Results for 'Andrew Lorca'

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  1.  80
    Levelling the Playing Field: The Idea of Equal Opportunity and its Place in Egalitarian Thought.Andrew Mason - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    "Equality of opportunity for all" is a fine piece of political rhetoric but the ideal that lies behind it is slippery to say the least. This book defends a particular account of the ideal and its place in a more radical version of what it is to level the playing field.
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    What's basic about basic emotions?Andrew Ortony & Terence J. Turner - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (3):315-331.
  3.  16
    How Children’s Cognitive Reflection Shapes Their Science Understanding.Andrew G. Young & Andrew Shtulman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  4. (1 other version)Teleology.Andrew Woodfield - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (200):241-242.
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  5. Egalitarianism and the Levelling Down Objection.Andrew Mason - 2001 - Analysis 61 (3):246-254.
    In an important piece of work Derek Parfit distinguishes two different forms of egalitarianism, ‘Deontic’ and ‘Telic’. He contrasts these with what he calls the Priority View, which is not strictly a form of egalitarianism at all, since it is not essentially concerned with how well off people are relative to each other. His main aim is to generate an adequate taxonomy of the positions available, but in the process he draws attention to some of the different problems they face. (...)
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    Peirce's scientific metaphysics: the philosophy of chance, law, and evolution.Andrew Reynolds - 2002 - Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
    Peirce's Scientific Metaphysics is the first book devoted to understanding Charles Sanders Peirce's (1839-1914) metaphysics from the perspective of the scientific questions that motivated his thinking. While offering a detailed account of the scientific ideas and theories essential for understanding Peirce's metaphysical system, this book is written in a manner accessible to the non-specialist.
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    Edusemiotics: Semiotic Philosophy as Educational Foundation.Andrew Stables & Inna Semetsky - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Inna Semetsky.
    _Edusemiotics_ addresses an emerging field of inquiry, educational semiotics, as a philosophy of and for education. Using "sign" as a unit of analysis, educational semiotics amalgamates philosophy, educational theory and semiotics. Edusemiotics draws on the intellectual legacy of such philosophers as John Dewey, Charles Sanders Peirce, Gilles Deleuze and others across Anglo-American and continental traditions. This volume investigates the specifics of semiotic knowledge structures and processes, exploring current dilemmas and debates regarding self-identity, learning, transformative and lifelong education, leadership and policy-making, (...)
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    Vision under mesopic and scotopic illumination.Andrew J. Zele & Dingcai Cao - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:122487.
    Evidence has accumulated that rod activation under mesopic and scotopic light levels alters visual perception and performance. Here we review the most recent developments in the measurement of rod and cone contributions to mesopic color perception and temporal processing, with a focus on data measured using the four-primary photostimulator method that independently controls rod and cone excitations. We discuss the findings in the context of rod inputs to the three primary retinogeniculate pathways to understand rod contributions to mesopic vision. Additionally, (...)
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  9.  51
    The Ethics of Joy: Spinoza on the Empowered Life.Andrew Youpa - 2019 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Andrew Youpa offers an original reading of Spinoza's moral philosophy, arguing it is fundamentally an ethics of joy. Unlike approaches to moral philosophy that center on praiseworthiness or blameworthiness, Youpa maintains that Spinoza's moral philosophy is about how to live lovingly and joyously. His reading expands to examinations of the centrality of education and friendship to Spinoza's moral framework, his theory of emotions, and the metaphysical foundation of his moral philosophy.
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    Learning Phonemes With a Proto-Lexicon.Andrew Martin, Sharon Peperkamp & Emmanuel Dupoux - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (1):103-124.
    Before the end of the first year of life, infants begin to lose the ability to perceive distinctions between sounds that are not phonemic in their native language. It is typically assumed that this developmental change reflects the construction of language-specific phoneme categories, but how these categories are learned largely remains a mystery. Peperkamp, Le Calvez, Nadal, and Dupoux (2006) present an algorithm that can discover phonemes using the distributions of allophones as well as the phonetic properties of the allophones (...)
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  11.  68
    The Plural Event: Descartes, Hegel, Heidegger.Andrew E. Benjamin - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Benjamin provides new and important readings of key canonical texts in the history of philosophy in his sustained philosophical reworking of ontology. Amongst texts included are Hegel's _Difference Essay_ and the _Shorter Logic_ and Heidegger's _Time and Being_ and _The Question of Being_. The effective presence of ontology, defined as `an original difference', will be familiar to readers of his earlier writings. This book represents his most thorough and original contribution to contemporary philosophy to date.
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  12. Theodor Adorno.Andrew Fagan - 2003 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Referential Structure of the Affective Lexicon.Andrew Ortony, Gerald L. Clore & Mark A. Foss - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (3):341-364.
    A set of approximately 500 words taken from the literature on emotion was examined. The overall goal was to develop a comprehensive taxonomy of the affective lexicon, with special attention being devoted to the isolation of terms that refer to emotions. Within the taxonomy we propose, the best examples of emotion terms appear to be those that (a) refer to internal, mental conditions as opposed to physical or external ones, (b) are clear cases of stares, and (c) have affect as (...)
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  14. Face recognition and awareness after brain injury.Andrew W. Young - 1991 - In A. David Milner & M. D. Rugg, The Neuropsychology of Consciousness. Academic Press.
  15. "Strange Fevers, Burning Within": The Neurology of Winesburg, Ohio.Andrew Corey Yerkes - 2011 - Philosophy and Literature 35 (2):199-215.
    Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, published in 1919, is an episodic collection of character sketches based mostly around the perspective of George Willard, a small-town journalist who listens to the stories of various characters, often described in grotesque terms, whose passionate inner lives contrast with their limited outwardly lived existences. The initial critical response to these stories was to regard Anderson as a sort of cheap Freudian who was making an obvious criticism of American Puritanism and conformity. One reviewer, Regis Michaud, (...)
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  16.  22
    Animal Crossing and COVID-19: A Qualitative Study Examining How Video Games Satisfy Basic Psychological Needs During the Pandemic.Andrew Z. H. Yee & Jeremy R. H. Sng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way many people live their lives. The increasing amount of time spent indoors and isolated during periods of lockdown has been accompanied by an increase in the time people spend playing video games. One such game which soared in popularity during the early stages of the pandemic was Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Through semi-structured interviews with players, and using a theory-informed qualitative analysis, we document and examine players’ motivations and experiences playing Animal Crossing: New (...)
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  17.  70
    Doing Without Free Will: Spinoza and Contemporary Moral Problems eds. by Ursula Goldenbaum and Christopher Kluz.Andrew Youpa - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (4):676-677.
    Spinoza’s moral philosophy is trending. This is the fourth book written in English in six years devoted to various aspects of it; that may not qualify as viral, but it is progress. The volume’s five essays cover moral responsibility, akrasia, moral realism, and Spinoza’s model of human nature: the free man. Hence its subtitle is misleading. There is nothing uniquely contemporary about the issues discussed, as is evident from the essays themselves. Also, the moral problems are not the type one (...)
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  18.  31
    Only half way up.Andrew W. Young - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (3):558-558.
  19.  11
    The City on the Hill: Reflections from a Former Mayor.Andrew Young - 2000 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 54 (1):54-56.
    The successful city of the future must do more than simply foster economic growth. It must also impart a moral, even spiritual, vision that can transcend all racial and social divisions.
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    3D object recognition using invariance.Andrew Zisserman, David Forsyth, Joseph Mundy, Charlie Rothwell, Jane Liu & Nic Pillow - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 78 (1-2):239-288.
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    Looking beyond history: the optics of German anthropology and the critique of humanism.Andrew Zimmerman - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (3):385-411.
    Late nineteenth-century German anthropology had to compete for intellectual legitimacy with the established academic humanities (Geisteswissenschaften), above all history. Whereas humanists interpreted literary documents to create narratives about great civilizations, anthropologists represented and viewed objects, such as skulls or artifacts, to create what they regarded as natural scientific knowledge about so-called 'natural peoples'-colonized societies of Africa, the Pacific, and the Americas. Anthropologists thus invoked a venerable tradition that presented looking at objects as a more certain source of knowledge than reading (...)
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  22. Spinoza's Theory of the Good.Andrew Youpa - 2009 - In Olli Koistinen, The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this paper I argue that, for Spinoza, the power to produce effects through one's nature alone is the key constituent of the good life. Indeed, to exist in the strict sense is to be the causal source of effects. On this reading, a temporally long life that is entirely governed by causal factors external to one's essence is not a genuine existence.
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  23.  75
    Liberal Citizenship and the Search for an Overlapping Consensus: The Case of Muslim Minorities.Andrew F. March - 2006 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (4):373-421.
  24. Realism and Christian Faith in Outline.Andrew Moore - 2005 - Ars Disputandi 5.
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  25. Wolfhart Pannenberg, Openness to the World, and the Sensus Divinitatis.Andrew Hollingsworth - 2021 - Irish Theological Quarterly 86 (3).
    One of the foundational concepts for Wolfhart Pannenberg’s theological anthropology is his notion of ‘openness to the world.’ Openness to the world, according to Pannenberg, is essential to human identity in that one’s identity is established in their openness to the world, to the other, and, ultimately, to God. I aim to bring Pannenberg’s openness to the world into dialogue with the concept of the sensus divinitatis as articulated by John Calvin and further developed by Alvin Plantinga. The question driving (...)
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  26.  75
    Matters of demarcation: Philosophy, biology, and the evolving fraternity between disciplines.Andrew S. Yang - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (2):211 – 225.
    The influence that philosophy of science has had on scientific practice is as controversial as it is undeniable, especially in the case of biology. The dynamic between philosophy and biology as disciplines has developed along two different lines that can be characterized as 'paternal', on the one hand, and more 'fraternal', on the other. The role Popperian principles of demarcation and falsifiability have played in both the systematics community as well as the ongoing evolution-creation debates illustrate these contrasting forms of (...)
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  27. Exploring giftedness.Andrew A. Fingelkurts - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov, Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 137-155.
    No more intriguing and provoked subject is in science as the study of human giftedness. The great attention to this subject is understandable: a poem well written, an extraordinary painting, an overture well played, a brilliant scientific idea, or sports’ maneuver have always been attractive. Although studying of giftedness in visual arts and in music is very productive, the greatest body of recent research is in studies of intellectual giftedness.
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  28. Competences and Motivation.Andrew J. Elliot & Carlos S. Dweck - 2005 - In Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck, Handbook of Competence and Motivation. The Guilford Press.
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  29.  48
    El liberalismo y la política de la ecología.Andrew Dobson - 1999 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13:11-20.
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    Literary Quiz.Andrew Dodsworth - 2002 - Philosophy Now 37:23-23.
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  31. The Death: The Horror of the Plague [Book Review].Andrew Doyle - 2010 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 45 (1):65.
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  32.  27
    Claude Ake's Philosophy of Development: Implications for Nigeria.Andrew O. Efemini - 2000 - University for Port Harcourt Press.
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  33.  24
    Hannibal and the Freedom of the Italians.Andrew Erskine - 1993 - Hermes 121 (1):58-62.
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    Elections, Regime Type and Risks of Revolutionary Destabilization: Quantitative Experience.Andrew Zhdanov & Andrey Korotayev - 2023 - Sociology of Power 34 (3-4):102-127.
    This article is devoted to the study of the nature of the influence of elections on the risks of revolutionary destabilization. The authors study different approaches to estimating the probability of revolutionary events in an election year. Different types of revolutionary events are distinguished within the framework of the level of political violence. The primary reasons for the activation of the politically active part of the population, both in autocracies and in transitional political regimes, are identified, including the factionalization of (...)
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  35.  90
    Art, Mimesis, and the Avant-Garde: Aspects of a Philosophy of Difference.Andrew E. Benjamin - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  36. (1 other version)Reference in discourse.Andrew Kehler - 1996 - In Shalom Lappin, The handbook of contemporary semantic theory. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell Reference.
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  37.  47
    (1 other version)Public Justification of What? Coercion vs. Decision as Competing Frames for the Basic Principle of Justificatory Liberalism.Andrew Lister - 2011 - Public Affairs Quaterly 25 (4):349-367.
    Broadly speaking, the principle of public justifiability requires that the exercise of political power be justifiable to each and every person over whom that power is exercised. The idea of being justifiable to every person means being acceptable to any reasonable or otherwise qualified person , without such persons having to give up the comprehensive religious or philosophical doctrine they reasonably espouse. Public justifiability thus involves a partly idealized unanimity requirement, or as I will say, a criterion of multi-perspectival acceptability. (...)
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  38. Recent American philosophy.Andrew J. Reck - 1964 - New York,: Pantheon Books.
  39. Neuropsychology of awareness.Andrew W. Young - 1994 - In Antti Revonsuo & Matti Kamppinen, Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  40.  40
    Sport and Covid-19.Andrew Edgar - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):1-2.
    My last editorial was written before the world became aware of the covid-19 pandemic, and the impact that it would have on our lives. (Editorials are written some three months before publication, l...
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    The beginnings of dialogue : Socratic discourses and fourth-century prose.Andrew Ford - 2008 - In Simon Goldhill, The end of dialogue in antiquity. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 29--44.
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  42.  80
    The construction of mindfulness.Andrew Olendzki - 2011 - Contemporary Buddhism 12 (1):55-70.
    Mindfulness is examined using the Abhidhamma system of classification of phenomena (dharmas) as found in the Pali work Abhidhammattha-saṅgaha. In this model the mental factors constituting the aggregate of formations (saṅkhāra) are grouped so as to describe a layered approach to the practice of mental development. Thus all mental states involve a certain set of mental factors, while others are added as the training of the mind takes place. Both unwholesome and wholesome configurations also occur, and mindfulness turns out to (...)
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  43. Strange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of Limits.Andrew Ross & Alexander Wilson - 1993 - Utopian Studies 4 (1):184-187.
  44. The Concept Of Intermittency.Andrew Gibson - 2011 - In Mads Anders Baggesgaard & Jakob Ladegaard, Confronting universalities: aesthetics and politics under the sign of globalisation. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
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  45. Three Dogmas of Functionalism.Andrew Hampton Gleeson - 1998 - Dissertation, The Australian National University (Australia)
    This thesis is a critique of functionalism in the philosophy of mind. I distinguish three tenets, or 'dogmas' of functionalism, viz: Mental states are causes of behaviour; Mental states can, in principle, be defined in non-mental terms; We understand everything, or at least everything of importance, about the mental states of people, by subsuming token mental states under one or other mental state type. ;The first dogma is rejected in the form which identifies mental state types with physical types, on (...)
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  46. The Convergence of Theology: A Festscrift Honoring Gerald O'Collins, S.J. [Book Review].Andrew Hamilton - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (2):246.
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  47.  5
    Beyond Empiricism: Philosophy of Science in Sociology.Andrew Tudor (ed.) - 1982 - Boston: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1982. This volume explores some features of modern philosophy of science from the point of view of their utility for sociology’s self-understanding. Recently philosophers of science have broken with the empiricism once fundamental to their discipline, and have sought alternative methods of science. Founded on the belief that these developments are significant for sociologists, the book explores the failings of the old "received view" and some of the more recent alternatives. It proposes a schematic outline of the (...)
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  48.  53
    Citizenship Tests: Can They Be a Just Compromise?Andrew Mason - 2014 - Journal of Social Philosophy 45 (2):137-161.
  49.  40
    On the Status of Nous in the Philebus.Andrew J. Mason - 2014 - Phronesis 59 (2):143-169.
    Hackforth and Menn make a strong case for the identity of nous and the demiurge in Plato, but I argue that it does not hold in the case of the Philebus, where the demiurge is kept in the background, and the world-soul is in fact the referent in the passage assigning nous to the class of cause as governor of the universe. In the Statesman, the world-soul had had to own the problem of natural catastrophe, and I suggest that in (...)
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  50. Does a public environmental philosophy need convergence hypothesis?Andrew Light - 2009 - In Ben Minteer, Nature in Common?: Environmental Ethics and the Contested Foundations of Environmental Policy. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
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