Results for 'André Barata'

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    Sartre e o Inconsciente.André Barata - 2006 - Phainomenon 12 (1):39-51.
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    Caracteres da experiência.Andre Barata - 2001 - Phainomenon 2 (1):5-36.
    The discrimination between two points of view, or perspectives, in respect to consciousness, one on the first-person other on the third-person, deals with two concepts of consciousness- respectively, phenomenal consciousness and intentional consciousness (sections 1 and 2). I will accept, generally, this idea. However, I will argue that are not two, but three kinds of consciousness and typ of experience, making my point introducing the concept of different characters of experience (section 3). These characters are ‘experience’, ‘signification’ and ‘reference/object’, and (...)
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    Percepção, tempo de percepção, percepção de tempo.André Barata - 2009 - Arbor 185 (736):245-254.
    Desde un punto de vista conceptual, el tiempo es independiente respecto de la experiencia del tiempo. Es decir: puede darse una descripción conceptual del tiempo sin referencia ninguna a términos relacionados con la conciencia subjetiva del tiempo. Pero en lo concerniente a una fenomenología de esa experiencia subjetiva del tiempo, puede revelarse que tal experiencia de tiempo es, ella en sí misma, temporal? Los mismísimos términos empleados en una descripción conceptual del tiempo, como “cambio” y “duración”, están implicados en la (...)
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    Book Review: Nuno Nabais, 1997. Metafísica do Trágico. Lisboa: Relógio d’ Água Editores. [REVIEW]André Barata - 2002 - Phainomenon 4 (1):169-176.
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    A espiritualidade da natureza A filosofia anteriana da natureza.André Barata - 2003 - Phainomenon 5-6 (1):427-438.
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    George Dickie: Introdução à estética.André Barata - 2009 - Critica.
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    O Outro e a Relação. O contributo das fenomenologias da intersubjectividade.André Barata - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):295-314.
    Historically, phenomenology started to face the phenomenon of intersubjectivity as an objection to its own transcendental aspiration to constitute apodicticity. In fact, since Husserl’s very influential Fifth Cartesian Meditation, the risk of solipsism threatened the possibilities of a genuine phenomenology of the other. This problem ‘s discussion was continued by all of the most significant phenomenologists, such as Max Scheler, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Marc Richir, Ricœur, Lévinas, and others, all having made explicit reference to that starting reflection by Husserl in The (...)
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    O Soi sartriano - ou da infelicidade da consciência.André Barata - 2002 - Phainomenon 4 (1):21-36.
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    Primeiras vontades: da liberdade política para tempos árduos.André Barata - 2012 - Lisboa: Documenta.
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    Para viver em qualquer mundo: nós, os lugares e as coisas.André Barata - 2022 - Lisboa: Documenta.
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    (1 other version)Uma abordagem husserliana ao problema da referência.André Barata - 2007 - Phainomenon 14 (1):93-114.
    No último quartel do Séc. XX, instalou-se na Filosofia da Linguagem um vivo debate entre duas teorias acerca da referência, a teoria descritivista, formulada por Bertrand Russell e com raízes na filosofia de Frege, e, a desafiar esta, a teoria causal da referência, sob o impulso de Putnam e de Kripke. Há, por outro lado, importantes estudos do pensamento de Husserl, centrados sobretudo em Ideias I, que dão conta da possibilidade de uma sua leitura fregeana. O intuito desta comunicação reside, (...)
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    Book Review: SEARLE, John R., IntentionalityAn essay in the philosophy of mind. IntencionalidadeUm ensaio de. filosofia, da mente, Relógio d’ Água (coleção Episteme), trad. Madalena Poole da Costa, 1983, 1999, 346 pp. [REVIEW]André Barata - 2000 - Phainomenon 1 (1):139-142.
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    (1 other version)Nota Prévia.Pedro Alves, Joaquim Carlos Araújo, André Barata, Maria João Ceitil, António Fazeres, Isabel Matos Dias, Nuno Melim, Luísa Nogueira & João Ribeiro - 2001 - Phainomenon 3 (1):5-6.
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  14. Wittgenstein, justice, and liberalism.Robert Vinten - 2021 - In André Barata & José Manuel Santos, Formas de Vida, Forms of Life, Formes de Vie. Praxis. pp. 205-233.
    This chapter from André Barata and José Manuel Santos´s (eds.) book Formas de Vida, Forms of Life, Formes de Vie involves a critical discussion of the political philosophies of Richard Rorty and Chantal Mouffe. Rorty and Mouffe have both developed similar kinds of liberal political visions and both have taken inspiration from Wittgenstein. However, it is doubtful whether any such vision can be found in Wittgenstein’s work. In fact, it will be argued here that Wittgenstein’s work contains tools for (...)
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    Frustrating Absences.André J. Abath - 2019 - Disputatio 11 (53):45-62.
    Experiences of absence are common in everyday life, but have received little philosophical attention until recently, when two positions regarding the nature of such experiences surfaced in the literature. According to the Perceptual View, experiences of absence are perceptual in nature. This is denied by the Surprise-Based View, according to which experiences of absence belong together with cases of surprise. In this paper, I show that there is a kind of experience of absence—which I call frustrating absences—that has been overlooked (...)
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  16. Eléments d'archéologie musulmane dans Al-Andalus: caractères spécifiques se l'architecture militaire arabe de la region valencienne.André Bazzana - 1980 - Al-Qantara 1 (1):339-364.
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  17. La christologie de Caspar von Schwenckfeld, 1489-1561 (non aliud sed aliter).André Séguenny - 1994 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 74 (2):129-151.
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  18. Deux congrès philosophiques de 1952, 91.André-Louis Leroy - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:91-92.
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  19. Lo bello.Andrés Lozano - 1953 - México,:
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    Visual motion disambiguation by a subliminal sound.Andre Dufour, Pascale Touzalin, Michèle Moessinger, Renaud Brochard & Olivier Després - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):790-797.
    There is growing interest in the effect of sound on visual motion perception. One model involves the illusion created when two identical objects moving towards each other on a two-dimensional visual display can be seen to either bounce off or stream through each other. Previous studies show that the large bias normally seen toward the streaming percept can be modulated by the presentation of an auditory event at the moment of coincidence. However, no reports to date provide sufficient evidence to (...)
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    Fables, Forms and Figures.André Chastel - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (99):21-36.
    If we return to the experiences of our youth, we perceive what had the power to awaken our curiosity and ambitions*. The non-conformism of the Surrealists was fostered by Romantic sources and every conceivable symbolism; even if in a roundabout manner, it was through them that the names of Klee and Kandinsky were first heard. The world of the marvellous, the only one decreed worthy of attention, opened out onto painting. The moderns of the group: Dali, Tanguy, Masson, received first (...)
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    Em torno do nascimento da tragédia: teoria do trágico e intuição estética.André Luiz Bentes - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):338-347.
    O presente artigo pretende apresentar um recorte da filosofia da arte na Alemanha, nos séculos XVIII e XIX, tendo como foco o contexto em que se insere O nascimento da tragédia, de Nietzsche. Para isso, serão discutidos mais especificamente os conceitos de intuição estética e princípio de individuação, a partir de Schelling e Schopenhauer, respectivamente.
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    O pułapkach zastawionych przez demona na uczonych.André Berthon - 1990 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 12.
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    Die formule as basis van die Pauliniese ekklesiologie.Andre Botma & Andries Van Aarde - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (2/3).
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    princípio de universalização na teoria discursiva de Jürgen Habermas.André Guimarães Borges Brandão - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:6-30.
    O presente artigo científico é parte de pesquisa destinada a investigar as implicações e interpretações advindas da transformação do posicionamento do princípio de universalização (U) operada na teoria do discurso do filósofo alemão Jürgen Habermas, sobretudo a partir de algumas de suas obras das décadas de 80 e 90. A pretensão cognitivista da ética do discurso fundamenta a moral diante da possibilidade de reconstrução racional discursiva das justificativas das normas. O teste de universalização faz parte da fundamentação, mas em que (...)
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    Philosophy in the making.André Bremond - 1939 - Boston [etc.]: Benziger brothers.
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    Les œuvres et les lumières.André Brincourt - 1955 - Paris,: La Table ronde. Edited by Jean Brincourt.
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  28. Morale.André Bridoux - 1945 - Paris,: Hachette.
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    (1 other version)Michelle Perrot, Histoire de chambres.André Burguière - 2010 - Clio 32:277-280.
    « L’ordre de la chambre reproduit l’ordre du monde dont elle est la particule élémentaire », écrit Michelle Perrot en conclusion du bel essai qu’elle vient de consacrer à l’histoire de la chambre comme lieu de vie. Mais son livre dément ou du moins déborde cette proposition trop générale par la complexité sinueuse et aléatoire des transformations dont il reconstitue le cheminement. Dans l’histoire de l’habitat, la chambre individuelle ou conjugale constitue moins une particule élémentaire qu...
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    Introduction generale.André Cabanis & Kurt Kloocke - 2005 - In Béatrice Fink & Kurt Kloocke, Florestan. De l'Esprit de Conquête Et de L'Usurpation. Réflexions Sur les Constitutions. De Gruyter. pp. 529-548.
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  31. Laws of nature.André Santos Campos - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos, Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic.
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  32. Suppléments qoumrâniens à la genèse.André Caquot - 2000 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (3):339-358.
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  33. Empresa humana y evolución.Andrés María del Carpio - 1968 - Madrid,: Ediciones Iberoamericanas.
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    Considerações sobre o Al-Farabi de Leo Strauss.André Abranches - 2013 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 22 (43):43-70.
  35. Humanism, Historical Consciousness and National Sentiment.André Chastel & Robert Klein - 1963 - Diogenes 11 (44):1-18.
  36.  27
    The Element of Play in Twentieth Century Art.André Chastel & Malcolm Sylvers - 1965 - Diogenes 13 (50):1-12.
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    Note On the Coherence of the American Phenomenon.André Doremus - 1969 - Diogenes 17 (65):49-73.
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    Hommage à Jean Cazeneuve.André Akoun - 2006 - Hermes 45:195.
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  39. Feminist Bioethics.Judith Andre - 2011 - Biomedical Law and Ethics 4 (2).
    Overview of feminist bioethics for the journal of the Ewha Women's College, Seoul, South Korea.
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    Métaphysique et existence: essai sur la philosophie de Jules Lequier.André Clair - 2000 - Paris: Vrin.
    L'unique tâche philosophique de Lequier a consisté dans la recherche d'une première vérité. Le récit existentiel est la voie qu'il a choisie. Cette voie, loin de mettre en question la métaphysique, expose, sous une forme phénoménologique, comment la vérité peut s'accomplir comme liberté dans l'histoire grâce à laquelle un être humain affirme son identité.
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    Présentation.André Léonard - 1990 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 88 (2):255-256.
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    «Dieu qui visite la faute des pères sur les fils».André Wénin - 2007 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 38 (1):67-77.
    Après une présentation du livre de B.M. Levinson, L’Herméneutique de l’innovation , on souligne tout l’intérêt de la méthode consistant à mettre en évidence dans les textes de l’AT un principe de développement procédant d’une exégèse intra-biblique dont les méthodes préparent celles de l’exégèse rabbinique. L’exemple développé dans l’ouvrage fait alors l’objet d’un réexamen. Une lecture différente des textes est proposée, qui pose la question de savoir si le travail des rédacteurs bibliques ne vise pas davantage à rectifier une interprétation (...)
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    Le décalogue, révélation de Dieu et chemin de bonheur.André Wénin - 1994 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 25 (2):145-182.
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    Notes d'épigraphie.André Oguse - 1929 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 53 (1):129-150.
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    11. Das Ausschlussproblem.André Olbrich - 2017 - In Eine Theorie der Vernünftigen Übereinkunft: Zur Grundlegung des Moralphilosophischen Kontraktualismus. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 327-352.
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    10. Darstellung des Überlegungsprozesses.André Olbrich - 2017 - In Eine Theorie der Vernünftigen Übereinkunft: Zur Grundlegung des Moralphilosophischen Kontraktualismus. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 289-326.
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    9. Gründe im Überlegungsprozess.André Olbrich - 2017 - In Eine Theorie der Vernünftigen Übereinkunft: Zur Grundlegung des Moralphilosophischen Kontraktualismus. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 255-288.
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    7. Kontraktualistische Motivation.André Olbrich - 2017 - In Eine Theorie der Vernünftigen Übereinkunft: Zur Grundlegung des Moralphilosophischen Kontraktualismus. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 187-230.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.André Olbrich - 2017 - In Eine Theorie der Vernünftigen Übereinkunft: Zur Grundlegung des Moralphilosophischen Kontraktualismus. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 369-382.
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    Le néolibéralisme entre théorie et pratique.André Orléan - 2013 - Cahiers Philosophiques 2:9.
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