Results for 'Andrew Specht'

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  1. F. A. Trendelenburg and the Neglected Alternative.Andrew Specht - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (3):514-534.
    Despite his impressive influence on nineteenth-century philosophy, F. A. Trendelenburg's own philosophy has been largely ignored. However, among Kant scholars, Trendelenburg has always been remembered for his feud with Kuno Fischer over the subjectivity of space and time in Kant's philosophy. The topic of the dispute, now frequently referred to as the ?Neglected Alternative? objection, has become a prominent issue in contemporary discussions and interpretations of Kant's view of space and time. The Neglected Alternative contends that Kant unjustifiably moves from (...)
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    Trade Justice: An Argument for Integrationist, not Internal, Principles.Andrew Walton - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (1):51-72.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  3. Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy.Andrew Valls - 2007 - Philosophy 82 (319):183-187.
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    Following Snowden: an international survey.Andrew A. Adams, Kiyoshi Murata & Ana María Lara Palma - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):336-343.
    Purpose This paper aims to present the baseline English survey used in the other papers in this special issue. Design/methodology/approach The survey includes yes/no, Likert scale and free text responses, which were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. Findings Respondents to the survey expressed divergent views of whether they would emulate Snowden, even though most in all countries believed he had helped rather than harmed society. Originality/value This is the only such broad survey on attitudes to Snowden of which the authors are (...)
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    Inconsistencies in the Finance of Public Services: Government Responses to Excess Demand.Andrew Abbott & Philip Jones - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 205-233.
    Buchanan highlighted the inconsistencies that arise when public services are financed by general taxation. Citizens increase their demand for services, even though citizens are reticent to increase taxation. Buchanan invited readers to explore the impact of different assumptions of politicians’ behaviour. In this chapter, attention focuses on the way that vote maximising governments are likely to respond to the divorce between receipt and payment for services. Buchanan illustrated his analysis with reference to the National Health Service in the UK. Predictions (...)
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    A Business Management Symposium.Andrew V. Abella - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):256-257.
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    Following Snowden, German uncertainty about monitoring.Andrew A. Adams, Sarah Hosell & Kiyoshi Murata - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):232-246.
    PurposeAs part of an international study of knowledge of and attitudes to Snowden’s revelations about the activities of the National Security Agency/Government Communications Headquarters, this paper aims to deal with Germany, taking its socio-cultural and political environment surrounding privacy and state surveillance into account.Design/methodology/approachA questionnaire was answered by 76 German University students. The quantitative responses to the survey were statistically analysed as well as qualitative considerations of free text answers.FindingsSnowden’s revelations have had an important influence over German students’ attitudes toward (...)
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    Integrity Systems for Occupations.Andrew Alexandra & Seumas Miller - 2010 - Routledge.
    An integrity system is an integrated assemblage of institutional mechanisms, designed to minimize ethical misconduct and promote ethical health in institutions, organizations, occupations and the like. This book analyzes, describes and demonstrates the value of well-designed integrity systems for efficient, effective and ethically sustainable practice, in occupational groups in particular. Developing a blueprint for the design of integrity systems which can be tailored to the specific ethical needs of different occupational groups, this book furthers the general project of ethically informed (...)
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    (1 other version)Word Made Flesh—Organic Process: Inner Word in Gadamer.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (1):577-588.
    Interpretations of the inner word overlook the fact that for Gadamer language is both written and spoken and that these two mediums are in a dialectical relation. After disputing Zimmermann’s interpretation of the inner word, the paper uses McLuhan to explain Gadamer’s dialectical method for understanding how thought that comes to language participates in the self-unfolding structure of a living organism. Central to this argument is a turn of the inner ear which in contrast to sensory memory based on sight (...)
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    For Cmnmunism: Theses of the Il Manifesto Group.Andrew Levine - 1971 - Politics and Society 1 (4):409-440.
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  11. Reading the Signature of the Symptom.Andrew Lewis - 1995 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 6:105.
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  12. The Production of Public Space.Andrew Light & Jonathan M. Smith - 1998
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    David Stockton: The Gracchi. Pp. xiii + 251. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. £9.50.Andrew Lintott - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (01):134-135.
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  14. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 29: 1943.G. Little Andrew - 1928
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    Beyond a federal structure: Is a constitutional commitment to a federal relationship possible?Andrew Lynch & George Williams - unknown
    The galvanising purpose of Federation was the creation of the Commonwealth and the distribution of power between it and the former colonies, simultaneously elevated to Statehood. But beyond this simple fact, consensus about Australian federalism has traditionally been elusive and is, if anything, only increasingly so. While the contemporary political debate over federal reform proceeds from a shared sense that our existing arrangements have manifest shortcomings, there is far from unanimity as to which of its particular features are strengths, and (...)
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    Carnap Ponders Canberra: Creating a Theory of Meaning Based on Carnap's Criteria of Cognitive Significance and the Canberra Plan.Andrew Whiteley Magrath - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):429-433.
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    The Rehearsal Transpros'd and the Rehearsal Transpros'd the Second Part.Andrew Marvell - 1971 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A scholarly edition of Rehearsal Transpros'd by Donal Ian Brice Smith. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
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  18. Melville's twist: Billy Budd retried: Billy Budd retried.Andrew Mckenna - 2000 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 56 (1):83-98.
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  19. Power and Events.Andrew Paul Ushenko - 1947 - Philosophy 22 (83):272-272.
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    The Logic of Events: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Time.Andrew Paul Ushenko - 1969 - University of California Press.
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  21. Reparations.Andrew Valls - 2013 - In [no title].
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    Automated reasoning about machines.Andrew Gelsey - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (1):1-53.
  23. Technological rationality and the problem of meaning.Andrew Feenberg - 2009 - In Stefano Giacchetti Ludovisi & G. Agostini Saavedra, Nostalgia for a Redeemed Future: Critical Theory. University of Delaware.
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  24. Universal regard for the particular: Resources of the catholic tradition for building a humane society.Andrew Hamilton - 2001 - In Janet McCalman, Humane societies: papers from the 30th anniversary symposium of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra: The Academy.
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  25. Aristotle on the Ethics of Workplace Relations.Andrew Murray - 2009 - Philosophy for Business 55.
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  26. The matter of a materialist philosophy of art: Bataille's Manet.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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    Fire and Earth: The Forging of Modern Cremation in Meiji Japan.Andrew Bernstein - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 27 (3-4):297-334.
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  28. The Secular Islam Summit.Andrew Bieszad - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (139):187-191.
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  29. Three Dogmas of Functionalism.Andrew Hampton Gleeson - 1998 - Dissertation, The Australian National University (Australia)
    This thesis is a critique of functionalism in the philosophy of mind. I distinguish three tenets, or 'dogmas' of functionalism, viz: Mental states are causes of behaviour; Mental states can, in principle, be defined in non-mental terms; We understand everything, or at least everything of importance, about the mental states of people, by subsuming token mental states under one or other mental state type. ;The first dogma is rejected in the form which identifies mental state types with physical types, on (...)
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  30. Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 125, 2003 Lectures.Hadfield Andrew - 2004
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    Methodology.Andrew Halpin - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson, A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 607–620.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Emerging Interest in Methodology Particular Arguments Particular Topics A Concluding Overview References.
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    Remediation.Andrew D. Harding & Mark W. Connolly - 2012 - Jona’s Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 14 (2):48-52.
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  33. Malachi.Andrew E. Hill - 1998
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    The grounds for Nietzsche's critique of morality.Andrew Huddleston - 2011 - In The Grounds for Nietzsche's Critique of Morality.
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    Chinese Nation-Building as, Instead of, and Before Globalization.Andrew Kipnis - 2011 - ProtoSociology 28:25-47.
    In this era of “globalization”, nation-building has become a relatively neglected topic. In this essay, I use Thomas Hylland Eriksen’s textbook, Globalization, as a framework for exploring nation-building in China. I take his eight-concept chapter outline—disembedding, acceleration, standardization, interconnectedness, movement, mixing, vulnerability, and re-embedding—and apply it to dynamics of nation-building in China. In so doing, I tease out actual and potential relationships among the processes evident in Chinese nation-building and globalization. In addition, I explore some of the relationships, productivities and (...)
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    The Murderer of Sennacherib, yet Again: The Case against Esarhaddon.Andrew Knapp - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (1):165.
    Who was responsible for the murder of Sennacherib? This question fascinated Assyriologists for most of the twentieth century, until a new interpretation of an obscure, fragmentary letter convinced many that a disenfranchised elder son of Sennacherib, Urad-Mullissu, had hatched the conspiracy. Since the publication of this text in 1980 by Simo Parpola, near consensus has developed about these events. In this paper I reexamine the issue and revive the theory that Esarhaddon, Sennacherib’s son and successor, may have been behind the (...)
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    Prednosti integrisanja agonizma i deliberacije.Andrew Knops - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):151-169.
    U clanku?Agonizam kao deliberacija? predlozio sam pomirenje izmedju agonisticke verzije demokratije Mufove, uz odredjene korekcije kako bi se ocuvala konzistentnost, i deliberacije. Ovde nudim odgovor na dve kritike ovog projekta koje su usledile: G?rs?zl? i Fives. Iako oba autora smatraju da nije moguce pomiriti agonizam i deliberaciju, oni to cine sa suprotnih pozicija. Gursozlu brani agonizam Mufove kao poseban i koherentan projekat na osnovu onoga sto smatra ispravnim razumevanjem njenog pojma hegemonije. Fajvs tvrdi da je njen pristup poseban ali nekoherentan, (...)
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  38. Middle period: Christian dialogue with the world.Andrew Tallon - 1979 - The Thomist 43 (1):119.
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    Global democracy in a society of peoples.Andrew Walton - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (6):577-598.
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    Torn‐off senses.Andrew Bennett & Nicholas Royle - 1998 - Angelaki 3 (3):153 – 158.
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    Incidental memory for the color-word association in the Stroop color-word test.Andrew S. Bradlyn & Howard A. Rollins - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (4):269-272.
  42. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.Andrew Brook - 1997 - Ablex Press.
  43.  20
    Hegel, Arendt und „das Recht, Rechte zu haben“.Andrew Buchwalter - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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  44. Assessment and evaluation.Andrew Davis - 2023 - In Winston C. Thompson, Philosophical foundations of education. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    A Note on the Text and Interpretation of Cicero, De Fato 35.Andrew R. Dyck - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):438-440.
    De fato 35 is part of Cicero's argument against the Stoic theory of causation. He claims in general that the Stoic chain of causes consists of antecedent but not efficient causes. To the examples cited in the previous chapter he adds verses from the opening of Ennius’ Medea exul (lines 208–11 Jocelyn = FRL 2 and TRF 89.1–4) containing the Nurse's lamentation over the origins of the Argonautic expedition that led, ultimately, to Medea's current mental distress. Then follows the question (...)
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    Human Disciplines.Andrew Prevot - 2023 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 10 (1):127.
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    Comic Rivalry and the Number of Comic Poets at the Lenaia of 405 B. C.Andrew Hartwig - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (2):195-206.
    This paper considers further evidence that five comic poets as opposed to three competed at the Lenaia and City Dionysia festivals in Athens during the Peloponnesian War. Aristophanes’ abuse of his comic rivals Phrynichos, Ameipsias and Lykis in the opening scene ofFrogs, produced at the Lenaia of 405, is interpreted as a response to his immediate competitors at the dramatic contest that year. A survey of the evidence elsewhere in comedy suggests that comic poets usually reserved such attacks on rival (...)
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    Representation and Conceptual Change.Andrew Harrison - 1972 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 6:106-131.
    This paper suffers from a disconcerting generality. I need an excuse for wandering from Wittgenstein's Tractatus to Picasso's drawing of a Weeping Woman, via the philosophy of science and the theory of sense data. The thesis of the paper is that I have such an excuse. These are all areas where the concept of representation either exists in its own right, or has been found to be illuminating by philosophers. An important question is whether it could be the same concept (...)
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    An Overview of Skeptical Worries: The Gettier Problem, Agrippa’s Trilemma, and the Brain-in-a-Vat.Andrew Nesseler - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (3).
    Here I will explore through a literature review three important but different ways in which skepticism has been developed. The first is that of the Gettier problem and its potentially skeptical implications for knowledge. The second is Agrippa’s Trilemma, in which the non-skeptic ostensibly struggles to develop a satisfactory account of epistemic justification. Third and lastly, there are brain-in-a-vat scenarios, as one attempts to meet the skeptic’s challenge of having knowledge of the external world. I conclude that the above are (...)
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    On the idea that God is continuously re-creating the universe.Andrew Pavelich - 2007 - Sophia 46 (1):7-20.
    Many theists believe that God is continuously acting to sustain the universe in existence. One way of understanding this act of sustenance is to see God as actually creating the universe anew at each moment. This paper argues against the coherence of this view by drawing out some of its consequences. I argue that the re-creationist must deny the causal efficacy of created f things, as well as the identity of things across time. Most problematically, I argue that re-creationism ultimately (...)
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