Results for 'Angela West'

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  1.  70
    Competence and trust guardians as key elements of building trust in east-west joint ventures in russia.Angela Ayios - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (2):190–202.
    This paper summarises the author 's doctoral research on the development of interpersonal/interorganisational trust in relationships between expatriate and Russian staff working in east‐west enterprises in Russia. There is strong evidence from a variety of researchers to suggest that in order for western businesses investing in Russia to succeed, the dif.cult process of building trust needs to be understood and managed since in the Russian business climate western standards and norms of ethical business have not yet been established. According (...)
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    Response to the review by Valerie Hansen of "body, subject and power in china". [REVIEW]Angela Zito - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (1):83 - 84.
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    Book Review: WEST, Angela, Deadly Innocence Feminism and the Mythology of Sin (London Cassell, 1995), ISBN 0-304-33734-X, pp 218. [REVIEW]Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1997 - Feminist Theology 5 (14):126-128.
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  4. A Wild West of the Mind.George Sher - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):483-496.
    abstractThis paper addresses the relation between morality and private thought. It is widely agreed that government and society have no business trying to control our thoughts—that, as long as we d...
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    Review of Body, Subject and Power in China by Angela Zito; Tani E. Barlow. [REVIEW]Valerie Hansen - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (1):81-83.
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    Scale: The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability, and the Pace of Life in Organisms, Cities, Economies, and Companies.Geoffrey B. West - 2017 - New York: Penguin Press.
    From one of the most influential scientists of our time, a dazzling exploration of the hidden laws that govern the life cycle of everything from plants and animals to the cities we live in. The former head of the Sante Fe Institute, visionary physicist Geoffrey West is a pioneer in the field of complexity science, the science of emergent systems and networks. The term "complexity" can be misleading, however, because what makes West's discoveries so beautiful is that he (...)
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    Edith Stein, Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Gerda Walther: fenomenologia della persona, della vita e della comunità.Angela Ales Bello, Francesco Alfieri & Mobeen Shahid (eds.) - 2011 - Bari: G. Laterza.
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    Razón, utopía y ética de la emancipación: reflexiones ante el bicentenario de las independencias iberoamericanas.Angela Sierra González & Ma Lourdes C. González-Luis (eds.) - 2011 - Barcelona: Editorial Laertes.
    En este libro se han abordado algunos aspectos de la situación de Latinoamérica desde diversos enfoques. En ninguno de estos aspectos se ha pretendido ser exhaustivo, pero sí acercarse con una mirada crítica a los problemas que enfrenta Latinoamérica hoy, y que, en muchos sentidos, comprometen su futuro. Cuestiones tales como la multiculturalidad, la diversidad social, el resurgir del indigenismo, la construcción de los nuevos republicanismos y los procesos de revisión de las Constituciones democráticas, así como el desarrollo de una (...)
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    Law's Emotions.Robin West - unknown
    The emerging interdisciplinary field of “Law and Emotions” brings together scholars from law, psychology, classics, economics, literature and philosophy all of whom have a defining interest in law’s various relations to our emotions and to emotional life: they share a passion for law’s passions. They also share the critical premise, or assumption, that most legal scholars of at least the last half century, with a few exceptions, have mistakenly accorded too great of a role to reason, rationality, and the cool (...)
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  10. Aquinas on peter lombard and the metaphysical status of Christ's human nature.Jason La West - 2007 - Gregorianum 88 (3):557-586.
    Some scholars argue that Aquinas inconsistently characterizes Christ's human nature as both common and individual. This study shows the consistency of his position by placing it in its historical and metaphysical context. In light of Aquinas' reaction to Peter Lombard's «three theories» of the Incarnation, it is shown that this objection is based on an inaccurate account of how the different ways of understanding the human nature are related to the supposit.
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    Models as signs of the imaginary: Peirce, Pierce, Langer, and the non-discursive sign.Joel West - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (245):63-78.
    It is common for us to see models as exemplars of things that exist. Models, instead, are merely Peircean indexes, in that they only point to their objects, objects which may in themselves not exist. This is to say that these examples may only exist as thoughts that point to other thoughts or even ideas that point to objects that may not exist because they are paradoxical.
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    The Concept of Justice and Conflict Resolution.Henry R. West - 1984 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 6:27-37.
  13.  16
    Viral Integration and Consequences on Host Gene Expression.Sébastien Desfarges & Angela Ciuffi - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther (ed.), Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 147--175.
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  14. Neurodynamic and Particle Swarm Optimization-Application of a Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization for the Multilevel Thresholding in Image Processing.Yun-Chia Liang, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen & Chiuh-Cheng Chyu - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 1183-1192.
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    The dialogic nature of double consciousness and double stimulation.Donna E. West - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (1-2):235-261.
    The objective in this paper is to demonstrate the indispensability of Peirce’s double consciousness to foster abductive reasoning, so that internal/external dialogue inform the worthiness of hunches. These forms of dialogue establish a mental give-and-take forum in which novel meanings/effects are particularly highlighted and noticed. Such attentional shifts are compelled by surprising states of affairs within the beholder’s internal, interpretive competencies, or from external factors (pictures, gestural or linguistic performatives). The dialogic nature of these signs pre-forms operations not possible non-dialogically; (...)
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    Shorter notes.S. West - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50:290-329.
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  17. Philosophical essays: reflections on the good life.TamS David-West - 1980 - Ibadan, Nigeria: T.S. David-West.
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    Danilo Dolci: lo speleologo dell'umano: un modello di pratica educativa per il terzo millennio.Angela Giustino Vitolo - 2011 - Roma: Aracne.
  19. Presentación.Ángela Sierra González & Yasmina Romero Morales - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    (1 other version)Conscience and society.Ranyard West - 1945 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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  21. Rebel thought.Herbert Faulkner West - 1953 - Boston,: Beacon Press.
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    From Subject to Fellow Researcher: Reconceptualising Research Relationships to Safeguard Potentially Vulnerable Survey Participants.Peter G. N. West-Oram, Caroline Brooks & Valerie Jenkins - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):72-74.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 72-74.
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  23. Aquinas on the metaphysics of esse in Christ.Jason La West - 2002 - The Thomist 66 (2):231-250.
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  24. Criticismo trascendentale, trascendenza, religione.Angela Maria Isoldi Jacobelli - 1996 - Giornale di Metafisica 18 (3):321-338.
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  25. Feminist pedagogy and the reference desk : a conversation.Jeremy McGinniss & Angela Pashia - 2017 - In Maria T. Accardi (ed.), The feminist reference desk: concepts, critiques, and conversations. Sacramento, California: Library Juice Press.
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  26. Profe: Te invito a jugar. El juego un espacio para la participación infantil.Ana Mercedes Peña & Ángela Marcela Castro - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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  27. Deliberating foresight knowledge for policy and foresight knowledge assessment.Rene von Schomberg, Angela Guimaraes Pereira & Silvio Funtowicz - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti (eds.), Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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  28. Elite Theory and Ideology.Angela Zanotti-Karp - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    A New Medium for Teaching Philosophy.David West - 1972 - Metaphilosophy 3:89-101.
    Teaching philosophy is doing philosophy. This medium gets students doing it from day it.
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    Creative Imitation and Latin Literature.David West & Tony Woodman (eds.) - 1979 - Cambridge University Press.
    The poets and prose-writers of Greece and Rome were acutely conscious of their literary heritage. They expressed this consciousness in the regularity with which, in their writings, they imitated and alluded to the great authors who had preceded them. Such imitation was generally not regarded as plagiarism but as essential to the creation of a new literary work: imitating one's predecessors was in no way incompatible with originality or progress. These views were not peculiar to the writers of Greece and (...)
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  31. Comment on “Supererogation for Utilitarianism,” by J. P. Vessel.Henry R. West - unknown
    Supererogation is the theory that some acts go beyond the call of duty. They are praiseworthy, but their omission is not blameworthy. Notice that supererogation has to do with praise and blame as well as with what is a duty or morally obligatory. Moral duty requires a moral system on the basis of which duty or obligation is assigned. Utilitarianism can provide a criterion of moral obligation, and it can also provide a criterion for moral praise and blame. However, there (...)
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    Genetics of grey hair.C. Ashlin West - 1933 - The Eugenics Review 25 (2):133.
  33.  60
    Human Capabilities and Human Authorities: A Comment on Martha Nussbaum’s Women and Human Development.Robin West - unknown
    What does it mean to be truly human? And, relatedly, what does it mean to be treated as truly human, and with dignity, by the state, or community, of which one is a part? To be fully human, Martha Nussbaum has argued for the better part of two decades, and argues in greater detail in “Women and Human Development”, is not only to be rational, and not only to be happy, but also to be capable - capable, for example, of (...)
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    Jesus and the Quest for Meaning: Entering Theology.Thomas H. West - 2001 - Augsburg Fortress Publishing.
    A new approach to introducing theology As God's self-communication to humans, Jesus is the key to the human search for meaning, argues Thomas West. He therefore introduces the practice of theology through Christology. From the question of personal meaning and self-constitution and their relationship to transcendent meaning and value, he proceeds to discuss the figure and import of Jesus and then the ethical imperative engendered through encounter with him. Fresh and clear, West's book is an invitation to grapple (...)
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  35. Lucretius 5,312 and 5,30.David West - 1965 - Hermes 93 (4):496-502.
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  36. Light Beyond Shadows: A Minister and Mental Health.R. Frederick West - 1959
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    Michael Slote., Common-sense Morality and Consequentialism.Henry R. West - 1989 - International Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):115-116.
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    Out of My Depths: A Swimmer in the Universe.Paul West - 1983 - Anchor Books.
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  39. The Plot to Kill God: Findings from the Soviet Experiment in Secularization, by Paul Froese.Gerald West - 2009 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 56 (118):121.
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    Eis Musel: The River, the Wine, the People.Paul West - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    La dignità del limite: saggi kantiani.Jacobelli Isoldi & Angela Maria - 2003 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. Edited by Immanuel Kant.
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    Pause. Reflect. Think: On Susan Stebbing and the role of public philosophy.Peter West - 2020 - Aeon.
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    Auditory Hallucinations as Children’s Internal Discourse - The Intersection between Peirce’s Endoporeusis and Double Consciousness.Donna E. West - forthcoming - Semiotics:129-145.
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    From description to generalization, or there and back again.Kelsey L. West, Kasey C. Soska, Whitney G. Cole, Danyang Han, Justine E. Hoch, Christina M. Hospodar & Brianna E. Kaplan - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    In his target article, Yarkoni prescribes descriptive research as a potential antidote for the generalizability crisis. In our commentary, we offer four guiding principles for conducting descriptive research that is generalizable and enduring: prioritize context over control; let naturalistic observations contextualize structured tasks; operationalize the target phenomena rigorously and transparently; and attend to individual data.
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    Practical Esotericism and Tikkun Olam: two modern renditions of a medieval mystical idea.Joel West - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (242):203-227.
    In this paper I look at a specific Hebrew religious term, Tikkun Olam, to examine the manner in which it signifies differently in two specific cases. While we understand that meaning is carried in both denotation and connotation, and while a genealogy of meaning is often useful to understand the manner in which meaning has changed across time, this paper recounts the manner in which a single word may signify differently synchronically, at a single point in history.
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  46. Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta Selecta. J Diggle(ed.).M. West - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):8-10.
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    Edmund Husserl: pensare Dio, credere in Dio.Angela Ales Bello - 2005 - Padova: Messaggero.
  48. Meditation and self-awareness: Physiological and phenomenological approaches.M. West - 1982 - In G. Underwood & R. Stevens (eds.), Aspects of Consciousness: Volume 3, Awareness and Self-Awareness. Academic Press.
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    Alternative Arabia:: A Note on 'Prometheus Vinctus' 420-4.Stephanie West - 1997 - Hermes 125 (3):374-379.
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  50. Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology-by Ron Sun [Editor].Robert L. West - 2009 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 30 (4):337.
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