...)
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    Storywork to Decolonize Mental Health: Recentering Indigenous Histories in Canada, Kenya and Australia.Lorena Jonard, Abraham J. Cohen, Sharnee Hegarty & Mohamed Ibrahim - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (3):399-417.
    Colonization has had extremely negative impacts on the mental health and wellness of Indigenous peoples throughout the world. In this paper we take up colonial processes as they relate to Indigenous lives and mental health in three contexts: Canada, Kenya and Australia. This work engages storytelling and the method of storywork (Archibald et al., 2019) as a way to preserve and pass on history and as a way of resisting colonial oppression. This work is grounded in an intersectional approach to (...)
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    Book reviews: Between Gaia and Ground: Four Axioms of Existence and the Ancestral Catastrophe of Late Liberalism.Angie Sassano - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 173 (1):137-140.
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  16. A feminist argument against statism: public and private in theories of global justice.Angie Pepper - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (1):56-70.
    Cosmopolitanism and statism represent the two dominant liberal theoretical standpoints in the current debate on global distributive justice. In this paper, I will develop a feminist argument that recommends that statist approaches be rejected. This argument has its roots in the feminist critique of liberal theories of social justice. In Justice, Gender, and the Family Susan Moller Okin argues that many liberal egalitarian theories of justice are inadequate because they assume a strict division between public and private spheres. I will (...)
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    Mujeres rurales colombianas como grupo vulnerabilizado en el marco de la ley de víctimas y restitución de tierras. Ley 1448 de 2011.Angie Valentina Arango Delgado - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 38:191-217.
    Este trabajo propone explicar, a partir de la metodología propuesta por la Comisión Europea en el “Manual para la Perspectiva de género”, por qué las mujeres rurales víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia se constituyen como un grupo especialmente vulnerabilizado y cuáles son las principales barreras a las que se enfrentan al momento de reclamar su derecho a la restitución de tierras, específicamente en los programas que se vienen desarrollando en el marco de la Ley 1448 de 2011.
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    Moral judgments and ethical constructs in clinical psychology doctoral students.Angie C. Jenkin, Helen Ellis-Caird & David A. Winter - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (1):1-12.
    ABSTRACT This cross-sectional study compared the moral reasoning of first-year and third-year doctoral students in clinical psychology. Nineteen first-year and 20 third-year students were recruited from 17 doctoral training programs in the UK. Most adopted a sophisticated approach to moral judgments, as assessed by the Defining Issues Test, although, surprisingly, more experienced students had significantly less sophisticated schemata. In their moral judgments, less experienced students relied more heavily on their personal, and more experienced students on their professional, constructs, as assessed (...)
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    A zenei szépség modelljei: zenetudományi írasok.István Angi - 2003 - Kolozsvár: Polis Könyvkiadó.
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    Értéktől jelentésig.István Angi - 2004 - Kolozsvár: Pro Philosophia.
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    Genomic Contextualism, Genetic Determinism, and Causal Models.Angie Boyce - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (1):73-75.
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  22. El hoy de nuestras comunidades.Isidoro Anguita Fontecha - 2009 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 33 (68):271-292.
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    What Is the Preferable Idea of Justice in Healthcare?Lorena Forni - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (2).
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    Realismo mágico y literatura rabínica. La presencia del Infierno y de la Muerte en el mundo de los vivos.Lorena Miralles Maciá - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:101-126.
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  25. Importancia de la implantación de un departamento de marketing dentro de una empresa no lucrativa. Caso: Hombre Nuevo.Lorena Cuadra Moreno, Dulce I. González Torres, Karla L. Hinojosa Aguilar & Marvin Moctezuma - 2005 - Episteme 1 (4).
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    Drama activities for the development of students’ oral skills in english.Lorena López Oterino - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-9.
    This paper aims to apply drama tasks (Gerard Finger, 2000) in the English class- room, which will add dynamism to the classroom, for the development of students’ oral competences. The aim is to work with drama in the Primary Education class- room through a series of tasks to improve oral communication, teamwork skills and to foster students’ self-esteem and confidence when producing oral language. This project addresses pupils in the sixth level of Primary Education. Theatre is a very versatile tool (...)
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    With Critical Voices.Angie Pears - 2004 - Feminist Theology 12 (2):253-260.
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    The well and its parapet. Imaginary and chiasmus in Castoriadis.Lorena Ferrer Rey - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (16):179-202.
    The figure of chiasmus, which plays a key role inside Merleau-Ponty’s thought, makes it possible to address the way Castoriadis defines the imaginary throughout his entire work from a new perspective, as well as to shed light on some complexities concerning the relation between instituted and instituting. Tthis article emphasizes the intertwining of three pair of concepts, each of which corresponds to a different but yet interrelated aspect of his philosophy: psyche-society, tradition-innovation, and autonomy-heteronomy.
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    The transformation of the Body: Phèdre and Brigitte.Angie Ryan - 1994 - Paragraph 17 (1):81-91.
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    A Rational Belief: The Method of Discovery in the Complex Variable.Lorena Segura & Juan Matías Sepulcre - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (1):189-194.
    The importance of mathematics in the context of the scientific and technological development of humanity is determined by the possibility of creating mathematical models of the objects studied under the different branches of Science and Technology. The arithmetisation process that took place during the nineteenth century consisted of the quest to discover a new mathematical reality in which the validity of logic would stand as something essential and central. Nevertheless, in contrast to this process, the development of mathematical analysis within (...)
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    Care for the Other: Lessons from the streets of Athens.Angie Voela - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (1):42-55.
    Austerity in Greece resulted in poverty, political and social turmoil and intense debates about collective identities, citizenship and the future. One of the main arguments has been that the Greeks should re-evaluate their relationship with the past and their over-reliance on national narratives. The task of re-evaluation can only be accomplished in the public spheres of politics and culture, where individual and collective voices gradually transform the imaginary significations that animate the social body. One such voice is Rhea Galanaki, a (...)
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    Beyond Anthropocentrism: Cosmopolitanism and Nonhuman Animals.Angie Pepper - 2016 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 9 (2):114-133.
    All cosmopolitan approaches to global distributive justice are premised on the idea that humans are the primary units of moral concern. In this paper, I argue that neither relational nor non-relational cosmopolitans can unquestioningly assume the moral primacy of humans. Furthermore, I argue that, by their own lights, cosmopolitans must extend the scope of justice to most, if not all, nonhuman animals. To demonstrate that cosmopolitans cannot simply ‘add nonhuman animals and stir,’ I examine the cosmopolitan position developed by Martha (...)
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    Discussion of Josh Milburn’s Just Fodder: The Ethics of Feeding Animals.Angie Pepper - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (1):1-9.
    In Just Fodder: The Ethics of Feeding Animals, Josh Milburn thinks through the implications of feeding animals by focusing on the relationships between humans and three different groups of animals: (1) animal companions; (2) animal neighbours; and (3) wild animals. In my comments, I concentrate on how the actions and agency interests of these animals problematise some of Milburn’s assumptions and normative prescriptions. My overall aim is to show how giving animal agency more prominence in our thinking about what we (...)
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    Covid-19 and the future of zoos.Angie Pepper & Kristin Voigt - 2021 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 16 (1):68-87.
    The COVID-19 crisis has left zoos especially vulnerable to bankruptcy, and the precarity of their financial situation threatens the lives and well-being of the animals who live in them. In this paper, we argue that while we and our governments have a responsibility to ensure the protection of animals in struggling zoos, it is morally impermissible to make private donations or state subsidies to zoos because such actions serve to perpetuate an unjust institution. In order to protect zoo animals without (...)
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  35.  57
    Another way to learn about teaching: What dogs can tell us about the evolution of pedagogy.Angie M. Johnston, Katherine McAuliffe & Laurie R. Santos - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    El ecosistema social y los modos de supervivencia individual. Criterios para estudiar la corrupción y la criminalidad.Luis Alejandro Bustamante Fontecha - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 21 (2):201-228.
    Este ensayo aborda una interpretación de la violencia, la criminalidad y la corrupción en la sociedad, a partir del estudio de un cúmulo de fuentes de diversa índole, y del análisis crítico de las interpretaciones vigentes. Por ello, se discuten, con cierto detalle, los efectos perniciosos del predominio del platonismo en la interpretación de dichas fuentes, y se propone, de la mano de Nietzsche y del pensamiento evolucionista, un abordaje del problema, que, apoyado en la perspectiva del platonismo invertido planteado (...)
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    Bioética en sentido amplio, derechos humanos y derechos de la naturaleza.Germán Humberto Villa Fontecha - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (155):12-51.
    La grave problemática socioambiental que atraviesa el planeta a causa del cam- bio climático, la contaminación y la degradación de los ecosistemas, obliga a un fuerte cuestionamiento ante la forma en que se ha estructurado la relación hu- mano-naturaleza en la modernidad occidental. Resulta necesario repensar esta relación en clave de reintegración y de compromiso ético con todas las formas de vida, desde el ejercicio de una racionalidad dialéctica. Para tal fin, se requiere construir un nuevo marco conceptual de entendimiento (...)
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    Zene és esztétika: esszék, tanulmányok.István Angi - 1975 - Bukarest: Kriterion.
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  39. Summer of'76.Angie Caperton - forthcoming - Techne.
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    Hospitality, ethics of care and the traditionist feminism of Beit Midrash Arevot.Angy Cohen - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (2).
    This is an exploration of women’s tradition of hospitality, the epistemic and moral contribution of their practices of welcoming the other and their historical experience as providers of care. The essay claims that female hospitality has largely consisted of care for others, which challenges a social model based on individualism and self-sufficiency. The argument is rooted in ethnography and Jewish thought and reclaims the home as an ethical space. This text analyses two disturbing and painful stories from the Tanakh that (...)
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    Directrices anticipadas durante el periodo de gestación. Aspectos bioéticos y normatividad en México.Lorena Andrea Pérez Ferrer, Samuel Weingerz Mehl & Rodrigo Madero Mesa - 2023 - Medicina y Ética 34 (1):49-122.
    Las directrices anticipadas aún no se encuentran legisladas en todos los estados de la República mexicana. En algunos de los estados en los que sí se encuentran legisladas, se prohíbe expresamente su validez durante el periodo de gestación. Lo anterior representa dilemas bioéticos y jurídicos importantes, los cuales revisamos para esclarecer las diversas interrogantes que surgen en materia de la protección tanto del bebé como de la madre gestante. Concluimos que existe una necesidad de desarrollar una ley federal que homologue (...)
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    Para terminar: Th. W. Adorno y su olvidado testigo imaginario.Lorena Acosta Iglesias - 2015 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 48:191-202.
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    The possibility of a psychological consideration of freedom.Angie L. Kellogg - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2 (10):260-268.
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    VI. Últimos testimonios sobre el Marzeah. La literatura rabínica y el mosaico de Mádaba.Lorena Miralles Maciá - forthcoming - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones.
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    Old myths and new realities: Uncovering the implications of senator J. William fulbright's middle east peace plan.Angie Maxwell - 2000 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 1.
  46. El objeto juventud en la II Conferencia de la OIJ: Entre la condena y el reclamo de participación.Lorena Natalia Plesnicar - 2009 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 24:6.
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    El cosmopolitismo moral kantiano: acerca de la acción moral constituyente de derecho.Lorena Cebolla Sanahuja - 2012 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 25:91-114.
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    No Effects of Acute Psychosocial Stress on Working Memory in Older People With Type 2 Diabetes.Lorena Vallejo, Mariola Zapater-Fajarí, Teresa Montoliu, Sara Puig-Perez, Juan Nacher, Vanesa Hidalgo & Alicia Salvador - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Type 2 diabetes has been considered a public health threat due to its growing prevalence, particularly in the older population. It is important to know the effects of psychosocial stress and its potential consequences for some basic cognitive processes that are important in daily life. Currently, there is very little information about how people with T2D face acute psychosocial stressors, and even less about how their response affects working memory, which is essential for their functionality and independence. Our aim was (...)
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    New Roles for the Nucleolus in Health and Disease.Lorena Núñez Villacís, Mei S. Wong, Laura L. Ferguson, Nadine Hein, Amee J. George & Katherine M. Hannan - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (5):1700233.
    Over the last decade, our appreciation of the importance of the nucleolus for cellular function has progressed from the ordinary to the extraordinary. We no longer think of the nucleolus as simply the site of ribosome production, or a dynamic subnuclear body noted by pathologists for its changes in size and shape with malignancy. Instead, the nucleolus has emerged as a key controller of many cellular processes that are fundamental to normal cell homeostasis and the target for dysregulation in many (...)
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    Ethics and the Street-level Bureaucrat: Implementing Policy to Protect Elders from Abuse.Angie Ash - 2010 - Ethics and Social Welfare 4 (2):201-209.
    As an independent researcher, registered social worker and erstwhile long-term, long-distance carer, the care of older people and protection of elders from abuse had been constant professional and personal foci for me for many years. Commissioned to review a case involving the serious abuse of an elder where official safeguarding procedures had not been used, I puzzled why this had been managed ?informally? by social services and partner agencies (i.e. outside adult safeguarding procedures), with vague unspecified ?monitoring? (AEA 2006). Why (...)
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