Results for 'Andrés Ajens'

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  1.  18
    (1 other version)¿A qué Heidegger se torna grotesco cuando le da por escribir poemas? (Prefacios).Andrés Ajens - 2024 - Otrosiglo 7 (2):136-147.
    No poco se habrá meditado acerca del poema “Todtnauberg” de Paul Celan (1967), publicado en Lichtzwang (1970). Poco o casi nada, en cambio, acerca de su “respuesta poética” (si cabe la expresión) por parte de Martin Heidegger: “Vorwort” (1971). En lo que sigue nos limitamos a puntear algunas de las circunstancias tal vez más marcantes de esta suerte de “correspondencia” heideggeriana y eventual “familiar” (y tal vez inmortal) micro-bolero. Palabras clave: Todtnauberg - Paul Celan - Vorwort - Martin Heidegger - (...)
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  2. Artifact Dualism, Materiality, and the Hard Problem of Ontology: Some Critical Remarks on the Dual Nature of Technical Artifacts Program.Andrés Vaccari - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (1):7-29.
    This paper critically examines the forays into metaphysics of The Dual Nature of Technical Artifacts Program (henceforth, DNP). I argue that the work of DNP is a valuable contribution to the epistemology of certain aspects of artifact design and use, but that it fails to advance a persuasive metaphysic. A central problem is that DNP approaches ontology from within a functionalist framework that is mainly concerned with ascriptions and justified beliefs. Thus, the materiality of artifacts emerges only as the external (...)
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    Propositional sequence-calculi for inconsistent systems.Andrés R. Raggio - 1968 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 9 (4):359-366.
  4. The Pragmatic Turn in Explainable Artificial Intelligence.Andrés Páez - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (3):441-459.
    In this paper I argue that the search for explainable models and interpretable decisions in AI must be reformulated in terms of the broader project of offering a pragmatic and naturalistic account of understanding in AI. Intuitively, the purpose of providing an explanation of a model or a decision is to make it understandable to its stakeholders. But without a previous grasp of what it means to say that an agent understands a model or a decision, the explanatory strategies will (...)
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    Transcendental epistemology of physics: Michel Bitbol, Pierre Kerszberg and Jean Petitot : Constituting objectivity: Transcendental perspectives on modern physics. The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, vol. 74. Springer, 2009, 544pp, €169.95 HB.Andrés Rivadulla - 2011 - Metascience 21 (1):183-185.
    Transcendental epistemology of physics Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-3 DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9507-z Authors Andrés Rivadulla, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    BPFA and projective well-orderings of the reals.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo & Sy-David Friedman - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1126-1136.
    If the bounded proper forcing axiom BPFA holds and ω 1 = ${\mathrm{\omega }}_{1}^{\mathrm{L}}$ , then there is a lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{3}^{1}$ well-ordering of the reals. The argument combines a well-ordering due to Caicedo-Veličković with an absoluteness result for models of MA in the spirit of "David's trick." We also present a general coding scheme that allows us to show that BPFA is equiconsistent with R being lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{4}^{1}$ , for many "consistently locally certified" relations R on $\mathrm{\mathbb{R}}$ . (...)
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  7. " Para el genocidio no hay fecha de prescripción": Entrevista de Rudolf Augstein a Karl Jaspers.Andrés Bisso - 2011 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (3):14 - 22.
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  8. Polysemy and Co-predication.Marina Ortega AndrÉs & Agustin Vicente - forthcoming - Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics.
    Many word forms in natural language are polysemous, but only some of them allow for co-predication, that is, they allow for simultaneous predications selecting for two different meanings or senses of a nominal in a sentence. In this paper, we try to explain (i) why some groups of senses allow co-predication and others do not, and (ii) how we interpret co-predicative sentences. The paper focuses on those groups of senses that allow co-predication in an especially robust and stable way. We (...)
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  9.  44
    Synthetic Biology, Gödel, and the Blind Watchmaker.Andrés Moya - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (4):319-322.
  10.  42
    Explanations in K: An Analysis of Explanation as a Belief Revision Operation.Andrés Páez - 2006 - Athena Verlag.
    Explanation and understanding are intimately connected notions, but the nature of that connection has generally not been considered a topic worthy of serious philosophical investigation. Most authors have avoided making reference to the notion of understanding in their accounts of explanation because they fear that any mention of the epistemic states of the individuals involved compromises the objectivity of explanation. Understanding is a pragmatic notion, they argue, and pragmatics should be kept at a safe distance from the universal features of (...)
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  11. Odi et Amo? Hobbes on the State of Nature.Andrés Rosler - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):91-111.
    Very few—if any—will doubt Hobbes's aversion to the state of nature and sympathy for civil society. On the other hand, it is not quite news that it would be inaccurate to claim that Hobbes rejected the state of nature entirely. Indeed, he embraced or at the very least tolerated the state of nature at the international level in order to escape from the individual state of nature. Hobbes's recommended exchange of an individual state of nature for an international one does (...)
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    Editorial. El capitalismo y el sueño.Andrés Botero Bernal - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 20 (1):11-16.
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    Projective Well-Orderings and Bounded Forcing Axioms.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):557 - 572.
    In the absence of Woodin cardinals, fine structural inner models for mild large cardinal hypotheses admit forcing extensions where bounded forcing axioms hold and yet the reals are projectively well-ordered.
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  14. Understanding with Toy Surrogate Models in Machine Learning.Andrés Páez - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):45.
    In the natural and social sciences, it is common to use toy models—extremely simple and highly idealized representations—to understand complex phenomena. Some of the simple surrogate models used to understand opaque machine learning (ML) models, such as rule lists and sparse decision trees, bear some resemblance to scientific toy models. They allow non-experts to understand how an opaque ML model works globally via a much simpler model that highlights the most relevant features of the input space and their effect on (...)
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    Chains of end elementary extensions of models of set theory.Andres Villaveces - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):1116-1136.
    Large cardinals arising from the existence of arbitrarily long end elementary extension chains over models of set theory are studied here. In particular, we show that the large cardinals obtained in this fashion (`unfoldable cardinals') lie in the boundary of the propositions consistent with `V = L' and the existence of 0 ♯ . We also provide an `embedding characterisation' of the unfoldable cardinals and study their preservation and destruction by various forcing constructions.
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  16. Autonomy, free speech and automatic behaviour.Andrés Moles - 2006 - Res Publica 13 (1):53-75.
    One of the strongest defences of free speech holds that autonomy requires the protection of speech. In this paper I examine five conditions that autonomy must satisfy. I survey recent research in social psychology regarding automatic behaviour, and a challenge to autonomy is articulated. I argue that a plausible strategy for neutralising some of the autonomy-threatening automatic responses consists in avoiding the exposure to the environmental features that trigger them. If this is so, we can good autonomy-based pro tanto reasons (...)
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    Circular Definitions of ‘Good’ and the Good of Circular Definitions.Andrés G. Garcia - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-14.
    I defend the view that circular definitions can be useful and illuminating by focusing on the fitting-attitudes analysis of value. This definition states that an item has value if and only if it is a fitting target of attitudes. Good items are the fitting targets of positive attitudes, and bad items are the fitting targets of negative ones. I shall argue that a circular version of this definition, defended by Rabinowicz and Rønnow-Rasmussen (2006), is preferable to its non-circular counterpart and (...)
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  18. Non-negotiable: Why moral naturalism cannot do away with categorical reasons.Andrés Carlos Luco - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (9):2511-2528.
    Some versions of moral naturalism are faulted for implausibly denying that moral obligations and prescriptions entail categorical reasons for action. Categorical reasons for action are normative reasons that exist and apply to agents independently of whatever desires they have. I argue that several defenses of moral naturalism against this charge are unsuccessful. To be a tenable meta-ethical theory, moral naturalism must accommodate the proposition that, necessarily, if anyone morally ought to do something, then s/he has a categorical reason to do (...)
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  19. Filosofía de la Ciencia en español a ambas orillas. De la Sociedad de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia a la de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia.Andrés Rivadulla - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 50 (1):233-277.
    Dos instituciones, la Sociedad Española de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia y la Sociedad de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España contribuyeron, la primera, al inicio de la consolidación de la filosofía de la ciencia en español, y la segunda a su consolidación definitiva. El objeto de este trabajo es mostrar la imagen de la filosofía hispánica de la ciencia, centrada preferentemente en España, en los cuarenta años que median entre ambas sociedades, y que distingo en tres (...)
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  20. Historia y epistemología de los cambios de significado de "Probabilidad".AndrÉs Rivadulla - 1995 - Agora 14 (1):53-75.
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    Mathematical statistics and metastatistical analysis.Andrés Rivadulla - 1991 - Erkenntnis 34 (2):211 - 236.
    This paper deals with meta-statistical questions concerning frequentist statistics. In Sections 2 to 4 I analyse the dispute between Fisher and Neyman on the so called logic of statistical inference, a polemic that has been concomitant of the development of mathematical statistics. My conclusion is that, whenever mathematical statistics makes it possible to draw inferences, it only uses deductive reasoning. Therefore I reject Fisher's inductive approach to the statistical estimation theory and adhere to Neyman's deductive one. On the other hand, (...)
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  22.  49
    White dwarfs, black holes and the philosophical incommensurability thesis.Andrés Rivadulla - 2014 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 3:7-12.
    Incommensurability has been for about forty years one of the most discussed topics on the contemporary philosophy of science. In order to tackle this issue I assume Howard Sankey’s characterization of incommensurability as “the thesis that the content of some alternative scientific theories is incomparable due to translation failure between the vocabulary the theories employ”. This kind of incomparability should pre- vent for instance the derivation of Newtonian mechanics from relativity theory, as Thomas Kuhn maintains. Since I have myself been (...)
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  23.  33
    Abduction in Observational and in Theoretical Sciences. Some Examples of IBE in Palaeontology and in Cosmology.Andrés Rivadulla Rodríguez - 2015 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 40 (2):143-152.
    Contrary to the view maintained by many philosophers that science employs the deductive testing of hypotheses, observational natural sciences such as paleoanthropology and the earth sciences apply a scientific methodology consisting in the proposal of hypotheses which are best fitted to the available empirical data, i.e. which best explain the data. Observational natural sciences are predominantly empirical. They are grounded in observation, and they do not implement any Popperian deductive testing of hypotheses. Theoretical natural sciences such as mathematical physics also (...)
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  24.  16
    The Justification of Political Authority.Andres Rosler - 2005 - In Political authority and obligation in Aristotle. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Examines in more detail his main arguments for justifying political authority and obligation, namely the existence of society, the legal enforcement of morality, the role played by political activity in human well-being, and the need for coordination. Special consideration is then given to Aristotle’s apparent commitment to the challenging view that not only imperfect agents but even fully rational and moral people would still be in need of political authority.
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  25. Adaptabilidad y funcionalidad: una teoría acerca de las funciones biológicas.Andrés Jaume - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):97-112.
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    Contenido y Conocimiento Animal En la Epistemología Naturalizada de Fred Dretske.Andrés Jaume - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica:97-117.
    El presente artículo examina las diferentes teorías del contenido mental de Dretske y su relación con sus consideraciones epistemológicas para concluir que el hecho de conceptualizar o albergar un determinado contenido es ya un tipo de conocimiento, a saber, conocimiento animal. A continuación el autor discute dicho enfoque sosteniendo, a diferencia de Dretske, que mantener la dicotomía entre conocimiento animal y conocimiento reflexivo resulta virtuosa pues mantiene tanto aquello que puede ser naturalizado apelando a la Historia natural como da razón (...)
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    Gregorio Luri, La imaginación conservadora, Barcelona: Ariel 2019.Andrés L. Jaume - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (2):142-146.
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  28. A Multidimensional Approach to the Influence of Environmental Marketing and Orientation on the Firm’s Organizational Performance.Elena Fraj-Andrés, Eva Martinez-Salinas & Jorge Matute-Vallejo - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):263-286.
    Since it implies a reduction in the quality and the quantity of the natural resources, environmental degradation is a present day problem that requires immediate solutions. This situation is driving firms to undertake an environmental transformation process with the purpose of reducing the negative externalities that come from their economic activities. Within this context, environmental marketing is an emerging business philosophy by which organizations can address sustainability issues. Moreover, environmental marketing and orientation are seen as valuable strategies to improve a (...)
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    Nudging for Liberals.Andrés Moles - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (4):644-667.
    In this article I argue that anti-perfectionist liberals can accept nudging in certain areas: in particular, they can accept nudges aimed at helping people to discharge their nonenforceable duties, and to secure personal autonomy. I claim that nudging is not disrespectful since it does not involve a comparative negative judgment on people’s ability to pursue their plans, and that the judgments that motivate nudging are compatible with treating citizens as free and equal. I also claim that despite being sometimes manipulative, (...)
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  30.  6
    Understanding with Toy Surrogate Models in Machine Learning.Andrés Páez - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):1-26.
    In the natural and social sciences, it is common to use toy models—extremely simple and highly idealized representations—to understand complex phenomena. Some of the simple surrogate models used to understand opaque machine learning (ML) models, such as rule lists and sparse decision trees, bear some resemblance to scientific toy models. They allow non-experts to understand how an opaque ML model works globally via a much simpler model that highlights the most relevant features of the input space and their effect on (...)
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  31. How Moral Facts Cause Moral Progress.Andrés Luco - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (4):429-448.
    Morally progressive social changes seem to have taken place with the onset of democratic governance, the abolition of slavery, the rise of gender equality, and other developments. This essay attempts to demonstrate that natural and objective moral facts are a plausible cause of some morally progressive social changes. Since this hypothesis is a version of naturalistic moral realism, I call it the Naturalist-Realist Hypothesis. To support the NRH, I argue that objective moral facts are natural facts pertaining to the impartial (...)
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    Editorial. Aquí estamos, aquí seguimos: reflexiones en torno a los veinte años de la Revista Filosofía UIS.Andrés Botero Bernal - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (1):11-16.
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    El ombligo de la subjetividad. Consideraciones desde Freud al dogma de la transparencia.Andrés Botero Bernal, Javier Orlando Aguirre Román & Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 59:e20313608.
    Este artículo tiene por objetivo retomar la teoría de Byung Chul Han sobre la sociedad del logro (Leistungsgesellschaft), tomando específicamente lo expuesto por él sobre el dogma de la transparencia que surge en la lógica neoliberal-digital contemporánea, para ser completado con la teoría freudiana de lo Unerkante -no reconocible-. Para esto el trabajo se divide en tres momentos: el primero tiene por objetivo exponer lo que se entiende por dogma de la transparencia y cómo se relaciona con el Homo œconomicus; (...)
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    Downward transference of mice and universality of local core models.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo & Martin Zeman - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):385-419.
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    The Militant Intellectual: Performance Philosophy and Decolonial Materialism.Andrés Fabián Henao Castro - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The Militant Intellect reconceptualizes critical theory as a field tasked with cultivating the analytical skills of the general intellect to work towards the intersectional and structural death of the colonist and the materialization of that feminist decolonial communist queer marronage world that constitutes its horizon.
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  36. Sören Kierkegaard und Karl Barth.Andres Gemmer & August Messer - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):76-76.
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  37. El marco ontológico del comunismo.Andrés González Gómez - 2001 - El Basilisco 29:43-50.
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  38.  13
    Go green in a greener world.Andrés Gómez, José Manuel Ponzoa & José Manuel Mas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-9.
    The global economy is going through a period of drastic changes. One of the main initiatives is the Green Deal, seeking a modern, resource-efficient competitive economy by 2050.However, transformation implies collaboration by all, not just in Europe but globally. Educate future generations from an ecological perspective, re-qualifying employees within sectors prone to change and modifying or eliminating some jobs in “brown” sectors are some of the causes and consequences of change.Higher Education institutions (HEIs) will be required globally, to provide solutions (...)
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    La facultad a prevención.Andrés Gómez, Gloria Amparo Rodríguez & Iván Vargas-Chaves - 2015 - In Gloria Amparo Rodríguez & Iván Vargas-Chaves, Perspectivas de responsabilidad por daños ambientales en Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario. pp. 143-162.
    In this book chapter, we study the preventive rule, raised in Ley 1333 de 2009, and the way that environmental law has been building its own rules; escaping from the administrative law and creating their own dogmatic, necessary to achieve its independence as a legal autonomous area. We also see that is possible to see how the preventive rule was designed out of the general theory of administrative act, because it has characteristics that make it unique in the Colombian legal (...)
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  40. La omnipresente selección natural.Andrés Galera Gómez - 2010 - Endoxa 24:47-60.
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    Teatralidad Mapuche Urbana : Tentativas Teoréticas sobre Estrategias Performativas de Identidad Cultural.Andrés Pereira - 2010 - Aisthesis 48:257-277.
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  42.  33
    Umbrales y prototipos: Introducción a la discusión en torno a los estándares de prueba.Andrés Páez - 2016 - Discusiones 18 (2):7-21.
    There are several approaches to the way in which standards of proof in law should be understood. In the central article in this issue, Rodrigo Coloma suggests that they should be conceived either as thresholds either as prototypes. He also offers a taxonomy of the different uses of standards of proof, which transcends their function as error distributors. In their comments on the paper, Raymundo Gama and Claudio Agüero clarify and challenge this way of understanding standards of proof. Some of (...)
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  43.  27
    Capitalismo tardío y sujetos transformadores.. Análisis y perspectivas.Andrés Piqueras, María Emilia Tijoux & Antonio Elizalde - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 24.
    El capitalismo histórico ha experimentado, en la escala mundial que hoy le corresponde, profundos cambios que han modificado sustancialmente su componente de acumulación, pero también, de forma significativa, el de regulación, perturbando críticamente su forma de gestionar las inequidades, desigualdades y doxas que él mismo produce. Actualmente, la expansión de un capitalismo autoritario premunido del paradigma mercantil, promueve una cultura individual que ha calado duramente en los sujetos ..
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    La mutua conformación del capital y el trabajo desde el capitalismo maduro al capitalismo senil, y las formas sociales a que da lugar.Andrés Piqueras - 2005 - Polis 12 (12).
    El punto central del artículo lo constituyen las diferencias entre el análisis marxista clásico o “sistémico” y sus nuevas vertientes “abiertas” o “autonomistas”. Se crítican ciertos discursos testimoniales y rebeldes de la resistencia anticapitalista (John Holloway), las que no darían cuenta del legado teórico de las modalidades clásicas del antagonismo Capital/Trabajo, surgidas de la experiencia sociohistórica de las luchas sociales. Por el contrario, el texto aboga por un análisis más profundo de la nueva fase del capitalismo mundializado y por el (...)
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    Against cognitive artifacts: extended cognition and the problem of defining ‘artifact’.Andres Pablo Vaccari - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):879-892.
    In this paper I examine the notion of ‘artifact’ and related notions in the dominant version of extended cognition theory grounded on extended functionalism. Although the term is ubiquitous in the literature, it is far from clear what ECT means by it. How are artifacts conceptualized in ECT? Is ‘artifact’ a meaningful and useful category for ECT? If the answer to the previous question is negative, should we worry? Is it important for ECT to have a coherent theory of artifacts? (...)
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  46. Visión cristiana de la muerte.Andrés Torres Queiruga - 2003 - Critica 53 (909):36-39.
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    Einige grundsätzliche bemerkungen zur semantischen wahrheitsdefinition.Andrés R. Raggio - 1978 - In Kuno Lorenz, Konstruktionen Versus Positionen: Beiträge Zur Diskussion Um Die Konstruktive Wissenschaftstheorie. Bd 1: Spezielle Wissenschaftstheorie. Bd 2: Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. Paul Lorenzen Zum 60. Geburtstag. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 229-232.
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  48. La filosofía matemática de Kurt Gödel.Andrés R. Raggio - 1981 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 7 (2):153.
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  49. Una ambigüedad en la filosofía del lenguaje de Husserl.AndrÉs Raggio - 1968 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 8 (9):21.
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  50. Biología de la vida y la conciencia: a propósito de Darwin.Andrés Moya - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (32):385-394.
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