Results for 'Andrew Hassler'

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  1.  14
    Glimpses of Lament: 2 Corinthians and the Presence of Lament in the New Testament.Andrew Hassler - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):164-175.
    The subject of lament in the NT has not received as much attention as it deserves. Some scholars have taken note of this fact, even calling on evangelicals to take up the charge. The present article is a response to such a charge and focuses on the book of 2 Corinthians, where one finds several instances that point to a pattern of lament, revealing a true, back-and-forth covenant interaction with God, rather than one that allows only for praise. After a (...)
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    Public reason and political community.Andrew Lister - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Public reason in practice and theory -- False starts: unsuccessful justifications of public reason -- Respect for persons as a constraint on coercion -- Higher-order unanimity escape clause -- Civic friendship as a constraint on reasons for decision -- Public reason and (same-sex) marriage.
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  3. The Third Lens: Metaphor and the Creation of Modern Cell Biology.Andrew S. Reynolds - 2018 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Moral distress: Developing strategies from experience.Andrew Helmers, Karen Dryden Palmer & Rebecca A. Greenberg - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):1147-1156.
    Background Moral distress was first described by Jameton in 1984, and has been defined as distress experienced by an individual when they are unable to carry out what they believe to be the right course of action because of real or perceived constraints on that action. This complex phenomenon has been studied extensively among healthcare providers, and intensive care professionals in particular report high levels of moral distress. This distress has been associated with provider burnout and associated consequences such as (...)
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    Scienceblind: why our intuitive theories about the world are so often wrong.Andrew Shtulman - 2017 - New York: Basic Books.
    Why we get the world wrong -- Intuitive theories of the physical world -- Matter : what is the world made of? How do those components interact? -- Energy : what makes something hot? What makes something loud? -- Gravity : what makes something heavy? What makes something fall? -- Motion : what makes objects move? What paths do moving objects take? -- Cosmos : what is the shape of our world? What is its place in the cosmos? -- Earth (...)
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  6. Civil society, populism and religion.Andrew Arato & Jean L. Cohen - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):283-295.
  7.  18
    Bernhard Riemann, the Ear, and an Atom of Consciousness.Andrew Bell, Bryn Davies & Habib Ammari - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):855-873.
    Why did Bernhard Riemann, arguably the most original mathematician of his generation, spend the last year of life investigating the mechanism of hearing? Fighting tuberculosis and the hostility of eminent scientists such as Hermann Helmholtz, he appeared to forsake mathematics to prosecute a case close to his heart. Only sketchy pages from his last paper remain, but here we assemble some significant clues and triangulate from them to build a broad picture of what he might have been driving at. Our (...)
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    Mismatch between scientific theories and statistical models.Andrew Gelman - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Yarkoni recommends that psychology researchers should take care to align their statistical models to the verbal theories they are studying and testing. This principle applies not just to qualitative theories in psychology but also to more quantitative sciences: there, too, mismatch between open-ended theories and specific statistical models have led to confusion.
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    Beyond literal similarity.Andrew Ortony - 1979 - Psychological Review 86 (3):161-180.
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    Virtue in being: towards an ethics of the unconditioned.Andrew Benjamin - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Towards the unconditioned: Kant, Epicurus and Glückseligkeit -- Arendt and the time of the pardon -- Kant, evil, and the unconditioned -- Judgment after Derrida.
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    Selfhood triumvirate: From phenomenology to brain activity and back again.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Tarja Kallio-Tamminen - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 86:103031.
    Recently, a three-dimensional construct model for complex experiential Selfhood has been proposed (Fingelkurts et al., 2016b,c). According to this model, three specific subnets (or modules) of the brain self-referential network (SRN) are responsible for the manifestation of three aspects/features of the subjective sense of Selfhood. Follow up multiple studies established a tight relation between alterations in the functional integrity of the triad of SRN modules and related to them three aspects/features of the sense of self; however, the causality of this (...)
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  12. Ought' and 'must.Andrew J. I. Jones & Ingmar Pörn - 1986 - Synthese 66 (1):89 - 93.
  13.  37
    The Referential Structure of the Affective Lexicon.Andrew Ortony, Gerald L. Clore & Mark A. Foss - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (3):341-364.
    A set of approximately 500 words taken from the literature on emotion was examined. The overall goal was to develop a comprehensive taxonomy of the affective lexicon, with special attention being devoted to the isolation of terms that refer to emotions. Within the taxonomy we propose, the best examples of emotion terms appear to be those that (a) refer to internal, mental conditions as opposed to physical or external ones, (b) are clear cases of stares, and (c) have affect as (...)
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    (1 other version)Thinking about Nature (Routledge Revivals): An Investigation of Nature, Value and Ecology.Andrew Brennan - 1988
    Ecology - unlike astronomy, physics, or chemistry - is a science with an associated political and ethical movement: the Green Movement. As a result, the ecological position is often accompanied by appeals to holism, and by a mystical quasi-religious conception of the ecosystem. In this title, first published in 1988, Andrew Brennan argues that we can reduce much of the mysticism surrounding ecological discussions by placing them within a larger context, and illustrating that our individual interests are bound with (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Metaphor and Thought.Andrew Ortony - 1981 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (3):188-190.
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  16. Social Insects and the Individuality Thesis: Cohesion and the Colony as a Selectable Individual.Andrew Hamilton, Nathan Smith & Matthew Haber - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell (eds.), Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
  17.  8
    Reinforcement learning in factories: the auton project.Andrew W. Moore - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--12.
  18.  57
    Reconsidering the reciprocity objection to unconditional basic income.Andrew Lister - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (3):209-228.
    This article reconsiders the reciprocity objection to unconditional basic income based on the idea that reciprocity is not only a duty but a limiting condition on other duties. If the objection wer...
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  19. Atomism, Communitarianism, and Confucian Familism.Andrew T. W. Hung - 2022 - Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 15.
    Charles Taylor criticizes many liberal theories based on a kind of atomism that assumes the individual self-sufficiency outside the polity. This not only causes soft-relativism and political fragmentation but also undermines the solidarity of the community, that is, the very condition of the formation of autonomous citizens. Taylor thus argues for communitarian politics which protects certain cultural common goods for sustaining the solidarity of the community. However, Brenda Lyshaug criticizes Taylor’s communitarianism as suppressing plurality and enhancing hostility among cultural groups. (...)
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    If a Photon Falls in the Woods: An Aristotelian Answer to a Quantum Question.Andrew Younan - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 63 (3):458-472.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 3, Page 458-472, May 2022.
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  21. Buddhism and neuroethics: The ethics of pharmaceutical cognitive enhancement.Andrew Fenton - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (2):47-56.
    ABSTRACTThis paper integrates some Buddhist moral values, attitudes and self‐cultivation techniques into a discussion of the ethics of cognitive enhancement technologies – in particular, pharmaceutical enhancements. Many Buddhists utilize meditation techniques that are both integral to their practice and are believed to enhance the cognitive and affective states of experienced practitioners. Additionally, Mahāyāna Buddhism's teaching on skillful means permits a liberal use of methods or techniques in Buddhist practice that yield insight into our selfnature or aid in alleviating or eliminating (...)
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  22. Metaphysics and ethics in the philosophy of T. H. Green.Andrew Vincent - 2006 - In Maria Dimova-Cookson & William J. Mander (eds.), T.H. Green: ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Assistant Coach, Advice Columnist, or Seasoned Diplomat: Distinguishing Between Formal, Informal, and “FYI” Ethics Consultations.Andrew Childress - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):45-47.
    As a practicing clinical ethicist at a major teaching hospital, I found it reassuring to learn that ethics consultation activity has increased overall. However, it was disheartening to see tha...
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  24. Global health ethics for students.Andrew D. Pinto & Ross E. G. Upshur - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (1):1-10.
    As a result of increased interest in global health, more and more medical students and trainees from the.
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    Adventure in Human Knowledges and Beliefs.Andrew Ralls Woodward - 2014 - Hamilton Books.
    In Adventure in Human Knowledges and Beliefs, readers are adjudicators who “measure” the acceptability of knowledges and beliefs. Andrew Ralls Woodward leads readers through an adventure which includes the philosophy of science, religious studies, and theology.
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  26. On the Coherence of the Incarnation: The Divine Preconscious Model.Andrew Loke - 2009 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 51 (1):50-63.
    Many skeptics throughout the centuries have accused the New Testament characterization of the incarnation as being incoherent. The reason is that it appears impossible that any person can exemplify human properties such as ignorance, fatigability, and spatial limitation, as the New Testament testifies of Jesus, while possessing divine properties such as omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence at the same time. This paper proposes a possible model which asserts that at the incarnation, the Logo's mind was divided into conscious and preconscious, and (...)
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  27.  75
    Boarding and Day School Students: A Large-Scale Multilevel Investigation of Academic Outcomes Among Students and Classrooms.Andrew J. Martin, Emma C. Burns, Roger Kennett, Joel Pearson & Vera Munro-Smith - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:608949.
    Boarding school is a major educational option for many students (e.g., students living in remote areas, or whose parents are working interstate or overseas, etc.). This study explored the motivation, engagement, and achievement of boarding and day students who are educated in the same classrooms and receive the same syllabus and instruction from the same teachers (thus a powerful research design to enable unique comparisons). Among 2,803 students (boardingn= 481; dayn= 2,322) from 6 Australian high schools and controlling for background (...)
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  28. Metaphor, Language, and Thought.Andrew Orthony - 1993 - In Andrew Ortony (ed.), Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-18.
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  29.  82
    Solving Geometric Analogy Problems Through Two‐Stage Analogical Mapping.Andrew Lovett, Emmett Tomai, Kenneth Forbus & Jeffrey Usher - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (7):1192-1231.
    Evans’ 1968 ANALOGY system was the first computer model of analogy. This paper demonstrates that the structure mapping model of analogy, when combined with high‐level visual processing and qualitative representations, can solve the same kinds of geometric analogy problems as were solved by ANALOGY. Importantly, the bulk of the computations are not particular to the model of this task but are general purpose: We use our existing sketch understanding system, CogSketch, to compute visual structure that is used by our existing (...)
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  30.  73
    Malebranche's Theodicy.Andrew G. Black - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (1):27-44.
    Malebranche's Theodicy ANDREW G. BLACK LEIBNIZ'S SOLUTION tO the problem of evil, his theodicy, might be regarded as a paradigm of philosophical theology. Its pattern, as with so much of Leibniz's philosophy, is reconciliation of deep metaphysical truth with recalcitrant ap- pearance. Thus, a theodicy is not just any solution to the problem; strictly speaking it is a vindication of divine providence in the face of the challenge posed by apparent imperfections of all kinds in creation.' The preeminence of (...)
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  31.  93
    Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics.Andrew Aberdein & Matthew Inglis (eds.) - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book explores the results of applying empirical methods to the philosophy of logic and mathematics. Much of the work that has earned experimental philosophy a prominent place in twenty-first century philosophy is concerned with ethics or epistemology. But, as this book shows, empirical methods are just as much at home in logic and the philosophy of mathematics. -/- Chapters demonstrate and discuss the applicability of a wide range of empirical methods including experiments, surveys, interviews, and data-mining. Distinct themes emerge (...)
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    Lessons from Everyday Lives: A Moral Justification for Acute Care Research.Andrew D. McRae & Charles Weijer - unknown
    Progress in emergency and critical care requires that clinical research be performed on patients who are incapable of granting consent for research participation. Analyses of the ethics of such research have left some questions incompletely answered. Why should we be permitted to expose vulnerable patients to research risks without their consent? In particular, how do we justify research interventions that have no potential benefit for participants (nontherapeutic interventions)? This article presents a moral justification for nontherapeutic interventions in emergency research. By (...)
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  33.  21
    Ethics Education in the Qualification of Professional Accountants: Insights from Australia and New Zealand.Andrew West & Sherrena Buckby - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (1):61-80.
    This paper investigates how ethics is incorporated in the qualification process for prospective professional accountants across Australia and New Zealand. It does so by examining the structure of these qualification processes and by analysing the learning objectives and summarised content for ethics courses that prospective accountants take either at university or through the post-degree programs provided by CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. We do this to understand how the ‘sandwich’ approach to teaching ethics :77–92, 1993) is (...)
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  34.  11
    R. D. Laing: The Philosophy and Politics of Psychotherapy.Andrew Collier - 1977 - Pantheon.
  35.  47
    Emotions, moods, and conscious awareness; comment on johnson-laird and oatley's “the language of emotions: An analysis of a semantic field”.Andrew Ortony & Gerald L. Clore - 1989 - Cognition and Emotion 3 (2):125-137.
  36. Against Innocence: Gillian Rose's Reception and Gift of Faith.Andrew Shanks - 2011 - Ars Disputandi 11.
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  37. Response to D'Costa and Verbin.Andrew Moore - 2005 - Ars Disputandi 5.
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  38. Realism and Christian Faith in Outline.Andrew Moore - 2005 - Ars Disputandi 5.
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    Integrated Care Systems as an Arena for the Emergence of New Forms of Epistemic Injustice.Andrew Fletcher & Jeremy Clarke - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (5):723-737.
    Epistemic injustice has rapidly become a powerful tool for analysis of otherwise hidden social harms. Yet empirical research into how resistance to knowing and understanding can be generated and replicated in social programmes is limited. We have identified a range of subtle and not-so-subtle inflections of epistemic injustice as they play out in an intervention for people with chronic depression in receipt of disability benefits. This article describes the different ‘species’ of epistemic injustice observed and reveals how these are unintentionally (...)
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    Teleology and the intentions of supernatural agents.Andrew J. Roberts, Colin A. Wastell & Vince Polito - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 80:102905.
  41. Stratified explanation and Marx's conception of history.Andrew Collier - 1998 - In Margaret Scotford Archer (ed.), Critical realism: essential readings. New York: Routledge. pp. 258--281.
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  42. Truth and Practice.Andrew Collier - 1973 - Radical Philosophy 5:9-16.
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    Time pressure disrupts level-2, but not level-1, visual perspective calculation: A process-dissociation analysis.Andrew R. Todd, Austin J. Simpson & C. Daryl Cameron - 2019 - Cognition 189 (C):41-54.
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  44. David Hume and the argument to design.Andrew Pyle - 2012 - In Alan Bailey & Dan O'Brien (eds.), The Continuum Companion to Hume. Continuum. pp. 245.
  45.  81
    The Disappearance of the French Revolution in Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit".Andrew Norris - 2012 - The Owl of Minerva 44 (1/2):37-66.
    In this essay I distinguish the Phenomenology’s account of the French Revolution and Terror from the Philosophy of Right’s. Understanding the former’s discussion of the “Furie des Verschwindens” of Absolute Freedom requires an appreciation of the hopes and fears raised by the Enlightenment’s Nützlichkeit, the precise structure of “Absolute Freedom and Terror,” and the fact that Verschwinden for Hegel denotes a mode of non-corporeal negation that allows particulars to reveal a universality that they themselves are not. Read in this light, (...)
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  46.  67
    Fallacies in Mathematics.Andrew Aberdein - 2007 - Proceedings of the British Society for Research Into Learning Mathematics 27 (3):1-6.
    This paper considers the application to mathematical fallacies of techniques drawn from informal logic, specifically the use of ”argument schemes’. One such scheme, for Appeal to Expert Opinion, is considered in some detail.
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  47. On specifying the contents of thoughts.Andrew Woodfield - 1982 - In Thought And Object: Essays On Intentionality. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  48. Wolfhart Pannenberg, Openness to the World, and the Sensus Divinitatis.Andrew Hollingsworth - 2021 - Irish Theological Quarterly 86 (3).
    One of the foundational concepts for Wolfhart Pannenberg’s theological anthropology is his notion of ‘openness to the world.’ Openness to the world, according to Pannenberg, is essential to human identity in that one’s identity is established in their openness to the world, to the other, and, ultimately, to God. I aim to bring Pannenberg’s openness to the world into dialogue with the concept of the sensus divinitatis as articulated by John Calvin and further developed by Alvin Plantinga. The question driving (...)
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  49. On christian belief.Andrew Collier - 2004 - Ars Disputandi 4.
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  50. INTERVIEW-Giving Shape to Painful Things-Claire Fontaine.Andrew Culp & Ricky Crano - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 175:43.
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